• Published 14th Sep 2013
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The Poly Little Pony - Chatoyance

Polymorphic Stories of Today and Tomorrow: a collection of varied and diverse pony short stories.

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The Truth

This story resulted from a conversation with a reader about the nature of my Celestia's interaction with humanity within my Conversion Bureau stories. Despite everything, despite even agreeing with her results, he seemed to feel that, somehow, he wanted Celestia to effectively 'apologize' for her decisions and actions. In the end, I decided to give my reader exactly what he wanted. This story of Celestia being forced to tell the brutal truth is not canon to my Bureau stories, but the facts presented by her speech are canon.

This demand touches something in my own real life. My mother was dying of emphysema caused by smoking. I had fought with her to stop smoking my entire life, desperate to save her from her own stupidity. Now the end was coming. She was terrified to die.

In my last visit with her, before her death, she turned to me with red, crying eyes and asked me if she was going to die. I couldn't tell her the truth. I lied. I said no, she would beat this. She would probably outlive me. She was tough. She relaxed. It was what she wanted to hear. It gave her false comfort.

But I had lied! I lied to my own mother's face just before she died. For more than twenty-seven years, I have been plagued with not knowing if what I did was right, or wrong, good or evil. The truth is that right and wrong, good and evil are childish terms. Real life is vastly more complex than such simple words, and right and wrong are situational and dependent matters. What has real value is not arbitrary moral rights or wrongs, but compassion.

The Conversion Bureau

The Truth

By Chatoyance

Nopony seemed to know how the princess had been made to do it. Several grumbly Newfoal groups claimed responsibility, but they had never seemed credible. Some newfoals wondered if the genetically altered agents of the old Human Liberation Front had somehow succeeded in their threats against Celestia. The agents, they said, were shaped like ponies, but they did not think like them. They could kill. They could cause harm at will.

However it had happened, whatever had been done to force the issue, the facts were that Celestia, diarch of the sun, had announced that she was going to address the whole of Equestria. It was clear that she did not want to do so - indeed, she had seemed pained, almost grieving at the announcement. Some said she was being held hostage, somehow. Some ponies thought that she had been trapped by one of her inviolable promises.

Celestia was Law incarnate, after all.

Most interesting, however, was the topic of her address. The princess was going to talk about the newfoals. For the first time, she was going to tell the whole of Equestria - every pony, every soul - the story of her actions in the last days of the lost and destroyed alien world of the newfoals.

Celestia had been forced, clearly against her will, to tell the truth.

Because, apparently, there were hidden things, secrets of the Equestrian State, that she had kept hidden. Never before in Equestrian history had state secrets been openly revealed in such a manner.

They were said to be dangerous secrets, too.

Everywhere, ponies were excited. In the three days leading up to Celestia's address, native and newfoal alike debated what might be discovered. Everypony debated what, or who, could have forced the princess - the princess - into the position of speaking frankly about topics properly suited only to the Crown. For the native ponies, this was a shock, almost frightening in it's impact - the princess could be forced.

For many newfoals, it was a triumph. The almighty Celestia was not so far above her tiny subjects that she could not be made to bow to their demands. It was a blow for human-styled democratic government. It was a victory for human-styled values.

One thing all ponies agreed upon was that whatever she said, it would be factual. Celestia was The Law. She was Order. Even those newfoals that disagreed with her rule the most, nevertheless admitted her adherence to law. If Celestia said she would do something, it was certainty that she would - for better... or for worse.

Celestia had announced that she would tell the complete truth about the Conversion Bureaus. About the Barrier. About the end of the earth.

When the three days were over, ponies everywhere were nervous and excited. Some giggled, a few actually cried. There were parties and gatherings, especially out in the vast Exponential Lands where the bulk of the converted humans lived.

The truth. Finally, thirteen years after the end of the earth, the actual truth was going to be told!

The crowds across the whole of Equestria fell silent as the first glow of magic filled the sky of every town, city, village and community. The sound of royal horns blew, echoing across the skies of distant locations. Everywhere, the image of Celestia was appearing, translucent, glowing, larger than the clouds, the blue of the day itself her backdrop.

Celestia now stood, magically, over every new town, every new city, and every place where any newfoal lived. Her image was gigantic. Her muzzle looked sad, as did her eyes. For a long time she paused, looking down. Suddenly, she raised her head and spoke, her voice a gentle thunder.

"My dear newfoals. It has been demanded of me that I confess to you the truth of what happened during the Bureau years, the last eight years of Man on Earth. I will tell you the absolute truth now. Try to be strong."

Celestia looked uncomfortable, then began to speak once more.

"You were not wanted. Indeed, most of my court, and my own sister, Luna, opposed your rescue and survival. You were seen as a dangerous species that had destroyed its own planet, and no creature of Equestria wanted you here.

"The only reason you live now, past the end of your planet, is because centuries ago, one of your kind extorted a promise from me. I did not want to make the promise, and I did not want to honor it. But as regent of all Equestria, I am bound by my promises, for they are Law. Regretfully, I worked for eight hundred years against the most terrible opposition, to fulfill my royal duty.

"As most of you know, your planet was dying. Your world had been ravaged and gutted. Your ecosystem had already failed, most plant and animal life was already extinct. I did not wait until the last possible moment merely because I did not wish to involve myself with you. I was forced to wait until your kind had invented nanotechnology, which served as a bridge between the magic of Equestria, and the soulless physics of your own realm.

"Magic is death to life from your old universe. This is because magic defines reality, and this fact obliterates quantum uncertainty. Earthly biology depended on such uncertainty to function. To even enter your reality, it was necessary to shield the cosmos of Equestria so that it's entrance would not cause instantaneous annihilation of all earthly life.

"The result was the Barrier, a semi-sapient thaumatic construct that tried, as best it could, to convert the matter of your planet into additional Equestria. This was done to manufacture new land, so that there would be room for the overpopulated billions of your kind.

"But there was another aspect to the Barrier: from my studies of humanity, I knew that you were a species filled with madness and insanity. Your empty and false religions described your human form as supreme in all the universe. Your cultural stories and innate narcissism reinforced that you were the supreme species above all others. Although your planet was doomed, without some push, the majority of your kind would have refused escape - and transformation - until it was too late. The Barrier forced you to action, and prevented denial of reality.

"There was yet another purpose to the Barrier. Your natural deaths would have been agonizing, slow, and horrible. This mass dying-off would have stretched beyond imagination over three additional generations. Countless billions of unborn innocents would have paid the price of your refusal to save yourselves. The Barrier killed those who refused escape painlessly, and without suffering. I could not bear to do nothing, and through inaction, allow tens of billions of your kind to perish screaming in pain, simply because they were too ignorant and arrogant to choose to avoid their own destruction. I could not bear to allow innocent human children to pay the price of their parent's insanity.

"I did not relish having to to this. To be a ruler is to be forced to make difficult decisions that no other can. In taking on the responsibility for your kind, I was forced into the care of what you would have called a 'terminal patient'. Your world had become a planetary hospice before the arrival of Equestria. I did my best to minimize and hopefully eliminate suffering for those that could not be saved. Within your old universe, dealing with the dying is impossibly difficult and horrible. I felt, through the Barrier, every death, every loss. My failure to save every last member of your kind will haunt me literally forever. The price of the promise that allowed you to live will cost me suffering for eternity.

"How I wish I had never, ever, ever come across your universe. It will always be my greatest mistake.

"You were forced to become ponies. This was done because my subjects have had enough of violent, selfish, dangerous species being inflicted upon them. In the distant past, I allowed the dragons, the griffons, and the diamond dogs succor and a place to live in Equestria. They too came from dying worlds. The terrible toll their arrival caused my people nearly brought the downfall of Equestria itself. Only a fragile agreement - the Pax Equestria - has maintained peace. For now.

"You, former humans, were seen as being vastly more dangerous and frightening than either dragons or griffons. They merely killed and ate ponies. You killed and devoured a planet, and not because you needed to, but because it was profitable in the moment to do so. You were a ruthless and dominating species, driven to conquest and war. Your history was an abattoir of your own flesh, your own kin. Not even dragons slaughter entire races of their own kind. By any reasonable terms, you were an abomination to we magical beings.

"As ponies, you are incapable now of doing any more harm. Your songs, your stories, your thoughts - what of them that can be allowed - will continue. You and your cultures will not be erased forever from eternity. But the price to me in saving you was high, and because I am immortal, I will never entirely forgive your representative for forcing this upon me.

"Know that I resent you, and that the majority of Equestria fears you, but by my edict, you are to be treated as equals, and with all the kindness and love that it is possible to provide you. If I had not been forced to tell you these truths, I never would have, because I can tell that they are causing you nothing but pain, and opening old rifts between pony and newfoal.

"In truth, I would not have saved you. But I was forced to, and now you are here. This cannot be helped. I am regretful for my adherence to the Law.

"That said, I do wish you the best, now that you are here. I love my subjects, wanted or not, and it is my desire that you should thrive. I wish I could take back these words, that I could erase your minds of them. But my hooves are tied.

"I am sorry that you had to hear this. It was not my wish to force this upon you."

Celestia looked out, seemingly at the teeming billions of Equestria, the overwhelming majority all newfoals. Tears could be seen in the princess's eyes. With one last, deeply regretful look, the image of Celestia vanished from the sky.

Across the magical pocket universe, billions of newfoal and native eyes began to weep. Some eyes were angry, and the angry looks were followed by angrier words. In some communities, natives tried to comfort their newfoal friends, in other communities, the newfoals found themselves looked upon with renewed distrust and even fear.

Far away, in the draconic and griffonic lands, grim rumblings could be heard. The opinions of the princess about their kind had disturbed the fragile peace.

Only the diamond dogs seemed not to care. Most shrugged and went back to their own concerns.

But one thing had been demonstrated to all that could not be denied.

Sometimes, it is overwhelmingly kinder for all involved to tell a compassionate lie, than to admit the full and brutal truth.