• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 3,628 Views, 662 Comments

The Poly Little Pony - Chatoyance

Polymorphic Stories of Today and Tomorrow: a collection of varied and diverse pony short stories.

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The 'I Am A Unicorn Song'

For our thirtieth anniversary, one of my spouses is taking me to my very first Furry convention. I've always wanted to go to one. Every furry I have ever met has been incredibly nice, and incredibly intelligent. Furries are the pariahs of the internet, and of society it often seems, yet my experience is that they are the best of people - despite all of the oversexualized imagery and the paraphilias-out-the-wazoo (sometimes literally).

Now I am open about the fact that I have never once, in my entire life, not even as a tiny child, ever felt human. I don't identify with the human species, I truly don't. I wear a primate body, I am moved by primate chemistry and the push and pull of primate drives but... I have never seen myself as a human. My toys? I didn't prefer dolls, unless they were stuffed animals. I didn't like human action figures - I staffed my home-built doll-house/starships with quadrupedal (or more) rubber monsters as crew. Because in my mind, they were intelligent beings who I could identify with.

When I was in first grade, I used to want to be a 'greeble'. It was this little, furry animal I made up that had a big head and ran on all fours. I yearned for it, because it was cute and it was kind and not human. As I got older, I identified with cervines - deer. Bambi was big for me. But whatever the media - I always rooted for the nonhumans.

Sometime in late grade school, in the late nineteen-seventies, I somehow - I have no idea how - settled on unicorns. That's what I felt myself to be, inside, in my soul (if I had one). Not like on MLP, though. Small, like a blend between deer and goat, delicate with cloven hooves and a long, thin tail that ended in fluff. A being that nurtured and healed and helped and acted as a mother to nature and life. Not a fierce unicorn. My unicorns are not fierce, but they are magical. Above all, they are loving and innocent.

Now, after admitting all of the above, some mean person is going to have a hilarious time claiming - in a disparaging and insulting tone - that I am some kind of nutty, crazy-whacko 'Therian' or worse still 'Otherkin', they are going to make fun of me and mock me and call me a 'Furry' and say I belong with all of those strange people who yearn to be animals and anthropomorphs and that the only reason I don't have a fursuit is because I haven't got around to it yet, or that I am too cowardly to try.

I want to address this right up front, before it gets out of hoof.

I would be proud to have the Furry community consider me worthy of inclusion. I don't know everything about Furrydom now, but from what I've seen so far, they are a damn sight better, nicer, and more genuinely decent than those that put them down. If it's alright, can I be a Furry too? Please? And yeah, I'm on board with the hope that some philosophical part of me might truly be the me of me. Why the hell not? Life is short, oblivion is shorter, and fun is more important than narrow minds.

This song has no official tune. I change the tune on occasion. So I expect it has several tunes. Maybe someday, I will put it to proper music. But I share it with you here, because - I am declaring my independence from worrying about what other people think. I side with the nice animals. Always.

The I Am A

- By Chatoyance

Oh I am a u-ni-corn

Though it's clearly not my form.

And you may complain

That I sound insane

But it's truth I'm a unicorn.

Oh, yes I'm a u-ni-corn

it was true since the day I was born (and before!)

You may point to my bipedal stance...

The fact that I often wear pants... (not that often!)

And it doesn't seem true

But I promise you

That I am a unicorn.

My fingers and my toes are a sham

They are not part of my inner plan

My soul wears hooves and a tail

And they serve me well without fail!

Oh, I am a u-ni-corn

Even though you can't see a horn

For there's more to a self

Than what came off the shelf

- So behold the real

- That lies under the peel

Say hello to a unicorn!!!