• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 2,964 Views, 136 Comments

Lonely Mountains - TadStone

Tears freezing on her cheeks in the cold mountain air, Rainbow Dash closed her eyes. In her final seconds, she could think of nothing but her daughter... Scootaloo... (Sequel to Guardians of Many Hues)

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Recap - Guardians of Many Hues (read this if you need to refresh your memory)

Author's Note:

Recap - Guardians of Many Hues

After an otherwise ordinary training session, Rainbow Dash finds Scootaloo sleeping on the graves of her parents. When confronted with the situation, the filly tries to flee, but Rainbow manages to talk to her. After Scootaloo reveals that she is homeless, but refuses to tell Rainbow any more than this bare fact, the grown mare decides to temporarily take the filly in

In the following weeks, Rainbow Dash unsuccessfully tries teaching Scootaloo how to fly, but that is only one of her problems as she can’t hide the fact that Scootaloo was now living with her forever. On one of the many evenings spent together, the filly finally opens up, telling Rainbow the story of how she had been abused and mistreated in the orphanage and how she therefore ran away.

Not knowing if the headmistress of the orphanage, Ms Birch, is still active in her position and possibly mistreating new foals, Rainbow decides to act swiftly. Overnight, with the help of her friends Twilight, Applejack, as well as Aegis, the leader of the Ponyville Sheltered Housing Scheme, she manages to put together the needed paperwork to gain temporary custody for Scootaloo. Plans are formed for Rainbow and Scootaloo to move into a flat provided by Aegis, so he can help the pair adapt to their new life and to allow the flightless filly to live a proper life on the ground.

The next morning, while Scootaloo is sent on a trip with the other crusaders to get her out of the way in case any problems occur, Rainbow and Twilight make their way to the only police station in Ponyville. However, the reception is not as they planned since the police officer is unorganized and tries to detain them for foalnapping. As it is considered high treason to try and arrest the Elements of Harmony, and the paperwork Twilight managed to assemble strongly hinted that no action had been taken against Ms Birch, Celestia and Luna are called to the situation.

While Rainbow grows more and more restless and anxious as time passes, the princesses arrive on the scene with a military task-force that is immediately ordered to take over the investigations against Ms Birch. A dose of Fliers Sprout, a military classified herb to boost pegasus magic, helps Rainbow to forget her fears for at least a few hours. After inspection of the paperwork, Luna promises to deal with the issue of temporary custody if the bigger issue of long term custody is resolved within the next week. For this, Rainbow and Scootaloo have to go through psychological assessment in order to determine their suitability and wishes respectively.

After Ms Birch is captured and Luna returned with the approved request for temporary custody, Scootaloo is taken to the hospital for a complete check-up. There the filly is diagnosed with a rare disability preventing her from flying since she cannot produce enough pegasus magic. The only possibly treatment is that Scootaloo must wear a magic crystal, that was pre-charged with the magic of another pegasus, at all times.

As charging takes a lot of time and crystals of these kind are rare, Rainbow decided not to tell Scootaloo until one of these stones is actually ready. Later, Celestia provides her with a gem that was once worn by Commander Hurricane’s daughter.

During the psychological assessment, Rainbow lives through a complete breakdown because of her fear of losing Scootaloo as well as her own insecurities. Doctor Staple manages to calm Rainbow down, and he approves of custody under the condition that Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash will undergo therapy with him.

At the end of the story, Scootaloo and Rainbow happily live together in their new flat. While Rainbow has come to think of Scootaloo as her daughter, no adoption has taken place so far. The crystal has not been given to the filly so far.


Scootaloo has been abused at her orphanage. Rainbow finds out and takes Scootaloo in.

Aegis: Leader of the Ponyville Sheltered Housing scheme. Rainbow and Scootaloo have moved into one of his apartments together.

Dr Staple: Rainbow and Scootaloo’s therapist.

Ms Birch: Former leader of an orphanage. Abused Scootaloo seriously in the past.

Crystals: These crystals can store pegasus magic. Rainbow has been given a crystal that was formerly owned by Commander Hurricane’s daughter. Rainbow is charging it for Scootaloo as this is the only possibility for the filly to fly.

Fliers Sprout: A military classified herb that boosts pegasus’s magic levels.