• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 2,964 Views, 136 Comments

Lonely Mountains - TadStone

Tears freezing on her cheeks in the cold mountain air, Rainbow Dash closed her eyes. In her final seconds, she could think of nothing but her daughter... Scootaloo... (Sequel to Guardians of Many Hues)

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Hard Lives, Hard Truths

Hard Lives, Hard Truths

Mental images came flooding through her mind’s eye, overlaying them with the harsh truth of the scenery before her, merging two realities that too closely resembled each other. They were recollections of a story she had read in the early years of her foalhood, pieces of memories forgotten not long afterwards in the myriad of other material flooding through her young brain but saved by a part of her subconsciousness that had deemed them important enough to keep.

The book had told her a tale about loyalty or rather its misleading character for those too inexperienced to fully wield its power. Modeled for a target demographic far older than the filly she had been back then, it closely followed the main protagonist, a dog that refused to leave the final resting place of his owner, ceasing to eat until his own death by starvation.

Scootaloo was no dog, nor were Twilight and her friends planning on letting her starve even if it would mean having to force feed her in the end. The parallel that drew Twilight’s attention was loyalty. The trait had been bred into the animal through thousands of years of artificial selection, and it was obviously strong in the foal. Only Scootaloo had the power to rekindle the lost Element of Harmony, but both the dog and filly greatly suffered, driven by their overly loyal attachment to their caregivers.

Twilight couldn’t change the past, nor could she and her friends fill out the large gap Rainbow had left in all of their lives, but the future was theirs to mould nevertheless, and they had all vowed to help create a great one for Scootaloo.

For the moment, that meant making the present bearable for the filly, postponing their own grief, if only for a few hours until Scootaloo was finally ready to go home.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom had been forced home long ago for their own sake. They had wanted to stay, to help their friend, but they had already seen too much for their age and would have to endure more trials in the near future. They shouldn’t have to solve this problem. They should be granted time for their own mourning that had come short for the past two days.

Right now, the meadow was nearly empty, most of the funeral guests having left with the official end of the rituals. Some returned for a few solitary moments at the headstone in a small, steady stream, but most of them moved on to their homes or work as lives had to continue. Even Celestia and Luna were back in Canterlot, shifting the sun and moon as they were forced to do continuously, currently creating a twilight sky shining in the deepest red most ponies had ever witnessed, some of them pondering the meaning of it.

Many condolences had been given to Scootaloo over the course of the afternoon, all visitors finding nothing but nice words for the orange filly sitting on the freshly moved earth, a blanket spread over her little frame and half-touched, long-turned cold food waiting to her side. For Aegis, it had been the first time in his life that his food had not been devoured with great gusto: potato and tomato stew with lots of parsley, Scootaloo’s favourite.

The fact that she had not eaten anything but a few bites showed deeper rooted problems than just her refusal to move or talk. Whenever her second favourite caretaker had cooked, the filly had been there, even developing some kind of Pinkie Sense to guarantee being back home in time to witness the chopping and stirring.

Something had to be done, and it better be done fast. If Rainbow’s word could be trusted, and Twilight had no doubts it could be, only questioning her own memory, Scootaloo had a habit of sleeping on graves. She didn't want her to continue this, not on her watch. Twilight had pledged to the now dead mare to protect the filly with her life if necessary.

She would not fail Rainbow. She would not fail Scootaloo.

Right now, the filly should be at home sleeping, or at least lying in bed, beside someone who loved her. Twilight was ready to fill that part. After all, she did have affections for her student, coming to know the young pegasus quite well after all the private lessons on aerodynamics and atmospheric currents she had been asked to give because they were not taught extensively in earth pony schools as small as Ponyville’s.

At the moment, it was still Fluttershy and Applejack lying next to the headstone, hair standing out in all directions. Patchy, dull fur told the story about the mental state of both of them. Admittedly, this was a great improvement compared to a few hours ago, the effects of a nap, although forced onto them by family or animals, showing its great work.

Following Twilight’s wish, both had been kind enough to keep a closer look at Scootaloo for a short while, the unicorn herself retreating to a nearby tree, thinking.

Trying to remember everything Aegis and Dr Staple had told her about Scootaloo, Twilight had worked out a plan and she dearly hoped it would work. A single goal on her mind, she rose to her hooves, determined to make a difference. Slowly and unsteady, she trotted over to the filly, smiling weakly at her two friends who had gotten up to meet her halfway.

“Hello Twilight,” Applejack greeted, obvious concern seeping through her tired voice. “Are you sure you want to handle things alone?”

“I have a plan and I hope it'll work,” Twilight replied, drawing sceptic faces from her friends. “Any changes since my last watch?”

“None,” Fluttershy said meekly. “She is still not talking. We will wait over there if you need us.” The pegasus pointed at a lonely apple tree within shouting distance. “Good luck.”

“Good luck,” Applejack repeated, patting Twilight’s back affectionately before moving on.

Going deep inside herself, Twilight closed her eyes for a few seconds, evening out her breathing together with her unruly thoughts. She could do it. That is what she had to believe.

Not wanting to risk losing what little courage she had left, the unicorn stepped forward as fast as possible without actually starting out in a gallop.

“Hi Scootaloo.” Even a bold strategy has to start with subtle opener, she thought to herself as she sat down next to the waiting filly, at least receiving a small smile on the tear-filled face as a reply.

“Scootaloo, I want you to go home. Your home or mine, I don’t care, but I want you sleeping in a bed. Next thing in the morning, you can return here if you wish to. Promise.”

The meadow kept quiet, as was to be expected. It was time for her move.

“Your mom asked me to take good care of you, and I am not going to fail her in this task.”

A small, orange head slowly turned to her, staring at her with wide eyes but an otherwise blank expression.

“My mother?” The filly’s voice was hoarse and faint, strained by disuse and the physical afflictions of sadness.

“Yes, your mother. Rainbow adopted you before the mission.”


Although not intended, the word hit Twilight in the heart, only using the detour through her auditory system and her neural activity because of bare physical necessity. She had to close her eyes again and take a few deep breaths to stop her from crying right now and then.

An inner force had taken over her body, urging her closer to the foal, hugging her, nuzzling her. Looking into the giant, violet eyes, Twilight swept aside the filly’s tears with caring, soft hooves, ignoring the moisture rising in her own eyes.

“Because she loved you more than anything else in this world, even more than flying. I heard her once say that she would give it up for you.”

A new stream of hot tears emerged from Scootaloo’s eyes, running over mulberry hooves on their gravity driven path to earth. The filly kept quiet again for a while, pondering what she had just heard but not truly believing it. If it was true, her greatest wish had become reality, only that it really hadn’t. It was confusing, one part of her felt like rejoicing, another part feeling even more depressed.

She had wished to die all day, now she wasn’t sure anymore, as if her mother had crept into her brain and tried to take control.

“Let me tell you something.” Twilight’s warm words and muzzle brought the young pegasus back out of her thoughts, back into the world where she was tightly embraced, a snout playfully poking at her ear. “When Princess Celestia first proposed the mission to Rainbow, she had accepted only under two conditions: That she would only leave if you were her daughter, and that we, meaning Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, and I, would raise you to the best of our ability should something happen to her. Princess Luna forced the adoption through the system, and we all agreed without thinking twice about it.

“And do you know why, Scootaloo?”

Twilight laid her head on Scootaloo’s which was already resting on her shoulder. Burying her nose in the filly’s mane, she continued to speak without waiting for an answer as her tears started flowing down, leaving wet spots in the violet hair.

“I loved Rainbow… Maybe more than she ever knew... And I miss her… Right now, I feel like locking myself in and crying for a week. Everything I see in this town reminds me of her... And it hurts... But I keep going, not only because of Spike or my other direct family, but also because of the one thing that reminds me the most of her... and that is you, her daughter.”

Twilight pointed her head to the sky, feeling a need to hide her tears despite them being obvious. A big lump in her throat was making it hard to speak, but she pressed on. She had lost the path of her plan, her own emotions forcing themselves out to be verbalized.

“We all care for you, Scootaloo. We all wish we could bring back Rainbow, but we can’t. I tried, believe me. But all we can do is protect and honour her heritage, her most beloved treasure... You... Scootaloo... You are not alone, you still have a family... Us... Rainbow wanted us to continue together. Please come with me. You can ride on my back. I will keep you warm. ”

No words were spoken after that, but the filly crawled onto her. It was a long way home.

Her bed hadn’t changed. It was the same warm and comfortable piece of cloud it had always been, the place of numerous sleepovers without actual sleep and even more nights spent in peaceful slumber.

What had changed was the world around it, the recent events inducing cruel nightmares into the once safe haven. Harrowing thoughts disturbed the filly this night and likely for many nights to come.

For the fifth time since Luna had raised the moon, she woke with a start, panting and sweating, possibly from screaming. The sheets clung to her fur as if glued on by some unfunny prankster.

Movement next to her told her that Twilight had been roused as well. Again. Thankfully. She didn’t want to be needy, to bother somepony else with her fears, but, at the moment, that was not possible. Her heart was racing, images and sounds from the dream still circled in her head, intensifying the impact of their simple message.

A blue Wonderbolt blanket was cast aside, revealing the mulberry unicorn rubbing her tiny sleepy eyes while trying to comprehend what had just happened.

“Same dream again?” the mare asked in a somewhat monotone, sleep-deprived fashion. By now, her head was resting on both of her forehooves, showing off the deep rings under her eyes as she looked at the filly next to her.

The young pegasus hastily crawled over, throwing herself at her nightly protector, visibly relieved to finally be able to do so. “They took me back to the orphanage, and Ms Birch was there. The other foals said I was a liar… That no one could ever love me. I... I...” High-pitched sobs escaped from the filly, ending her stammering in a new stream of hot tears that were running down Twilight’s chest.

The same dream, Twilight thought, mentally cursing the arrested mare who had broken the foal in a way that even a loving family and half a year of therapy could barely improve the filly's troubled mind. May she rot in her cell!

“It’s okay, Scootaloo. I am here. You’re safe.” Twilight was rocking back and forth in a slow but rhythmic motion, cradling Scootaloo and whispering words of consolation into the filly’s ear. “Rainbow promised you that you will never have to enter an orphanage again. I will keep that promise for her. I would even fight Princess Celestia if necessary.”

Right at that moment, only Scootaloo existed in Twilight’s world, the helpless filly triggering a warm feeling somewhere deep down in the caring unicorn. It was the same sensation she always felt when Spike was ill or in trouble, some motherly instinct that forced her into selfless action until her ward was fine. It was exhausting, but the most rewarding feeling in the world. She wasn’t sure how it had started for Rainbow Dash, but if the pegasus had felt these very same forces in her, it was no wonder her friend had succumbed to the love and desires of this wonderful foal. The fallen pegasus had done so much for the filly, selfless and loyal from the start.

For a moment, unpleasant memories returned to Twilight’s mind, recollections of how bad she had treated Rainbow in the past. She hadn’t been herself, accusing Rainbow of such vile things, jealousy driving her to her worst, as she only later had realized. It still hurt, after all this time, even after having found forgiveness for her misconduct from everypony... everypony but herself. Especially now, the guilt was driving her crazy, her mind working in overdrive, searching for things she could have done better, things that Rainbow might have held against her.

Making sure not to disturb Scootaloo or to interrupt her strokes over the soft and, at the moment, damp violet mane, Twilight’s horn began to glow, shooting a burst of magic out of the window. She couldn’t see far, but she was guiding it with her inner mind to a bell only a few doors away.

Aegis had asked to be woken if they needed anything, and the unicorn had decided it was time for a decent breakfast, and maybe some time to cry in solitude if his food didn’t work.

“Feeling any better?”

The filly responded with a wail muffled by Twilight’s body, pressing herself even tighter into the soft mare in the progress.

“Is there anything I can do for you?” Twilight inquired, looking nervously at the doorframe, as if Aegis could magically appear only seconds after her ring.

Another wail told her that she wasn’t as good a mother as she had hoped and felt to be only moments ago.

“Do you want me to ask Zecora for a potion to end your nightmares?”

The orange head moved up and down, although restrained by its mulberry cushioning.

“Do you want Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom to come over to play with you later?”

Again, the filly nodded, unknowingly restoring a part of Twilight’s maternal self-confidence.

“Come on, let’s get you a bath.”

Scootaloo didn’t protest as the violet glow surrounded her, only separating her for a brief moment from the mare it originated from as she was transported to the unicorn’s back.

While they had all agreed that it was best if Scootaloo stayed in her own flat for now, for Twilight, it was a self-inflicted torture, every aspect of it showcasing hints of the passed owner. There were the pictures, most of them turned face down to temporarily block out all memories. Orange and cyan feathers alike could be spotted here and there if one only looked careful enough. They were hidden in corners and edges neglected by Rainbow’s superficial style of housekeeping.

Even the bathroom had stories to tell. Countless bottles of bubble bath had been aligned along the huge two-pony bathtub. Twilight could only wonder how many mares had shared a bath with the pegasus in this very place.

Still, worst of all, was the one closed door that she had to pass to get to her current position. Sometime in the future, they would all have to be brave enough to clean out Rainbow’s room, but now was not the time for it.

Not daring to separate herself from her clingy passenger, Twilight stepped into the tub herself, levitating the showerhead on its mobile extension towards the two of them. Turning the valves, she placed a hoof under the jetting stream of water, making sure it was the right temperature for her ward.

For as long as she could remember, Twilight always had her best ideas while under the shower, a book hovering a safe distance from her, yet close enough to read. Today however, there was no book, and no rescuing idea would come. She felt empty, helpless even.

The water streaming around her couldn't change that. All it did was drench her coat, cleaning her. Still, that was the primary desired effect after all, dirt and water connecting through molecules of soap on their way down the drain.

If only similar contraptions existed to cleanse one’s mind...

Forcing herself out of even more bad thoughts about the past, she began massaging Scootaloo, drawing a few happy moments out of the chuckling foal as violet manifestations of magic found ticklish spots on the young filly.

“Feeling any better?” Twilight asked, reaching out with one of her hooves to stroke the filly’s mane in a more personal gesture than magic could ever provide.

“A little. Thank you for being here for me, Twilight.” Scootaloo brought her own hoof to the mare’s counterpart, eliciting a few well-hidden tears from the adult mare with this small but heartfelt gesture.

“I will always be there for you.” She pressed back on Scootaloo’s hoof, absentmindedly closing the faucet in a violet cloud of magic.

Heavy footsteps echoed through the rooms of the flat in a fast array, indicating that they were no longer alone. True to his words, Aegis was on his way.

“And Aegis will be there for you as well. I am sure of this,” Twilight went on, using the time until he arrived to throw a green terrycloth towel, that was softer than even the ones used at the spa, over the both of them.

“Are you alright!?” Aegis came sliding to a halt right before the entrance, panting a few times before continuing. “I was fast asleep and didn’t notice until now...”

“We’re both alright,” Twilight intervened, before he could bring out more unnecessary apologies. “We just had a rough night and could do with some breakfast and another kind soul to keep us company.”

Twilight’s pleading gaze met that of Aegis'. Relief slowly softening the contours of his expression as he took in the pair in front of him. He wasn’t too sure if all of the liquid running down the grown mare’s cheeks had originated from the shower they had obviously taken, puddles of clear water forming under them on the cold tiles.

“I can certainly serve with both. Follow me to the kitchen, and don’t worry about the water. I will clean it up later,” he finally answered, already slowly trotting off, a mulberry unicorn and an orange pegasus following in his wake.