• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 2,964 Views, 136 Comments

Lonely Mountains - TadStone

Tears freezing on her cheeks in the cold mountain air, Rainbow Dash closed her eyes. In her final seconds, she could think of nothing but her daughter... Scootaloo... (Sequel to Guardians of Many Hues)

  • ...

Talking to Mum

Talking to Mum

“Hi mum.”

A soft gust of wind swept over the meadow, creating the soft rustling of the grass that she had learned to enjoy. Other than that, everything kept quiet. She closed her eyes, breathing in sync with the rhythm of the air currents around her. As a pegasus, she could feel the very essence of them, could predict them, if only for a few seconds in advance. Most of her life, she had ignored this feeling.

“I know you never bought some yourself, but I brought you flowers.”

It had been exactly two weeks since that day. Of the once magnificent ocean of cut flowers, only withered petals remained, green stalks and leaves disintegrated by natural decay and feeding animals. Five single lilies remained, neatly aligned in circle before the heavy headstone, surrounded by a violet force field that was protecting them from atmospheric conditions and timely decay. Each of the flowers symbolised one of the Elements of Harmony, their magically-enhanced colours matching the coats of the bearers. Only one element was missing.

Carefully, a radiant-orange lily was placed into the centre of their counterparts by an equally coloured hoof.

“I’ve flown a part of the way here. It was kind of weird. I mean... I just did the same I always do. But now, I just take off. I think this is how it should be for every pegasus. But for me... it’s weird....”

Silence engulfed the scene again, a hoof tracing the flawless, smooth marble. The headstone was cold and unresponsive, so very much unlike the pony that it had been erected for.

“Yesterday, I went to school. I didn't really want to, but Twilight said I should go. She said I need to take up a daily routine again... I think she is right with that... Everypony was looking at me the whole day, but it wasn’t too bad... Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle take good care of me... But they always do that... Even Diamond Tiara was nice to me yesterday. She asked me if I wanted some of the sweets she had brought... Cheerilee has given me a self-written summary of all the stuff I missed. She said I don’t have to take the tests scheduled in a few weeks. Maybe I’ll take them anyway.”

And again, there was silence. No answer was to be expected in this one-sided conversation. Scootaloo took a step back, feeling the grass tickling her legs and rump as she sat down. For the first time today, the sun broke through the heavy layers of cloud, a few warming rays shining down on her face.

“I brought you something else. I thought you might like it.”

Out of her saddlebags, she retrieved two photos. On one of them, six mares stood grouped together, all of them smiling into the camera, unaware of what was to come. The other one held an image of herself. She was smiling at the camera, a gold medal clutched tightly in her hoof, a silver one dangling around her neck. Rainbow was right behind her, satisfaction and pride showing in her extravagant stance.

“You can have them. I have another copy at home... home...”

Scootaloo let out a small sigh. Was it really still her home? Somehow it didn’t feel the same anymore without her mother. She closed her eyes again, taking in as much air as her lungs allowed before exhaling again in a slow but constant stream. Concentrating on the flow within her helped her to find the inner peace she needed. Calm at mind again, she found the strength to place the photos where they belonged, beneath her lily, sheltered by Twilight’s magic.

“There hasn’t been much news from the north. Everypony is talking, but nopony really knows what’s going on... Princess Celestia says whatever you tried to get... they haven’t used it yet. That’s good, right? Do we have you to thank for that? You always told me how proud you were of me, but I never told you how proud I am of you... I really am.”

Scootaloo tried to hold in the moisture rising in her eyes, a hoof covering them as if it could somehow stop her body’s reaction to her emotions, but it was no use.

“There might still be war. Princess Celestia has tripled the stationed soldiers on the northern border, but she said if they really had what you tried to get, we would know by now... Whatever you did... thank you. ”

The little filly looked up to the sky, drying her tears as she continued to speak.

“There is another reason I came today. You wrote in your letter that you want me to move in with one of your friends... I think I made a decision... Twilight’s been so nice to me all this time. Shetook on most of the shifts to care for me. She even stayed when one of the others was there sometimes... Nopony can replace you, mom, but I like Twilight. She’s so kind to me. Spike’s nice too. I never really noticed, but he is fun to be around... I am gonna tell her today, but I wanted to tell you first, to see if you are okay with this.”

No answer came, only more wind ruffling up her mane in its wake, blowing off the last tear from her cheek as she turned to face the headstone again. The monument was really beautiful in its own morbid way.

“Mum. There is another reason I want to move in with Twilight. I think somehow that not only I need her, but that it is also the other way around. I am not sure what is going on, but I saw her crying over a stack of photos from you one night, murmuring something about that she had lost her chance. I am not sure how I much I can do, but she always seems to be happy whenever Spike or I am around.”

A pair of mulberry hooves encompassed the little frame, somehow managing to not startle the filly as they drew her into a tender embrace.

“I really am.”

Scootaloo looked up at the grown mare behind her, tilting her head so she could directly look into the deep violet eyes. “I didn’t hear you coming.”

“That is because I teleported here. I am sorry I overheard those last things you have said. I just wasn’t fast enough to disappear again.”

“I don’t mind. The two of us can sit here together for a while.”

Scootaloo returned her gaze to the stone in front of her, this time closing her eyes to take in the feeling of warmth against her coat.

“We can do that. And after that, I will take you home. Just don’t worry too much about me. One day, I will tell you what it meant. Until then, just continue being the loving filly that you are and don't worry about me.”

Author's Note:
