• Published 23rd Oct 2013
  • 1,686 Views, 15 Comments

The Trick of the Setting Sun - Redbook

A year had pass after that first date and now the wedding bells are ring for the two love ponies. How will the days before the big day go for them?

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Wedding in five days - Trixie

Never in a thousand years would she be back in this town again. Not after the events of the last two times she had come to this little town were made known all across the kingdom. But here she was standing in the shop of the dressmaker who she had horrible things to; green was not a good mane color on a white mare. The only reason she was even standing here was for the one pony that matter the most to her, Sunset Shimmer.

The white mare was running around the place grabbing materials for the dress and Trixie was beginning to feel like pincushion now. She never had had a mare fussing over making a simple dress for a wedding before, but Rarity was one of the best dressmakers in the world; or that is what Trixie was told.

“Rarity, how much longer must I stand here and be your personal pincushion?” Trixie was about to use her magic to get out of the dress that was becoming tighter on her.

“One doesn’t become well known for dresses like I have if one just rushes through a job. Please be patient a little longer.” Rarity was pulling a bow tighter around Trixie’s midsection, which in turn was causing the already skyblue unicorn to turn a darker shade of blue. Trixie wanted to breathe again, but she knew this was coming. She had done some really mean things to the ponies of this town, so having her lungs crushed by an angry dressmaker was one of the many things that she had coming to her.

Soon the bow loosened up and she was able to get air back into her aching lungs. It wasn’t long before the dress was removed from her and she was free to move about. The dress found itself on manikins with Rarity looking it over to make sure nothing got moved out of place while it was removed. That was one thing Trixie had to give to Rarity, she never did anything halfway and always did her best at what she does.

“Rarity, I don’t know how much I can thank you for doing this for me.” She wanted to run up to the white mare and give her a big hug for making her wedding dress and doing the same for Sunset. Rarity just smiled as she motioned with a hoof for Trixie to take her leave. Not wishing to regain the wrath of the dressmaker, Trixie did as requested.

Shielding her eyes from the midday sun, Trixie walked outside to the busy streets of Ponyville. It was the weekend and everypony was out doing shopping or just hanging with friends. Still having about an hour before she was to meet up with Sunset at the local cafe`, Trixie thought that she might swing by one of the sweet shops and pick up something for her; Sunset had a sweet tooth like she had never seen before.

There were two sweet shops in all of Ponyville and both had long lines to wait in for anything they sold. One was Sugarcube Corner, the other was Bon Bon’s Sweets, and both had great treats to make any foal bounce off the walls. Trixie chose to go to Bon Bon’s Sweets; she knew that Sunset would love to have some chocolate covered nuts. If she had any luck, most of the crowd would be at Sugarcube Corner right now buying cakes and other kinds of baked goods before they moved on to buying candies.

Celestia must be smiling on her today; there was no line into Bon Bon’s shop. Opening the door, a little bell above the door told the owner that they had a customer entering. At the counter was a cream colored mare with a dark blue and pink mane smiling at her. The smile was a warm one that all customers got once entering the store.

“Hello Miss Bon Bon. I was wondering if you had any chocolate covered nuts?” Trixie moved closer to the counter and was trying not drool, as all the candies looked so good. Bon Bon looked like she was thinking about whether she had any, then a smile came to her face and she trotted to the backroom. There was the sound of a few pots and pans clattering, and then Bon Bon walked out with chocolate covering parts of her face.

Trixie didn’t know how earth ponies could make such good sweets, but however they did it.;they were the best things she had ever had in her life. “They will be ready in a few minutes. Is there anything else I can do for you?” the cream mare asked. Trixie tap her hoof on her chin thinking if she had the bits to get something.

“No thank you. I just would like the chocolate nuts for my special somepony.” Blushing, Trixie thought of how Sunset would react at seeing the chocolate nuts.

“Ah, I see. Come back in about half an hour from now and they should be ready.” Trixie just nods and thanks Bon Bon before leaving to find something to kill a little time. Not thinking of anything else to do, she just walked around the marketplace and found herself at a flower stand. There were roses of so many different colors that Trixie thought that the seller had to be a unicorn like her. To her shock it was a white earth pony with a two tone red mane and tail.

“Hey there. Would you like some roses for that special pony in your life? We have all kind of roses to meet any of your needs.” Trixie just about fell back on her flank. She was just looking at them not really thinking about buying any just yet.

“Umm, do you have any red and yellow ros…” Before she could get the last bit out, the rose mare had pulled out and wrapped a dozen rose. Trixie eyes grew wide and she pulled out her bag of bits. “How much do I owe for the roses?”

“I think three bits would be just right for this.” Pulling out the bits needed and dropping them on the counter, Trixie opened her saddle bag and gently placed the roses inside, leaving it open so that they would be okay. As she was walking back to Bon Bon’s Sweets, the rose mare called out, “I hope she likes them.”

Trixie stopped and looked at the mob that had formed at the door to Bon Bon’s Sweets. She was wondering if she was going to be able to get in and pick up her order. She was never going to get the chocolate covered nuts, was going to take all day, and she wouldn’t get to spend any time with Sunset. Soon there was a knock on the window of the candy store, it was Bon Bon waving her inside.

“I’m so glad you made it back. I was getting worried that you wouldn’t be able to make it in with all those ponies at the door.” Trixie was rubbing a spot where a rather big mare had bumped into her. Bon Bon got moved around and pulled up a little brown bag. Trixie put the bag in her saddlebag and pulled out the bag of bits.

“How much do I owe?” She was already pulling out about five bits when Bon Bon shook her head no.

“You use my catering servers for part of your wedding and we can call those nuts a wedding gift.” Now it was Trixie’s turn to shake her head, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It changed to a nod as she wasn’t going to turn away an offer like this; they still need somepony to do that any way.

“Sure, but what about the cakes and other food needed for a wedding?” Trixie wanted to make sure that everything food wise was taken care of.

“Of course we can take care of the cake and the other kinds of food you need. I have a few friends who help me with things.” Trixie was so glad that she didn’t have to go from pony to pony to get some of this stuff done.

“Thank you so much, Bon Bon. I need to run. My special somepony is most likely back at the place we are renting for me. Thank you again.” Trixie give the best hug she could and rushed past the crowded and this time only took a few more bumps.

She was racing down the streets to a little place that the town rents out for a few months at a time. Trixie and Sunset had rent the place out for a few months for their wedding. As the street breeze past her, she found herself thinking that it would be so nice to live here.

Trixie found Sunset sitting in their front yard enjoying the nice day. Sunset looked up and smiled as Trixie froze where she was, somehow Sunset was able to cause Trixie’s heart to skip a beat. “I got something for you, Sunset.”

“Oh, you didn’t have to do anything like that for me. I’m happy with you.” The fur around Trixie’s face was no longer the same blue color as the rest of her body. She pulled out the bag of candy and the roses. There was a loud gasp from Sunset as she took the roses and the bag, laying the roses down and pulling out one of the candies. They were in the shape of hearts.

Sunset ate one, and then rushed over to Trixie to give her a tight hug that put Trixie in mind of how tight Rarity had the dress on her before. They both looked at each other, moving in to gently kiss each other. They both would agree that the last year had been the best one that they had so far.

Author's Note:

I want to thank Borderline Valley for helping me edit this chapter. I hope everyone will enjoy this story.

Comments ( 15 )

I hope to have more of them in the next chapter. :trixieshiftright:

They chose the small town of Ponyville, while most of the ponies in town are overjoy at chance of a big wedding. But there some ponies who are not happy with one pony in the wedding.


My attempt at interpreting this:

actually, buck it. The entire long desc. needs rewriting. Here you go:

Trixie and Sunset Shimmer have been dating for a year and now their big day is coming up. the two have made plans, which include holding their event in Ponyville. Whilst some of the locals hold reservations about one of the pair, most are joyed at an excuse to celebrate something has happy as a wedding.

Will things go smoothly? Maybe Ponyville wasn't the best choice in location after all.

This description actually hurt my brain to read. Redbook, you really should try to find a good pre-reader/editor if the rest of your story looks like that. This sounds like a cute idea for a story, but I'm not sure I could follow it, with the current grammar.

Very sweet story, but to be honest... the characters don't really act much like their canon selves. They're two girls in love, but there's no real characterization beyond that. They could be Bon Bon and Lyra or Roseluck and Cherry for all they act. Aside from mentioning Trixie's past offenses, there's not much that mark her as Trixie. She even talks in first person all the time. And Rarity doesn't seem very antagonistic - at most she's a bit brusque. The description hinted at conflict, but I see none.

Sorry. The writing is good, but the story is very generic.

I'm thinking about redoing this story from the ground up at a later date. I'm sorry.

3908337 NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO *throws arms up into the sky*

I'm sorry. I will try to get back to making this story better once I feel I can do it right. :twilightsmile:

Why'd you cancelled this?
:trixieshiftleft: Trixie is not ammused!

I do plan one day to come back and remake this story at a later date. I am sorry.

Probably should of put it on Hiatus. I read this a year ago anyway.

When's the next chapter coming?

No wonder this is on hiatus

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