• Published 28th Oct 2013
  • 449 Views, 3 Comments

A second Chance - kkman57

Based on the successful story of Dang O' Ponies. Hank and his friends decide to live among Twilght and her friends in Ponyvile. What will they find along the way, Romance, Humor, or much more?

  • ...

A new life

Six years have passed since Hank and his loyal friends Dale, Bill, Boomhauer and Kahn have to chosen to remain as ponies and live amongst the other ponies in Ponyvile. Though they did miss there families and friends that they had left on Earth none of them have ever looked back on there decision. Let us see now how they are adjusting to there new life's in Ponyvile.

Dale has just awaken from his slumber, with his mane a complete mess he quickly grabs his orange cap. He then grabs his sunglasses and places them over his eyes. Once he gathers his ciggerates in his pouch, that he carries around his neck he walks out of his room and heads in the kitchen where he meets up with Rainbow Dash. Knowing Dale was still half asleep she decides to have fun with him.

"Morning Rusty!" Rainbow Dash said as she waves her hoof at him. Dale simply grunts as he takes a seat on the kitchen table. While Dale was in a drowsy state Rainbow Dash opens the fridge and pulls out Dale's bottle which was labeled 'Special Apple Cider'. She could never understand why he wrote that on his bottles. She's asked him if she could try it, but he would always say no. If there was one thing Rainbow Dash couldn't not take lightly, it was the answer no.

With an evil grin on her face she pulls out her secret hot sauce that she keeps in her rainbow mane. As she was opening his bottle of cider she tries to distract him. "So, Dale got any plans for today?"

"Yeah...'Deep yawn'...I have to go clean out the rat traps at the school today, if I don't get there in time then they'll starve to death and I'll never hear the end of it from Fluttershy then I..."

While Dale was chatting away Rainbow Dash puts the hot sauce in his cider, she quickly closes it and shakes it. "Here Dale maybe your special apple cider can help you wake up."

She places the cider next to Dale, ruffs his mane a little bit before sitting across from him. Dale couldn't notice Rainbow Dash's evil grin because of his drowsy state, he gladly accepts it and soon chugs it down his throat. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but laugh by this.

Dale notices this and raises an eyebrow. "What's so funny?" Dale asks after he finishes it and tosses it out of his cloud home, through the kitchen window. She grunts at Dale, because she has told him at least hundred times to not throw trash out the window, but quickly replaces it with a smile.

"Oh ...Nothing, I'm just in laughing mood." Rainbow Dash replies. Dale was very suspicious at first, but before he could question her his stomach soon starts to make a funny noise, he holds his stomach with his hoofs as he starts to moan slightly. Rainbow Dash couldn't help, but smirk by this. "Is something wrong Dale?"

He continues to hold his stomach, feeling a slight pain, "Hmmm, I feel like my stomach is burning and with sharp pains, and more burning...huh intense burning and now my mouth is burning." Soon Dale gets up from his chair and slowly walks towards the front door. "Rainbow Dash could you get Hank...Now!"

Soon Dale burst threw the door and fly's into a small pond, he quickly starts drinking as much water as he could. "It just burns so damn much!"

Rainbow Dash see's all of this she soon falls backward on a small cloud and laughs uncontrollably. "Oh ...man that was rich!" She continues to laugh as she walks back into the kitchen. She opens up the fridge and tries to pull out one of her bottled apple cider, but she notices that Dale has five more bottles of his special apple cider. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, she takes one of his bottles and opens it. "Dale wouldn't mind if he was missing one bottle..."

She sniffs it lightly, she quickly notices the awkward smell from it. "Jezz how could Dale and his colt friends drink this smelly stuff!" Despite this she covers her nose with her hoof as she starts to drink it.

Five seconds later...(View point from outside Rainbow Dash's home)

"GROSS!" Rainbow Dash screams from the top of her lungs. She quickly tosses the half empty bottle of cider out the window as she tries to wash the nasty taste out of her mouth with mouth wash.


Bill was walking through Ponyvile, collecting ingredients for breakfast. As he was walking by he runs into Apple Jack who was also shopping for something as well. He happily walks towards her from behind.

"Good morning Apple Jack!" Bill said with such glee as he lightly taps her shoulder. She is quickly spooked by this and turns around to see who it was. "Oh, Bill! Hey!" Apple Jack said as she tries to regain her composer. "You scared me there."

Bill scratches the back of his head, embarrassed and a little guilty that he spooked her. "I'm sorry, I just didn't expect to see you until it was time for me and the guys to come over and help you buck trees."

Apple Jack notices this and lightly pats his head. "Its alright Bill, just don't sneak up behind me, okay?" Bill nods his head, soon a thought occurs to her since Big Mac was busy fixing the barn that Dale ruined when he was racing with Rainbow Dash last week, she needed someone to help her carry some of the heavy bags of items back to the farm, she turns to Bill "Say Bill I reckon since your here do you mind giving me a hand carrying some of my stuff for...?" Before she could finish her question Bill lifts off the four bags that were already filled with vegetables, plus six more empty bags that she had brought with her and places them over his back.

"Can do!" Bill replies as he smiles down at Apple Jack. She simply chuckles by Bill's positive attitude. What amazed her the most is that no matter what situation he was in, he would always act positive and happy about it , too her Bill was...a unique pony. After she gets her chuckles out of the way the two ponies continued there shopping.

After an hour in the market both Bill and Apple Jack were towards the farm. While Apple Jack was carrying two full bags on her back, Bill was carrying ten bags of food, mostly for the barn animals, on his back.

"You know Bill I can probably help you carry some of the bags if you want?" Apple Jack asks as she was trying to grab at least two of the bags, but Bill quickly moves away. She was surprised by this.

"Its alright Apple Jack, you asked me got my help and that's what I'm doing." Bill said, holding all ten bags without showing any signs of tiredness.

During his time in Ponyvile Bill has lost a lot of his belly fat ,thanks to exercise training from Pinkie Pie. He has also let his mane grow out, so now it was as bushy as his long tail. The once depressing human was now the most happiest pony in all of Equestria. For the first time in his life he truly felt happy to be alive. Even more so he had finally met his one true Mare named Blinkie Pie, Pinkie Pies younger sister and now he is happy father of three Colts and one Filly.

Ten minutes into there walking Apple Jack speaks up again. "You know Bill there is something that I've always wanted to know..." Bill then turns to her. He slightly nods, indicating that she has his full attention.

"When you told Princess Celestia about you wanting to stay here, did you really hate your life back on Earth?"

Bill slightly looks away. "Yes...Let's just say that my life was full of problems and I honestly think if I was sent back then..."

Before she could question him more she notices a small tear coming from his eye. Filled with guilt that she may have opened up some old wounds, she quickly tries to change the subject. "Hey, you know if your not to busy today your more than welcome to come here and have dinner with me, Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, and Cotton if you want?"

Bill slightly chuckles as he wipes the small tear from his eye. "Thanks Apple Jack, but I've got to help Pinkie Pie deliver the cakes on time, then I gotta go home and help Blinkie with the kids so I won't have time...sorry..."

"Nah don't be sorry, I'm glad that your helping everyone including your wife." Apple Jack said as she lightly punches Bill's arm. "She's lucky to have a big strong Stallion like you to help her out."

Bill slightly blushes, touched by her kind words. It was true now that he is full of life and energy he now volunteer's to help every pony. From babysitting the fillies, to setting up parties, helping Fluttershy when ever a vendor tries to take advantage of her shyness, no matter what the task was he is willing to help. Soon every pony in Ponyvile refers to him as the loveable pony, every pony was always glad to see him and they were always so thankful for his kindness, but no matter what his number one priority is to be the best father for his children and to be the best husband to Blinkie, he would never be like his father. "Thank you Apple Jack."

Before she could reply a noise suddenly appears from a distance. "GROSS!" Apple Jack and Bill look around to see what was that noise. As they were looking Apple Jack is the first to see a bottle fall from the sky.

"Bill, watch out!" Apple Jack warns him, but it was too late the bottle soon makes contact with Bill's head. The impact of the bottle cause him to pass out, she immediately rushes to his side.



As Apple Jack tries to awaken Bill a group of butterflies flew by them. They continued to fly until they have reached towards Fluttershy's home. Fluttershy was preparing the animals there breakfast as she was preparing Kahn was coming out of his room, already dressed in his blue shirt and black boots. He approaches her with a tired expression.

"Morning..." Kahn muttered as he goes in the fridge and pulls out some celery he then takes a seat. Fluttershy smiles softly.

"Good morning ." Fluttershy said as she continues to prepare the animals breakfast. After she finishes she serves all of her animal friends there portion, that's when she realizes that someone was missing.

"Angel?" Fluttershy calls his name, but no response. After calling his name three more times she realizes that he was not in the house. Worried for his well being she turns to Kahn for help. "Mr. Super Phone , could you please check outside for and see where angel is?"

Kahn slightly grunts as he was still eating his celery. Despite the fact that she still calls him Mr. Super Phone , even though he has tried to correct her at least a hundred times. He also hates having to look for Angel for good reasons. At first he was going to protest at her request, but as he makes eye contact with her, he is soon consumed with guilt. The worried expression coming from her eyes was too much for the unicorn to handle. He finishes his celery as he replies. "Alright, alright I'll go look for him."

"Thank you so much." Fluttershy said, gratefully that he was willing to help her. She knows that him and Angel didn't always get along, but she believes that if they spend more time together, then they could become the best of friends. As Kahn makes his way outside she tells him. "Please be careful?" Kahn simply nods as he opens the door and leaves.

After five minutes of searching he finally finds Angel sitting on a rock. Angel hears foot steps coming, he turns to see who it was and he immediately begins to glare at Kahn. Kahn returns the favor by glaring back at him.

"Alright, Angel we can do this either two ways. One you come with me quietly or two I kick your ass on the way over to Fluttershy." Kahn stated as he slowly approaches Angel. Angel continues to glare at him. Kahn immediately chases after him. "Come back here you Jack rabbit moran!"


As Kahn and Angel raced through the woods across from them Twilight and Spike are walking on a dirt road. Twilight was carrying two bags on her back while Spike was carrying one big bag on his back. Spike had grown up during these six years he was now at least two inches taller than Twilight and the others. He also has been developing some muscle tone, receiving a lot of attention from young Fillies. Twilight has also changed as well during these five years she had become Princess after discovering a new spell when her friends had their Cutie Marks mixed up. Now even with her new royal responsibilities and her new wings she still finds time to spend time with her friends including her Stallion friends.

"Did you hear something Spike?" Twilight said, raising an eyebrow up. She could have sworn that she heard something coming from the woods.

Spike shrugs. "Nope, I didn't hear anything." Trusting Spike's judgment Twilight continues on the walk. Soon Spike speaks up again. "So what's in the bags?"

"Oh nothing really, just a few tools and a bag of nails." Twilight replies as she uses her magic to pull out a few tools from her bag momentarily before placing them back.

"And who are we bringing this too?" Spike asks curiously as too who would need these tools and such weird items.

"I told you Spike, Hank asked me yesterday to bring him these items." Twilight explains. This raises Spike's curiosity even more.

"Did he say what he was using these tools for?" Spike asks.

Twilight was silent for a moment. Hank did tell her yesterday about the reason why he needed these tools, but even so it still confused her even though Hank explain it to her. She tries her best to explain. "Hank said that he was planning to build something called a lawn mower?"

Spike looks at Twilight with a very confused expression. "A lawn whata?"

"A lawn mower, out of all my books on humans, I have never found anything called that. From what Hank has told me is that it's some sort of device that can cut grass straight, evenly and it's on four wheels." Twilight explains.

"Something that cuts grass on four wheels?" Spike questions himself. "That's weird."

"It is, but I'm very curious to see what this lawn mower looks like when he finishes." Twilight said. As the two continued on there walk they noticed that some Pegasus was heading there way. It did not take a long for Twilight to know who it was, she could easily tell from his short blonde man and tail and his black hoofs.

"Hey Boomhauer!" Twilight said waving her hoof at him. Boomhauer looks down and see's Twilight and Spike waving at him. He turns his head towards the direction of were he was coming from, thinking that he was safe he slowly descends down.

"Dang o' Twilight." Boomhauer said as pulls his wings back to his body.

"What's the big hurry?" Twilight asks, noticing that he was flying faster than usual. After Boomhauer took in a few deep breaths before talking again.

"Yo man is dang o' Rarity making me try on dresses again, saying 'Oh come on Boomhauer just one more' its like dang o' crazy morning."Boomhauer said with great haste, Spike looks at him with a confused look.

"Slow down Boomhauer, I can't understand what you are saying." Twilight said. Boomhauer takes in a deep breath as he slowly explains cleaver.

"It's like this man..."

Flash back 2 hours ago...

"Oh Boomhauer you must simply try on this tux next!" Rarity said, bringing in ten more tux'es in his room, Boomhauer has been up since four in the morning, extremely excusted from trying on at least a hundred tux'es and dress shirts.

"Come on Rarity man I'm dang o' tired, can I get some sleep man?" Boomhauer ask.

"Nonsense, beside if your going to stay here with me you must look your best, especially when we go to Canterlot together." Rarity said as she heads to her room to gather more clothes. Boomhauer sighs in tiredness, he knew that he will be here all day if he does not find a way to escape.

As Rarity returns to his room, Boomhauer puts his plan into action. "Hey dang o' Rarity look over there!"

Rarity drops the clothing that she was carrying and looks outside of his room to see what it was. She finds nothing, confused she returns to his room. "Well I don't see anything Boom-" She quickly silences herself when she see's that Boomhauer was no where to be seen, before she begins to panic she notices that the window was opened, she looks through the window and see's Boomhauer flying away.


Boomhauer is spooked slightly, but continues to fly away with great speed.

*Flash back ends*

After hearing his story Spike immediately starts laughing, so much that falls on his back. Twilight slightly laughs by this, Boomhauer blushes in embarrassment. Twilight was not surprised by Rarity's behavior. Since the time that Rarity and Boomhauer first meet, Twilight knew Rarity really likes him.

"Don't worry Boomhauer I'm sure for whatever reason why she is acting this way it's too look for your well being." Twilight said as she smiles at him. Boomhauer could hardly believe that. In his mind he thinks that Rarity is just crazy. Soon his thoughts were broken when Twilight speaks up again. "Hey since your here do you want to come with me and Spike to go see Hank?"

Boomhauer scratches the back of his head with his hoof. "Ah well dang o' I can't today, I got some dang o' stuff to do."

"Oh come on Boomhauer I'm sure Hank would like to see you." Twilight said.

"Mmm. dang o' another time man."

Was the last thing Boomhauer said, before he re-expands his wings and ascends from the ground, before Twilight or Spike could say anything more he fly's up fifty feet in the air and soon fly's away. Spike looks at him with concern. She notices that for some time now Boomhauer has been acting strange, but she could not put her hoof on it. "Boomhauer..."

While he was flying he begins to think about what Twilight had just said. It is true, it has been awhile since he has talked to Hank, as a matter of a fact he realizes that he hasn't talked to Dale or Bill either. He begins to think that maybe he should at least see how Hank and his friends are doing, but he immediately shakes the idea out of his head. He did not want to get his friends or Rarity for that matter involved in his current situation, he must do this on his own.

As Boomhauer was flying through Ponyvile he pauses by a small house and the owner of that house was Hank Hill.


As Hank slowly begins to awake he climbs out of bed, does a couple of stretches before heading into the rest room. After he finishes showering, brushing his teeth, and combing his mane and tail he leaves the restroom to grab his glasses, but he soon discovers that they are not at same spot where he usually leaves them.

"What the...?" Hank thought, confused by this. Soon Hank hears giggling. He looks around to see where that noise was coming, it didn't take him long to realize where that noise was coming from and who was making it, as three little fillies heads pop out from Hank's bed sheets.

"Morning Uncle Hank!" Applebloom, Sweetiebelle, and Scootaloo said with such glee.

"Bwaahh!" Hank said, he loses his footing as he was trying to back away and he falls on his flank. The three girls laughed, seeing there uncle Hank get spooked so easily.

With time flying by so fast the once Three little Fillies that Hank had grown to know were now young 16 year old Mares, they were almost as tall as Hank was and they now have there own Cutie Marks.

Once he recovers from his fall he glares at the three fillies. "What the God dang is wrong with you three?!"

Before he could continue on with his rant he notices that Sweetiebelle was wearing his glasses. "Are those my glasses?!" Hank asks, squinting his eyes since he could barley see.

"Yep, I've always wanted to try them and see how it looks on me!" Sweetiebelle said. As she tries to walk towards Hank she has a hard time seeing where she was going. All she could see was a blur vision of him. Soon she makes a miss step and falls off the bed. Applebloom and Scootaloo saw this and laughed hysterically by this. Hank sighs and takes his glasses off of Sweetiebelle face and puts them on his and then he helps her get up all four hoofs. "Gee, Uncle Hank how can you see with those things...I'm dizzy..."

"These are prescription glasses Sweetiebelle, there not for playing and...!"

Hank stops his sentence when he realizes that something was not right. "Wait a minute, why are you three in my house?!"

Sweetiebelle was the first to answer. "We wanted to..."

followed by Applebloom. "Be the first three to..."

followed by Scootaloo. "Say good morning, curtisy from..."

Then together the three young mares say. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

"But how in the heck did you three get in here?!" Hank asks.

"The door." Applebloom replies sweetly. Hank was in disbelieve, he leaves the room and heads to the front door, the three fillies soon follows. "That's impossible last night I..." Hank stops realizing what has happened. The front door was completely knocked down, off from it hinges. His mouth soon drops to the floor.

"The front door was locked so we broke the door down to get in." Scootaloo explains.

"How in Equrestia could you three do that?!" Hanks asks both in anger and in amazement that these three could do it.

"We borrowed Pinkie Pie's party cannon." Applebloom replies. She steps outside momentarily to show Hank the cannon.

Hank sighs deeply, placing his hoof over on his forehead. Sweetiebelle nudges his back with her hoof, he looks down at her. "We just wanted to give our favorite uncle and new boss a proper good morning ."

Hearing this Hank turned his head and see's the broken window in his living room. His left eye begin to squint uncontrollably, the three fillies approach him with caution.

"Are you okay?" Applebloom asks. Hank turns to them, the fillies could see the anger from his eyes. They slowly back away from him, Sweetiebelle grabs the ball as the girls leave his home and head on there way out.

After they leave Hank breaths a heavy sigh before heading into his garage to work on his product. "Those girls ain't right."

*Hank's Garage*

Since today was a nice day he decides to leave the garage door open. Despite the little incident this morning, working on his lawn mower product, that he has spend the last five years working on, soon takes this stress away. "Ah, soon I will be able to give my lawn a proper cut." As Hank goes under the shell of the mower a certain pink pony walks into his garage.

"Hey Hank!" Pinkie Pie said.

Hank is slightly spooked by this but remains calm quickly. "Oh...uh hello Pinkie Pie, do you need something?"

She hops around Hank's work space. "Oh no, I just wanted to say hi!"

"Um...Okay then..." Hank said as he continues his product. Five minutes into his product Pinkie was still hopping around his work space. "Okay Pinkie Pie uh you can run along now..."

"Whatcha doing?" Pinkie Pie said lays on her stomach and tries to see what Hank was doing.

Hank was busy attaching the hood of his mower. "Oh well I'm just..."

"What's this?!" Pinkie Pie asks, taking Hank's flashlight. She gases in amazement at the device. She moves it around, seeing the circled yellow ball of light move from one place to another. "Ohh, this is fun!" Distracted by the flashlight she places it in her mouth as she hopes away, leaving Hank without light.

"Pinkie Pie what are you doing?! I need my flashlight!" Hank yells to get her attention, but he cocks his head to see where she was he looses his grip. Soon a piece of the mower hit Hank's arm. "Ah, my arm!" Soon the entire hood of his mower falls on top of his upper body.


While Hank was struggling to escape up in the sky a black falcon fly's above him the falcon continues to fly until he reaches his destination on the hill top. The falcon then takes his spot on his masters back. The falcon's master was a blue unicorn with a short blonde mane and tail. He removes the message from his pets claw, he reads over it.

"So Uncle Junichiro needs us?" The blue unicorn said to himself, he puts the message in his pouch with his magic, before walking into the woods to retrieve his friends. The only two ponies that have stood by his side since he first came to this strange world.

Author's Note:

So I hope all of you enjoyed this remake of my story if there are any mistakes please let me know in your comments!