• Published 28th Oct 2013
  • 449 Views, 3 Comments

A second Chance - kkman57

Based on the successful story of Dang O' Ponies. Hank and his friends decide to live among Twilght and her friends in Ponyvile. What will they find along the way, Romance, Humor, or much more?

  • ...

The Earth Clan

During the blue unicorn's journey through into the forest, four miles away in the remote parts of the forest laid a small village. There inhabitance is a total of fifty ponies, most of there populations were earth ponies. There homes were small huts that had been poorly structured and a weak foundation. There food supply had be rationed, since it was far too dangerous to leave. By law they were not to leave the village under any circumstances unless they are guarded by there three guardians.

The adults ponies hated this law, feeling as though they are being imprisoned within there village. Even though they were ponies there minds were still poisoned by there human nature, some even resort to theft in order to quince there hunger. Others wished to see what it's like outside of the village and see more of there new world, but it has not happened yet. The leader of there small tribe said that now was not the time, but soon they will get a chance once it is safe to go. So until that day the ponies must be patient and hope that day will come soon.


It was a normal day in the village, the ponies were gathering together to do there roll call. It was necessary in order to make sure that no pony has left the village. In charge of rolls call was two of the three guardians of the village.

One of the guardians is tall light brown stallion his black mane and tail was puffy but kept short. He is best known for his strength and agility he is the muscle of his group. Some of the earth ponies think of him as there protector, especially since he is receiving special training from John Redcorn. He is one of the great protectors of there village and his name was Joseph Gribble.

To his left was the second guardian, she is rather short then the other guardians, she is a very light brown Pegasus her black mane was midway short and straight, but her tail was a loose and beautiful as her eyes, she also had a few brown highlights on her mane and tail as well. Known for her intelligence and keen mind, she is able to detect when an intruder is approaching and decide on the best course of action. She is in charge of patrolling the village through the sky to ensure that no pony leaves the village and to ensure that if any unwanted intruders like bears or dragons attempted to invade there village she could summon the other guardians to counter attack the enemy. The pony villagers see her as a cold hearted Pegasus who does not show any expression as if she was wearing a mask of neutrality, hiding her true feelings. She is the brains of the village and her name is Connie Souphanousinphone Jr.

"Alright is everyone here?!" Joseph said after gathering every ponies attention. A few of the villagers listened and nodded yes while most of them just ignored him and continuing on with there conversations. "Uh...Dudes."

While the adults and fillies stood silent and awaited for roll call the teen continued on with there chatting. Joseph tries to get there attention. "Yo dudes unless you ponies want to do roll call then I suggest that you be quiet." Knowing his reputation to well most of teens kept there mouth shut, but one colt chuckles by his threat.

"Do you think I'm scared of you?" The colt said bodily, standing in front of the giant stallion. Joseph stares down at him at the young colt. He shows no intimidation, nor does he show fear against this young fool.

"Well if your dumb enough to stand in front of me then NO." Joseph said with a small grin on his face. The villagers laughed at the young colt, he glares at all of them momentary before turning his attention to Joseph.

"You think your so special just because you came to this place as a giant stallion. You might have special training from John Redcorn but I can easily kick your flank." The young colt said, not backing down from the giant stallion.

Before Joseph could make an example to the other young colts by beating him to a plub Connie steps in front of them. She glares at the young colt, already irritated by his smart ass remarks.

"Listen here boy, you need to shut up and get back in the group. We don't have time for nonsense so do as we say." Connie stated bluntly, but with enough tone of voice so that every pony could hear her. The young colt backs away and returns to the group.

"What ever..."

Connie rubs her forehead in frustration, already having a headache. Not wanting anymore distractions to occurs she and Joseph continue on with roll call. After going through forty-two names on the list it appeared that everyone was here. She gives the final OK before every pony went on with there day.

"Okay Joseph that's all the ponies on our roll call sheet all that's left is you, me, and Bobby should be back soon." Connie said, going over the list to make sure everyone was checked in.

"But what about Lucky and Kimiko?" Joseph asks, remembering that neither of them were among the group this morning. As he was thinking over this he suddenly hears a snapping noise coming from Connie. He glances over at her and see's that she has broken her clipboard, the furry coming from her eyes made Joseph nervous.

"Well Joseph if you must know Lucky and 'ugh'...she are left early this morning into the forest to search for more food for our supplies." Connie replied as she was picking up her papers.

He slightly nods his head as he checks off the two names seeing how tense Connie was he decides to ask. "Hey Connie are you okay?"

She glares darkly at him. "What kind of question is that, I'm here ain't I."

Joseph scratches the back of his head with his hoof before continuing. "Well it just seems that you were kinda mad when I asked you about Lucky and Kimi-".

He was cut short when Connie bucks his chest hard enough to hit his back against a tree. He moans slightly, trying to regaining his footing a few ponies laughed slightly seeing his flank getting handed to him. As Joseph gets up he sees Connie approaching him with great haste.

"Joseph!" Connie yells in an angry tone, marching towards him with his clipboard in her mouth. She tosses the clipboard to him. "You said that you check every pony on your list."

Joseph slightly rubs his ear that she was screaming a thin with. "I did, every pony answered."

"Oh really?!" Connie asks sarcastically, she flips five pages over and points over to the fillies section where three names remain unchecked. "Where are they?!"

He looks over the list and realizes that there were three names unchecked, looking over the names it seems that G.H. 'Good Hank', Gracie Kleinschmidt, and Emiko, He couldn't read over her last name because of Connie's hoof was over it, but he knew who she and the other two fillies were missing as well. "I-I-I don't know!"

Connie presses her front hoofs to his chest against the tree. "You idiot, do you realize what will happen if those three are outside of the village?!" Before Joseph could even respond, she shuts him up by shoving his clipboard in his mouth. "Come on let's look around and see if there still around here, we have to find them before he returns."

He spits out his clipboard and nods before the two ponies search around the village for the three fillies.


About six miles from the village both Lucky and Kimiko were traveling through the forest in search of supplies. While Kimiko was looking through bushes to find barriers, Lucky climbing trees to see if there were any food growing from it's branches.

Lucky is your average pale yellow earth pony with a long messy brownish pale mane and tail. Despite his youthful face looks he still had his chipped teeth and some what mussy stomach, it did not bother him much that he become a pony, rather he thought it would be interesting to see this new world. Who knows, once everything is cleared up and he and his daughter are aloud to see more of the world there might be many things to slip on.

As Lucky searches for food from tree to tree he stumbles apon on one branch that was holding two apples, they were there biggest and brightest red apples that he has ever seen. He slowly starts to make his way towards them by wrapping his front and back hoofs around the branch and he starts to crawl. Inches away from those apples he reaches out and tries to grab them with his teeth.

"Come on...Come on..." Lucky said to himself, trying his best to grab the apples. Just as he close to succeeding fate has cursed him today. A family of squirrels appeared from the other side of the branch. Lucky tries to scare them away. "Get! Go on now get!"

Unfortunately they did not take it well, they retaliate by petting him with acorns and rocks. Unable to hold on anymore he soon losses his grip and falls to the ground, by luck he manages to land on his buck. He reopens his eyes and sees the family laughing and pointing at him as they were holding one of the apples, after pelting him with a few more acorns as they make a hasty retreat.

Lucky gets up on all fours hoofs and slightly glares at the squirrels. "Jack ass." As he decides to head back to meet up with Kimiko he notices that the other big apple was next to him, he slightly smiles as he grabs the apple and and puts it in his pouch. After that he makes his way back to Kimiko.

On his way towards her, Kimiko was busy collecting berries. Thankfully she was able to find a couple of bushes that were covered with blue berries. Kimiko is a light pink earth pony. She keeps her mane in a some what tight bun, but lets the two pink highlights in her mane loss and a long black tail which had a mixture of pink in the center. Unlike the other ponies from the village she was not from Arlen in fact she was an outsider. Since she was from Japan when the rapture came. At first the villagers were unsure if she could be trusted, but after being vouched by the head guardian she was granted to live among them. Now able to speak English she can communicate with the others.

As she collects the last few berries from the bush she hears someone coming she turns her head and sees Lucky coming from the woods. "Oh, hello Lucky-san did you find anything?"

"Umm...Well define finding." Lucky said, slightly limping to her. She rushes to his side, seeing the small bruises on his legs. She was on high alert.

"Oh god Lucky-san are you okay, what happened?!" Kimiko asked with great concern. She tries to grab his front legs to see how bad the damage was, but Lucky pulls his legs away.

"It's fine, nothing I ain't used too." Lucky said. Kimiko cocks her head in confusion, on the hoof he says that he is fine, but on the other he looks a though he had been in a car crash. Still she doesn't question him about it and she quickly changes the subject.

"So you couldn't find anything?" Kimiko asks. Lucky sadly shakes his head. Then he pulls out the only thing he could find, she quickly amused by it. "Whoa that's the biggest apple I have ever seen."

"Yeah well to be honest there was another one when I found it, I tried to get both, but I was attacked by a group of squirrels." Lucky explains, embarrassed by the innocent so much he slightly blushes, she quickly tries to cheer him up.

"It's okay, I was fortunate enough to find a group of berries together." Kimiko said as she opens her pouch and shows him a full bag filled with a mixture blue berries, straw berries, and even a few black berries. "With these I'm sure it will be enough too -"

Just as she was explaining the positive side she hears a noise coming from a distance, Lucky didn't hear it and looks at her with a confused expression "Kimiko are you o-"

"Sheesh...quiet, I hear something." Kimiko quickly whispers before Lucky could finish his sentence. He quickly listens to her and tries to figure out where the noise is located. It did not take long for Kimiko to find the source of that noise. She turns to her left and see's movement coming from a bush, she slightly nudges Lucky on his side as she points out the source. "Were not alone..."

Lucky nods his head in agreement. He quickly grabs a small rock and prepares to hurl it into the bushes. He prays that it was a small animal, but it was something else then they could be in some serious trouble. Once he regains his composter and readies himself for the worst he quickly hurls the rock it succeeds hitting the bush. For a moment there was an intense silence, but at that next moment.

"Ow, what the hell was that for!?" A voice screams from the bushes.

"Sheesh, quiet or they'll hear us!" Another voiced whispered.

"But your buck tooth dad hit me with a rock!" The angry voice screamed even louder.

"Don't call my daddy buck tooth you meanie!" The whispered voice shouted. The two voices continued out at each other while Lucky and Kimkio stared at the morning bush, confused at the strange noises. Soon there argument was interrupted by a third voice.

"Um...guys I-I can't hold on..." The third voice said quietly, the all in one motion the bush suddenly spits out three fillies. Kimiko and Lucky became bugged eyed when they realize who these fillies where.

The fillie that landed close to them is dark green earth pony. He has a messy brownish blonde mane and tail. He was also wearing his black leg bands on all of his legs. He looks up at them angrily as Kimiko and Lucky were staring down at him.

"G.H.?" Lucky said indicating who the dark green fillie is. Next he looks over to G.H. left side and see's the second fillie. This girlie fillie is a bright light green unicorn. He blonde mane and tail was kept long, puffy, and straight. He continues to stare at her until he realizes who it was. "Gracie?"

Seeing her father staring down at her, Gracie tries to hide behind G.H. while readjusting her red glasses. Then Kimiko looks apon the last fillie who was standing by G.H. right side. This little fillie is a somewhat light blue Pegasus with a large black and blondish bun mane, her tail was long blondish; black as well, but she kept it together by a small scrunchy.

"Emiko?" Kimiko asks seeing if her eyes were not deserving her. The small blue Pegasus looks up at her nervously as she slowly approaches her.

"Mama..." Emiko said quietly to her mother. There was another minute of awkward silence Lucky decides to break the silence, by approaching Gracie. "Now Gracie what are you doing out here?" Lucky asks placing his right hoof over his daughters shoulder.

"Yes I would like know the same thing." Kimiko asks turning to her daughter. Emiko looks up to her mother with a sadden look. Kimiko could tell right away that she wasn't her idea and neither was it Gracie's idea, she turns to the only fillie who could have come up with such a plan. "G.H..."

G.H. glances over at her with a snickered look on his face. "Yes?"

"Did you drag Gracie and Emiko here with you?" Kimiko asks him with a stern voice. G.H. simply chuckles at this.

"Well if it's obvious to you then I don't have to say it then do I?" G.H. replies. Then Lucky steps in as he stares down at the boy.

"Hey, watch your tone now G.H., why did you leave the village in the first place?" Lucky asks.

"That question also replies to you two girls as well." Kimiko said, talking to Gracie and Emiko who were staring the ground. G.H. is the first to respond.

"We were bored this morning so we decided to go play in the forest." G.H. said.

Next Gracie speaks up to her father. "Then we got lost after thirty minutes. We tried to find our way back, but we couldn't..." Slowly Gracie starts to tear up as she embraces her father, relieved that she was reunited with him.

Then finally Emiko speaks up to her mother. "That's when we noticed you and Uncle Lucky were close by so we were watching you and we were goanna follow you home."

After hearing the three fillies have had there saying Lucky is the first reacted by wrapping his hoof around Gracie and hugging her tightly. "Awww...It's okay Gracie, you were just curious." Just as he was trying to wipe her tears away Kimiko speaks up.

"Gracie that is no excuse for leaving the village, that includes you too as well." Kimiko said to all of them. Emiko looks up to her with a guilt look on her face while G.H. smirks at her, not showing any fear against her.

"You three know that you can not and I repeat CAN NOT leave the village!"

"But mama..." Emiko said, but Kimiko cuts off.

"I don't want to hear it young lady!" Kimiko yells at her daughter. The little blue fillie goes down on all four of her knees and lays close to the ground as possible. "When we get home you, Gracie, and G.H. are going to-"

Just as she was continuing with her scolding she, including the others hear a loud cry. Kimiko and Lucky look around to see where it was coming from. Lucky quickly see's who was making that noise.

"Griffins!" Lucky said, pointing at the sky, Kimiko see's the griffin flying by as well and she quickly begins to ready herself, before glancing over at G.H., Gracie, and Emiko.

"You three need to get out of here now!" Kimiko intruding them, Emiko looks at her mother with great worry, G.H. simply looks up in the sky as he see's the griffin flying by them.

Gracie was in great fear by the noise so she holds on to her father leg. "But what about you daddy!" Gracie said as her back legs were shaking. Kimiko glances at Gracie, she could see the fear coming from her eyes.

"Don't worry about us, we'll hold him off until you guys are safe then we'll be right behind you." Lucky said.

"B-but..." Gracie said, but her father cuts her off as she looks down at them.

"We will be fine, but you, G.H., and Emiko need to get out of here before you hurt." Lucky said. He then gives his daughter a quick hug before scooting him to G.H. Kimiko does this as well with her daughter.

"Just head south and you three should make it back to the village!" Kimiko instructed the fillies. "Once you are safe you need to fine Connie and Joseph and tell them a griffin is close by."

"Come on man we can handle him, the five of us can take down one griffin." G.H. said, smirking at the excitement that there would be to fight. "Hell I might not even need you ponies to help me kick this chicken dinner's a-"

"There's no time for this you three need to do as I say and get out of here now!" Kimiko said, shutting G.H. ranting. As she was talking the fillies were still standing there. "GO!"

Without another word the fillies soon run off into the direction she was pointing to, once they disappeared from view point she turns to Lucky.

"It seems that he has found us." Kimiko said as she stands next to Lucky.

Lucky stands by readying himself for the worst to come. "It looks like." As the two stand close to each other they hear more screeching as three more griffins join in the fray. "It looks like he didn't come here alone." Soon the four griffins land on the ground and stare down at them Lucky and Kimiko as if the predator has found its prey. She shows no sign of fear as she glares angrily at the one griffin who smiles at her as if he knew who she is.

"You coward..."


"Did you find them yet?!" Connie asks, after searching the left side of the village for an hour. She looks at Joseph, hoping that he had better luck finding them.

"No I couldn't find them anywhere." Joseph said, patting profusely as sweat was coming from his face.

Connie slaps her hoof on her face, not only was she worried for the fillies well being, but she was also worried how the head guardian would react if she were to tell him that she and Joseph lost them. "Oh man this is not good if he finds out that we lost them then..."

Just as she was talking Joseph notices that something was coming from the woods, soon he and Connie hears G.H., Gracie, and Emiko screaming as they pop themselves into the village with great haste. Connie is the first to speak.

"Where have you three-?!"

But soon G.H. is the first to speak. "Hold on there girliy we need to tell you that...!"

"I don't want to hear it!" Connie yelled, knowing that G.H. would lie.

Next Gracie tries to speak up. "But it's important, you see the..."

"I said be quiet!" Connie scolds Gracie, Connie knew she would lie for him.

As Connie was going to continue with questioning to them. Emiko finally finds the right words that Connie and Joseph will understand.

"Buck Strickland is here!" Emiko blurts out, immediately shutting Connie up. She looks up at Joseph who was immediately stunned by this. Her loud cry was enough for all the pony villagers to hear. Immediately they begin to panic as they scramble around to find shelter. Seeing them panic Joseph rushes off, hoping that he could calm them down.

"W-what?!" Connie said as she looks at Emiko with a shocked expression. She and the other guardians know to well who Buck was if he was here then the others must be here as well. With there leader absent Connie knew that Buck and his followers will try to invade the village.

"H-he's here, my mom and Uncle Lucky are holding them off!" Emiko said now with tears running down her cheeks, Gracie followed by with tears as well worried for her father's safety. G.H. was also worried for his friends, but masks his emotions under it.

Connie immediately becomes high alert. She knew that Kimiko and Lucky would not last long against him, especially if the other griffins were to arrive. Not wanting to waste anymore time she focuses her attention on Emiko. "Now listen to me Emiko I need you to tell me where are they?"

Before Emiko could respond, she and Connie soon hear a loud noise coming from the same direction from were Emiko and her friends had came from. At that very moment Kimiko soon pops out from the woods immediately she lands on her side and slides three feet before stopping.

"MAMA!" Emiko cries, seeing her mother covered in scratches while her mane was a complete mess. Emiko immediately rushes to her mothers side. Connie tries to stop her, but Emiko refuses to listen and continues to run towards Kimiko.

Just as she was inches away from reaching her mother a dark brown griffin suddenly appears and grabs Emiko by her mane and lifts her up five inches in the air. Kimiko watches in horror, seeing her daughters screaming in pain. She tries to get up, but only succeeds in rising to her knees.

"Thaterton, let her go!" Kimiko said in a angry pleading matter. Thaterton simply grins seeing how she was begging to let her daughter go.

"Oh why would I do that, I've always wanted a toy to play with." Thaterton said as he swings Emiko's hair around, causing the fillie to cry out in pain. The griffin then notices Connie, who was giving him a death glare.

"Let her go now!" Connie said, expanding her wings to ready herself. Joseph soon stands by her side readying himself. Thaterton see's this and laughs even harder out of amusement. Connie and Joseph both stare at him with confused looks, surely he knows that even without there leader with them they could easily defeat him. "I'm warning you, drop Emiko and leave us or else!"

After Thaterton has finished his laughing he speaks again. "Oh really?" He then turns towards the direction were he had came from. "Hey Buck this pony wants us to leave or else!"

"Is that so, heh, heh." Buck laughed as he makes his appearance out of the forest. He is a blue griffon, unlike Thaterton though he was more pudgy then he was. Once he is seen the other villagers watch in horror when they see that his front claw is wrapped around Lucky's neck. Connie was speechless seeing how much blood was dripping from him.

"Daddy!" Gracie cried her legs were shaking at the sight of her father's suffering. She immediately dashes towards him and Buck with tears running down her eyes.

"Gracie don't be an idiot!" G.H. said, as he follows her trying to stop her.

"G.H, Gracie wait!" Connie blurts out, but it was too late soon two more griffins appear out of no where and stand in front of Gracie and G.H.. Before either of them could react the green griffin grabs Gracie by her blond mane.

"Let her go!" G.H. yells out at the green griffin. He tries to attack him but is soon stopped when the brown griffin grabs hold of his tail and holds him up high until they made eye contact. "Let me go you worm eating basterd!"

Buck sees all of this and could no longer hold on to his laughter any longer. "Ha, ha, ha, ha, oh lord that was too easy!" Soon Thaterton and the other two griffins join in the laughter as well. This only angered Connie and Joseph more.

"What are you doing here dude, we told you four not to show your faces here!" Joseph said, threating the four griffins by pounding his front hoofs to the ground.

"Oh were just here to collect out bits." Buck said, as the other griffins nod in agreement. "Then these two ponies here tried to attack us." Buck said, pointing out to Lucky and Kimkio.

"That's bull crap Buck!" Connie yells at him, not believing a word he says.

"Now, now little missy." Thaterton said in a calming tone of voice. "There's no need for such language."

Buck rejoins the conversation. "Yeah besides...your daddy wouldn't want you to talk like that." He then chuckles loudly seeing Connie graining her teeth in anger.

If there was one thing that she could not take lying down it was when someone mentioned her father. When she first found out about his death it devastated Connie it also sadden her when her mother found out. Without her dad's guidance Connie had to grow up quicker and learn how to defend for herself and the other ponies.

All of those emotions built up inside her and she soon blurts out. "Kahn is dead!" Connie voice was so vocal that the villagers were shocked by it. Soon tears fall from her eyes. "My dad is long gone it doesn't matter to me anymore if he wants me to speak properly!"

Joseph glances over at Connie with disbelieve. He could not believe that she could say that about her dad. I mean sure Kahn was discipline towards her back on Earth, but still she couldn't mean all of that. He takes a closer examination and he could tell that was killing her inside.

"Aw look at the cry pony!" Buck mocked Connie, seeing her cry. Soon the other griffins laugh and mocked her by pretending to cry and wine. Buck continue to mock more. "Oh...I miss my daddy, wah, wah, wah!"

Connie rage starts to built up inside. Joseph soon snarls and readies himself to and Emiko were still crying as the pain from there mane's being pulled while G.H. trying to wiggle a way out from the brown griffins grasp, but it proves pointless. Kimkio just glares angrily at Thaterton who was yanking her daughters wanted to rescue her daughter so badly, but she couldn't move. She could remember all of the abuse that happened to her before she came to the village and now that this was happening to her own daughter it just brought back old memories. Finally having enough of Buck ranting Lucky musters.

"S-shut up!" Lucky yells, despite the pain from Buck's claw in bedding in his neck. Then in one motion Buck slam him to the ground. Gracie screams as Buck presses Lucky's head to the dirt.

"I'll show you what happens when someone tells Buck Strickland to shut up!" Buck yells press his head even harder. Connie and Joseph rush over to aid Lucky but Thaterton and the other two griffins black there path.

"Move!" Connie and Joseph yell in a unison.

"Oh I don't think so, unless you want these here fillies heads crushed."

Thaterton said as he and two griffins held on the three fillies. Connie and Joseph were soon stuck with a dilemma, they needed to save Lucky. Gracie has lost so much since coming to this world, with her mother gone, her father was all she has left. At the same time though they could not afford not to lose her, Emilko, or G.H. for that matter. So what could they do.

Buck grins widely, seeing the two pound struggle with the choice, but time was bits so after he finishes off Lucky he will collect his bits and head out. He then lifts Lucky up and prepares to finish him off.

"Daddy!" Gracie screams as Buck slams his claws towards Lucky's throat...or tries.

As Buck's claws were about to make connect with this throat, Buck's face is soon met with a hoof. The impact pushes Buck hard enough to slam him hard against the tree. Everybody sees this and turns to see who it was that saved Lucky.

"B-Bobby..." Kimiko muttered, seeing the blue unicorn make his appearance.

"Bobby!" Connie and Joseph stated in unison, glad that their head guardian and their best friend had finally arrived. While Buck was down momentarily he then turns his attention to the three griffins who were holding the three riffles. Just seeing Bobby glare they immediately drop them. Gracie immediately dash towards her father, Emiko and G.H. head towards Bobby.

"Emiko," Bobby said, as she wraps her front legs around them tightly.

"Daddy, mama's hurt!" Emiko yells, soon she starts crying profusely. Bobby glances over at Kimko he could see that she was in bad shape this increased his rage even more.

"Emiko listen to me, I need you to go to your mother and stay with her." Bobby instructed her, she nods at her father, before running towards her mother. He then turns to G.H. "Uncle I need you to tell Joseph to grab Lucky and Kimiko as soon as I get these four out of here!"

G.H listened to every word and nods as he waits for Bobby to make his move. Once Buck recovers he burst out from the woods, in the fury he created a loud screeching noise. He then glares over at Bobby.

"Son, you have just made one bad mistake..." Buck said as he expands his wings and expands his claws. He then charges towards Bobby, he could clearly see Bucks attack and jumps out of the way, dodging his attack. Buck then tries to attack him by scratching him with his claw, but Bobby continues to dodge them with ease. Once he see's an opening he swings Bucks arm away from him and punches Buck with his hoof. Buck feels the impact and soon falls to the ground. The humiliation was to great for Buck. "Stop messing around and fight me!"

Bobby then turns his flank toward him and the other griffens, reveling his cutie mark 'a Joker'. "Vhat are you talking about!" He shakes his flank towards Buck imitating as though he was mooning him then without another word he nudges G.H. before re-entering into the forest.

"Let's get that Son-of-a-bitch!" Buck yells instructing Fateraton and the others. Soon all four of them peruse Bobby in the forest as G.H. moves away. Connie and Joseph tries to follow them but G.H. stops them.

"Wait, Bobby said that we have get Lucky and Kimiko to a safe place!" G.H. said to much to there disbelieve they decided to take his word just the once and tend to there aid. Before Connie tends to Lucky he glances back to where Bobby had went.

"Please come back in one piece."