• Published 28th Oct 2013
  • 449 Views, 3 Comments

A second Chance - kkman57

Based on the successful story of Dang O' Ponies. Hank and his friends decide to live among Twilght and her friends in Ponyvile. What will they find along the way, Romance, Humor, or much more?

  • ...

Derp with a hint of Propane

"Alright, now where did Angel go?" Kahn mummers quietly to himself he continues his search for the rabbit. It has been half an hour since he lost him during there chase, Kahn knew that if he didn't find Angel soon, Fluttershy will get worried. He looks under rocks, on creek beds even in a few rabbit holes, but still he could not find him. When all hope seemed lost he soon hears a familiar sound coming from the bushes. He walks through them and see's Angel falling fast asleep on a rock.

"There you are you sleeping pain." Kahn muttered to himself, while chuckling slightly. He squats down and slowly crawls his way towards him, he stops occasionally in case if Angel starts to hear him. Once Kahn gets close enough he grabs Angel quickly before he could escape. Kahn soon mocks him.

"Ha,Ha got you, you stupid rabbit redneck!" Kahn yells happily. "And now a victory dance!" Soon he stands on his back legs and starts dancing around like a party animal, but his victory dance was cut short when he notices that someone was watching him. He soon gets in his battle stands while Angel was tied up on his back.

"Alright whoever you are I was a black belt in martial arts back on Earth so run while you still can!" Kahn stated boldly, showing a few hoof chops and kicks while saying "Whaa!" consistently. After a few minutes of silence he relaxes and stands back on all four hoofs. "That's what I thought."

As Kahn was about his way back towards Fluttershy's home he soon meets a pair of ember eyes, the left eye was up-left while the right was looking downward, but the eyes were enough to make Kahn tense up, a few moments later the ember eyes speaks.



5 seconds later...


"Huh there it is again." Twilight said to herself, hearing the strange sound once again. Deciding to ignore it she finally reaches her destination with Spike with her, she gazed upon how well he has kept his home. Despite that it use to be a huge stump he manages to create a house in such good condition.

It has been one year since Hank had moved out of Twilight's home. Inside she was sadden to see her friend leave her, but she knew that he was a hundred percent in on moving out. The least she could do was help him find a home and that's when she discovered the huge stump up in the hills. With the help of Hank and Twilight's friends they were able to create the home that stands proudly today.

"Wow, Hank really does keep his house tightly." Spike said, seeing the house from the distance. Twilight nods her head in agreement, she sometimes couldn't believe it either, every time she visits him something new was added to his house. As they continue to pass by a few more tree's Spike immediately notices that something was not right.

"What's wrong Spike?" Twilight asks, noticing Spike's worried expression.

"Look!" Spike replies as he points at the front door of the house Twilight see's it too, she could see that the door was knocked down. Next she sees the broken window soon her heart begins to race.

"Something wrong!" Twilight said, she then rushes towards Hank's home. Spike tries to follow her but has a hard time catching up to her.

"Twilight wait up!" Spike yells, but Twilight ignores him and rushes father until she makes it inside.

Once she enters the house she sees the door on the ground. "Hank are you here?!" Twilight said, hearing no response. She looks in the kitchen, he wasn't there. Then she looks in the living room he wasn't there either, but she finds broken glass scatters all over the floor from the broken window. Fearing the worst she continues to look around the house to find Hank. After five minutes of searching she looks around outside to search for him.

"I hope he is okay..." Twilight thought to herself as she looks around his yard. Spike could see the worried expression on her face, he couldn't help, but slightly giggle by this. She slightly glares at Spike, but before she could say something they both hear a familiar sound.

"God Dang it!"

Soon Twilight and Spike rush over to find the loud cry. They circle around his house. They find Hank covered in some sort of black liquid he was angrily putting his tools away. He was slightly ranting about something.

"Hank!" Twilight said while walking towards him. Hank turns to see her and Spike approaching him. He was slightly embarrassed that he was covered in motor oil, but he acts though nothing was wrong.

"Oh...uhh... hey Twilight and Spike." Hank said while trying to sound as casual as possible. He then notices that she was cocking her head slightly. "What?"

"What happened to you?" Twilight asks, wondering what was this stuff on him. While she was looking at him Spike notices that the black liquid was dripping on the floor he decides to taste it. He immediately spites it out, tasting the foulness of it.

Hank's cheeks soon blush a red color. When the roof of his mower fell on him it also broke the pipe line to his engine which resulted in the motor oil spilling all over him. Too embarrassed he quickly comes up with a lie. "Well you see Twilight I was walking into my garage and then suddenly I step on a nail then in a state of pain I knocked over a can of motor oil and it spilled all over me." While talking he uses his magic to bring two rags to him and start wiping the oil off his face. "Yep it spilled."

Twilight observed Hank for a moment then she slowly nods her head no. "tsk,tsk,tsk, that was an awful lie Hank." She then looks up to him to see what his response would be, deciding that there was no point in keep the secret any longer he comes clean.

"How did you know?" Hank asks scratching the back of his head. Whenever he felt awkward he would always find comfort from scratching his head.

"Well..." Twilight as she walks by Hank and looks around his garage. She walks by the door where he had apparently came out of. "First off you said that you were walking into our garage is that correct?"

Hank slightly nods his head. Seeing his head nod Twilight continues. "Next you said that you stepped on a nail, so it would be impossible for you to step on a nail since you did not have any nails to begin with."

Hearing her statement Hank soon realizes how idiotic his lie was, he was also impressed that she was able to catch it so easily. While he was thinking over, Twilight continues.

She then walks across to the edge of the garage. "Thirdly, you said that you knocked over a can of motor oil on yourself." She then points at the shelf where he keeps all of his motor oil cans. "It's obvious that you didn't because you were across from them when me and Spike saw you and even if you walked across there should at least be a small trail of motor oil since it was literally dripping off you.

Hank looks at the floor and realizes that she was right. There was no way that he could have walked across to where he was standing without a trail of oil. Twilight continues. "And even if it was possible here is my big evidence." She then moves all fifteen cans of motor oil and shows him top. "You see all of them are sealed tight so even if you knocked them over it would be impossible for them to break open. I would have most likely hit your head or at least the can would have made a dent.

Hank could see as clear as day that the cans were not dented, he couldn't lie, because as far as his and Twilight's friends know he would never buy a dented can of motor oil, just like he would never buy a dented can of Alamo beer. After putting the cans back she walks over to his mower. "Finally...the most obvious evidence is the huge dent on the roof of your mower.

After a close examination Hank realizes that there was a huge face print of his hoof. "Wow...that was uhhh...informative." Cleaning most of the oil off his face Twilight notices that there was still oil stains all over his mane. He looks over at mirror and gasps in great shock. He only has thirty minutes to get ready for work, but he has no time to clean off the motor oil. "Dang it, I'm gonna be late!"

"Don't worry, me and Spike can help you." Twilight said, tapping her hoof over his shoulder. Spike nods his head in agreement. She then use her magic to grab a large barrel, a bucket, and some shampoo.

Being the private Stallion that he is terrified at the thought of some pony giving him a bath, let alone a girl. "U-uh that won't be necessary Twilight!" He tries to make a hasty retreat to his house but Twilight stops him as she lifts him up.

"Well you don't have time to clean up and fix the damages in your house so me and Spike are going to help you get clean." Twilight said, while Spike laughed slightly by Hank's scared expression as draws his bubble bath. She continues to pull Hank towards the bath barrel tub. He tries to use his magic to counter act hers, but fails miserably.

5 seconds later...

"Oh lord..." Hank moaned to himself as Twilight rubs soap on his mane while Spike tends to his hoofs.

Pinkie Pie sings merrily as she hops around while playing with Hank's flashlight. "Oh this thing is so awesome I can't wait to show it too...!" She stops talking when she notices Bill and Applejack.

She happily hops towards them to see how her friends were. "Hiya guys!"

"Oh Pinkie Pie." Applejack said as she tries to wake Bill up from the bottle that made contact with his head earlier.

"What's wrong with Bill?" Pinkie Pie asks, looking at him curiously at this huge pink bump that was growing out of his head. She pokes at it with the flashlight before Applejack stops her.

"Bill got hit in the head with bottle." Applejack explains, pointing the empty bottle. "I tried to wake him up, but he hasn't moved a muscle."

"Hmmm...Let me take a look!" Pinkie Pie said. She quickly dashes home and comes back in a dress in a doctors uniform. "Dr. Pinkie Pie is here!"

"Uhhh...Pinkie Pie I think we outta take him to a-" Applejack said before Pinkie Pie places her hoof over Applejack's mouth.

"Silence! I'm examining my patient!" Pinkie Pie replies before begging she first checks Bill's blood pressure. "Hmm...I see!"

Next she places here ear over his chest to hear his heart beat. After a few seconds she removes it and writes on her clipboard. "Oh of course, of course!"

Applejack looks at Pinkie Pie with both a strange and curious look as she opens Bill's mouth and uses her flashlight to look inside. "Ahhh!"

After looking she closes his mouth and writes more on her clipboard.

"Well after my examination I have concluded..." Pinkie Pie said, pulling off her doctor glasses and white mask.

"Concluded what?" Applejack asks, seeing what her opinion is.

"That he should brush his teeth more!" Pinkie Pie replies as she removes her doctor uniform and puts it in her bag. "P-U!"

"Pinkie Pie, we were suppose to try and wake him up!" Applejack said, Pinkie Pie looked at her for a minute finally realizing this she bob's herself in head.

"Oh yeah, I forgot!" Pinkie Pie said, once again she rushes home to put away her bag. She comes back, this time however she carries a mega phone. Applejack tries to stop her, knowing what happened last time.

"Wait Pinkie Pie don't!"

"WAKE UUUUPPPPP!" Pinkie Pie screams from the top of her lungs. This sonic boom was so loud that even the animals in the forest could hear.


"What the god dang was that?!" Cotton asked himself as he was pulling a wagon full of apples into the barn. Unfortunately the loud noise was enough to pop the wheels off. Soon all of the apples spill off from the wagon.

"Oh come on!"

While Cotton tries to fix the wagon, coming out of the woods a young unicorn appears out of the blue carrying two large baskets of apples. She is pale blue with a green shade over her. Her light purple mane with green highlights was short but her long tail flows majestically trough the wind. There was true beauty in this unicorn, but...

"Jeez what in the Celestia was that?!" The unicorn said shaking her head to regain her hearing. She picks her ears with her golden brass hoof. "Ah, my ears are ringing more than the time I got hit in the head with a-"

She stops her ranting when she notices Cotton hammering the wheel on his wagon with his hoof. She grins evilly as she puts down her basket and crawls down to sneak up on him. Once she gets close enough she springs her surprise.

"Tojo!" She shouted loudly.

"Ahhh!" Cotton screams, surprised by her loud shout. Soon he loses his grip and the wheel breaks off again, causing all of the apples to spill over again. He grunts as he turns his head to see the unicorn on the ground laughing. He glares angrily as he approaches her. "Damn it Southpole you scared the crap out of me!"

"I-I-I'm sorry Cotton...But I couldn't help it!" Southpole said trying to regain her composer. She breaths heavily as she stands up again. "Oh man you should have seen your face!"

Cotton face soon heats up from that embarrassing moment. He snarls loudly before returning to fixing the wagon. Southpole slightly giggles before returning to her baskets. Just as she was about to pick them up she feels something hit her. She turns to see that Cotton had just slapped her flank with his right hoof.

"Heh, yea work off that flank of yours wife." Cotton said with a large grin on his face. He then quickly runs off, leaving the wagon behind.

Southpole cheeks soon become a wild blush of red. Not one to show her emotions she couldn't help but feel a slight sense of happiness. No other colt has been brave enough to approach her like that. Most colts from her hometown in Filliedelpha were always afraid of her, giving that her reputation for being one of the most aggressive pony boxers.

When she moved to Ponyvile after a incident occurred, she quickly found a small part time job working for Apple Jack in her ranch, thanks to the recommendation by her best friend who happens to be one of Apple Jack's relatives and that's when she first met Cotton, but before she could think of those memories she quickly replaces it with an angry expression as she just realizes that he has touched her.

"Cotton you perverted midget son-of-a-pony!" Southpole shouts as she quickly dashes after him. Any other normal unicorn could easily use magic to catch him, but since her horn was snapped off she couldn't use her magic, so she relied on her athletic nature to catch up with him.

Cotton see's her coming and soon changes direction and charges towards her with a grin on his face."Alrighty Poler express let's see if you can take me on!"

Southpole hears his challenge and she soon picks up her pace, while running her flank exposes her Bronzed brass cutie mark. She grins happily as well as the two prepare for a fight.

"You're on hubby!"


As if by the grace of Celestia the loud sonic manage to revive Bill, he quickly stands and his back legs and gives a salute. "Sergeant Bill Dola-" But he quickly notices that he is not in the army base.

"Huh, where am I?" Bill looks around to see where he was. He first see's Applejack in a dazed look then he turns to see Pinkie Pie.

"I knew it would work!" Pinkie Pie screeches as she hops around happily. Once Applejack regains her hearing she response to Bill's question.

"You got hit in the head with a bottle!"

Bill feels the bump on his head and realizes that she was right. "Oh...Ow you right...Wait a minute!"

Bill checks his watch on his right hoof and cheeks the time. "Oh no, I'm gonna be late!" In that moment he immediately dashes off without another word.

"Wait Bill, what about my stuff?!" Applejack yells, forgetting that he was still carrying the bags with him.

"I'll bring them back to your house later!" Bill yells out before disappearing from view. Applejack and even Pinkie Pie look at Bill with a confused expression.

After an hour of drinking from the lake Dale finally emerges from the water. His mane and tail was soaked in water. As he tries to regain his breath he looks up in the sky and see's Rainbow Dash flying down. She was still laughing after washing her mouth from special apple cider.

"Oh man Dale I can't believe you fell for that!" Rainbow Dash said, Dale momentarily glares at her before he wipes water from his mane.

"It's not funny!" Dale said as he squeezes his hat to get it dry. Then he quickly notices that something was missing. He looks inside his hat, but finds nothing. In a state of panic he shakes his whole body around to see if it was stuck inside his mane or tail. Still no dice as he fails to find them. "Where is, where is it, oh man!"

Rainbow Dash is confused by Dale's weird ranting. "Dude your alright?"

Not paying attention to Rainbow Dash question Dale glances over at the lake he has just came out of. What he saw floating in the water puts him in a great deal of shock. "My cigarettes!" He quickly flies up in the air and dives into the lake and creates a huge splash. The splash hits Rainbow Dash causing her whole body to get soaked. Before she could express her anger she notices how crazy Dale is getting so instead she dives in to get him.

"Dale, calm down!" Rainbow Dash yells to get his attention. She wraps her front legs from under Dale's front legs and tries to pull him out, Dale refuses to be dragged away.

"Noooo!" Dale screams as he watched his cigarettes beginning to sink in to the depths of the lake. Rainbow Dash her hold on Dale looked tight so he moves his back legs franticly. Then with all her might she pulled in Dale out of the lake.

"I...said...stop!" Rainbow Dash yells as she pulls him out. The two Pegasus continued to fumble until they made complete halt. "Ow...my head, Dale you id-" She stops in the middle of her sentence when she notices that his sunglasses were knocked off.

Dale breaths heavily from his dramatic state. When he opens his eyes he suddenly notices three things. One his sunglasses were not on. Two he was lying on top Rainbow Dash with his front hoofs pinning her down and three...Her cheeks were flushing a brigh pink color. Soon he's cheeks flushed a red color both embarrassed and surprise by the predicament they were in.

"What am I doing?!" Rainbow Dash thought feeling her cheeks warming up. She could not understand why, but every time she looks into his eyes with out sunglasses she would always tremble. In her mind they were the most beautiful shade of brown eyes that sparkle in the day light. Next from the position that he and she were in she felt a strange feeling of happiness when ever Dale took charge. Just thinking of it, she suddenly begins to breath heavily by this.

"D-Dale..." Rainbow Dash murmured finally able to get the word out of her mouth.

Dale takes a hard gulp having this awkward thumping noise in his chest. The two Pegasus's eyes remained locked on each others as they continued to stare. Then without noticing Dale slowly leans his face towards her's. As water was dripping off his mane and to her cheeks she unknowingly lean her head towards his as well. Then just as there face's were about to collided in a passionate kiss...


Dale quickly looks up and Rainbow Dash gets up on all four legs. They see Kahn running towards them with great speed. Once he stops he tries to regain his breath; as sweat was dripping down from his face.

"Woah Kahn are you okay?" Rainbow Dash asks confused by why he was running so fast. Kahn continues to breath heavily for a minute before he resumes talking.

"No!" Kahn yells, waving his hoofs out dramatically. Before she could reply he quickly turn to Dale. "Gribble you got to help me!"

"With what?" Dale asked as he grabs his sunglasses and puts them back on. As Kahn begins to explain they notice that Fluttershy has just arrived towards them.

"Oh there you are Kahn..." Fluttershy said, she then looks at him strangly seeing how horrified Kahn looked. Next time she see's Angel tied around his back. "Umm if you don't mind me asking but why is Angel tied around your back?"

Kahn was to embarrassed to admit that he couldn't get Angel to come quietly, so he quickly comes up with a lie. "Uh well Angel looked tired from long time outside so I deiced to carry him on my back and to make sure he wouldn't fall, I tied a rope around him so he wouldn't fall off. Then Kahn puts on a fake smile to show Fluttershy that he was telling the truth.

Dale and Rainbow Dash glance at each other, both were curious to see if she would actually believe that story. Angel slightly grin evily at the nervous unicorn, there was no way Fluttershy was going to believe him.

"Oh that's sweet of you." Fluttershy said. Angel was bugged eyed when he heard those words. Kahn breathes a sigh of relieve that his lie worked, he did not want to go through 'the stare' again. "But next time you don't need to tie him around your back, he's a good boy he wont fall off and..."

While Fluttershy was talking and untying Angel from his back, Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes, knowing that this was typical Fluttershy to be so trusting of others. Dale leans over to Rainbow Dash's ear.

"Your friend seems kind of...well she's seems like a airhead." Dale whispers, unknowingly Fluttershy glances over to them, wondering what they were whispering about.

"What are you talking about...um if you don't mind me asking?" Fluttershy asks, cocking her head slightly.

"Oh-uh...it's nothing!" Rainbow Dash response immediately, wiping away the small laugh from Dale's joke. To make sure Dale doesn't say anything she stomps on his right hoof. "Isn't that right Dale?"

"Ow-I mean yes, yes it's nothing." Dale said, blowing on his stomped hoof. They looked at Fluttershy to see if she would believe them.

"Oh, Okay then..." Fluttershy responds, during the awkward moment she looks over at Kahn who had a horrified look on his face. " Are you okay?"

She couldn't see but Kahn could see the yellow ember eyes that he saw earlier today. He slowly backs away until he stands next to Dale.

"G-G-G-Gribble look..." Kahn whispers nervously. Dale stares at him, confused by his shaking body. Rainbow Dash glances over as well, wondering why he was. "It's here..."

"What i don't see anything." Dale said as he looks around. He looks to his left, then to his right, he looks around the sky to see what he was talking about.

Kahn is soon frustrated by Dale's stupidity. He grabs his head and moves it towards to where Kahn was looking. "You hillbilly moron, there!"

Once Dale could get a clear vision he sees it as well. Soon he begins to tremble by the sight of those yellow ember eyes. As it approaches closer to them Dale could see more of it. The yellow ember eyed creature had a grey color skin, it's mane and tail were yellow as the sun. The creature just continues to approach them, as though...as though as a puppet. Before Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy could ask what they saw. Dale and Kahn see the creature expand its wings.

"Save yourselves!" Dale screams, pushing Kahn and Rainbow Dash out of the way and running as far away as he can. Soon Kahn follows him; he trips a little before running off with great speed. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy stare at the two cowardly colts running away before they turn their attention to the thing they were so scared off.

"Hi guys!" The grey pony said. It didn't take long before the girls could tell who it was.

"Hey Derpy." Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy said in a unison. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but laugh at what the boy's were scared and neither could Angel.


"There now you look better." Twilight said, putting the finishing touches by combing Hank's mane while Hank was using his magic to move the tools, that she brought him earlier, to fix the door.

"Well I appreciate the assistance Twilight and all in five minutes." Hank said complementing on her fast, but careful way of helping him. "But you didn't need to comb my mane."

Once she finish's she puts the comb back in his drawer. Hank hops off from his chair as he goes to his nightstand and grabs his keys. While doing so Twilight continues to talk. "Oh it's no problem at all."

Next Hank goes in his closet to look for his work tie after a few minutes of searching he finally pulls out his blue tie. Twilight glances in his closet, she could see that his whole closet was nothing but blue ties.

"Boy, you sure do like wearing blue ties." Twilight said. Hank was putting on his tie while using his magic to put in the new window, once that was finished he turns his attention to Twilight.

"Well it's important that my customers recognize me, as manager of Cutie Propane it's important that I dress appropriate, including my worker's." Hank explains while he and Twilight head outside.

Going through the back of the house the two unicorns continued to walk until they stopped at the peak of the hill from below they could see the whole town of Ponyvile from the hill top Hank could see his store. It wasn't the largest building but it was something that he could call his own, he was surprised that it has already been almost a year since he established his store. Seeing ponies already lined up with empty propane tanks strapped to their backs almost brings a tear to his eye.

"You must be proud to see your business becoming a huge success?" Twilight said, seeing they happy look on his face.

"Ah-well it was nothing all I did was bring a clean and efficient fuel to the ponies so they could enjoy there food." Hank said, slightly blushing by her question.

"Well in any case I'm glad that you have found a way to use your talents to help others." Twilight said as she looks up at Hank while he was still looking down in Ponyvile. Seeing his well groomed mane and tail his confident face expression, she couldn't help but blush slightly by this. "So...um Hank."

He looks down at Twilight. "Yes Twilight?" Hank asked.

She slightly digs a small hole in the ground, not sure if this was the right time to him or tell him. After all this time she still cared for Hank, but she wasn't sure if he completely moved on from his life on Earth. She thought maybe he still needs more time to heal but then she thought that if he has already moved on then he could start taking interest in other ponies besides her. Afraid of that possibly she decides to go for it, but plays it cool.

"When you finished with work...do you...um...well if your not busy after... perhaps maybe you and I could-"

"Hank!" A scream shouted from out of nowhere. Both Hank and Twilight turn to see who's yelling, soon they see Kahn and Dale running towards them.

"What the -" Hank said, before he could responds fully he then notices Bill running towards him as well.

"Hank!" Bill shouts from the top of his lungs. Knowing what will happen next Hank pushes Twilight out of the way as the three colts soon collided into him. The force was so strong that it causes them to fall down the hill.

"Hank!" Twilight shouts watching as he and his friends rolling down the hill.

Hearing he loud cry Spike rushes outside to check what was going on. "Twilight what's wrong?!" It didn't take long for him to see what was going on.

While Twilight and Spike were watching the colts continued to roll down. Since they collided together they some how managed to form into a large ball of ponies.

"Oh, I'm getting dizzy!" Dale yells.

"This all your fault Gribble!" Kahn yells as his shoes slipped off from his hoofs.

"Me?!" You were the one who ran to me screaming for help!" Dale replies as head made contact with the ground. "And if anything it's Bill's fault, his fat flank was the one who pushed us down the hill!"

Bill hears this and soon gets angry. "Hey I stopped, you were the one who pushed all four of us down hill."

"Oh blame the blamer, very mature!" Dale replies.

The three Stallions continued to argue until Hank had finally had enough of there fighting. As best he could he manages to concentrate his magic long enough to pull out four large pieces of bark. While the four pieces were sliding down towards them he then uses his magic to levitate Bill, Dale, and Kahn up in the air and places them in their own individual piece of bark. Hank continues to fumble downhill for a moment, until the moment was right. Once he lands forward he presses his front legs to push himself far enough to land on his piece of bark.

Every pony was now sliding down on a piece of bark. Kahn had a difficult time holding on, not used to not wearing shoes. Dale easily gets the rhythm, does a few mid-aIr moves whenever he spots a small hill simply smiles as he simply sits on his while maneuvering his board. Hank simply stands on his back hoofs, bending them slightly. He didn't care to do tricks or some looks, he simply slides down the hill as a calm wave in the ocean.

"Hey guys!" Bill shouted, the others turn to Bill as he was making his way towards them. "I feel a song coming on!" Dale and Kahn glance at each other and grin evilly as if they were in an agreement by it, but Hank thought otherwise. Even though secretly his singing has improved tenfold since coming here, but still he still didn't like to sing out loud.

"No Bill, no singing!" Hank shouts, but he is ignored. Soon the flow of, the music starts to flow in Bill's, Dale's, and Kahn's blood. Bill quickly slides over and grabs a large branch, next he pulls few spider webs. Bill ignores the complains from the spider he stole the web from and manages to create a guitar after a few small toning to it he returns to the other colts and prepares to play.

Dale and Kahn start off by stomping there hoofs on their board to immediate as drums, before Hank could protest it was too late and soon the others begins to play...

Bill: Whooo umm yeah...

Hank Tries to block the music by covering his ears, but it fails to work as the flow of the music soon enters his body. As much as he tries to fight it he knew there was only one way to fully escape those breaths a heavy sigh before turning the Bill.

"Bill hand me the guitar." Hank mutters. Bill smiles brightly at Hank as he hoofs him the guitar. Soon Hank starts playing and then...

Hank: Life's like a road that you travel on

When there's one day here and the next day gone

Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand

Sometimes you turn your mane back against the wind

There's a world inside this darkened door

Where blues won't haunt you anymore

Where the ponies are free and the Pegasus's soar

Come ride with me to the distant shore

We won't hesitate

To break down the garden gate

There's not much time left today

Bill/Dale/Kahn: Life is a highway

I wanna ride it all night long

If you're going my way

I wanna drive it all night long

Slowly Hank picks up the tempo as he starts to sing a bit louder.

Hank: Through all these Equestrian cities and all these towns

It's in my blood and it's all around

I love you now like I loved you then

This is the road and these are the hoofs

Bill joins him as he slides next to him.

Hank/Bill: From Appleloosa to those Manehattan nights

From The Hollow Shades to the Las Pegasus lights

Hank: Knock me down get back up again

You're in my blood

I'm not a lonely colt

There's no load I can't hold

Road so rough this I know

I'll be there when the light comes in

Just tell 'em we're survivors

Bill/Dale/Kahn: Life is a highway

I wanna ride it all night long

(Bill: Whooo)

If you're going my way

I wanna drive it all night long

(Dale/Kahn: all night long)

Bill: Gimme gimme gimme gimme yeah

Bill/Dale/Kahn: Life is a highway

I wanna ride it all night long

(Kahn: umm yeah...)

If you're going my way

I wanna drive it all night long

(Dale/Kahn: all night long)

As the four Stallions sing they see a large hill ramp that could possibly take them at least 54 feet up in the air, but they didn't care. Not even Hank was concerned about it. He then slower his singing tempo as they were reaching towards the ramp.

Hank:There was a distance between you and I

(Bill/Dale: between you and I)

A misunderstanding once

But now we look it in the eye


Soon they ascend 54 feet up in the air, from there they could see all of Ponyvile so brightlyas the sun touches down in there new home.

Hank: There ain't no load that I can't hold

Road so rough this I know

I'll be there when the light comes in

Just tell 'em we're survivors!

Then the colts make a hard landing on the ground as they contiued to slide down.

Hank/Bill/Dale/Kahn: Life is a highway

I wanna ride it all night long

(Bill: all night long...mmmm Yeah!)

If you're going my way

I wanna drive it all night long

Dale/Kahn: Gimme gimme gimme gimme yeah

Hank/Bill/Dale/Kahn: Life is a highway

I wanna ride it all night long

(Bill: all night long...mmmm Yeah!)

If you're going my way

I wanna drive it all night long

Dale/Kahn: Gimme gimme gimme gimme yeah

Hank/Bill/Dale/Kahn: Life is a highway

I wanna ri-


"Look out!" Dale said. The colts looked up and see that they were already in Ponyvile and they were about to hit Rarity's store they try to stop, but it was too late, knowing that they will crash into her store. Just as Rarity prepares to open her doors she could see Hank, Bill, Dale, and Kahn heading towards her with great speed, she quickly panics and tries to block there way but it later prove on to fail miserably.

Rarity: Noooo!

Kahn/Dale/Bill: Ahhhh!

Hank: Bwwwwaaaahhhhh!

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