• Published 3rd Nov 2013
  • 7,473 Views, 81 Comments

Rise of the Dark Queen - Black Kyurem

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are framed for an accident and Fluttershy mysteriously vanishes after escorting them to Applewood.

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Chapter 2: Legendary Mark Crusaders

"Young mare," snarled Applejack. "What in the blazes were you three doin'?!"

"We were just on our way to see Zecora hopin' to get some advice on how to get our cutie marks," replied Apple Bloom, nervous from being under the cold glare of her elder sister's angry face.

"And what did ah tell y'all about goin' near the Everfree Forest?! You brought those Timberwolves straight into Ponyville! Look at all the damage they did!" No one in Ponyville looked too happy with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, believing them to have led the Timberwolves out of their territory.

"If you wanted to go see Zecora, you should have asked to bring along an adult for supervision," said Twilight.

"But those Timberwolves were lyin' in wait right there," insisted Apple Bloom. "It probably wouldn't have mattered."

"Applejack," said Fluttershy in her usual soft-spoken voice. "I'm sure it wasn't their fault."

"How can you say that?" said Applejack. "You know Timberwolves don't just come barrelin' into Ponyville fer no reason. Somethin' drew them out. And these three fillies were right near the forest outskirts. It all adds up."

"Ah wouldn't go thinkin' like that if ah were you, Applejack," said Granny Smith. "It's true that Timberwolves don't just decide on goin' to Ponyville to prey, but they don't exactly hang around the outskirts waitin' fer unfortunate trespassers. Why, if this were true, ain't no one would even be able to set foot in the Everfree Forest, not even to see Zecora for a cup o' tea."

"Well, who else could have possibly agitated those Timberwolves?"

"Ah don't know, but ah reckon fillies would never have the guts to stand up to a Timberwolf and drive it berserk and certainly not li'l Apple Bloom!"

"Are you kidding me?!" snarled Rainbow Dash. "We all know just how much trouble this threesome has been getting themselves into! They probably wanted their cutie marks for teasing a Timberwolf or something. Cutie Mark Crusaders, Timberwolf Teasers." Scootaloo was aghast that her hero, Rainbow Dash, would think ill of them and assume they were nothing but troublemakers.

"Dashie, how could you?!" said Fluttershy, raising her voice. "These sweet little angels... they'd never..."

"How do you know, Flutters?" asked Dash. "You babysat for them once and I heard they caused you trouble then."

"That was before I got it sorted out."

"Just face it, Fluttershy," said Rarity. "Sweetie Belle and her friends have done nothing but cause us trouble since they formed their little society. And I think we've been too easy on them and they took advantage of that." Sweetie Belle gasped in horror. She couldn't believe her ears! Her own big sister was against her for what could be an easy flat-out lie!

"You're making a mistake, Rarity," insisted Fluttershy. "I say the Cutie Mark Crusaders are innocent and that this was all an unfortunate mistake. So, um... who's with me?"

"Ah second that, Fluttershy!" said Granny Smith. "Now who else dares to blame my grandchild and her friends?" Suddenly, a tomato struck Apple Bloom in the face, splattering all over. It was Spike who had thrown the tomato.

"We've been too nice to you long enough!" he said.

"Why don't you three stooges just go away?!" shouted Amethyst Star. She and Golden Harvest were both holding tomatoes and they threw them, hitting Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in the face. Normally, Applejack and Rarity probably would have acted against this, but everyone in Ponyville, save Fluttershy and Granny Smith, were just so furious that they refused to take any other excuses nor did they feel sorry.

"Go take your antics somewhere else!" shouted Golden Harvest. Soon, the three fillies were on the run, having mud, tomatoes, and sticks being thrown at them. Even Big Macintosh was assaulting them! There was no time for them to explain, so they took off for Ponyville's nearest exit. While the Cutie Mark Crusaders were getting mobbed, Fluttershy and Granny Smith started up a heating argument with their friends.

"This is wrong!" snarled Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, how can you side with them?!" demanded Twilight. "Do have any idea what they've done to us in the past?! And after we forgave them, they go and do this! They're just taking advantage of us!"

"There's no way it could have been them," insisted Fluttershy.

"You know," said Rainbow. "If this is how things are, then maybe you should just go and hang out with them instead of us. You're just being too kind." Rainbow's words stung Fluttershy hard and brought tears to her eyes, but she faced Rainbow defiantly.

"Well... maybe..." she rebuffed. "Maybe... if you insist on blaming those innocent fillies without any proof... then... maybe... you're not really my friends!" Rainbow gasped as Fluttershy ran off in tears.

"Applejack," said a sour Granny Smith. "You're gonna be seriously regrettin' this, young mare. You too, Big Mac. Why if y'all were younger, you'd be in very big trouble. That was your little sister you rained down on. Ah hope yer happy, cuz until this whole mess blows over and you come to yer senses, ah ain't speakin' to either of you! Now git back to the farm and haul yer butts to work!" Applejack and Big Macintosh did as they told and they didn't receive one kindly eye from Granny Smith.

"Ah can't believe this!" cried Apple Bloom, looking back at the dozens of ponies shaking their hooves at the Cutie Mark Crusaders like angry mobs.

"It's not fair!" sobbed Sweetie Belle. "Somepony is out to get us!"

"And it's all because we don't have our cutie marks," snarled Scootaloo.

"What are we gonna do?" asked Sweetie Belle, her voice now shaking with fear.

"We've been chased out of Ponyville and we got nowhere to go!" Apple Bloom added on. "Even our own sisters hate us!"

"I can't believe I was wrong to look up to Rainbow Dash," pouted Scootaloo. "She's such a jerk for not believing us." They all sighed.

"To think," murmured Apple Bloom. "Our day was goin' so well too..."

"Girls!" Fluttershy called out to the fillies and caught up to them.

"Fluttershy!" said Sweetie Belle. "Thanks for believing us."

"Of course I do," said Fluttershy. "I just couldn't believe Ponyville was acting so irrational."

"Well," said Scootaloo. "We can't go back to Ponyville now."

"But where will we go?" asked a worried Sweetie Belle. That's when Apple Bloom noticed a billboard sign out of the corner of her eye.

"Hey, y'all!" she said to the others. "Over there!" So Fluttershy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders read the bulletin.

Everypony earns their cutie mark, which represents their destinies, but what if a cutie mark could earn a special pony?

That's right! Somewhere in Equestria, there are three unique cutie marks different from the others, known as 'legendary marks', waiting for the right pony to acquire them. Do you have what it takes to be one of three lucky ponies? Come to Applewood, home of our movie studios and become a movie star! By discovering your acting talents, you will be led to branch out and solve many different challenges in real life through special training, and perhaps a legendary mark will seek you! Be the envy of all other ponies and earn a legendary mark today!

Fluttershy was surprised at this odd bit of info, but as for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, their eyes lit up. They believed that a golden opportunity had come at last!

"Three special cutie marks!" exclaimed Apple Bloom.

"Oh my gosh!" cried Sweetie Belle. "What if we could be those three lucky ponies?"

"What are we waiting for?!" said Scootaloo with excitement. "Let's go to Applewood right now! From this day forward, we won't just be Cutie Mark Crusaders! We will be..."

"Legendary Mark Crusaders!" they all said at once.

"Um, girls?" said Fluttershy, as they started to go. "You don't find this a bit... strange? It just... doesn't sound... right... You know... three marks... three of you... Doesn't it sound... Girls?" Fluttershy then started to trot after them. "Um... okay. I'll come too."