• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 12,074 Views, 356 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Brand New Universe - Chatoyance

The Anniversary Day for The Conversion Bureau Genre is celebrated with new visions of the concept!

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Bonus: The TCB Cartoon Collection!

TCB Cartoons



I was kind of wondering what kind of cartoons would exist in magazines like 'The New Yorker', if such still existed, in the age of the Conversion Bureaus. I imagine they would be available on the public kiosks, over the hypernet. Probably even a romball edition for the twopers with jobs.

I remembered that I am a cartoonist, so... I made a number of such cartoons in roughly the style of such magazine entries. I hope you will get a kick out of these future New Yorker cartoons.

Oh - as a note, in general, New Yorker style cartoons are almost always either about sex, or they are put-downs. I have kept that thematic issue intact. For realism.

An early effort became a caption contest, in which was submitted a brilliant comic by Balthasar999, which is included here along with mine.

So, without further ado, here is The TCB New Yorker Style Cartoon Collection!
