• Published 12th Nov 2013
  • 950 Views, 26 Comments

A Bit of a Problem - LunaTheFox

When some of Applejack's deepest insecurities surface, she sends her relationship with Rainbow Dash into disarray.

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Comments ( 26 )

And here it is. After promising a multi-chapter fic for, I dunno, the past year or so, I've finally delivered (no, those other ones don't count, as I had never intended to write additional chapters for any of them, and they suffered for it). It may only be one chapter right now, but I'm not gonna leave you guys hangin'. I've got a solid outline, plenty of notes, and time to actually write! :ajsmug:

If you can figure out what's going on, I'm open to better title suggestions.

Jake told me to give you love.

Bookmarked for latet reading.


Oh come on! Read it now! You know you want to...!

... says the guy going to bed as he writes this. Night y'all! :ajsmug:

What's a night without a little sleeplessness due to pony fics? :pinkiecrazy:

Posting during breaks between classes. No time to read now.

P.S. Sleep is for the weak.

Alrighty. I'll track it then. Dunno why AJ's freaking out over the simple cost/benefit of farm equipment purchases though.

If X (price of object) is less than Y (Profit potential of object) then you buy. Seems simple to me. Ain't calculus.

I'm gonna keep you guessing for aboooout... five chapters. Although now that I look at that again, maybe that is a bit long to wait. Hmm... decisions, decisions.

3476988 ... That's very interesting... Re-examining story...

"She's fine. Had a lot of shows lately that I haven't been able to go see, 'cause of the harvest and all, but I hear she's just been gettin' better." Applejack sighed. "She always comes home with a big smile and a bunch of fan letters. That featherbrained pony sure does love the attention of it all. Oh, and she brings in some money for the farm, too."

... Pride isn't useful, AJ.


Pride isn't useful, AJ.

I cannot confirm nor deny the accuracy of that. :rainbowderp:

3476300 last night, the night before that, and that. And so on.


:rainbowhuh: Sorry Krazy, but this Brony needs his shuteye and he needs it now. (A few hours late, I guess. Couldn't resist.)

This is a good premise but if its going to have some focus on Twirilee then I pass i dislike most Twilight ships so don't take it personally.:pinkiehappy: In fact I don't like any secondary ships in an AppleDash story that doesn't involve one of my favorite characters and everyone knows who that is....:scootangel:

Mighty interesting, looking forward to seeing where this is going.

are you going to have any sort of update schedule?

Unfortunately not. I'll have them done when I have them done, but it's not going to be months between updates. It really all depends on how many days I get to write during the week. I aim for three, but generally get only one or two. It took around three weeks to complete the first chapter, but I also had family visiting from out of town for half of that, so I don't really have a good baseline for how long it actually takes to write a chapter. I'm definitely aiming for 2-3 weeks per update, but I make no guarantees whatsoever. I can theoretically write a chapter in a single day, but that gets tiring.

as long as it isn't a month and a half between updates, I'm fine

Shorter than that for sure.

Update soon? I like where this story is going.:pinkiehappy:

Soonish! I've got a lot to do on my TwiJack contest fic and that'll take until Thursday evening, after which I'll start on the next chapter of this.

*cough* it's already been a month and a half *cough*

I hadn't taken holidays into account. Sorry. :applejackconfused:
That was a good 2 weeks where I got nothing done there.

now it's been 15 weeks

that's a lot of weeks:fluttershysad:

I know. :pinkiesad2:
I've been working 12-16 hours a day and hardly have time to do anything. I'm really trying to reclaim some of that so I can get back into writing. I've hopefully cleared up enough time to get back to the coffee shop this week and write more.

Hey, real life happens sometimes. I actually had to drop out of the fandom for a bit when life got really intense. Now I'm taking the time to catch back up (oh lordy me all the episodes >.>) ; I'm sure you'll find a way :-)

In the meantime, I do like the concept, but as of now it's still nowhere in terms of plot. I trust that you'll fix that up.

Good work! Don't get bogged down! :raritywink:

then they didn't continue with the story?

I know, I'm sorry. Depression hit hard back then (and is still taking some hard-hitting swings these days), which makes writing nigh impossible. Above all else, I stopped liking the premise shortly after starting this one.

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