• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 5,968 Views, 39 Comments

The Mare Everyone Should Know. - JDunk1971

Rarity is the 'Guest of Honor' at a dinner party.

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Comments ( 37 )

Amazing work! don't feel bad about the down votes people tend to dislike things that gross them out. Keep on being awesome.

For any pony who does not know about the Equestria meats company you can read more about them here http://www.fimfiction.net/story/177647/equestrias-pony-meat-business#comment/4135309

You can order a pony or two while you're there.

Hmm. This is probably the most original idea I have ever heard. Damn, you're clever. Reading later. :raritywink::moustache::moustache::moustache:

You need a picture


Thank you; that's probably the safest Rarity cooking pic to use.

I had an idea for one, but it might be considered NSFW (Rarity after cooking).

How was this put in brutal rape? She seems pretty okay with it to me.


Rarity is still being snuffed; just without the violence and gore. The tags are there for those who want to be warned off of such subject matter.

I thought the 'vore' group was clear enough... :applejackunsure:


For some readers, it takes a little more warning.

*skims* Yep, the same as every fetish story of this sort from Furaffinity. And I do mean THE SAME. It's fetish formula without a single variation.

Just as banal and dull-witted as I've come to expect.

4136946 How many fetish stories have you read to expect a pony being cooked alive :derpyderp2:

4137619 I've been on Furaffinity for 14 years... I've seen everything multiple times.



man where did all these eating pony fics come from?.....

4138807 What do you mean? You mean like recently or all together?

4140184 recently , suddenly half the fics are about eating ponies.....

4141142 I'm responsible for at least two of those. I don't know if i'm responsible for more than that though, sorry if that isn't your interests :ajsleepy:

4141158 lol indeed i don't want to eat my ponies.....

and real wild horse slater is a pretty big problem....


but harvesting horse for a meat source bares no moral difference from the rest of the animals we or other cultures currently do that for either.....

4142601 Anyway the reason why there are so many pony eating fic is because of the vore fetish which is the fetish for consuming other intelligent beings, or being consumed by other intelligent beings.

4143181 im pretty sure vore and this classify as 2 different fetishes.....

4143810 I've been looking at vore art since I was 11. I am now 20. I've been looking at vore for over 9 years now. Heck, I liked the idea of vore before I even knew what sex was.

So you can trust me when I say there are several types of vore

1. Same size Vore: Two creatures of around the same size eating each other.
2. Micro-vore: A larger creature eating a smaller one. (i've seen it there other way around too)
3. Unbirth vore: The opposite of birth
4. Anal vore: I'd rather not say...
5. Cock vore: I... that looks like it hurts...
6. Cooking vore: This is cooking vore one creature preparing another to be eaten. (this is my favorite)
7. Absorbing vore: The victim melts into the predator.

They have two main groups:
Hard vore: Blood and gore all over the place, you'd better grab a mop.
Soft vore: no blood nor guts sometimes the creature being voted doesn't even die.

This fic falls in the soft cooking vore. (although spiting is borderline hard vore)

Again i'm sorry that we are kinda invading your space, fimfiction is a great place, but we can't change who we are.

Dude no post this to xnxx.com, this kind of vor is offputting.

4143998 yeah there you go , though pretty sure unbirth also can not count as vore , probably same for some of those others listed as well....

you're invading space?......

4147495 Oh thats interesting... Can I find more stuff like this on that website?

4162061 yeah, it has everything and anything you can imagine in forms of free stories, pics, and videos. just be careful, that site can be addictive, but it has almost every fetish.

4143998 absorption vire is a little bland, at least anal and unbirth vore have a kinky factor, being so unusual.

I have to admit, this story really turned me on :twilightblush:

What the Frak did I just read!?!


It's right there on the label.

5191515 I believe what he meant was WHY the frak did I read that.

I gave an up vote because Rarity was still in character, and adorable. And also because it reminds me humorously of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

4138364 Only Everything? What about Everything Else? That's the really disturbing stuff.

Linking directly to Mature rated fics is verboten. You should fix this before someone decides to get you taken down for a technicality.


The 'Also Liked' column also links directly to Mature fics; I don't see the problem.

It's retarded, but it's the rules. No linking to mature fics or NSFW content.

I had horse once it was at the schools
Cafeteria wasn't very good
Later we ate @ China King and a horse ran out of the kitchen

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