• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 1,218 Views, 12 Comments

Lunar Imperium - Slice141

6 years have passed since Darkstar and his family moved to the Imperium and much has changed. But as always, even when the light shines there is still darkness

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Chapter 3

(With the Equestrian battalion)

"Get another company over there now! We can't let them flank us, hold the line stallions! HOLD THE LINE!" The captain yelled at his soldiers, they had to buy time for reinforcements to arrive or Equestria was doomed.


He watched in awe when a company of strange pegasus slammed right in the middle of the massive army cutting swaths of ponies and griffons alike.




Captain Shield Shatter watched the chaos unfold in front of him while the strange pegasus from the Imperium killed everything in their reach.

As the battle drew to a close he saw the company of pegasus killing any left alive on the field that wasn't in Equestrian armor while helping any of the wounded off the field, as what looked like the leader of the company trotted up to him.

"Are you the one in charge of these stallions?" She asked making him shrink back a little in fear.

"Yes ma'am I am." He said getting a nod from her.

"You did well today captain, I am sister Helena of the 3rd company Strike Marines, of the Lunar Imperium. You and your stallions are very brave to take on such a force like this or very foolish, never the less the day is won captain and your reinforcements will be here shortly. My sisters and I have business elsewhere good day captain." She started walking over to one of her other comrades while Captain Shield plopped down just when a group of his stallions came up behind him.

"Wow those mares are awesome and hot! If this is the kind of mares the Imperium have sign me up." One said when they heard a snort behind them making them turn to see one of the sisters with a beaten stallion on her back.

"The likes of you could never get in or pass the Imperial Guard much less Brother Darks training. Take your wounded so I may join my sisters I have other battles to go to." She said while one of the other guards came and took his friend before watching the mare trot over to her sisters.

"She digs me." The stallions spoke getting a groan from his friends.

"Lets go sisters we are needed at the Crystal Empire." Helena spoke before her and her sisters took flight just when a division of Equestrian guards crested the hill and stopped looking at the destruction of the field along with the dead and wounded.

(Crystal Empire 2 days later)

Cadence was pacing back and forth through the throne room while her soldiers went to meet with the enemy. She had one division going to hit them head on while the other swept around to its left and right splitting in two ,during the cover of night hitting their flank whole the main force charged them. Right now she was waiting on her division commanders to respond to her.

"Well well well it looks like you actually got a army up and running HONEY!" Cadence turned to see Shining Armor along with Chrysalis standing there with a squad of Changeling with them.

"Well I may not have Equestria but I always did want to live in a real castle." Chrysalis said giving Cadence a fanged grin.

"Like I will let you just take my home!" Cadence growled charging up her horn getting into a attack position that Big Momma taught her.

"Fine I was hoping I wouldn't have to hurt you Cadence but I can see the time for talking is over." Shining stated making Cadence growl.

"Make it quick Shining my changelings have been out maneuvered by the Crystal Soldiers and the lines are quickly collapsing." Chrysalis said getting a nod from Shining.

"Sorry babe but this looks like the end for- SMACK!

"If your think I'm going down without a fight you are sadly mistaken Shining Armor!" Cadence said hopping from one hoof to another.

"You're going to regret that Cadence." Shining said charging at the princess and threw a punch only for her to sidestep it and throw him into the throne steps, hard.

Shining groaned and ran at Cadence again only for her to charge him as well both pulling back to deliver one hell of a punch, but Cadence disappeared flashing behind Chrysalis delivering one hell of a sucker punch to the queens face when she turned around sending her flying into a wall.

"That was for my wedding you bug." She said ducking under her ex-husbands sloppy punch and coming up with a powerful uppercut sending him once again flying.

"That was for allying yourself with this filth." She said smiling at her downed opponents before she was jumped by the squad of changelings that she forgot about.

Cadence let loose a powerful blast throwing the changelings off her and into the walls and floors cracking on impact. She could feel where one had stabbed her in the leg with a horn along with several cracked ribs, she was holding her side looking at Shining and Chrysalis with one eye while the other was swelling shut as they got up and stalked towards her.

"End of the road princess though I do admit it was a good fight." Shining said while they advanced on her.



Cadence watched as strange armored stallions crashed through the door smashing their way through the squad of drones and knocked the two aside.

"By order of the Empress you are to be shown no mercy for attacking her niece and all traitors are to be hanged so says the Empress of the Imperium." One stallions read off a scroll before putting it away.

"NOW MY BROTHERS ATTACK! KILL THESE INSECTS AND BRING THE COMMANDERS TO ME!" He roared while his soldiers jumped into battle crushing the squad of changelings while Shining and Chrysalis made their escape.

After the short battle Dark Star pulled his helmet off smiling down at Cadence.

"Dark Star?" She weakly stated rubbing a hoof across his face while he took hold of her hoof.

"Im here Cadence just stay with me ok? The doctor is coming." He assured getting a smile from her.

"What took you so long?" She laughed before hacking up some blood.

"Sorry had a delay at the station with some bugs before we got here." He smiled down at the princess.

"Now rest, captains orders. Don't worry about your forces I have mine that I brought with me going to help them now with the mop up." He said getting a sigh from the mare.

"Thank the maker and thank you Dark you're my hero." She said smiling getting a laugh from him just when the doctor came to look her over and took her away as his brothers came to him.

"Brother-Captain?" Dark turned and smiled at them.

"Good job brothers now head to the train station our job is done here, I will join you later once I'm certain the princess is no longer in danger and her forces get back." He stated getting a nod from his stallions.

"Very well Brother-Captain." He heard Solar say while leading the stallions out of the room and to the station.

(4 days later)

Cadence opened her eyes to see much to her surprise Dark Star sound asleep on her bed making her smile at the look of peace on his face just when a nurse walked in and smiled.

"Oh your highness your awake, I'm glad to see your ok." She whispered watching the mare reach out and run her hoof over the large stallions mane.

"He hasn't left your side since his stallions left to head back to the Imperium two days ago." She whispered.

"Really how long have I been down?" She asked while Cadence continued to run her hoof along his mane while the nurse checked her over.

"Four Days princess." She quietly stated looking over at the stallion.

"He didn't sleep till early this morning." She smiled at the shocked look on her face.

"Your so lucky to have such a special somepony, and from the Imperium at that. I wonder if all their stallions are like him." The nurse mused missing the blush on the princess face.

"Um no he's not my special somepony, he's a family friend." Cadence explained though never stopped her petting.

"Oh my apologies princess but the way you two are it just looks so touching." The nurse apologized.

"Its fine but we can only hope the stallions of the Imperium are like- She was cut off when he snuggled into her stomach.

"Mmm Pinkie."

Cadence smiled at the tired stallion while the nurse giggled and left the room. Once they were alone she looked over Dark and got a little blush at the defined muscle on the stallion lay on her stomach while she ran her hoof through his mane.

"Maybe in another life Dark." She whispered to herself feeling him pull her closer to him while a content smile came to his face.

(6 hours later)

Dark woke up expecting to find his pregnant wives laying down in their bed back in the Imperium but instead found it to be dark outside and he was snuggled up to the princess of love herself making him jump a little.

He slowly climbed out of bed with a practised ease and looked over the mare that had her back to him.

"Come on Cadence you got to wake up, everypony is worried about you." He whispered covering the mare up more so she wouldn't catch a chill.

"Captain Dark Star? Im glad you're awake, Princess Cadence woke up earlier this afternoon and she checks out. She's going to be ok." A doctor whispered behind him getting a nod.

"Very well I will have a few stallions guard her till she is better. I have no doubt that the traitors and the insect will try to assassinate her while she sleeps. I will double the guards." Dark said walking away and around the corner never seeing the evil smile on the doctors face as he walked towards the sleeping princess.

"Long live the hive." He said raising a dagger before bringing it down.


Cadence woke up hearing gagging sound only to see a doctor with a sword sticking out of his chest and a hoof on his mouth. She saw the doctor had a dagger in hoof about five inches from her head while Darks large hoof held the blade from killing her.

"You woke her you insect." She heard Dark Star growl and watched the sword push further out of his chest while she heard a muffled scream just when the doctor turned into a changeling making her gasp and roll out of bed. She watched Dark grab the changelings head with his magic and twist it with a sickening crack and let the body fall to the ground.

"Cadence are you- OOF!" Dark was cut off when Cadence ran into his chest crying after staring death in face twice after such a short time.

"Shhh its ok Cadence I got you." Dark said running his hoof down her mane trying to calm the sobbing mare down just holding her tight.

"I won't let anything happen to you Cade." He said making her snap her head up at him surprised, he hadn't called her that since before he left as a colt. He smiled down at her kissing her forehead.

"Im sorry Cade and I forgive you." He whispered in her ear making her cry harder and held him tight while he just pulled her into his lap after sitting down. They stayed like that for a little while before he led her away from the scene and had someone clean up the mess.