• Published 29th Jun 2014
  • 1,227 Views, 31 Comments

Long Road Home - BlackSkulls

Young Clara finds herself in a world vastly different from her own--and now all she'd like is to return back to it.

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Chapter 00

"And now, the Great and Powerful Trixie will amaze her audience with a spell that only the highest-level unicorns can master!"

A light pink magical aura held a book in its grip as the caster quickly flipped through to confirm she had the spell correctly. Once she was sure of herself, the book was placed on a nearby table as the unicorn turned to face her audience: a full-length mirror. Staring back at her was a mare, sky blue fur and a mane with alternating shades of light blue.

The caravan was smaller than the one she had nearly a year or so prior, she only had so many bits after being run out of Ponyville not once, but twice. And while working on the rock farm had been an experience, she longed to return to her true calling of being a showmare. A good portion of her funds had been used to build a new home for herself, a small bit for restoring several of her props, and the rest was for her to live on. While at first she missed her old caravan, with the built-in stage, comfortable living space, and memories, Trixie had grown accustom to the smaller, stage-less one she was currently living in.

Trixie's horn was surrounded in a pink aura once more, as she concentrated on the mirror before her. The spell, while complicated, she figured she could cast with efficiency if she practiced hard enough. Practice made perfect, after all. As the mirror became enveloped in her magic, she mentally envisioned a copy of herself stepping out of the mirror. If she succeeded, the duplicate mare would step out and be nothing but an extended part of the mirror itself. It wouldn't speak, but it would copy her movements until she did the secondary spell of sending it back within the reflective surface.

After several minutes of concentration, she was exhausted, being built for quick bursts of magic as opposed to long, drawn-out spells. She canceled her magic and slumped onto the wooden floor. Trixie was trying--oh how she was trying--yet even with the hours of practice each night she couldn't do many spells outside of her repertoire, even if her magic ability itself had grown. Yet, she had the confidence that she could do it. It was for the good of her show, after all.

Lavender eyes glanced at her bed and, deciding she was done for the night, retreated to the small futon. She crawled onto the mattress and lifted the blanket over her body, sighing as she let sleep take over.

The door opened to a bedroom, and through it stepped a young child clutching the arm of a brown bear in her small hands. She gently set the small stuffed animal on her bed, then proceeded to go through her drawers to pull out her pajamas out of the bottom shelf. At seven years old, Clara was small for her age, with hair a deep brown that reached the small of her back. Strands of hair covered her face as she dug through her clothes for her favorite set of pajamas--a yellow and white stripped dress, with frills along the top and bottom--and she stubbornly brushed them aside. She smiled as she found her prize, and quickly discarded of her dirty clothes to change into the night dress. She went to a small chest and grabbed a similar dress for her bear, dressing the toy to match.

Clara walked to her full-length mirror with her bear in one hand and a brush in the other. Like a good daughter, she brushed and braided her hair before she slept. She knew her mother would throw a fit if she woke up, her hair a tangled mess for her to fix. Clara sat in front of the mirror, bear in her lap and brush in hand, as she did her final routine for the night. She smiled to her reflection that smiled back, with her freckles and green eyes she loved so much about herself.

She blinked in confusion as the mirror's surface glowed for a split second. Curiosity taking over, she moved to her knees and leaned closer to the mirror. Seeing nothing strange, Clara pressed her palm against the mirror. While she expected for her hand to simply press against it, instead it sunk into the mirror, her fingers within the mirror itself. She let out a gasp and jerked her hand back, jumping to her feet. Her green eyes stared hard at her reflection, her hands balled into fists at her sides.

She glanced down at her feet where her teddy bear lied and she picked him up, never turning away from the mirror. Taking a tentative step froward, she pressed her hand against the surface again to meet with the same result. Slowly, Clara moved her arm forward until her entire forearm was on the other side.

Clara let out a gasp as she was forcibly sucked inside. Tried as she might to resist the mirror's pull, she was no match. Before her head was inside, she let out a cry in hopes of being saved.
