• Published 29th Jun 2014
  • 1,227 Views, 31 Comments

Long Road Home - BlackSkulls

Young Clara finds herself in a world vastly different from her own--and now all she'd like is to return back to it.

  • ...

Chapter 05

When Twilight gave the go-ahead to start their journey to Ponyville, Trixie wasted no time. She wanted to get out of Tall Tale as fast as possible. For days, nearly a week, she and Twilight had been exchanging letters and information. The plan that was decided and agreed upon was fairly simple: Trixie would send a daily update on their journey, and of Clara, and the next morning Twilight would return anything she's found out. In the time she and Twilight were exchanging letters, Trixie performed more shows for the citizens of Tall Tale, and bought the necessary items with her hard-earned bits before they left. Food that she and Clara could eat, pans and pots, and paper and quill, were among several other items now occupying the chest in the caravan. She was glad that for the duration of the trip that there wouldn't be a point that they had to forage for food.

Clara, for her part, was both sad about leaving the town of talking ponies yet excited that she would be returning home. Trixie had assured her that her friend would get everything sorted to send her home when they arrived in the other town. Soon, she would see her mother, her dog, her friends--everything familiar to her--again. The day she and Trixie trotted on the cobblestone streets out of the city, Clara watched as the buildings and the ponies slowly disappeared from view.

Once she could see the forest in view, Clara decided that it was safe enough that she could get some much-needed fresh air. Due to the fact that Trixie was moving at a steady speed--not too slow, not too fast--she was easily able to open the door and sit in the frame without threat of falling off. Her small legs dangled over the edge, swaying as the caravan moved. Stuffed bear in hand, Clara simply watched the trees as they passed by. After several minutes of admiring the world around her, Clara finally spoke up.

"How long do you think it will take before we get to your friend, Miss Trixie?"

Suddenly hearing the child's voice behind her caused Trixie to yelp in surprise, and she stopped with a lurch that caused Clara to fall off the caravan and onto the dirt path. The unicorn glanced over her shoulder to see Clara, face-down, slowly sit up and rub her face while she moaned in pain. She saw this as an opportunity to take a break, and she levitated the harness off her back before stretching out her legs.

"Come on, Clara. We might as well eat now. We're not going to stop until night comes, and Trixie refuses to miss out on a meal."

The caravan's stairs were lowered, Trixie's only destination being the chest where the food was kept. When she didn't hear the soft footsteps behind her, the unicorn glanced over her shoulder at Clara. She stood, head lowered, arms behind her back and looking as if she wanted to say something.

Trixie let out an exasperated sigh. "Aren't you going to eat, Clara?"

Clara looked up at Trixie, then around at her surroundings. She gave a small smile as she played with her braids as she did when she was nervous. "Do you think we can eat outside today, Miss Trixie? I've been inside the entire time and..."

Trixie held a hoof up to her chin as she thought. It was a beautiful day, mid-afternoon with the breeze cooling against the warm sun. While Trixie was able to be out-and-about, to walk in the open without fear that anyone would see her, Clara was not given that luxury. She was something new to Equestria, and thus she could not afford to be seen. Lest other ponies do something drastic in fear, or take the girl away to be researched, or even simply make the child fend for herself. While Trixie didn't really like the company of others, she wasn't so heartless that she wouldn't help anyone in need.

The recent events of the Alicorn Amulet had hammered that home. She did not like that she had simply gone for a grudge match, and ended up enslaving all of Ponyville. She wasn't even sure if she would be welcome... It wasn't something she wanted to think about.

Trixie shook her head to erase the tangent her thoughts had followed, and gave a nod to the girl. "Alright, we'll eat outside."

The chest opened, and out floated everything they needed: Bread, flowers, cheese, lettuce, two canteens, and a blanket. She hesitated as the blanket passed by her head. She had really bought it for Clara--along with a pillow--so the girl could at least be more comfortable during their journey. It was small and cheap, but no one deserved to sleep with a blanket covered in dirt. The blanket returned to its place, instead bringing out several purple starred capes to take its place.

I only really wear them for shows, getting them dirty won't hurt anypony.

Setting everything down, she and Clara sat down between and caravan and the stream and began their meal. The two ate their sandwiches in silence. Trixie was glad for a break, and Clara, to be outside. She happily munched on her substance-less sandwich. While Clara would normally have some sort of meat in her sandwich, Trixie explained that ponies don't normally stock meat unless they had a pet that called for it. So she had to make due with a cheese and lettuce sandwich.

"You didn't answer my question, Miss Trixie."

"Mm?" Trixie glanced at Clara as she sipped from her canteen.

"How long do you think it'll be before I see my mommy?"

She didn't know how to respond. Sure, she could tell her how long it would take from their present location to Ponyville, but once they reached the town limits it depended on another unicorn's capabilities. Trixie, as much as she would hate to admit it, was not powerful enough to handle the task. Twilight was the only other pony she knew--barring the Princessess--that could handle the task. All in all, the trip to Ponyville could take around a month if they moved fast, and perhaps even longer if the solution wasn't ready by their arrival.

Trixie gave Clara an unsteady smile. "Soon."

The two had gone another fifteen miles before they stopped. Five hours with little breaks, and Trixie's legs were aching. There were times that Clara walked along side the caravan, excitedly talking about her home life. Trixie occasionally answered questions about Equestria during these times, though it was mostly dominated by Clara's stories. She needed more things to tell Twilight in her next letter. She hoped the more-powerful unicorn would be able to pin point the dimension--if it was indeed another dimension--where Clara came from, and send her back based on what she's been told.

"Ugh, Trixie's legs are so sore!" She whined as she stretched out her fore and hind legs.

Clara hopped down from her perch on the caravan and moved in front of Trixie. Taking a hoof in her hands, she gently rubbed the unicorn's sore leg. "Mommy used to rub my arms or legs when they hurt. Same with my tummy and my head. She says it helps the pain, does it feel better Miss Trixie?"

Surprisingly, the gentle pressure against her hooves did make the pain feel a million times better. When Trixie smiled, Clara returned the smile, and lifted the other foreleg to give it the same treatment. When all her legs no longer felt as though she would fall over when she stood, Trixie lowered the stairs to the caravan.

"We're gonna have something different to eat, I'm sure you're tired of having sandwiches. Trixie needs a change every few days."

There was a sound like several items being pushed around in an enclosed space, when Trixie called Clara into the caravan. She saw Trixie, grinning, holding a pan, two bowls, two spoons, and a can of beans in her telekinetic grip. The girl frowned. She was never a fan of beans. Yet her grumbling stomach told her that she had to eat them anyway.

"You stay here," Trixie told Clara as she set the things down onto the desk, "Trixie is going to get firewood. If you think you hear somepony coming, you hide under the blanket and don't move. Got it?"

Clara nodded and watched Trixie leave, the door closing behind her. Minutes later when she heard the shuffling of feet outside, she quickly hid under the covers and held her breath. A second later the door flew open, and Trixie trotted into the caravan. She couldn't hide the smirk on her face when she saw a large lump under the blanket, far too large for anything less than a living being to make. In one motion Trixie threw the blanket off Clara's head, getting a sharp gasp from the girl since she was exposed. She couldn't help but laugh at the shocked expression on Clara's face, which was quickly replaced with annoyance.

Clara's arms folded against her chest as she huffed. "That was mean, Miss Trixie!"

The unicorn's laughter died down to a low chuckle as she levitated the items off the desk. "Trixie meant no harm, but you were just too easy. Now come on, I'll go ahead and get this started. Bring out the capes we used earlier."

The girl complied as she grabbed the dirty, balled-up capes and joined Trixie outside. The pot was held over the fire with pink magic with Trixie simultaneously opening and pouring the can of beans onto it. The capes were spread out, and the two sat, warming themselves from the cold while they waited for their dinner to cook.

"Hey, you know what you're supposed to do when you go camping?" Clara grinned as she sat down next to the unicorn.

"And just what would that be?"

"You sing camping songs! You also roast marshmallows but we don't have any, so singing would have to do!"

Clara's green eyes widened in excitement, but Trixie could only roll eyes. While she was a performer, she did not sing. She let out a scoff.

"Anypony can sing, but I put my talents elsewhere. No one can top The Great and Powerful Trixie's magic shows!"

Trixie couldn't help but puff out her chest like she always did when she performed. When she noticed Clara hadn't said anything, she opened an eye to glance next to her. She had visibly deflated at the notion that Trixie not only didn't want to sing, but that she didn't like singing in general. The unicorn internally groaned.

I hate that sad face of hers. It's like a foal making puppy-dog eyes, I can't resist it... Augh!

"Trixie...does not mind if you sing, Clara."

At this Clara seemed to brighten up. She racked her brain for a song to sing, but was having difficulties. Never having gone camping before--only getting what she knew from television shows and books--she didn't know what exactly what appropriate for a camping song. When she noticed Trixie looking at her expectantly, she quickly made something up:

'Camping by a fire with my best best friend

I hope that this moment never ends.

We roast marshmallows til they're good and brown

And we talk and talk til the sun goes down.

Play me a song on your pretty guitar

And I'll sing all night with you...'

Clara trailed off, her face scrunched up in concentration as she tried to find a word that rhymed with 'guitar'. Several words came to mind, 'car', 'tar', 'jar', but none that she thought could relate to camping. Her shoulders sagged. I bet my friends could make up a better song... she thought. They're better at it than I am.

A hoof wrapped around Clara's shoulders, and she was pulled against Trixie's body. Trixie did not look at her, but instead poured half of the pan of beans into one of the bowls and floated it in front of Clara's face. She grabbed the bowl, pulled it out of the magic grip, and began to eat. Trixie took a few bites of her meal herself before she spoke.

"Why were you upset? Trixie thought your song was...nice."

Clara swallowed before she spoke. "But it wasn't good! I've never even gone camping... I just know from TV and books."

Her ear twitched as she tried to figure out what 'TV' stood for, but she decided to dismiss it. "Well, everypony has to have a first time for everything right? Just think of this as your first camping experience. And you get to have it with The Great and Powerful Trixie! I can't think of a more memorable moment!"

Trixie let out a hearty laugh, and before long Clara was laughing with her. The forest that ran alongside Unicorn Range was silent, except for crickets, the fire, and the sound of a pony and a human laughing.

Over a week. It's been over a week since Clara had disappeared from her bedroom that night. The house felt so lonely without her constant presence. The police, close friends, and family were doing everything in their power to find the small, brown-haired girl.

As she spoke to several policemen in the house's living area, a woman burst into tears once again, begging the higher powers for her little girl to return home.

Author's Note:

Oh gosh. I have to admit, it took a lot to get this chapter written. Part writer's block and part trying to keep it interesting while moving the plot along.

Anyway, I hope everyone likes this chapter. Upvote, fav, comment, everything! <3

Also I am so bad at coming up with Equestrian foods that isn't a sandwich.