• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,540 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

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The Birthday Cake

Colin was really enjoying the late birthday party that Pinkie Pie made for him on this very night. He was truly amazed to see the performances by Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. He was just enjoying Fluttershy, the yellow pegasus mare, carrying him so that he wouldn't have to walk to exhaustion on his legs. Her Friends were following behind her. She turned to him and said with a smile "Are you having fun, Colin?"

"Yeah." Colin said. "I love it!"

Fluttershy giggled at his response and said "Good. I am really really glad you are enjoying it."

Rainbow Dash went up to Fluttershy while walking and asked Colin "I know I have asked you but, wasn't I awesome, kid?"

Colin laughed and said "Yeah, Rainbow Dash. You were really awesome."

"Like you haven't asked him a million times." said Applejack teasingly while rolling her eyes. She, Colin, Spike, and Everypony laughed at her comment.

Colin's face turned from a smile to a frown, and gave out a sad sigh. "Yeah." He said in a depressed tone.

Fluttershy looked back at him and asked "What's wrong, Colin?"

"Don't you like the party?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"I love it." Said Colin. "But.... I wish that mommy and daddy were here."

"Oh Colin." Said Fluttershy. They stopped walking, and the boy then felt himself gently being pulled off by Twilight's magic

"I- i'm sorry if i'm thinking about him." said Colin with guilt. "Please don't be mad at me." he turned away from the group with his so-called
"Shame" and crossed his arms and bowed his head, ready to shed tears.

"Colin." said fluttershy, who walked up to him and sat herself down. "Please look at me." Colin was reluctant. He didn't want to show his shame to his new friends. However, he realized that he can't hide emotions like that so easily, especially from his new friends that deeply care about him. So he moved his head up, seeing a very worried Fluttershy looking at his eyes "You don't have to be sorry about anything." said Fluttershy. "It's okay if you still miss your parents."

"Yes, darling." said Rarity. "I wish that they can be here myself."

"They're right, Colin." added Twilight in her soft voice. "We would never be mad at you for missing them."

"Thanks." Said Colin. "So, you're not mad?"

"Of course we're not mad, silly." Said Fluttershy with a sad smile.

"Okay." Said Colin with a slight smile on his face.

"I know what will cheer you up." Said Pinkie Pie after she gasped with an idea. "You're birthday cake!" She had a large smile on her face

"Well..... I do love cake." Said Colin.

"At a boy, Sugarcube." Said Applejack gently patting his shoulder. Colin and the ponies walked to a really large birthday cake, as big as a small tent. It was vanilla with some sprinkles on it.

"Hey Colin, I want to show you what Pinkie drew on the came for you." Said Rainbow Dash. She bent down so that Colin can climb on her to carry him. "Hang on." She said carrying Colin into the air on her back, showing him the icing on top of the cake. It read "Happy Birthday Colin!!!"

Colin was absolutely touched by what the icing just said. Rainbow Dash flew back down on the ground, and Colin climbed off of her slowly. "Thanks, Pinkie!" Said Colin

"You are so so so welcome, Colin." Said Pinkie Pie with excitement. "You will love the taste too!" In the speed of light, she dashed on a wooden floor with a pedestal on it, and it came with a microphone. "Attention! Attention!" Said Pinkie Pie. "Everypony gather 'round!"

Just like that, everypony gathered up. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor came to the announcement.

"I would like to proudly announce that..." Pinkie was just making an announcement, however, she was stopped by Celestia whispering to her.

"May I?" Asked Celestia.

"Of course you may!" Said Pinkie. She stepped aside from the stand, and Celestia took her place.

"It is time to eat cake." Said Celestia. Everypony cheered at what she just said, cold hardly wait to have some of that large cake. "However." Celestia continued. "Let's sing the birthday song for Colin Fraser himself." Then everypony looked at Colin with smiles on their faces. Celestia cleared her throat, and sung the first two lines of the song, then everypony joined in. After they were finished, they cheered for Colin. The boy just smiled nervously with his cheeks blushing, and waving his hand slowly to them. Celestia then said to Colin "would you like to blow out the candles?"

"Yeah. I... I guess so." Colin then felt Fluttershy gently picking up on her back and flew a few inches above the ground

"Let me help you." Said Fluttershy. She flew right above the cake, and saw six small but tall lights on top of it.

Colin took a deep breath for the first candle, a d blew it out successfully with just one blow. She flew to the next candle. Colin also blew it out with just one blow. For the third one, Colin had to blow at least twice.

"It's okay, Colin." Said Fluttershy. "Candles can be a little hard to blow out sometimes."

"I know." Colin said. After he was finished, everypony and Spike cheered for him. Fluttershy flew back to the ground, and knelt down so that Colin can get off of her back.

"You did it, kid." Said Rainbow Dash with proudness, gently patting him on the back.

"You did a fine job." Said Applejack.

"Happy birthday, Colin." Said Spike gently wrapping his arm around Colon's shoulder.

"Thanks, guys." Said Colin.

"Let's eat!" Said Pinkie Pie in her overexcited voice. Colin took the first slice of cake from Spike, who was in charge of passing it to everypony, and then, everyone got a slice of the cake, even Spike.


Many minutes later, everypony and Colin were finished, with full bellies. They all laid on the grass. Some of them patting their stomachs like a bongo. Colin however didn't eat alot, because he didn't want to get a tummy ache, but he was full. Now he was just relaxing on the grass

"That was good." Said Colin

"Yeah, I'm more stuffed then a full grown timberwolf eating a large bear." Said Applejack

"I'm full too." Said Rainbow Dash. "I'll explode if I eat more."

"I will never... eat cake... again." said Pinkie right before she burped really loudly. "So, did you like the cake, Colin?"

"It was delicious." Said Colin. "I loved it."

"That's good, Colin." Said Pinkie. "It was meant for you after all."

"I know." Colin Said. "Thanks."

"You're welcome, Colin." Said Pinkie

Then, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor came to the group with smiles on there faces, gazing down upon Colin and his new friends.

Celestia was the first to talk. She said to him in her gentle, motherly tone of voice "how are you feeling, Colin."

"Happy." Colin replied.

"Did you like the cake, little buddy?" Shining Armor asked.

"I loved the cake." Said the boy.

Shining armor gently patted his stomach, making the boy laugh a little. "Glad you,love it." He said with a wink in his eye.

"So... How is the party... You're majesties?" Colin asked in a nervous tone. He was trying to be respectful to the three princess' as possible. Because they are royal after all.

However, Colin heard a kind response from Luna. She said to him "it was quite quaint."

"Are you enjoying it?" Asked Cadence

"Of course I am." Said Colin.

"Good." Said Cadence.

Colin gave out a small yawn. Spike and the ponies hearts melted from the sound of his yawn.

"Aww, is somepony getting tired?" Said Fluttershy in a playful voice.

"Maybe just a little." Said Colin in honesty, and then he yawned to himself again.

"Dear?" Said Celestia. "Are you feeling any better from what happened at my castle?"

"Oh yeah." Said Colin. I'm actually feeling a lot better."

"That's good to hear." Said Luna. "Me and my sister were so very very worried about you."

"Thanks." Said Colin.

Celestia made an announcement that she said to her subject "I am so sorry to cut this short everypony, but me, Cadence, and my sister must get back to our royal duties."

Everypony then gave out some exclamations and words of disappointment.

"Don't worry, my good subjects." Said Celestia. "You will see me again." She looked down on Colin, and said "We'll see you later, sweetie."

"Okay. See you soon." Colin said.

"Bye, Colin." Said Luna. She and Celestia then used their horns to teleport themselves back to Canterlot.

"We might as well be going to." Said Cadence.

"Yeah, we also have royal duties in the Crystal Empire." Shining added. He gently patted Colin on the back and said "remember, if anypony gives you a hard time, come to me for help." His tone was playfully tough.

Colin laughed and said "thank you, Mr. Armor."

"You don't have to call me mister. Just Shining, okay." He said to the human boy.

"Okay. See you later, Shining."

"See you, little buddy." Said Shining. He and Cadence then teleported back to the Crystal empire.

"Colin." Said Fluttershy. "I might as well get you home as well so you can sleep."

"Okay." Said Colin. "Who will clean up?"

"I'll do it!" Pinkie exclaimed in a sing-song tone.

"You just get some sleep, darling." Said Rarity.

"Come on." Said Fluttershy as she knelt down for Colin to carry him.

"Have a good night, Colin." Said Rainbow Dash.

"See you guys later.

"Bye, Colin." Said the five ponies and Spike.

"Wait." Colon exclaimed with an idea. "I would like to say something to these nice ponies."

"Go ahead, sweetie." Said Fluttershy kindly.

Colin got off of Fluttershy, cleared his throat as a hush flew over the crowd. "Ummm.... I would like to thank you all for coming, and... I hoped you all had a really good time."

Everypony made replies that said that they did have a good time, and saying you're welcome to him.

Colin said to Fluttershy "okay. Let's go." Fluttershy knelt down to carry him, and then they went back to the cottage, while the rest of the ponies and Spike helped clean up the party.

Author's Note:

I am so so so sorry if this chapter took so long. I just needed to think of what should happen next in the story. Also I was doing some of my other stories.