• Published 5th Oct 2014
  • 422 Views, 24 Comments

Dies Irae - Fireflower

The observance of a certain family man's thoughts before facing the abyssmal forces that now rule Equestria one time only. Set before Season Four (and by extension Equestria Girls) in an alternate timeline. One shot.

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Comments ( 24 )

Well, I guess you have some potential as a writer, since you aren't incapable of basic English. But it's hard to tell so far as all we've seen is a SCP-style creepypasta report. I'll hold off on voting until there's more to judge.


Thanks: I didn't expect a review until the morning after; anyway, if you must know where the inspiration came from, then watch this video and learn from it:


The opposite: it's more of a post-FOE in my eyes...

Thankfully, this was only a test, nothing more...


This is not a joke; I was attempting to be serious about the concept at hand...


Thank you: I wasn't expecting another compliment from someone like yourself, but you acted; quoting Colonel John Konrad, "that was commendable." :yay:

5105635 Wait, I am serious! I like your story!


I know that and because of it, I appreciate your kindness...

The grammar was pretty bad.


How is it bad...?

I have to say this: this is not a very good story. In fact, it was one of the worst I have ever read. There was no plot what so ever, the grammar was horrible and also I doubt this would be part of a FoE storyline.

Two Thumbs way way down.


I can understand why you would see it this way; to be frank, you're not first who would not find this enjoyable. What really confuses me is that you said the story's grammar was horrible: can you point on some of the things that supposedly made it so, please...?

I see one thing in this, Mr Cake is saying its better to die on there feet than live on there knees and freedom is worth dying for. I don't care what else you all get from that, its enough.


thanks, wasn't expecting it from you; to be honest, I needed to clear myself of such feelings when i'd gotten involved...

5426168 Wasn't expecting it from me? You obviously don't know me. I live for tales of honor, last stands, and of people fighting for there ideals or for there friends. Mr Cake knows he can't win but he will go down swinging and its obvious he isn't planning on going down alone and hopes to rally others to the cause.


Well, it kind of seems to be heading this way; after all, I kind of feel like writing another chapter of this or rather another story of a similar premise...

5427155 I say go for it, I always had a hard time believing that Pony's wouldn't fight back in some way. I mean all we ever really get is 'Pony's hiding in the woods' and such. I always figured there would be an insurgency of some sort. Not all males were affected and the Caribou can't be everywhere. I think the entire premise was even they did attack Equestria because they needed to increase there numbers so the Caribou population should be relatively small and there need to depend on quislings to get things done.


Well, I can see that: such issues here do deserved to be addressed somehow through the power of fanfiction; although that the tumblr page showed them successfully putting down one rebellion, what to say the next one will be any successful?

For what it is worth though, I could come up a premise that might explain their actions in some form and fashion but in a way that least expected; 'til then, I have some more important works to take care of but will consider it so soon enough.

5428697 A rebellion put down only means the start of another one. How soon until fathers are tired of seeing daughters enslaved, brothers hate seeing sisters abused and husbands wives being molested? And the Caribou for all there issues are careful to avoid killing it seems. They capture escaped mares, rebellious stallions are transformed, they even create blanks of mares to remake them. Sure the personality is dead but the body remains alive. Death of a kind, but not a true death. But what happens when Caribou begin to die? What happens when Pony's rise up and say no more and start to kill for there freedom and are willing to die for it? For all there harshness, I don't think they can absorb a lot of casualties. And for all there warrior ego, how soon until Caribou find missing men with there heads on spikes and indiscriminate explosions killing off there patrols? How soon until there losses break there morale? These are warriors out for personnel glory and loot and captives, not soldiers fighting for a cause that the bulk would be willing to die for. That mare in the bed is no good if they don't know if they will survive the next day.


It's only a matter of time to say the least, only a matter...

Their methods are a brutal deconstruction of Thou Shalt Not Kill and Cruel Mercy to its darkest degree.

Even strength in number will only serve as their leverage against such things.

For a concept like this, I clearly understand why a sane person would do this and go Rambo because if someone like dainn took over and have this be allowed. Wouldn’t anyone actually want to kill them or actually kill anyone to protect their loved ones? I wouldn’t do that at all but however Mr Cake actually would if it means protecting the next generation and their freedom too.


To be honest, this is how rebellions would start: anytime a new regime comes in and spreads its cruelty on and off the battlefield, it'll be most likely be inevitable; granted, this was before Bruised Apples got to him production wise and Schorl Tourmaline wrote of him centrally canon wise. Besides, there's nothing more scarier than a person who has lost everything; even if Dainn could transform them, it'd be obvious that its success would be treated as propaganda for the sake of intimidation: sometimes the subjects could resist brainwashing or be too old for breeding for the lack of a better term.

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