• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 389 Views, 11 Comments

ABTOE - TheGreatEater

Angel Bunny, 10th level cleric for the dark bunny god Little Bunny Fu Fu, unleashes Bunnyocalypse and takes over Equestria.

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Comments ( 11 )

wasn't this some major digimon enemy?....


Yep. Technically, depending on how you look at it. It was two Major ones from Digimon: The Movie.

5109900 nono , digimon the movie had a completely different enemy that was more spider like.....


That was one of the Major ones. [Not Counting ParrotMon]. First was the Eggs that birthed the Twins that William used a Virus to hatch. That Virus gave birth to the Spider-One you're talking about. Armageddemon. Which when defeated gave rise to one normal digimon and it's infected twin who become Antylamon [and kept yelling "Go Back! Go Back", or "Go Back to the Beginning!".]

5110298 oh right , it's been over a decade since i saw that movie , only remember a few scenes from it heh.....


:twilightsmile: I bought the movie recently so that my brothers could enjoy it, as well as for a healthy dose of nostalgia. Which is why I remember that :rainbowlaugh:.

5110424 nice lol.....

Nem I'll give you this you know how to make a crack fic

This is the most romantic thing I've ever read. The passion! The sandwiches! And black magic too!

There's one plothole, though: Angels don't dream! They're always awake, always watching, waiting for the time when the stars align and the old ones stir in their slumber. Until that day, they skulk along The Cracks in the Walls Where Only Dreams May Enter and chant: ph'nglui mglw'nafh Fu Fu Digimon wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Sheesh! Everyone knows this.

Thus saith The Lord
-Pimp Lord Smooze, Eater of Worlds, Blood God Extraordinaire, Fic Reviewing Master, Connoisseur of Self-Aggrandizement


They may not sleep in the conventional sense. But in the Luna Sense, and unfortunately Angel Bunny is only Level 10. When he get's to level 17 he can get Miracle and use it to ascend to the role of a Minor God, or a true Angel :rainbowlaugh:. But alas, his Game Master is Fate, such a cruel mistress. Na'nilgh’ri uln throd [roughly translated, Never catch a break.]

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