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Chapter 33: Preparing for a Visit

Author’s note: Well, I said that I was going to write the beginning to ‘American Hammer’ but this came to mind instead. Also, I promise that there will be action next chapter, so calm you tits.

P.S. I was asked how the currency in this world works and this is the general over view:

-a gold bit= 100
-silver= 10
-copper= 1

And now you know, because knowing is half the battle.



I stepped outside into the cold wind and fading day. The sun was setting on the horizon as I walked over to the H2 and studied it for a moment. The SUV had a single antenna just above the back window in the center. I set on of my flags on the bumper as I stepped next to it and hoisted myself up. I unfolded my other flag and slid the antenna through the canvas sheath. I reached for the drawstrings and pulled it tight. Finished, I placed my hand on my hat and jumped off the bumper.

I stumbled forward a bit as my feet connected with the ground and caught myself before almost face-planting. I stood straight up and turned around to see the flag blowing in the wind. I always wanted to join the army back in the States, but I never could due to being extremely flat-footed. I still remember walking out of the recruiting office and being given a nice pat on the back and a thanks for trying. I always was a little envious of Alex for being able to join.

I gave the flag my two finger salute as it flapped in the wind before walking over the bumper and retrieving the other flag. I walked over the driver’s side door and pulled the door open. I climbed inside and set the flag on the other side of the cabin. I felt a little better as a sense of familiarity washed over me. Being in an alien world with no other Americans, let alone humans, was made a little better by the fact that I still had a flag that I could wave in the name of my ideals.

I shifted into drive and listened as the V8 awaited my commands like a well-trained dog. I ran my hands over the leather bound steering wheel and gear level as I gave the engine a little gas. I pulled forward into the town before cutting the wheel to the right heavily and spinning around. The shotgun rattled next to me as the H2 turned towards home. The wheel straightened out before I sped forward on the streets. Most of the town was closing shop early for some reason as I headed home. I figured it had something to do with the royal arrival tomorrow.

I was less than happy about the word being spread but I guess it was inevitable. I laid my foot into the gas as I hit the outskirts and made a bee-line home.


I pulled up into my usual spot and shifted pack into park with an audible clunk from the gearbox. The engine died down as I grabbed my shotgun and flag and opened the door. I hopped out of the truck and closed the door with a nice foot to the door. I heard the locks kick in before I set eyes on the camp. I could see that someone had started another campfire as I walked over towards it. I could see the forms of two guards as I walked over to the camp. It appeared to be Atlanta and Dallas.

“I’m back.” I said as I walked into camp.

Dallas and Atlanta turned to me and just nodded their heads. I walked over to the fire and sat down on one of the logs that surrounded the fire. I set my shotgun and flag down on the log next to me before I raised my hands to the fire.

“You hear the news?” I asked Dallas and Atlanta without taking my eyes from the fire.

“Well, considering we’re not allowed to leave camp, no.” Atlanta said in a snarky tone.

“You’re going to have to drop that shit tomorrow, recruit. We are getting a visit from Celestia.” I said as I rubbed my hands together.

“Wow, I never thought I’d see the day.” Dallas said as he took a seat on the opposite side of the fire.

“I brought somethin’.” I said as I grabbed my flag and unfolded “It’s the flag of my home country.”

“What’s the name?” Dallas asked.

“The United States of America.” I replied as I folded the flag again.

“That’s a mouthful.” Atlanta said.

“You’ll have a mouthful of shoe if you disrespect it.” I shot back.

“Whoa General, cool it.” Atlanta said as he held up his hooves.

“Anyway, did you complete your task?” I asked as I grabbed my shotgun and set it in my lap.

“Yes actually,” Dallas said as he looked over at Atlanta “We caught a bear together and brought it down.”

“Nice.” I said in a bit of shock “Where’s the proof?”

“It’s inside the tent so that no one would see it.”

“Speaking of the task, where the hell is Youngstown?”

“He still hasn’t comeback. I haven’t seen him since this morning.” Atlanta said.

“He’ll be back. There’s a reason he’s Captain of the Guard.” Dallas cut in.

“Anyway, let’s see this bear.” I said as I gathered my stuff and walked over to the tent.

I walked over to the canvas tent and pulled the fabric flap aside. A large bear lay motionless in the center of the tent. I walked over to it and tried to figure out how they had done it in. In less than minute, I found a large stab wound on the top of its neck that was around seven inches deep.

“Not bad.” I said as I turned to see the duo checking my reaction “You’ll have my seal of approval after your last test tomorrow.”

“Thanks Twelve-Gauge.” Dallas said as I stepped out of the tent.

“Anyway, I’m glad you have faith in Youngstown because if he isn’t back by midnight, you’re going to search for him.” I explained as I walked towards the fire.

I just received an annoyed sigh from the group.

“It was nice talking with ya, but I’ve got better things to be doing.” I said as I turned around and walked back to the house.

I walked for a minute before I stepped up onto the cloud and opened the door. I closed the door behind me and set my 870 in the corner next to the door along with my coat and hat. I heard something rustle behind me as I spun around with my flag still in my hand. Dash stood right behind me with a smile on her face.

“Howdy?” I said as she unfurled her wings and flew up to eye level.

“You’re starting to sound like Applejack.” She said as she looked down at my hand and saw my rolled up flag “What’s that?”

I unfolded the flag and held it up for her “This is the flag of my old country. It wasn’t the best place around, but it was home none the less.”

I stepped around Dash and tried to find a nice spot for it. I found a big enough spot right over the couch.

“Mind if I hang this here?” I asked as I turned my head to her.

“Let me help you. Don’t want you wrecking my wall.” She said as she flew over to me.

I held the flag with my arms fully spanned out before Dash took one side and tucked the corner into the wall like one would tuck a sheet in on a bed. I tried to do the same but the cloud wouldn’t bend for me. Dash saw my struggle and flew over. She pushed me out of the way and repeated the process.

“I’m still confused by this.” I said as I removed my suit coat and laid it out over my arm.

“Confused by what?” Dash asked as she flew back from the wall to check out her work.

“The clouds seem to be almost… schizophrenic around me.”

“Schizo-what?” Dash asked as she turned her attention to me.

“They seem to change the rules around me all the time like they have a mind of their own.” I said as I walked over and plopped down on the couch.

“What do you mean?” She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“I mean that they’ll let me walk on them but no other non-flyers, they let Remi on one day and not the next, and I can’t seem to mold them in any way, shape, or form.”

“Weird.” She said as she looked around the room.

“I thought this was your ‘specialty’.” I said, making air quotes.

“It is… but this is weird, even for me.” She said as she flew over to the couch and landed next to me.

I just rolled my eyes as I laid my head back on the couch. I felt Dash fly up on top of me like she always did place her hooves on the side of my face. I was expecting a kiss but was violently shaken.

“Wake up!” She said as I was made into a ragdoll.

“I wasn’t sleeping!” I said as I lifted my head up.

“With you, I can take no chances.” She said as she looked into my eyes.

“I see.” I said as I rubbed my eyes with my right hand “You excited for tomorrow?”

I watched her do something that she almost never did; she got nervous. It wasn’t apparent, of course, but it was still there. I could tell by her body language in the fact that she tensed up.

“Totally excited!” She exclaimed, lying to me.

“Cut the bull.” I said with a smile “You can’t bullshit a bullshiter.”

“What? I’m telling the truth!” She said, trying to cover up her body language.

“What’s got you scared?” I asked, ignoring her previous statement.

She looked around the room like something might hear her before she lowered he head to me.

“I am nervous that Equestria might not take well to… us, and the Princess being here will only attract attention.” She said in almost a whisper.

“I’m glad you have faith in me.” I said as I placed a hand on the side of her face to console her “Don’t worry. Anyone that has a problem can talk to the business end of my handgun.”

“And that’s why I like you.” She said she hugged me tight.

“Don’t worry tough-girl. I got’cha back.” I said as I placed my left and on the back of her neck “I already talked to the recruits and it doesn’t look like they’ll have time for another work out if this royal visit goes anywhere.”

“Awww… I wanted to show them up again.” She said as she pulled herself away from me.

“You’ll get your chance, I’m sure.” I said as I leaned back into the couch.

“I can’t wait.” She said as she rubbed her hooves together in anticipation.

“Yeah, you tear them a new one. I need to get prepared for the visit tomorrow.” I said as I stood up and gave myself a sniff “Definitely.”

“You do that then.” She said as she flew up and over to the hallway.

I followed her for a minute before she flew into the room with the small bookcase and daybed. She closed the door behind her like she was ashamed of being seen reading. I just shrugged my shoulder and went about my business.


After getting myself showered, I slipped on my boxers and noticed something I didn’t in the shower. It was colder than having Freon (coolant) dumped on me. I toughed it out as I ran over the door and stepped out with all my stuff in hand. I walked into another room in hopes of a laundry room and found it on my first try.

“Not bad.” I said as I nodded in success.

The room had both a washing machine and dryer from what I could tell it made me question a few things. The first was ‘how the fuck is it powered?’ and the other was ‘why the hell do they need washing machines if they don’t wear clothes?’. I didn’t want to question a blessing as I saw my other suit in the corner and walked over to it. I removed my handgun from the pocket of my pants and set it down on the washing machine. I removed my belt and dress shoes from the occasion as well before balling up the suits and opening the washing machine lid. I threw the stuff in there and packed it down. It was simple enough to operate.


I waited in the room, listening to the rumble of the machines and basked in the dryer’s heat. I checked over myself and found that I was much more defined than when I had gotten here. I traced my muscles and noticed that I had almost gained an inch or two in height for some reason.

With a loud buzz, the dryer stopped as did the washer. I walked over to the dryer and opened the lid. A plume of steam blew up in my face as I reached in and removed my pants. I slipped them on and felt the heat seep into my legs.

“Holy shit, that feels good.” I mumbled as I buttoned them up.

I finished getting dressed and adjusted everything into the right place. I wasn’t planning on going anywhere else tonight, but I figured that since I lived in a cloud (I think it is just as ridiculous as it sounds, but hey, I live in a land filled with sentient ponies and I’m dating a fuckin’ Pegasus) they won’t exactly get dirty. I tied up my shoes with a nice tug and slipped my 1911 into my pocket.

I gave one last tug on my suit coat before I switched my other load into the washer and walked out of the room. Most of the house was dark again, so I pulled out my 1911 again and flicked on the light. I walked down towards the room that Dash was last in and opened the door. I moved my light to where the daybed was and saw a familiar light blue lump laying on it. I walked over and saw that Dash had passed out and that a book was covering her face. It was kind funny, really. She was snoring pretty loudly and I snickered a bit. I set the gun on the bookcase next to the daybed. I switched off the light and reached over to Dash. I gently removed the book from her face and sat down on the daybed next to her.

I looked over the large window that over looked the daybed and saw the moon hanging high overhead and the shadow of Ponyville was in front of it. I could see lights on here and there but that didn’t concern me. I placed my head in my hands and tried to clear my head for the day that lay ahead of me. I was going to have to deal with royalty, my recruits, and whatever crowd showed up. Not to mention the press. I fucking hate the press.

I removed my head from my hands and laid down next to Dash. She seemed to sense all the heat emanating from my suit. She clamped down onto my side to try and absorb it. I just closed my eyes and tried to find a safe spot in my mind that would hide me from the ghosts of my past.


The sun blasted through the window and caused me to snap awake. Dash was still clamped to my side and show no signs of waking. Still groggy, I fumbled on the table for my gun and grabbed it by the slide. Not thinking, I placed it over my eyes in an attempt to hide them from the side. The sun continued to creep in through the spots where the gun didn’t cover and forced me to wake up fully. Angry at the sun, I grabbed the gun from my face and tried to sit up. I started to wish the sun was a light bulb that I could shoot out from my position.

Noticing my movement, Dash finally greeted the morning with a big yawn. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked over to me. She released her death grip on me and stretched out, wings and all. She looked over to me and smiled.

“I had a dream last night that I was walking on the sun and it was awesome.” Dash said before climbing into my lap.

“I wonder why.” I chimed in in a snarky tone.

She didn’t seem to care about my comment and she jumped on top of me and kissed me passionately. She broke away and stared at me for a moment.

“That was… unexpected.” I said “Not that I’m complaining.”

“You’re good at that.” She said with half-cocked smile.

She unfurled her wings and lifted off of me. She flew over to and out the door. I climbed out of the bed and walked out into the door. I pocketed my 1911, making sure to slide the silencer through the hole in my pocket. I walked around the corner and out into the front room. I wasn’t exactly hunger and I bet nerves have something to do with that. I shut them up and walked over to the front door and grabbed my trench coat, hat, and 870. I put on my hat and coat and made sure to snugly fit the shotgun under my shoulder.

I opened the door to be greeted with a very thin sheet of snow on the ground. As if on cue, a pink blur appeared on the horizon. I cursed before Dash appeared behind me with a multi-colored scarf that matched her mane.

“I thought you’d remember.” She said as she punched my shoulder.

“How do I get myself roped into these things?” I said as I rubbed my right temple.

“Because I’m doing them and I’m irresistible.” Dash said with a smug tone.

“That almost sounded like something Rarity would say.” I said with a laugh at the end.

Dash blushed and hit me again with faked anger. I walked outside and Dash followed me. She shut the door behind us and I stepped off the cloud. I wondered if I’d see Remi again at this point but I knew he would be back. No smart dog pisses off the alpha for giggles.

I walked over towards the H2 as my breath turned to mist in front of me. Pinkie ran across the field with a bounce in her stride. I tried to gauge if she was more bubbly than usual but marked that question as pointless.

“Hey there!” Pinkie exclaimed as she skidded to a stop next to the door.

“Oh shit.” I mumbled as I leaned against the H2.

Dash dropped down to ground level and walked over to Pinkie.

“What’s up Pinkie?” She asked as she adjusted her scarf.

“Twilight overslept and we should go wake her.” She said before nudging me in my side “If you know what I mean.”

“I only have a little bit of time today so let’s get her.” I said as I opened the backseat door “Hop in.”

Pinkie defied gravity again as she floated up and into the truck. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I slammed the door behind her.

“Your friend is a mental patient.” I said to Dash.

Dash just shrugged at me as I opened my door and let her fly inside. I climbed in after her and closed the door with a thud.

“Let’s roll.” I said as I placed my hands on the wheel and the engine fired up.

I reached over and switched on heat. I adjust the vents away from my face and shifted into drive.

“What’s this I hear about the Princess coming to Ponyville today?” Pinkie asked from the back seat in the calmest state I had seen her.

“How the hell does word travel so fast around here?” I said as I hit the steering wheel.

I looked over at Dash.

“It wasn’t me! I never left home after I heard it from you yesterday!” She defended.

I already knew who it was.

“I already think I know who did it.”

“Who?” Pinkie asked.

“Twilight.” I said as I shifted into drive.

“Makes sense.” Dash said as she pressed the window control button and the window rolled down “This is cool!”

Dash poked her head out the window as I drove down the field but I couldn’t help but laugh as I thought of Remi.

What?!” Dash said as she pulled herself back inside.

“Nothing.” I said as I reached over the console and petted her head “Good dog.”

She glared daggers at me as I returned my attention to the road.

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