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Chapter 34: A Show for Royalty

Author’s note: <Facedesk>

I can’t help but feel like I’m writing shit but my readers seem to like it. Seriously, the morning after I put out chapter 33, I re-read it and laughed my ass off at how bad I thought it was. Every time I sit down to write, I have to zone out and write or else I criticize every word.


Whatever. Let’s get this show on the road.

P.S. I find myself liking Atlanta more and more as I write him for some reason.


Pinkie, Dash, and I barreled down the road in the H2 for a few minutes till we reached the outskirts of town. I slowed down to a stop and craned my neck over the seat and saw Pinkie poking my AR-15.

“Stop that or you’ll set it off.” I informed.

Pinkie just laughed and looked over to me.

“Are you ready to get her?!” Pinkie said like she was prepping for a fight.

“How exactly are we going to go about this?” I asked as I grabbed my aviators from my trench coat pocket and slipped them on.

“What do you mean?” Dash asked.

“We need a game plan. How are we going to get Twilight?” I asked as a few less… favorable pranks popped into my head.

“WAIT! I got it!” Dash exclaimed from the seat next to me.

“Spill it.”

“Your guns are loud right? Really loud?” Dash asked.

“She may have spread the word about Celestia but I don’t feel like killing her.” I said sarcastically.

My sarcasm seemed to fly right over her head.

“I don’t want you to kill her!” Dash yelled in shock.

“I was kidding.” I pointed out as I rubbed my right temple.

“Oh.” Dash said as she facehooved “I can’t believe I didn’t catch that.”

“Look at the cute couple.” Pinkie called out from the backseat “Arguing already.”

“Good times.” I said as I saw Dash blush a bit “Anyway captain, what’s your plan?”

Dash snapped back to reality and tried to reclaim her thoughts.

“Oh, uh, uh,” She stuttered “I was thinking that one of us could distracted her,” She said, motioning back and forth between her and Pinkie “and you could sneak up behind her and fire one of your guns. Scare the senses right out of her!”

“Little weak but better than a bucket on the door.” I said as I shifted into park and let the engine die “Every man for himself after the deed is done.”

“Why did you stop here?” Pinkie asked.

“Do you really want to wake her up with the noise from the engine?” I asked as I pulled out the 870 from my coat.

“Good point. Let’s do this!” Pinkie exclaimed before opening her door and jumping out.

I listened for the door to close before I turned to Dash again.

“There is something seriously wrong with that one.” I said before only receiving a shrug in return.

I shook my head and opened my door to be met with grey skies, cold air, and a dense fog over the town. Dash flew out behind me before I closed the door behind her. Pinkie motioned at me and Dash to keep our mouths shut as we wandered into town. It must have been really early in the morning, because no one was out and I mean no one. There were no birds chirping, no squirrels, not even a sound could be heard except form the road that crunched under my shoes. Pinkie led us through town stealthily like she had done it before. The wind blew and caused my coat to flap in the wind as I pulled back the foregrip on the shotgun a bit to see a red plastic shell waiting to be used. I let the grip fall forward again.

Twilight’s house came into view through the fog and Pinkie pointed to the top of the tree. Dash nodded at her and flew up and hovered just above a window. Pinkie kept moving with me in step behind her. Pinkie walked up to the door and motioned for me to press up against the wall to the left of the door. I followed her directions before she cleared her throat and knocked on the door. Dash peered into the window above and shook her head at Pinkie. This must have meant that Twilight was still out like a light. Pinkie banged on the door even louder this time. Pinkie looked back up at Dash and received another ‘no’. Pinkie almost dented the door with how hard she hit it this time.

Dash nodded at Pinkie and flew over the tree house. Pinkie let herself get straight-faced for a moment before plastering a scary smile onto her face. I steeled myself as I pressed my back into the wall and hugged the shotgun to my chest. I could hear hoofsteps approaching the door before it opened and Twilight walked out, still rubbing her eyes in a futile attempt to wake herself.

“Hey Twilight!” Pinkie exclaimed in truthful excitement.

“What do you want Pinkie? I need to get some sleep before Celestia gets here.” Twilight said in annoyance.

It was my time to step up to the plate. I sneaked over and held the shotgun at a 70 degree angle to send the buckshot over the town and into a nearby field. I set the shotgun next to her head and steeled my wrists from the coming recoil.

“Why do you need sleep Twilight?” Pinkie asked, trying to keep her distracted.

I gave her a nod and pulled the trigger. The shotgun let out a deafening crack as it spit fire and buckshot out the end. Twilight locked up as she grimaced and all the color drained from her. She launched herself back inside her home, leaving the door open.

“Book it!” I shouted over the ringing in my ears.

Pinkie took off like a rocket back towards the H2 and Dash just flew over the buildings. I hugged the shotgun close as I ran down the center of the street.

“Oh no you don’t!” I heard Twilight call out behind me as her magic attempted to grab my feet.

I juked her attempts before ducking into an alleyway. I shot between the buildings and weaved around garbage cans as Twilight tried to keep up. My coat waved behind me as the brim on my hat blew back from how fast I was running. A purpled aura grabbed a dumpster in front of me and blocked my exit. Luckily, the dumpster was only waist high on me and I vaulted over it, keeping most of my velocity.

“Come back here!” Twilight shouted from behind the dumpster that she had blocked off her pursuit with.

“Fat chance!” I shouted back as I kept my feet moving.

I rounded the corner and could see the H2 at the end of the foggy street. Pinkie and Dash waved at me as I kept running and could feel my lungs beginning to burn from the cold air. I stopped at the bumper of the H2 and step my shotgun on the hood before placing my hands on the grill and took a breather.

“That was great!” Dash said as she laughed “Did you see her face? I wish I had a camera!”

Pinkie was too lost in her own hysterical laughter as I let out a snicker as I huffed and puffed. My breathing leveled out and I grabbed my shotgun from the hood.

“Let’s get the fuck outta here before she finds us.” I said as I opened the backseat door from Pinkie.

Pinkie kept on laughing as she climbed in. I pulled my door and Dash flew in before I climbed in behind her. I slammed my door shut before placing my hands on the wheel. The H2 rattled before the engine flared up and Twilight appeared at the other end of the road with furious eyes.

“Oh shit!” I shouted before throwing the SUV into reverse.

I cut the wheel before stomping on the gas. The H2 spun around and I shifted into drive before coming to a stop, giving a nice grinding sound from the transmission. I slammed on the gas and felt the H2 fly forward. I peered up into the rearview and saw Twilight chasing us with her horn starting to light up.

“Keep going!” Pinkie shouted over laughter.

My shotgun fell off of my lap and into the floor in front of me as I floored the gas and drove out of town in a hurry. Twilight became a distant speck in my mirror before she finally gave up. I exhaled and slumped back into my seat, keeping a single hand on the wheel.

“Worth it.” I said as I pressed my other hand on the console and sat myself up.


I finally reached Dash’s place once again. The H2’s engine rumbled in the cold air as I pulled up to the camp and shifted into park. Dash walked playing with the window controls again, fascinated by it. Pinkie climbed over the console and invaded my personal space.

“That was fun! We need to do it again soon!” She exclaimed before getting uncomfortably close to my face.

I scooted back against the door before she stopped about two inches from my face and took on an angry expression.

“You better take care of Dashie.” She said in a whisper before she retracted her head and took on a cheerful demeanor again.

Needless to say, I was creeped out. I opened my door and hopped out into the cool air. Pinkie jumped out behind me and Dash flew out behind her. The flag flapped on the antenna of the H2 as Dash dropped down next to it and Pinkie looked up at her.

“I’ve gotta get back to the Sugarcube Corner.” Pinkie said before taking off into a gallop without giving Dash and me the chance to say goodbye.

I looked over at Dash that was waving at Pinkie. She dropped her hoof again and jumped off the roof of the H2. I placed my hand over my heart and looked over at the flag.

“What are you doing?” Dash asked with a puzzled look.

“Nothing.” I said dropping the gesture “Nothing at all.”

“Of you say so.” Dash said as she looked around the camp “Where are your ‘recruits’?”

“I have no idea.” I said as I pulled the H2’s door open and grabbed my shotgun “I think something’s up.”

I closed the door before I heard something emerge from the forest. Dash looked at me while I cycled another round into the chamber with a ‘click clack’. The empty brass and plastic shell bounced off of the H2’s door and landed on the ground. Dash picked it up for some reason before I ran through the camp to get a better look at the emerging situation. I lifted the shotgun to eye level to see Dallas and Atlanta carrying Youngstown. Youngstown looked like he was in pain before I noticed that his back right leg had a series of bite marks. I lowered the 870 and ran over to them.

What the hell happened?!” I exclaimed in anger.

“I attacked a manticore.” Youngstown grunted “I took him down but he snagged me.”

“Ok then,” I said as I motioned him over to tent “You pass.”

The bite wound was proof enough for me. Dallas and Atlanta rushed him over to a cot and gently set him down. Youngstown clutched his leg in pain but it really wasn’t that bad. I set my gun down next to him and held my hand out to Dallas, who was rummaging through some medical supplies that they had brought from their barracks in Canterlot. I could hear a set of hooves hit the ground behind me but I was focused on my men more than anything. Dallas handed me a bottle of something with a big red cross on it. I figured it for antiseptic and cracked it open.

The wound must have hurt like hell because Youngstown was grimacing and sweating bullets.

“You’ll be fine.” Atlanta said as he held Youngstown’s leg still.

I poured some of the bottle’s contents on the wound and Youngstown let out a yell.

“Quit crying you little bitch!” I commanded as Dallas handed me a roll of medical tape.

I unrolled it and wrapped it around Youngstown’s wound before completely covering the wound. I pulled out my knife and cut the excess off.

“There you go. Was that so hard?” I said as I sheathed my knife and grabbed my shotgun.

“I can’t say I like your language but I can admire your work.” I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the boss lady.” I said as I spun around with my shotgun in hand.

“A pleasure to see you again. You and Shining Armor.” Celestia said as she stepped into the tent.

“As always.” I said in a sarcastic tone “I’m not sure how long we have before the crowd shows up.”

“Crowd? I only sent word to you and Twilight.” Celestia said.

“Yeah, and Twilight told everyone and there brother.” I said in an annoyed tone.

“I need to have a talk with her again after we are done here.” Celestia said as she walked over to the cot and looked down at Youngstown “What happened to him?”

“I got injured while training.” He said, keeping the details to himself.

“I see. Are you all that are left of the original ten that I sent?”

“We lost four right off the bat and we lost Vegas, Tallahassee, and Chicago due to them being unwilling to continue.”

“I do not remember sending guards by those names.”

“They’re call-signs. They are Youngstown, Dallas, and Atlanta.” I explained as I pointed at my remaining recruits.

“Why are the call-signs necessary?” Celestia asked as she turned to me.

“Keeps us from getting too attached. I can push them harder and not feel bad about it.”

“I am impressed. How have my guards come along so far?”

The recruits instinctively lined themselves against a wall for evaluation.

“They only have one more test and they are done. They’ll get the official Ryan ‘Stamp of Approval’.” I explained.

“What kinds of tests have you run them through?”

“It wasn’t exactly formal training if that is what you were expecting. I taught them a mentality, not a fighting style. That is something you develop on your own.”

“What does that mean, exactly?” Celestia asked as she examined her new troops.

“I can’t exactly explain it. It’s kinda something you have to see.” I said as I fiddled with my shotgun.

It wasn’t long before I heard a crowd gathering outside of the tent. I was getting angry and it must have been obvious.

Please do not make a fool of yourself in front of the crowd.” Celestia prompted.

I wanted nothing more than to step out of the tent and to fire off a round to scare the crowd off.

“I make no promises.” I said before turning to her “Would you like their last test to be a public performance?”

“I think that the crowd would enjoy that.” Celestia said with a smirk.

If only she knew what I was planning.

“Then we have fans to please.” I said before turning my attention to the recruits “You three, follow me.”

I turned and walked out of the tent to see around 50 ponies waiting for a chance to see me and the Princess. A flash of about a dozen cameras hit me as I walked out with my recruits in tow.

“I hate the media.” Atlanta muttered.

“So do I.” I said as the crowd formed a circle around us.

I kept walking forward until everyone bowed in front of me. Confused, I spun around and saw Celestia walking forward. In my mind I was calling her an attention whore, but I figured that was a little strongly worded, even for me. She walked forward until she was about 20ft from me and stopped.

“Tell me about the final test.” Celestia said in a very sure tone.

“It’s simple.” I said as I turned my attention to my recruits “They have to fight me hand to… eh… hoof.”

I had a stupid grin on my face as I tried to think of rules on the spot.

“Since Youngstown is injured, he will play ref.” I explained “He is simply to call it when either party has had it too rough. Whatever party I feel has given me a good fight or wins gets my seal of approval. The only rules are no magic, flying, or weapons of any kind.”

Most of the crowd was dumbfounded as I took of my coat and tossed it aside. I threw my shotgun on top of it and grabbed my handgun. I tossed the handgun next to the shotgun and threw my knife into the ground as well. Disarmed, I spun around to my two contestants.

“You can back out at any time.” I said as I raised my fists.

Dallas was first to step forward.

“Get some.” I said flicking my fingers at him.

He gave an exhale and charged head long at me. Armature move. Before he got close, I spun round and let him fly by me. He charged forward before coming to a stop and turning around.

“Quit trying to hit me and hit me!” I yelled at him.

He strafed around me before charging again at closer range. He jumped in an attempt to tackle me but I dodged him again and grabbed him by his mane in mid-air. He gritted his teeth as I yanked in the opposite direction of where he was going and slammed him down to the ground onto his back.

The crowd was unprepared to see the fight and fell silent as they watched in surprise. The press continued to snap pictures of me as Celestia watched with a look of interest in her eyes.

I hopped on top of Dallas and pinned him to the ground. I raised my fist and landed blow after blow onto his face. He jerked around as he tried to buck me off of him but I just forced down and repeated my blows until I felt fight-bite begin to form on my hands. I stopped for a moment and unintentionally left him an opening. He head butted me with the force of a sledgehammer and knocked me off of him and onto my back. I was given a nice view of the sky for a moment and could even see Dash and a few other pegasi in the clouds above, cheering for whoever they wanted to win.

My view was almost immediately cut off by a furious Dallas as he climbed on top of me and punched me a few times. My cheeks took the worst of it before I caught up with my senses and kneed Dallas in the stomach. His eyes snapped shut in pain before I grabbed the sides of his head and slammed my forehead into his skull with all the force I could muster. Dallas shot off of me and nursed his bleeding face with his fore-hooves and I climbed to my feet.

Celestia had a look of compassion on her face as she used every bit of will to prevent herself from calling off the fight. The crowd began to cheer for Dallas as I locked my eyes onto him. I casually walked over to him and charged up the strongest kick I could muster and threw my left foot as hard as I could into the side of his face. The kicked connected and went straight on through, sending my foot to about the four foot mark. I dropped my foot back to the ground and Dallas fell over onto his side.

“Is that all you got bitch?” I said as I threw my arms out over him, gloating.

The crowd was completely silent except for a single cheerer. I looked up and saw Dash throwing her hooves around, mimicking the fight. She was cheering something, but I couldn’t hear it over the sound of my ears ringing from a possible concussion.

“General Laney wins.” Youngstown said in a disappointed tone.

“That’s right!” I said as I spun around and gloated over the crowd “Bring on the next one!”

A few guards that I had not seen were carting Dallas off to the sidelines to be treated. Celestia just watched as Atlanta stepped up and looked furious. He looked as if I had just insulted his girlfriend and spilled beer onto his pants.

“You’ll pay for Dallas.” He sneered, kicking the ground from underneath him.

“Well,” I said before lazily lifting my hand up “I hope you got more in ya than Dallas did.”

Atlanta was a pegasus and therefor had a lighter frame. He charged at almost double the speed of Dallas and connected his head with my stomach. I was able to hold my ground as I grabbed him by the head and held him in place. I drove my knee as hard as I could into his chest. He grunted before breaking free of my hands and kicking me in the stomach. He knocked the wind from me before charging me again and tackling me. I tried to regain my breath before the blows were dealt. Atlanta head-butted me a few times before stomping down with a hoof, breaking my nose again.

I was too hopped up on adrenaline to feel the pain at the moment. I felt blood run down my face before I reached with my left hand and grabbed his soft mane. I yanked with all of my might and pulled him onto his side. I rolled over on top of him and drove and elbow into his neck. I held the elbow there as he thrashed below me. I held him for a moment to catch my breath before letting got and delivering a quick strike to the side of his head, dazing him. I wrapped my right hand around his neck and landed blow after blow with my left until Youngstown ran over and pulled me off with his magic.

A broken pegasus was lying on the ground in front of me. He was still breathing but was too injured to continue the fight. I climbed up off of the ground and wiped the blood from my face with my forearm. The crowd was completely silent from what I could tell as I walked over to Atlanta and took a knee next to him. The white pegasus was battered and bleeding from his nose and mouth as I placed a hand on his side.

“You gonna make it out or am I going to have to carry you out?” I asked with a broken smile.

Atlanta opened his best eye and looked up at me. He gave a little smile and nodded.

“Atlanta passes!” I shouted out to the crowd.

The crowed was still silent as Atlanta tried to find his footing and fell back down. No man left behind, huh? I scooped him in my arms and walked turned to Celestia who had a mix of both horror and prideful glee. The cameras continued to flash around me as I turned to the guards that had taken Dallas and walked over to them. They showed me over to the tent and one pulled the door aside for me. I walked in and saw that a small grey pony was working on Dallas. The grey pony motioned me to set Atlanta on a cot next to Dallas. I did just that.

“Could you not go so rough on them next time?” The doctor asked.

I didn’t say anything as I walked back outside and was greeted with another round of flashes and cheering. My face felt numb like someone shot me up with morphine. Celestia walked over to my position as I wiped another round of blood from my face. I grimaced at her as she looked at me with a strange smile.

“That was… impressive.” She said as she set a hoof on my shoulder “Are they okay?”

I brushed the hoof off with my bloody hand, leaving a nice red hand print on it.

I’m fine, thank you. Dallas and Youngstown will try again two days from now.” I said to her before looking over at the crowd that was surrounding me.

I saw Dash drop down in the distance and grab my coat and stuff. She flew it over to the H2 and set it down on the hood before returning to another cloud. The crowd got even closer until they were almost in groping distance. They all whipped out note pads and quills and began to fire off questions at me. Celestia stepped to the way side as I became the main attraction. I looked around at the crowd before throwing my hands up and my head down. The crowd dropped back into silence.

One fuckin’ question at a time!” I commanded before lowering my hands and lifting my head.

My chest was covered in blood, both mine and Atlanta’s.

“Where did you learn to fight like that?” one asked.

“A shitty city in a place called Ohio.” I fired at him “Next.”

“What did Atlanta do that Dallas didn’t?”

“He fought without mercy. Dallas held back. Next.”

“Are you dangerous?”

“What kind of stupid fucking question is that?! Next!”

“Will this affect your standing with the Elements?”

“I have no clue and we’re done here.” I said as I pushed through the crowd and walked back into the medical tent.

I sat down on an unoccupied cot and the doctor ran over to me. He handed me a damp cloth and I used it to wipe my face. Celestia walked into the room as flashes opened up from the open flap. The flap closed behind her and she walked over to me.

“Enjoy the show? I know I did.” I sarcastically fired at her before touching a cut on my head “Ahh! Fuck!”

“It was quite the ‘show’.” She said as she used her magic to snag the rag for me and started to wipe my face for me.

“Atlanta is fit for duty when you need him.”

“That’s not what I’m concerned about.” Celestia said, getting more serious than she usually is.

“I’m not in this for a game of twenty questions, tell me what you want.” I shot back, just wanting to be left alone to tend to my wounds.

Celestia didn’t seem happy with my comment but seemed to understand that there was nothing she could do to change me.

“I have been receiving reports along the northern that something has been heading to Ponyville.”

“And this concerns me how?” I asked as the grey doctor ran over to me with a clean rag and started to clean my wounds more appropriately.

“I have had reports that whatever it is, it is dangerous. I do not know much more than it bipedal and wears a suit that makes it difficult to see. I also know that whatever it is, the griffons are interested in it also. They have sent a small task force to capture the creature.”

“Sounds like a time and a half. Where do I come in?” I asked as the doctor prodded a wound “Watch it!”

“Sorry.” The doctor muttered before handing me the rag and ran off to see Atlanta.

“I would like you to take a position to the north of town with a squad of my guard and watch the roads for this creature.” Celestia told me “If what I hear is true, the creature should be arriving tomorrow or the next day.”

“Fine, but Atlanta and Dallas are with me.”

“Aren’t they still injured?”

“I didn’t mean right away.”


I waited in the tent for a few hours before most of the crowd dispersed and left me and Celestia in the tent with a broken Dallas and Atlanta. The grey skies made for less light and less light made for a dark tent. I waited in silence for a while till Celestia left without a word. I was thankful for that much. I braced myself and climbed to my feet. My body felt fine with the exception of a few bruises but it was my face that felt like I went twelve rounds with Mike Tyson.

I wanted to get a mirror and check myself but I figured it would have to wait. After a few moments, Youngstown walked in and looked upon his… eh… stallions.

“You sure showed the public what you’re capable of.” He said as I collected myself and walked over to the door.

“Don’t worry; you’ll get your shot.” I said as I stepped out of the tent and into the open.

The field was barren like usual with the exception of Dash. She was lying on top of the H2 and from the looks of it, she was sleeping. I walked over to the side of the H2 and looked into the mirror. I had a large gash that ran the length of my face, a busted nose, and a bloodied lip. I was quite the looker. I leaned back against the H2 and placed my hands on the sides of my nose again. I knew what was coming.

With a sharp twist, I snapped my nose back into place as it felt like I took an ice pick to the center of my face. A sharp pain traveled through my skull and down my spine until just a harsh throbbing was left. I gritted my teeth and grunted the pain away. I beat my fist against the door once before narrowing my eyes and burying the pain.

“You ok?” I heard Dash asked from above me.

I looked over my shoulder and saw her looking down on me from the roof of the H2.

“Never felt better.” I said as I looked over myself.

I was a total mess. I was covered in blood and dirt. Good thing I had a clean suit waiting for me.

“You’re the talk of the town now. You know that?” She asked with a comforting smile.

I could only smile and say “No shit, Sherlock.”

“Hey, I’m just letting you know!” She said before looking over me “You don’t look so good.”

“I’ve had worse.” I said as looked at my forearms “You know where my stuff is?”

“Yeah, I grabbed it for you so it wouldn’t get destroyed by the crowd.”

I placed my foot on the running board and hoisted myself up to get a look at the roof. My coat, shotgun, handgun and knife were in a neat pile next to where she was sleeping. I grabbed it in a bundle and hopped down off the running board.

“Thanks.” I said, pocketing my handgun and sheathing the knife.

“Don’t mention it. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

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