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Chapter 39: Biding Your Time

Alex retracted his hand as I spun around and marched over to the H2. I listened as he started to say something and stopped himself. At any other point in time, I would have stopped and asked him what was on his mind but I had the security of my town on my mind. I marched behind the H2 and opened the trunk.

“What are you planning?” Alex asked as he ran over to me.

I didn’t even look at him as I smirked “You know exactly how I plan to handle this.”

I pulled my weapons from my person and laid them out in the trunk. I grabbed the AR-15 and tossed it over to Alex.

“You seriously think this is the best way to handle this?” He asked as he snatched the rifle out of midair.

“We aren’t exactly going to win them over with hugs.” I replied as I tucked the 1911 into my pocket and grabbed my old shoulder holster.

“I thought the Princess wanted no violence.” Alex replied as he checked his weapon and opened the action.

“The Princess can piss off. We are handling this my way.” I replied as I grabbed a revolver from the pile of stolen weapons.

I checked the weapon over and found that it was a S&W Model 29 with a chrome finish and a six inch barrel.

“Your way isn’t exactly quiet.” Alex pointed out.

“That is the point. Shock and Awe is sometimes the best option.” I said as I holstered the Model 29 into my shoulder holster.

“You’re talking to ex-army here.” Alex pointed out as he walked over to the trunk and grabbed his Berretta automatic “The griffons aren’t exactly push overs.”

I chuckled a bit at his statement as I grabbed a set of Sig P226s from the pile. I tucked each one away into the inside pockets of my suit coat.

“I doubt that highly. I’ve taken on a lot in my short time here.” I said as I grabbed my G36c and pulled the action back “Plus we are armed to the teeth.”

“I can see that.” Alex said as placed his hands on the bumper of the H2 “Do you even know why the griffons are chasing me?”

“I don’t care.” I replied as I closed the trunk “You are my brother.”

“I appreciate the sentiment.”

I shrugged off his comment as I looked towards Twilight’s. I needed plan. I actually had time now to prepare the town. Not to mention the fact I could request some soldiers. I stared blankly for a moment before Alex walked over.

“You ok-“

“I got it!” I said as I spun around and pointed to him “I know someone that can get orders out quickly.”

“OK!” Alex shouted back “Want me to keep an eye out for griffons?”

“No, I need you with me.” I said as I motioned for him to follow me.

Alex shook his head before jogging over to my side. We marched over to Twilight’s with pressing thoughts on our minds before we reached the door.

“You sure you want to do this?” Alex asked “There is no going back.”

“Let’s just get this over with.” I said as I looked towards the ground.

I lowered my G36 in my left hand and knocked on the door with my right. I could hear hushed voices and movement behind the door as I waited for a reply. None came.

“Open up! We have a situation!” I yelled through the door.

“This isn’t a good time!” I heard Spike’s voice shout back.

“Fuck this!” I shouted as I took a step back from the door.

I hiked my leg back and sent it through the door. The door split in half with a sickening crack, sending the two halves flying into the house. Without wasting a second, me and Alex stepped in. After the dust settled, a distraught, frightened Twilight, and an aggravated Dash looked up at me.

“We have a situation.” I repeated.

“What the hay is wrong with you?!” Dash shouted before flying into my face.

Her eyes were filled with fury as she attempted to stare me down. The world seemed to slow down as I listened to her wings flap and her eyes try to stare me down. I didn’t flinch as I stared right back.

“The griffon army is on its way here. They intend to take me and Alex down for whatever reason.” I explained.

“I know the reason!” Alex said jokingly as he jumped around behind me, raising his hand “Oh, oh, pick me!”

I rolled my eyes as I spun around, if only to hide my amusement.

“Go head, explain.” I said flatly.

“Thanks for your permission, General Hardass.” Alex shot back before recalling his story “When I awoke here, I was stopped by a griffon. She wanted to arrest me and take my weapons. I wasn’t having it and ran. I returned fire when necessary.” Alex told as if it was a story from his childhood “They seemed more interested in my weapons than me. They tried to steal them and did on one occasion. I got it back though.”

Alex finally finished his story and the ponies were speechless.

“Yeah, it is bad.” I cut in “They found Alex and me here and are going to come after us tomorrow.”

Dash backed down and flew over to Twilight’s side. Twilight tried to fight back tears before she attempted to speak.

“This is very bad.” She mumbled.

No shit.” Alex fired at her before reaching into his vest pocket and grabbing a cigarette.

Alex lit up his cigarette and turned to me, looking for direction.

“What’s the plan, smart one?”

Without hesitation, I pointed to Spike.

“What?” Spike called out before taking a step back “What do you need me for?”

“I need you to send a message. Tell the Princess meet me at noon. Let her know war is on the horizon.”

I spun around and walked towards the exit before stopping short.

I looked over my shoulder and said “There is a method to my madness.”

Alex took a long huff from his cig and we walked outside without another word.


After we had left Twilight’s, me and Alex had returned to the H2 and drove back to the camp near Dash’s. We had a war to plan.

I pulled up to the campfire in the center of camp. Alex had been silent the whole way but I figured it was better not to question him. The night was in full swing again as the fire that had been going on was but mere ashes and embers. It looked like my recruits had long since retired to bed. I shifted into park and let the engine die off. Without speaking to one another, me and Alex stepped out of the H2. My various guns clanked and jingled as I stepped out of the SUV prepared for war. Alex walked around to my side as we walked together in stride towards the tent.

“You seriously think your recruits are prepared to fight?” Alex asked as he tossed his cig butt aside.

“Not really, well, except for Atlanta. We just need them to bide us time.” I explained.

“I like the way you think.” Alex said as we stepped into the tent.

Atlanta and Dallas were fast asleep in there cots as was Youngstown. I pointed my rifle into the air and fired a single round. The gunshot echoed in my ears as a ringing began and the smell of gunpowder filled my nostrils. The recruits shot awake.

“What the-“ Atlanta started up.

“Listen!” I said as I tried to find the right words “It seems that we are going to war.”

The recruits looked amongst themselves with a look of terror before Youngstown spoke up.

“Equestria hasn’t been to war in decades. We aren’t even properly trained for one! We are just peacekeepers!”

“Who needs an army? You have us.” I said as I pointed to me and Alex.

I watch as Atlanta covered his mouth with his hoof and leaned towards Dallas “Ego…”

“Shut up, you.” I said as I looked over towards Atlanta “This is not the time.”

“Who’s our enemy?” Dallas asked.

“The griffons.” Alex replied before lifting his rifle and resting the barrel against his shoulder.

“This isn’t good.” Youngstown said in a hushed voice.

“Leave it to you to point out the obvious.” I said as I turned to the door “Be prepared for an attack at midnight tomorrow. For now, get some rest and await further orders.”

I heard Youngstown give a low, aggravated growl as I stepped out of the tent with Alex in tow. I walked towards the H2 for a second before I was cut off by Alex.

“Do you really think taking on an army is a good idea? There are only two of us after all.”

I stepped up to the H2 and pressed my back against the driver’s side door “We have the superior firepower here. If we can lead them into a chokepoint, we can cut them down.”

“I see your point but what of the civilians?” He asked, trying to cover all the points before the battle.

“Issue the order to keep them inside. If need be, they can be evacuated after the battle. I’m not letting the griffons strong-arm us. This is my town.” I said with authority I didn’t know I had.

“Your town, ‘eh?” Alex said, raising an eyebrow “Already grown attached to the locals?”

His words stopped me in my tracks. I felt my expression go blank before thinking back. It seemed I was all too eager to lay everything on the line for this town. It bothered me but at the same time, gave me a sense of belonging and purpose.

“Getting soft on me?” Alex cut in to my thought.

“No… I’m stopping this before it gets out of hand.”

“Glad to hear you’re growing a pair for once.” Alex replied with a smirk.

I flipped Alex off before looking towards home.

“You got somewhere to stay tonight?” I asked Alex with a tone of friendly worry.

“Why, I didn’t know you cared.” He said with a jovial overtone.

“I’m serious. I don’t trust the griffons and I can’t stand to lose another friend.” I said, putting my motive out clear as day.

“Don’t worry about me. I am a big boy, I can handle myself.”

I force myself to chuckle a bit “Just be careful. I am turning in for the night.”

I turned around to Alex as he waved and walked off towards town. Generally, he was the one worried about me but I couldn’t lose anyone else. I had already lost my family and Ulik. I turned back towards the house and made my way towards the door. I stepped up onto the cloud (this still astonished me but stranger things have been happening) and walked over to the door. A gust of wind blew through my jacket before I opened the door and stepped in from the bitter cold. I closed the door.

I walked over to the couch and sat down as my weapons continued to clank and bang around in my jacket. With the flag above my head, I pulled all my weapons from my jacket and set them next to me on the sofa. Lastly, I unslung my G36c and leaned it against the wall to my left. I pulled my trench coat off as well as my suit coat and laid them over the arm of the couch and laid my head back. My temples throbbed from all of the stress and my ears had a low ring from the gunshot from earlier. I let out an exhausted breath and closed my eyes.

Before I could fall asleep, I heard the door squeak open and my reflexes reacted immediately. I grabbed a P226 from the cushion next to me and pointed it in the direction of the door. My sights locked on to a bewildered Dash. I took a relieved sigh and lowered the gun.

“Sorry about that. This has got me a little on edge.” I said in a low voice.

“Good to see you too.” Dash said in a startled tone.

I tossed the gun aside and climbed to my feet. I stretched long and hard as I listened to every joint in my body pop. As I relaxed my muscles, Dash flew over to me and gave a strong hug. I returned the gesture and felt her breathing settle down. Now that I had a moment to take it all in, it was obvious that she was upset. I could hardly blame her with all that is going on. I gave her a little squeeze before letting go. Dash backed off a bit and hesitated to maintain eye contact.

“Are you going to be ok?” She asked in a hushed and worried tone.

“I should be the one asking you that.”

“Just try to be careful Mr. Indestructible.” Dash said with wobbly sarcasm.

I watched as Dash moved her eyes from me to my arsenal that sat on the sofa behind me.

“You mean business, don’t you?” She asked with and inherent tone of worry.

“I do. The griffons have another thing coming if they believe me and Alex are just going to give up.” I said in a proud tone “Me and Alex aren’t in it alone either. I am meeting with Celestia tomorrow to request troops.”

“You are going to start a war!” She lashed out.

“What do you want me to do?!” I asked as I threw my hands out “Just let the griffons take us? Who knows what will happen then?”

“… I’m sorry.” She muttered out before the tell-tale signs of tears appeared in her eyes again.

Dash turn and was about to take off out of the room before I caught her but her hind leg and brought her back.

“Hey… It’ll be fine.” I said as I place my hand on the side of her face “Try not to worry about it tonight.”

“If you say so.” Dash mumbled out as I wiped a tear from her face.

“I go this.” I said in a reassuring tone “Just let me and Alex handle this. It is me and him they want. Not you or anyone else in Ponyville, or even the rest of Equestria for that matter.”

With my piece said, I pulled Dash close and hugged her tight. I was afraid I wouldn’t get to do that much longer. I ran my fingers through her soft mane a few times before reluctantly letting go. I grabbed a ‘just-in-case’ piece from the couch, my 1911, and looked back at Dash.

“I’m ready to go to bed. I got a shit-storm waiting for me tomorrow.”

Dash just nodded and looked almost disappointed. I just walked towards the bedroom with sleep on my mind. I pushed open the door and shuffled over towards the bed. The moon shined through the window to my right as dash removed my hat and set it on the night stand. I didn’t get a word out before I hit the bed face first and passed out.

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