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Epilogue: Aftermath

One month later…

The crosshairs of the scope scanned throughout town. I could see the occasional wanted poster and griffon cleaning up their messes but the town was still on lockdown as of now. It crushed me to see the town like this but it was the way it had to be. As long as I stayed away, nothing would be done to this town. I scanned with the scope of Alex’s rifle and saw that Twilight was searching for something. I didn’t think much of it. I just looked over the town as a feeling of dread built in my gut.

“Hey General,” I heard Dallas announce from behind me “We have griffons moving in from the north. We are going to have to leave soon.”

Dallas stood in front of the H2 as Atlanta sat on top, basking in the sun. I stood up with the rifle and looked back over the hill, down the scope. I could see the Elements gathering in the center of town. Dash flew in with a grim look on her face as Celestia appeared in a flash of light. She said something to the group before a griffon ran over and began to speak. He was immediately tackled by Dash as she attempted to stomp his neck in. I smiled a bit before looked back at Celestia who used her magic to separate the two.

“You get ‘em, girl.” I cheer her on even though she couldn’t hear me.
The griffon stood back up and brushed himself off before Celestia began to yell at him and he shrank away. I still hated Celestia’s fucking guts. It took everything I had in me not to pull the trigger right then and there. I grimaced as I watched Dash fly off in tears and the group disperse. Guilt overtook me as I lowered the rifle and turned back to Dallas and Atlanta.

“You alright General?” Atlanta asked as he turned his head from the sky to me.
“Yeah…” I said, not letting my weakness get the better of me “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

“Where will we go?” Dallas asked and walked up to me.

“As far away from here as we can get.” I answered, walking past him towards the H2.

“I hear the desert off to the west is a good place to hide. Buffalo raiders use it all the time.” Atlanta answered as he stretched out.
“Then that is where we are going.” I confirmed as I opened the driver’s side door and climbed in.



Comments ( 27 )

Cause I'm wanted,
Dead or alive.


Already planning it

YES! Thank you so much for ending it this way. I can't wait for the sequel.

All great things must come to an end sometime, but at least there's the sequel. Great story, can't wait for the next one.

1294264 and 1294260

I'm glad you two think so. I pulled this one out of my ass.


1. She isn't thinking that far ahead and that is one of the reasons Ryan is touchy about his weapons.
2. The griffon empire is kinda like the soviets in the 50s and 60s. If you were in eastern Europe and didn't wanna get invaded and/or shot, you bent to their will.

All American,
Me and my best friend, we read every single chapter word for word together.
I fucking LOVED this story.
I have never cried so deeply for a story in my life.
You know what?

Now excuse me while I go punish myself for crying all over my favorite shirt.

Nice job man, loved it. Can't wait for the sequel.

I was completely not expecting it to be like this but than again it is awesome. Alex dying sorta made sense to me, Dash trying to kill a gryphon makes even more sense since she is now seperated from him cause of Celestia. Pay Back is gonna be a bitch to her.

*Plays Taps, even though it's 3am*
Why must all things good come to an end?
Sequel will continue the legacy, can't wait.

Glad I found this story all those months ago. If you're comming out with a sequel that's where I'll be.

Until next time.

My mother and grandmother can confirm that.

SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Can't wait for the sequel

Fate is a cruel mistress. The strongest can fight and never break free while some can flow in her gentle embrace. Keep fighting Ryan.we are behind you all the way


I didn't know who that was, so I looked it up and got this:

Then I read a little and got this:

Look a little closer:

I feel like someone is fucking with me.

God's speed you magnificent bastard.


That is one of the reasons I wrote this in the first place. Got tired of all the OCs that would just roll over. Ryan was originally a lot more violent in my head but I can't bring myself to hurt characters that I have grown fond of.

Except Celestia. Fuck Celestia with two big, blunt, rusty nails shaped like dicks.

Cool story, bro. Now write another.


The joy of a new reader. Prepare yourself for a wonderful world of anger, revenge, cheesy love, and spelling errors.

3030988 indeed. A few man Tears came from my face typing that out of the sheer beauty of my creation.

I made that comment 96*7=630+42=672 days ago, aka. almost 2 years ago.
Thanks for the necro, mancer.

That said... whilst I have changed, my comment has not, although I would gladly rewrite it(which I wont), the meaning would stay the same, people who find guns and/or violence a solution to even 1 problem can go and off themselves somewhere else.

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