• Published 1st Nov 2014
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MLDC: SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightest Mare! - Michael_Ravencroft

Something stirs beneath Equestria, dark forces and evil organizations plan to usurp the peace of the world. Sensing the coming storm, the Wizard searches for one who will defend this world, and become Equestria's Mightest Mortal!

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Lightning Strikes Arc Part 9: The Battle of Manehattan, Black Adam's Might!

The crisis at the Manehattan stadium had passed, the agents of “The Kingdom”, had been captured and sent to prisons for interrogation and incarceration for their crimes. All through the city word of the hero who saved the ponies that day had spread far and wide, newspapers headlined the name of the savior, “Shazam”. Various accounts were given of the heroic alicorn, how she defeated the agents all on her own, saved two Wonderbolts, Spitfire and Rainbow Dash, and was the one to bring down the death net spell that was cast over the stadium. Blurry pictures accompanied the headline, the net having obscured their shots and made getting a good shot of her hard. Still, they published the only good one they had, and soon, it was spread all over the Equestrian Times.

Some were skeptical as to the sudden appearance of a fifth alicorn mare, believing that there were only four in existence. Tensions between the crown and the citizens was somewhat strained, although many accepted the ascension of Princess Twilight Sparkle, there were those who believed, the conspiracy theorists, that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were trying to increase the number of alicorns in the world so as to repopulate it with a superior race of equines. There was no need for three tribes when a single being encompassed all three’s abilities and strengths, and magnified them times ten.

Such was the theory, but to those knew better, it was just a lot of malarkey. It was these events, however, that lead to Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, Twilight, and the remaining Elements of Harmony, to make the venture to Manehattan, to reassure the citizens that their faith in their Princesses was not misplaced and to address the issue of the terrorist attack. A royal train had been made specifically for long journeys like this, heavily guarded, and, if necessary, able to levitate off the track and like a bullet to escape danger.

Currently, Twilight was going over the speech that Celestia and Luna were to give later that afternoon, she memorized both her part in the speech as well as the others, wanting to be ready and not miss her cue, but really though, her mind was otherwise occupied by another matter. A day passed since the incident, and when Twilight received word about what had happened in Manehattan, all she could think about was if Scootaloo was alright. She may have fought a manticore, but these were armed terrorists and a spell that was designed to kill everything living inside it. Thankfully, from what the papers said, and the letter she soon received from Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo was okay.



“Come in,” said Twilight.

The door to her car opened and revealed Applejack standing in the doorway. “Howdy Twi, you doin’ alright?”

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine, why do you ask?”

Applejack entered the private car and sat across from Twilight. “Well, it just seems like yer deep in the thought, more than usual.”

“I guess all this business with those terrorists is just a bit scary. I never imagined something like that would happen, and we almost lost Rainbow Dash because of it,” said Twilight with a hint of sadness.

“Ah see, ya got a lot on yer plate. What with this mess and then there’s little Scootaloo goin’ missin’. I’m surprised you haven’t become a nervous wreck by now.”

Twilight looked up to Applejack; she then looked around the room to make sure they were alone. Once satisfied that there was nopony around Twilight looked directly at Applejack.

“AJ, there’s something I need to tell you in regards to Scootaloo.”

“Does it have somethin’ to do with the fact that you wanted me and Rares to bring our little sisters along with us?” Applejack asked.

“Yes. Scootaloo’s in Manehattan, I’m not entirely sure how she got there, exactly. But she is, and I just got a letter from Rainbow telling me that she has her and is taking care of her until we arrive.”

Some of the tension in Applejack’s body visibly ebbed away. Many of the ponies closest to the little pegasus filly were worried to death about what had become of her since they couldn’t find her anywhere in town or in the forests, but after hearing that, Applejack was very much relieved. But there was something about the way Twilight said she didn’t know how Scootaloo got there that didn’t sit well with her.

“Not that I’m not unsure as to the reason she went there, but the question is Twi: why did she run away in the first place?”

Twilight sighed heavily. “I don’t know, but hopefully I can find out when we get there.”

“While we’re on the subject, how did Scootaloo get to Manehattan from Ponyville? It takes at least a full day’s ride to get there? And Ah doubt anypony at the train station would’ve let her on the train without a ticket; trains goin’ there are pretty full of passengers, so Ah think somepony would’ve noticed an unaccompanied filly hitching a ride.”

Twilight was starting to get nervous, she couldn’t flat out tell the earth pony mare that Scootaloo was gifted with the powers of six gods and was now able to be anywhere in near the blink of an eye! For Twilight it wasn’t too farfetched, but for a little filly like Scootaloo? Applejack was definitely going to need an explanation. It didn’t help that the farm mare’s green eyes bared down on her, like a judge waiting to hear the testament of guilty. But as Twilight began to open her mouth to speak, Applejack raised a hoof to stop her.

“Look, explanations and answers will be fer later. Right now, just concentrate on Scoots when ya see her. We’ll settle up with the girls, or alone, later. Okay?” Applejack asked.

Twilight nodded.

“Alright, well, at least I can reassure Apple Bloom that she doesn’t have to worry about Scoots, little thing’s been plum worried sick over her.”

Applejack stood up and made her way to the door, exiting the private car and heading back to her shared room with Apple Bloom. Now that Applejack had brought it up, why did Scootaloo run away? When Twilight thought about it more, the only correlation she could make was when Mrs. Milano said that Cheerilee was going to adopt her, granted Scootaloo didn’t know it was going to be her own school teacher who was going to adopt her, she would think that Scootaloo would be more excited to hear such good news.

Scootaloo, you better have a good explanation for all of this, thought Twilight.


Scootaloo laid in bed, sleeping soundly. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked the sleep from her eyes, once her vision adjusted she slowly took in her surroundings. It was a hotel room from what she could make out, a nice one at that. She was also aware of an ungodly whinny like snore coming from her right. Scootaloo slowly turned her head and saw the owner of that snore, and really, she was mentally chastising herself for not recognizing it sooner.

Rainbow Dash was sleeping at her bed side, her forelegs tucked under her head as a makeshift pillow. She was still in her Wonderbolts speed suit, showing that the prismatic mare hadn’t left the young filly’s bedside for even a moment. Scootaloo smiled at this, seeing how worried Rainbow Dash was about her, she really was the best big sister. Scootaloo reached out and gently placed her hoof on her mane, the sensation was just enough to rouse Rainbow Dash from sleep. Groggily she lifted her head, her tired eyes opening to check on the filly she had long since taken on as not only her protégé, but her surrogate little sister as well.

“Morning Rainbow Dash,” said Scootaloo.

“S-Scootaloo…? Scootaloo you’re awake!” Rainbow quickly enveloped the little filly in a tight hug. “Don’t you ever do something like that again! Running out to help me when those psycho terrorists were all over the place! You could’ve gotten killed!”

She should’ve felt more guilty about that, but Scootaloo was the one who saved Rainbow’s, and everypony else’s lives. Still, she couldn’t tell her that, not yet.

“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, I just…When I saw what that masked stallion did to Spitfire, I couldn’t let the same thing happen to you.”

Rainbow Dash sighed, a little ticked off that Scootaloo was so reckless, but honestly, it was that reckless side of the filly that Rainbow secretly adored about her, seeing her as a mini version of herself, albeit with some minor differences here and there.

“You’re lucky that Shazam mare was there to save you, I don’t want to think about what those guys would do to a foal if they were willing to kill everypony there. Never mind, it’s over. Are you feeling alright?”

Scootaloo nodded in affirmation, but a thought quickly entered her head. “Where’s Babs and her friends?”

“Babs is here, she’s resting in the other room. She really didn’t want to leave you alone, as for her friends; their parents came by and picked them up. The only reason Babs’ parents let her stay was because she vouched that I was friends with Applejack and that I’d keep an eye on her.”

Scootaloo let out a sigh of relief, smiling in the knowledge that her friends were okay. It was then that Scootaloo noticed the slightly impish grin on the older mare’s face.


“She was pretty worried about you, kept refusing to go with her parents until she was sure you weren’t hurt or anything. She’s a special little filly isn’t she?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, yeah, I mean, we didn’t exactly start off that well when she came to Ponyville, but now, and more so recently, I really like her.”

“Uh-huh, would you say you like, like her?”

Scootaloo’s face turned red at the notion.

“Hey, you don’t have to be embarrassed, or ashamed. It’s alright to like other fillies, just make sure she feels the same way about you, it can get all kinds of awkward if you try to make a move on her and find out that her barn door doesn’t swing that way.”

Scootaloo felt the heat growing around her face, Rainbow may have been trying to impart some sort of sisterly advice, but it was just embarrassing.

Believe me Rainbow Dash, I’m more than sure her “barn door” swings that way, and directly towards Apple Bloom.

“Rainbow stop, Babs and I are just best friends and Cutie Mark Crusaders! We aren’t like that! A-And I’m not like that…either.” Scootaloo proclaimed.

Rainbow brought up her hooves defensively. “Alright, alright, it’s cool. Just remember what I said about the not being ashamed part.”

“Alright, got it, moving on!”

Scootaloo wanted to get off the topic of romance, never really having an interest in such things, but recently her hormones would beg to differ. Rainbow Dash ruffled Scootaloo’s mane playfully, to which the young filly giggled. But when Rainbow eased up and moved her hoof to Scootaloo’s shoulder, a serious expression appeared on her face. Scootaloo knew what was coming, it wasn’t like she could avoid this discussion the whole time she was with her, still, she at least wanted a few more minutes of bonding time before they did.

“You look like you know what I’m about to say,” said Rainbow Dash.

“I do…”

“Then I’ll just come out and say it…What were you thinking! Running away to Manehattan to Ponyville is dangerous! You could’ve been foalnapped or fallen into a ravine and down a waterfall!”

“Okay, that only happened one time!” Scootaloo interjected.

“And Manehattan itself may be a nice place, but it isn’t like Ponyville where you can walk around at night and feel safe, if you got caught out here at night, there’s no telling what would’ve happened to you! I…I was scared Scoots…”

Scootaloo looked up at her idol. “You, scared?”

“Of course I was! My little sister needed me and I wasn’t around for her to come running to! That’s why you ran all the way here isn’t? You needed me?!”

Scootaloo didn’t deny that, she wanted to be with Rainbow Dash, she felt safe with her; the pegasus mare being in Manehattan was a bonus really.

“So what made you come out all the way here? Was it those two fillies from your school?! If it was, I’ll go back with you right now and I’ll put the fear of Faust in them!”

Scootaloo briefly contemplated allowing Rainbow Dash to do just that, but as much fun as would’ve been to have Rainbow Dash scare the two fillies who made her and her friend’s lives a near living Tartarus, she knew that that would only cause more problems that she really didn’t need right now.

“No, it wasn’t them. But I’d like a rain check on that ‘fear of Faust’ thing.”

“Fine. But really, why did you run away?”

Scootaloo’s gaze became downcast; her memories of divulging her painful past to Babs resurfaced and almost threatened to make her break down again. She wasn’t going to let that happen, the last thing she wanted was for her idol to see her bawl like a newborn foal, especially if it meant telling Rainbow about the things her mother did to her when she was younger.

“I can’t tell you…”

“Not even me?”

Scootaloo bit her lower lip. “Especially not you, Rainbow Dash. I…I don’t want you or anypony else looking at me differently…and don’t say you wouldn’t…”

Rainbow Dash looked upon her surrogate little sister with even more concern now. What was so bad that she couldn’t even tell her, and that it would change her opinion of her? Whatever it was, it seemed painful for Scootaloo to just think about it. They both just survived a hostage situation and a near death experience. The last thing she wanted was to put more stress on Scootaloo.

“Whatever scared you enough to run away from Ponyville, tell me, is it a big deal to you?” Rainbow asked.

Scootaloo still kept looking down, but gave a small nod.

Rainbow Dash moved her hoof and rubbed Scootaloo’s back soothingly. “Alright, we’ll leave it at that then. If it’s a big deal to you then it’s a big deal to me. If you want you can get a little more sleep, it’ll be another couple of hours before Twi, the girls, and the Princesses get into town. I was also thinking of ordering room service, was there anything you wanted to eat?”

Scootaloo glanced up at Rainbow Dash, “Well…A deep dish Manehattan pizza would hit the spot right now.”

“You got it, just snooze for a little longer Squirt; I’ll wake ya when the food’s here.”

Scootaloo did as her idol told her and laid back down onto the comfy bed. Rainbow Dash walked out of the room and closed the door behind her, letting out a long sigh. Pressing Scootaloo was not a good idea, but at least she got some idea as to the reason for her coming here. Rainbow spotted Babs on the couch, starting to wake up from hearing the bedroom door close.

“Wha-What’s up? Do ya need me to watch Scoots for a bit?” Babs asked.

“No, Scootaloo’s awake and she’s fine. I told her to rest a little more while I order us some grub, she hasn’t eaten in like, what, a day and a half?” Rainbow went over to the intercom buzzer that was meant for ordering room service. “By the way, is there anything you want Babs? The hotel is covering everything so we can pig out and run up the bill.”

Babs chuckled at the offer. “I’ll just have whatever Scoots is havin’.”

“Guess I’ll make that pizza a large.” Before Rainbow Dash pressed the button, she looked back at Babs Seed. “Hey Babs, Scootaloo spent the night at your place right?”


“Did she happen to mention why she ran away?”

Babs tensed up, and the earth filly could tell that Rainbow Dash noticed. All her teachers, her big sister, and even her parents have always told her that if somepony had been hurt like Scootaloo had, she was to tell an adult she trusted. Babs could tell that Rainbow Dash was one of those ones she could trust, seeing as how the pegasus mare never left Scootaloo’s bedside. But she made a promise to Scootaloo, even divulged her own guilty secret crush on Apple Bloom. She trusted Scootaloo with her secret and as a friend and Crusader, she couldn’t break that trust. Besides, it was Scootaloo’s tale to tell, and from what she saw that night, Scootaloo telling somepony like Rainbow Dash or even Princess Twilight would help her to heal better than if she did say anything.

“Pinkie Promise?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Pinkie Promise,” replied Babs.

“Well, worth a shot.”


Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, and Babs Seed were escorted by Royal Guards to where their friends would be. The Princesses were going to make a speech before the citizens and their venue would be city hall. A great crowd of ponies had gathered and Scootaloo could see a mixture of fear and anger. In truth she couldn’t blame most of them, some may have had family members that were almost killed inside the stadium that day, and others were probably outraged because their Princesses couldn’t do anything to stop those terrorists. And, she imagined, some of the were probably angry and scared of Scootaloo, more precisely, Shazam. Some of the ponies in the crowd were holding up signs saying “Tell Us the Truth!” and “We Aren’t Safe!” it got to Scootaloo when saw these ponies.

How can they say things like that! After the times that Princess Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and the others saved Equestria, and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna defeating Discord! Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor stopping the Changeling invasion! Ugh!

The carriage finally arrived at the back entrance, away from the crowd. The three ponies exited the carriage and were lead inside where they were to meet with the others. Scootaloo had seen the inside of Ponyville City Hall, but this was way different. The inside was huge, hallways leading to different wings of the buildings, and ponies dressed in business attire were scrambling all over the place, no doubt rushing to get everything ready for the speeches that were soon to take place. Babs had lived in Manehattan her whole life, but this was the first time she had ever seen the inside of City Hall, mostly because she and her family never had a particular reason for coming here, but she was impressed all the same.

The Royal Guards passed them off to another group of RGs, who led them down one hall and up the stairs to the right wing of the building. The Guards opened the double doors to a large meeting room, revealing –

“SCOOTALOO!!!” Cried out two fillies.

Babs stepped to the side just in time to dodge Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, who had launched themselves like a couple of rockets right at Scootaloo. The three fillies became a ball of chaos as they rolled on the floor and stopped abruptly with the pegasus filly pinned underneath her two friends.

“We were worried sick about you!” Sweetie Belle cried.

“We didn’t know where you were! You really scared us Scoots!” Apple Bloom cried as well, a mixture of happiness, anger, and sadness all rolled into one.

Scootaloo felt the earth filly and unicorn filly hug her tighter, as if thinking she’d run away again if they let go. She felt ashamed for making her two best friends worry like this, and she could only imagine what Aura and Alula were like back home.

“I’m sorry girls, really.”

“You didn’t even say goodbye,” said Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo leaned her head forward and nuzzled both Apple Bloom’s and Sweetie Belle’s cheeks in turn. It seemed enough to convey the sorry she felt as the two nuzzled back. It was then that Apple Bloom separated herself from Scootaloo, remembering that Babs was there. She ran to her cousin and nearly bowled her over like Scootaloo. She wrapped her forelegs around Babs’ neck and hugged her tightly, crying into her shoulder. If Apple Bloom wasn’t crying, Babs would’ve been more flustered from the action.

“H-H-Hey Cuz, what’s wrong?”

“Ah heard about what happened at that stadium! And how those ponies almost killed everyone! Ah was afraid that you and Scoots…” Apple Bloom couldn’t bring herself to say the word, afraid that uttering it would break whatever imagined spell that kept her favorite cousin standing there with her.

Babs brought up one of her forelegs and gently patted Apple Bloom on the back. “Hey, hey, it’s alright Cuz, I’m here. I ain’t goin’ anywhere. Me and Scoots are fine. So quit yer bawlin’ would ya? You’re cuter when ya smile.”

Apple Bloom separated herself from Babs; she then wiped her face of the tears and put on a smile for her cousin as she blushed slightly. Babs draped a foreleg over Apple Bloom’s withers and brought her into a half hug, smiling back.

As Scootaloo watched this, she noticed just how well the two really got along, even after the rocky start to their friendship. She found herself accepting the idea and possible reality of Babs confessing to Apple Bloom, and maybe the two would be more than just cousins, an idea that Scootaloo was little more accepting of than she did last time. After another minute of hugging and crying, the older mares, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie, all gave Scootaloo their hugs and told her how they looked for her everywhere. Pinkie in particular looked everywhere, violating a lot of privacies in doing so. There was one, however, that didn’t join them in the hugging, she merely stared at the pegasus filly with a neutral expression, one could almost mistake her for Maud Pie. Scootaloo knew why Twilight looked at her this way, which only made it worse.

“Scootaloo,” said Twilight in an even tone, “I’d like to talk with you privately in the other room.”

Scootaloo didn’t protest as she followed the alicorn mare to the adjacent room, but Rainbow Dash cut Twilight off before they got to the door.

“Hold on Twi, I’m coming with her.”

“I want to talk with Scootaloo alone Dash, so please allow me to do so.”

“Not without me you won’t! I’m her big sister; whatever you gotta say to her you can say to both of us!”

Scootaloo jumped between the two mares quickly. “Rainbow Dash it’s alright, really! Twilight and I are just going to talk for a bit.”

Rainbow Dash looked between Twilight and Scootaloo, eyeing her best friend critically. After a tense minute, Rainbow relented and nuzzled Scootaloo’s cheek.

“I’ll be out here if you need me.” Rainbow walked towards Twilight and said in passing, “Go easy on her Twi, she has her reasons.”

Twilight nodded and opened the door to adjacent office with her magic. Scootaloo walked in first with Twilight following behind her. The alicorn mare then shut the doors and seamlessly layered the room with a soundproofing spell to prevent eavesdropping. Scootaloo sat on the floor, facing the Princess of Friendship; she let out a sigh and prepared for the verbal accosting she was no doubt in store for.

“Twilight…” Suddenly Scootaloo felt her body lift up off the floor and float right into the awaiting forelegs of the purple alicorn, embracing Scootaloo. “T-Twilight?!”

“Don’t you EVER run away like that again, EVER! You really scared me Scootaloo; I was so scared for you!”

“T-Twilight, why were you scared? I have my powers, it’s not like I’m a helpless filly…”

“I don’t care, I was still scared! What would’ve happened if that spell succeeded in killing you! What if one of those terrorists got you before you could say the word and transform?! Or what if that death net kept the magic from coming to you?! And then you coming here to Manehattan! How did you even know where Babs lived?!”

“I…may’ve used my Wisdom of Star Swirl to help me look for her…How did you find out I was here anyway?”

“I went to the Rock of Eternity and asked Murmur to locate you. She told me that the Rock of Eternity and you are always connected no matter where in the world you are, so she used that connection to find you. I actually thought you were hiding out there since your friend, Alula, said she heard thunder before you vanished.”

In retrospect, hiding out in a magical fortress that’s in between dimensions might have been a better choice in places to run away to, can’t get any further than another dimension.

Twilight just hugged Scootaloo tighter. The pegasus filly hadn’t ever seen Twilight crying or worried like this before, she’s seen Twilight go temporarily insane that one time, but not like this. Scootaloo wrested her forelegs out from the hug and hugged Twilight back. The two ponies stayed like that for a few moments longer in silence. Twilight gently released Scootaloo, letting her set her hooves back onto the floor.

“So, I’m sure you can guess what my obvious question is then,” said Twilight.

“I do.”

“So, why?”

“Like I told Rainbow Dash, I can’t tell you…”

“Scootaloo I just want to know what made you think you had to run away from Ponyville.”


“Scootaloo, was it because of what Mrs. Milano said? That you were going to be adopted?”

The pegasus filly flinched. Yes, because I thought my witch of a mom was coming to take me back and…

“Why would you be afraid of that? I thought you’d be happy to be adopted?”

“Because I…I…!” Because I was afraid that I’d be dragged back to my whorse witch of a mother and be forced to…to… “Because I was afraid I’d be taken away alright?! I was afraid that the one coming to adopt me would take me away from Ponyville and take me somewhere else! I didn’t want to leave my friends behind, and I really didn’t want to leave you, Rainbow Dash, Miss Cheerilee, everypony!”

It wasn’t a total lie, more like a half-truth; this was part of the fear even if it wasn’t the main reason. Regardless, it seemed Twilight could tell that she was sincere in saying what she had said as the alicorn smiled at her. The Princess of Friendship patted Scootaloo on the head, stroking her mane comfortingly as she brought herself down to eye level with her.

“Oh Scootaloo, that was never going to happen sweetie. Listen, the mare who was coming to adopt you was Cheerilee.”

Scootaloo’s eyes went wide as her pupils shrunk to the size of pinpricks. “You’re kidding! Cheerilee?! W-Why would she want to adopt me?! And why wouldn’t she want Mrs. Milano to tell me?!”

“Why wouldn’t she want to, Scootaloo? You’re an amazing little filly, she’s admired how you never give up, you’re reckless ways, and how you stand up for your friends. She’s wanted to give you a good home ever since she found out that you were an orphan of Wayward House, but she was so unsure of herself, afraid that you’d hate her or flat out reject to be adopted by her. I mean, your teacher adopting and taking you in can be a bit weird.”

“Kinda,” chuckled Scootaloo.

“But she finally got up the courage to do it, and she talked to Mrs. Milano. That’s why she didn’t say anything; she wanted to surprise you and me with the adoption.”

The fear in Scootaloo’s heart was replaced with shock and happiness. Miss Cheerilee wanted to adopt her, Miss Cheerilee, the nicest mare she knew next to Fluttershy. The very mare who looked after her and the other foals, teaching them and nurturing them as was her special talent. But to find out that the teacher she held in high regard was actually willing to open her home to her and adopt her…it was just so unreal, and fantastic all at the same time! A smile started to form unconsciously on her lips, she loved Wayward House and the other foals there, but it was always their dreams to be adopted, and she would still be in Ponyville!

“Wait a minute, why did Miss Cheerilee want to surprise you?”

Twilight’s face went red as she rubbed the back of her head embarrassed. “Um…Scootaloo, you might find this just a bit strange, but…Cheerilee and me…we kinda, sorta, have been marefriends since little before I became Princess, and after as well.”

Scootaloo blushed a bit. “M-Marefriends! Like, you two have dated and kissed and stuff?!”


Scootaloo sat back down and let that sink in for a moment. “So…does that mean that you’re adopting me too since you’re going out with her…?”

“In a way, you could say that.”

Scootaloo moved closer to Twilight and hugged her foreleg. “I’m sorry Twilight…I never would’ve done this had I known it was Miss Cheerilee.”

“It’s okay to be scared, but don’t forget that there are ponies that you can come to at any time, ponies who care about you and will do whatever they can to help. After we’re done here, we’ll head back to Ponyville and back to Cheerilee.”

“‘Kay,” Scootaloo then looked up at Twilight with an impish grin. “I bet you can’t wait to get back to make out with Miss Cheerilee.”

“Heh, heh, yeah…Wait! I mean – that’s not why – Scootaloo!”


Black Adam and Dr. Caballeron walked the streets of Manehattan; both were an odd sight to see. Most thought that the ancient hero king was just a tall unicorn since his wings were hidden by his cape. Caballeron wasn’t as lucky; some averted their eyes when they noticed his scar and magic filled eye. The former king had sensed a large concentration of magical energy coming from the city and brought Caballeron along so that he could better navigate this “city” as he called it.

It was a stark contrast to what he remembered cities were. These were towering spires of steel, mortar, and glass, not stone, paved roads and concrete sidewalks as opposed to the natural materials that were used to fashion such things. He also took notice of the difference in the garbs the mares, stallions, and foals wore. Where once they wore robes and tunics, now they looked more modern and colorful, and some walked around with nothing more than a saddlebag or a necklace.

“<Caballeron is it natural for slaves to be walking around so freely?>” Black Adam asked.

“<Slaves, what slaves are you speaking of your Highness?>”

Black Adam nodded to a mare and some foals who were crowding a food vendor. “<In my time, ponies without garb were slaves, it was a way for the nobles and royalty to show that slaves didn’t need clothes since they were a commodity. It was also a form of humiliation since they were so exposed.>”

Caballeron thought about this, true, back during the days of the Warring Tribes, ponies wore clothes more often, but that was due more to the endless winter of the Windigos. When Equestria was founded and the tribes migrated to this place, the need for excess clothing wasn’t needed anymore. Some found it more comfortable to move around in their natural coat and so clothes were regulated to just accessories, reserved for special occasions or to express their individuality. All this he explained to Black Adam, to which the violet alicorn found strange.

It was then that Black Adam noticed one of the newspapers, much of it he didn’t understand, but there was one word he did recognize. Black Adam levitated the paper to Caballeron.

“<Caballeron, what does this parchment say, it has the Word of Power printed on it?!>”

Caballeron took the paper and read over it, “<Apparently there was an attack on the citizens of Manehattan and a alicorn mare calling herself, ‘Shazam’, defeated the ones responsible and saved the ponies.>”

“<Shazam, so the new Champion is a mare. Where is she, does it say?>”

“<No your Highness it does not, but there’s another part that says the Princesses are to hold an announcement at City Hall today. Maybe the Champion you are seeking is there.>”

“<Then we have little time to waste, let us away!>”

Black Adam grabbed hold of Caballeron in his telekinetic grip, unfurled his wings and took off into the air at great speed, causing a gust of wind that threw all the ponies nearby ten feet away. Higher and higher the two climbed into the air till Black Adam came to a stop, hovering in midair as he scanned over the city from above. Caballeron was freaking out, he was an earth pony, not a pegasus, the sky was not his friend! His enchanted eye caught sight of a collection of powerful magic in the direction he was looking, three sources of powerful magic, as well as six others that seemed to be stronger than those.

“<Your Highness, there, that’s where the magic is,>” said Caballeron as she pointed towards it.

Black Adam gazed into the direction that Caballeron indicated, indeed he could see that there was magic there, but only a small amount of it appeared to be connected to the ancient magic. Still, it was worth his time to investigate, as well as announce his presence. Black Adam sped through the skies, covering miles and blocks in a mere few seconds. Caballeron bit his lip to keep himself from screaming his head off as the city blurred beneath him; flying was not his happy place.

Thankfully, Black Adam landed on a building that overlooked City Hall. He released Caballeron and trotted to the edge, staring down at the gathered crowd of ponies. His eyes were drawn to the steps of white building, where, to his surprise, were four alicorn mares. One white with a flowing mane of four different colors, the second a midnight blue with a mane that resembled the night sky, the third was pink and had a strange aura of amorous energy surrounding her, and the fourth had strange, yet powerful magic in comparison to the other three.

“<Caballeron, are these the alicorn Princesses you spoke of?>”

Caballeron, reluctantly, made his way to the edge of the building beside Black Adam. “<Y-Yes, the first is Princess Celestia, she controls the sun. Her sister is Princess Luna, and she controls the moon. The other two are Princess Mi Amore Cadenza; she’s the Princess of Love and ruler of the Crystal Empire along with her husband, Prince Shining Armor. The other is Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship as she is called.”

“<And those five mares beside her, what of them?>”

“<From what I understand, Princess Twilight and those five comprise the Elements of Harmony, powerful magic that can make the impossible possible, it has defeated many different threats to Equestria. If I were you Milord, I would be weary of those six in particular. It is rumored that the artifacts that channeled that power were no longer in their possession, but they still defeated a powerful enemy that threatened to enslave all of ponykind.>”

“<‘Princesses, where are the Queens and Kings of these mares? Why do they send their children to take on such threats?>” Black Adam asked with intrigue.

“<They are all that has ruled us ever since the founding of Equestria. With the exception of Princess Mi Amore and Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia and Luna have ruled for a long time. There were kings and queens within the unicorn tribe, but they were abolished when the three tribes embraced them as the rightful rulers of this land.>”

Black Adam was finding this future to be more and more disorienting the longer he lingered. Rulers who were referred to as Princesses instead of Queens, the change in the customs, and the numerous threats that seemed to have sprouted in the absence of a true Champion of Magic. Black Adam wasn’t sure to label these Princesses as incompetent or just lackadaisical in their duties. In his time, rulers who showed such ineffective leadership were often the victims of coup d’états or assassination. Still, these two mares of the sun and moon did have a place in this world, ridding this world of their presence would most likely throw it into unbalance, and if he was to reign once again, he would need to keep the natural order in check, at least until he could figure out the mechanics of how they moved the sun and moon.

“<Well Caballeron, I believe this world has been without a true king and hero for far too long. It is time for a regime change.>”

“<If it’s any difference to you Milord, I’ll take the stairs down.>”

Scootaloo, Babs Seed, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle were standing off to the side with Prince Shining Armor, currently garbed in his Captain of the Guard uniform. Princess Celestia and Luna had been reassuring everypony that this was an attack by a radical group of anarchist ponies, and that they meant to cause the collapse of Equestrian society, Cadance and Twilight spoke on the topic of the mysterious mare, Shazam. They had to deal with several ponies who yelled out that they were trying to increase the number of alicorns to overpower and rule over the other races. Thankfully they countered with the fact that they were once like them as well, that Cadance was once a pegasus mare and Twilight a unicorn, signifying that they had been chosen to ascend to such a form and power.

Scootaloo hated that those ponies were trying to make them look bad, and saying things that they knew nothing about. Luna and Twilight especially were the subject of their attacks, pointing out Luna’s time as Nightmare Moon, and how Twilight was groomed by Celestia to become what she was. It was just a few, but it was still annoying to hear them talk like that. Thankfully the crowd didn’t get too agitated so they were able to take in everything they were saying.

Just then, Scootaloo felt something, just like before when she felt that unicorn in the stadium was going to shoot her with that death ray spell. This was danger, whatever it was, its presence was almost overwhelming. Apple Bloom was the first to notice Scootaloo’s attention to the presence.

“Scoots are ya alright? Yer shakin’ like a leaf.”

“I-I…No, no something’s wrong…! I can feel it,” said Scootaloo in hushed whisper.

“Wrong? Wrong how?”

At that moment thunder roared from up above as lightning flashed. A sphere of electrical energy began to descend from the sky, causing the ponies in the crowd to disperse so as to not be under it. Slowly the ball of lightning lowered itself to the ground, when it did, the ball of lightning shattered and revealed, to the surprise of everypony assembled, an alicorn stallion. His wings were fully flared out as his horn arced with lightning that seemed to arch from the lightning that raged within the insignia on his chest. Only two ponies knew who this pony was, for they had seen the image of the stallion once before, he was the first Champion.

“Black Adam…” Twilight and Scootaloo whispered at the same time.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were the first to approach Black Adam, along with a swarm of Royal Guards ready to fight the being before them. Celestia and Luna were on edge, but at the same time intrigued at seeing him.

“Sister…he is an alicorn like us, but a stallion,” said Luna.

“I can see that,” replied Celestia.

“But we are the only two natural born alicorns, there are no others. So how is it that somepony like him exists?!”

Black Adam took a step forward, causing the Royal Guards to ready themselves for a fight. “<Princesses of the sun and moon, I greet you.”

Both Celestia and Luna looked at each other, wondering what language the alicorn stallion was speaking, it sounded close to Saddle Arabian, but they weren’t sure. Black Adam noted the confused looks on their faces, Caballeron wasn’t there to translate, and he needed to be able to communicate with them easier. One of the RGs got jumpy and lashed out at Black Adam before either of the Princesses could stop him. The unicorn guard drew a sword and brought it down on Black Adam’s body. To his and everypony else’s surprise, the blade shattered upon contact with his body, the guard having aimed for his exposed neck.

Black Adam looked upon the Royal Guard with narrowed eyes. He disappeared for a moment and reappeared behind him, his horn flashed, destroying his helmet. Black Adam then placed his right hoof atop his head as the Royal Guard froze.

“<Teach me your language!>”

Magical lightning surged from Black Adam’s hoof to the stallion’s brain, the energy stayed there for a moment before surging back up his foreleg. The Royal Guard fell to the ground, unconscious and convulsing.

“That’s better, now we may communicate more easily,” said Black Adam.

“Who are you?! What is it that you want?!” Luna demanded with anger in her voice at seeing what he had done to one of their loyal guards.

“My name is Teth Adam. I am the rightful ruler of this world, a being who has existed since before even you two were born.”

“That is quite the bold statement Teth Adam, we have dealt with foes who have said such things, all claiming to be a ruler or a conqueror, but in the end it was all the same. All they wanted was either destruction or enslavement,” said Celestia.

Black Adam smirked. “I can see why you would think so, but I am not like those others. No, I once ruled over this world as its hero king, with the power bestowed upon me by the Council of Magic, by the six gods themselves. I used this power to unify all opposition under my camp. I have been asleep for thousands of years, but my long sojourn has come to an end and now I am ready to rule once again. I appear before you as a benevolent king, I do not wish to needlessly spill the blood of two alicorn mares, especially those who were born by natural means. I proposition you both, become my Queens, or if marriage does not suit you, then pledge allegiance to me, and your kingdom of Equestria shall become a protectorate state under my rule.”

Everypony in attendance couldn’t believe what this stallion was saying. Either Celestia or Luna marry this nut job and become his queens or they swear to be governed and ruled by him?! Celestia looked to her younger sister, who shot her a glance of disbelief at his ultimatum.

“And if we refuse your offer?” Luna asked.

“There is no need for refusal, once I have reacquired what is rightfully mine, I shall bring the world together, united under one banner. As it was in times of old, so shall it be done again!”

Black Adam’s body flared with magical lightning, making the guards ready themselves for a fight. Celestia and Luna glared down the alicorn stallion, letting their own magical aura’s ignite as well. The Royal Guard were taught long ago that when the Princesses got serious in a fight that they were to stand back and let them have it, at that point, all they needed to do was keep the bystanders as far from them as possible.

Luna’s royal blue aura mixed with that of Celestia’s sun yellow aura, the two energies of the sisters combining and mingling with each other in sort of synergistic bond. Luna or Celestia alone were powerful adversaries, but together was when the two sister’s power truly shined. The fact that they were unleashing this power meant that they took Black Adam as a serious threat.

Black Adam’s horn shined as he conjured a sphere of pure magical lightning, making it expand with each passing nanosecond! Celestia and Luna used their combined might to create a magical energy blast that slammed against the sphere, the two warring powers grinded against each other, creating one concussive shockwave after the other! Twilight and Cadance used their magic to shield the ponies who weren’t able to get away from the initial blast, Shining using his special shield type magic to reinforce his sister’s and wife’s barriers.

The two powers then detonated, cancelling the attack altogether, kicking up a dust cloud from the explosion. A flash of azure and black lightning shot up from the cloud, followed close behind a sun-yellow streak and royal-blue streak. The three energies met in the air and clashed, creating thunderous booms with each strike.

Celestia broke off and unleashed a volley of solar flare blasts, the comet-like plasma chased after Black Adam as he flew through the skies, dodging one after the other, only for the dodged blasts to double back and chase after him again. Suddenly the comets veered off, making him stop, wondering what Celestia was up to. What he wasn’t aware of was Luna high above him, collecting her mana into her horn as she charged her spell. Once enough power was gathered, Luna cried out as she unleashed her magic blast onto Black Adam.

Blue light shined down upon him as the ancient king looked up at the last second before being deluged in a sea of raw magical power. Celestia willed all ten of her comets to change course and deliver a second blow to the stallion. With each impact of the magical fireballs came a massive explosion, one after the other in quick succession. The two sisters grinned at each other from their different positions in the sky, glad that they had defeated a powerful foe. When the smoke cleared from the explosions, they gasped.

Black Adam was unharmed, the only real damage having been done to his hooded cape. The alicorn stallion looked upon his ruined mantle and threw it off his body with a simple whisk of his telekinetic aura.

“You two are powerful, just what I would expect from two who command the sun and moon. But…compared to me, you two are just juvenile foals playing with fire. And you will get burned.”

Black Adam vanished from sight, Luna and Celestia quickly scanned the skies for any sign of him, as they did, Black Adam reappeared right behind Luna. He cocked back his right hoof and backhoofed Luna upside her head. The blow was so strong that it sent the lunar mare flying like bullet straight for a rooftop, plowing through it and smashing through three floors before coming to a stop on the fourth.

“LUNA!” Celestia cried out.

The elder sister glared daggers at Black Adam as she fire yet another volley, this time releasing one-hundred blasts at once. The fireballs flew around Black Adam like the electrons of atom, covering all three-dimensional directions at once. Celestia then sent the command through her magic for the fireballs to attack, unfortunately, Black Adam released a magical lightning blast from his horn that surged through all the fireballs. Miraculously they did not explode; they were instead wrapped in his electrical mana.

Black Adam then pointed his hoof at Celestia, to which all one-hundred fireballs shot off and aimed themselves right for their caster. Celestia was unprepared for this tactic, never had an opponent thrown one of her spells back at her like this! The fireballs seemed to have doubled their speed as they rocketed towards Celestia, the white alicorn mare attempted to conjure a shield, but it was too late. All one-hundred fireballs struck Celestia at once, creating a gigantic explosion in the sky. Blazing heat could be felt from even down below, making all the ponies watching this fight gasp in horror at the fact that their Princesses were soundly thrashed as they witnessed Celestia being blown right into the same building as her younger sister.

Black Adam gave a look of disappointment, he couldn’t believe, despite the titles of the two alicorn mares, that they were really that easy to defeat.

“That was hardly worth the effort, ‘Princess’ Celestia and Luna. Come now; show me your true strength, if you’re going to be like that then resisting will be pointless.”

Deep inside the confines of the skyscraper, Luna was busy getting back up from the powerful strike that Black Adam had given her. Luna grunted as she threw a metal girder of her body. The midnight blue alicorn mare slowly rose up and scanned the area, it didn’t take her long to find Celestia, her form lying in a smoldering crater twenty feet away from her. Despite the magnitude of the blast Celestia only received minor damage, being the wielder of the sun, fire based spells had little effect on her.

“He’s stronger than he looks sister,” said Luna.

Celestia lifted herself out of the crater and made her way to Luna. “I hate to say it, but we really can’t hold back here little sister.”

“You mean…?”


Luna looked pensively to the golden collar around her big sister’s neck, thinking how long it had been since they had done this, not even Discord warranted this, his chaotic powers no doubt would’ve turned their powers against each other. With looks of determination on both mares’ faces, they stepped in front of each other. Luna, with a slight blush, leaned forward and pressed her lips against the amethyst stone on Celestia’s golden collar.

“I release you, dear sister.”

Celestia, smiling her warm smile, lowered her head and pressed her lips to the silver crescent moon on Luna’s collar, mimicking her younger sister’s actions.

“And I release you as well.”

At that moment their regalia shattered apart as their eyes blazed forth with the true extent of their alicorn powers.
Twin star-like lights flashed into existence as the entire upper half the skyscraper was disintegrated in the blink of an eye. What stood there on the remaining half were two alicorn mares, their manes sparkling and bellowing with a fiercer power than ever before as a white aura made of both their energies roared around them. Luna had blue mana construct chains wrapped around her forelegs, they wove around her in an endless double helix, and at the end of the chain links were diamond shaped spikes. Celestia had her own weapon, a blazing orange-yellow mana sword construct.

Black Adam looked upon the two mares and smirked. “Well now, seems you two are finally getting serious, are you?”
Luna spread her wings and took flight, she then launched her two spiked mana chains, both winding and turning as they moved liked lightning towards their target. Black Adam sped away, disappearing and reappearing in few yards away from the initial attack. However, the chains followed his movements and appeared right behind him. Sensing this, Black Adam flew like the wind, with the twin chains following him the entire time.

Black Adam unleashed a powerful lightning bolt blast, hitting both chain spikes at once and creating a dust cloud. The ancient one was sure he had destroyed the chains, but the chains pierced through the cloud. The spikes then extended, becoming crescent blades that slashed at both his shoulders, the power of his aura kept the chains from piercing his flesh, but the force exerted on him from the attack was strong. The former hero king channeled the power of the Living Lightning and created a burst shield that forced the chains away from him.

An intense heat ignited from behind him, Black Adam turned in time to watch as Celestia zoomed towards him, with her blazing mana sword prepared to strike him down. But Black Adam was quick. He brought up his right foreleg and encased it in pure magical lightning. Both of them struck at the same time, causing a powerful shockwave that exploded out, shattering the glass of the buildings within the immediate vicinity. Black Adam heard the clinking of the bladed chains, turning his head to the left and watching as Luna had her twin chains form a double helix as they flew like an arrow towards him. Black Adam focused the Living Lightning into his left foreleg as well and met the attack just as he did Celestia’s, the chains’ spikes hitting the lightning and causing another shockwave to ring out.

Down below, Twilight and her friends, Scootaloo and the Crusaders, all of them stood there in sheer awe at the power that the Princesses were unleashing in their fight against Black Adam. As much as Twilight and Scootaloo believed in them, Black Adam’s power was derived from the same source as Scootaloo’s. Though Celestia and Luna’s powers touched upon a realm of power and magic that nopony could reach in even a hundred lifetimes, they were still only two, up against the amalgamated powers of six gods in one body!

Twilight looked to one of the Royal Guards, “YOU THERE!”

The Guard snapped to attention and stood before Twilight. “Yes your majesty?!”

“I want you to take these fillies to the train station, and make sure they get out of the city ASAP! That’s a Royal Order!” Twilight commanded.

To Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, the idea of sending their little sisters away from danger was the right move, considering that this “Teth Adam” was dangerous enough for the Princesses to attack full power. But to Scootaloo, she couldn’t believe it. She quickly ran up to Twilight who proceeded to drape a wing over her so as to keep their conversation muffled.

“Twilight,” Scootaloo whispered, “why are you sending us away?! I can transform and help the Princesses fight him!”

“No Scootaloo! You can’t engage with Black Adam! He wants your power, the Rock of Eternity’s power! I don’t think he knows you’re the Champion, otherwise he would’ve just called you out, so that means he can’t detect you while you’re in your normal form. Please Scootaloo, just do as I say and leave with Babs, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom! If…”

Twilight looked up into the sky, watching as both Celestia and Luna continued their dual assault of Black Adam, and he in turn releasing powerful lightning blasts at the two alicorn mares that struck nearby buildings, causing them to explode and send debris falling to the streets below.

“If for some reason the Princesses can’t stop him…If my friends and I can’t…and if Discord can’t either, then you are our last chance. So go and be safe, and pray to Faust that we’ll beat him.”

Scootaloo didn’t like the idea of running away from a fight. Running from her psycho mother was one thing, but an actual fight was a different matter altogether. She didn’t back down when a bully like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon started to mess with them, and she didn’t back down when the Kingdom terrorists almost killed everypony in that stadium, and she definitely didn’t run when she faced the Chimera. But now…she had no choice. She had to go with Twilight on this.


“Thank you, it’ll help us to know that you four are safe while we take care of this.” Twilight gave Scootaloo a quick nuzzle. “Now go.”

Reluctantly, Scootaloo did as Twilight said. She stopped momentarily in front of Rainbow Dash and gave her a quick nuzzle as well, afterwards the Guard started leading the four fillies towards the train station.

I won’t let you fight him Scootaloo. He’s dangerous, I can feel it. He’ll kill you to regain the power of the Rock of Eternity. But I won’t let that happen, I won’t let him do that! I’m bringing you back to Cheery, so you two can become a family and you can have the life you deserve! Black Adam, you will NOT take away her future!

Celestia and Luna panted hard as they floated up in the sky. Fighting the ancient hero king for so long was taking a toll on their bodies, neither sister and been in their released forms for so long, normally an opponent would’ve fallen by the time they launched their attack, but Black Adam was holding his own quite well, too well in fact. Though the alicorn stallion did look winded, it wasn’t like he was exhausted or overtaxed.

“Tia, I don’t know how much longer we stay like this,” said Luna.

“I know, I feel it too Lulu, my reaction time is slowing, and it’s getting harder to stay afloat.”

“Then we end this, here and now, put everything we have in this last attack!”

Black Adam simply floated in midair, assuming a defensive stance as he waited for the two alicorn mares to finish their conversation. He had to admit, these mares were deadly and powerful, as well as beautiful. He was starting to wonder if killing them was a good thing, a king did need a queen after all, or in this case queens.

Maybe put them down hard enough to incapacitate them, I wouldn’t want to ruin such lovely figures, or their beautiful faces. Oh, look, they’re attacking.

Luna gathered her magical energy into her horn, her eyes glowing with the royal blue energy of her mana. Soon her horn flashed and the entire area was shrouded in darkness. Black Adam readied himself for an attack, keeping his eyes on the two sisters.

“Wait…where’s the other one?!”

Black Adam saw only Luna, her body now glowing, having become pure mana energy. She then took flight, her form changing to that of tyto owl. The giant owl flew towards Black Adam who readied his horn to unleash a thunderbolt, but the owl only zoomed past him, dragging behind it the mana chains. Soon the owl rounded back to the alicorn stallion, passing him with the chains again. Again and again the owl flew around him in a tight pattern, becoming a blue blur to Black Adam. Finally, Luna reappeared a few yards in front of Black Adam, her dual chains hanging loosely around both her forelegs. She then pulled them down, making them go taut.

Black Adam realized too late that the chains were woven around him, encircling his wings, forelegs, hind legs, barrel, and neck. The former hero king struggled against the chains, trying to wrest himself free of the weapons. He sensed a growing power somewhere, but he couldn’t tell exactly where. Suddenly, the darkness shattered up above him, like somepony had thrown a rock through a glass window. Celestia descended down from high above, her sword glowing as bright as the sun itself. With a somersault she brought down the blade of her blazing sword right on Black Adam’s right shoulder.

The stallion was not expecting such power, the blade was literally trying to saw him through as it let out a shower of sparks as Celestia tried to cut him down. Black Adam grit his teeth and grunted with effort as he tried to withstand Celestia’s blade. The white alicorn mare gave one last push, slashing at a right angle! The result was an explosion that was as white as snow, breaking apart the dark sphere that Luna had created. From the blast zone emerged two streaks of light, one yellow and one royal blue. The two streaks stopped at least a hundred yards from the blast and reformed into Celestia and Luna, both sisters having a satisfied look on their faces, knowing that they had vanquished a mighty foe.

When the light of the white hot inferno dispersed, the two sisters’ mouths dropped. Black Adam was still standing, although his body was sizzling from the intense heat, his head was lowered but he slowly raised it as he gave the two sisters a cocky grin. The slash that Celestia had given him earlier was only enough to cut his suit from the right shoulder to the left side of his chest, it didn’t even seem to damage the lightning energy that was still raging within the insignia.

“I’ll give you two this. Never has any opponent of mine ever pierced my armor, the fact that it took two alicorns to do so is no small feat. For that I must commend you, one warrior to another. However…”

Black Adam moved like lightning and appeared right before Celestia. Channeling the Living Lightning into his right hoof, he punched the mare right across her left cheek, stopped, and backhoofed her with the same hoof on the backswing. Black Adam moved the energy to this left hoof and struck her in her barrel, sending the white mare flying into the air. The impact of each hit made Celestia feel like somepony was hitting her with all the weight of an entire planet. The attack she used earlier had drained most of her power, and now she could barely defend herself. Using what magic she had left, Celestia stopped herself from rising higher into the air, but Black Adam was ready.

He reappeared right above her and brought down both his hooves in a hammer punch right in the middle of Celestia’s back. The blow knocked the wind out of her and sent the older alicorn mare plummeting straight down like a meteorite. She impacted the ground with powerful “BOOM”, creating a crater five-hundred feet wide. Celestia was about to get up but heard the sound of thunder roaring above her. The area began to glow brighter and brighter, the sound of crackling electricity was also getting louder.
Celestia dared to glance upwards as a massive lightning bolt blast fell down upon her. Blasting the area and then some as buildings crumbled and the streets caved in from the tremendous power bearing down on her.

“TIA!!!!” Luna cried.

“She’ll be wishing I had rendered her further into unconsciousness when or if she wakes up.”

Black Adam flew at Mach speed, appearing right in front of Luna. He then placed both his forehooves on either side of her head and released a surge of magical lightning. The twin streams hit Luna’s head, scrambling her mind and sending her neurons into overload position. When it was over, Luna’s eyes had rolled into the back of her head as he let her fall naturally out of the sky and back down to terra firma. But before she could hit the ground a powerful aura of cerulean and rosy light encompassed the alicorn mare, along with her elder sister. Black Adam traced the energy back to its source.

One unicorn stallion and the Princess of Love were using their magic together to form a protective barrier bubble around the two sisters and bring them back to their side. Black Adam descended back down to the streets landing before the Prince and Princess. But six mares put themselves between him and the knocked out Princesses.

“So, it is you eight that stand against me?” Black Adam asked.

“No, just us six!” Twilight corrected. “Shining Armor, Cadance, get those two out of here! NOW!!!”

Shining Armor looked to his wife, and she to him. Neither of them liked the idea of leaving Twilight to fend against this alicorn who just defeated the two oldest, and most experienced alicorns with almost little effort on his part. But one stern gaze from the youngest alicorn reaffirmed that she wasn’t asking, she was telling them. Reluctantly, Shining Armor and Cadance took the two mares with them, running off towards the train station and leaving the six protectors of Equestria alone with the ancient hero king.

“You seem to know who I am, young one. Why is that?”

“I don’t have to answer that, nor will anything you do make me tell you! We won’t let you get away with what you’ve done here!” Twilight proclaimed.

Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash gave a firm nod to what Twilight had said.

“And how will you manage that?”

Rainbow Dash smirked upon hearing that. “We’ll show you!”

At that moment beams of light shot down from the sky, six in all. All six beams hit each of the mares and enveloped them in spheres of blue, white, yellow, orange, pink, and purple. The orbs rose up into the air as Black Adam took a few steps back, sensing a growing power emanating from the six spheres of light. The sphere’s then broke apart, revealing the representatives of the Elements of Harmony. Their manes were longer, flowing and undulating much like that of Celestia and Luna. Their hair and parts of their bodies had streaks of varying colors within them as they shimmered and shined forth with a power that Black Adam had never seen before. This was the personified power of the Elements of Harmony, manifested within the six mares who represented the powers of Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, and Magic.

“What…What kind of magic is this?!”

“It’s a power that you could never understand Black Adam! You who have turned your back on what it truly means to be a hero, and instead have become a conqueror and destroyer! This is the power that has protected Equestria against many foes, and it is the same power that will defeat you as well! ‘What kind of magic is this’ you ask?! THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP!!!”

The six mares’ power united into a swirling sphere of magical might. Before Black Adam could counterattack he was struck with a beam of purple light, followed by a beam of blue light, and then orange, white, pink, and finally yellow. Black Adam was completely engulfed in a rainbow of magical energy, the Elements of Harmony using their united power to end this fight once and for all. A rainbow pillar appeared where Black Adam stood as the attack reached its apex.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity all floated back down to the steps of City Hall, watching as Harmony’s Rainbow worked to strip the ancient alicorn stallion of his power or banish him to Tartarus, either way was fine with them. They waited and watched as the pillar burst forth with a bright white light, signifying that the attack had done its work. But what followed after astonished them all.

Suddenly powerful lightning bolts fired off in multiple directions at once, striking one building after another, creating gashes of molten steel and glass, and demolishing others. The remaining bits of the rainbow were laid waste to in the wake of Black Adam’s intense magical aura. But there he was, unchanged and unfazed by the power of the Elements, staring them down with his intense gaze.

“W-What in tarnation?! Shouldn’t that of – Ah don’t know – taken away his powers?!” Applejack asked.

“That or sent him to Tartarus like Tirek!” Rarity added.

“This is impossible! The Elements’ power never fails!” Twilight shouted with disbelief.

“Maybe Discord messed with it! He is watching the Tree of Harmony while we’re away!” Rainbow Dash accused.

“Now Rainbow, you know Discord would never do that!” Fluttershy yelled.

“Welllllllll…he did totally sell us out for a necklace, but it turned out that that’s what Twilight needed to find her key, soooooo…fifty-fifty chance,” said Pinkie Pie.

Black Adam found their confusion amusing, and why not, he just discovered something about their power that he himself just realized.

“Your strange magic caught me off guard, but once you struck me with it, I understood it better. This power of ‘Harmony’ this, ‘Magic of Friendship’, it feels similar to my ancient magic.”

Twilight stared at Black Adam with wide eyes. “You’re lying! That’s not possible!”

“When the Council of Magic sealed the Rock of Eternity – source of the ancient magic – in another dimension, some of it must’ve been left behind and splintered off. Without the Rock of Eternity to supply it, the remnants of ancient magic must’ve latched onto something that could function as focal points to increase its potency and power.”

“If that’s true…then…that means…”

Black Adam grinned at Twilight’s realization. “Correct, your Elements of Harmony, your Magic of Friendship, is ineffective against me.”

Author's Note:

Next time in
SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightiest Mare!:

The Elements of Harmony have proven ineffective against Black Adam's magic, Celestia and Luna were defeated by his might, and now, all that stands between Equestria's and the world's freedom is Scootaloo.

Will the young filly be able to defeat Black Adam?! Can she find the strength inside herself to do the impossible?! Stay tuned!

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