• Published 1st Nov 2014
  • 10,675 Views, 682 Comments

MLDC: SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightest Mare! - Michael_Ravencroft

Something stirs beneath Equestria, dark forces and evil organizations plan to usurp the peace of the world. Sensing the coming storm, the Wizard searches for one who will defend this world, and become Equestria's Mightest Mortal!

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Project Erroria Arc Part 10: Confessions

Scootaloo and Babs Seed had chased after Apple Bloom, which was a bit of an effort since she had a good head start on them, and was very fast. Scootaloo had the flight, Babs wasn’t a pushover when it came to running around, but honestly, she wasn’t nearly as fast a sprinter as her cousin, and having grown up on the farm definitely improved Apple Bloom’s endurance and muscle strength to allow her to keep going.

“Ah dammit, at this rate we ain’t goin’ to be catchin’ up to Cuz anytime soon! Just go on without me Scoots, I’ll catch up!” Babs shouted to her airborne friend.

“I don’t have to, I could transform and we’d catch up to her in a second!” Scootaloo suggested.

“And risk somepony seein’ ya change or those scary-ass Kingdom guys findin’ youse?! No way! Just go!” Babs demanded.

With a reluctant grunt, Scootaloo flapped her wings harder, propelling herself at greater speeds and making the distance between herself and Babs widen with each second. Thankfully, Scootaloo didn’t need her Shazam powers to be a fast flyer, she had developed her speed ever since her wings were made stronger, and now she could fly nearly on par with Rainbow in her normal form.

The gap between herself and Apple Bloom was starting to lessen, the yellow coat and red mane of her friend coming into view quickly. Scootaloo increased her speed, narrowing her eyes in determination to catch up with her friend. Apple Bloom must’ve sensed her, or had an inkling that Scootaloo was following, because she quickly doubled her speed.

Why was she running from her? Was what she saw between Alula and herself really that shocking? Whatever the case, answers were needed, and the filly who could answer them was doing her damndest to get away.

Apple Bloom had ducted into the woods, trying to use the trees to slow down Scootaloo. But the pegasus filly had long learned how to slalom through obstacles such as this, and even more when she had to do it at super speed in hero form. Scootaloo leaned left, avoiding a branch, she then barrel rolled around two trees, and threaded herself through a narrow opening between two larger trees.

If there was only one thing that both fillies had in common, it would be their athletic prowess. Apple Bloom glanced upwards and saw that Scootaloo was still in pursuit, she scanned the area and saw an approaching tree that was home to a beehive. The earth filly dashed forward and delivered a strong kick to the base of the tree, employing all her skills in apple bucking to cause the hive to shake from its branch at exactly the right moment.

Scootaloo watched as the beehive cracked open on the tree branches below it, causing a swarm of bees to come buzzing out in a cloud of yellow and black. Apple Bloom had already ran far from the bee’s line of sight, but unfortunately, Scootaloo just happened to be within proximity that the bees believed that she was the culprit. The pegasus filly pumped the metaphorical “air brakes” and came to a hover a couple of feet from the swarm.

“Heh, heh, you guys wouldn’t mind just taking my word for it that I was not the one responsible for breaking your hive, right?” Scootaloo asked with a nervous chuckle.

The sound of multiple bees aiming their stingers caught Scootaloo’s attention, a sound that, ironically enough, sounded like the unsheathing of swords from their scabbards. Scootaloo’s eye twitched as she gulped.

“Oh buck me…”

Apple Bloom panted hard, believing she had put enough distance between herself and Scootaloo, and definitely Babs. Although, she did worry that the beehive thing was a little excessive.

“Ah, who cares,” said Apple Bloom, pouting and sniffling.

Suddenly, the sound of thunder roared through the sky as a bolt of lightning appeared from the cloudless sky. Apple Bloom had long already come to associate such an occurrence with the arrival of a certain alicorn superheroine and was already on alert.

It proved to be a futile exercise as Shazam appeared before Apple Bloom, the pressure wave generated by her landing caused the filly to be thrown onto her back as she rolled to a stop. But before she could rise up, a large, armored hoof planted itself right in the middle of her chest, pinning her down. Apple Bloom looked up and saw her friend, older, and in the identity of her alias. The youngest apple tried to squirm and thrash her way out from under Shazam’s hoof, but it was no use, the godly strength of this mare ensured that Apple Bloom was not going anywhere.

“Apple Bloom, you know how strong I am like this, I can wait her for hours for you to get tired, or you can tell me what’s up?”

“Ah ain’t sayin’ nothin’, just let me go!” Apple Bloom demanded.

“Look, if this is about me not telling your guys that Alula and I were a thing, then I’m sorry, I meant to tell you guys at my birthday, but…well…this happened,” said Scootaloo.

“Let me go!”

“No, not until you tell me what’s wrong!” A thought crossed Scootaloo’s mind as she shot her friend an inquisitive, yet pointed look. “Are you…Are you ashamed because I like fillies instead of colts?! Is that it?! Did you run away because you thought what Alula and I were doing was gross?!”

“NO, DANG IT, THAT’S NOT IT!” Apple Bloom shouted.

“Then what?! I can’t apologize or anything until you tell me what’s up!”


Scootaloo’s eyes widened, and Apple Bloom ceased her thrashing. The alicorn mare removed her hoof as she took a step back, looking down at her friend with shock. “What…What did you say, AB?”

Apple Bloom rose to a seated position, wiping her eyes of the tears that had fallen. “Ah said Ah like-like you…” The young filly looked up but then looked back to the ground. “Could ya change back, lookin’ at ya like this feels like Ah’m confessin’ to somepony older…”

Scootaloo shook her head, regaining her senses. “Um…yeah, sure - SHAZAM!

The mystical bolt of lightning shot down and struck Scootaloo, changing her back to her normal kid-self. Apple Bloom glanced in Scootaloo’s direction, now seeing a look of confusion upon her face.

“AB, what…what do you mean you ‘like-like’ me?!”

“Ah…Ah do…Ah have fer a bit…it just started out like anythin’ else. Bein’ friends and hangin’ out as Crusaders. But the more I got to know ya, and even all the times we argued and fought, Ah felt somethin’ inside me. Meh heart would go faster when Ah’d see ya look at me with a smile. Ah felt sad when Ah thought ya might not fly like Rainbow Dash, and Ah’d think about what Ah could do to cheer ya up if that day ever came…glad it didn’t.”

Scootaloo chuckled as she gave her wings a quick flap. “You and me both.”

Apple Bloom sighed heavily as she continued. “Ah just…all this made me confused until Ah asked Sis what it meant, course Ah didn’t tell her it was you, but the answer was the same. Ah liked somepony, and that somepony was you, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head nervously. She had no idea Apple Bloom had feelings for her, she’d be lying to herself if she said that knowing this didn’t make her feel a little giddy. Scootaloo wasn’t going to lie, Apple Bloom was a cute filly, and if she could get over the slight awkwardness of their being best friends, then she could see herself with her. But, despite that, her feelings were stronger with Alula, she couldn’t betray her, for that matter, she couldn’t betray Babs.

“When Ah saw ya kissin’ Alula, Ah panicked…Ah wanted to tell ya for a while, but with the bad guy and hero stuff happenin’ lately, Ah thought the last thing ya needed was a fillyfriend. Heck, Ah wasn’t even sure that ya liked fillies until now…” Apple Bloom chuckled, finding it just a tad funny that she worried about that for nothing.

A million things ran through Scootaloo’s mind, chief among them: How was this going affect their friendship? How was Babs going to react when she found out that the friend she confessed to about her secret crush on her own cousin, is in fact the filly that said cousin has feelings for?

“Apple Bloom…I…I…”

“It’s alright, Scoots…just…go on and be happy with Alula…Ah’m…Ah’m sorry…”

Scootaloo stood there, still stunned by Apple Bloom’s words, so much so that she barely registered that Apple Bloom walked passed her and was now leaving. The pegasus filly whipped around and was about to call out to her friend, but she couldn’t. Her mind went blank, she had no idea what to say to her. What could she say to make her friend feel better? What was the right thing to say in this situation?

Babs…I…Apple Bloom…

Scootaloo didn’t know what to do as she trudged along the trail back to the hospital. Apple Bloom, one of her best friends, had a crush on her. This whole time the Earth filly had feelings for her and she didn’t even notice. Scootaloo cursed herself for being so oblivious about it. She spent so much time around Sweetie and Apple Bloom, even Scootaloo knows Sweetie Belle likes Button Mash. But she couldn’t even notice the feelings her other friend had for her.

And now, now she had to…do something…right? The whole time she walked, Scootaloo could only think of Babs. Her friend, who she had promised to help in confessing her feelings to her cousin, was going to find out that said cousin already has feelings for another pony. Scootaloo.

“I broke AB’s heart…without even meaning to…and now Babs, I…I don’t know what to do!” Scootaloo growled.

This was not like her battles thus far, there was’t a clear and definite enemy to combat, it was emotion and relationships. Something that Scootaloo herself was only now starting to figure out thanks to Alula, but now she was starting to see how complicated things like this were.

Well…it’s not like there was any guarantee that Apple Bloom would’ve accepted Babs’ feelings…I have nothing against it, but Apple Bloom…I don’t know if she could take having her cousin confess to her after finding this out, thought Scootaloo.


Oh horse feathers…

Babs galloped to Scootaloo, skidding to a stop as she panted from her long run to find her and Apple Bloom. “Finally caught up! So where’s Cuz at?! Is she alright? Why’d she take off like that?!”

Scootaloo released a long sigh as she stared at the ground. “She’s…upset…but there’s something I need to tell you…”

“Well spit it out, Scoots! What’s wrong?!” Babs asked.

“Babs…” Scootaloo bit her lip and sucked wind. “Apple Bloom’s upset because…because she saw me and Alula kissing…”

Babs’ mouth fell open, her cheeks tinting red. “Youse…wow, I mean…I didn’t know ya had somepony like that!”

Scootaloo blushed for a moment but her forlorn expression held. “Yeah…we started this whole thing pretty recently…”

“O-Okay, so why would that make Cuz upset?” A thought crossed Babs’ mind, feeling her heart with worry. “Oh no…is she…does she think that –?”

“No,” interrupted Scootaloo, “it’s not that, she doesn’t think it's wrong, two fillies being like that anyway.”

Babs breathed a sigh of relief, and yet the expression on the peagsus filly’s face was still the same. “Why do I have a feelin’ that there’s somethin’ worse attached to that?”

Scootaloo scuffed the ground with her forehoof, she had to tell Babs, she couldn’t just not tell her. She had made a promise to Babs, to help her however she could in her endeavor, and to be there if it didn’t work out. But how was she going to tell her that the same filly Babs was thinking about confessing to was the same filly who was not only her best friend, but who also had feelings for Scootaloo.

“Babs…I don’t know how to tell you this…Apple Bloom…Apple Bloom has a crush on me! I didn’t know! I had no idea she like-liked me like that! If I did I would’ve told you about it, but that’s why she ran away! She…I made her sad…because I never told her – anypony – that Alula and I were going out! I’m sorry, Babs…I’m sorry…”

The pegasus filly tensed up, not knowing what to expect. Getting yelled at? A punch to the face? Babs running away in tears? Never speaking to her again? So many bad scenarios ran through her head that Scootaloo wanted to just transform and zoom off into the mesosphere. Babs was her friend, a Crusader, and the first pony she told about her past. Instead of judgement, she received comfort and reassurance, and gave it back in turn when Babs confessed her hidden feelings. Now it was going to be ruined.

Scootaloo heard the dirt shift, knowing Babs was moving towards her. If she wished Scootaloo could dodge anything Babs could throw at her, and if she transformed, any wounds or pain she’d feel would vanish the moment she was in superhero form. But in her mind, Scootaloo felt she deserved what was coming.

The next thing she felt was a hoof resting on her shoulder.

“Scoots, why do ya look like I’m gonna slug ya or somethin’?” Babs asked.

Scootaloo dared to open her eyes and see into the no doubt furious gaze. But there was no anger in Babs’ jade eyes, only a concerned yet saddened look.

“Because…I hurt Apple Bloom…and now that you know she likes me…I….”

“Hey, Scoots, don’t look at the glass half empty on this, a’ight? It may be Arnold rubbin’ off on me, but in way this is not a bad thing. At least I know that Cuz swings that way, so that’s one worry out of the way, right?”

“But…well, yeah.”

“So tell me this, do ya like Cuz that way?” Babs asked.

Scootaloo thought about it, but it didn’t take long for her mind and her heart give her the answer.

“I like Apple Bloom, but it’s the same as I like you or Sweetie Belle, you guys are my best friends and I’ll always care about you! But Alula…she makes me feel, weird, good weird though! Like…Like I’m flying without flapping my wings! Does that make sense?”

Babs chuckled. “In a way, I do. It’s the same way Cuz makes me feel. So stop sweatin’ it, Scoots. Youse didn’t know, judgin’ from the way yer feelin’ about this whole thing.”

“Yeah…but what about Apple Bloom? What can I do?!” Scootaloo asked desperately.

“Fer now, I’ll talk to her…It’s not exactly the ideal way I wanted to tell her how I feel, but we’ll see what happens.”

Babs leaned in and gently nuzzled Scootlaoo’s cheek, offering her reassurance and comfort in a physical form. Normally Scootaloo would’ve shied away from such displays, but in the case of Alula, Twilight, Cheerilee, and her friends, she would make exceptions.

“I’m off Scoots, go on back to Alula, I’m sure she’s wonderin’ where her fillyfriend ran off to,” said Babs with a wink.

With that said, Babs took off towards Sweet Apple Acres, which was most likely the place where her cousin ran off to, to get lost in the family’s apple orchard. Scootaloo watched Babs’ disappear into the distance. There were a lot of ways that could’ve ended badly, but for now, Scootaloo would take this. Hoping that Babs might be able to help Apple Bloom…and maybe herself.

No point in brooding over it now…I’d better get back to Alula, she’s probably freaking out right now.

The pegasus filly spread her wings and took off into the air, heading back towards the hospital. All the while wondering and worrying how this would affect the friendship of their group now, and in the future.


There were long, cylindrical tanks filled with a strange liquid concoction, and within those tanks were ponies. Each one was featureless, no mane, no tail, no cutie mark, and none had any defining features of unicorn or the pegasus tribes, nor did they have the muscular structure that accompanied Earth ponies. Not to mention, it was unclear if they were stallions or mares.

Thorn looked upon each of them, using her magic to levitate a clipboard and pen, writing down the data that displayed on the screens on each tank. Her various blank slates, all ready to be morphed and molded into whatever she deemed. Such was her work as the head of the magi-science division.

Every one of her creations was perfect, on any given day they could take out the Princesses of Equestria, the recent battles have proven so, her work was flawless. However, this Shazam continued to elude her. This alicorn, who appeared straight out of nowhere, was stronger, faster, and quite possibly even more powerful than the four Princesses combined. A magic older than theirs, a power unmatched by any magic to date. Yes, that was the only reason, it had to be, for there was no way her creations could be defeated.

Thorn prided herself on her magical talent and knowledge, the still relatively new venture that was science, and all that it could bring forth. And what wonders it did, creating life from nothing, like some kind of goddess. Thorn got chill of excitement up her spine, wondering if this is how the All Mothers, Faust and Zacherle , felt when they breathed life into this world?

Twas a thought for another time, right now though, Thorn was patiently waiting for one of her colleagues to bring the supposed “sample” of Shazam’s power.

“Honestly…if Alpha had been successful, those fools would be kissing my flank just to make sure I didn’t turn Alpha on them!”

“Hmm, I’d still kiss your flank even if you didn’t threaten me with a clone super assassin,” said a voice.

An Earth pony mare walked in, wearing a mask with a pink flower on it. Thorn scowled at the sight of her, but hoped she was here with some news.

“Pink Tulip, you’d better be here for a good reason, other than to make salacious comments,” said Black Rose.

Pink Tulip chuckled, covering her mouth in a ladylike manner. “I have, I found a way you can use the magic of Shazam, but I’ll have to leave it to you on how to apply it. Come.”

Thorn sneered, but followed Pink Tulip. Both mares walked side-by-side, with Pink Tulip’s eyes glancing to Thorn every few steps. Glances that weren’t going unnoticed.

“What?” Thorn asked.

“You were talking about something rather interesting, what or who is this ‘Alpha’?”

Thorn scoffed. “My…first creation, my perfect creation.”

“Oh, you mean there was another Assassin model before these others? The prototype?”

“Yes, but I put everything into creating that specimen…! Only to lose it all…”

Pink Tulip hummed in contemplation, intrigued that she was even able to get this much out of the usually brooding and brilliant magi-tist. Both continued through the hall until they arrived in the cell block.

“What are we doing here?” Thorn asked.

“Well the ‘sample’ was hard to track down, didn’t want him getting away.” Pink Tulip walked up to the cell and knocked against it with her hoof. “Isn’t that right, Caballeron?”

Thorn looked into the cell and saw said stallion tied up, squirming around like a madpony trying to get free. The unicorn mare raised an eyebrow at what this was about.

“Exactly how does this pompous graverobber have any use to me?!”

“Take a look at his eye, closely, and use your magic while you do.”

Thorn released an exasperated sigh, she focused her magic, reaching out to sense whatever she was supposed to sense. It didn’t take Thorn long before she picked up on something strange in the Earth pony’s aura. She was well aware of the differences in magical auras when it came to Earth ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns, but this was off, as if something had been added to it, or forced onto him.

After further analyzing his aura a little more, she noticed it was focused more in his right eye. She blinked away her magical vision and noticed that the tomb raiding stallion had a lightning bolt shaped scar down his eye, and that his eye was no longer of a physical nature. It glowed and shimmered with power, a power wrought from magic most ancient. Thorn’s eyes widened and a maniacal, gleeful smile split her face at the sight of this.

“He’s been imbued with the same ancient magic as Shazam!” Thorn exclaimed.

“Yes, but it seems to be only a little. Not enough to augment his physical attributes, but it did give him the ability to see magic as good, or even better than unicorns,” said Pink Tulip.

“You magnificent whorse I could kiss you!”

Pink Tulip blushed under her mask. “Oh I was so hoping you would do more for such a gift.”

“Yes, yes, anything, later! Fetch me my equipment and ready my lab!” Thorn looked back at Caballeron, who was not sweating bullets. “Now, Shazam, it is I who will have the upper hoof!”

Author's Note:

Next time in
SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightiest Mare!:

Scootaloo pays Rainbow Dash a little visit at the Wonderbolts Academy, but an unexpected former recruit comes back to settle a grudge!

Will Rainbow Dash and Shazam be able to thwart this revenge scheme?

Will we learn of the fate of Babs Seed and Apple Bloom?

Is something incredibly awkward and embarrassing going to happen to somepony!? Oh yes, yes it will.

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