• Published 1st Nov 2014
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MLDC: SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightest Mare! - Michael_Ravencroft

Something stirs beneath Equestria, dark forces and evil organizations plan to usurp the peace of the world. Sensing the coming storm, the Wizard searches for one who will defend this world, and become Equestria's Mightest Mortal!

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Project Erroria Arc Part 13: The Kingdom's Assault

Thorn and her lab assistants worked tirelessly to set up her equipment. The moment she had returned from Ponyville she hit the ground running, cancelling most of her meetings and other appearances, as long as it wasn’t Kingdom related, she didn’t bother with it. She had found her, after so long of thinking her greatest creation destroyed long ago, it survived. Not only that, it was living, breathing, thinking for itself and acting like a normal pony.

Her first attempt and trying to create life with the Xanthos magic, and it was not a failure, it was a resounding success! She created a pony that had accelerated its growth into a child, and knows how to speak and think cognitively on its own without orders. However, Thorn could sense that the power her Alpha had was unstable, and from what information she as able to collect on the filly in question, it would appear that her “illness” coincided with the appearance of the assassins fueled with Xanthos.

She’s resonating with the energy subconsciously, but her young body is not equipped to handle the overload…yet.

It wasn’t a good plan, nay, it was a foolhardy plan that could very well expose the Kingdom and her identity as one of its members. Not to mention the unethical experimentation she has been doing in secret. But such was the price, after all, wouldn’t a mother go to any lengths to get her daughter back?

“You seem to be in high spirits today, Black Rose.”

Thorn turned her head, glancing over her shoulder to the Earth mare who came strolling towards her.

“Pink Tulip, heh, why yes, yes I am,” she answered.

“Oh, now that is strange, you actually looked at me without a scowl or an ounce of agitation in your voice. The last time that happened was when I brought Caballaron and his sparking eye, I’m two for two,” said Pink Tulip with a bit of giddiness.

“Well, not even your presence can bring down my mood this day.” Thorn looked up at the sphere that contained the magical Living Lightning, sparking and striking against the container as if wanting freedom. “Tulip, have you ever heard the story of Princess Erroria?”

Tulip hummed as she tapped her chin. “I don’t believe so.”

“I’m not a bit surprised. It’s an old unicorn tale, one that remains buried, out of shame no less.”

“Long ago, before the tribes united, and the Unicorn Kingdoms still existed. There was a King and a Queen, both wanted a foal very badly to carry on the ruling of their kingdom. They sought the assistance of mages, and through their help, the Queen was heavy with foal. Time passed, and the day of delivery came. The Queen gave birth to a colt, but that’s where things went wrong…”

“The Queen went into labor, again, despite the birth of the colt. To the surprise of all those around her, she gave birth to a second foal, a filly. The strain of the birth was too great for the Queen and she was dead in mere minutes. The King did not understand, nopony understood really. How was a second foal born? How did she go so long without knowing? It’s still unclear, but that’s not the tragedy of this tale.”

“She was an error, and error that cost the life of his beloved. So the King aptly named his daughter Erroria. She was treated as well as a princess could, but not to the degree that the prince was. But in time Erroria sought the approval of others, she began to work on her magic, and learn more about the kingdom she was born into. Her feats of magic grew more and more, she took an active interest in her subjects, and was loved by them.”

“Which was in stark contrast to the King and Prince. The Prince had become arrogant and spoiled by this father, made to believe that he would one day rule the kingdom. But as it stood, Erroria was becoming more popular and well liked among the citizens, some say that if the Prince assumed the throne, that there would be an uprising to ensure Erroria was the Queen instead.”

“Jealousy burned within the older brother, and anger boiled in the King’s heart. The filly who took his beloved from him, the mistake, was more liked than the son whom he loved! Madness, it was utter madness! They had to do away with her, they had to, or else risk the scorn and revolt of their subjects. But how do you make one who was so kind and hardworking unliked?”

“Simple, you make the pony do that to themselves. With a little help from toxins. Through underhoofed deeds, they poisoned Erroria. Apparently Poison Joke has some strange side-effects when ingested with other toxic plants. When Erroria drank the concoction…she went mad…”

“It was if the gates of Tartarus were unleashed, and Erroria was the Queen of the Underworld. Unleashing an unholy destructive force upon her kingdom. She killed every subject, mare, stallion, not even foals were spared. Killing them all with such sadistic glee and insanity that one would have thought her possessed!”

“In the end, only a small number of ponies survived, some from the castle, those who, ironically enough, were kind to Erroria, along with some subjects she considered friends, which is the only reason why this tale survives and is known. Nonetheless, the castle was in ruins, her brother was killed in such a way that can only be described – as the young ponies say these days – ‘Nightmare Fuel’. The King survived, although, death was more preferable. His horn was severed, his magic drained, and all four of his limbs were ripped off and cauterized to prevent him from bleeding out, she wished for him to suffer, helplessly, for the rest of his days.”

Tulip had remained quiet through the tale, she had combed over many things of pony history, but had never come across such a story. “And, Erroria?”

“They later found her, magic drained from her body, forcefully expelled from by her own will. Her horn was removed, from the accounts, there was a tree with a lot of impact marks. Along with magic ichor stains and a broken point. And lastly, she hung herself. It was speculated that the combination of toxins from the other poisonous plants, along with the Poison Joke, released Erroria’s darker emotions, all the pain and anger she had for being rejected for simply existing, all of it came out, releasing all her inhibitors. When it was over, she became distraught over the destruction she caused, hence her sad end.”

“And,” Tulip asked, “why do you feel the need to tell me of this rather tragic story?”

Thorn smiled. “Because, the others mocked my Alpha as an error, when in reality, it was a success.” The brown unicorn mare strode forward, looking at the empty vat that was awaiting an occupant. “I don’t expect you to understand, Tulip, but believe me, a reckoning is swiftly approaching, and I would decide which side you’re on before that happens.”

Pink Tulip gave a very ladylike chuckle, genuine amusement was laced in each chuckle. “Oh my dear Rose, I’m on the side of whichever one’s more fun! We’ll see how history unfolds, and then we’ll see.”

Thorn scoffed silently, but nodded, figuring that was the best she’d get out of Tulip, not that she cared that this mare was on her side or not. It won’t matter. The ‘King’s Vessel’, the Kingdom, feh! She will be not a vessel, but a ruler, my Alpha…my Erroria.

“Ma’am, we’re ready to proceed.”

Behind the empty five empty vats, many other vats stood tall, each with a blank slate pony inside it. Thorn nodded to her lab assistants and the vats were immediately struck with a large amount of Xanthos energy, making the bodies writhe and squirm as destructive force brought them to life.

“You know, War Blade will not take too kindly to this little…operation,” said Pink Tulip.

“It won’t matter, the reward far outweighs the risk.”


Twilight and Scootaloo were meeting in the castle library, Scootaloo had given Twilight the full details of the incident at the Wonderbolts Academy, everything from when she went to see Rainbow at her house, to her sneaking into the Academy, the subsequent alicorn power up she gave to Rainbow Dash, and ending with the emotionally scarring moment when her idol/big sister kissed her on the lips.

It took all of Twilight’s willpower not to dry heave at that moment, Scootaloo too. But, nevertheless, the story was told, and a decision had to be made.

“I really think we need to tell them,” said Twilight.

“Cheerilee…yeah, I kinda think so too, but Rainbow?!”

Twilight put a hoof to her forehead and shook her head back and forth. “I know, and after that, I don’t think Rainbow would take too well to the idea that she did that to you……I still can’t believe she did that to you!”

Scootaloo saw a few sparks release from Twilight’s horn, after spending enough time as an alicorn, Scoots could tell what that meant. “Twilight, please try and get over that, she didn’t know it was me, she wouldn’t have done that if she knew!”

The alicorn mare took in deep calming breathes, the sparks from her horn dissipating with each inhale and exhale. “I know…I know, a-and I’m trying to. It’s just…when I think about what you went through, and now this happens! I’m just worried for you, Scootaloo.”

The orange filly smiled, touched by Twilight’s concern for her mental well being. She not only had a school teacher who loved her enough to give her a home, but also had a kind of second maternal figure who cared just as much, along with a pseudo big sister.

I’m really lucky, thought Scootaloo.

“So, we can agree, Cheerilee needs to know before something else goes wrong, or something else awkward?” Twilight asked.

Wearily, Scootaloo nodded her head in acceptance. She knew she couldn’t keep the secret forever, her friends knew, her mentor in the magical arts, aka Twilight, knew, it was only a matter of time before word reached Cheerilee. And in the long run, it would probably help if she knew now rather than years later, having both your marefriend and your adopted filly keep a secret like this for so long would definitely hurt their relationship.

“Good, now, when do you want to tell her? And before you ask, a year would not work, the sooner the better.”

“Well…what about on my birthday? Y’know, after everypony’s gone home and it’s just the three of us? At least she’ll be in a happy mood when we tell her,” suggested Scootaloo.

Twilight used her magic to levitate a schedule book, she flipped through the pages and saw the date of Scootaloo’s party. “Just a week away. I think that’ll work, it’ll also give me time to prepare for any possible contingencies and questions Cheery might have.”

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. “‘Cheery’, huh, that your little pet name for her?”

Twilight blushed and cursed inwardly at the slip up. “I-I meant she’ll be cheery! No wait – I meant – I didn’t say……There’s no way you’re going to forget that are you?”

“Not a chance.”

The purple mare huffed, and then looked slyly at Scootaloo. “So, on that note, what’s your little name for Alula?”

Scootaloo’s feathers fluffed as her cheeks turned red. “I-I don’t have one…..yet.”


“Shut up!”

Scootaloo flew through the air, having been asked to come to the CMC Clubhouse, by Apple Bloom no less, for a private meeting. As much as Scootalooo liked tearing through the orchard on her scooter, she had to admit, flying over the vast sea of apple trees had its own thrills.

Being able to fly as an alicorn was one thing, but this, this was by her own strength, her own wing power. Soaring through the skies and being able to touch the clouds like a real pegasus pony should, it was a dream she’d always wanted to achieve, but luckily, flying was only one part of it, it’s what came after finally achieving flight is what excited Scootaloo, the sky was the limit, but even then, she could soar higher than the sun.

The orange filly spotted the clubhouse tower sticking up from the canopy of trees and angled herself downward, folding her wings and going into a nosedive as she plummeted several feet in mere seconds. She shot through the leaves and was approaching the ground, but before she hit, Scootaloo unfurled her wings and brought herself to a halt, performing a somersault to decrease the momentum and stuck the landing.

“Geez, Scoots, ya goin’ for daredevil or most reckless flyer?”

Scootaloo recognized that Manehattan accent anywhere, glancing over her shoulder and spotting Babs leaning up against one of the trees.

“Eh, somewhere in the middle,” Scootaloo glanced about and looked back to Babs, “is-is Apple Bloom here?”

Babs nodded. “Yeah, Cuz is waitin’ for ya up in the clubhouse, ya think yer ready?”

Scootaloo sighed heavily. “She already told me she like-likes me, honestly I was more scared of how you’d take it, but then you said what you said, and now the only thing worrying me is how Bloom’s going to be…how is she, by the way?”

The bronze filly walked up to the pegasus filly and smiled. “She’s doin’ alright, but I think she needs to get some things off her chest first. No regrets kinda thing.”
Scootaloo nodded.

Babs led Scootaloo up the ramp and to the door, she stood off to the side, leaning on the railing and nodded her head towards the door, apparently this was as far as Babs was going. Scootaloo inhaled deeply and knocked on the door.

“Apple Bloom, it’s me,” said Scootaloo.

There was some hoofsteps that approached the door, to which Apple Bloom opened, giving Scootaloo a confused look. “Scoots, why do ya look like yer about to meet yer doom or soemthin’?”


Apple Bloom chuckled. “It’s fine, c’mon in.”

She sounds happy…but then again, she might be just pretending to be for my sake...

Scootaloo walked in and closed the door behind her, she then joined Apple Bloom, who was sitting at the table. Once she had sat down, Apple Bloom gave Scootaloo an inquisitive look.

“So, how long have ya known that Babs feels a certain way about me?” Apple Bloom asked, bluntly.

Scootaloo’s right eye twitched, and she gulped. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, you mean how she’s your best friend or –?”

“Scoots, Ah know Babs like-likes me.”

Scootaloo’s wings fell to her sides, ears flopping down. “Oh……and…you’re alright with that?”

“Better than alright!” Babs called out from behind the wall.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, “Thank you, Babs!” she then sighed and returned her attention to Scootaloo. “But, ya, Ah’m actually alright with that, we’re alright.”

It was then that it clicked with Scootaloo, her wings flaring out as a small smile dared to show itself. “That means you two are, fillyfriends now?”

“Well, we’re tryin’ it out, seein’ where it goes. Ah’ll say this though, it feels alright. Anyhow, Ah just wanted to tell ya, sorry.”

Scootaloo tilted her head to the side in confusion. “Sorry for what?”

“Fer actin’ the way Ah did when Ah saw you and Alula kissin’. Ah shouldn’t have been so shocked like that, considerin’ that Ah never worked up the courage to tell ya how Ah feel and all.” Apple Bloom extended her hoof towards Scootaloo. “Still wanna be friends?”

Scootaloo stood up and brushed Apple Bloom’s hoof away with her wing. She then walked around to her left and draped her right foreleg around Apple Bloom’s neck, bringing her into a half hug, half chokehold.

“You kidding? We never stopped being friends!”

Apple Bloom smiled cheerfully, matching Scootaloo’s cheerful expression.

“Hey now, Scoots, don’t be tryin’ to make a move on my Cuz,” said Babs.

The orange filly rolled her eyes at the comment. “Get over here, will ya!”

Babs walked up to Scootaloo’s free side, to which the pegasus filly got her friend in a headlock hug. This felt great, better than great really. Her best friends were doing okay, her fillyfriend was looking a lot better, and right around the corner was Scootaloo’s birthday, where she’d be the first of the original three Crusaders to become a teenager. That was a day she looked forward to and dreaded, mainly because of having to reveal her secret to Cheerilee, but she had hope that her adopted mother would accept this part of herself.

Seriously, I got the insignia as my cutie mark, it’s my destiny, thought Scootaloo.


Suddenly, a loud explosion ripped the air, causing all three fillies to jump in a fright, eyes wide as they looked about in a panic.

“What the hay was that!!!?” Babs shouted.

“It sounded like an explosion!” Apple Bloom answered.

“Oh no don’t tell me…!”

In less than a minute, another explosion went off in the distance. Scootaloo rushed out of the clubhouse and flew high above the trees, from her position she could spot black smoke rising in the distance near Ponyville proper. Scootaloo flew back down to the ground, where Babs and Apple Bloom were awaiting her.

“What’s goin’ on Scoots?!”

“An attack, I think! I need to go now!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“Hold on, what if it’s more than one of those freaks from before?! You could barely handle three at once!”

“And even then, ya had the pets to help ya!”

Scootaloo gritted her teeth in anger as she did remember that, and she had yet to learn how to summon the Thunderer spell without the help of the pets. “I’ll just have to try and beat ‘em on my own!”

The orange filly turned around, spreading her wings in preparation to speak the Word of Power, but at the last second, Apple Bloom and Babs got in front of her and, with serious gazes, looked the pegasus filly in the eye.

“Then let us help ya,” said Apple Bloom.


“Ya heard her Scoots, we ain’t leavin’ ya to fight alone!” Babs affirmed.

Scootaloo fidgeted, she knew she could do for them what she did for Rainbow Dash, however, Rainbow Dash, along with Twilight and the others, have faced dangerous enemies, pseudo-gods, and monsters before. The most dangerous thing they’ve faced was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Scootaloo was the only one who knew how dangerous it was, but at the same time, she knew she couldn’t take down more than one at a time.

“C’mon Scootaloo, ya can debate if this is a bad idea or not later, but right now, we need to help everypony!”

Scootaloo glanced between her friends and growled in frustration. “FINE! But you guys have to listen to me, got it?!”

Both Babs and Apple Bloom nodded in affirmation.

Scootaloo thrusted her right hoof forward and held it out. Apple Bloom and Babs placed their hooves on Scootaloo’s and watched as the pegasus filly closed her eyes and flared her wings. There was a low rumbling of thunder in a cloudless sky, both Apples could feel a tingling sensation all over their bodies, making their fur stand on end.

“Hang on girls, you’re about to feel a real rush!”

Both fillies gulped.


From above the canopy of branches and leaves, a bolt of azure lightning descended from the heavens and struck the area where all three fillies were.

Ponies were running around frantic and scared at the explosions that were going off everywhere. Stallions and mares were running in terror from groups of ponies clad in black wraps and silvery armor. Their faces were covered by masks which were molded into frightening visages, a small army of Kingdom Drones.

One of them broke off from the group and charged for a building, its body glowing brighter and brighter until it impacted against the building. What followed next was a powerful explosion that blew a hole in the wall, and the pony who did it was gone.

Diamond Tiara, her father Filthy Rich, and mother, Golden Fleece, were running like bats out of Tartarus, with their daughter running to catch up.

One of the armored ponies kamikazed himself into one of the adjacent structures, the weakened support buckled under its own weight and collapsed. Diamond Tiara skidded to a halt at the last second as the building fell in front of her with a loud crashing sound, separating Diamond Tiara from her parents.

The pink Earth filly spun around, seeing three Kingdom Drones heading for her. She desperately tried to climb up the rubble, but it was no use as the rubble was too loose or jagged to climb safely. The pink filly curled into a ball and shut her eyes, knowing that her death was near.

Suddenly, the sound of thunder crashed three times overhead. The Kingdom Drones each looked up, just in time to witness something drop out of the sky. The unknown pony smashed their hoof into the earth, sending a surge of azure lightning. A low rumble tore through the ground and made the dirt erupt beneath the hooves of the Kingdom Drones. In less than a second the ground morphed and grew out several stone glaives, each one building on the other in a wave, charged with magical lightning. The three Drones were completely overwhelmed by the glaives and detonated from the damage they had sustained.

Diamond Tiara looked up and saw the tall pony standing before her, with a long horn and big majestic wings. The pink filly could tell, just from the blue lightning, that this was Shazam, the superheroine. Diamond Tiara quickly threw herself at the hooves of the alicorn mare, hugging her right foreleg in gratitude.

“Oh thank you, thank you, Shazam!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed.

“Wow, never thought Ah’d ever hear ya thank me fer anythin’,”

Diamond Tiara’s eyes shot wide open, that voice, it was so familiar, and yet not. The pink filly backed away and looked up at her savior, only for her jaw to almost comically hit the ground and caused her eyes to bulge out. Standing almost as tall as Celestia herself, was a yellow alicorn mare. Her mane was bright red, with a spiral horn protruding from under her bangs, and large wings.

She wore an armored suit of emerald green, with a golden lightning insignia at the center of her chest, and within the symbol was contained a portion of the magical lightning. Her forelegs were uncovered, but the lower half of her forelegs were covered in golden bracers with apple themed engravings. And around her neck was a twin tailed white scarf with golden trimming and tassels.

The alicorn mare looked down on Diamond Tiara with shimmering amber eyes, eyes that held tremendous strength and willpower.

“You okay Diamond Tiara?” The alicorn asked.

“A-A-A-A-A-APPLE BLOOM?!!!” Diamond shouted.

“Eeyup,” she replied.

“B-B-But how?! You were – and now you – you just – HUH!?”

Apple Bloom raised her hoof and gently padded Diamond Tiara on the head, minding her tiara. “Easy there Di, else ya might sprain yer brain.”

Diamond Tiara couldn’t believe this, not only was her rival bigger, older, and had a voice that would make a country western singer swoon, but she was an alicorn.

“I don’t…How did you –?!”

“Become a superhero? Well don’t worry, it ain’t permanent. Shazam just needed some help with the mess goin’ on here.” Apple Bloom’s head suddenly popped up. “One minute, Di.”

Apple Bloom balanced herself on her forelegs, tucked her hind legs underneath her, and thrust them both out. At that moment, two Kingdom Drones, who that were charging straight for her, received a mighty buck to their lower jaws, sending them flying into the air, jaws undoubtedly shattered. Which mattered little when they reached a height of fifty feet in the air and exploded. Apple Bloom returned to all fours and looked back down at a still slack jawed, and stunned Diamond Tiara.

“Diamond Tiara, if ya keep yer mouth open that long, you’ll catch a fly,” said Apple Bloom with a chuckle.

Diamond Tiara quickly clamped her mouth shut, her cheeks tinting red in embarrassment. The next thing she knew, Apple Bloom was lowering herself until she practically lying on her stomach.

“Hop on DT, I’ll get ya back to yer folks.”

An indignant look befell the rich filly’s face. “Like hay I’ll ‘get on your back’!”

“Look, Diamond, Ah’m gonna be honest. Ah don’t have a good handle on this here super strength and Ah don’t want to accidentally crush ya, so stop actin’ like a high horse and just let me help ya get back to yer ma and pa!”

Despite knowing it was Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara couldn’t help but cower a little as if being scolded by an adult, and, in a way she’d never admit, she was touched that she’d help her. Diamond Tiara hurriedly climbed onto Apple Bloom’s back, working her way to her neck and wrapping her hooves around for support.


Apple Bloom grinned appreciatively and rose to take off, but at that moment, twelve Kingdom Drones dropped in and surrounded them, making Diamond Tiara squeeze Apple Bloom’s neck in terror. If it wasn’t for Apple Bloom’s invulnerability, she was more than sure that Diamond would have been strangling her by now.

However, Apple Bloom’s concern about fighting the killer ponies while protecting Diamond Tiara would not be a problem.

“Geez, Cuz, what’s takin’ ya so long?”

Diamond Tiara’s ear flicked up, recognizing that Manehattan accent anywhere, even though it sounded older. The rich filly dared to open her eyes and look in the direction she heard the voice, her jaw then dropped for a second time.

Standing on one of the rooftops, was a bronze alicorn mare. Her mane was short, and electric red, with sparkling emerald eyes. She too wore and armored suit, colored cerulean, on her left shoulder was a pauldron that had a white cape with gold trimming flapping in the crosswind.

“You have got to be kidding me! Seed’s one too?!” Diamond exclaimed.

“Ya, ya, I’mma alicorn, big deal. Cuz, get her out of there and leave these guys to me,” ordered Babs.

Apple Bloom nodded, spread her wings, and leaped over the rubble and the Kingdom attackers. Babs jumped down from her perch and landed where her cousin once stood, giving each of the Kingdom cronies a cocky look.

“Ya know, if ya can even think that is, you can just turn tail and run at any time.”

As if to respond, two of the Kingdom lackeys attacked Babs. The empowered filly – well mare – sidestepped the first attacker and delivered an uppercut with her right hoof. A trail of lightning followed her attack, only adding more power to the blow as the Drone was sent into the air and exploded. Seeing their fellow Drone get exploded, and not by choice, seemed to put the others in a bad mood.

Babs’ horn sparked with azure lightning, causing an aura of lightning to appear around her. The lightning began to weave together, forming a literal lightning chain construct that coiled around Babs like a snake. The Manehattan mare grabbed hold of the lightning chain, swinging it around as she glanced about each Kingdom Drone.

“Ya know, I probably should be hesitatin’ with killin’ another pony, but from what I’ve seen, all of you are monsters! And I’ll show ya how a Manehattan filly deals with monsters!”

Babs took to the air, lashing out with the lightning chain. The chain shot out and wrapped around the neck of one of the Drones, and with swift tug, pulled the drone into the air with her. Babs twirled the Drone around and then slammed him on top of another, causing a dual explosion to go off, destroying them both. Babs cocked back her right hoof, charged it with energy, and descended down to the ground.

She then struck the ground with her powered hoof, causing a shockwave to resonate within the ground. The energy traveled through the earth and shot up from underneath the Drones, throwing them all into the air. Babs whipped that chain around in a circular motion, lashing through each Drone and exploding them in the safety of the air.

The lightning chain returned to Babs, and the Manehattan filly nodded at her job well done. However, at that moment, three bolts of red mana came careening towards her. With her quick reflexes, Babs struck each bolt with the lightning chain, destroying them in midair. Babs narrowed her gaze as more Kingdom Drones were approaching her.

“Oh you guys want some?! Bring it!”

Meanwhile, Shazam and Twilight were double teaming a group of the Kingdom Drones. Now armed with more knowledge on the strange Xanthos magic, Twilight was able to rework her magic to at least counterattack the enemy, giving Shazam some aide in her battle.

Shazam unleashed several lightning strikes from her horn and struck each of the Kingdom Drones, detonating them in an instant and causing a chain reaction with those closest to them. The superheroine summoned a shield of blue mana and allowed the explosion to die out.

“This is so random! Why are they attacking the town?!” Shazam asked.

“I know, it doesn’t make sense, they’ve always targeted royalty or you, but now they’re blatantly attacking the town!” Twilight yelled.

“Must be getting desperate or something!”

The explosions died down, and Shazam brought down the barrier, both mares keeping a close eyes on the cloud of smoke left in the wake of the many detonations. Unfortunately, Shazam wasn’t one for waiting. The Champion of Magic unfurled her wings and gave a mighty flap forward, the result created a whirlwind that blew away the smoke and revealed what was hidden. More Kingdom Drones were sneaking through the smoke, but now bracing themselves as they tried not get blown away by the powerful gust of wind.

“Yeah, not going to be that easy! Twilight!”

The Princess of Magic and Friendship nodded to Shazam.

Both alicorns took the air, with a few airborne Drones following them. Twilight and Shazam’s horns began to glow with stored mana. Suddenly, the earth rumbled beneath the Drones, causing many of them to look about in a panic. Without warning, a giant rosy-violet pyramid construct shot out of the ground, slamming shut and capturing the pegasi Drones, as well as the ground troops.

Shazam charged her horn with even more power and fired a lightning bolt straight at the pyramid. The pyramid conducted the magical lightning, and released it in millions of separate lightning strikes within the construct, essentially, lightning in a bottle. All the Drones exploded one after the other, their damaging explosions contained within Twilight’s carefully crafted construct. Once the last vestiges of the self-destructing Drones burned out, Twilight released her pyramid construct, taking a small breather and relieved that their plan worked.

Magic’s Champion gave Twilight a soft tap to the shoulder, which was the equivalent to a shoulder punch. “Nice work Twi, it’s fun being on this end of it!”

Twilight rubbed the spot where Shazam had “tapped” her. “Agreed, but still doesn’t explain any of this.”

“Right we –!”

At that moment, Shazam’s danger sense ignited. Her head turned towards the direction of the town, her enhanced sight allowing her to cut through the many obstacles to see Carousel Boutique surrounded by Kingdom Drones. She could also sense two ponies inside, one she recognized as Rarity, the other…

“SWEETIE BELLE! Twilight, Rarity and Sweetie Belle are in trouble!”

“Go! Now! I’ll be fine!” Twilight ordered.

Without missing a beat, Shazam bolted, literally, towards Carousel Boutique. The world around her was a blur as she moved faster and faster towards her friend’s second home, never taking her eyes off her destination. And once she was in range, Shazam fired a lightning bolt beam of magic at the home/business, encasing it in a shield of ancient, mystic might.

The Kingdom Drones who were about to attack looked befuddled at the sudden appearance of the shield, but did not have long to ponder how it was erected. Dropping out of the sky like a mortar shell, Shazam slammed the ground with her hoof, causing an electrical shockwave that threw the Drones several feet away. The spiky haired mare glanced about, checking to see who or what was left standing after her impact. To her surprise, only one was still holding its ground. Shazam narrowed her gaze and charged her horn, entering a fighting stance.

“You’re not like the others, are you,” asked Shazam.

As if to answer, the Kingdom Drone’s outfit and armor was wrapped in crimson mana, which then shredded the outfit, revealing a unicorn stallion. His fur was opaque, and his hair a dirty red color, but his eyes burned with the glow of Xanthos. From what Shazam could tell, his physique was altered, magic being drawn from the ground and feeding into his body, possibly strengthening him on a physical level. The corner of Shazam’s mouth tugged upward, a kind of primal excitement building within her at the prospect of a fight with a strong opponent.

The Kingdom unicorn charged for Shazam, and Shazam followed suit. Aura fields of both Living Lightning and Xanthos magic covered both respective combatants as they drew closer and closer to each other. Both reared back on their hind legs, and, at the last second, rammed forward. Their fields of energy crashed into each other, sending a concussive wave of force that threw wagons into the air, shattered glass, and formed a crater beneath them. The opposing forces of the primal and harmonic magicks cried out as Shazam and the Kingdom unicorn battled for supremacy.

Shazam snorted as she took a step forward, pushing her opponent back a few inches. The Kingdom unicorn dug its heels into the earth, halting his movement. With a violent snort he retaliated, taking two steps forward and pushing Shazam back a few inches. Xanthos energy leaped off the aura field in the form of red lightning, while the Ancient Magic returned fire with blue bolts of lightning, each striking in midair around both of them.

At that moment, Shazam’s danger sense alerted her to something else. For a brief moment she glanced skywards above them, watching as a shadowy figure appeared in front of the sun. There was a flash of red light, and Shazam quickly went into action. She focused the energy of the aura field to the tip of her horn and fired a powerful lightning beam at the Kingdom unicorn. The beam slammed into his aura field, sending him spiraling to the ground a few feet away. Shazam focused her magic into her speed and dashed away at the last second.

Two sickle shaped energy rays struck the spot where Shazam once stood, carving an X into the ground six feet deep. Shazam skidded to a halt and surveyed the area for her new opponent, who wasted no time in revealing themselves.

The second opponent was a pegasus mare, her mane and coat colors an exact match to the unicorn. She had landed next to her downed twin, who was now pulling itself up from the attack she had delivered earlier.

Great, two on one…it’s gonna be a repeat of the Pet Playdate, with no pets for backup, thought Shazam.

Just then, Shazam heard something akin to fireworks going off, a small popping sound coming from behind her. The alicorn mare turned around and spotted Sweetie Belle sticking her head outside the Boutique window, firing emerald sparks of magic into the air to catch Shazam’s attention. With little recourse, Shazam fired a lightning bolt at the ground in front of the duo, exploding the ground and throwing rock and dust into their eyes to distract them.

Shazam flapped her wings and jumped backwards, phasing through her barrier and landing safely next to the Boutique. The door was quickly opened and Shazam rushed inside before the killer duo could spot her. Once inside, Shazam found Rarity and Sweetie Belle waiting for her.

“Well, welcome, although I do wish it were under better circumstances,” said Rarity.

“Likewise, look, you two need to get out of here! I can sneak you two away while they’re distracted, but we need to hurry,” said Shazam.

“Yes, I quite agree, let me just…Oh Celestia, where’s Opal!?”

“I think you better go look for her, I thought I saw her hiding somewhere in the back,” said Sweetie Belle.

Rarity bolted for the back of the Boutique without a second thought, leaving Sweetie and Shazam alone. “So how bad is it?”

“Bad, two super freaks are outside, one I can handle, two…maybe, but it’s not like when we fought in the park, there’s too many ponies still in town and I can’t go all out without worrying I’ll destroy something, if I had the numbers advantage we could just overwhelm them but…”

A cunning grin formed on Sweetie’s lips. “In that case, we’ll help.”

“Who, you and Rarity?” Shazam asked.


As if on cue, the white feline stealthily appeared from behind some drapes, and proudly walked to Sweetie Belle and stood beside her. It took but a moment before Shazam understood where Sweetie Belle was going with this.

“Oh no, I already powered up Babs and Apple Bloom, I don’t want to risk anymore of my friends!” Shazam stated.

“Scoots, we don’t have time to argue this! You’re outnumbered, and don’t have many options, besides, I’ll have Opal beside me.”

Opal, with a serious expression, nodded to Shazam.

Shazam glanced between the two before her and the area where Rarity had disappeared to, knowing that the fashionista would probably not take too kindly to finding out she had super empowered her little sister and cat, then again she was sure that Applejack would have some words with Scootaloo after doing the same to both Babs and Apple Bloom.

“Ah horse feathers, let’s do it. Give me your hoof, and, er, paw.”

Shazam extended her right hoof towards Sweetie Belle and Opal. The white unicorn filly eagerly placed her hoof over the armored hoof, and Opal reached up and placed her paw on the golden clad hoof. Shazam’s horn sparked with magic lightning, the air around them becoming fully charged with built up mana. The sound of thunder rumbled with the structure, and in that instant, Shazam’s eyes glowed.


A bolt of lightning descended from the ceiling and struck all three, enveloping them in a cloud of white smoke. Depending on your point of view, whether unfortunate or not, Rarity entered the room after hearing the loud rumble and flash of light.

“What’s happening!? Sweetie Belle?!” Rarity called out.
Her ocean blue eyes fell on the plume of white smoke, which was exactly where Shazam and her little sister were standing not a moment ago. With worry, the unicorn mare inched herself closer and closer to the smoke, fearing what she might find.

“Sweetie Belle…? Sweetie Belle, please, say something, you’re starting to scare me!”


Rarity jumped back at the terrifying roar that sounded from the smoke. A small gust of wind blew out from the smoke, dispersing it and revealing what was hidden. Rarity’s mouth, in a very unladylike fashion, dropped open at seeing her little Opalescence transformed into a large white lioness, with currents of magical lightning arcing off her body. However that paled in comparison to whom was standing beside the white lioness.

Her armored suit was a soft pink color, it mostly covered her chest and hind legs, leaving her forelegs exposed. Her hooves, however, were clad in golden horseshoes, same as her hind hooves. A white flowing skirt, with gold trimming, was attached to her suit’s waist, and flowed down elegantly over her flank and down to the floor. A long spiral horn pierced through her long, curly pink and purple streaked mane, with wings sprouting from her back.

For a moment, Rarity almost believed the beautiful mare before her was Celestia, but Rarity could never mistake those bright emerald eyes, eyes that sparkled with a magical power she had only seen from the superheroine standing at her side.

“S-Sweetie Belle?” Rarity dared to ask.

“Rarity?” Sweetie spoke.

The unicorn mare had to do a double take, she knew her sister had a beautiful singing voice, but her voice now, so mature, so gentle, she could hardly believe that this was the same little filly whose voice would crack from time to time.

“Y-Y-You’re an alicorn…You’re an alicorn! H-How in Equestria –?!”

As if like a ghost, Sweetie Belle closed the gap between them, resting her hoof gently against her older sister’s cheek. Sweetie Belle lowered her head and crossed her long horn with Rarity’s. A soft glow emitted from Sweetie Belle’s horn, enveloping Rarity’s horn and filling the unicorn mare with a soothing warmth.


“Shh, rest a bit Sis, you look really stressed,” said Sweetie Belle in her velvety voice.

“I…I suppose, a brief nap will…”

Before Rarity could finish her sentence, she passed out. Sweetie carefully caught her big sister with her telekinetic aura, keeping her gently floating in the air.

“Okay, should I be concerned at how easily you just put your big sister to sleep, and when in the Tartarus did you learn that spell?” Shazam asked.

Sweetie Belle grinned sheepishly. “Wisdom of Starswirl…Look, we don’t have time to answer questions, right? Besides, I don’t want Rarity getting hurt or try to protect me while I’m like this. Heck, I can feel how powerful I am, so I don’t want her trying to do something foolish to try and save me during the fight. Is there any way you can teleport her somewhere safe?”

Opal, the white lioness, nodded her head in agreement. “True, Rarity, for all her gripes and little…ahem…posh tendencies, she is quite caring, and would no doubt do just that. This is the best recourse for everyone.”

Shazam sighed and shrugged. “Fine, I won’t argue. I’ll send her to Twilight’s castle, she’ll be safe there.”

With a flash of the horn, Rarity was teleported from sight. Sweetie Belle smiled in relief, knowing her big sister was out of danger for now, Opal smiled as well, but she kept her show of affection contained, not wanting to ruin her now regal and nonchalant attitude.

“Very well then, now I do believe that there are two vile creatures outside that are just begging to become my new scratching posts,” said Opal as her diamond hard claws extended, sounding like swords unsheathing from their scabbards.

Sweetie Belle and Shazam nodded, both with eager grins on their faces. Shazam’s horn glowed and enveloped all three of them in a field of magic, and in the blink of an eye they were transported outside the barrier surrounding Carousel Boutique. The twin Kingdom Assassins, now spotting their previous opponent, entered combative stances, but paused when they noticed the additional alicorn and lioness.

“Yeah, you’re not the only one who has backup,” said Sweetie smugly.

“Alright, round two!” Shazam exclaimed.

Opal released a mighty roar that released a pressure wave that made both the Pegasus and unicorn assassins dig their hooves into the ground just to keep from being blown away. With that, all three charged for their opponents.


Mrs. Milano, along with Button, and a few other of the orphanage’s attendants were watching cautiously. The many explosions that rang out through the town had them worried, but Mrs. Milano was able to rally the others to get the foals together and ready to run out of the orphanage if situation called for it. The other attendants knew this was hard for the matron of Wayward House, although Button, her son, was here with her, she still did not know the fate of her husband and oldest son.

Meanwhile, Aura was keeping a close eye on Alula, at the moment, the tribe shifting filly wasn’t having a major episode as was the case the times before. Although, she noticed how she seemed to be in a little pain.

“You okay, Alula?” Aura asked.

“Y-Yeah, I am, in a way. I have a headache, but compared to the last time, it’s not bad,” assured Alula.

The lavender filly nodded her head, but still kept a close eye on her. There was something that she couldn’t shake off though. From what she understood, when Ponyville had that assassination attempt on the Dignitaries from Neighpon and Princess Twilight, Alula had an attack and was taken to Sweet Apple Acres. The second time, during the apparent battle between Shazam and three other assassins, Alula’s condition was worse then and she went to the hospital.

Every time it happened was when Ponyville was under attack…why is that?

Unbeknownst to Aura, Alula was wondering as well. Why her body wasn’t hurting as much as it used to, and why the headache wasn’t as skull splittingly painful as before? But that could wait, she was more worried about her fillyfriend. She knew Scootaloo, as Shazam, could take care of herself during this crisis, and was no doubt right in the middle of it, trying to save everypony. She only prayed that her condition would not worsen.

The last thing Scootaloo needs is to worry about me while she’s trying to save the town, thought Alula.

At that moment, Alula grunted in pain, holding her head with one hoof. Her tribal shifting went into effect, changing her from an Earth pony to a unicorn. Her horn began to give off sparks of red colored mana, which was a stark contrast to her pinkish purple aura.

Aura noticed her friend was in pain and quickly scooted closer to her. “Alula, what’s wrong, is it happening again?!”

“N-No…something else…I…I feel something coming towards us,” said Alula with a strained voice.

“What do you mean ‘something’s coming’, what’s coming?!” Aura asked.

For a moment Alula’s eyes were no longer their blue hue, but were crimson to match her mana aura. “They’re here…”

As she could see into the future, a collective gasp rang out from the adult ponies. Many of them backed up in hurry, just in time before the front half of the orphanage was unceremoniously ripped off, completely wrapped in a crimson aura. The large chunk of Wayward House floated away, revealing five ponies.

To the far right and left were two pegasus mares, their manes were short, and their feather tips dyed in blood red crimson. The second pair were two Earth pony stallions. Their manes were bur cut, and uniform, much like an elite guard of the Crystal Empire. Both stallions had blood red coloring around the lower half of their forelegs and hind legs, and their chests were covered in strange tribal markings. The center pony was a unicorn mare, with long rose colored hair. Her bangs covered half of her face, allowing one glowing red eye, and glowing spiral horn to shine from it.

The front half of Wayward House floated up above the five, and with a flash from the center unicorn’s horn, the entire chunk that was ripped off was crushed and condensed until it was nothing. The lead unicorn stepped forward, causing the attendants and Mrs. Milano to encircle the orphans in a protective ring.

“Give us what we want and we’ll go away,” said the Leader.

Milano gulped, but with steeled nerves dared to ask, “What do you want?”

The lead unicorn raised her hoof and pointed towards the crowd. Milano and the others followed her hoof, which lead to one of the orphans. The foal pointed to himself with dread, but the Leader sneered and motioned with her head for him to move. The colt did so without hesitation, which revealed Aura behind him.

Aura gulped and spoke, “Me?”

The Leader grinned a little, but shook her head and motioned for Aura to move.

The lavender filly hesitated, the only other pony behind Aura was…No!

Aura slowly moved away, revealing Alula. The other orphans, attendants, Mrs. Milano, and Aura looked back at the Leader who was grinning like a Cheshire cat and nodded in affirmation.

“They want Alula?” One colt asked.

“Why would they come for her?” an attendant spoke.

Milano stood her ground and leveled her intense gaze at the Leader. “I will not give you this child, monster! Get out of here before you regret it!”

The Leader’s smile faded slowly. “Give us what we want, or die.”

The group’s eyes widened with fear, that was no idle threat, and they knew it. Milano looked to her child, ButtonMash, who was hugging her left hind leg with terror gripping his mind and heart. Milano glanced back at Aura, who was valiantly putting herself between the assembled foalnappers and Alula.

Milano’s motherly instincts were warring between protecting her son, and protecting the lives of the orphan foals behind her. To save them all, she had to sacrifice one to Celestia knows what kind of horrors. Give up one foal to save her own flesh and blood child, along with dozens of other orphaned foals she and other attendants were responsible for, or defend this filly? The choice was obvious.

Milano’s shoulders slumped and she stepped to the side. Many of the attendants and orphans gasped in complete shock that Milano would willingly step aside like that and let them take Alula. Aura looked about ready to bug out with Alula to save her, but, as the Leader walked towards the crowd, Milano swiftly delivered an uppercut into the unicorn’s jaw, putting as much of her Earth pony strength as she could into the blow.

The mare’s hoof struck the lower jaw of the Kingdom Assassin, a sickening crunch sound ringing out as bone cracked and dislocated. The strength behind the blow sent the unicorn spiraling away from the group and skidding across the ground like a rag doll. Every foal and adult pony present looked with big, widened eyes, and hanging jaws as they looked at Milano with both new found fear and respect.

The matron of Wayward House snorted and glared down the remaining Kingdom Assassins. “I will NEVER allow any of my foals be taken by the likes of you! Not a single one!”

“Mom that was both the craziest, and coolest thing I have ever seen!” Button Mash exclaimed.

Milano blushed and grinned sheepishly. “I may not be as strong as Applejack, but I’m still an Earth pony.”

One of the Earth stallions snorted and began running towards Milano, murderous intent blazing in its eyes. But just before it pounced on the manila colored mare, a rosy-pink filly with green eyes, and pigtails, jumped out of the group of foals. She threw back her right hoof and thrust forward, just as the burly stallion got in close. The blow sounded like thunder when striking the stallion’s chest. There was a brief distortion in the air as the force generated from the punch resonated.

The stallion was then thrown back towards his cohorts, skipping like a stone in the pond against the ground. The three Kingdom Assassins looked back and saw the little Earth filly standing in front of Milano. She looked scared out of her mind, but beyond the fear was courage that the little filly didn’t know she had.

“Lily Longsocks!” Milano exclaimed

“I-I won’t let you hurt Mrs. Milano! A-A-And you’re not t-t-taking Alula!”

The other foals, apparently emboldened by the Lily’s show of bravery, formed a protective circle around Alula and Aura. Both fillies couldn’t believe that the other foals of Wayward House would be ready to defend one of their own like this, if Alula wasn’t still in pain from her headache, she’d feel very moved right now.

There was a gross cracking sound, a noise that made everypony cringe from how painful it sounded. One of the attendants pointed towards the downed unicorn, now slowly rising up. The Leader turned around, showing her dislocated jaw and making everypony want to throw up from the sight. A red aura surrounded the wounded area, and with a few jerks, snapped the jaw back into place.

The spectacle earned a collective “EW’ from every colt and filly.

In the distance, the stallion Lily Longsocks had knocked out was getting back up, his chest had a sizeable dent in it, but the sound of regenerating rib bones made the filly’s earlier efforts seem meaningless.

The Leader’s horn glowed and with murderous intent, focused her aura to wrap around the neck of Milano. The other’s watched helplessly as the matron of Wayward House was lifted into the air, held aloft like a rag doll. Button watched in horror, with tears running down his face as his mother was being constricted, the life being choked out of her as she attempted to claw at the aura that was cutting off her airway.

“Death,” said the Leader.

“Not happenin’!”

Suddenly, the ground beneath the Leader rumbled and quaked. Without warning, a column made of earth rose up with the speed and force of a bullet, striking the Leader in the midsection and carrying the assassin all the way into the air, there was also a quick and loud snap, crack, and crunch. The attack had launched the Leader into a nearby structure, making a hole in the roof as the assassin plummeted two stories through the structure.

Everypony looked about frantically, trying to determine the originator of the attack. Their answer came in the form twin lightning bolts that descended from the sky. Both struck the earth with resounding force and emitted a bright flash of light that temporarily blinded everypony, but once it dissipated, the residents of Wayward House gasped.

Two alicorns now stood before them, one yellow with a red mane, the second, bronze with a short electric red mane.

With the Leader taken out, there was nothing keeping Milano suspended in midair and she began to fall, screaming at the sudden drop. Luckily, the red maned alicorn’s horn shimmered with a pinkish-red glow, and traces of blue lightning. Milano was quickly wrapped in the alicorn’s aura, which gave off a very warm and protective feeling compared to that of the assassin’s magic. Like a gentle feather, Milano was drifted down to the ground and found herself being set on rear. Button quickly rushed to his mother, hugging her fiercely. Milano comforted her son and then looked to the scarlet maned alicorn.

“Thank you...uh...Shazams?”

“Not quite ‘Shazams’ Mrs. Milano, but ya can bet we’re definitely superpowered.”

Button’s ear twitched at hearing the voice of the alicorn. Despite its older tone, Button Mash couldn’t mistake that country accent.

“A-Apple Bloom?!” Button Mash exclaimed.

“Eeyup,” said Apple Bloom.

“Well, since ya know her, then gotta know who I am, right?”

Aura broke through the crowd and skidded to a halt beside Button Mash in awe at the sight. “Babs?! That’s you Babs Seed?!”

“Da one and only.”

The assembled assassins entered combative stances, and glared down the two alicorns. Babs and Apple Bloom turned their attention back to their foes, eyes narrowed as they flared their wings. The power of the dual auras caused bits of rock to rise up, and in the blink of an eye, both mares were wrapped in crackling auras of Living Lightning. The four assassins’ red colored patches of fur began to glow bright red, along with their eyes.

“Ya might want to take few steps back,” warned Babs.

Button, Aura, Milano, and the group, moved back a few steps until they were practically back inside the ruined orphanage. In a split second, a whirlwind gust was kicked up, and Babs and Apple Bloom took off towards the assassins, letting out loud battle cries. The assassins cried as one and charged for the two alicorns.

From a distance, red and blue lightning erupted alongside monstrous thunder. The battle had only just begun…

Author's Note:

Next time in
SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightiest Mare!:

The battle continues...next chapter.

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