• Published 1st Nov 2014
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MLDC: SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightest Mare! - Michael_Ravencroft

Something stirs beneath Equestria, dark forces and evil organizations plan to usurp the peace of the world. Sensing the coming storm, the Wizard searches for one who will defend this world, and become Equestria's Mightest Mortal!

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Project Erroria Arc Part 18: No More Secrets


Shazam found herself in a clearing, looking about in a daze as she tried to understand where she was and what happened. “Where am I?! What just--ALULA!!!” Shazam took to the skies as quickly as she could, hovering over the forest to get a good sense of where she was. However, the answer to her question came sooner than she wanted when a giant bubble of blue and red lightning erupted on the horizon. Shazam shook her head, she couldn’t believe it, it couldn’t be happening, right?

The explosion grew in magnitude, engulfing the forest and fastly approaching Shazam’s position. Shazam saw this, but didn’t move, her mind still trying to comprehend that the filly she cared about was at the center of that explosion. She couldn’t move, or maybe she didn’t want to move.

But, before she realized it, something pulled at her tail from behind, and in an instant the world around her faded into a starry expanse and subsequently hit the nonexistent ground. When she got her senses back, Shazam got up, recognizing the new realm immediately, her purple eyes settling on her savior as he floated down to meet her.

“Whew, now that was a close shave, you almost got vaporized,” said Discord, turning into ashes and then reforming himself after.

“D-Discord?! Why am I here?! What did you do?!” Shazam asked.

“I just saved you from dying in a explosion of magical lightning, you were hovering there staring at it like a moth with a lamp.”

Shazam narrowed her eyes and stamped her hoof on the invisible ground. “TAKE ME BACK! I have to save Alula!”

Discord’s eyes lowered as a saddened expression befell his face. “I’m sorry, Scootaloo, but…she’s no longer here.”

“YOU LIAR, I DON’T NEED YOUR RIDDLES AND MIND GAMES RIGHT NOW!!!” Shazam shouted as her eyes became pure pools of azure light. “I KNOW SHE’S BACK THERE, I KNOW IT! She…She can’t be…” All the strength left Shazam’s legs as she collapsed onto the floor, tears pouring from her eyes as she took in deep breathes and sobs. “SH-SHAZAM…!

A bolt of lightning struck Shazam, creating white smoke that obscured her from sight for a moment. Once the smoke cleared there was only a pegasus filly, lying on the floor with her tail curled around herself as she continued to sob. Discord looked about uncomfortable, scratching the back of his neck as he tried to figure out what to do for this filly, comforting was never his strong suit. Trickery, pranks, good times, the occasional riddle to help Twilight and her friends along, but comforting? That was uncharted territory. Discord carefully walked towards Scootaloo, not teleporting in his normal manner, he figured she’d had had enough with the surprise entries. Slowly the draconequus laid down at her right side, and almost immediately Scootaloo latched onto him, crying into his left arm.

Discord panicked a little, but managed to keep it in check. He remembered how Fluttershy looked when he betrayed them to Tirek, and using that feeling, he managed to figure out what he needed to do, because it was something he wanted to do for Fluttershy when she cried. He curled himself around Scootaloo, and nuzzled the top of her head as she continued to cry.

“Do you want to go to Twilight?” Discord asked.

Scootaloo spoke not a word, but simply nodded her response.

Discord understood.


“The two of you did WHAT?!!” Twilight shouted.

Spike cringed as at the harsh tone in Twilight’s voice, but despite the tone, he had to tell her. “Scootaloo discovered a clue to find a Alula, and then that map thing sprang up in the middle of the throne room and then it should us the way! We didn’t really have time to tell you, actually we needed to act to save her!”

Twilight face hoofed herself, growling in frustration that her number one assistant and her apprentice had gone off to battle a branch of the evil that came to Ponyville, and apparently, Scootaloo was still there after having sent Spike to the Rock of Eternity. “We’ll talk about that map later, right now we need to get the Princess Celestia, Luna, at this point I may have to ask Discord to help out! But I’m not going to leave Scootaloo to fight alone!”

Before Twilight could do any of that, a tear in spacetime ripped open behind her. The alicorn mare jumped forwards and did an about face, ponting herself in the direction of the tear. Spike didn’t know what was happening with the tear, but nonetheless he stood tall, snorting a puff of green flames as he readied himself to fight. But then Twilight quickly teleported him behind her, despite the young drakes bravery, he no longer had the Ancient Magic in him.

The tear opened wider, almost folding out around a designated perimeter. Once the fold stopped, two beings emerged, both lying on the floor. Twilight took a moment to take this in, and realized that it was the mismatched form of Discord, the former librarian was about to plead with the Spirit of Chaos, but stopped then she saw Scootaloo curled up next to him, crying. All worry left her and was now replaced with overwhelming concern as she approached them.

“Discord…What happened, is Scootaloo alright?” Twilight asked.

“If you mean physically, then yes. Emotionally, that is a different story,” he answered.

“How do you mean?”

Discord raised his right paw and placed a single digit on the tip of Twilight’s horn. “Better to show than tell.”

With a flash of his chaos magic, Discord flooded Twilight’s mind with images, images that he transmitted from Scootaloo’s mind via their contact, along with the emotions that were felt. After a brief second, Twilight understood everything, and her eyes began to release tears as she looked down at Scootaloo. “May I?” Discord nodded and uncurled from Scootaloo, Twilight got a little closer and called out to her. “Scootaloo?”

In less than a second the pegasus filly rushed from Discord and latched herself to Twilight, continuing her sniffling into the mare’s chest. Twilight let herself fall back on her haunches, allowing her to hug the young filly and offer her comfort. Discord rose up and gave a small wave of his paw over his left arm to dry the wetness caused by the filly’s tears. With a solemn look, Discord faced away from them and used his left eagle’s claw to rip open space.

“I trust you can take it from here, Twilight?” Discord asked.

Twilight nodded slowly. “Thank you, Discord, for saving her.”

A small smile formed on the draconequus’ muzzle, he then walked forward and into the tear, sparing one last glance to the filly as the tear closed up.

Spike joined Twilight’s side, he didn’t need to be told to know that what happened did not end like he had hoped.

“I…I want Cheerilee, too, please Twilight…” Scootaloo asked.

“Okay, we’ll go see her.” Twilight looked down to Spike, who then placed a hand on the mare’s foreleg and nodd up to her. “Let’s go.”

In a flash of rosy light, all three teleported away. It would not be long after that the news of the battle would spread, the large scale explosion would not go unnoticed either, and many would still be asking why the Kingdom took a foal and for what reason. Barely a handful of individuals would know the truth, but would not tell, to preserve the memory of Alula.


Scootaloo’s birthday came and went in the blink of an eye, because, well, there was hardly any party. At the behest of the filly, she did not want a party, and who could truly blame her, losing a friend--more than than that, her fillyfriend--was a great blow to her. Thirteen years old and already she knew the joy of love and the pain of losing it tragically. Babs, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Aura all tried to help and reassure her. Their words fell on deaf ears, either met with silence or avoidance.

Cheerilee began to worry for her adopted daughter, she barely ate, or said a word, her grieving was starting to worry her. The school mare could not even imagine the pain the filly was going through, for a moment she tried to imagine how losing Twilight would make her feel, the sadness that enveloped her for that mere moment almost made Cheerilee bawl right then and there, but she was an adult, and Scootaloo was a child, and no child should have to go through that kind of pain, nor anyone for that matter.

It was a surprise when Twilight teleported into her house with Scootaloo in her arms. Even more when she was told that one her students, and the pony that Scootaloo had feelings for, had died. While contemplating this, Cheerilee heard a knock at her front door and went to check and see who it was. When she opened the door, Cheerilee looked down and saw Sweetie Belle standing there with, what looked like, a present.

“Sweetie, if you’ve come to give Scootaloo that present, I’m afraid she’s not any better, or in the mood for birthday presents,” said Cheerilee, hoping to spare the filly from wasting her time in front of a closed door.

“I know, but I think this is one that she’ll want. Please Miss Cheerilee?” Sweetie Belle asked.

The maroon mare hesitated for a moment, but something inside her told her that this was a good idea, Sweetie was a smart filly, and Scootaloo’s best friend, if there was anyway to hopefully bring Scootaloo out of her despair she was willing to give it a chance. “Come in, Sweetie.”

The unicorn filly pushed the present into the house, and with Cheerilee’s help, hefted it onto her back as she ascended the stairs. Sweetie made her way to Scootaloo’s room, she didn’t bother knocking, knowing that there would be no response, Sweetie merely opened the door and slowly walked inside. There, she saw Scootaloo, perched on her bed, staring out her bedroom window. She made no acknowledgment of Sweetie’s presence, but Sweetie doubted that she was unaware. Taking a deep breath, Sweetie Belle walked over to her best friend and got in front of her.

“Scootaloo, I know you’re sad--no--sad doesn’t begin to describe what you’re feeling, but I know Alula wouldn’t want you to be this way forever,” said Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo looked down at her friend and scowled. “What would you know what she wanted?! I’m sure she never wanted to be turned into some weapon to kill alicorns! But she did! I’m sure she never wanted to blow up because of her powers! But guess what? SHE DID! I don’t expect you to understand, any of you! So why are you here?! What do you want?!”

Sweetie Belle had to bite her lower lip, the harsh tone that Scootaloo spoke her words with was all stemming from her loss, she had to remind herself that she was not angry at her, simply lashing out. After collecting herself, Sweetie placed her hoof on the present. “I brought this, for you.”

Scootaloo scoffed and turned her back to Sweetie. “I don’t want a present right now! Just take it, it’s yours!”

“I can’t, and it’s not my present…it’s Alula’s,” said Sweetie.

Scootaloo’s attention quickly snapped back to the box, carefully, Scootaloo made her way to the floor and sat before it. Gingerly she opened the box as if it were fragile enough to break. Once she opened it, Scootaloo tilted her head curiously, but once she reached in and pulled it out, her eyes widened. It was a hoody, and not just any hoody. It was sky-blue, with streaks of yellow lightning, there was no mistaking what this was.

“A Wonderbolts hoody,” said Scootaloo.

“A custom ordered, and made, hoody. My sister did it after Alula came by one day and requested one for your birthday. I think she saved up some of her allowance from Wayward House to pay for it, I remember Rarity talking to her about giving Alula a discount,” Sweetie chuckled at the memory, “but she said ‘no’. I still think Rarity gave her a discount anyway, ‘cause she still had bits left over.”

Scootaloo took out the hoody, the lightning streaks had a nice golden sheen to them, no doubt a subtle request from Alula in reference to her superhero alter ego, there were precut holes for her wings, and at the end of each draw string was a small chain that hung the image of her cutie mark. Once Scootaloo held it aloft, something fell out of it, a card that read “To Scootaloo”.

The orange filly placed the hoody on her bed and picked up the card, gently she opened the back and spotted a warning label. “To recipient: This letter was sent to you by Enchanted Stall Marks, where our cards are not only meaningful, but magical.”

Scootaloo shrugged and took out the birthday card, once she opened it the inside glowed bright, making Scootaloo drop the card onto the floor, and caused Sweetie Belle to reflexively cast the teleportation spell and dropped herself on the other side of the bed. After a moment to compose themselves, Sweetie peeked from around the corner of the bed, while Scootaloo remained wary of the card, ready to transform.

However, all pretense that this was something volatile left when the image of Alula formed before Scootaloo, making the teenage filly’s eyes water. “A-Alula?!”

“Happy birthday Scootaloo! I…I um, I hoped you listened when I asked you to open this when you were alone, ‘cause it’s going to be a little embarrassing if you open it with everypony around.”

Sweetie took this as her queue to swiftly exit the room, closing the door behind her and leaving Scootaloo alone.

“It’s still a little unreal to me, that we’re together as fillyfriends. I thought nopony would like a freak like me, somepony who changes from one tribe to the next at random. I had always had a crush on you, but I left it at that, a crush. Until I found out that you were Shazam, and that you wanted to be together! It made me so happy, even Aura was happy – oh don’t ask her anything about her ‘books’ if she brings it up!”

Scootaloo scratched her head at that, but decided to leave it.

“I saved up for this gift for you, I know you wanted to join the Wonderbolts like Rainbow Dash, but with your powers you said it’d be like cheating your way in. So, I thought even if you can’t fly with them, you can still fly with their colors!”

The magical image of Alula sat on her haunches and stared straight ahead. “I wanted to let you know how much you mean to me, that you accepted me for me. I don’t know what’ll happen when we’re older, you may even find somepony else better than me…”

Scootaloo shook her head. “No, never…!”

“But, no matter what the future holds, I’ll always care about you…because…” Alula blushed all the way up to her ears as she gathered the courage to finish her sentence. “I love you! Eeep! I can’t believe I said that! Oh this is so embarrassing…please don’t think I’m weird – well weirder?! Anyway, happy birthday!”

The image of Alula retreated back into the card, upon which it shut itself. Scootaloo stared down at the card, her lips curling to form a small, sad smile. She fluttered up and took hold of the hoody, bringing it close to her and hugging it dearly. Tears began to fall from her eyes as she once again cried.

The door opened slowly, with Sweetie Belle coming in, but stopping when she heard the sniffles. As she began to leave, Scootaloo spared her a glance and called out, “Wait…Sweetie Belle, can you…can you stay here for a little bit…?”

Sweetie Belle smiled compassionately and walked in, closing the door behind her. She leapt onto Scootaloo’s bed and sat next to her. Without any coaxing, Scootaloo leaned up against Sweetie’s shoulder, prompting the unicorn filly to nuzzle the top of her friend’s head as she continued to cry.

“Alula would kick my flank if stayed like this, wouldn’t she?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well…at the very least she’d pout at you and try to push you out the door,” said Sweetie Belle with a giggle.

Scootaloo giggled as well, imagining that Alula would do just that. “I don’t know what to do, Sweetie…I have all this power, and even with it I couldn’t protect the one pony I…I loved from being taken away! It’s stuff like this that makes me wonder why I have this mark on my flank, or why that old pony chose me!”

Sweetie Belle sighed heavily. “I won’t pretend I understand all this superhero stuff, that’s more of Button’s thing. But, if those comics he reads are any help, superheroes go through this kind stuff…unfortunately. And every time I read those parts I ask him ‘Why do these comics always put them through bad things like that?’, you know what he said?”

The orange filly shook her head.

“He said ‘Because, bad things can still happen to heroes, but it’s what they do after that shows who they are, to let themselves get swallowed up by despair, or stand up and continue the fight against evil!’”.

Scootaloo digested those words, and on some grim level it did make sense. If a superhero was all powerful then they’d be a literal god over everything, her power was derived from six deities, and even they couldn’t do it all. “I don’t know if I’m ready just yet, but there is something I need to do.”

“What’s that?” Sweetie asked.

“I’m going to need you and Apple Bloom to get your sisters, and for them to get Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, no more secrets between family.”


“Are you sure you want to do this? I know I said Cheerilee should know, but everypony, too?” Twilight asked with a worried tone.

“I’m sure, not knowing hasn’t helped. The bad guys still come and put those I care about in danger, at least this way they’ll know that help’s always near them. Also, it’ll help a lot with me needing to get away to transform,” said Scootaloo.

About two days ago, Scootaloo, with the help of Twilight, managed to get Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Cheerilee to come to Castle Concordia. The older mares had been led there by three of the four Crusaders and Spike, none of them had been told what the purpose was in their meeting up, only that Scootaloo had something important to tell them and wanted everypony there to tell them in person.

Once they had assembled, Twilight and Scootaloo led them all down to the basement, with the others following behind them. Rarity stepped a little closer to Cheerilee and asked in a hushed voice, “My dear, do you know what it is that Scootaloo wishes to tell us?”

Cheerilee, sadly, shook her head. “I don’t, she had completely isolated herself for days and then after Sweetie Belle brought over that present, she kind of sprang back to life in a way. Although…” The maroon mare glanced at the two ahead of her, her marefriend and her adopted daughter, both talking so clandestinely as if they were in their own little world.

After descending the stairs, the group entered Twilight’s basement, upon which the Princess of Friendship closed the door with a quick spell. The alicorn mare cleared her throat, gaining the attention of all assembled. “You all were asked to come on Scootaloo’s request, she has something to tell you all, something extremely important. I only ask that you keep an open mind and to allow her to explain.”

With those words spoken, Twilight walked away and took her place next to Cheerilee. The maroon mare felt a twinge of fear in the way that Twilight had said that, wondering if the thing that Scootaloo wanted to talk about was her abuse. The only ponies who knew of that were herself, Twilight, and Mrs. Milano. She wasn’t sure if letting her friends know about this was a good idea, she had gone over about bad ponies who abduct foals and others who want them to do things they don’t want to do in classes, but hearing it from Scootaloo might make it hit too close to home for them.

For a moment, Cheerilee wanted to go over to Scootaloo and tell her she didn’t have to tell anypony else if she did not want to. However, before she could take the first step, Cheerilee felt Twilight’s downy wing drape over her back, drawing her attention. The school teacher glanced over to her marefriend and saw a pleading look for her to stay by her side and allow Scootaloo her moment.

Twilight cared about Scootaloo just as much as she did, and Cheerilee believed she’d never let Scootaloo do something she believed was reckless.

“Thanks for coming everypony, I know I’ve been a bit of a shut in since…since…” Scootaloo took in a deep breath, calming herself before she went into another crying fit. “Since Alula died. Most of you were told it was the Kingdom that did it, but that’s not the whole story. For months now I have kept a secret from some of you. Four ponies, and one dragon, know of my secret.”

“I thought I should keep it secret, to protect you from somepony looking to come after me. But recently, I’ve realized that not knowing just makes things complicated and doesn’t really protect you. I’d rather tell you, and have you know that there is somepony close by to help you when things are really bad.”

Most of the older ponies were a bit confused, save for the Crusaders, Twilight, and Spike.

“Sugarcube, what kinda trouble are ya in?” Applejack asked.

“Seriously, whatever it is we’re here for you, especially me,” said Rainbow Dash.

Scootlaoo nodded to Rainbow and Applejack. “Thanks, but I’m not in trouble. I just want to show you all something. Murmur, are you ready?”

A pink butterfly appeared in a flash of light and landed on the tip of Scootaloo’s nose. “Yes Mistress.”

Everypony blinked in confusion.

“Okay, did anypony else hear that butterfly talk?” Rainbow asked.

“I did! Oh wait, we can’t hear animals talk unless –” Pinkie gasped, “unless Fluttershy has the power to allow us to animals talk too?!” The pink party pony quickly took hold of the shy mare and stared her in the eyes. “Fluttershy I didn’t know you could do that!”

Fluttershy nervously shook her head. “I-I can’t do that, I’ve never been able to do that…although to be honest I’ve never tried that.”

Twilight giggled. “It’s not that Pinkie, it’s just Murmur there, you’ll see.” The alicorn then nodded to the pegasus filly.

“You’re on Murmur.”

The pink butterfly flew towards the center and looked upon everypony assembled. “For those of you who have transitioned to the Rock of Eternity, this needn’t be repeated. But for those who are taking this trip for the first time, please stand still and try not to move around too much while we transition from this dimension.”

Before anypony could ask what that meant, there was a sudden shift in gravity as if the room was being moved around. All light left the room save for the pink glow of Murmur’s astral form. After a few seconds of unseen movement, everything went still. A door opened about five feet from the group which led into a white light.

Murmur flew through the door and Scootaloo followed after her, but not before stopping at the foot of the door and looking back at the group. “C’mon everypony, it’s on the other side!”

Without much prompting, Babs Seed, Spike, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom followed Scootaloo into the door of light. Applejack and Rarity called out to their younger siblings but their calls went unheeded, making both of them run after them out of instinct. Pinkie Pie hopped to the door, looking at it from all angles as if trying to see where the others ended up. She then shrugged and jumped right in.

Fluttershy had become rooted to the spot she was standing. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes began pushing the mare from behind towards the door. “C’mon Shy, if this was dangerous Twilight wouldn’t bring us here before telling us it was, that’s kind of my thing.”

The pink maned pegasus mare gulped and shut her eyes tight as the two of them entered the doorway. Now only Twilight and Cheerilee remained, with the former glancing to her marefriend and nodding towards the door. “Shall we?”

“T-Twilight, what is going on?!” Cheerilee asked.

“It’ll make better sense once we’re on the other side, believe me, that place is amazing!” Twilight exclaimed. “So many books~”

Cheerilee still looked skeptical, but Twilight gave her a loving nuzzle to the cheek, and some of Cheerilee’s worry ebbed away. Twilight was her marefriend, she trusted her, and out of her friends she was the most levelheaded – if not neurotic – so she would never bring them somewhere she didn’t believe was at all unsafe without at least a warning.

Trusting in her feelings and in Twilight, Cheerilee allowed Twilight to lead her into the doorway.

“You can open your eyes now,” said Twilight.

Cheerilee had closed her eyes the moment they entered the door of light, slowly she opened them and watched as everypony’s eyes were wandering to, well, everything. It was a giant library, with books flying from one shelf to the other, organizing themselves. Far off to the left was a hallway that led into some kind of museum with artifacts that did not look particularly Equestrian. Another hallway led towards, what appeared to be, a kind of spa bathhouse.

Ahead of the group Scootaloo stood in the middle of the open rotunda, flanked by a filly who had butterfly fairy wings. The most excited of the group were the Crusaders and Spike, all four just browsing around and looking up into the nearly infinite ceiling that seemed to shift like a puzzle.

“W-What is this place,” Cheerilee asked.

“It’s…It’s simply breathtaking, such a complex structure,” said Rarity in awe.

Scootaloo chuckled a little. “Welcome to the Rock of Eternity. The secret, interdimensional fortress of magic that’s been around since, like, forever, and my secret base.”

“‘Secret base’, what in tarnation is goin’ on here, Twi?”! Applejack asked.

“Scootaloo, I think it’s time you showed them.” Twilight suggested.

Scootaloo nodded and flared her wings. There was a low rumbling sound like thunder that echoed in the room. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Cheerilee were completely confused, and a little on edge at hearing the thunder. The Crusaders and Spike were just eagerly awaiting what was to come, Twilight was just watching with a smile on her face, while Pinkie Pie, well, Pinkie Pie looked just as excited as the Crusaders. The orange filly closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again, lightning arced from the corners of her eyes.


Lightning crashed down upon Scootaloo, zapping her and obscuring her form in a cloud of white smoke. The smoke did not last as a swift gust of wind from within the cloud blew it away, revealing Equestria’s Mightiest Mare, Shazam, her hooded cloak flapping in the crossbreeze she generated. The superheroine took one step forward, and with a spark of her horn, willed the cape and hood to disappear into particles of light, revealing Shazam’s face to all. At first it didn’t click, but upon further inspection, they noticed the similarities.

“S-S-Shazam is…is…SCOOTALOO??!!” Cheerilee exclaimed.

“Oh my,” gasped Fluttershy.

“Surprise,” said Shazam sheepishly.

Pinkie Pie squeed loudly and bounced around excitedly as she ran up to Shazam and placed both hooves on her face, smushing Shazam’s face a little. “AAAAH! I knew it! I mean, Scootaloo disappears and Shazam appears, Scootaloo appears and Shazam disappears, and there was my Pinkie Sense on that day when Ponyville was first attacked and -- I just knew it!” The pink party pony then got a serious look on her face “You do realize I owe you a ‘Congratulations on Becoming a Superhero Party’ and a birthday party too, right?”

Shazam gulped. “Y-Yeah, I-I know, but let’s keep the former a secret between all of us, we’ll work on the latter.”


Out of nowhere, ranchous laughter could be heard echoing in the library, it didn’t take long for the group to find the source. Rainbow Dash had fallen on her back, holding her sides as she continued to laugh out loud.

“Rainbow Dash, are you quite alright?” Rarity asked.

The prismatic mare wiped a tear from eye and took a moment to compose herself. “Sorry guys, but you gotta admit that this is a great prank!”

“‘Prank’?” Shazam and Twilight said at the same time.

“Obviously, I mean it took you a while to finally come up with a good one, but I’d never thought you’d get Shazam of all ponies in on it, and Scootaloo! Ha, ha!”

Shazam raised an eyebrow. “I’m not joking Rainbow Dash, I am Shazam. I’ve been Shazam for months now.”

Rainbow Dash’s chuckling took on a nervous tone. “No, no, you really can’t be Shazam, okay? Because if you were then that means when I kissed you on the lips I was really kissing Scootaloo, and that would be SO wrong! Ha, but anyway how are you pulling this off?”

Shazam sighed, she knew this would happen. “Rainbow Dash, I’m sorry…but it’s true, I am and you did…I-I wanted to tell you that I was, but when you kissed me I had no idea how to break it to you.”

Babs Seed, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Spike all had open mouths, jaws literally hanging open when they heard this. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack were no better, their eyes now falling on the rainbow maned mare.

“This is really awkward,” said Pinkie in a whisper to Cheerilee. “Especially when you adopted Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash promised to be a big sister to her, and now we found out that she kissed Scootaloo. Hmm, does this count as incest? I mean you’re not related to each other so it’s not that…I’m confused.”

Rainbow Dash’s eye twitched as she chuckled nervously. “Heh, uh…okay…I’m, uh, I’m going to throw up now.”

Murmur quickly tapped the floor with her hoof, and a bucket immediately materialized from the floor. The cyan mare took the bucket and turned away from everypony and began retching into it, Fluttershy hurriedly went to her side and gently rubbed her back, making soothing sounds to try and ease the discomfort.

“You’re taking this really well, Cheerilee,” said Shazam. “Cheerilee?”

Shazam turned to see the mare in question, but her eyes went wide when she saw Cheerilee contained in Twilight’s magical aura, frozen mid-rant with a furious expression upon her face.

“Yeah…this is going to take a bit to explain,” said Twilight.

Author's Note:

Next time in
SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightiest Mare!:

To be concluded...

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