• Published 1st Nov 2014
  • 10,674 Views, 682 Comments

MLDC: SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightest Mare! - Michael_Ravencroft

Something stirs beneath Equestria, dark forces and evil organizations plan to usurp the peace of the world. Sensing the coming storm, the Wizard searches for one who will defend this world, and become Equestria's Mightest Mortal!

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Lightning Strikes Arc Part 7: Show Time

“Alright, see youse guys at the show!” Babs yelled.

The city of Manehattan, a vast metropolis known for innovation and ingenuity, with its towering skyscrapers, paved roads and sidewalks, and the near overwhelming amount of ponies living in here, it was a hub of activity pretty much every day, even at night. Currently, Babs Seed, cousin of Apple Bloom, member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and leader of the Manehattan Branch, was walking home. She had just gotten through with a meeting of the CMCMB, a few of them making plans to go see the Wonderbolts airshow later tomorrow.

She liked the Wonderbolts but she wasn’t as big a fan as some ponies were. Still, it got some of the schools to give their students the day off tomorrow for the show, so she thought she’d at least spend it having fun. As Babs made her way to her building she stopped, noticing a very familiar pegasus filly asleep on the front step, leaning against one of the guardrails for support. It didn’t take long for Babs to recognize this filly.


The filly roused from her sleep and blinked her eyes a few times to get them to focus.

“Oh, hey Babs.”

“Don’t hey Babs me! C’mere!”

Before Scootaloo could protest, Babs pulled her into a fierce hug that felt like it was about to crush her spine. After a few agonizing seconds, Babs released Scootaloo and allowed her precious life giving oxygen.

“Happy…to see…you too…Babs,” said Scootaloo in between gasps.

“Wow, never thought I’d get to see youse in my own backyard. Are you visitin’ with Cuz?”

Scootaloo bit her lip. “Um, not really…I uh…”

Babs’ excitement over seeing her friend was starting to turn to worry. Usually Scootaloo was a lot more energetic than this and wasn’t one for holding back how she felt.

“Hey, what’s up? You’re not in trouble are youse?” When she didn’t get an immediate answer, Babs placed her hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder. “C’mon on up to my place, not a smart thing for a filly to be sleepin’ out here in the middle of the day, even more so at night.”

Scootaloo didn’t argue. The only reason she felt safe enough to nod off was because she could change anytime she wanted and pummel the pony dumb enough to try something six feet under. Babs led Scootaloo into the elevator; she had to admit she didn’t think this was where Babs lived. The outside looked nice, there was no doorstallion but it was still fancy enough, even the elevator looked well maintained and up to date. The flashing numbered lights made little “ping” noises with each floor it passed, till eventually they reached the twelfth floor.

The doors slid open and revealed a plush red carpet. Scootaloo was starting to wonder if they really were in the right building. After passing by several doors the two fillies stopped before a door with an Apple engraved onto a plaque. Babs fished through her saddlebags and took out a key, once unlocked Babs opened the door and allowed Scootaloo to enter first.

The pegasus filly walked in and found her jaw meeting the floor rather quickly. The inside was big, with sliding glass doors in the back that led to a wide veranda. Lush carpeting, and soft faux leather couches, and a fireplace, currently off due to it almost being summer. Scootaloo heard the door close behind her, but still couldn’t take her eyes away from the decor. Babs walked up beside her, noting the flabbergasted expression she had.

“Before you ask, this is my place, and no you’re not dreamin’.”

“Wha…You…You’re rich?!”

Babs blushed sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her head with her right hoof. “Well…rich by Manehattan standards, not sure what Canterlot standards would be. But we do pretty well for ourselves.”

It was now starting to make sense to Scootaloo why Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon so easily accepted Babs into their circle. A simple mean act like destroying their float might’ve given her props by the two fillies, but she didn’t believe they’d overlook the fact that she was related to Apple Bloom and couldn’t resist calling her out on it. But now factor in the newly discovered rich side of this equation, then it starts to make much more sense. It only made Scootaloo happier to know that they wrested Babs from lure of the dark side that was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

“Does uh, does Apple Bloom know about…this?” Scootaloo asked as she gestured with her hoof to the entire apartment.

“Eh, not really, no…I kinda wanted to tell her when we’ve become a bit closer…As friends and cousins I mean! Ya know I just don’t want her to think I’m like Diamond and Silver, especially after the way I treated youse back in Ponyville…”

Scootaloo shook her head confidently. “No way Apple Bloom would think that, she calls you her ‘favorite cousin’ all the time! She really likes you Babs, so she’d never think about you like that, no matter how rich you were.”

Babs blushed a little harder after hearing that, she knew that Apple Bloom was happy to see her during the last reunion, but she wasn’t sure if that was just because of the festivities of the reunion or if she had genuinely forgiven her. Now after hearing this, her tension about the whole thing was a weight that lifted off her shoulders.

“Thanks Scoots and you won’t tell her about this will ya?”

“Not unless you want me to, I won’t,” said Scootaloo.

“Good, now, let’s see about figurin’ out a good excuse as to why yer here before my folks and sis get home.”

“Right!” Scootaloo then paused for a minute and then gave Babs and incredulous look. “Hang on, ‘excuse’?! What makes you think I need one?!”

Babs then gave Scootaloo a deadpan expression. “Scoots, yer here in Manehattan, and you’re alone. If Cuz was here then so would cousin Applejack, and because I don’t think she would just leave youse sleepin’ on my stoop without anypony to keep ya company.”

Scootaloo suddenly became a bit nervous. “H-How do you know I didn’t come here with Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts?!”

“Scoots, I remember ya talkin’ about Rainbow Dash and how she was like yer big sister, and if she’s anythin’ like what you told me, I doubt she’d leave you alone in Manehattan. Or at the very least you’d be stayin at the hotel where the Wonderbolts are booked.”

Scootaloo opened her mouth to counter, but no words came out. Babs had her pegged and she knew it, only problem was how she was going to explain how she got there or found her in the first place. Babs seemed to notice the slight distress coming from Scootaloo and stood before her, resting a hoof on her shoulder.

“Look, just answer me this: are you in trouble?”

“You have a fight with somepony?”


“Somepony hurt ya?”


Babs raised an eyebrow at the way she responded to the last question, but decided to keep it to herself for now.

“Alright, here’s what we’re goin’ to do. You’re gettin’ in the shower and cleanin’ up, and then when ya get out we’ll figure out somethin’ to tell my ‘Rents and big sis.”

“A shower? What, do I stink or something?!” Scootaloo asked slightly offended.

“Ya smell like Manehattan, now get in, c’mon.”

Babs started to shove Scootaloo in the direction of the guest shower, with the pegasus filly protesting the whole way. They eventually reached the shower and Scootaloo did an about face.


Scootaloo sighed heavily but entered the bathroom.

“Scoots…” Scootaloo stopped and glanced at Babs over her right shoulder. “Whenever ya want to talk about the real reason why yer here, I’ll listen.”

“………Thanks Babs.”

The rest of the night went well for the two fillies. Babs was able to convince her parents and sister that Scootaloo was in Manehattan with Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts. She explained that there was an error with the booking and that there wasn’t any room for Scootaloo at the hotel. So Rainbow Dash dropped Scootaloo off wondering if it was okay for her to stay until the Wonderbolts show done and out. Thankfully Babs’ parents bought the story, happy to have a friend of their daughter’s from Ponyville stay over, her big sister was little more skeptical, but she seemed to let it go for now.

Dinner was good, a lot of laughing and telling of how each of their days was. Babs’ big sister didn’t miss this opportunity to embarrass her little sister by telling Scootaloo various embarrassing stories about Babs when she was younger, and even some that were current. Scootaloo couldn’t help but laugh at Babs’ expense, even the earth filly’s mother and father couldn’t help a chuckle before calming the two siblings down.

The remainder of the night was spent with Babs, Scootaloo, and Sissy, as Babs’ nicknamed her, playing little board games or overlooking the Manehatttan skyline from the veranda. Eventually the night grew late and it was time for Scootaloo and Babs to hit the hay. Unfortunately the spare guest room wasn’t in any condition to receive anypony at this point, so Scootaloo had to bunk with Babs for the time being. Mind you this wasn’t the first she had to share a bed with another filly, but it felt a little more personal for some reason, given that it was Babs and despite their sisterhood bond as a Cutie Mark Crusader, didn’t make it feel any less embarrassing. She blamed it on her hormones.

Puberty sucks…

But since Scootaloo and Babs were close to each other in age it didn’t bother the earth pony filly. The two fillies laid in silence for a while, back to back, neither one saying a word. Scootaloo just breathed normally, mimicking sleep, but really she was wide awake. Her mind was abuzz with what she had done, she had run away to Manehattan in a panic, without any real evidence that the one coming to adopt her was in fact her, but deep inside, Scootaloo couldn’t risk it, she never wanted to go back to that witch, and with the power she had she’d never have to ever again.

“Scoots, you awake?”

Scootaloo flinched. “Um, yeah.”

“I hate to ask, but since we’re alone, do you want to talk about it?” Babs asked tentatively.

“I…Babs…If you knew what I knew, you’d probably never look at me the same way again…I don’t want to lose the friends I have…”

Babs glanced over her shoulder at the pegasus filly, she could tell that Scootaloo did want to say something, but as she said she was afraid of what others would think, more specifically, her friends. That’s when Babs smiled as an idea popped into her head.

“Quid Pro Quo.”

Scootaloo turned around and stared in confusion at Babs. “Qui – what now?”

“It’s somethin’ Sissy taught me, it basically means ‘somethin’ for somethin’’. Like I give you somethin’ and you have to give me somethin’, like say a secret. But if I tell youse somethin’ big you have to do the same, otherwise it ain’t fair to the other pony.”

“So it’s like a game?”


“I don’t know…”

“What if I do that Pinkie Promise thing that youse guys showed me the last time I was in Ponyville, like I promise not to tell anypony yer secret unless youse tells me otherwise, and you do the same?”

Scootaloo thought it over, she wasn’t so sure she wanted to tell Babs, but right now it felt like a dam was about to burst inside her if she didn’t tell somepony, and really, Babs was a good confidant. She lived all the way in Manehattan, and nopony here knew her so it wasn’t like there would anypony to care if she did say something, but she knew Babs wouldn’t.

“Alright, I promise not to tell anypony the secrets we tell here tonight.”


“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”
“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

With that the pact was made. Babs turned around so she and Scootaloo were now facing each other. She took a deep breath as her cheeks started to grow red.

“Wait what?”

“I said I have *mumble*…”

“Babs I can’t understand you.”

The earth filly’s face became beet red as she gathered what courage she had inside as she blurted out.

“I have a crush on Cuz!”

Scootaloo mind stopped for a second to process that. Because the last time she checked, she referred to Apple Bloom as “Cuz”, and that would mean that Babs liked Apple Bloom as more than just a cousin, and that she was a filly, who liked another filly.

“Uh…wow…” Was all Scootaloo managed to get out of her mouth.

“I know…Ya probably think I’m disgustin’ for likin’ her like that, but I can’t help it. I just do, I can’t really explain it well, I just feel good around her and she makes me happy…You probably want to get out of my bed now don’t ya?”

After she let that sink in, Scootaloo shook her head to bring her back to her senses. “What – no – heck no! I don’t think you’re disgusting or anything like that! I mean, I’m not going to pretend I get it, I mean, that’d be like saying Sweetie Belle and Rarity like-like each other, ugh!” Scootaloo couldn’t help a shudder at thinking of those two in such a relationship. “But, you and Bloom, I guess I could get behind that. I mean, you’re not really hurting anypony, so long as Apple Bloom is onboard with it.”

Babs felt a great weight was lifted off her chest. “Thanks Scoots, don’t worry I don’t expect ya to understand, but just knowing that you’re alright with how I feel towards Cuz helps a lot. She really values youse guy’s opinions, y’know?”

“She does?”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but feel a blush of embarrassment tint her cheeks. But now that just left her, after revealing something that big, nothing short of the truth would be able to equal it. Anything less would be insulting to Babs. So, with a shudder Scootaloo made an odd request.

Babs would’ve thought it a strange request had she not heard the hurt and fear in the pegasus filly’s voice. With a gentle smile, Babs poked her hoof out from under the blankets and presented it to Scootaloo, who quickly grasped onto it, holding on as if it were her only lifeline in a dark ocean.

“I don’t think I told you, unless Apple Bloom found out and told you, but I’m an orphan…I live in an orphanage called Wayward House along with a few other homeless or runaway foals.”

Scootaloo waited for that to sink in, watching Babs for any change in her expression. Fortunately there was none, she looked a little surprised, but in Manehattan it wasn’t that unusual to run into the occasional homeless or orphan kid. With a nod to go on from Babs, Scootaloo took in a shaky breath.

“I wasn’t always an orphan; I used to live in Vanhoover, with my Mom and Dad. My Dad was an important manager at one of the dams there that provided electricity to most of the city and eastern half of Equestria. My Mom was a consultant for different businesses; she just helped them with money problems and did most of our family’s money stuff. Between the two of them we were never without money, and we could do all kinds of fun things together. Needless to say Hearth’s Warming was a fun day for me. But…then it all changed.

There was an accident at the dam during a really bad rainstorm, something went wrong when the Weather Factory sent the rainclouds, and it overflowed and pushed the dam too far. He was the only pony to go back and open the floodgates so that the dam wouldn’t burst apart and flood most of Vanhoover. Needless to say, it also flooded the inside, and swept him away with it…they never found his body…just his hardhat…”

Babs looked upon the pegasus filly, who was usually so full of confidence and strength, start to cry a little. And Babs had to admit, she had to keep herself from bawling too. But she could sense that that wasn’t the end of this sad tale.

“My Mom was sad, I mean really

Babs felt Scootaloo’s grip tighten as pegasus filly’s eyes scrunched shut at the memories.

“She…She was bringing stallions home, I thought she was just dating again because she missed Dad, but that wasn’t it…! She was…doing things with them! Stuff I didn’t understand until later, and made me sicker when I did! She started getting weirder, snapping at me for making a mistake, punishing me…badly…if I did something wrong. And then…at night…”

Babs grabbed hold of Scootaloo, bringing her close to her chest, and stroking the back of her head soothingly.

“It’s alright; you don’t have to finish…”

Babs’ teacher’s had long given them lectures and talks about how to spot foals who had been abused, and the way that Scootaloo was holding her hoof in a death grip, along with the sobs she was now letting out onto her chest, she knew that this wasn’t a lie or a ploy to satiate her curiosity as to why she was here. Scootaloo was speaking from what she had experienced.

“Ya ran away.” Babs finished.

Scootaloo nodded.

“Scoots, whatever yer…mother…did to ya, it wasn’t yer fault. And if yer scared of her findin’ ya, why don’t youse tell yer big sis Rainbow Dash, or even that Princess Twilight?”

Scootaloo vehemently shook her head in protest. “No way! I don’t want them to know what she did to me! Not Rainbow Dash, Princess Twilight, or my friends! I can barely believe I’m telling you this!”

Babs sighed, she knew that it was a big deal that she even told her this much, and she did promise to keep it a secret.

Scootaloo sniffled a little. “I…I know, and maybe someday I will…but I can’t go back…”

“Scoots ya don’t know if that mare whose comin’ to adopt ya is her or not. Tell ya what, I’m goin’ with my friends to the show tomorrow, maybe we can talk to Rainbow Dash about gettin’ ya back home. Just remember that yer friends are there for ya, a’ight?”

Scootaloo nodded a yes. She felt stupid, even with all the power of the gods within her, she still acted like such a foal when she got scared of being sent back to her. Scootaloo was more powerful than any pony on Equestria, maybe equal to Princess Luna, Celestia, and Twilight; actually Twilight told her that her power was equal to four alicorns or more. But the point was that if anything, if her mother ever showed up, it wasn’t Scootaloo who should be afraid, it should be her.

“Thanks Babs…and yeah, that would work. Do…you mind if we stay like this…?”

“If you don’t mind cuddlin’ with a pony who has a crush on her filly cousin, then ya sure.”

“We’re kinda messed up, aren’t we?” Babs asked with a chuckle.

Scootaloo chuckled a little as well. “Yeah, but that’s debatable.”


All of Ponyville was awoken in the dead of night, pegasus, earth pony, and unicorn alike enlisted to search for one missing filly. Cheerilee was among those ponies searching, her and Twilight both, scouring the town and outskirts with frantic worry. Fluttershy had asked the woodland critters for help as well, allowing them to have more eyes, especially those that could see better in the dark. The Dusk Guard was called in as well; half of them searching the outskirts while others went door to door.

The thought that Scootaloo could’ve been foalnapped wasn’t too farfetched, especially after what the filly, Alula, told them. So a systematic search of the resident’s houses was conducted, making sure to rule out everypony, even the castle was searched, along with Sweet Apple Acres. But despite a massive search, they came up with nothing. Princess Twilight had had her Dusk Guard inform other Guard Stations in different towns.

During all this, Twilight was consoling a worried Cheerilee, the school mare pacing back and forth within the throne room.

“How could this happen Twilight?! Why would she run away?!” Cheerilee asked.

“Cheery calm down, we’ll find her,” said Twilight, doing her best to keep her own worry from showing.

“‘Calm down’?! ‘Calm down’?! Twilight she’s missing, possibly taken by some sicko pony! What if she’s…she’s…” Cheerilee had to bite her tongue, not daring to say the last word for fear of it coming true.

Twilight walked over to her marefriend and brought her into a gentle hug. Cheerilee started to cry into Twilight’s chest, hugging her back as if she was the one thing holding her together.

“Why did this happen…? The adoption was almost finalized…”

Twilight separated herself just a little, looking at Cheerilee with shock. “Cheery…You were the one Mrs. Milano was talking about?! The mare who was going to adopt Scootaloo?!”

“Of course, I told you I was! Although…at the time I was scared to even go in. Until Berry helped me realize that I was being afraid for nothing, she even came with me to Wayward House and sat there with me as I talked to Mrs. Milano and did the paperwork.”

“Oh Cheery, if you had said something I would’ve come with you.”

“I wanted to surprise you both…Although, I have to admit, your official recommendation was helpful in most of the process. You did that for me, didn’t you?”

Twilight blushed and smiled sheepishly. “Heh…yeah…I did…Are you mad about that?”

Cheerilee leaned forward and nuzzled Twilight under her chin. “Thank you…I just can’t believe this is happening…hasn’t she gone through enough?! No parents, no home, and when she’s finally about to get both she vanishes!”

Twilight brought Cheerilee back into the hug, holding her tighter. There may be one other place she might’ve gone too… “Cheery, I’m going to go out and search again.”

“I’ll come with you!”

“No, I’m going to try some spells and other things that I don’t want you caught in. Better it be done without anypony around. I should be back soon.”

Cheerilee reluctantly nodded to Twilight. The alicorn mare separated herself from her lover and made her way to the double doors, she spied Spike standing, watching his surrogate sister worriedly.

“That goes for you too Spike,” said Twilight.


“No buts, besides, I need you here for Cheerilee. Okay?”

Spike sighed reluctantly. “Okay.”

Twilight leaned down and nuzzled the drake on the cheek, he didn’t shy away from the nuzzle, instead leaning into it as if reassuring her that he would look after the mulberry mare.

With that settled Twilight galloped out of the throne room and quickly made her way to the door that led to the basement. She flung the door open and quickly closed it behind her, Twilight teleported herself from the top of the stairs and into the laboratory. Concentrating, Twilight focused on the rune marking, it was an odd feeling, giving off a phantom feeling, like when you lose a limb but know it’s still there. She reached out to that phantom feeling and grabbed hold of the rune with her magic.

Twilight then imagined the rune as a key, and a door. The room went pitch black like before, and the sensation of space shifting around her returned once again. Soon the white outline of a door appeared. Twilight trotted up to the door and focused the rune’s magic onto it. Immediately the door responded and opened up, bringing Twilight right into the Rock of Eternity’s library. Twilight ran inside and stopped once she reached an open space.

“Murmur! Murmur! I need your help!”

It didn’t take long for a flash of pink to appear before Twilight, revealing the flutterpony Murmur, who was now looking up at the alicorn mare with concern.

“Miss Twilight, what’s wrong, you look distressed?”

“Murmur, has Scootaloo been to the Rock of Eternity at all in the past few hours?!”

“No ma’am, she has not. I would’ve sensed her presence the moment she entered here. Why, is Mistress Scootaloo alright?!” Murmur asked.

“She’s…She’s been missing for the last twenty-four hours, and it isn’t like her do this kind of thing! Granted I know she has the powers of a six different gods, so there’s little chance she was foalnapped, but it’s really worrying me and everypony else where she is!”

Murmur took a moment to think. “There is a way to find her, hold on.”

Before Twilight could ask “onto what” she and Murmur were teleported straight into the throne room of the past Champions of Magic. Murmur then flittered over to the crystal ball near the throne and lit up her horn. Twilight was never one for fortunetelling and strange hocus-pocus like this, but if it helped to find Scootaloo she was prepared to read tarot cards if it would help.

“Mistress Scootaloo is never far from the Rock of Eternity. She and the Rock are eternally connected, no matter where she is. The connection works both ways; I can locate Mistress Scootaloo through the crystal ball.” Murmur explained.

“So you can bring her here?!”

“No, I cannot force the Champion to come to the Rock of Eternity, I am but a steward. She must make the choice, but I can astral project myself like I did when I first encountered you and speak with her.”

Murmur’s horn glowed with a pink aura, the energy then flew into the crystal ball, creating a white, hazy fog. The fog swirled around with the sphere, like a mini hurricane. Soon the fog became dense, transforming into tall buildings and various other structures. Soon the fog began to change into another state of matter, creating a blue sky, with the statue of a mare bearing a torch, situated in a harbor. It didn’t take long before Twilight recognized the sight, having been there once before.

“Manehattan! Scootaloo’s in Manehattan?!” Twilight exclaimed.

“It would appear so.”

“Okay, how did she get there in – never mind I know how. But why would she have gone there of all places?!” Twilight employed her calming technique before she could fully freak out. “Okay, now I have to figure out how to tell everypony I’m going to Manehattan to go and get her…Oh, but would that be a good idea, I still don’t know why she even left in the first place…?”

“Miss Twilight, if it eases you at all, she is not alone, I sense Mistress Scootaloo is with a friend she trusts.”

“Who does she know in Manethattan? Can you show me?”

A quick flash of Murmur’s horn and the image changed, focusing in on a particular building and stripping away the walls to allow an unobstructed view of the two fillies.

“That’s…That’s Applejack and Apple Bloom’s cousin, Babs Seed. She’s with her…? Thank Celestia, at least she’s with somepony we can get a hold of.”

“Shall I contact her then?”

Twilight thought about it for a minute. “Maybe wait a moment; I know Rainbow Dash is there. If I can get a message to her she might be able to pick up Scootaloo. If I know her, she’ll go to the Wonderbolts show. Thank you Murmur.”

The flutterpony bowed to the Princess of Friendship. “Of course.”


Babs and Scootaloo met up with the Manehattan filly’s friends from school, two colts, and two fillies. One of them was a blue earth pony colt with a blonde mane and tail; he wore a blue cap in the middle of his head, which parted his weird mane in two different directions, and ocean blue eyes. The other colt was a pegasus, brown in color, with a curly tail, chestnut colored eyes, and a tall mane that was about a foot or two above everypony, how that thing didn’t mess up his flying was beyond Scootaloo.

One of the fillies was a light-blue unicorn, wearing green rimmed glasses, her mane style made her look like she was Neighpon. The last of the group was a pink earth pony filly; a lighter shade compared Diamond Tiara. She wore a bow that kinda reminded her of Apple Bloom’s. The filly’s mane was a blonde color similar to the colt’s, Her mane was in pigtails, and her eyes were an intense green as she looked upon Scootaloo with an almost permanent scowl.

“Scoots, meet the CMC Manehattan Branch. The guy with the tall hair is named Cool Kat.”

The brown pegasus slid up to Scootaloo and held out his hoof. Scootaloo got the gesture and hoof bumped the colt.

“My pegasister, nice to meet ya.”

“The filly who looks like a genius is Cerebellum, but call her Cera.”

Unlike Cool, the unicorn filly simply smiled and bowed to Scootaloo. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

“The boy who looks like he’s deep in thought is Magnanamus, Magnanemos?”

The blue colt rolled his eyes playfully at Babs trying to say his whole name. “Magnanimous, but you can call me ‘Arnold’.”

“‘Arnold’? Why’s that?”

“‘Cause it’s a lot easier to remember than Magnanimous.”


“And of course, the girl who looks like she’s goin’ to beat you up at the drop of a hat is Helga Heartsong.”

“That’s a pretty name,” said Scootaloo.

“Yeah well, don’t think I’m all sunshine and lollipops because of it sister. Try anything and you’ll answer to Old Betsy.” Helga raised her right hoof close to Scootaloo, indicating that her hoof was “Old Betsy”.

“Down girl,” said Babs.

“Anyway, Babs told us about how you guys back in Ponyville made the CMC, we thought it sounded cool, helping others to figure out their special talents, and hopefully finding out ours while we’re at it,” said Arnold.

“For now we’re the only members, testin’ the waters. But once we figured it out, we’ll get more to join. And it’s all thanks to you fillies in Ponyville,” said Cool.

Helga then shoved her way past the two boys, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, warm fuzzies all around, we’re all so happy to have her in our lives. Now can we get in?! It was a pain to get these tickets for the show, and even more so when Babs told me about a sixth, my Dad does not listen well when I’m talking to him so you get the where I’m coming from. Now if I was freakin’ Olga he’d buy her the whole city…”

Babs tapped Helga on the shoulder. “Quit yer belly achin’ let’s just go in and enjoy the show already.”

The group of six then entered the arena where the Wonderbolts would be performing, it was jam packed with ponies young and old, filling the stands from the bottom to the nosebleed sections. Vendors were out hawking their wares of food, drinks, and swag. Scootaloo hadn’t been to a Wonderbolts show in a while, even when Dash offered her free tickets to a few, she couldn’t go unless Mrs. Milano okayed it. Rainbow Dash may’ve been an Element of Harmony and a close personal friend of Princess Twilight, but Mrs. Milano didn’t weigh that in unless she was sure that one of her foals would be properly looked after. It was that aspect of Mrs. Milano that she both loved and found annoying at the same time.

The groups’ seats were located in a private skybox, allowing them the privacy to enjoy the show and partake of the stocked food and drinks. The ponies all sat two by two, Babs and Scootaloo stayed close together, Cool and Cera sat next to each other, although Scootaloo was sure she saw the polite unicorn filly glance at Cool Kat, smiling and giggling softly. Helga and Arnold sat close, the colt didn’t seem to mind but Helga was complaining. Despite this, when she thought nopony was looking, Scootaloo spotted the earth filly give Arnold a strange look that reminded her of the love poison incident a year and a half ago.


Scootaloo turned to her right and saw Babs trying to get her attention.

“After this, the Wonderbolts will be signin’ autographs in the lobby. We’ll go and find Rainbow Dash then.”

The pegasus filly was both looking forward to seeing her surrogate sister/idol again, but at the same time she was dreading having to explain how she got there in the first place.

Oh I just transformed into an alicorn and zoomed across Equestria at a hundred times your top speed, and made it here in less than five minutes. Yeah, that’s going to be a great conversation! Guess I’ll just enjoy the show while I can…



Rainbow Dash was staring at the letter she had gotten, via dragon flame. She must’ve read it over a dozen times but it was still hard to believe what was written.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I know how important doing this airshow is to you, and the last thing I want to do is make you lose your focus, but this is urgent.

Scootaloo ran away, now before you go flying off in the middle of the night, relax, I know where she is.

She’s staying in Manehattan with Applejack’s and Apple Bloom’s cousin, Babs Seed. Don’t ask me how she got there so fast or how she wound up there, since I’m still trying to figure it myself.

For now do your airshow, she might be there in the audience. You know her; she wouldn’t miss seeing you perform. She might even be with Babs. If you can, please find her and look after her. Send a letter back to me via the same way once you find her, there’s a charm attached to this letter that’ll help you to send a message through Spike’s dragon fire. Once you do I’ll come and pick her myself.

Thank you

Your Friend

Twilight Sparkle

“Three minutes till show time Dash, Rainbow Dash?”

Spitfire entered the mare’s locker room, spying Rainbow Dash at her locker, staring at a letter. The Captain of the Wonderbolts walked over to the prismatic mare and sidled next to her.

“What’s up, fan letter from a crazy mare?”

“Not really, no.”

Spitfire raised an eyebrow at Rainbow Dash lackluster response, she sounded down, which was odd considering how jazzed the mare was before and after each show. She then took a peek at the letter, reading it carefully. After a few seconds Spitfire had a concerned look.

“Rainbow, is that the same filly you told me about, the one that looks up to you and calls you her big sister?”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Some big sister I am, I wasn’t even there for her when she needed somepony to talk to, maybe then she wouldn’t have run away…”

Spitfire glanced about the locker room, when she was certain there wasn’t anypony else there, she extended her wing and brought the pegasus mare close to her.

“Hey, you had no idea. If she is here we can have them make a general announcement and have her stay in the team meet up room until the halftime show.”

“No, if she is here then I don’t want to spook her off with random security ponies coming to escort her. The last thing she needs is a reason to run; if she came all the way out here then it means she’s probably here to talk to me. I’ll find her once the show’s over.”

“Dash, the arena lobby will be packed with fans, it’ll be hard to find her.” Spitfire thought for second until she got an idea. “Do the first half of the show, fake an injury, and then while everypony’s at their seats you can go and find her.”
Rainbow Dash looked at Spitfire with surprise. “You’d let me do that?!”

“Hey, you’re the one who taught me and the others to never abandon a teammate, and to look out for our fellow flyers. I mean, how would it look if we left a future Wonderbolt Cadet out there alone with no Wingpony?”

“Thanks, Cap.”

“No problem, now let’s go and give that filly a show!”

“Aye, aye!”

With that Rainbow Dash zoomed out of the locker room and towards the gate where the rest of the team was waiting.

“Umph, that flank.”

The Wonderbolts airshow was in full swing, the elite pegasi team took to the skies with a thundering roar. Clouds of electrified smoke followed in their wake. Amongst the streaks, two unique trails were more distinguishable than the others, one made of blazing fire, and the other a trail of six different rainbow colors. Anypony who was anypony knew who those belonged to, Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts, and Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty and the Mare of the Sonic Rainboom.

Scootaloo cheered the loudest of the six; they didn’t mind her enthusiasm, especially Babs when she remembered how the filly was the previous night. Scootaloo’s eyes were riveted on the Wonderbolts’ moves, more specifically, Rainbow Dash’s. She zoomed to and fro, looping, and zigzagging through obstacles and creating cool patterns in the sky with her teammates. It had been a long time since she had been to a show, but seeing one with her idol performing was even better.

But, despite the excitement in the air, Scootaloo couldn’t help this nagging feeling in the back of her head, a sense of danger. Why she felt this she had no idea, there was nothing dangerous about their stunts. Okay, scratch that most of them were dangerous, but this feeling was something along the lines of…death, and a wanting to hurt others.

Scootaloo, as much as she didn’t want to, pulled her eyes away from the show and looked down at the crowd. Her eyes roved over everypony, searching for something or someone, which she had no idea, but something told her that she’d know it when she saw it. That’s when Scootaloo started to notice something strange; some of the vendors were sticking awful close to the various entrances to the stadium, their placating smiles belayed something…sinister beneath the façade.

The Wonderbolts ended their routine, assembling in the middle of the stadium, that’s when it all went bad. Suddenly a net made of crimson light stretched forth around the entire stadium, completely covering the structure. The Manehattanites all cheered, thinking it part of the show, but the team of ten knew better, they had finished their routine, this was something different.


The audience looked around for the one who was talking; all eyes then converged on a stallion who was standing in the middle of the hoofball arena. His body was cloaked in a black suit, wearing a white mask to conceal his identity. Scootaloo looked around and saw that the vendors from earlier had donned similar masks, now each standing sentry at the various entrances.

“The hay with this! I’m out!”

Everypony turned to one of the entrances, watching as a stallion got up and started to leave. But the pony standing sentry at the entrance, a pegasus from what Scootaloo could tell, brought up their right hoof and violently pressed the flat of their hoof against the stallion’s chest. Violet electrical energy shot through the strange device clasped around their foreleg, coursing through the stallion as it electrified his entire body. The stallion led out an awful, blood curdling scream as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. And then, silence, the pegasus retracted its hoof, ending the shock. The stallion’s ears, mouth, and nostrils were emitting smoke as the smell of charred skin and ozone wafted through the air. The body of the stallion then fell, and continued falling down the stairs till it hit the bottom, dead.


Babs, Scootaloo, and the gang couldn’t believe what they were hearing. This crazy pony and all the other ones in masks were insane! They wanted the Princesses to give up their magic and Equestria! Scootaloo could feel her power surge within her, telling her stop these madponies. But she wasn’t sure if that was a good idea, these guys weren’t afraid of killing others, if she made the wrong move or one mistake she could end up seeing more than just the one pony who got killed earlier.

“You have no right to do this!”

Scootaloo looked up and saw that it was Spitfire who yelled out against the earth pony down below.


The masked stallion raised his left hoof and made waving motion. Suddenly a red violet beam shot out from somewhere in the stadium, piercing right through Spitfire, the yellow pegasus mare then fell out of the air and began to head straight for the ground. Rainbow Dash saw this and quickly went to her aid, catching her just moments before she hit the ground. Rainbow laid Spitfire down, scanning her for the injury that brought her down. The beam had shot right through her left shoulder, cutting into her wing as well. The wound was cauterized from the heat of the beam but it was still a bad injury.

Scootaloo continued to watch this, but she couldn’t anymore! The pegasus filly got up from her seat and ran out the door, despite the protests from Babs and her friends. She ran, keeping to the shadows to avoid detection by the creepy ponies in masks. She found the door to the stadium rafters and went inside. After climbing a few ladder steps, Scootaloo found her way onto the maintainence rafters that overlooked the arena below. She quickly galloped out till she was halfway between one end and the next.



Scootaloo climbed up on the guardrail, and without the slightest bit of hesitation, pushed herself over the edge. She fell down hundreds of feet; she was so small that whoever was shooting wouldn’t even notice her, not yet.


A blue lightning bolt appeared from above, shooting down till it met her in midair. Thunder roared within the enclosed stadium, making everypony, even the masked ones look up.

Speed of Mercurius Zephyr!!!

Scootaloo became a blur of color as she streaked through the air and landed right between the masked stallion, Rainbow Dash, and Spitfire. She then flapped both her wings at once, causing a powerful gust of wind to blow, sending the masked stallion flying till he landed at the fifty yards away. Scootaloo’s hooded cape appeared as she folded her wings, obscuring her face. She then turned to Rainbow Dash and Spitfire.

“Are you alright?”

“Y-Yeah we are…who the hay are you?”

“I’m Shazam, Equestria’s Mightiest Mortal.”

Author's Note:

Next time in
SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightiest Mare!:

Scootaloo faces the agents of The Kingdom, but these mysterious ponies may not be the only threat that needs to be faced. Can Scootaloo save the captured ponies? Will she ever be able to come back to Ponyville? Did I make a reference to "Hey Arnold"? Yes, yes I did. Stay tuned for more!

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