• Published 1st Nov 2014
  • 10,675 Views, 682 Comments

MLDC: SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightest Mare! - Michael_Ravencroft

Something stirs beneath Equestria, dark forces and evil organizations plan to usurp the peace of the world. Sensing the coming storm, the Wizard searches for one who will defend this world, and become Equestria's Mightest Mortal!

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Lightning Strikes Arc Part 8: The Return of the Hero King

There were many things that Rainbow Dash had seen in the past couple of years. She’s seen the rise of Nightmare Moon, gone to the Grand Galloping Gala, performed the legendary Sonic Rainboom, helped plan a wedding for Twilight’s big brother and helped stop a changeling invasion, heck, she even helped defeat Tirek. But now Rainbow Dash was beholding another strange sight.

An alicorn mare, wearing a red body armor-like suit had just blown away a masked psycho pony with one flap of her large and impressive wings. Not only that, but her speed was ridiculous, Rainbow’s eyes barely noticed her when she appeared before them.

“Is she alright?" Shazam asked.

Rainbow Dash shook her head to regain her composure and to get her mind back on the situation at hoof.

“Not really, whatever hit her injured her badly,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Let me see. Wisdom of Star Swirl! Power of Zeus Thunderer!

Rainbow Dash watched as the alicorn mare’s horn flared up with magical lightning, and at the same time, her eyes shined with an azure light that matched the lightning. She hung her head low to get a good look at Spitfire’s injury, after a few seconds the alicorn raised her head and nodded.

“Alright, it’s not as bad as it looks. That shot missed her more vital organs, and clipped her wing, but it’s not undoable.”

Shazam’s horn glowed once again as her magical lightning shot out and struck the wounds on Spitfire’s body. At first Rainbow Dash thought that the tall mare was electrocuting the injured pegasus, but Spitfire showed no signs of pain, nor was there the nauseating smell of a body being roasted. A few accidents at the Weather Factory gave Rainbow Dash the unfortunate ability to spot that small immediately. The lightning ceased after a bit and revealed that the hole that had been bored through her was gone; Rainbow Dash even checked on her wing and saw that it too was healed. The prismatic mare looked up to Shazam with tears in her eyes.

“Thank you! You saved her life!”

Before Shazam could respond a tingling in the back of her head alerted her to something dangerous. Her head snapped to and fro as she scanned the audience for the source of the danger, spotting a unicorn mare up in the rafters, horn blazing with red light as she prepared to let the pent up energy fire. Shazam immediately cast an electrified shield around them, just in time for the beam that shot down Spitfire to be blocked. The high order magic of the shield completely cancelled out the attack, overwhelming whatever lethal spell the unicorn used.

Shazam then aimed her horn right where the mare was, unlike before, she had control over how much power her lightning attacks had, so when she released her lightning bolt and struck the mare it didn’t turn her to ash, rather, it paralyzed her body. Shazam noticed movement all around her, seeing the various Kingdom agents don their masks and prepare to kill the hostages. She had to act fast or the entire stadium would be filled with dead bodies.

“I’m going after those masked ponies! Watch that guy over there! Speed of Mercurius Zephyr!

Shazam disappeared in a gust of wind in the blink an eye, Rainbow Dash was completely astonished by this mare’s speed, she heard a various grunts of pain echoed within the stadium, she looked around as a blur of white, gold, and red made short work of the agents, even taking down a few that were still hiding amongst the crowd and waiting to strike. For the brief glimpses she did catch, Rainbow Dash watched as she appeared before one of the agents and struck them, putting them on the floor with one blow. She alternated between physical blows and magical lightning blasts for those she couldn’t get to in from her position.


Rainbow Dash turned her head in his direction and smirked at the stallion. “You mad bro?”

The masked stallion growled and ran furiously towards Rainbow Dash. The pegasus mare entered a fighting stance, ready for the masked one to attack. He jumped into the air a good twenty feet, cocking back his right hoof as violet electrical energy arced off of the device that was fastened around his foreleg. Rainbow Dash remembered what happened to the pony who got hit with that and nimbly dodged the attack, sidestepping to the right till she was out of range.

The masked one struck the ground; the electrical energy discharged and burned a hole in the ground eight inches deep. Another buildup of violet electricity formed on his left hoof, the masked one then sprinted towards Rainbow again, thrusting out with his left hoof, Rainbow Dash barely dodged the attack, the hoof grazing her right cheek slightly. She flapped her wings to put more distance between them, and to keep his attention on her and not a still unconscious Spitfire.

Her cheek burned from the attack. The other gauntlet lit up in preparation for another attack, Rainbow Dash took the initiative and struck first, she flew straight at the masked stallion, smashing her hoof into the stallion’s face and sending him flying back a few feet. She was sure that that blow hurt her more than him, the mask feeling like it was made of something stronger than whatever cheap materials she thought it was originally.

The masked stallion quickly recovered from the blow and prepared to counter attack, Rainbow Dash flew up again, keeping control of the high ground. But the masked stallion jumped up onto his hind legs and thrust out his right hoof. From underneath the gauntlet shot out a metal cable, the cable whirred as it extended higher and higher to an unsuspecting Rainbow Dash. The cable then lassoed itself around her left hind leg, making the pegasus mare let out a yelp in surprise.

“Gotcha,” said the masked one.

A surge of violet electricity blasted forth, traveling along the cable and hitting Rainbow Dash. The pegasus mare let out a scream as all her nerves flared out with pain. Her muscles tightened, causing her wings to lock up. The masked stallion saw that his attack had the desired effect; he then drew back on the line, using his earth pony strength, and whipping the cable downward. Rainbow Dash followed suit, having no way to stop herself as she was mercilessly slammed back down to terra firma.

The masked stallion approached the pegasus mare menacingly, looking down on her as her body convulsed from the powerful electric shock.

“Hmm, even for a pegasus that should’ve at least knocked you out. Guess you’re not an Element of Harmony for nothing Ms. Rainbow Dash. But I don’t think you can survive a point blank blow.”

The masked stallion brought his left hoof to Rainbow Dash’s head, letting his gauntlet build up the necessary charge that would kill Rainbow Dash instantly. She tried hard to make her body move, constantly yelling at her limbs to move and hit him before it was too late. Her eyes went wide with horror as she saw that the weapon was fully charged, although she couldn’t see, Rainbow was sure that the stallion was smiling from behind his mask.

“Goodbye, Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty.”


At that moment Shazam appeared before them, her eyes blazing with magical lightning as her horn and body was covered in the same power, the energy crackling violently in response to her fury. The masked stallion quickly reevaluated the priority of his target, bringing his right hoof up to attack Shazam should she get close.

Strength of Herakles!!!

All the magical lightning transferred inwards to her muscles, granting her the strength of a god! With one swift stroke of her hoof, Shazam batted the masked stallion away. Although it was a simple strike to the chest, the power behind it sent the stallion flying to the other end of the field, slamming into a wall and leaving a body sized crater before he fell to the ground, unconscious, and in most likely in need of medical attention, and a body cast.

With that nuisance out of the way, Shazam looked down at Rainbow Dash, her body still convulsing from the harsh electrical energy that had shocked her body. Shazam placed her hoof upon Rainbow’s chest and concentrated, using her Living Lightning to seek out the malevolent energy that had caused her harm and eliminated it within a few seconds.

Rainbow Dash started to get feeling back in her legs and wings, soon she was moving again. Shazam stretched out her hoof, offering Rainbow some help. The rainbow maned mare gladly accepted her help, locking her hoof with Shazam’s so that she could help her up. But be it because of Shazam’s super strength or Rainbow Dash still regaining functionality of her legs, the pegasus mare found herself falling forward into Shazam’s chest. The alicorn mare gently held her close, steadying Rainbow Dash so that she would not fall.

As embarrassing as this was, Rainbow Dash didn’t mind it. She looked up at the tall alicorn, the shadows of the hood giving way a bit to allow her a glimpse of the mare under the hood. There was a sense of familiarity, and, although she couldn’t believe it herself, her heart skipped a beat. Realizing that, Rainbow Dash quickly separated herself from the hero, trying to keep whatever shred of dignity she had left.

“Th-Thanks for the help, and for, you know, saving my life,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Anytime, I’d never let anything happen to you!” Shazam shut her mouth right then, afraid of spilling too much and revealing her true identity.

And yet again, Rainbow felt her heart skip another beat. “Oh…! Um, well, ahem! So what happened to those other guys?!”

“Oh they’re over there.”

Shazam pointed to a makeshift prison that she fashioned out of the obstacle course equipment, where all the Kingdom agents were now being held. They were all unmasked and disarmed, their gauntlets lying next to the discarded masks in the form of a tightly condensed metal ball. Rainbow Dash whistled, thoroughly impressed and astonished that she had gotten all that done while she was fighting the ring leader. Rainbow then looked up and noticed that the stadium was still completely covered by the red energy net.

“Why the hay is that still there?! Shouldn’t it have gone down when you knocked them out?”

“Not necessarily, if the spell is a Loop Cast type, it can feed on the ambient magical energy once cast and sustain itself for a long period of time, regardless if the caster is conscious or not. Then again it could also be the work of a Spell Generator, something feeding the spell mana in order to stay active?”

Rainbow Dash just stared at the alicorn mare, feeling like she just got a lecture from Twilight. “In equish please?”

Shazam seemed to realize that she was going over Rainbow’s head, which scared her a little since she never knew anything about magic and now with Star Swirl’s wisdom, she could identify different kinds of spells and magicks almost instantly.

“Sorry, um, basically this spell’s going to stay active unless we find a way to break it or find out what’s keeping it powered.”

“Okay, then you go on and find out which it is, my teammates and I will keep the crowd calm and out of your mane for the time being,” said Rainbow Dash.

Shazam nodded her approval and in an instant was off to find the cause of the spell.

Scootaloo could hardly believe she had done all that! She single hoofedly beat up dozens of those terrorist ponies, saved Captain Spitfire and healed her, and just now she knocked out the masked stallion and had him flying like a rag doll. She was so afraid and angry at the same time, seeing her surrogate big sister almost be killed by that psycho, and those others threatening to kill everypony in the stadium, she couldn’t take that lying down. Thankfully they were all safe for now, but the fact that the energy net was still cast over the stadium did worry her.

Scootaloo zipped around till she made it outside, a large crowd had gathered outside the net, watching with worry and fright as to the fate of those trapped inside. Royal Guard unicorns and pegasi were mobilized all over; some were trying to break through the barrier net, while others flew around the net, trying to find a way inside. Many spotted Scootaloo, the news ponies photographing her as best they could. But that wasn’t her concern right now, nor was she concerned with the Royal Guard lieutenant who was ordering her to release the hostages and surrender.

Geez, I’m the good guy here pal! The crazies are in there! Ugh, doesn’t matter, they can figure it out when they get in, not like they can arrest me anyway.

Scootaloo landed upon the ground, getting close to where the net met the ground.

Wisdom of Star Swirl!

Scootaloo’s eyes were immediately able to see the tendrils of magical energy that flowed through the air, she focused squarely on the net’s energy, trying to figure out where it ended or began. The energy seemed to flow all the way beneath the stadium, forming a perfect sphere of enclosure. It didn’t break through the ground; it merely passed through the ground, making sure not to cause excessive structural damage.

These Kingdom guys really didn’t want anypony leaving, even underground.

But still, something wasn’t right. The masked stallion had said that they were going to kill everypony in the stadium if the Princesses didn’t meet their demands, although there were many, there wasn’t enough to massacre an entire stadium’s worth of ponies, ten dozen against five or eight hundred ponies? The hostages had the advantage in numbers, if they so wished they could’ve overwhelmed them. But they must’ve been ready for that, and they must of had a way to kill them all in one fell swoop should their demands not be met.

Okay, it is starting to get scary cool how I can think like this, but back to the net thingy…Wait a minute, the net!

Scootaloo focused her magical vision upon the net itself; piercing through the layers of magic till she saw it. With the speed of the wind she rushed back inside, appearing in the middle of the stadium, standing right below the focal point of the net. Rainbow Dash flew down next to her with a worried look.

“Did you find a way to get us out?” Rainbow asked.

“We might not get out, alive anyway.” Scootaloo answered.


“That net is made to kill us all; it’ll send an electrical surge through the entire stadium and kill everypony inside it. This whole building is basically one big conductor for the spell, to maximize its killing power!”

Rainbow Dash shook her head in disbelief. “That’s…That’s insane! If they did that, then they’d be killed too! They were suicidal!”

“Don’t worry; I might be able to stop it.”


“By letting it happen.”

Rainbow Dash was starting to think that his mare was just as crazy. “Yeah, you mind running that by me one more time?”

“If I use my powers I can absorb the lightning and convert it to mana I can manipulate. I’ll basically be acting as a living lightning rod.” Scootaloo explained.

Rainbow Dash looked worriedly at the alicorn hero, “Are you…Are you sure you can handle that? I mean, I’m not saying you haven’t proven how crazy strong and powerful you are, but for you to absorb a spell that’s meant to kill! You could…”

Scootaloo had to admit, she was taking a big risk, as invincible as she was Scootaloo had no idea if the spell was strong enough to kill her. She may be a demi-goddess alicorn mare, but she was still a mortal pony beneath all that. Who was to say that that part of her wouldn’t be affected by the spell? Scootaloo glanced at the crowd, at all the scared and frightened faces, her hawk-like vision settled on Babs and her friends, still together and scared at what was happening. The mare then looked to Rainbow Dash, to the one mare she had always looked up to, who she strived to be like one day, to be as loyal and heroic, and unafraid to push the limit whenever possible.

“I can do this, I know I can,” said Scootaloo.

The confidence in the alicorn’s voice seemed to alleviate Rainbow Dash of her worry, it reminded of a certain filly who had the same kind of drive.

“Alright, we’ve got your back Shazam! Go for it!”

“Thanks.” Scootaloo flared her wings and stared up at the focal point of the energy net, she then glanced back to Rainbow Dash. “You might want to step back a bit; this is going to be big.”

“Oh, yeah, sure!”

Rainbow took ten steps back from Scootaloo.

“Further.” Scootaloo prompted.

Rainbow took twenty steps back.

“A little further back.” She said again.

Rainbow was starting to get worried again about how “big” this was going to be. She then flapped her wings till she was standing in high bleachers. She then received a nod of approval at the distance she put between them.

Oh buck how bad is this going to be?!

Scootaloo could feel it coming; the energy in the net was building up quickly. Although the unicorns in the crowd hadn’t notice yet since it was a subtle build up, but she could, and it was enough to fry even last one of them.

Courage of Achilles Heel! Power of Zeus Thunderer!

The Champion of Magic could feel the Living Lightning imbue her body with godly invincibility, as well as her magical aura surging around her, ready to be wielded as she saw fit. The metal of the stadium began to release little red sparks, there was a subtle crackling sound in the background that seemed to steadily get louder as the seconds rolled by. The manes and coats of the ponies inside began to stand on end and frizz out as the currents began to move through them.

The energy of the net gathered at the center, right above the opening, and with twinkle of light, a powerful lightning bolt blasted down towards the stadium. Scootaloo could see how the bolt was about to catch onto the metal and surge through the building to kill everypony inside. She quickly countered by firing her own lightning bolt, striking the red one before it hit and bringing it right to her. The red lightning overwhelmed her azure colored lightning as it mixed in and completely surrounded her. Scootaloo grit her teeth, baring the pain of the malevolent spell as long as she could, drawing in more and more of the energy.

The net started to dissipate as it continued to pour its energy into killing, but Scootaloo held fast, her invincibility was keeping her from dying, but the pain was excruciating, as if it was doing everything it could to make her want to die! She let out a pain filled scream as the last of the mana was brought into her aura, the net completely gone. However, she was surrounded in a sphere of red lightning, holding it together to keep the spell from lashing out. It tried to arc towards the nearest metal object to pass along the current and find somepony to kill, but she wrangled it back in just as quickly.

All the ponies in the stadium watched as the alicorn mare continued to grunt and scream from the unimaginable pain she was no doubt feeling from the spell, a collective gasp was let out by all when they saw her drop to one knee, fearing that she might lose control of the spell and that they were all about to die. Rainbow Dash feared for her savior’s life, she couldn’t imagine the pain she feeling, not even sure of Twilight or the Princesses themselves could’ve withstood this for this long. Seeing the dismayed and panicked faces of the crowd, and the continued wails of Shazam, Rainbow Dash couldn’t take it anymore.

“YOU CAN DO IT SHAZAM!” Rainbow yelled.

All eyes were drawn to Rainbow Dash; even Scootaloo managed a weak glance at her idol, whose face held unshaken confidence in her.


Rainbow began chanting Scootaloo’s heroic name, and pretty soon Babs, Arnold, Helga, Cera, and Cool began joining in as well. Spitfire, having regained consciousness earlier, got up weakly, standing on her hooves and made her way to the guardrails, joining her fellow Wonderbolt in cheering the hero mare on. All the foals joined with the two mares and the CMCMB and not too far along, the adults and teenagers as well. Even the rest of the Wonderbolts flew around to the crowd and urged them to chant with them. Soon the entire stadium was a turned into a giant amplifier, echoing the name of the hero, showing their faith in her.





Scootaloo’s screams were drowned out by the chanting of the crowd, letting her hear their faith, their confidence in her to save them all. She gnashed her teeth together, ceasing her screams. She let the crowd’s chanting fuel her strength, giving her a second wind as she stood back up to her full height. She wasn’t about to let them all die, nor was she about to let this spell beat her.

The crimson lightning shined forth as her will and inner power took control, changing the color to that of the azure of her magic. Scootaloo then unleashed the pent up power in a massive lightning bolt that shot up through the opening in the stadium roof. The bolt sailed upwards as strong, concussive thunder roared through the city of Manehattan further out into the skies above, being seen and heard for miles around.

Scootaloo nearly collapsed from exhaustion but caught herself before she did. The chanting stopped and was soon replaced by thunderous applause and cheers from everypony inside, Scootaloo felt an enormous amount of pride and joy from saving them, even more so when Rainbow Dash hoof pumped and mouthed the words “You the mare!”

Unfortunately, she couldn’t stay and bask in this adoration for long, now that the danger had passed, there was no doubt that Babs and the gang would be out looking for her. So, using her great speed, she vanished, reappearing in the hallway a few ways down from the private skybox.

“Alright then…SHAZAM!” The lightning bolt crashed down from above her, instantaneously changing the alicorn mare back to a young pegasus filly. “Okay, just lie here and pretend to be knocked out.”

She wouldn’t have to pretend that hard, Scootaloo was tired after that fight and the spell. The moment her body hit the floor she was out cold, but with a smile on her face.


“A toast to our never ending wealth!” Caballeron announced.

The good doctor had successfully excavated the sarcophagus of the one known as “Teth Adam” and was currently in the midst of celebrating the removal of the vast treasure trove that was buried with the glorified coffin. Even though his right eye was gone and replaced by the ancient magic, allowing him to see magic itself, it was still a good day. It was just one more weapon in his arsenal, already thinking of the numerous ways he could apply this ability to his work.

One of Caballeron’s cohorts walked up to him, looking uncertain about something. “Uh, Doc, far be it from me to ask why they want this thing. But, why do they want that coffin so badly, I mean, compared to all that gold and other stuff we found, it’d be chump change?”

Caballeron took a sip of his wine before answering. “A very good question, to which I shall answer, who cares?! They want some millennia old mummy in a golden sarcophagus, they can have it. By the time they have it, I will have sold off all this treasure and we can all have an early retirement.”

“Speaking of ‘retirement’, what do you want to do with those workers?”

Caballeron gave his cohort a pointed glare. “We were never here, understood?”

The stallion knew exactly what that meant and went off to make sure that their presence was that of a ghost. Just as Caballeron was about to take a second sip his enchanted eye caught sight of something from the sarcophagus, it started to radiate an ethereal glow, reaching up into the air as if trying to grasp at something. The doctor covered his enchanted eye and looked only with his normal one, making sure that it wasn’t a trick of his mind. There was no ethereal aura, but after uncovering the other eye it came back into full view. Something was going on with this coffin, something magical, he could feel it.

Dr. Caballeron gazed upwards into the sky, trying to see what it was this aura was reaching out to. His vision was then overwhelmed with a powerful light, magical power of an unprecedented level was hanging just overhead and growing bigger, no, it was getting closer!


Caballeron ran as fast as his hooves could carry him, but it was too late for the others. A massive lightning bolt tore through the clouds and crashed down upon the sarcophagus, the ponies nearby were instantly vaporized, the workers and some of Caballeron’s cohorts caught in the blast. The shockwave blew away all their excavating equipment, either tossing it miles away or shorting out whatever sensitive components that made it up. Caballeron himself was thrown into the air and landed into some tents, breaking a table that had incidentally broken his fall. Groaning in pain, the middle-aged stallion looked up, watching the lightning bolt be sucked into the sarcophagus, he didn’t understand why this was happening, but whatever was inside was drawing upon this power.

Soon the lightning bolt ended and everything was deathly quiet. The few remaining cohorts, four in total, all slowly made their way towards their fallen leader, helping him out of the tent and back onto his hooves. Dr. Caballeron cautiously walked towards the sarcophagus, common sense dictated that he should be running the other way right now, but this was his ticket to vast wealth, if the lightning damaged the coffin or whatever was inside, his scary clients would no doubt track him down and kill him, vast wealth or not.

Caballeron was within five feet of the sarcophagus and as far as he could tell, there was nothing wrong with it; in fact, it seemed to shine brighter like it was polished recently. That would’ve put him at ease, if it wasn’t for the fact that his enchanted eye gave a glimpse of a pony body, outlined by powerful magical energy. Suddenly a hissing noise broke the silence; the edge of the sarcophagus was being burned into, tracing a line from the left side and coming full circle to the point where it began. A whoosh of air could be heard being sucked in as the top half of the sarcophagus was raised up and flung a good twenty feet before embedding itself into the ground.

The stallion watched as a figure rose from the sarcophagus, white smoke pouring out of the sides. His body was covered in a black suit, golden gauntlets and greaves covering all four of his hooves, a black hooded cape with gold trimming bellowed in the crosswinds of his power, and upon his chest was the lightning bolt insignia, with actual magical lightning at its center. The stallion continued to rise, flaring his dark violet wings as he rose a good ten feet into the air. A horn protruded from his forehead, meaning that this stallion was an alicorn, a male alicorn! His eyes glowed a powerful azure blue from the darkness of his hood as he stared down Caballeron.

“T-Teth Adam…” Caballeron gasped.

The alicorn stallion’s horn lit up, sending a telekinetic aura to wrap around the doctor’s neck, hoisting him into the air to meet the ancient one. One his cohorts, a unicorn, was foolish enough to launch a magic bolt at him. The blast of magic didn’t even make it to him, fizzling out before the awesome power that his aura radiated. Teth Adam’s eyes locked onto the unicorn, a small lightning blast was fired from his horn, and in the blink of an eye the blast exploded, vaporizing the unicorn.

The other two were about to make for some nearby pickaxes, but Teth Adam quickly hit them with another round of lightning bolts, disintegrating them instantly. The remaining cohort was about to make a break for it, but a strong telekinetic grip clenched around his throat and brought him up next to Dr. Caballeron. The alicorn stallion then drew back his hood, revealing his short cut black mane and intense topaz eyes. Teth Adam looked between the two stallions, making the already nervous tomb raiders even more nervous.

“<Who are you? And what happened to my kingdom?>”

“What is he saying doc?!”

“It’s an ancient language, I might – GAK!”

Teth Adam increased his grip on their throats. “<My patience wears thin, answer me now!>”

Dr. Caballeron thought back to his days studying dead languages and hoped he had picked the one that sounded as close to his as possible.

“<I am Dr. Caballeron, great Teth Adam! This is the future, many millennia from when you ruled!>” Caballeron croaked.

Teth Adam loosened his grip on the stallion. “<You know my language,>” he then turned to the other in his grip, “<you however do not.>”

The demi-god stallion then tossed the cohort with a flash of his horn, sending him crashing into a stone pillar and collapsing the entire thing on top of him. Caballeron was then released from the choke hold and allowed to plop back down to the ground, he took in deep raspy breaths as he stood, but quickly bowed his head when Teth Adam stood before him. Caballeron was no fool, he knew power when he saw it, and he did see it, with his enchanted eye he could see just how powerful Teth Adam was, and to show nothing less than royal respect would mean a death sentence.

“<The Ch-Champion your Highness? What Champion?>”

Teth Adam seemed confused by his answer. How was it that he knew of his existence, yet knew nothing of the Champions that more than likely came after him?

“<Others who wield the power of the Living Lightning, the ancient magic?>”

The alicorn stallion took a moment to concentrate, feeling the magic in the air and ground.

“<Humph, it would seem that they made good on their promise to keep the Rock of Eternity separated from this world, but to foolishly take the ancient magic with them, disgraceful! Caballeron, the magic that awakened me, it tasted of a Champion’s power, help me to find him and I will grant you a place at my right hoof when my kingdom is restored to its former glory.>”

Dr. Caballeron weighed his odds, from the way he spoke he had seemed to have no knowledge of the Two Sisters or the ascended alicorns Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Princess Twilight Sparkle.

If Teth Adam is as powerful as the legends speak, then it is possible for him to defeat the Princesses, as a citizen of Equestria I need to stop him or find some way to alert the Princesses! Then again, he is offering me a place at his table, to be his comrade through this all, and really there’s no guarantee that the Princesses or Elements of Harmony can stop him, and I wouldn’t have to worry about my clients.

Self-interest won out as Caballeron bowed lower before the former hero king, “<I will assist you in any way I can.>”

Teth Adam nodded his approval at Caballeron’s loyalty. “<Now, I sense many powers in this new world, four in fact. Take me to them, one of them is bound to be the Champion.>”

Author's Note:

Next time in
SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightiest Mare!:

As the ponies of Manehattan recover from the failed actions of the Kingdom, the Princesses and the Elements of Harmony journey to the metropolis. For Celestia, Luna, and Cadance it will be a time to reassure the citizenry, all while Twilight prepares for her meeting with Scootaloo.

But a storm is coming to Manehattan, one that has been brewing for untold millennia. Black Adam approaches...

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