• Published 9th Nov 2014
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Deadpool in Equestria - MrAquino

What happens when Deadpool, the Merc with the Mouth, lands in the magical land of Equestria? Same thing that happens in every cross story, but with more Deadpool!!!

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Home sweet... home? Ponies #32- 38: The Power Ponies: The Masked Matter-Horn, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Mistress Mare-velous, Saddle Rager, and Hum Drum.

"Really? You're going to get that support online?"

SHUT UP!!! I need some support, okay?

"Yeah... p***y."

Know what? let's get this started.

Deadpool traveled his way back to Ponyville, hopefully, nothing crazy would happen.

"Please," he spoke "I enjoy the madness!!!"

Yeah... you do. Well, as he traveled along the way, a lone comic book seems to glide over to him thanks to the wind, and landed on the Merc's face. Deadpool quickly took the comic off his face ad looked at it.

A Power Ponies comic book?

OOH!!! I remember that episode!!!

"I think we all do. Think we should read it?"



"Hm..." Deadpool found a bit on the floor. "Heads, we read it, Tails, we don't." He flipped the coin and it landed on heads. "YES!!!" Deadpool opened a book and, before he even read anything, a portal opened up in the comic, sucking him in!!! He went through a spiraling vortex that reminded him a lot on how he came into the MLP universe. In a matter of seconds, his vision was blurry, but he regained it after a couple of blinks. He was on a rooftop of a building out in the night: a couple of car sounds were made, people's voices were heard, and a couple of other things reminded him of New York.

Are we home?

Sounds like we are.

"THIS IS BULLS**T!!! Our adventure was never meant to-" A huge explosion was heard right below where he stood. Crazed laughter was followed with sirens blaring. Deadpool peaked over the area and saw a pony figure silhouette with tentacles, wrapping along it's surrounding and escaping. "Doc Ock? I don't remember him being a woman."

He was in Spider-Man 2099 in that shattered dimension game.


Deadpool teleported himself down to the explosion, which is revealed to be research facility.

"Alright... our Doc Ock wannabe stole something from this area, is heading towards that direction. With my ninja skills, I-"

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!!" a demanding voice yelled. Deadpool froze a bit. He turned around and, right before his eyes, was the Power Ponies!!! Though he remembered them being portrayed by the Mane 6 and Spike, these ponies were different looking: Masked Matter-Horn had a pink coat with a lighter mane, Fili-Second had a green coat with an orange mane, Zapp was grayish with a darker mane to match, Radiance was now yellow with a dark blue mane, Mistress Mare-velous was pale looking with a silver-blue mane, Saddle Rager was pink with a brown mane, and Hum Drum wasn't a dragon, but a green earth pony with a green-brown mane.

"Any of you know this villain?" Masked Matter-Horn asked her team mates. They all responded with collective 'No's. "Alright. IDENTIFY YOURSELF!!!" Deadpool took a deep breath and cleared his throat.

"Aye," he spoke in a pirate accent "the name be Deadpool: star of this famous fan fiction on Fimfiction.net."

"Star of what?" Radiance asked

"It doesn't matter." Zapp spoke "He will taste JUSTICE!!!"

"WHAT!?!?!?" Deadpool spoke "I'm not the bad guy here! In fact, I'm a good guy like you guys."

"With an outfit and look like that," Mare-velous spoke "Sure."

"Oh please. Haven't you had a hero that looked liked he or she could kill someone but is nice?" They all shook their heads in a 'No' way.

"We have no idea what you're doing here," Saddle Rager spoke "but we will NOT let you get away!!!"

"Especially from me!" Fili-Second added.

"Maybe," Deadpool responded "but I'm telling you, I'm not the bad guy here!!! The real villain is out there, and I believe she has a device that could-"

"SILENCE!!!" Matter-Horn interrupted "Surrender now or we'll do this the hard way!!!"

"Wait!" Humdrum spoke, running in front of his teammates "Maybe he really is telling the truth! We should listen and-"

"Humdrum," Radiance spoke, summoning a large glove to soot him out of the way "you've got to learn that, though we can't always judge a book by it's cover, there are exceptions. Just look at the Mane-iac."

"Mane-iac." Deadpool spoke "THAT'S HER!!! The Mane-iac stole something and is-"

"Want me to handle 'im?" Mare-velous asked her teammates.

"Go ahead." Saddle Rager Spoke "Let's see if you can beat him in your time record."

"Challenge accepted!" She pulled out horse shoes from the episode and threw it at Deadpool. Deadpool reacted by doing a backflip and bending his knees down like Keanu Reeves in "The Matrix", but with more personality. They all gasped at what he did.

"And that's how we do it!!!" Deadpool yelled, doing a dance.

"...That's it!!!" She charged at Deadpool and tried to punch him in the face. Deadpool dodged her punch from a couple of inches, grabbed her by the hoof, and swung her into a car, smashing it a bit!!! She got up from the wreckage, snorted, summoned her whip and tossed it! The whip successfully wrapped itself around him, but Deadpool teleported away, right next to her, grabbed her by the mane, and slammed her head on the car!!! She fell to the floor limp, knocked out. everyone else gasped at what he did.

"YOU!!!" Zapp yelled, holding her necklace in her hoof, summoning a cloud with lightning. "YOU'LL DIE FOR HURTING MY BEST FRIEND!!!" A lightning bolt came from the cloud and was about to hit Deadpool. He teleported out of the way, right next to her face and grabbed her mane. She tried to shake him off, but Deadpool held on very tightly with one hand and used the other to punch her face! A lightning bolt was fired at him, but he let go, letting Zapp get electrocuted by her own lightning bolt! She fell to the floor, burning with some smoke coming off her. Radiance used her magic and made a cage around Deadpool, followed by her making the cage close in on him! Again, he teleported out, landing in front of Radiance and was about to punch. His fist was stopped, As Fili-Second grabbed a hold of his arm. The heroine let go, but released a barrage of hooves punching his face, gut, and groin!!! Deadpool fell to the floor, holding his hands over his nuts,wheezing a bit.

"Had enough?" Fili-Second asked inches from his face. Deadpool simply head-butted her, instantly knocking her out! He was quickly grabbed by Radiance's magic, all his arms & legs feeling they were pulled apart. He broke the magic with one of his arms, grabbed the other, and threw the other at her! She felt the impact of her own magic on her head, struggled to stand still, but fell to the floor, also knocked out. He then felt his chest was missing something. Looking down, he saw a huge hold was made in his stomach!!! He looked around and saw Masked Matter-Horn's horn steaming a bit.

"You forced my hooves!!!" she spoke

"Ha!" Deadpool replied "Like that'll stop me!!!"

"What do you- AUUGH!!!" The hole in Deadpool's chest began to heal quickly, replacing the organs, muscles, skin, and clothing he wore! He ran up to her and simply uppercutted her! She fell to the floor, weakened and surprised at what happened! He turned and saw the last of them: Saddle Rager stood there with shouted eyes, tears developing in her eyes, then reopened them, showing red!!!

"Oh S**t." He said. Saddle Rager went from her small posture, to, with bones cracking, a huge pony with a lot of muscles!!! She roared at the Merc, who went from being all bad*** to being a p***y. "HEY!!!" Saddle Picked up one of her large hooves, grabbed him by the neck, jumped super high into the air until they were out of the planet's orbit, circled around the sun, and dived right back to the city in a ball of fire!!! A huge crater was formed in the streets, and Deadpool, despite being burnt to a crisp, healed quickly, going back to his usual form. Saddle eager gave an even more furious look.

"WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?!?!?" she yelled

"Because I'm Dead-Mother F***ing-Pool!!!"

"HERE!!!" Humdrum yelled, throwing something at Deadpool. Deadpool teleported out of Saddle's grasp and grabbed what Humdrum threw: some syringes. With any question, he teleported onto Saddle's back, pulled out the syringes, and injected them in the back of her neck!!! She tried to buck him off, but the Syringes made her move slowly, and soon, she fell to the floor, unconscious as well. She went back into her normal form, though her costume will need some serious stitching.

"Thanks. Why did you help?"

"I'm not a genius, but I know when someone has or hasn't done anything wrong. You can help us out!"


"Yeah! Come on, we gotta take 'em back to H.Q."

"And where is that?"

A few hours later:

The Power Ponies began to wake up at the same time. Their base resembled that of Batman's Batcave, but with more pony stuff around and having stuff that looks like it belonged to a traditional base. Deadpool and Humdrum walked to the waking ponies, though Deadpool had on a gambler's hat with a cigarette in his 'mouth'. They all gasped at the sight of Deadpool.

"HUMDRUM!!!" Matter-Horn yelled "WHY IS HE HERE!?!?!?"

"Relax," Humdrum explained "He's not guilty as you think. He was there when the crime happened, but he never committed it. Don't you what I told you all when we first met?"

"Oh... right." Zapp said, rubbing the back of her mane

"How do you know he ain't using you?" Mare-velous asked

"If I did wanted to kill you," Deadpool said "I would've done it right away. when you were all knocked out."


"She slammed me on the concrete!!!" he pointed at Saddle. Saddle blushed a bit and rubbed the back of her mane.

"I did." Saddle bashfully replied

"...Alright." Radiance Spoke "I guess we can trust him."

"Hey!!!" Fili spoke "We should all take a Seflie!!!"

"MOTHER F***ER!!!" Deadpool yelled "That's my line!!!"

"Ah! I now see what makes you tick!"

"Fine," Matter-Horn spoke "but our camera is broken, so there's no way we could-"

"I have it right here." Deadpool spoke, holding out his phone.

"...I guess that'll work." Deadpool slid in between their beds with Humdrum in his arm.


"JUSTICE!!!" they all yelled together. the picture was taken.

"With that out of the way," Saddle spoke "you said the Mane-iac stole something?"

"Oh yes." Deadpool replied

"... I think I know where she's going." Fili spoke.

Author's Note:

Become a Patron here: https://www.patreon.com/MrAquino
Who should Deadpool meet next? (Though I already know the answer)
No Mane 6 as the heroes, trying to follow the IDW comics reimagining (though I never read it no have it)
Also: Pony up!!!

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