• Published 19th Dec 2014
  • 1,233 Views, 12 Comments

Slaver Rarity - Kaidan

Dark forces are at work in Ponyville in the aftermath of Dash being kidnapped by Rarity. With Dash in seclusion and Rarity at a mental hospital, Sweetie is left to fend for herself. With the help of a few of Rarity's old allies, she sets a new p

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Comments ( 2 )

She was looking through Rarity’s possessions when she came across a leather bound diary.

Made all the creepier by the fact that this is a world of sentient farm animals that would otherwise be manufactured into leather.

It wasn’t a pony, nor any other creature she could think of.


Before Aloe could register what happened I was gripping her throat so tight that I saw her eyes actually begin to bulge out of her head.

Missing comma.

Oh, but what of Vera my future self may ask as I relive this most wonderful day? She did not escape my grasp either, for while I strangled her sister to death my magic was powerful enough to grip her hooves, cementing her to the ground. As the warmth flowed from the crystal skull into me I took greater and greater joy forcing Vera to watch her sisters die.

Missing commas.

The power which is had let me taste,


I was a filly after all and knew as much about sex as I knew about quantum physics.

Missing comma.

she was the meanest and most tom-boyish filly I knew.

The hyphen is unneeded.

In the end I raped all three of them.

Missing comma.

I’m still getting used to the sensation of controlling three ponies in addition to myself, it’s a bit exhausting

Comma should be a period, "it's" should be capitalized.

Sweetie bent a corner of the journal over to mark her place and closed it.

Monster! Deplorable, irredeemable monster!

There were four diamonds, and three must represent Aloe, Lotus, and Vera, who Sweetie had quickly gotten used to controlling.

Did this Rarity always have one more diamond that canonical Rarity?

Either my stomach is getting stronger, or this chapter was way more tame than the others. Either way it was still quite enjoyable. World building is always good. However, I did not expect this story to take an Indiana Jones turn.

Thank you for updating this.


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