• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 8,044 Views, 394 Comments

Rainbow Rocks: Unfinished Business - Gadman85

After the battle of the bands, Twilight has something on her mind regarding the Dazzlings. Sunset has also had some things on her mind regarding Twilight.

  • ...

Clouds and Stars

Once they got in the car again and sat for a minute, Twilight seemed to grow a little more down. The fact they had missed the Dazzlings and heard just how tough things were for the trio of girls made Twilight feel even more like a failure.

Usually she would also feel more anxious as well, but that wasn't necessarily the case this time. Perhaps it was because Twilight actually felt genuinely lost on what to next do. She couldn't really count on magic here and she wasn't that familiar with this world. She also couldn't really ask Celestia for advice. She could rely on Sunset, but it felt strange not being able to find a spell in a library somewhere that would have the answer to her questions. There might also be the fact she didn't feel the need to act completely in control of things around Sunset for better or worse.

Twilight was beginning to think maybe she relied a little too much on her magic to help with matters in general once again. She needed to really work on that issue along with how she failed the Dazzlings. Equestrian solutions weren't exactly the same as human solutions even if friendship was much more universal. At the moment, she needed to focus on the Dazzlings and do something about them quickly.

Sunset looked to the girl sitting next to her and gave a sigh. As much as she cared for Twilight, the girl really could let things get to her and took things far too personally. The fiery haired girl’s heart seemed to feel strongly for Twilight in a way.

She really wanted to do something for her friend. She just wasn’t sure what to do. She just knew she had to do something and soon. She was also pretty sure she would have to be a bit forceful with Twilight. The pony princess no doubt would soon decide they needed to check every single apartment complex in the city, not knowing just how many there were instead of sticking to heading back to the apartment and planning their next move. Twilight would decide so out of desperation to correct a supposed failure.

It wasn't really Twilight's fault in Sunset's mind. Sure she might not have helped them right off the bat like she did with Sunset, but it was understandable she didn't do so at the time. When you got right down to it, if anyone was at fault it was either Celestia for not taking care of the problem herself or maybe Starswirl for not being more exact with inter-dimensional magical travel or something. "Okay so he's not really to blame either," Sunset thought to herself. No matter how brilliant you are at magic there isn't anyway to know exactly what will happen with such magic.

Sunset's thoughts stopped as she pulled up to a stop light and looked around the intersection. She noticed a park nearby. It was one she had visited a few times because it was out of the way from the school. She could come here to just relax and not be who she was trying to be at CHS when she first arrived. Here, no matter how briefly it was, Sunset was just Sunset. As she fell more and more into the role she assigned herself, she went to the park less and less.

She thought things over again and made up her mind. When the light turned green instead of going straight she turned right. “What’s going on? This isn’t how we get back to your place. We need to plan… No matter how hopeless it might be,” Twilight said as she looked out the window.

“I’m going somewhere else,” was the only answer Twilight received apart from a small smile that caused her to raise an eyebrow.

“But this isn’t part of the plan…” Twilight said as she gave a frown. “We need to find the Dazzlings!”

“I’m momentarily changing the plan up,” Sunset said to a frowning Princess of Friendship. “I’m the one driving I can do that.” Sunset finished with a slightly smug grin.

Twilight gave in even if she wasn’t happy about it. She knew the other girl was right. She also kind of liked the grin she received from Sunset. She had to admit Sunset was pretty enough to pull it off well.

Their car pulled into an empty space and Sunset got out. Twilight followed suit wondering what they were doing in a park. “You’re probably wondering why we’re here.” Sunset wasn’t asking a question, but Twilight still gave a half-hearted nod. She didn’t have to be happy with Sunset’s changes, even if she couldn’t really do anything about them apart from complain.

The two girls walked along a path until they came to a large rolling clearing. There were tables in the area and a few small grassy hills out in the open. Twilight had to admit it was pretty, but she had seen much better in Equestria especially right near Ponyville. Twilight felt a brief pang of homesickness at the thought, but soon she felt relief and ease. It did feel a little like Equestria here, even if only by a little bit. It was oddly comforting for her.

“You’re already feeling part of the reason we’re here. The other part is because you really need to take a break. You’re getting out of your funk before we do anything else,” Sunset said as she gave Twilight a look of concern.

“I’m not in a funk,” Twilight replied simply with a frown.

“You've been frowning and feeling really down the whole time. That isn’t going to help at all. I know you feel responsible, but getting depressed isn’t going to accomplish anything. You should actually feel a little relieved. We know they are alive and seem to be able to take care of themselves to some extent. After all, Mr. Sinclair said they had money to pay for the room and food. So they know what they need to do to survive at least,” Sunset replied as her look of concern shifted to an even gaze.

Twilight blushed and gave a sigh as she relaxed her shoulders. Her friend was right. She really needed to work on these kinds of things. It was like Sunset said. They had made some progress on the mission at least.

After they walked over to a hill and sat down, Twilight spoke again, “So why did you choose this place?”

“When I first came through and started working on being the ‘popular’ girl at school, I needed some time to myself despite everything and to fully grasp what I was doing. I also used that time to just be myself. Briefly after I came through I was actually at peace, before I started to really focus on my plans of taking over Equestria,” Sunset replied.

Twilight pictured a slightly younger Sunset who was actually at peace with everything. She thought it was probably cute to see her that way. She remembered the pictures she had seen of Sunset with the Fall Formal crowns at the school during her first trip. The fiery haired girl had looked genuinely happy and kind at first.

Sunset gave a sigh as her past memories washed over her. “I probably would have eventually returned if I had stayed in the mindset I had at that time. The only thing that really kept me from returning early on was my own stubbornness and not wanting to admit I was wrong to have left like I did. I threw a really bad temper tantrum when I left. Said things to Celestia that I really shouldn't have. I was just too caught up in the moment and angry that I left rather face the consequences.”

Twilight walked up to her friend and gave her a hug. Sunset appreciated it more than she probably should have, but now wasn’t the time for such thoughts. “So what else is special about this place?” Twilight asked getting the focus away from Sunset's sad thoughts. The last thing her friend needed was to think too hard on past mistakes. Twilight didn't really fully appreciate the irony.

Sunset gave a smile and grabbed her hand. “Follow me. It isn’t too much further, just over on that hill there.” She pointed with her free hand towards the back of the clearing. Twilight smiled and followed as she started to enjoy the atmosphere and feel a little more like herself already.

Once they were on the side of the hill facing the clearing, Sunset sat down and Twilight followed. The fiery haired girl then laid back and said, “You do the same, Twilight.”

“Cloud watching?” Twilight asked a little in disbelief. This was something foals did and soon most lost interest apart from Pegasi fillies and colts as they dreamed of flying up to the sky and laying on a cloud instead.

“Just do it, Twilight.” Sunset said with a roll of her eyes and a smile.

Twilight complied. She didn’t see what the big deal was really. The clouds were so disorganized and all over the place here. They didn’t have the standard shapes clouds in Equestria did. “They aren’t even staying in place…” Twilight thought as she looked to the sky.

She soon started to find it calming as she looked up above her. It wasn’t long until she took in a deep calming breath before slowly letting it out. She just kept looking up into the sky with Sunset there next to her. The two were just watching clouds in silence with each other and it felt like something truly wonderful for both of them.

Twilight was the first to break the silence. “Okay. I admit it’s kind of fascinating watching clouds here like this. As you know, in Equestria weather is almost always completely predictable and the clouds never look this varied!” Her voice was getting a little more excited as she spoke.

“I know exactly what you mean. To most people, the weather is something that is just there and they have found ways to predict it to an extent, but they don’t actually control it here. Most don’t even seem to realize how interesting the sky really is. I even learned something recently that makes it more fun,” Sunset said with a smile.

She looked over the clouds above them and pointed to one in particular. “That one looks like Angel Bunny. Except actually nice for once,” She said earning a giggle from Twilight who looked at the cloud Sunset pointed out.

Twilight had to admit it was kind of interesting to see the vaguely shaped bunny in the sky. It wasn’t sculpted by a cloud artist so it wasn’t too accurate, but that made it more remarkable in a way.

“That one looks like Winona.” Twilight pointed to one which looked like the panting small dog. Sunset laughed and nodded. It was extra funny to them because Twilight told her how both Apple families seemed to have named their dog the same and even got the same breed. Fluttershy naming her bunny the same wasn't as surprising because it was kind of a common name. Winona on the other hand wasn't, let alone four people coming up with it at once.

The two girls laughed and continued to point out different shapes they saw in the clouds every so often. When they were once again silent, Twilight once more broke it after some time. “You said looking for shapes in the clouds was a recent discovery. What did you mean by that?”

Sunset looked up to the sky as she took in a breath and let it out. “It was something Applejack introduced to me actually.”

“Really?” Twilight asked in surprise. It didn’t seem like Applejack to look at clouds; both pony and human were hard workers on their family’s farm.

“Yeah really. It was when I first became friends with the others, shortly after you left. They were a bit wary of me at first, but they were still kind to me. Eventually they all warmed up to me, but I kept feeling like I needed to do something to make up for how I treated them,” Sunset said.

Twilight frowned and Sunset continued to reassure her it wasn’t something bad, “They didn’t make it seem like I needed to do them favors or anything like that. I just felt it deep inside myself. I even asked them if I could do something to help each of them out big time. Rainbow at the time was all on board with the idea. She kind of still had something against me. You know how she is.”

“Yep both of them are stubborn like that. They're really loyal friends that will always be there when needed for the most part, but it takes some warming up to them.” Twilight gave a giggle. “Pony Rainbow Dash accused me of being a spy for Nightmare Moon at first. Once it was all said and done, she did eventually apologize.”

Sunset gave a laugh to this as well. “Human Rainbow was like that as well. Once she was finally sure I wasn’t faking my reformation, she gave me a big apology in private. She didn’t want to ruin her ‘awesomeness’ rating because of mushy stuff.” They both shared a chuckle to this.

The fiery haired girl took in another breath. “Regardless, the truth is I was the one who wanted to do something for each of them separately. Applejack was particularly vocal in not letting it happen. She didn’t want a friend feeling like they owed her one just for acting like a friend should.”

Twilight nodded to this. It made sense to her. Both AJs were like that from what she could tell.

Sunset continued, “I finally cornered her and told her I felt friends should help each other out when they could and not just let another friend’s kindness go without returning it. I eventually told her I also saw it as a way to get to know each of them as an individual instead of just my group of friends.”

Twilight turned to her and gave a big smile. “You know, Sunset. You really are much better at this friend thing than you give yourself credit for.”

Sunset felt happy hearing Twilight. “Thanks for saying that, Twilight.” She returned the other girl’s smile as her heart beat just a little louder for a couple of seconds.

“After I explained that to her, she agreed to it. I ended working with her first. I helped out with some work on the farm. She didn’t have me do anything major, but it was still helpful and tiring. When it was finally late in the afternoon, almost evening, we took a break and laid down on a hill and looked to the sky. It was quiet for a while as we just relaxed, until she pointed out a couple of clouds and said what shape they were. I joined in and found it to be surprisingly fun.” Sunset smiled at the memory.

There really wasn’t much Sunset could say to really drive home the experience. She had worked hard, for her at least, that day and she and Applejack just laid there looking up at the sky relaxing as a soothing breeze blew through the area. It was just two friends enjoying the sky together. It was something so simple, but to Sunset it was truly wonderful at the time. She had never before done anything like it and hadn’t realized until then just how much she was missing out on with this friendship stuff.

“That sounds like a wonderful way to get to know Applejack,” Twilight said with a smile. She then gave a giggle, “When I first actually spent time alone with Applejack as a friend, I was trying my best to get her to realize she needed to have help with the harvest. Big Mac said he realistically didn’t think she could do it on her own. She got stubborn thinking he was putting her down and decided to prove to him she could along with everything else she had promised to do around Ponyville.”

Twilight gave a sigh as she continued, “It wasn’t pretty. She caused a lot of problems. When she finally realized she had only harvested one of their orchards instead of them all she finally admitted she needed help. This happened after she couldn’t even see straight anymore. I probably should have helped her instead of trying to get her to admit she needed help first. Wow…. I really wasn’t that good at this friend thing back then.” She gave a frown at the memory.

Sunset gave a giggle. “I doubt anyone is automatically an expert at friendship. So don’t be too hard on yourself.”

Twilight nodded as she lay back down on the grass. “You’re right. Besides… This imperfect sky is actually perfect in many ways. I’ve never really looked at the sky just to look at it, especially this close to the evening.”

Sunset got another wonderful idea. She couldn’t help but give a smile as she asked, “Have you ever looked at the stars in the night sky just to look at them?”

Twilight was about to scoff and go on about how she loved astronomy and was even the head of the astronomy club at Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. She stopped herself before when she thought over Sunset’s question. The truth was she never had done as Sunset asked.

Purple eyes lit up in excitement. Twilight was certain the night sky would be amazing here as well. “Actually I never have just looked at the stars in the sky. I’ve studied them lots, but never just looked at them.”

Sunset nodded as she sat up and said, “Then that’s what we’ll do tonight right here. It will take some time, but I promise you, Twilight, it’s worth it.”

Sunset then laughed as she heard Twilight’s stomach growl. “I think that’s a good idea, Twilight’s stomach. I’ll go get us something to eat.” Twilight was blushing furiously at herself. “Will sandwiches work?”

Twilight gave a nod through her blush and answered, “Ummm… yeah…”

“Shhh… Twilight, I was asking your stomach.” Sunset said before giving a laugh as Twilight managed to blush deeper. Sunset knew it was a little mean, but she couldn’t help it. She really liked seeing Twilight blush.

“Geez…” Twilight said with a half serious frown.

Sunset gave a shake of her head and asked again, “Will sandwiches work, Twilight? That way we can just enjoy them right here?”

Twilight gave a smile now. “That sounds like a wonderful idea. Get me a vegetarian one if you can. Okay?”

Sunset got up and gave a nod. “It won’t be too long there’s a place near here I know of.”

{-} {-} {-}

It had taken Sunset longer than she thought it would, but she managed to get two Veggie Works sandwiches and a couple of Lemonades. She did have to test her patience as a girl placed an order for six sandwiches and wasn't even really sure what was supposed to go on each of them. She was on her cell talking to whoever she was getting the sandwiches for, but the conversation often strayed to other topics briefly.

When she returned Twilight briefly looked over to her and gave a lazy wave with a smile before sitting up. "They had veggie sandwiches. I also thought we could both use something to drink," Sunset said as she handed Twilight her meal and drink.

Their impromptu meal passed mostly in silence. They just enjoyed the scenery and each other’s company. Sunset knew they would have to really get on the ball with their search tomorrow, but she also knew a clear headed Twilight would be the best for that. She had a feeling there would be enough panic once she pointed out to Twilight just how many apartment complexes there were in the city. For now, she just enjoyed Twilight’s better mood and being able to be with the purple haired girl like this.

As they waited for night to fall, they made small talk with each other. When it got to be a little later Sunset ran to her car and grabbed a few blankets from her trunk. She had come to keep a small stash in her trunk because Pinkie Pie was prone to throwing impromptu picnics after they finished an activity together. It was easier to just have some ready to go instead of driving all of the way back to her apartment and then returning. She found out later the others did the same thing as well.

It might have been a good idea to get them earlier, but she and Twilight were enjoying laying next to each other on the grass. However, it did get a little uncomfortable after some time.

They laid down on the blankets and waited together. Well they would have waited together, but Twilight fell asleep. Sunset gave a smile and just let her friend sleep. She figured it would be more impressive to wake Twilight up after the night sky was in full swing.

{-} {-} {-}

It wasn’t too long before the night sky was twinkling with many stars up above. Sunset took in the view for a few seconds before waking her friend. Twilight slowly stirred awake and blinked a few times.

“It’s time, Twilight. The stars are out,” Sunset said with a smile.

Twilight looked up to the sky and her eyes immediately widened and her jaw dropped. She wasn’t sure what it was, but the night sky here was truly beautiful. She had never really taken the one back in Equestria in as a whole. Well she did back when she was a filly, but that was a really long time ago. Even then she was more interested in the constellations than anything else.

As she looked over the sky, she noticed closer to the horizon the stars were harder to see because of the glow of the city lights. This might have distracted from the view to some people, but to Twilight it seemed to add to it in a way. She did wish it wasn’t as strong of a glow, but it was still very pretty in her eyes.

“At Applejack’s farm, we looked at the night sky one time. You still get the city glow on the horizon, but it is much less and I think it makes for a perfect view that isn’t too perfect,” Sunset said quietly as she leaned in close to Twilight.

“I think I get what you mean. I can imagine that. It wouldn’t be a perfect night sky like you get in Equestria, but that makes it an even more interesting view in a way,” Twilight replied just as quietly for some reason.

“Plus, well… Nothing against Celestia, but I always felt the stars in the night sky back in Equestria were too perfectly placed if you know what I mean,” Sunset continued.

“I do. It’s different and better now with Luna back. But still there is a certain order to the stars there. Here you have a certain chaotic but natural scattering of stars in the sky.” Twilight looked all over the best she could and squinted as she noticed several lights blinking and some moving.

“What are those blinking lights, Sunset?” Twilight asked.

Sunset couldn’t help but give a very pleased grin as she answered. “Some of them are airplanes in the sky. Others… are satellites orbiting the Earth.”

Twilight’s eyes widened again. She knew Sunset briefly talked to her about satellites and such when they talked about GPS earlier in the day. It just never really sunk in until now just what all that entailed. “How far have humans reached beyond Earth…?” she asked not really expecting an answer.

“They’ve landed on the moon multiple times. They even have a space station orbiting the Earth where astronauts stay to complete experiments and even test spacecraft systems. The more recent development are their plans to make a trip to Mars. The nearest formerly habitable planet to Earth,” Sunset answered. She had to admit she liked being able to tell this stuff to Twilight and be a bit of a teacher in her own way as a result. It caused her to feel a little closer to Twilight.

Twilight looked to Sunset with her mouth opened in disbelief. This was something else entirely. She knew humans had done some amazing things with technology, but most of those things she knew about had magical equivalents in Equestria.

Going to the moon was different though, only Luna had done that and not by choice. The only time it was ever even mentioned otherwise was by mothers trying to get a rowdy foal to behave by saying to them, “If you don’t stop misbehaving Celestia will banish you to the moon!” It worked until the foals became fillies and colts and realized that Celestia wouldn't really do such a thing easily.

The fact humans had made many trips to the moon, launched things that orbited the Earth and even dared to think about traveling to another planet was completely beyond her belief. She didn’t doubt Sunset though. She could tell her friend was speaking the truth.

“How far are they to doing that?” she asked curiously.

“They’ve already launched and tested a spacecraft for that purpose. They still aren’t to human flights with it yet. I think they are aiming for that in 2021. Who knows if it will happen at that time or not. Even then that won’t be to Mars, but they are working on achieving that goal and it seems withing our reach,” Sunset said with some awe of her own. She hadn’t been here that much longer than Twilight, so some things were still hard for her to believe, even if she knew they were true.

Their conversation died down some after that as they just enjoyed the night sky and the stars with each other. Eventually Sunset noticed Twilight shiver. She could tell her friend wasn’t ready to leave regardless of the encroaching slight chill in the air. Sunset blushed and was thankful it was too dark for Twilight to notice as she took off her jacket and handed it over.

Twilight looked to her and asked, “Are you sure?” Sunset nodded and gave a smile. Twilight took the jacket and smiled in return. “Thanks, Sunset!”

“No worries,” she replied.

“No. Really thanks a lot, Sunset. You’ve shown me some really wonderful things today and you helped me get over my ‘funk’. I’m sure tomorrow I’ll be more than ready to plan out our next move with a clear head. You really are a wonderful person and pony.” Twilight gave a smile as she snuggled into Sunset’s jacket and leaned a little on Sunset. “And probably my best friend…” The Princess of Friendship added to herself.

Sunset felt warm hearing Twilight’s words, but she knew she would be a little chilly herself soon enough. Fortunately, she also had a very good feeling she would once again be wrapped in the warmth that was Twilight’s embrace tonight as she again subbed as a body pillow. This time Sunset was actually looking forward to it a little.

“Just a little bit longer and then we can head back, Sunset,” Twilight said as she looked up to the night sky. Sunset gave a nod and hoped it wouldn’t be too soon. She was really enjoying this moment alone with Twilight. She wanted it to last as long as it could. She didn’t know why it was so important to her… actually she was starting to get an idea why it was. She just wasn't sure what to make of it.

Either way she wanted this moment to last as long as it could. She had never done something like this with someone before. She had looked at the stars with her friends a couple of times, but it was never this intimate nor was it this enjoyable. "I really hope she's feeling the same way..." Sunset thought as she felt her heart beat a little faster.

As the two girls sat with each other looking at the stars in the sky, there was streak that ran across their view. "Look a shooting star, Twilight. Here they say if you make a wish on a shooting star it will come true."

Twilight gave a little chuckle. "Come on, Sunset. You know it's just a piece of rock entering the atmosphere and will most likely burn out soon enough. I'm from a place that hasn't built a space-station and even I know that."

"Shhhhh... Twilight. I know that, but remember no looking at the sky scientifically tonight," Sunset said to her.

"Alright fine," Twilight replied as she made a wish. Sunset made a wish as well.

Once the shooting star was out of sight, Twilight asked, "So what did you wish for, Sunset?"

Her friend gave a teasing smile as she said, "You aren't supposed to tell anyone or it won't come true, Twilight."

Twilight gave a frown, but then giggled. "Fine be that way. I was thinking about telling you mine, but since we can't. You'll never hear it from me." The two laughed at that, but truthfully both were a bit thankful they weren't sharing their wishes.

As they got ready for bed back at the apartment, both girls once more thought of their wish before going to sleep for the night.

"I wish to get even closer to her."

Author's Note:

I'm not sure about this chapter. I'm kind of new to the whole romance thing (well writing it at least), especially Sunlight, and I really hope it isn’t too awkward. But maybe it is and if that is the case hopefully it is for good reasons. I also hope that ending wasn't too sappy either.

Also Chapter 9 became Chapters 9 and 10… It simply got too long for one chapter. This will push back my estimations mentioned in my blog about the timeline of chapters a little.