• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 8,044 Views, 394 Comments

Rainbow Rocks: Unfinished Business - Gadman85

After the battle of the bands, Twilight has something on her mind regarding the Dazzlings. Sunset has also had some things on her mind regarding Twilight.

  • ...

Dark Days of a Recent Past

Three girls ran off the stage as even more food hit them and the chorus of “Boos” increased. The Dazzlings couldn't believe what just happened. They were singing and absorbing more power than they had felt in a long time. They had seemingly defeated the Rainbooms. Next thing they knew some kind of cosmic Alicorn appeared in the sky and blasted them with a high powered rainbow beam that shattered their magic cores.

The trio kept running even after they were well out of range of the stage they thought they owned. The girls kept running as fast as they could even though they weren't being chased. They didn't stop until reaching the hotel. They wished they took one of their cars to the show tonight, but they had planned to celebrate their complete victory downtown after the battle of the bands and would rent a limo.

Once they entered the hotel's lobby, things really started to sink in for them. Sonata gave a sniff and only let a couple of her many tears fall as they entered the elevator and took it to their suite on the top floor. She didn't understand why everyone reacted so quickly like they did. She also couldn't figure out where they managed to find a hot dog to throw at the stage. “Why would you waste a perfectly good hot dog like that?” she thought to herself not wanting to focus on the bigger issue.

Aria had a deep frown as she tried to figure out what just happened. “How did that happen? Why did that happen? Why are we still alive after that?” she couldn't help but to ask quickly aloud.

Adagio had a vacant almost lifeless expression as she answered simply. “I don’t know…” Adagio had to fight back the tears and sadness she suddenly felt inside as she repeated quieter, “I really don’t know…”

The Dazzlings made their way slowly to their room and Sonata opened the door for them. Adagio collapsed on to the couch her vacant expression deepening. Aria gave a sigh as she searched through the room's minibar. She pulled out two vodkas, two tequilas, and two whiskeys. There were six bottles total.

“Sonata.” She called to get the light blue haired girl’s attention. “Whiskey or Vodka?” Aria asked. She already decided Adagio would get the tequila. Their leader was in a funk and Aria knew it. She hoped the tequila kick would be enough to bring her about.

Sonata looked down and with a sigh said, “Vodka.”

Aria nodded and handed Sonata two open bottles. Aria then gave the two opened tequilas to Adagio, who held one in each hand. Once Aria opened her whiskeys, she took in a deep breath, let it out, and said, “bottoms up!” As one, each girl downed their two bottles in turn.

Adagio gave a cough at the kick and burn which caught her by surprise. Her eyes weren't vacant anymore and she could feel tears wanting to spill out. She held strong though. She was still their leader. Still in charge of doing what she could to keep Sonata and Aria safe, even if as far as she knew she had just royally screwed them over.

Sonata sniffed again and this time let her tears flow freely as she bawled her eyes out. “It’s gone… It’s gone…” She said in between sobs. The others thought she meant the power, but she was actually thinking about their singing voices she had loved so much.

There was silence as Sonata carried on letting her tears fall. Aria gripped the counter tighter as she fought back her own tears. “Come on Aria, you’re the tough one… You can’t cry… no matter how much it hurts and you want to. I can’t in front of the others…” she thought to herself.

Sonata kept bawling as she asked, “What… What happens now? What happens now?! Adagio?!”

Adagio couldn’t look Sonata in the face. Adagio couldn’t look up period. She may have given Sonata a hard time almost all of the time, but she cared for her some. She couldn’t stand seeing the usually bubbly and cheerful girl sad. Additionally for some reason, hearing Sonata's cries hurt much more than it did before.

“Adagio? What are we going to do? Do you have a plan?” Sonata asked, her voice going higher due to her panic. She started to sob a little louder.

“Hey… Adagio?! You do have a plan, right?” Sonata begged one more time.

Adagio couldn’t take it anymore. She stood up and glared as she shouted, “I don’t know!! Okay?! I don’t!”

Sonata’s raspberry colored eyes widened in shock at the anger and pain in Adagio’s voice. She had never felt something like this before coming from their leader. She had annoyed Adagio before, but this seemed much different. Aria’s purple eyes were even shocked at the outburst.

Adagio’s own raspberry colored eyes blinked in surprise as well. She sighed and looked down as she headed to her room in the suite. “I… I need to rest… night, you two…” She then closed the door to her room.

When the door was closed and she was sure the others couldn't hear, Adagio added in a quiet voice, “I really don’t know, Sonata… And I hate myself for it… Why did you have to press like that?”

Adagio let the tears she hid from the others fall as she sobbed to herself. She was terrified at what would happen now. She didn't even know what had happened to her and the others when that light hit them. Aria’s questions in the elevator came to her again. “How did it happen? Why did it happen? Why are we still alive after that?”

More tears fell as she sniffed and thought to herself, “We fed off the energy we absorbed through those pendants. Have I… Doomed us to slowly starve to death?” The thought caused her to panic more and she started pacing in her room.

She had to figure something out and she had to do it quick. She had to at least find a way for Aria and Sonata to survive. Adagio didn't care much for her fate at the moment oddly enough.

I deserve what punishment I receive. I was the one that got us in that mess not the others,” She thought darkly to herself as she fell on to her bed and cried herself to sleep.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata sat in her chair staring blankly at the carpeted floor. She had really done it now. She had truly angered Adagio, and Aria as well it seemed. Aria had locked herself in the bathroom shortly after Adagio stormed out of the room.

Sonata tried to get her to come out, but all she got in return was a “Go away, Sonata.” After that, the fan turned on and she heard nothing else above the roar.

Sonata didn't know what to think at the moment. All she knew was she felt really sad and ever so alone. She had never really pissed off the others so much they stormed out on her like that. They were all she had left now that they lost their singing voices and powers. She supposed she had done something to deserve this, but that didn't make it hurt any less.

Sonata eventually got up and went to the second bedroom and plopped down on one of the beds. She hoped maybe she would just go to sleep and wake up in the morning and they would have never left to go to that high school place. The three of them would act like they always did with each other in the morning.

Sleep wasn’t coming easy for her and she kept having flashes of memories of her past with the others. Each memory brought her more pain and sadness. Her tears started flowing again and she eventually cried herself to sleep.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria was sitting on the bathroom floor hugging her knees as the fan droned on above her. She finally started to cry herself. She took comfort in the noise of the fan keeping anyone from hearing her cry.

Aria tried again to sing, to use the voice she was so proud of before. All that came out was a horrible sound. It was the sound of someone trying to sing, but incapable of singing on key.

The horrible singing brought more sadness to her as her tears intensified. “Why did we have to lose our voices too… Wasn't it enough we lost our powers?” She asked as she sniffed back more tears.

About two hours later, Aria finally came out of the restroom and made her way to the second bed room. She looked around and noticed Sonata was already asleep. It seemed the other girl was having an uneasy night's sleep.

Aria wasn't sure why she did what she did, but she did it. She climbed into the same bed Sonata was sleeping in and cuddled up next to her. Aria felt a little better lying there next to the other girl, it was reassuring in some odd way. She also noticed Sonata’s sleep seemed to ease a little.

“I guess we do at least still have each other... if that makes any difference,” Aria quietly said to herself. She vowed to never admit to the comfort that thought brought her.

{-} {-} {-}

When morning came, Adagio woke up and entered into the kitchen area to get herself a glass of water. Her stomach growled a little, but she paid it no mind. “Best not to dwell on our hunger… maybe that will make it easier.

As she took a sip, she noticed Aria sitting in a chair looking at a sheet of paper. “Adagio…” Aria said as she looked up with worry in her eyes. “What do we do about this?” she handed the paper over.

Adagio took it and her eyes widened in surprise. “This doesn't make sense… We still have the suite for a while yet,” she said with barely a whisper. “Does this mean…?” The curly haired girl thought as she panicked a little.

“What are we going to do about it?” Aria asked again, the worry in her eyes growing a little.

Adagio’s brain worked in overtime as she tried to calm down and think things through. “I have to buy us some time at the moment… This has to be a mistake… The reservation is still good.

“Is Sonata up yet?” Adagio asked. She barely noticed Aria’s blush before she got her answer.

“No… she’s still asleep… Sonata cried herself to sleep last night. She seems worse off than I feel,” Aria said with a frown.

Adagio gave a sigh. “I’ll take care of this. It's probably some misunderstanding and nothing else. We have the room for a good while yet. We made sure of that, remember?”

“Yes but that was before…” Aria started, but was cut off by Adagio.

“I’ll take care of it. That doesn't matter, Aria,” Adagio said as she finished her water and left to get ready for the day. She didn't want to hear her fellow dazzling voice her current and pressing fear.

Aria just nodded as she gave a frown. She didn't want Adagio to have to do everything alone, but she didn't know how to help at this moment anyways. She decided to have some water of her own and sat down in the living room. The water seemed to oddly soothe her throat. She might have wondered about this since it never really mattered before, but there was too much going on at the moment.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio was now ready for the day and heading down to the main desk to speak with a manager about what was going on with getting the room receipt early like this. She knew hotels didn't give you the receipt until the day you left. The elevator dinged as the doors slid open to the main lobby of their hotel.

The leader of the Dazzlings made her way towards the main desk with a look of disgust on her face. She hoped they would try to help her quick so no one would wonder for long why a guest at such a fine hotel looked upset. She stood in front of a well-dressed young woman and spoke. “I wish to speak with a manager please.”

“May I ask why?” the woman asked in a pleasant voice.

“I wish to discuss a certain problem pertaining to the handling of this business,” Adagio replied. She was going for the sophisticated and upset young woman approach.

The desk worker nodded and quickly showed her to the manager’s office. The hotel didn't like letting unhappy customers linger in front of others if they could help it. It was bad for business.

“A guest to see you, Mr. Sinclair,” she said with a knock on the door.

Adagio hoped this would go well since he was the manager on duty when she checked in. She remembered seeing him in the lobby that day. A lanky man with early graying hair in a rather fancy version of the work uniform opened the door. He recognized the girl at once and let her in.

“Is there a problem, Miss Dazzle?” the manager asked as he motioned for her to sit down and he closed his office door.

“Yes, there is, Mr. Sinclair. It seems someone on your staff made a mistake in believing my companions and I are supposed to check out today. I received a receipt despite the fact we still have the room booked for several more days,” Adagio said with a voice that showed her displeasure without being directly accusatory.

“Ahh… This is a rather odd situation here then. Let me check on something real quick,” Mr. Sinclair said as he worked on his computer.

A few clicks later he spoke again in a business tone. “It seems they made a mistake since there wasn't a credit card assigned to the reservation. This has happened before in the past, but our protocol demands we give the guests a receipt daily until they either give us a credit card, or they pay their daily bill.” It was complete crap really and he knew it.

There wasn't such a protocol, but they rarely if ever had rooms assigned without a credit card on file. The truth of the matter was last night as he was getting ready to call it a day, he realized he had made this mistake without even remembering why it happened. He felt something fishy was going on with these guests.

His memory was perfectly fine and he had a nearly spotless record on his job. There was no way he would assign their fancy suite to a trio of teenage girls without a credit card or more to make sure they had the money to pay for such a room. It was even stranger someone would stay with them in such a suite for so long a time period as these three booked it.

Mr. Sinclair was pretty much covering his own ass and he knew it. However, the girls didn't know this and he doubted they knew a lot about the inner workings of a hotel. He would use this opportunity to either solve the problem or know to watch the girls carefully.

“You have got to be kidding me?! I’ve never heard of something like that before,” Adagio said as she narrowed her eyes. She was watching to see if he was trying to pull something. This is why she missed her powers. This wouldn't have happened with them. She would have just sung a note or two and the problem would be gone for good, if it arose at all in the first place.

“Well, how often do you hear about the inner workings of a hotel, Miss Dazzle?” the manager asked in a polite tone without giving any clue of deceit.

Adagio sighed as she sat back down. “So what can be done to take care of this problem, Mr. Sinclair?”

“Well, you can either pay the bill now or give us a credit card to put on file and this won’t happen again I promise you, Miss Dazzle. I don’t want to interfere with your stay here in Canterlot City, but my hands are tied on this matter,” he said as he gave her a face that showed he was "sorry".

Adagio thought for a moment as she came up with a lie to get the hotel off her back. She would get the money and deal with that when they checked out along with other things. “I don’t really trust others with keeping my card on file. I've heard plenty of stories about identity theft. I do have the money, but I have to take care of some other more pressing matters first. I can’t pay you at this moment because of this. However, I will have the money needed when it comes to check out. Is there any way we can work something out?”

Mr. Sinclair narrowed his eyes. He would play ball here, but he now knew to keep an eye on these teen girls. It was really strange to come across a teenager without a credit card they were willing to use for everything. Well, a group that would be staying in such a hotel like this alone at least. They were a fancy hotel so they did get spoiled teenage brats every so often.

The manager gave a sigh after a few moments of ‘thinking it over’. “I’ll see what I can do. I'll be putting myself on the line here helping you like this, though,” he answered her.

Adagio stood up and thanked him for his help. If she didn't have other more pressing issues on mind, she would have thought it odd he so willingly agreed to accommodate her, despite his hands "being tied on the matter".

However, there were more important issues than that right now. She had to get the money. She had to figure out what happened to them and if they were going to end up starving to death or not. Also, she had to try to keep Sonata and Aria calm.

Mr. Sinclair watched Adagio leave his office and made a note to tell the staff to keep an eye on their guests in the top floor suite. If the girl paid at the end of their stay there wouldn't be a problem, but if they didn't he would be sure they were brought in for their tricks.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio sighed as the elevator stopped on the top floor. She was relieved that issue was over with already and was taken care of. Now to check on the others and assure them it was all good.

Adagio opened the door to see Sonata was finally up and about. “Good Morning, Sonata. Are you feeling any better?”

Sonata gave a weak smile as she answered. “I was feeling a little better, but then I saw the receipt. Don’t we have the room for a longer time? How are we going to get the money? Plus… well, I feel a little hungry…”

“Let’s all sit down. I have some things to tell you two," Adagio said with a sigh.

Once the trio was in the main room together, Adagio spoke again, “I'm sorry for what I got us into. I’m also sorry for how I acted last night, Sonata. I was just scared myself.”

“It’s okay, Dagio. I was panicking. I just didn't know what to think or feel,” Sonata answered with a smile.

“I’m also sorry for how I acted last night, Sonata.” Aria said as the bubbly girl smiled at her and nodded it was okay. Aria felt very relieved Sonata had forgiven her. It was odd because she never really cared about such things before. Usually her and Adagio would apologize to mostly stop the third girl's whining.

“As for the Hotel issue, I took care of it. I bought some time to get the money we will need when it comes to checkout. I’m not sure how much it will be if we aren't careful with room service and the minibar though. I think it would be best if we avoided using those services. At least until I sort out our money problem,” Adagio said with a tired smile. Sonata and Aria let out breaths of relief.

“Unfortunately… I think hunger is going to be a problem. You two know we fed off the energy from our amulets. Food here doesn't really do anything for us apart from being something we sometimes enjoyed,” Adagio gave them a frown as the other two looked to the floor.

“I’ll figure something out there as well. I’m responsible for our problem after all. Until then, the only thing I can think is to try and conserve our energy the best we can. We've had to do it before. We can do it now,” Adagio finished as she got herself another glass of water.

She thought it strange she seemed to actually want water now for something to drink. It was almost as if she needed it. She was too busy thinking about other things to ponder it much. She was a siren after all not a human, she shouldn't need what humans need.

“It’s going to be tough, isn’t it?” Sonata asked with a frown.

“Yes it will be, but we’ll make it. I’m sure we will,” Adagio said acting confident as she mentally told herself, “or at least you two will make it… I’ll make sure of that.

“So, we just sit here and hide out in our room?” Aria asked not sure she liked this idea.

“That is part of how you conserve energy. You don’t really have to sit the whole time, but be careful,” Adagio said as she started to think of ways to get through their problems.

{-} {-} {-}

It had been two days since the incident with the receipt, but they hadn't really made any progress in their situation. They did look a little worse for wear, but for the most part that was all that seemed to be wrong with them physically. However, they could all feel the hunger crawling inside them. It was getting worse. Even when things were at their worst before, it was never this bad. It was bad, but not like this.

Adagio gave a sigh. She needed to clear her head. “I need to go for a walk to think over things. I’ll be back,” she said as she left the room. Sonata and Aria were too out of it to do anything but wave as she left.

It was at least a fairly pleasant night sky outside as Adagio walked. She didn't really pay much attention to where she was going as her feet carried her. She was busy trying to think over the situation, but all she could think about was how hungry she was at this point.

The curly haired girl shouldn't have been surprised when she arrived in a shadier part of Canterlot City, not that it really had a shady part. She felt a little uneasy at the moment as she looked around the area. She actually felt a little shiver of fear as the realization further hit her. She didn't have her powers anymore. She was for all intents and purposes a normal 18 year old girl now.

She tried to straighten up and look more confident than she was as she heard what sounded like a group of guys laughing out loud with each other. As she walked forward, she noticed the guys she heard turn around the corner and head her way. There were three of them and they looked to be only a couple years older than she appeared.

Adagio just kept walking hoping they wouldn't bother her or anything. She almost let out a breath of relief as she passed by them. However, her relief was cut short as one of them gave a whistle to her.

“Hey, girl. You’re looking hot tonight,” one of them shouted as the group turned around to look her over and fell into step by her. Adagio didn't let her panic show as she kept going forward pretending not to have heard them.

“So… We were wondering how much it would cost to have a little fun with you. We’re ready for some real fun tonight,” the tallest of the three said with a weak smirk.

Adagio froze for a minuet as thoughts ran through her head. She gave a mental gulp as she decided she didn't really have any other options at the moment. She would have usually just blown them off and kept going, but then she thought of how she and the others needed money and she was without any power.

She looked the three guys over. All three of them looked at least decently strong. She wasn't going to take a risk. She straightened up and gave them a smile before speaking in a confident seductive voice. “Well, you three aren't too bad looking yourselves. I’m in the mood for a little fun tonight as well.”

Adagio mentally hated this, but she was desperate at the moment and scared inside. Her feelings of weakness increased as she also knew she had little energy for actually fighting, let alone running away. “Better to go along with them and maybe get a little something instead of angering them. They might decide my wishes don't matter.

“Also, I’m feeling a little generous tonight… What do you guys say to 30 each?” Adagio wasn't sure how this kind of thing actually worked, but it looked like these guys weren't either despite they more or less propositioned her.

“Ohhh…? That sounds decent what do you two think?” the tall guy asked the others. He didn't really hide the hint of surprise in his voice.

The other two thought things over for a second as Adagio stood there with her weight shifted a little to show off her assets. “Not so sure about the price, but it’s for the experience right?” one with brown hair said to the others. They gave disbelieving nods. “Sounds good to me then. We just better make sure we get our money’s worth.”

“Oh, I’ll make sure you guys get your money’s worth don’t worry,” Adagio said in a slightly lower voice as her eyes showed apparent lust.

The third guy, who had green hair, gave a chuckle and said, “I believe you will. Sweet thing like yourself.”

Adagio pretended to be amused by his flirting attempt. “So where do you boys want to have our fun? I’m not the type who will just go into an alleyway.”

“We’re staying at a place nearby. It isn't the Ritz Carlton, but it will do,” the tall guy said as he and his friends laughed to his joke.

Adagio didn't show it, but she suddenly felt a little nervous they might somehow be going to the same hotel where her and the others were staying. This would be very bad if that was the case.

“So, can you drink or anything like that?” Greenie asked trying to make conversation.

“Not that it’s my preference, but I could smoke. I can’t drink though,” Adagio answered which seemed to put the guy at ease. She guessed he was trying to figure out her age in a roundabout manner. She also lied a little bit. She felt she might as well act closer to the age she appeared in public to avoid problems.

“I’m surprised you didn't ask for money up front,” the brown haired guy asked.

Adagio gave an enchanting and seductive laugh. “That’s how you know I’m the real deal. Those in this profession don’t ask for money up front.”

“Really?” the tall guy asked in puzzlement.

“Really. That way if our client’s urges change or they get the courage to ask for something particular we will just tell them the price and add it on to the total,” Adagio said to them.

She then stretched for a second to again accentuate her features for them. “If you ever try something like this and the girl asks for money up front, then odds are she’s probably an undercover cop working as part of a sting op.”

“But you gave us a flat rate of 30 apiece,” the green haired guy said with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, I sort of meant that as a starting rate. Still, I am in a generous mood and looking for some fun, so I'm open for quite a bit. If you three ask for something too bizarre, then I might have to add a little extra depending on what it is,” she said playing the part. She also hoped it would cause them to curb some of their deeper and darker desires.

You couldn't be too careful she felt. They were paying her, so they would be more willing to try things they otherwise wouldn't with a girl. Plus, she was a whore in their eyes. Strip away inhibitions and respect for someone a little bit and you would be surprised how much people will do.

It took about ten minutes to get to their destination. When they arrived, the ex-siren was glad it wasn't her hotel. It was a Holiday Inn. She hoped she wouldn't have to be too loud for her ‘clients’ pleasure, though. She didn't want management to be given a call and check their room.

“We’re lucky this place is fairly empty near us tonight. That means we don’t have to hold back,” the tall guy turned and gave Adagio a smile.

Adagio was feeling worse and worse about this decision as they progressed. She decided this would be a one-time thing if she had the choice in the future. They walked down the hall and Adagio felt a loud thumping in her chest.

They made it to the door and she took in a deep breath. She saw there were two beds and what looked like a fold out couch. The fold out was currently in couch mode.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio gave a sigh as she finished washing some globs of a certain consistency out of her hair and off her face. She felt odd inside. She was sickened she did something so desperate. At the same time, her body reacted to it and she did feel good even if only during the activities.

She lost herself to the pleasure while she was with her "clients". She wanted to make sure they were satisfied and kept their deeper and darker sexual desires in check. She let them know how much they pleased her without it seeming fake. Even if they saw her as a whore, they weren't used to this kind of thing she knew, so they still treated her fairly decent. They might have gotten a little rough and enthusiastic, but it wasn't any thing too bad. She oddly enough did enjoy it a little when they got that way.

Adagio took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as she turned on the shower. Fortunately, they didn't want to risk any questions so they allowed her to use the shower at her leisure. Adagio relished in the feeling of the warm running water.

It felt really good on her skin, almost too good. This caused her to reflect on how intense and real the experience she just had felt compared to the past. The intensity made it easy for her to get lost in the pleasure and not realize how desperate she was during the heat of the moment.

In the past, it always felt like their human bodies were a suit of some kind instead of their actual body. At the same time, it was still them in some odd way. They could get pleasure from sexual activities and feel other sensations, but it was kind of muted and didn't really feel like their bodies. That was always the case until now.

Adagio’s eyes widened. “Can it be? Is that what happened?” She felt that pounding in her chest again. “It would explain why things have been feeling the way they have. Why hunger has affected us in such a way,” the orange haired girl thought as the shower’s water beat down on her body.

She wished she had thought of this earlier, but the hunger had been too much. It was consuming her every thought. She supposed some extra good may have come out of this encounter after all. She now at least had a theory to work with. She hoped it was right. It would help to have figured this problem out and maybe she could focus on other things besides mostly hunger after this.

Adagio finally finished drying her hair and put on her clothes again. Her hair was still a little damp in places, but she was more focused on trying to get back to the others. She could survive slightly damp hair for a bit if it meant getting back to Aria and Sonata a little sooner and putting her theory to work.

She entered the main room and noticed the green haired guy contemplating the couch not sure how it was supposed to be a bed. Adagio gave a small chuckle. This guy was actually the nicest to her of the three. She also felt a little satisfied as she noticed the other two were sprawled out on a bed each fast asleep and not exactly clothed. She really did make sure they got their money’s worth and wore those two out at least.

“Here. Let me help you with that.” Adagio said in an uncharacteristically sweet voice for her. The green haired guy looked to her puzzled. He watched with some embarrassment as she pulled off the cushions and revealed the fold out couch.

“Now I feel real stupid. I can’t believe I didn't think of that. I always thought these places had cushions you couldn't remove on their furniture,” he said with a chuckle.

“I’m guessing you've never really used one of these before,” Adagio said with a smile. She momentarily felt a little contented having possibly found a solution to one of the pressing problems.

“Nah… Usually when I go on trips I’m with family. My dad and I usually share a bed while my mom and sister share the other one. Sometimes we would actually get two rooms. This really has been an experience for me,” he said with a chuckle. She gave a friendly shake of her head.

“I’m guessing it’s the same for you,” he said as he gave her a serious look.

Adagio actually gave a little blush to being called out like that. This was again something else that was new to her. She never blushed. “It’s amazing what losing everything does to someone I guess,” she thought to herself before answering him.

She gave a sigh. “You’re right. I've never done this before. How did you know?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “Just a feeling I guess… Why do it?”

“My life really turned around recently. I’m a little desperate right now,” she said with a reflective frown.

The two stood in silence for a moment before she took in a deep breath. “Well, I have my money now. I’ll just be going,” she was at the door when she heard him start to speak.

“I guess if I ever see you again you won’t be in the same profession, huh?” he asked.

“Hopefully not…” she said so quiet he didn't hear her.

He took her silence as a sign he said something stupid. “Well… I hope things work out for you. Bye,” he finished awkwardly.

“Good bye,” Adagio replied as she left through the door.

Once she was outside the Holiday Inn, Adagio knew the way back to her hotel. She was going to make a stop on the way first. She needed to try out that hypothesis. Worst case scenario it might at least get their minds off of hunger for a little bit.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria tried not to be too obvious as she looked to the door a little worried. Adagio had been gone for a good while now. She was actually starting to worry. She didn't understand this. She had never seemed to care about such things in the past.

Sonata was staring up at the ceiling of their suite. The light blue haired girl wasn't sure how much time had passed. She just knew she felt a little dizzy earlier and still had a headache.

Soon there was a knock on the door, Aria got up and walked over and looked through the peephole. She gasped quietly and then swung open the door. Adagio walked in carrying a bag of what looked like sandwiches from Sam’s Subs.

“What is this about, Adagio? And where have you been?” Aria asked, her voice almost betraying that she was actually worried and not just curious.

Adagio gave a smile and said, “I told you. I went on a walk. I think I might have figured out the answer to our biggest problem.”

“For Realzies?! Which one?” Sonata asked sitting up quickly and regretting it immediately.

“Sonata… You have been drinking water right?” Adagio asked a little concerned. Sonata seemed a little too far gone for hunger alone.

The light blue haired girl gave a blush and tried to explain herself. “But it feels so weird to actually have to drink water for some reason.”

Aria shook her head and got a few glasses for them. “So, what do you think is the answer to one of our problems?”

“It's just a guess, but I think it's a very good guess. I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but I think we aren't sirens anymore…” Adagio said with a frown.

“What do you mean by that?” Aria asked with a confused frown.

“I think we were turned into humans… for real,” Adagio said as she placed the bags on the table in the kitchen. “I think that's why we have been feeling hunger the way we have been. I think that's why we really need water now.”

“How did you come to that conclusion?” Aria asked as she thought it over.

Adagio looked down as she said, “Well… certain things have been feeling… realer than they did before.”

Aria handed Sonata a glass and the girl started to drink. The twin tailed girl then went over and helped get the sandwiches out of their bags and arrange them. “You didn't steal these, did you?”

Adagio looked to her with a scowl. “Of course not! Why would I have them in store bags if I stole them?”

“Where did you get the money then?” Aria asked as she looked the girl over from the corner of her eyes while pretending to only be interested in the sandwiches. It was actually very easy to do this. Her mouth was starting to water just at the sight of food.

“While I was walking I came across some people that wanted help from me. They were kind enough to give me some money in return,” Adagio said as her cheeks reddened at the recent memory of what she had just done for money.

While standing next to her, Aria tried to take a sniff of Adagio because something seemed off about their leader. Aria smelled shampoo in Adagio's hair and soap on her body. There was also a hint of something else she didn't instantly recognize. She might have thought more on it, but soon the purple haired girl’s nostrils were assaulted by the wonderful smell of the sandwiches.

“I think you might be right, Adagio. These smell way too delicious for just sandwiches,” Aria wiped some saliva from her mouth as she picked out her favorite. They had eaten human food lots. It tasted good at times, but it was never their main source of energy to stave off their hunger.

Now though as she took a bite, her taste buds rejoiced and she almost moaned. There was no mistaking it now. They were human. They needed human food.

Sonata was devouring the sandwich Adagio gave her. There were tears of happiness in her eyes. “This tastes soooooo good! I never knew sandwiches tasted so wonderful!” she shouted with glee.

Adagio gave a snicker and said, “They say hunger is the best seasoning.” Adagio then happily took a bite from her sandwich as well. It was the best thing she had ever eaten before.

Did Adagio just make a joke?” Aria looked with her mouth hanging open in surprise. “I guess hunger was really getting to us all.

“I know you probably want to eat everything right now. But since it seems we are human, we need to be careful not to go overboard,” Adagio said hoping they would listen to her warning. She deep down knew Sonata probably wouldn't this time.

“How come you got six of these big sandwiches?” Aria asked curiously.

“I thought they would keep fairly well and we could make them last for a couple of meals at least. I do still have about half of the money I earned left, but I don’t know how long it will take to get more of it,” the orange haired girl said as she relished a bite of her sandwich. She even let out a moan of pleasure at the taste.

“Why don’t you just do what you did today again, Dagio?” Sonata asked between bites.

Adagio looked away and cleared her throat while she blushed for a second in embarrassment. “I’m pretty sure it was a one-time thing, Sonata.”

Aria looked over at Adagio with a searching look. She gave a frown. She had a hunch on what it could be, but at the same time she could be jumping to conclusions.

“Regardless, let’s enjoy this meal and the fact we know more about our new situation,” Adagio said as she quickly took another bite and chewed it slowly so the others wouldn't ask her questions. She also really wanted to enjoy this meal.

Sonata smiled and said, “I knew you’d figure something out, Adagio. You've always been there with a plan for us. Thanks!”

Adagio paused in the middle of her bite at Sonata’s words. It wasn't that big of a deal for Sonata to say thanks, but for some reason this time it really hit Adagio in the chest and gave her a small warm feeling. She smiled, finished her bite and said, “Of course I do.”

Adagio cringed a little at her choice of words and tone. There was a voice inside her head telling her she needed to say you’re welcome or maybe even thank Sonata for always being there as well. However, the ex-siren couldn't bring herself to say those words, even if she wanted to say them. She just continued eating her meal.

Once their meal was finished and the remaining sandwiches placed in the room’s fridge, Sonata was the first to go to bed and fall asleep. Aria followed after she knew Sonata was asleep. She once again decided to curl up with Sonata. She told herself this would be the last night she did, just like she had told herself before.

Aria still didn't really understand why she wanted to sleep like this, but she tried last night to sleep on her own and it didn't work out so well. She felt cold and alone with only her darkening thoughts on what had happened to them on that night. Tonight she at least knew some answers, but still she saw Sonata as a reaffirmation that they would be together in this harsh new reality and that brought her a strange sense of comfort.

Adagio soon retreated to her bed after taking another shower. When she was alone on the bed in the dark she remembered what she had done that night in full detail. She curled up and felt tears threatening to spill at how far she had really fallen in her eyes.

She next thought back to their supper. Adagio saw Aria's and Sonata's faces as they happily ate their sandwiches. She felt a little better. When she thought about Sonata’s thanks, she felt that warm feeling again. “I guess it wasn't all bad tonight…” she thought to herself one last time before she fell asleep.

Author's Note:

This chapter I feel was a little darker and had some sad parts to it. The next chapter will show the last days of their recent past and catch up to where they were in chapter three.

There is one more scene I have planned out that I feel might press the Teen rating like Adagio's "job" did here, but apart from that nothing else I feel will press the rating. I don't think I will need to bump this up to Mature because of these two scenes alone. I might just be worried about nothing and the story is actually far from pushing the teen rating.