• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 7,184 Views, 283 Comments

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Twilight Sparkle gives her life to save Equestria. Complications in time and space conspire to correct that, but can a long-dead mare be saved?

  • ...

3 - Transcend

Five mares and a dragon ascended the stairs leading up the side of the castle tower. Excited voices hosted several coinciding thoughts and ideas.

As they ascended, Spike looked at the tickets in his claw. The night at the opera started in less than an hour. He knew the show would be a good time and could only imagine how elated Twilight would feel about going.

And that said nothing for tomorrow. The rest of what they had planned for Twilight’s birthday was going to be, as they had collectively put it, “Fantabulastic!”

Rainbow Dash flew up to throw open the tower’s large wooden door only for it to click in place. “Huh?” she said as she jiggled the handle some more to no avail.

The rest of them furrowed their brows and shared uncertain glances.

Spike crossed his arms. “Huh, I thought she’d be here.”

Bits and pieces of sound emanated from the other side, but they were so low and so muffled that, even as they lent their ears in unison, none of them could pick up on what they were.

Rainbow Dash banged her hoof against the door. “Twilighhhhht!? Are you in thereeeee!?” she called.

A few seconds of silence passed. And then, finally, came a wilted, “H-Hi, everypony.” The thick wood that separated them muffled Twilight’s voice, but she still sounded mostly clear.

Rainbow Dash perked up. “Twilight! Twilight! Hey! Let us in!” she said, fumbling with the handle again.

“Sorry, girls, I can’t do that right now,” Twilight’s voice replied.

Rainbow Dash cocked an eyebrow. “...Why?”

“It’s… it’s dangerous to be in here right now!” Twilight’s muffled voice exclaimed.

Applejack cocked her head in earnest. “Uh, Twilight, we’ve handled dangerous things before.”

“It’s really serious business, and I can’t get you involved this time. I’m sorry, but please, trust me on this one.”

“Twilight, darling,” Rarity chuckled with the shake of her head, “we are going to go to see Don Giofilly together. You must come with us!”

“…Then go and have fun,” Twilight replied without missing a beat. “Don’t worry about me.”

Rarity backpedaled. The ears on her head flipped backward as she let out a small and somewhat offended, “Humph!”

Spike opened his mouth to speak but found that the words he wanted to say were locked away. He wasn’t sure what to say instead. He looked down at the tickets in his hands again, and then he looked back at the door. Twilight had turned down the tickets.

No, rather, she had turned down them.

Even then, the sounds from behind the door continued.

“Hey…” Pinkie Pie said, placing an ear to the door, “I hear voices. Twilight, are there other ponies in there with you?”

There was a slight thump against the door but there was no response other than “…No.”

“I hear them too,” Rainbow Dash said, now pressing her own ear against the door. “What’s going on, Twilight? Can you at least tell us what’s going on?”


Spike curled his fists into a ball and stepped forward. “Twilight, come on! Talk to us! Talk to me!”

“…I am sorry,” Twilight replied, her voice growing tremulous, “I just… I just—I don’t need you here right now. Please. Just, go away.”

“Twilight!” Spike cried, vainly reaching forward.

Go away!”

All six of them recoiled. The two ponies closest to the door had to leap backward out of fear that the entire frame would burst apart on them. The others covered their mouths to suppress sharp gasps.

Spike lost his balance and fell backward onto the ground. The tickets flew out of his grasp and scattered all over the balcony, but he made no attempts to gather them.

Fluttershy let out a whimper.

Applejack narrowed her eyes. “Fine,” she snorted. “Have it yer way, Twilight! Come on, y’all! Ah guess she doesn’ wanna spend her birthday with her friends after all!”

There was no response.

Applejack held up her resolve for a few moments, but as the seconds passed, her scowl dissolved. She then hung her head and slunk toward the stairs.

One by one, each of the others let go of their own reservations and followed suit.

Fluttershy shook her head. “I guess now is not a good time,” she said. “We should just try again later...”

It didn’t make sense. Twilight had never turned them down before. At least, not as far as Spike could remember.

He picked himself off the balcony floor. Twilight… doesn’t want us here? She doesn’t want me here? His hands curled into fists as his whole body shook. S-she doesn’t want me here? She doesn’t want me here.

Even as the others were out of sight, he made no attempt to hurry. He descended one step, then two. He took one last parting glance back at the still-locked door as he pursed his lips. He then slumped his shoulders and trudged down the rest of the staircase, vanishing with the others into the night.

Sunset Shimmer paced around outside of the group before her, not taking her eyes off the crystal ball for a second save to glance between the six others as they huddled around it.

Within the crystal ball, Twilight Sparkle continued glancing around the room, pacing back and forth all the while. “Spike? Pinkie Pie?”

“Why can’t she hear us anymore!?” Rarity asked at a near yell, looking questioningly between all of them.

Applejack gave a broad shrug. “Ah dunno! Ah mean, Spike was holdin’ it, then Pinkie grabbed it an’—”

“Wait,” Sunset began, pushing through a gap and pointing, “try putting your hooves on the ball.”

Applejack scooped the crystal ball off the floor in compliance. “Sugarcube, can ya hear me!?”

“Applejack?” Twilight said, now turning her attention to the apparent source of the sound: her own crystal ball. “Yes, I hear! But where are you!?”

Fluttershy started to reach out but hesitated. She felt her hoof grabbed as Applejack helped her complete the distance. That prompted her to go through with speaking. “We’re here. We’re here at the castle.”


“Canterlot Castle, I mean.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes as she paced around the room. “That’s... strange…” she said, “I thought all of you were in Ponyville. In fact, last I checked, you were. So what…?”

“Well, Twilight,” Fluttershy said, “you see—”

Rarity jammed a hoof into Fluttershy’s mouth before she could say anything more. “Sorry, Twilight,” Rarity said with a chuckle. “We’re a bit rattled here and...” And then she realized that she wasn’t touching the ball. “I mean—”

“It’s okay, Rarity,” Twilight said.

“Well…” Rarity did a double-take. “Wait. What? Did you hear me just now?”

“...Yes. Why?”

“Well, ain’t that interestin’,” Applejack hummed, scratching the back of her head.


Applejack took her hooves off the ball, stepped back for a moment, and considered the picture.

Rainbow Dash replaced her. “So, Twilight!” she began, placing her own hooves on the ball. “What is that thing anyway?”

“What thing?”

“This…” The words Rainbow Dash wanted tumbled around her throat before retreating altogether. “This... ball thing! This!”

Twilight levitated the crystal ball off the desk, bringing it in front of her discerning eyes. “Well”—she thoughtfully rubbed her chin and narrowed her eyes in observance—“I first found this in the caves. You know, the ones I’ve been trying to map out over the past few weeks?”

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash nodded comprehendingly. “The ones you said you and Cadance were in during that thing with the changelings.”

“Well, I found this at the very bottom of the caves. There’s a hidden chamber down there,” she explained, “and nopony has found it because it’s so deep. See, when I found it, I noticed that it was showing an image of the chamber. But, no matter how I moved it around, it always showed the same spot, except at different angles.” Twilight chuckled. “Which I find that fascinating, for one, and two…”

A pair of large, blue eyes suddenly pressed themselves against the ball. It counted. “Really?” Pinkie Pie asked with her usual high and bubbly voice. “All we see is this white circle thing.”

“...That’s funny. Because it doesn’t look at all white. I mean, it’s crystal for sure and—” The beat was almost audible. “In fact, there’s a question there,” Twilight said dourly, “How in the world are you talking to me right now? ...Let alone see what I’m doing?”

“Oh, see, that’s just it!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed and slapped the ball. “We have a ball of our own! And we’re pretty sure it’s yours. We just touch the ball to talk—”

“Or touch somepony who’s touchin’ the ball,” Applejack said, draping a hoof on Pinkie Pie’s withers. “An’ Ah reckon so on and so forth. Just as long as we’re connected to it somehow, you can hear us.”

“Oooh!” Twilight cooed, whirling around animatedly. “Fascinating! That means I could use this as a communication device! I knew this thing was special, but now I’ll have to look at it even more closely,” she said, zealously looking at it from top to bottom.

The mares all gave nervous chuckles.

Sunset nodded. That also means that if I’m away, then she can’t hear me. That’s useful information.

Meanwhile, Spike still stood over to the side with his arms crossed tight against his chest. He stared intently into the ball but made no movements to speak.

Sunset glanced over at him and frowned. But what could she do?

“So wait,” Twilight asked, “where are you, again?

“We’re in Canterlot Castle, you see,” Rarity replied. “We’re standing where you’re standing right now.”

A silence prevailed throughout both versions of the room. Sunset scratched her head. Yeah… she thought, that might be an issue.

Twilight, however, laughed. “Fantastic. I’m being pranked. Good one, girls. Seriously, where are you?”

Applejack shook her head. “But we are in Canterlot Castle. We’re right here just like Rarity said. We just, uh, don’t know how yet.”

“Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said, “are you in an alternate dimension again?”

Twilight puffed her cheeks with uncertainty. “I… don’t think so?”

Rainbow Dash snorted, “That doesn’t look anything like another world.”

Pinkie Pie put a hoof to her chin this time, making a long and drawn out “Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.” Then she shrugged. “Nope. I got nothin’.”

Sunset walked over to the hourglass and leaned against the frame in thought. There were burn marks downstairs, and from what they had seen, the ones in the ball were still fresh.

She still had no answer to what they had seen and, when it came down to it, the explanation she had in mind skipped over that at best and predicated a contradiction at worst. “What if it’s time?” she thought aloud. “What if we’re looking back in time right now?”

They all looked back at her. “You really think so?” Fluttershy asked.

Spike looked over with a raised eyebrow.

Sunset nodded. “I mean, I guess. Yeah.”

“Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, turning back toward the ball, “What day is it for you?”

“Day?” Twilight considered it. “Uh… It’s... well… it’s noon here. And my birthday is in four days from today.”

“It’s noon on four days after your birthday for us,” Pinkie Pie said. And then she paused. “No. Wait. Yes. It’s four.”

Rarity thought it over. “So that means that’s eight days—wait, have to include the birthday too—so I think nine? My word, Twilight!” she gasped. “We’re nine days ahead of you!”


“That’s incredible!” Twilight exclaimed. “Oh oh, that means that my crystal ball is looking nine days into the past too! Oh my, there are soooo many applications to this.” She hopped around the room like a schoolfilly. “Just think of the information that could be shared! You could potentially use this to communicate with the far future! Or, the far past! Ohhhhh!”

At that point, Spike let out a very long and labored snort. “Girls,” he said, his voice almost inaudible, “can I talk to Twilight for a minute?”

The six of them turned all at once, allowing frowns to overtake their features.

“Twi,” Applejack said, “Ah think Spike wants a word with ya.”

Twilight nodded as she landed on the floor. “Okay! Okay.”

Spike approached at that point and received the ball from them. He wandered around the room in thought, switching directions several times as he went. Finally, he said, “Hi, Twilight.”

“Hello, Spike.”

He clenched his teeth. “H-how have you been?”

Twilight kicked a hoof against the floor. “I’ve been… good! Great.”

“That’s good,” Spike said. “Since I... have the chance to, I gotta warn you about something. Something that’s going to happen in a few days.”

Sunset hummed. Oh, I see where he’s going with this.

After taking a quick glance back at the rest of them so as to drink in some support, he said, “There’s… gunna be a thing. I think you’ll encounter it in about five days. You’re going to run into this really scary thing. It’s supposed to be super powerful or something. And, as far as we know, you’ll be by yourself when you face it.”

Twilight frowned. “Spike…”

“Please, Twilight. Please. You need to get ready for it, so that it doesn’t…”

She continued to look up. She was momentarily expressionless and yet, in some way, she seemed to shrink. Her wings beat for just a moment as she shifted them about. Through shaky eyes, she finally smiled. “Okay, Spike.”

Spike frowned like a harsh skeptic, glanced between the mares around him, and swallowed. “You know about it already. Don’t you, Twilight?”

Her smile persisted but her eyes grew moist. “Yes.”

Spike shook his head in disbelief. “S-so, this is nothing new?”

With a look of longing, Twilight went over to the large window, basking in the sunlight that made it in. She glanced down toward the grounds below, studying a collection of guards as they relieved their squadmates of their shifts. “No,” she said with a pensive tone. “I’ve known since last night. I spent several hours trying to figure out what I’m dealing with. Which I have.” She paused. “I came up with a plan. I wasn’t sure about it earlier… But now? Now I know for sure what I need to do. I guess you probably already know what it is.”

Spike’s fingers squeezed nearly hard enough to crack the ball and he let out several deep and discontented breaths. With a frown, he let it out. “What?”

The mares stood their ground, firm in their stance as they readied themselves for what came next.

“In a few days’ time,” Twilight said, “I am going to take my own life.”

There was a long and pronounced pause.


Hairs from mane and coat stood on end as did some scales. The precursors of a cold sweat formed on their brows. Hearts throbbed more forcefully within their chests.

Sunset reeled. Had Twilight really just said that?

Twilight Sparkle’s frown grew increasingly deeper with each passing second of silence. Hesitantly, she turned, cursed her choice of words under her breath, and then looked back out at Canterlot again.

“What…” Rarity started, placing a shaky hoof on the ball, “w-whatever do you mean?” She spoke slowly, straining as she tried to force each word out.

“I am going to sacrifice myself to stop this thing. It is the only way.”

Rarity held a hoof over her chest as if it would help her catch her wind again. “...Why?”

“T-twilight,” Spike stammered, “I don’t understand.”

Tacitly, Twilight nodded. “I’m sorry. It’s… complicated. The whole situation is unfortunate. I… I…” She exhaustedly rubbed her face.



Spike swallowed. “We… we don’t know what you know. Look. I… I uh… I understand, that… you had to do what you did. But I don’t know anything about this thing you fought. Nopony knows anything about it except you. I just want to know what was so bad about this thing.”

Sunset agreed. But then why did she not? A nervous heat had overtaken her body and she shook. After something like that, she knew there was nowhere to go but down. Down, and down, and she was pretty sure they wouldn’t like what they found. But then that would have left Twilight alone.

After a few moments of reflection, Twilight nodded solemnly. “Okay. Okay. Then I’ll tell you what I can about the thing.”

The seven of them took their seats. Not that Twilight could see them or anything.

“I don’t have a name for it,” Twilight began, her voice soft, calm, and collected. “Maybe you do by now.”

“We’re just calling it the Nameless,” Spike offered.

“...Fair enough. This Nameless is a very powerful entity the like’s I’ve never heard before. And there’s nothing in the books I have. And I’m just guessing from what you’ve told me that it’s not in any other books either.

“But I have been able to glean a fair bit of information about it just from the glyphs inside the chamber.

“This chamber is deep within the caves under Canterlot,” Twilight explained, pointing in the direction of the mountain. “There’s a large chasm where not even the miners were able to build, but you can hop down it if you know where to go. It’s a mile or two down there, I think, but you’ll find a large door. This door opens to anypony that stands in front of it. Lodged in that door was where I found this ball,” she said, giving it a slight rap in acknowledgment.

“And you guys went to that place that night, huh?” Sunset asked, taking care to keep her distance from the ball.

The six others nodded silently.

“And then there’s a large, hemispherical room on the other side of that. It has to be at least the size of the castle back in Ponyville. Maybe even larger. Not sure. But there’s a lot of power there. I could feel it from the moment I entered.”

“We got that note from her and the map,” Fluttershy added with equal discretion. “We ran down there, but I think we were too late.”

“An’ it went from there,” Applejack finished.

“But the place is covered in glyphs,” Twilight continued with greater gusto as she thought about her findings. “So many symbols. It’s a very very old language but one I recognized immediately. I spent most of yesterday deciphering all of them. The place had a lot to say. It was really interesting.

“I have a pretty good idea of what I’m up against. I also know the mechanism on how this thing is sealed away, and how exactly that seal is broken.”

“And,” Spike said to the ball, “why is this Nameless so bad?”

Twilight’s breaths became panicked. She attempted to steady herself and catch her breath. Even once, she had to use her front hoof to push out a long sigh and then had to do it again. It worked for a second and then her trepidations came back with a vengeance and she was back where she started. “You don’t want to know. Please… trust me on this.”

There was not a sound from them.

The clops of Twilight’s hooves on the hard plaster floor echoed throughout the hall as she continued around the room. They momentarily subsided as she thoughtfully slowed around the hourglass, but when they came back, the reports were longer and more thoughtful.

“I already wish I could forget it,” she said finally.

Rainbow Dash surged forward at that point. “I think you should talk to us then!” she demanded. “We’ve been through a heck of a lot of things, Twilight. And I think we could take it down, just like we have every other time in the past. We can help you!”

“It’s not that simple!” Twilight hissed.

How is it not simple!?” Rainbow Dash argued.

“I need to tell you about the seal then.”

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. “Fine! We’re listening...”

“The seal is highly intricate. In fact, it works a lot like the door in that anypony can interact with the spell; not just unicorns.

“In addition to the spell that seals the door, the door is supplemented by a wide network of small stones. Most of them are underground, and they all contain bits and pieces of information about what’s in the door; information that I could use.

“But there are a couple of problems,” Twilight said with a huff. “For one, these things reek of power and, for all intents and purposes, they are untouchable. So that makes even collecting even one very difficult.” Her muzzle swished from side to side as she thought. “Although they might be depowered in your time, so maybe…”

The seven of them exchanged hopeful smiles.

Twilight shook her head. “But, for two, there are thousands of these things. Tens of thousands. And they’re all scattered across the entire world.”

The smiles immediately faded.

Twilight ran a hoof through her mane in frustration. “I could actually do something if I had all of that information! But instead… I’m stuck with...” She paused. “I might be able to kill this thing by tricking it into the door as it closes. I’m still thinking about that particular detail, though.”

“But won’t you die if you did that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight nodded solemnly. “Yes.”

Applejack laid a hoof on the crystal. “Why is it needed at all, Twi?”

“It’s… it’s the way this thing operates,” she said, straightening up again. “The door that seals this thing is not entirely perfect, and just from the fact that it was recorded, the whoever built it must have known it wasn’t perfect either.

“While the… what was it? Nameless. ...It can’t get through on its own, no. What it can do is get through with assistance. This thing tethers onto living things and uses their energy to eventually pass through the door.”

She let out a tired sigh. “I could feel it draining my power from the moment I stepped into that room, and even now, I am slowly growing weaker. I was tethered the moment I found that place.

“And, in a few days, it’ll have taken enough of my energy to make it through the door.”

“And you couldn’ at least tell us?” Applejack asked.

“Also no. The other part of it is it can make new tethers if I’m around any pony for any period of time. If I even spend any amount of time with you, you’ll be subject to its power too.”

“An’ why can’t we jus’ blast it with tha Rainbow Power like we did Tirek?”

“I, well…” She backpedaled. “I’m still not even sure how to use it correctly. ...It hasn’t exactly been consistent.”

Sunset groaned as several images of the Battle of the Bands came rushing back.

“Then let us at least join you at the door!” Rainbow Dash cried.

“Can’t,” Twilight asserted. “As long as it has at least one pony to tether to, it will always be able to get through.”

Rarity gulped. “You can’t seriously be suggesting—”

“It’s all or nothing, girls.” Twilight took a long, purposeful pause to let out a discontented sigh. “Do you really want me to ask you to die?”

Before Rarity could answer (she had even taken the breath to do so), Twilight shook her head. “Actually, never mind. But... even if I did, what if I accidentally bumped into somepony else? What if I accidentally ran into Sweetie Belle?”

Rarity found the air itself lodged in her throat. What came out instead was a long, desperate wheeze.

Twilight rubbed a hoof against the floor. “Or Mrs. Cake? Or Princess Cadance? Would I need to ask them to lay down their lives as well? And what if something goes terribly wrong and I’m exposed to hundreds? No, thousands?”

“For Celestia’s sake, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash thundered. “There has to be another way!”

“Believe me, Rainbow Dash, I’m trying to think of one!”

“Well try harder!”

“Yeah, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie blurted. “You can get this!”

“Indeed!” Rarity agreed.

“Girls…” Twilight winced.

“Twilight…” Fluttershy pleaded.

“You’ve got answers to everythin’. Ah’m sure you’ll pull through this too!” Applejack exclaimed.

“But…” Twilight gnashed her teeth together.

“Please, Twilight,” Spike whimpered, now on the verge of tears. “You have to! You just have to!”

Twilight Sparkle reared, spreading her wings to full length. “No!” she screamed, stomping the floor, “I can’t! Don’t you see!?”

It was as if the next heartbeat was skipped entirely. Most of them recoiled in dismay and surprise. Several hoofs flew to mouths in attempts to hush startled gasps. No one knew how to respond to that.

Twilight stood there in the center of her room, shocked by her own words. In fact, out of all of them, she was taken aback the most. She took many steps backward in horror as if she had just offended Princess Celestia to her face. She looked around the room, trying to gauge reactions that she would never see. Her knees wobbled and all of her features quivered.

Twilight buried her face within her hooves.

And then came the sounds. Even through a mask of hooves, Twilight’s cries were clearly audible.

Her body shook with each sob, and she slowly collapsed from the tall, regal form she had assumed before into a low and solitary lump on the floor.

Sunset felt a huge knot in her throat. The prostrate alicorn before her was a far cry from what she had ever imagined. Twilight was her better in all ways. Now she looked like a dog.

She had to hide her grimace. It wasn’t fair.

The others exchanged uncertain looks of astonishment which quickly melted into guilty frowns and slumped withers.

“Look…” Twilight said, standing slowly while wiping the tears from her eyes, “I don’t want anypony to die for my sake.

“And especially you, my dearest and closest friends. I am… just… so afraid,” she whimpered. “I’m afraid of losing all of you. I just… I can’t. I can’t put you at risk. You are all too important to me. I can’t even bear the thought of losing any one of you, and that’s exactly the risk I would be taking if we all went together.

“I know I can’t survive this by myself, and really this whole plan of mine is a bad idea, but…” she trailed off, looking at the ceiling forlornly, “it’s the best bad idea I have.”

No pony could even move. The seven of them sat there, letting idle tears flow down their faces.

“And besides…” Twilight croaked, hanging her head defeatedly, “in our world, time is fixed. It’s immutable. Whatever happened was always going to happen and, consequently, whatever happened can’t be changed. Is. Was. Will be.”

Sunset shuddered. And then she paused. She put a hoof to her muzzle in thought. Was that really true?

“Just the fact that you’re talking to me like this right now tells me everything,” Twilight continued. “It doesn’t matter what happens; I am going to die all the same. My fate is already sealed.”

“...Buck you, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash stammered, “Just… b-b-buck you.”

“Oh, T-twilight,” Fluttershy sobbed.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Twilight whimpered. “I am going to fail at being your friend. I…”

All of them held their breath. They looked down into the ball, following Twilight’s every movement.

Standing tall, Twilight took a deep breath and walked toward the window, levitating the ball closely behind her. She looked out over the rest of Canterlot and even reached out to touch it only for the glass to meet her. Freedom was mere feet away but entirely out of her reach.

“One time…” she thoughtfully began, “I was taught, that… yes. I don’t have all the answers. That if there are answers to find… She told me I can count on all of you, my friends, to find them.

“I’d imagine that she’s in the room right now.”

Several sets of asking eyes looked toward Sunset, and she nodded in meek acknowledgment.

Twilight closed her eyes resignedly. “I am going to die. But if… if you still have any suggestions… then I’m all ears.”

There were no responses. The six of them continued exchanging glances, trying to take solace in each other’s pain; to see if anyone else had even the briefest glimmer of an idea; to see if anyone else had the smallest notion on how they could help their best friend. None came.

Spike’s head fell on the ball in utter defeat. “Sunset Shimmer? Will you t-take this from me?”

Sunset startled, and then she nodded. “Uhm, sure. I can… do that.”

“Twilight… we’ll… need s-some time. Okay?”

“...Okay,” Twilight wheezed, her voice filled with disappointment and regret, “I understand.”

With that, Spike offered up the object. Sunset wrapped her opal-colored aura around the crystal ball and she gingerly took it from his grasp.

Spike slunk toward the stairs. “If you all need me,” he said, “I’ll be downstairs.”

Applejack started after him. “Actually, A-ah’ll come with ya,” she quivered, scooping up her empty teacup.

“Me too,” Rarity said in agreement.

The other three nodded in solidarity.

Five mares and a dragon slowly hobbled back toward the living quarters below. Sunset stood, watching their slow and labored pace; it was as if they were in no certain hurry to disappear. Only when they finally disappeared did she chance a forlorn look into the crystal ball.

Sunset felt like several daggers had been plunged into her chest. She could hardly believe that this was happening to Twilight. Had happened to Twilight. Her best friend was going to die and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Nothing.

Sunset heard the light tinkle of breaking porcelain from downstairs. Immediately after that came a crashing wave of wails and screams.