• Published 24th Mar 2015
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Chaos: the Age of Spike - Kaliann25

Discord retired from being the god of chaos, naming Spike as his replacement. With the CMC as his agents of chaos, this is a new age of chaos for Equestria: the Age of Spike

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Travels around the world stopping in other places

Travels around the world stopping in other places

For once Twilight felt relaxed on her home even if she had the entire Team of Chaos in her home; not only because the girls were planning their revenge against them, but also because for one time, they were doing something useful instead of planning their next attack. Homework.
Miss Cheerilee assigned each of the school foals to investigate a foreign country with a complete report and a presentation before the whole class. Rumble suggested they do something to avoid school at next day but between Scoots and Sweetie gave him such death glare that he better kept quiet the next of the afternoon. The girls still didn’t forgive themselves for the Blue Floyd’s disasters. And letting that aside, the rest of the evening passed pretty lovely and Spike even helped them a lot thanks to his former job as a librarian.

“Finally!” Announced Rumble when he started stabling his report. “This is what I call a waste of an afternoon”

Twilight couldn’t help but approach to the colt to scold him.

“Rumble! How can you say that? Studying is the most important thing you can do for you. An afternoon studying is not a waste but enrichment for the future. One day you’ll look back and say: oh, if it wasn’t for Miss Cheerilee’s assignment I wouldn’t…”

“I get it! Geez!” Sighed the Pegasus. “At least now I know more about Japony and kind off wish to there go but I can’t for the moment”

“Come on Rumble, is not that bad” said Apple Bloom with a smile. “And by the way, is almost pay day, right Spike?”

“Oh now that you mention it, yes it is” said Spike. “Is that what you want for this month? A travel to Japony? It sounds great, mostly because Rumble and I already know Japonese”

“Japony sounds good but I would like to visit somewhere else, like Equespaña” said Apple Bloom who precisely was investigating about that country.

“I don’t know, go see the pyramids from Mayan Classic Period in Maréxico sounds also pretty neat” sighed Sweetie. “Even go swim in a cenote”

“Or what about jump with kangaroos in Equastralia? Or even escape from a causerie!”

The comments about their dream vacations helped to relax after an afternoon of hard work. When Luna lowered the sun all the children had their assignments ready to deliver next day and again Spike truly lamented that Cheerilee didn’t allow him in the schoolhouse; he really wanted go see his friends’ presentations.

At the next day the Agents of Chaos went happily to school when they felt observed. They turned to see a colt they never seen before. He had beige fur, yellow mane and big eyes that were fixed on them. And when he noticed the Agents observed him, the colt made a small shriek and ran to hide in a bush.

“Okay…” mumbled Sweetie Belle.

Confused, Scotaloo approached to the bush the colt was hiding and awkwardly smiled to him.

“Ehem… hi?”

The colt looked at her as she was some kind of celebrity and mumbled a shy ‘hi’ before trot inside the schoolhouse at great speed.

“Creepy” said Sweetie. “But at least he really wants to start school”

But then they turned to Snips and Snails right behind them when the colts chuckled.

“What are you two laughing at?” Asked Apple Bloom. “Do you know that weirdo?”

“Yeah, he said his name is Fan Boy” explained Snails. “His family just moved here and he says he’s the fan number one of the Team of Chaos. He had a lot of drawings of the adventures he wants to have with you once you befriend him”

“Very well done!” Assured Snips.

The girls exchanged an uncomfortable look but luckily Cheerileee appeared announcing it was time to start school.
That was a strange day, what seemed it would be a normal day of school turned very creepy since they all felt the stare of certain colt watching every move they made. Wherever they try to hide, there was no use; they still felt Fan Boy’s look.

During recess the girls better go talk to him to make him stop, but Fan Boy didn’t listened, he was just looking at them fascinated, constantly touching them just to make sure they were real. He didn’t even cared when Rumble punched him on the chin; no, the weirdo just rubbed it and his creepy smile grew wider and began to drool looking at Rumble with true adoration in his eyes.

It was a blessing when the classes finished and they were able to return to their clubhouse/headquarters.

“Thanks Celestia is Friday!” Complained Sweetie Belle. “I swear I won’t be able to sleep if I have to see that kid tomorrow”

“Yeah, but let’s forget about him and keep working on our anniversary prank” smiled Scootaloo trying to ignore the penetrating eyes watching them walk away.

They managed to get to the Chaos Headquarters where they locked the door until Spike and Babs showed up.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” Smiled Spike. “How was your presentation?”

“Mostly fine but at the last minute we got nervous because of the weird colt that keep staring at us the whole day… that was awful”

Spike scratched his head and looked at Babs, who shrugged.

“You mean the colt who keep staring to the headquarters?” Asked the orange filly.

Immediately the CMC plus Rumble looked through the window. The Fan Boy guy was standing there just staring at his idols. When he noticed they were looking at them waved his hoof greeting them. Everypony, including Spike, shivered at this.

“How did he entered here? This is private property!” Said Apple Bloom when they hided again.

“Did he followed us?” Asked Scoots. “What’s wrong with this kid?”

Spike seemed to consider it.

“What if we take a picture with him and sign him an autograph? You know, something that makes him happy and leave us alone”

“You just met him” complained Sweetie Belle. “But you know what? You’re right, actually I’m surprised why didn’t we thought about it first!”

“Because he’s creepy as hell?!” Ironized Rumble. “But yeah, if an autograph will keep him away from us, let’s do it!”

So they got out of the headquarters to face Fan Boy.

“Hi!” Greeted Spike. “You’re Fan Boy, right?”

The kid shrieked in excitement and ran in circles (freaking out the agents) for a couple of minutes before he just jumped to hug Spike by the neck.

“I’m your number one fan!”

Spike smiled as he could (his friend were right, this guy was really creepy) and winked an eye to the colt.

“So I’ve heard. Fan Boy, I was wondering if you want to take a picture with us so we can sign it to you”

Fan Boy shrieked again and after running a lap around the headquarters stopped and looking at the agents pulled several pictures he secretly took them in the school.

“Cool, just what I need for my collection!”

The Team of Chaos gulped, this guy was passing from very creepy to really terrifying.

“I’m the only one having second thoughts?” Mumbled Babs.

Anyway they forced themselves to pose with the Polaroid Camera Fan Boy took out of nowhere and took the damn picture. Fan Boy shrieked in excitement for the last time and ran away much for the other children’s relief.

“So want to keep planning our anniversary prank?” Suggested Spike.


The kids returned to the clubhouse with newfound energy and started to work.
But after fifteen minutes they all shivered again and they all looked at the window, what was this feeling? Babs gulped and slowly opened the curtains only to see the Fan Boy peeking inside drooling all over the window.

“If you suggest we spend the day with him I swear we’re done!” Whispered Sweetie to Spike.

Spike gulped, not because of his fillyfriend’s threat but because of the kid’s eyes that seemed somehow empty. There was no time to lose, he snapped his fingers closing all the curtains in the headquarters and also blocking the windows with planks.
Of course that didn’t help, they still could feel the crazy boy’s presence waiting for them to show up and keep staring and staring…

“Spike, Sweetie, mind if I ask you to teleport us home for today?” Whispered Scoots.

“I’m begging you!” Joined Apple Bloom.

Spike nodded in silence and was about to activate his powers when Rumble’s hoof stopped him.


“Dude, don’t you see? He’ll stare us while we sleep, I know he will”

They all paled knowing Rumble was right. There weren’t any safe places if they stayed in Ponyville.
But suddenly Spike had an idea.

“And what if we go on vacation again? Somewhere really far away!”

The kids had to use all their self-control to not scream in excitement! That was it!
Once they had their triumph card they could relax even if it was a bit. So each one took the savings they kept on the headquarters (and just to be clear, it was a lot of money because of the salary Spike payed them) and without further preparation they used the emergency crazy door they had in the bottom of the clubhouse.

Outside the clubhouse, the Fan Boy kid was still drooling on the window when certain older sister came to see what was going on.
Applejack just looked at the kid but soon enough she smirked.

“A’ guess they won’t dare to go out after this, right?”

The kid turned to her with his empty dead-like eyes and put a hoof on the back of his neck like looking for something. Found it! Unzipping his colt costume, Discord laughed hysterically.

“Hahahahahahaha! I can be really disturbing if I want to Applejack. They just went to a vacation to escape from Fan Boy. It’s a shame he’s not the only fan they have!”

Applejack laughed and ran to the Palace, she didn’t want to miss the action. Discord kept laughing proud of himself, he didn’t felt that good since a long time ago; what a shame he retired already. But for a little while he felt back to his glory days.


Maredrid, a beautiful and modern city famous for its gastronomy, culture; and being the capital of the State of Equespaña, the city counted with the Central Government buildings, all the State’s ministries, Supreme Courts and such. It was also the fourth wealthiest city of Europony; and most important, it was thousands of kilometers away from Fan Boy.

“Great!” Said Scootaloo looking around. “Any ideas what can we do here?”

“Ey Apple Bloom, you investigated this place, right?”

“Oh yeah” mumbled the yellow filly. “For what I read we can go for some ‘cañitas’ but I have a feeling we’re too young for that. Oh I get it! What if we go see a Bull Fight?”

“A what now?”

“Oh, I’ve heard of that!” Cheered Rumble. “I’m in!”

“Isn’t that a little too violent for us?” Asked Sweetie Belle.

“No way! Ma’ Brother took me to see one in Apple Loosa, and it’s great! A’ want to see the real thing, Equespaña’s Bull Fights are famous all over the world!”

“Cool, let’s go!” Said Scootaloo.

So the group went to the famous Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas, the biggest Arena in Equepaña.

“Guys, who speaks Equespanish?” Asked Rumble.

Once again Spike snapped his fingers.

“Todos nosotros a partir de ahora”

The group entered and after receiving a weird look from the pony on the counter, they ran to their seats on first line ready to enjoy the show.

A referee (a very muscular bull) walked to the center of the arena and took a microphone and began (in Equespanish of course):

“Mares and gentlecolts! Cows and Bulls! Allow me to introduce you one of the biggest and most powerful fighters in the woooorld! With 791 kilograms de puro músculo… and three times campeón de los pesos pesados, here is: CUERNOS DE ACERO!”

An enormous bull jumped to the arena, showing his muscles to his impressed public while his coach put the gloves on his forelegs. Half of the stadium began to cheer up his name and Cuernos De Acero bowed while receiving all the support.

“En la otra esquina, champion two non-consecutive times his timeless rival… with 812 kilograms de mal humor… PIEDRA!

The other half of the stadium began to cheer the second giant bull, who took a polishing machine and brightened his horns and smiled evilly to Cuernos De Acero.

Both rivals positioned face to face while and the referee put a red cape between the both of them.

“I want a pelea limpia. No low attacks or thrusts”

Both bulls snorted at the restrictions but nodded. Then a very sexy cow, big and a little chubby with a tiny bathing suit covering her udders rang a bell starting the first round.

The two bulls charged to each other after the referee made an elegant veronica to elude the impact of two pairs of horns crashing to each other. The two of them tried to push its rival to a corner but being equally strong that was a problem, so they separated a little and began to throw punches to their rivals’ ribs, leaver and such.

On the seats the agents of chaos were looking at the scene a little uncomfortable seeing this wasn’t a show for all ages; but at least Apple Bloom, Rumble and Scoots were having fun.

“I didn’t know you liked this kind of events Apple Bloom” mumbled Sweetie looking how Piedra gave Cuernos De Acero a thrust to the right making him to lose balance.

“Of course I do! As I said, I always dreamed to see the real thing. We should came to Maredrid ages ago!”

But suddenly a small shriek was heard right behind them.

“Ostia! It can’t be! You’re the team of chaos!” Shouted the teenage pony.

The kids froze in their spot and turned.
The girl practically jumped towards them.

“Hombre, who would say I would find you here! Not only I’m here looking the pelea por el Campeonato but also I’m here with the lords of Disharmony and Chaos! It’s like my horoscope said, this day would be de puta madre!”

And suddenly she took a camera to take several pictures with them.

“Críos, do you think I can take a picture only with SpikeBelle?”

And before the two kids could react, she pulled them into a hug and called the attention of the pony at her left.

“Tío! Tío que le estoy hablando!”

The other pony turned to them.

“What’s wrong, carajo?”

“Hombre I just want you to take a picture with me and the Team of Chaos”

The guy seemed genuinely surprised but suddenly his eyes brightened.

“Dijsite the Team of Chaos? Ostia! After this I need your autograph, each one of you, porque mi hijo it’s your fan and if he realizes I met you and didn’t got him an autograph the kid will annoy me for a very long time”

The Chaos Six agreed but only to get rid of them, with some luck the situation couldn’t get any worse. Unfortunately…

“Cállense I want to see the fight! Ey, aren’t those the Team of Chaos?!”

And soon they were completely surrounded by a huge amounts of fans.

“Amos sus bromas!”

“Make food eat us instead!”

“Señor Spike, I was your primera vícitma maredrileña with your tomato attack!”

“Foto! Foto!

The kids were cornered, and the worst part was that the number of fans were only increasing. So Spike panicked and made an emergency teleportation, right outside the arena.

“Okay, that was unexpected” said Rumble.

“I’m glad we have fans but there must be a limit!”

One of the security guards of the Plaza looked at them.

“Autógrafo! Autógrafo!”

And at the moment the ponies coming from the Arena also spotted them.

“There they are!!”


And the kids ran away from the excited mass of ponies and bovines wanting a photo or an autograph. Soon they arrived to a small store and without thinking twice Spike touched the door with his claw and pushed his agents in before closing it.
When the ponies chasing them arrived they bumped into a normal gift store but the Team of Chaos were already really far away.

Back to the plaza the referee waved the red cape.

“With this the long rivalry between this toros termina hoy! Piedra defeated Cuernos De a… ¿where is everypony?”

The three of them, the referee and the two fighters just realized the Arena was empty.



“Emergency crazy door” explained Spike once they were safely back on a street.

Apple Bloom looked around noticing the canals around.

“VanEccia! We’re in VanEccia!” She cheered.

Spike nodded.

“Helping you with your homework gave me a couple ideas” sighed Spike in relief.

“For once education is the answer” mumbled Rumble.

“Whatever, this happened because we lowered our guard” said Sweetie. “We better activate our camouflage powers”

“Good idea!”

So they turned into grown ponies of different colors, even Spike took the precaution to transform into a pony as well.

The group began to walk around the beautiful city wishing they had a camera, but Spike preferred not to use his powers after what just happened and his team of course understood, being chased around by obsessed fans was not their idea of fun.
But suddenly Sweetie had an idea.

“Ey Spike, what don’t we take a trip in gondola? It would be a nice memory”

Spike looked at the gentle gondolier who was making signs towards them and smiled wondering why on earth he fell for Rarity first and not for Sweetie at the very beginning.

“Sure! It sounds like fun!”

“Okay, we’ll wait here unless… any of you have an idea?” Asked Apple Bloom.

Rumble nodded.

“Come on guys! We’re in Ponytaly! Let’s go eat something!”

“Sounds like a plan!”

So the Team of Chaos split: four of the agents went to the nearest restaurant and Spike and Sweetie got into a gondola for a romantic trip.

Rumble, Babs, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were lucky enough to find a place with a beautiful view to the canals seeing the gondolas going around while eating the authentic Ponytalian food.

“Sweetie look! Our friends are having fun!” Said Spike from their gondola waving one of his hooves to the disguised foals.

Sweetie Belle waved a hoof as well and their friends returned the gesture from the table, showing off the antipasti they just ordered.

“Pasta will be here in ten minutes! You better tell that guy to hurry if you want to eat some!” Shouted Apple Bloom.

The two in the gondola looked to each other but shrugged, all that mattered now was to relax after the two incidents with fans. But while they were mocking the other gondola passengers and keep fooling around as the children they were at the indulgent look of the ponies around, a mosquito flew right under Spike’s nose making him sneeze.
Strangely enough when he sneezed the illusion of him being a pony vanished showing him for who he was: the Lord of Disharmony and Chaos himself. Looking at him the gondolier almost lose his oar at the water.

“Sweet Celestia, is it true?! The two bambinos are our signores of chaos! Please allow me to take a picture with you please! And I guess this other signorina is the famous fillyfriend of Spike!”

Sweetie turned back to normal as well because of the nerves.

“I was right, molto benne! Now about that picture…!”

The two kids looked around seeing how the other boats were getting closer to them.

“Don Spike!” Said several ponies taking off hats and lowering their heads like waiting his blessing.

Somepony with a violin even played a solo, the theme song of a very famous play.

“Don Spike, Doña Sweetie, our company is happy to serve so distinguished person!”

“Doña Sweetie, I’m the Prima Donna of the Don Giovanni opera and I’ll be honored if you come to hear me singing. It doesn’t compare with vostra ability to control the mases with your beautiful voice but…”

“Don Spike, I wish to have your autograph!”

This was getting worse and worse. Even the gondolier seemed to consider something.

“I just remember they said hi to a group of bambinos in one of the ristorantes around here! Could they be the agents of chaos?”

Of course the mass of ponies noticed it was very plausible and soon a new group of crazy fans interrupted the other kids’ lunch, who just like Sweetie went back to normal because of their nerves at the attack of cameras, papers to sign and autograph. Several ponies also put their foals closer to them so they could kiss their foreheads. This was too much to handle.

From the gondola Spike and Sweetie teleported with their friends and after threw the bits to the table, they decided to run away; but the voice of them being in VanEccia was already spread and wherever they go they got intercepted by fans, fans and more fans.

A hoof appeared in a shady alley.

“Pst, here!”

The kids obeyed seeing that place was almost empty but they suddenly stopped when they saw what was expecting them: a group of ponies dressed in elegant black suits blocked their way and a pony who seemed like the boss, with white hair and a faint mustache, approached.

“I’ll make you an offer you cannot refuse. You’ll give me your autograph and in exchange…”

They didn’t allow Don Colteone to keep talking since Spike took a door aside them and opened it to disappear along with his friends.


Next thing the kids saw was a street full of beautiful teenage girls in maid outfits offering leaflets to every passersby they saw.

“Onegai shimazu! Visit our Maid-Café!”

“The bests eating challenges!”

“Onegai Shimazu”

Rumble almost faint for the excitement.

“Oh yeah, AKIBA! Every geek’s dream come true!

“Yeah” sighed Spike. “Now to the nearest cosplay store!”

At first the girls seemed confused, but then they understood: this place was famous for its quantity of manga stores, costume cafés (the Maid-themed ones were the most famous), videogames stores, electronics, etc.
So anypony will pay attention to a group of cosplayers, the idea was to hide in sight. So fifteen minutes later they were ready:

Spike (again transformed into a pony) was wearing a brown jacket with white pants and an exact replica of the 3D Maneuver equipment of Attack on Ponytan. Sweetie was wearing a sailor fuku uniform with red boots, blue skirt, a red bow tie, a golden tiara and blonde ‘meat-ball’ wig. Babs was wearing what it seemed like a maid uniform but instead it was an armor that looked like that; a ‘battle-maid’ whatever that was. Then appeared Apple Bloom dressed with an orange gi of martial arts with the kanji of turtle in the back. Scoots was wearing a long black trench-coat with two crossed swords on the back.

“I’m the only one who noticed the protagonists of Pony Art Online look a lot like Princess Luna’s captains of the guard?” She asked.

They couldn’t answer her since Rumble appeared wearing a gray jumpsuit with metallic shoulder pads, metallic skirt, metallic boots, a blonde wig and silver contact lenses; that and make-up that made him look like a girl.

“Seriously?” Sighed Sweetie with a sweat-drop on her temple.

“Yeah, I love Clay-Mare, is the best manga ever. Sadly there are not relevant male characters, but I don’t mind. I’m my favorite Clay-Mare warrior, Blood-Eyes Miata”

Nopony said anything to Rumble and they better started walking. Spike and Rumble were especially excited with this place but the girls only cared about being able to relax.

And suddenly a girl appeared right in front of Babs:

“Anata! Shashin o torimasu!”

Babs almost faint but Spike held her.

“It’s okay, this is normal for cosplayers!”

Said that he discretely touched her with his power to make her able to speak Japonese.

“Aren’t you Narberal Gamma from the Battle Maids? Shashin o torimasu!”

Babs sighed and nodded, at least this girl wasn’t a fan of the team of chaos.

They kept walking until suddenly the girl noticed something on the picture.

“Wait a minute, that haircut! Aren’t you Night Seed from the Agents of Chaos?”

The world seemed to freeze for a little but Spike did not panicked, he snapped his fingers releasing his power.

“Done! We have our costumes’ powers. NOW RUN!”

From Spike’s maneuver equipment two wires were shot to a building, propelling him to the roof allowing the dragon to run away shooting wires from time to time so he could jump between buildings. The agents nodded and began to escape each on their own way.

As the Battle Maid Narberal, Babs had flying magic so she ran through the air and when she reached a safe spot, she used her character’s especial power: she was a Doppelganger or shape-shifter so she transformed and began to walk between the croud. Damn, I lowered my guard because of this stupid costume! The only one who could got away with this was the idiot of Rumble and his crossdressing. Now what can we do?
A letter from Spike appeared before her:


Babs nodded and took the train, she better be as discrete as possible.

Rumble by his way decided to have a little fun with the situation and concentrated his new powers; using his enhanced strength he jumped to a roof, but still the crowd was about to catch him. No problem, he changed his eyes from silver to gold increasing more his speed and lost them in no-time; leading to the tower as Spike asked.

Sweetie was cornered, but didn’t fear. She was getting angrier every time and this time she did not hesitate in attacking the stalkers:

“Moon Tiara Action!”

And she threw her accessory hitting all the ponies around her and giving her the chance to escape with her Bishoujo Senshi Agility.

Apple Bloom only had to fly with her Ki to get as far as possible, refuging in a Taoist Temple and then, according with the tradition, threw some bits to the altar and rang a bell praying for some time to relax for her friends and her.

Scoots had more luck, using her newfound skills to sneak around as the black swordsman himself and soon enough she met with her friends at the tower. Spike sighed relieved to see everypony was okay and then he touched a door to transport them somewhere else.
When they opened the door first thing they felt was the tropical heat all over the place and then the jungle: beautiful and full of life.

LOCALS 10bits


“Guatemala” explained Spike. “I tried to get Maréxico but I’m just too tired.

“We understand, officially the worse day ever!”


Looking all the action through an enchanted mirror, the Mane 6 plus Discord laughed happily at the suffering of the Team of Chaos.
Discord only nodded very proud of himself.

“Oh and this is only the beginning. This kids won’t be able to relax anywhere, hahahahahahahahahahaha!”

Author's Note:

So ladies and gentlemen, I present you the Mane 6 revenge. What do you think?
When I originally wrote this chapter I tried to think original names for all the countries but I just couldn’t.
And why did they ended up in Guatemala? Well, I’m a Guatemalan and I just couldn’t left aside my country. I hope you liked it and:

Read ya’ later!

(Oh and if there’s any fan of bullfighting sorry if I offended you but remember bovines are an intelligent race in the MLP world, besides that sport is wrong)

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