• Published 20th May 2012
  • 55,280 Views, 3,907 Comments

Mirror's Image - Evilpresident

Twilight never was a unicorn. And she didn't even know it.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chrysalis was laying on her bed, her eyes closed as she concentrated. Her horn glowed and her magic grabbed onto the jewelry box underneath her bed.

The queen rolled over in her bed and waited as the case lazily floated towards her.

With a dull ‘thud’ the case was dropped onto the soft sheets of her bed.

“I haven’t opened this box in years and now I’ve opened it twice in twenty-four hours,” she said to herself as she fumbled with the sloppily applied locking charms. Usually she’d have put more effort into them but she hadn’t had the time yet to properly reseal the box.

This time it only took her three minutes to break the enchantments. The satisfying ‘click’ of the lock was the only thing heard in her room, besides her own steady breathing. There were no other Changelings around at this time, as Chrysalis had, once again, forcibly thrown them out.

She was a bit more careful with the contents this time, as she didn’t dump all of it onto her sheets.

“A picture of me and that traitor,” Chrysalis listed as she levitated the picture out of the box. She had no frame around at the moment, so she’d just chucked it in like that. A few other items floated out after the picture. “Mother’s wedding ring, dad’s pocket watch… ah, there you are.”

She grasped the three tiny boxes with her magic and drew them from the jewelry box. She quickly placed the other items back and put the box aside.

The three containers were about the size of ring boxes and were all colored differently: grey, brown and purple.

She opened the grey one. Inside the padded box laid a single green shard, with an odd silvery shine to it. It was the last part left of her first daughter’s egg.

Princess Crescent Star. Chrysalis had named her so, after the sickle-shaped cut in one of her little wings.

Chrysalis had loved her daughter so much when she was born. Despite her own mother’s warnings, she had kept her daughter with her. This turned out to be a mistake. Crescent was insatiable. Chrysalis had given her enough love to feed the whole hive and it still wasn’t enough.

Each and every day she was forced to watch as Crescent grew weaker and weaker. They had quickly burned through their reserves and Chrysalis was left to watch all of her children starve. It was too late to plant her daughter with a foster family and her other children were starting to die, the casualities quickly rising in numbers.

In the end, Chrysalis had to make a choice. One that she still regretted to this day.

She closed the box and swapped it with the brown one.

Chrysalis opened it and pulled out a second green shard. This one had an shimmering shine to it, which danced in the light that the crystals provided.

Princess Iridescence, aptly named, was the complete opposite of her departed sister. This time around, Chrysalis was prepared. In the days after her second daughter had hatched, she had searched for the perfect family.

She found it in Ponyville. This family had unknowingly lost their young child to SIDS and Chrysalis had switched the children before anypony noticed.

Chrysalis sighed. She had felt so horrible afterwards, having taken the still child from their parents and replacing it with her own. But it was a necessary evil, she figured. And she had spared the mother, father and brother the grief of finding their child like that.

And at first it seemed like she had found the perfect family. The mother and father were loving and the brother was protective of his little sister. And then there was the fact that the family was as rich as the sea was deep. That helped too.

Imagine her surprise when the family didn’t stay together. As the years went one, the pair drifted apart. After a series of conflicts about money, of all things, they got a divorce. Her daughter was juggled between the parents and was neglected by both of them. The lack of love and the abundance of hate caused her to wither away. It broke Chrysalis’s heart all over again, having been unable to save her.

She remembered it vividly, that evening. She had found the young colt, hanging on to his sister. He had loved her but it wasn’t enough…

Chrysalis had gotten her revenge though. She pulled a few strings, impersonated a few jury members and bribed a few officials. The couple was still in prison to this day and their fortune had found its way into their son’s possession. It was the least that Chrysalis could to for the young colt, besides ‘adopting’ him.

Again she closed the box and reached for the last one.

The purple one clicked open to reveal a similar shard. It was just as green as the ones before it, only this one had a golden shine.

“My sweet Amaryllis,” Chrysalis said as she levitated the shard out of the box and spun it around. “My heir.”

This time around, she had done better. She had done her research. Ten families were on her list, all over Equestria. But Night Light and Twilight Velvet stood out from the rest. Chrysalis had done some digging in their family history, which taught her that the Twilight mares frequently experienced difficulties with their pregnancy.

And that was just what happened with the real Twilight Sparkle. Chrysalis had pitied the poor creature. She never wanted such things to happen but it was an opportunity which she gladly took.

Leaving her little Amaryllis behind was hard. The wounds left by losing Iridescence and Crescent Star were still there, even after all those years. But this time around she had taken the necessary precautions. Her daughter was under constant supervision by two Praetorians. The silent guardians would look out for and protect her from anypony with bad intentions. They served as her eyes and ears in the family, keeping her informed of any problems that might rear its head.

The shard floated out of its box and onto her hoof. She rubbed it with her other hoof, the texture feeling as smooth as silk. Then she gently placed back and closed the case.

“At least one of my daughters made it to adulthood,” Chrysalis said to herself as she picked all three boxes up once more. They floated in a nonsensical pattern in front of her as she thought on them.

“One that I rejected, in favor of the hive.” She placed the grey box back. “With much regret.” She whispered as a tear started to run down her cheek.

“One that they rejected over something more valuable to them.” She spat as the brown box was placed next to its counterpart. More tears followed the path of the first one.

“And one that rejects me and her kind.” With the third and last box set in place, she closed the jewelry box once more.

“But…” She rubbed a hoof over her cheeks to wipe away the tears. “She just needs time. And she did promise to come back.” Chrysalis allowed a smile to grace her face. “And she will become a proper queen, once she realizes what is best for the hive.” The jewelry box floated upwards, a loud click telling her that it was sealed once more.

She applied various hexes and charms on the box, as usual. Satisfied with her sealing skills, she returned the jewelry box to its place under her bed.

“So I’m not a complete failure,” Chrysalis said to herself with a smirk as she got off the bed.


“Wake up, you lazy bum!” Twilight nudged her brother a few times. She had generously allowed him to sleep in her bed, mainly because he refused to get off once he settled down on it. At least he was snoozing peacefully right now. Much to Twilight’s chagrin though, as she had been attempting to wake her brother up for the last ten minutes or so.

Twilight momentarily stopped badgering her brother and moved a hoof to her mouth as she yawned. She didn’t get much sleep. Shining Armor hogging her bed was one of the reasons. It didn’t help that the young stallion seemed oddly pleased with himself as he stretched and rolled around, trying to get comfortable in what was supposed to be her bed.

The other reason was that which she had seen during the night.

To Twilight, it was a serious crime. It was wrong, immoral and went against everything she stood for. To snuff out memories, feelings and ideas just like that didn’t sit well with her. It made her feel sick to her stomach.

She trotted over to the mirror. During the queen’s tour of the hive’s many, many hallways (and the occasional room), the mirror had been replaced. Not a single shard of glass was left and the placing looked like it had been done by a professional.

Twilight found it odd, to have such a large mirror embedded into the wall. It seemed so very out of place to her. But that didn’t stop her from being drawn to it from time to time.

She looked at her reflection. Twilight was finally coming to terms with the fact that this was her form now. No more purple coat or stubby horn. Those were gone now.

But as much as Twilight admired her new reflection, it also scared her. As if it were some kind of beast, hiding behind the pane of glass. Watching and waiting for the opportune moment to strike and grab her, pulling her from her world and into its own.

“Ha.” Twilight let out a dry laugh. “I inherited her good looks after all.”

The creature inside the mirror was an odd one, Twilight figured. She found that she still looked the same as when she was a pony, only now someone had changed her color palette and added and replaced a few parts.

She rubbed her muzzle. Unlike the queen she still had her softer, rounder head. Would that change in time? The vision that Twilight had been forced to watch proved that Chrysalis had been the same size as she was right now.

She looked down at her own legs, wondering what it would be like to look Princess Celestia in the eyes for a change, instead of having to look up to her both literally and figuratively.
That thought lead to another and made Twilight feel a bit gloomy. “Will I even be able to look her in the eyes, after all this?” She looked at her hole-riddled hooves. “I know in my heart that the princess would never do such a thing… but that dream…”

She sighed. As far as Twilight knew, Princess Celestia was the least of her worries. She was more concerned about what her parents would think. How could they love her, knowing that she wasn’t their real daughter but a replacement?

A knock on the door startled her a bit, breaking her chain of thought.

“The door’s open!” Twilight called out, her worries momentarily forgotten.

The door swung open. A drone walked in and bowed before Twilight. “My princess.” he said, not daring to look up at her.

Twilight did not like that. This drone could be her brother and yet he was nearly groveling at her feet. “Stand up , please.”

The drone did so, raising back to his hooves. “The queen wishes to speak with you, before you go,” he said with a hint of sorrow in his voice. He still kept his head down though, much to Twilight’s annoyance. “I am to escort you to her chambers.”

“Very well.” If it were up to Twilight she’d just head home without seeing the queen first. But she knew that was a bad idea. And despite their differences, Twilight did want to get to know her birth mother. Just not until after she had sorted things out with her family and friends.

“Take me to her,” she said to the Changeling.

The Changeling nodded. “Of course, my princess.” He turned around walked back out through the open door. Once through, he moved beside the door, holding it open and waiting for Twilight to pass through.

“Thank you,” Twilight said as the Changeling closed the door behind her. She didn’t like leaving Shining Armor alone but she figured that the sooner she met with the queen, the sooner they’d be on their way back home to Canterlot.

“Follow me,” the drone said.

Twilight did so, traversing the winding passages of the hive once more. She still had no idea as to what was where. It seemed like the Changeling home was made of nothing more than hallways connecting to hallways.

Eventually they came to a door that was familiar to Twilight.

The door opened before she could knock. “My dear daughter,” Chrysalis said as she saw Twilight standing in front of her door.

“You wanted to see me?” Twilight asked.

“I did,” Chrysalis said. “Come, walk with me.” She walked away, ignoring the drone that had brought Twilight to her.

Twilight wanted to groan but kept her frustration to herself.

The queen either didn’t notice her annoyance or simply didn’t comment on it. Without a word she escorted Twilight through the hallways, again.

Princess Twilight was starting to get sick of seeing the same dreary walls over and over again. Right now, she’d give her left front hoof for a decent point of reference and her right back hoof for a map. Where was a cartographer when you needed one?


Blueblood desperately tried to refrain from sneezing. Such things are for commoners, not princes, he told himself. Unfortunately for him, his nose thought otherwise.

“When’s the last time you cleaned up in here?” Blueblood demanded as he grabbed a handkerchief and blew his nose. “These scrolls are covered in dust!” he scolded the librarian. “Take some pride in your work and clean up!”

The librarian, a grey Unicorn, shrugged. “Just living up to my name, your highness."


“I’ve been thinking,” Twilight said, breaking the silence that clung to the air. Nothing else could be heard, besides their hooves striking the ground.

“Yes, and?” The queen asked curiously, though she obviously knew what Twilight wanted to talk about.

“I think it’s wrong,” Twilight said. “To punish your subjects, I mean. You shouldn’t have to resort to violence to prove a point.”

“I thought that I already explained that: Changelings learn best through punishment and reward,” Chrysalis reminded her. “And I prefer to reward. What you saw last night was a rare occurrence. That drone lost her charge, mere seconds after I had ordered her to take good care of that nymph. We’re lucky that he wandered back to us. He could just as well have escaped the nursery and fall down one of the many chasms in this place.”

Twilight failed to come up with a good response to that. “Still, I think it was too harsh.” That was all she managed to say on the matter before Chrysalis shrugged her comment off and continued walking.

The awkward silence returned quickly as neither of them spoke to the other, despite knowing there was an unresolved issue between them.

Eventually Chrysalis opened her mouth. “Are you still sore about what you saw last night?” she asked. Of course, she knew that Twilight was still bothered by it. Her daughter was broadcasting her thoughts again. Chrysalis was a tad disappointed: Twilight had been more discreet with her emotions last night but now Chrysalis could pick up on them just like before.

“The corporal punishment or the pod-ponies?” Twilight asked, though she obviously knew which one the queen was alluding to.

“The converts,” Chrysalis clarified. “I assume you’re upset about them?”

Twilight nodded. “Very upset. To me, it seems like you’re killing ponies by doing that to them. If I understand this properly, by converting them you strip away their personality, their emotions, their pain and their dreams. Am I correct?”

Chrysalis nodded. “Indeed you are, my dear. It’s not pretty, I know. But it needs to be done. If not for our sake, then for theirs. They get a home and we get food, it’s a win-win situation.”

“Or so you say…” Twilight rubbed her chin in thought. “But I just can’t support what you do. It feels like murder.”

Chrysalis ground to a halt and turned to her daughter. “Then call me that to my face.” The queen said calmly as she leaned closer to Twilight. “Call me a murderer.”

“But isn’t it? Murder, I mean.” Twilight countered. She refused to be intimidated by the queen and leaned in as well. “Don’t you destroy that pony’s personality? Their dreams? What is a pony without their dreams?”

“A Changeling apparently,” Chrysalis answered. “And who says that they don’t have dreams? They all long to be one with the queen, after all.”

“And then what?” Twilight asked. “What happens afterwards?”

“That, my dear daughter, is a very good question,” Chrysalis admitted. “One that I do not have the answer to.”

Chrysalis had always thought of that as the next generation’s problem. She’d be gone and forgotten long before the hive reached that state of mind. Or so she hoped.

Twilight sighed. “Look, all I want to know is if there’s anything to a Changeling’s life. From what I’ve seen so far, it’s eat, sleep, serve the queen and princess and that’s about it. I haven’t seen anything here that suggests that they do anything else, besides the library perhaps.” Twilight gritted her teeth. “But I doubt I’ll find many Changelings checking out books there.”

“While that may be true, it does not matter,” Chrysalis said. “The Changelings are happy. They are fed, they are safe. Those are the only things that do matter to them.”

“That’s it?” Twilight asked incredulously. “Nothing more than that? Eat, sleep and that’s it? What’s the purpose of such a life?”

“There’s a purpose to life?” Chrysalis asked, faking incredulousness. “Those are the basics of any life, whether it’s pony, Changeling or any other animal. It always comes down to that.”

“What’s wrong with wanting more than that?” Twilight asked. “What’s wrong with wanting to do more in life than just live to see another day?"

“Because it’s not what we want, it’s what they want,” Chrysalis said. “This is what the Changelings want. They want simple lives, they like being controlled, they want to be free from such things.” Though Chrysalis had to admit that her children had some odd quirks that didn’t fit in with that image.

“It just feels so pointless,” Twilight stated her case again. “You’re a writer, surely you’d want them to be able to read and enjoy books, right?”

“Again, it’s not about what you want,” Chrysalis said playfully. Her daughter just didn’t seem to get it. “They can read but they only read instructions. They don’t like using their imagination, for anything other than to serve the hive, and they just don’t like books.” She shrugged. “I got over that a long time ago. It’s easier to accept that they don’t want anything to do with those kinds of things. Just go with the flow.”

“And drown in the current? No thank you.” Twilight stomped her hoof in frustration.

“And what would you do?” Chrysalis asked. “Force them to read? Maybe you’ll be able to tape a paintbrush to one of their hooves and make them draw. Face it Ama- I mean, Twilight. Face it, they don’t want to be creative. Ask any Changeling, they’ll all say the same.”

Chrysalis frowned. This conversation was turning very familiar, very fast. Only now the roles were reversed.

“I know it’s hard at first. Learning of your true heritage, discovering all of this.” Chrysalis moved a hoof around, indicating the entirety of the hive. “And discovering that you will become the ruler of a species so unlike ponies. You were raised as one but you will have to break away from your little pony ideals and little pony dreams.”

Twilight stayed quiet, which Chrysalis took as an invitation to continue. “Right now you’re probably thinking that when you return to Canterlot, that you’ll be able to pick your life up from where you left off.” She began to pace around her daughter in a slow circle.

“That nopony will be bothered by your heritage. That your friends will be understanding and will embrace you anyway,” Chrysalis continued, having just circled around her daughter. She stopped right in front of her and looked her in the eyes.

“But you will find that the ones you love will leave you, that your friends will forsake you and that the one you once trusted with your life will rip out your heart and incinerate it, leaving nothing but a twisted and blackened mess.” Chrysalis knew that she was overreacting but she wanted to make her point clear. She hoped that, unlike herself so long ago, Twilight would accept her mother’s words as truth and that she would not return to Canterlot at all.

But she knew better than that and Twilight was quick to confirm her suspicion.

“Even if that turns out to be the truth,” Twilight started, having found her voice again. “Even if my friends might forsake me, I have to know for sure. If I don’t go, then I’ll never know.”

She walked over to the queen with a soft, compassionate smile on her face. “I saw your memories, remember? I saw the pain that… Celestia caused you. I don’t want to believe that that was true but I need to find out for myself.”

Chrysalis nodded. “I did not mean to upset you my dear,” she said with an apologetic undertone. “But it’s best that you know what could happen when you go back there.” Chrysalis sighed before admitting something to both herself and her daughter. “And now I’m starting to sound like my mother. She gave me the same speech so many years ago.”

“Is that a bad thing?” Twilight asked, curious about her other grandmother. She had only known her grandma Twilight Twinkle for a few years, before the mare left to join grandpa in the Elysian fields. And she had never even seen her grandparents on her father’s side. “What was she like?

“Didn’t I tell you that she sealed me into a cocoon when I wanted to go back to Canterlot?” Chrysalis asked.

“You did,” Twilight said. Part of her wanted to laugh at the mental image of a filly Chrysalis inside one of those cocoons. But the rest of her knew the reality of what went on inside those contraptions.

And despite Twilight’s hardy appearance, the words of the queen had struck her deeply. She knew that the queen would ask her to stay once more. But now, having heard the queen’s thoughts on the matter, Twilight was even more determined to return home.

Because Twilight had to prove the queen wrong.


“I sent some drones ahead to pick up your brother,” Chrysalis said as they came to a large door. It was made of a crude looking metal and looked very heavy indeed. Twilight figured that it must have been taken from somewhere else and repurposed, as the hinges looked beat and the door didn’t entirely fit the doorway it was in.

Twilight could see light shining in through those cracks. Sweet, warm daylight just waiting out there for her. The ever-present blue shine of the gems just didn’t do it for her.

“Shining Armor?” Twilight called out. The white stallion was standing at the gate, flanked by two drones.

The stallion didn’t respond but he did react to Twilight’s voice. He turned to face her with a tired smile on his face.

“You might want to take him to a hospital,” Chrysalis said, trying to sound concerned. “Once you get back in Canterlot. Tell them to stuff some chocolate down his throat. It’ll help.”

Twilight’s ears perked up. “Chocolate?” she asked, her tone suddenly very enthusiastically.

Chrysalis brought her hoof to her face and let out a sigh. “Yes, chocolate. The stuff every Changeling goes gaga over. There’s something in there that’s nutritious to both Changelings and ponies in his position.”

Twilight didn’t seem to be paying attention though, as her mind wandered back to the incident with MMMM cake and that delicious looking Chocolate Mousse Moose. There was a reason that nopony had left Twilight alone in that cabin at any time.

Chrysalis stomped her hoof, snapping Twilight out of her fantasy. “I assume you still want to go back to Canterlot?”

Twilight nodded.

“I thought so. Very well, follow me. We’re stepping out into the Wastelands.”

The door opened without a word. Two Behemoths were struggling to pull it open. Twilight could hear them groan from the other side.

Inch by inch, the gate swung open. Twilight had to shield her eyes from the sun at first. Her eyes had adapted to the little light inside the hive and being exposed to the sun like that hurt a little.

It didn’t take long for Twilight’s eyes to adjust though. But actually, Twilight had wished that they hadn’t. Up close, the Wastelands were even worse. Up at the top of the hive, she could at least still see Canterlot a bit. Down here, everything reeked. The sulfur scent, that was devoid in the hive, was everywhere outside. Twilight felt a little nauseous from the pungent stench.

And even down here, Twilight could see nothing alive in their land. No trees, other than a few dead and twisted monstrosities here and there. No grass sticking out through the layer of ash, no shrubberies, no nothing.

“Depressing, isn’t it?” Chrysalis asked. “Though it grows on you after a while.”

“I don’t think anything will be growing here any time soon.” Twilight kicked a loose rock and send it plummeting into a pile of ash. The powder was thrown around by the impact, before settling down again.

“Well, it does make for a near-perfect defense,” Chrysalis said, pointing out the obvious. “Nopony can get in here without a breathing charm.”

Twilight looked around. “Why did we come out here?” she asked.

“We’re sending you home,” Chrysalis reminded her. “And the easiest way is through here.” She pointed at a seemingly inconspicuous boulder. “Move it,” Chrysalis ordered.

One of the Behemoths that had opened the gate rushed over to the boulder and slammed into it. The grey stone rolled a good distance away, revealing a perfectly round hole underneath.

“Can you fly down there on your own?” Chrysalis asked as she took to the air herself. “Just try and spread your wings. You just need to glide down.”

“I can try,” Twilight said, though she didn’t sound as confident as she wanted to.

Chrysalis nodded and dove into the hole in the ground. Twilight walked up to the hole and looked down. It wasn’t terribly deep but Twilight had absolutely no experience with flying. Nervously, she attempted to open her wings. Much to her surprise, her wings did as she wanted them to.

“Here I go…” Twilight closed her eyes and jumped. And of course Twilight only realized this after she jumped.

“Aah!” Twilight screamed as she floated down into the tunnel.

She was going to crash! She was going to crash! She- landed softly next to Chrysalis, who was rolling her eyes. “Drama queen,” the real queen said. “If floating down twenty feet makes you scream like a little nymph, I can’t wait to see how you’ll take to real flying.”

Twilight glared at her. “I didn’t even have wings until recently, you know. Can you blame me for being a bit apprehensive?”

“No, I suppose not,” Chrysalis admitted. Without a word she continued down the tunnel. Twilight waited a few minutes for the drones to lower Shining Armor down as well before following the queen.

Chrysalis was waiting for her a bit further down. “You’ll love this,” Chrysalis said.

Just up ahead was a large room. Glowing crystals littered the walls and in the center of it stood a chariot. “Fit for a princess,” Chrysalis said with a dramatic wave of her hoof.

The chariot looked rather frail, much like the Changelings themselves. It was black and didn’t seem very royal at all. “Okay, I’m sorry. I lied. But it gets the job done,” Chrysalis said. She pointed at the tunnel on the opposite side of the one they came in through. “We rarely, if ever, use this passage. It’s not suited for larger groups, since it ends up near Canterlot.” Chrysalis had preferred to use this passage to transport her daughter home at first but it would have drawn way too much attention.

Eight Changeling drones popped up and ran to the front of the carriage. They worked their ways into the harnesses and soon they were ready to pull the wagon.

“Help our dear guest in,” Chrysalis ordered the two drones that were escorting Shining Armor. They nodded and guided the white stallion towards the carriage. One of them opened the door while the other one tried to push Shining Armor in. Said stallion responded by sitting down and refusing to budge.

Chrysalis watched the scene with some amusement before turning to her daughter. “Before you go, I have some… things to give you,” she said with a smile on her face, sans fangs this time. “To make up for not being there all those birthdays and Hearth’s Warming Eves.”

A pair of Behemoths walked towards the royal pair, both bearing a large chest on their back. They gently lowered the valuable containers and placed them in front of Twilight.

“Open it,” Chrysalis egged her on.

Twilight looked at the two chests. Both were made of wood and iron and looked rather old. She randomly picked the left one and tried to open it with her magic. Unbeknownst to her, her horn glowed more green than purple as she fiddled with the lock. The two colors shifted and changed, bled into each other before separating once more. They seemed to be ever-changing but the green was slowly but surely taking over. Chrysalis noticed this but failed to comment on it, wishing for Twilight to discover that little change on her own.

The lock popped open with a rather dramatic ‘click’ and Twilight wasted no time in lifting the lid.

Twilight figured that the queen knew what her daughter liked, so she wasn’t surprised to see the chest stuffed with books.

“A few diaries from your ancestors and some Changeling spell books,” Chrysalis explained the contents of the chest. “I’m sure you’ll find something to your liking in there.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said with a smile on your face. “What’s in the other?”

“The scroll, Queen Flutterheart’s journal and some other books. And I slipped some chocolate in as well.” Chrysalis reacted instantly and batted Twilight’s magic away from the second lock. “Save it for later. You have a big day ahead of you and if my experience is anything to go by, you’ll need a lot of comfort food afterwards,” she advised her daughter.

Twilight scowled for a few seconds, before her expression softened. “Thank you,” she said. “I… I know we have our differences and that I barely know you… hay, I don’t even know your name…” Twilight said nervously. “You never told me.”

“It’s Chrysalis but you, my dear daughter, can call me ‘mom’,” Chrysalis said with a hopeful tone to her voice.

“I-I can’t do that,” Twilight looked down. “I’m sorry but you’re- you’re not my mom. Twilight Velvet is.”
Chrysalis looked rather hurt by that statement. Just for a split second though as she knew that was to be expected.

“But…” Twilight continued. “Just give me some time. I do want to get to know you better, you and my new fami- where did they just come from?!” She finished with an incredulous question.

Somehow the room had filled up with Changelings while she and Chrysalis were chatting. Behemoths of various sizes, various soldiers and a ton of drones. There were even some Praetorians without their camouflage on. Some of the drones had nymphs with them too, riding on their back. Twilight did a quick sweep of the room but unfortunately failed to find the little guy from the night before.

“They just wanted to come say goodbye,” Chrysalis said with a genuine smile. “They’ll probably be down about for a while. But they’ve waited for eighteen years to see you, a few weeks more won’t hurt them.”

“Right… weeks.” Twilight wasn’t sure if she’d be back so soon though. “Anyway, like I was saying: I do want to get to know you all properly. But first I need to sort this thing out, okay?”

Chrysalis nodded. “Of course, my dear daughter,” she said. “May you have more luck with that than I did.” The queen obviously had her doubts about that and was wondering how long it would take for her daughter to come running back to her and the hive.

Twilight was unaware of her mother’s true thoughts on the matter. She just nodded and walked up to the carriage. Somehow the two drones had managed to wrestle Shining Armor into his seat, where he now sat contently looking out the window. “We’re going home, B.B.B.F.F.,” Twilight said with a smile.

She waited patiently as the two Behemoths lifted the two presents from Chrysalis onto the roof of the carriage. One of the chests chirped angrily at being tossed around like that, thought that complaint fell on deaf ears.

The two drones that had been escorting Shining Armor leapt onto the roof and secured the chests, making sure that they could not move around or fall off.

Twilight noticed that they were done and opened the door to the carriage. Before she could get on, Chrysalis stopped her. “I forgot one last thing,” she said as she lowered her horn to Twilight’s.

A green glow surrounded Twilight, which quickly erupted in a flash of blinding light.

Twilight looked at her hooves. They were purple! And they didn’t have any freaky holes in them!

“Your disguise,” Chrysalis clarified. “We never did get to practice more.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said.

“Be warned though: it won’t last for long,” Chrysalis warned her. “Two days, maybe three if you’re lucky. After that, you’re on your own. Don’t get startled either. That will undo the disguise.”

“I’ll be careful,” Twilight assured her. “Goodbye, Chrysalis. I’ll see you soon, I think.”

“I hope so, my dear,” Chrysalis said sincerely. “Read those books I gave you. There’s a lot of spells that only Changelings can perform, as they’re fuelled by love instead of magic. So try to feed at times, to keep your energy up. Trust your instincts, there’s not much to it. Be careful and know that your mother and your family loves you very much.” Chrysalis found herself to be rattling, much like a mother sending their foals out on their own for the first time.

Chrysalis just wished that her daughter would stay just a bit longer. She still had so much to teach her. And even though they had spent a lot of their time together arguing, Chrysalis was glad to have a sensible pony to talk to.

Twilight nodded. “I know.” She wanted to say the same to her and the rest of her family but love just didn’t form overnight as far as she knew.

With that last bit of advice given, the once again purple mare jumped into the carriage and settled down next to her brother. “We’re going home, B.B.B.F.F.” she said with some enthusiasm, though she remained torn on the inside.

Chrysalis nodded and gave the Changelings pulling the cart the signal to run.

And run they did.

Chrysalis, along with the rest of the hive that managed to fit in the cave watched as their princess left them once more.

A Praetorian landed next to Chrysalis. “Are we really letting her go alone, my queen?” he asked her in a raspy voice.

Chrysalis glared at him, causing the guard to cower before her. “Of course not!” she yelled. “You best start running, you just missed your ride.”

It took the Praetorian a few seconds to get what she meant. His eyes widened and he ran off without a word.

“You, go with him.” Chrysalis pointed at another Praetorian. The silent guardian saluted her and ran after his comrade.

Chrysalis looked around her. All the Changelings there were staring at the tunnel, hoping that their princess would turn around and come back.

“All of you, return to your posts!” Chrysalis called out, tearing them from their daydream and sending the Changeling mass scrambling to get out of the cavern and back to the hive.

Chrysalis waited patiently for the Changelings to evacuate before turning to a drone standing next to her. “I have prepared instructions for the Harvesters in Ponyville,” she said. “You will go to my chambers and take the scrolls on my desk to them immediately. And don’t get caught this time,” she warned the drone.

The Changeling gulped and nodded furiously before scampering off.

Chrysalis groaned as she made her way back to the hive as well. That drone infuriated her at times. She was the reason that Canterlot had been under lock-down, having been caught by a group of guards. They had actually just stopped her, in the hopes that she’d buy a card for the royal guard’s charity ball but they quickly turned suspicious of her. Some of her drones just weren’t terribly good at acting naturally. Luckily she had gotten away, though not without losing her cargo.

The only reason Chrysalis didn’t keep her grounded was that she was the fastest convert she had ever had under her command.

Still, that didn’t take away the fact that she had made things overly difficult for Chrysalis in Canterlot. Luckily those nimrods that called themselves scientists had been unable to crack their language. Who knew that the Changeling’s ability to pick up on pheromones on a piece of paper would be the key to their code?

The drone remained on Chrysalis’s mind even as she flew out of the tunnel and into the Wastelands. She had been slightly dishonest with Twilight. Changelings did enjoy being creative. But like she had told her daughter: they only like it when they were disguised and when it was to serve the hive. They had to be, how else would they mimic a pony? After all, a pony that looked like a pony but didn’t act like one would be deemed suspicious.

And of course, there were the hats. Chrysalis never did understand why they were so fascinated by something as meaningless as headgear. But that was the least of her worries.

Right now she was more worried about the Harvesters that she sporadically send out into Equestria. She’d completely sever a drone or a soldier’s connection to the hive and send them to infiltrate small villages or towns. Being separated would cause them to become independent for a while, an individual. Chrysalis knew how much they disliked that but it helped them fit in with the ponies so much better.

And the amount of love they’d bring back was always a nice supplement to the love she’d get from the cocoons. Before she began utilizing Harvesters, she had taken to ‘saving’ more than a few dozen ponies per year.

Chrysalis always found it to be strange that nopony made a big deal out of the kidnappings. There had been years that her Changelings kidnapped well over a hundred ponies. Mostly travelling nomads or runaways but it still struck her as odd.

Though it was obvious that they didn’t need that much love. But as a young queen, Chrysalis had been terrified of running out of food for her children. And love didn’t spoil. But she couldn’t keep those ponies turned Changeling locked in their cocoons for very long either, so much of the gathered love was lost because of that.

But thanks to the Harvesters they didn’t need as many ponies as before, which in turn lowered their chances of getting caught even more.

Besides, the Harvester’s discomfort would only last for about two months before Chrysalis would call them back and reintegrated them into the hivemind. She had learned the hard way that she shouldn’t keep them away for too long. Her children would grow uncomfortable by being separated but in time that feeling would evolve into utter and total despair.

Her children would feel abandoned and their bodies would simply shut down, not knowing what to do anymore. Chrysalis had learned this the hard way, having arrived just too late to save that one Soldier’s life…

Chrysalis looked up at the sky. Her delivery drone was flying overhead at high speed, now disguised as a brown Pegasus with a black mane.

She made herself no illusions, the stunt she pulled off in Canterlot was sure to have some consequences for her kind. Her Harvesters would need to be careful as not to draw attention to themselves.

But ponies were quick to forget. They’d just need to lay lower than usual and in a few decades ponykind would have forgotten that they even existed.

Unless, of course, something else went phenomenally wrong. But Chrysalis was confident that such a thing wouldn’t happen.

Maybe she’d send a few more Praetorians with her daughter, just to be safe.


Twilight looked out the window of the speeding carriage. Not that there was much to see outside. Other than the occasional glowing gem there wasn’t much interesting to behold. Twilight did, however, notice that the tunnel they were in was obviously hoofmade. No natural underground passageway would be so straight.

“I’m so confused, Shiny,” she said to the passive stallion next to her. “What do you think I should do?”

Shining Armor looked at her and tilted his head, not quite understanding what she meant.

“I hope the doctors can fix you up,” Twilight said to herself. “because this is just-”

Twilight was interrupted by a sudden thud on the roof. Another one soon followed.

A Praetorian looked down the side of the carriage and in through the window. Twilight stared at him, until he suddenly blinked out of existence.

“Looks like we have guests,” Twilight Sparkle said, more to herself than to Shining Armor who had decided that now was the perfect time for a nap.

Twilight looked out the window again, wondering if that Praetorian was still hanging there or if he was sitting on the roof now.

The rest of the ride was rather uneventful. There wasn’t much to see either, just darkness and the occasional glowing gemstone to light the way that the Changelings followed.

Twilight was amazed at the stamina that the Changelings had. The journey had so far taken an hour and half, yet they showed no signs of fatigue.

Eventually they came to the end of a rather uneventful journey. Twilight preferred the train ride to Canterlot, at least then she had been able to look out the window. She had forgotten to grab a book out of the chests her mother had given her before leaving, thus leaving her bored to tears.

The Changelings came to a stop inside another room. It wasn’t as big as the one on the other side of the tunnel. Twilight figured that the carriage would have trouble turning here, it was that cramped. Somehow they managed it though.

One of the Praetorians on the roof leapt off and opened the door for her. “Thank you,” Twilight said as she got out. “Come on, Shiny.” She helped her big brother out.

“This way,” the Praetorian said, beckoning for Twilight to follow him. The other Changelings stayed behind as they worked to release themselves from the harnesses.

Twilight followed her guard, who led her and Shining Armor to the surface once more.

She blinked a few time to get used to the bright light again. And then she saw it.

“Canterlot!” she called out, before clasping her hoof over her mouth. That had come out in Rarity’s voice. “Oh no, you’ve got to be kidding me,” she said, still in the fashionista’s voice. She cleared her throat a few times and said some nonsensical words. Eventually her voice turned back to normal.

“I’m going to have to work on that,” she said to herself. “Could be fun at parties though.”

Twilight quickly returned to the situation at hoof. “Excuse me,” she said to her guard. “Could you do me a favor?”

The Praetorian’s look was one of confusion. The queen had never asked for a ‘favor’ before. She just gave orders, which he was more than happy to carry out. But he nodded anyway, not wishing to disappoint his princess.

“Great,” Twilight said. “Could you take my brother to the Canterlot hospital? Do you know where that is?”

The Changeling nodded. “Of course, my princess.” He bowed before her. “I will do as you ask.”

“Thank you.” Twilight still felt uncomfortable about the submissive gesture. Celestia didn’t like it either but she had learned to live with it. Twilight figured that she could do the same.

Twilight hated leaving her brother in the hooves of a Changeling but right now, she had bigger fish to fry. Figuratively speaking, of course. Twilight would hate to get scolded by Fluttershy for being so unkind to her fishy friends.

“All that’s left to do is-” Twilight stopped midsentence and facehoofed. Now she sounded like Fluttershy! “This is going to take some getting used to.” She sighed.


She eventually managed to get her own voice back. Shining Armor was now on his way to Canterlot as well, with the Praetorian disguised as a stallion that Twilight had never seen before. His coat was brown, as was his mane though that was a darker shade. His cutie mark was in the shape of an hourglass.

Twilight had given the Praetorian a short backstory to tell at the hospital, that he had found Shining Armor wandering around in the forest. It wasn’t much but he was to disappear as soon as he had dropped her brother off.

That left her with eight Changeling drones that were waiting for orders. “Just rest here until I come back,” she said to them.

The eight of them nodded in unison, before returning to the cave.

With all of that said and done, Twilight made her way to Canterlot. It wasn’t far from the cave they had ended up in which caused Twilight to wonder why nopony had ever noticed it. Or maybe-

Twilight stopped in her tracks as a big, brown grizzly bear stood before her. The bear looked at her curiously. She then looked left, right and behind her.

The bear burst into emerald flames, revealing that it was actually a Changeling. The Behemoth that stood there bowed before her princess. “I am sorry for startling you like that, my princess. Please forgive me,” the Changeling said with a low, yet feminine voice.

Twilight stammered, “That’s okay, no harm done.” Her disguise was still intact and that was all that mattered right now.

The Behemoth nodded and turned back into a bear and wandered into the cave, probably to do bear-related things, or at least pretend to do so.

Twilight was still a bit shocked though. She didn’t know that Changelings could turn into other creatures as well. Perhaps only the big ones could, she thought.

But she could worry about that later, because right now she had to head over to Canterlot, talk to the princess and try not to get banished in the process.


Twilight figured that it was around noon when she arrived in Canterlot. Studying under the sun’s mistress had taught her to read its movements. A nearby bell tower confirmed her thoughts. As she walked into Canterlot she did her best to seem inconspicuous. “Don’t mind me,” she whispered to herself. “Just a regular old Unicorn trying to make her way to the castle.”

She did notice a lot more guards in the streets, compared to the last time she visited. She didn’t know why just yet but she figured that it probably had something to do with the Changelings. The Changeling queen had been rather vague about what happened during the wedding and Twilight had other things to worry about at the time, so she didn’t press for answers, something very uncharacteristic of her.

Soon enough, Twilight arrived at the castle. It came to her as no surprise to find the castle entrance heavily guarded as well.

“Uh, hi?” Twilight said to the pair of guards in front of the closed gate. “I don’t suppose that you’ll let me in? I need to speak with the princess. It’s very important.”

“The princess will not see anypony today without an appointment,” the grey guard said. “Do you have one?”

“No,” Twilight said. “But I really, really need to see her, it’s important.”

“As important as it may be, you are not permitted to enter the castle.” He squinted his eyes. “You look familiar though.”

“Yes! I mean, yes. I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s personal student,” Twilight said, hoping that that would be enough to sway the guard.

“The princess said that you were kidnapped,” the other guard, a white Pegasus, said. “How can we be sure that you’re not a Changeling spy?” They both raised their spears, just in case.

“Kidnapped?” Twilight laughed nervously as she saw those weapons pointed at her. “Right. But I’m not a spy. If I was, would I be so stupid to just walk up to you?”

“She has a good point,” the Unicorn said. “Maybe she managed to escape.”

“I don’t know, you can’t trust anypony nowadays,” the Pegasus said. “I’m sorry but until you can prove your claims, I’m afraid I can’t let you in.”

“Fine,” Twilight said. A mild panic began to take its hold on her. She absolutely needed to see the princess first. She was more worried about her parents’ reaction that the princess’ but she needed to know if Celestia had her back.

And if that wasn’t the case and she were to face banishment, she’d prefer to have that out of the way first.

But she knew that she wouldn’t be able to convince the guards. It was rather difficult to prove her identity, especially since she barely knew these guards.

Twilight turned to walk away, a new plan already forming in her head. Unfortunately, that new plan escaped her when she accidentally ran into a blue Unicorn with a distinctive green mane. Papers were scattered everywhere as the two Unicorns tumbled to the ground.

Sheer panic coursed through her as Twilight looked herself over. Her hooves were still whole, her coat was still purple. She didn’t know how solid her disguise was but she’d hate to prove the guards right in their claims.

“I’m so sorry… Twilight? Is that you?” the Unicorn asked. “I haven’t seen you in ages, how have you been?”

“Brass Bit?” Twilight recognized the elderly stallion. “Oh right. Sorry about bumping into you.”

“Not your fault my dear, I should have looked where I was going.” Brass Bit bend down to pick up his papers, which had scattered all around the pair.

“Here, let me help you with that.” Twilight gathered the papers up and straightened them out with her magic. Luckily for her, nopony noticed the green that had overtaken her normally purple glow. If they had, Twilight would have found herself in the dungeons, along with the rest of the captured Changelings.

“Thank you, my dear,” Brass Bit said. “I’ve just been so bothered by these papers. I just can’t get them out of my head.”

“What’s wrong with them?” Twilight asked, taking a quick glance at them before handing them back. Matters concerning money had never been her forte.

“Nothing for you to worry about,” Brass Bit waved her off. “Just some numbers that don’t add up. Now, what seems to be the problem here?”

“Problem? What makes you think there’s a problem?” Twilight asked nervously.

“The fact that you’re out here and not talking with the princess,” Brass Bit said. “Are they keeping you out?” He pointed at the guards.

Twilight nodded. “Yeah, they think that I’m a Changeling.” That was the truth, of course. But Twilight didn’t want to share that little secret just yet.

“Well, we can’t have that,” Brass Bit scoffed. “Ahem, gentlemen? I can prove that this Unicorn is the real Twilight Sparkle.”

“How?” the Pegasus guard asked.

“Ahem, I’m sorry for bringing this back up, Twilight, but do you remember that incident? The one with the cookie jar?” he asked with a playful twinkle in his eyes.

“Oh, that…” Twilight lowered her head in shame. “That was so embarrassing.”

“Indeed it was. Could you tell the guards here what exactly happened that day?” Brass Bit didn’t take pleasure in this but regardless of that, he found the story to be rather hilarious.

Of course, he didn’t bring up that story for some laughs. He had been the one to find little Twilight, stuck in the cookie jar with no way to get out. Only he, Twilight herself, Princess Celestia and a hooffull of guards knew what really happened that day.

“I… I tried to take one of Princess Celestia’s special cookies, you know: those with the really good chocolate chips…

Twilight had a problem: she didn’t have cookies. Princess Celestia had cookies but she didn’t want to share them with Twilight after the little filly had managed to eat a month’s supply of said cookies in an hour. Twilight had been sick for a week but to her, it had been totally worth it.

But Princess Celestia had cookies. More specifically, she had cookies inside a jar and said jar was being kept at the top of the cupboard, far out of any filly’s reach. What was worse was the fact that the princess had enchanted the cookie jar in a way so that no telekinetic magic could be used on it, save her own.

But even at a young age, Twilight was a thinker! She saw a problem, all she needed was a solution.

That solution consisted of as many books as she could carry, a few boxes, a stepladder and Miss Smartypants.

Somehow, using the imagination that only a filly her age possessed, Twilight had constructed a rickety staircase, consisting of everything she had carried into the kitchen, except for Miss Smartypants of course. She had appointed the stuffed toy to construction supervisor, complete with protective hat and reflective vest.

Unfortunately, Miss Smartypants lied on her resume and was clearly not suited for the job. Else she would have recognized the danger of this situation and would never have allowed Twilight to ascend the makeshift staircase. The fact that Smartypants was a stuffed toy may have had something to with it too.

Regardless, Twilight had somehow managed to make her way up to the cookie jar. That beautiful blue and white striped jar! But Twilight wasn’t interested in the jar, no matter how pretty it was. No, the contents in the jar were much more desirable.

She lifted the lid off with her mouth and laid it aside. The scent of sugary sweet chocolate chip cookies assaulted her nose.

Tentatively she reached into the jar and pulled out a single cookie, which she promptly devoured. Not just ate, DEVOURED. Twilight loved these cookies so much.

One by one, the biscuits found their way into her stomach. Until only one remained.

“I’m going to get you,” Twilight said to the sole cookie that laid on the bottom of the jar. “It’s just a matter of time!” Her magic was still useless, so she had to get the treat on her own. But she couldn’t reach it with her hoof.

And then Twilight had an idea. In retrospect, it wasn’t the brightest idea but it was better than nothing.

She pulled herself up on the edge of the jar and stuck her head in. “Almost… got…cookie…” Twilight mumbled as she reached with her mouth towards the cookie. She still couldn’t reach far enough!

Her hindlegs broke free from the ground as Twilight leaned in further and further, until…

“I’m stuck,” Twilight said calmly. She wiggled her hindlegs helplessly as she was now stuck up to her stomach in the jar. “Now what?” It was rather dark inside the jar but Twilight quickly lit up her horn. At least that kind of magic was still working despite Princess Celestia’s spellwork.

Twilight could see the cookie again, now that the light from her horn illuminated the darkness. It was so close, yet so far. It was teasing her, staying just out of her reach.

So she tried shaking herself loose, in an attempt to sink just a bit deeper into the jar so she could get her prize.

But the rocking motion that Twilight made caused the jar to tilt over.

“Uh-oh,” Twilight let out before the jar started to roll towards the edge.

“And then I rolled down those steps, out the kitchen and into the hallway, before Brass Bit and Princess Celestia managed to stop me.” Twilight wished that she could sink into the ground right now.

The two guards said nothing but Twilight noticed that the ends of their lips were curled upwards.

“The poor thing was wailing like a banshee,” Brass laughed. “Of course, Celestia quickly released her from that jar. And besides, that cookie was the best of the bunch, right?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, the janitor broke that jar with a hammer to release me. My ears were ringing for days,” she said. “And the princess ate that cookie right in front of me while she was coming up with my punishment.” She frowned.

“That’s what I wanted to hear,” Brass Bit patted her on the back. “Gentlemen,” he turned to the two guards. “this is truly Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s protégé. I personally vouch for her.”

“Very well then,” the Unicorn guard said. He was no longer trying to hide his laughter and soon both of them started chuckling.

“In you go, Miss Sparkle,” the Pegasus guard said as he moved his spear away. “Sorry for doubting you. I assume that you can make your way to the princess on your own?”

Twilight nodded. “I can, thank you.” She turned to Brass Bit. “And thank you as well.”

“Think nothing of it,” Brass Bit chuckled. “Come, let’s not keep the princess waiting.”

The pair of Unicorns walked into the castle. Twilight noticed that, just like in Canterlot, there were a lot more guards around. She didn’t comment on it though, instead waiting until she got her answers from Celestia.

“I must leave you now, Twilight Sparkle,” Brass Bit said. “I’m needed at the treasury. It was nice seeing you again.”

“You too. Oh, and thanks again for helping me out,” Twilight said with a smile.

“Any time,” Brass Bit said with a courtly wave. “Goodbye Miss Sparkle.” With that said, he left towards the royal treasury.

Twilight watched as he walked away. “This is it,” she said to herself as she started walking again, this time towards the throne room. That was the place she was most likely to find the princess at this time of day.

She easily made her way there, having known the quickest way there (or away from there) since she was a filly. She lifted her hoof to knock on the door but stopped.

Twilight had fond memories of this castle. Despite what most ponies would think, she did get into trouble at times. Usually because Spike egged her on though.

But no matter what she did wrong, the princess never held it against her. Princess Celestia was like a second mother to Twilight. Well, a third mother if she counted the Changeling queen.

That was the reason Twilight was afraid to knock. That her third mother, her teacher, her mentor and hero would cast her out, just like Chrysalis all those years ago.

Twilight realized though, that if she didn’t knock, she’d never find out.

She raised her hoof and-

Something else drew her attention. Her troubles were suddenly forgotten as Twilight turned around. A feeling was invading her mind, just like before at the hive. This one wasn’t as strong though. Twilight felt but a fraction compared to the ones back in the Wastelands.

And the feeling they projected was different. Instead of happiness, it felt more like loneliness. Twilight still didn’t know exactly how she could tell those apart though.

Twilight set out to find the source of the loneliness. Celestia could wait a few minutes, she told herself.

The feeling got stronger and stronger the further away she walked from Celestia’s throne room.

Eventually Twilight came to a staircase, one that she had never been down because Celestia had forbidden her from doing so.

“The dungeons?” Twilight asked out loud. “What could be…” She took a first step down. She needed to know what was down there.

And as she had expected, there wasn’t much. The walls were bleak, the floor was grey and the bars were solid. Twilight just wondered who left the door wide open. Not that she’d be able to free any hardened criminals without the other keys but it seemed like a big security risk to her.

Most of the cells were empty anyway.

Except for two cells next to each other. Twilight gasped as she saw who was in there.

One contained about a dozen or so Changelings, while the other contained only two. The larger group bowed before her as she came into their view. “Don’t bow, please,” Twilight said. Instantly the group reared up again.

“Princess?” a raspy voice asked from the other cell. “Why are you here?” one of the Changelings said, the other one was sleeping at the moment.

“I heard you, all of you,” Twilight answered. “You were lonely, right?”

“We are,” the soldier said. “They especially,” he motioned to the cell besides them. “They need the queen to guide them. They are one with her,” he explained. “And they can be one with you too…”

“How did you guys end up here?” Twilight asked, ignoring the Changeling’s slightly creepy words for the time being.

“We were captured by the ponies,” he said. “But our plan worked, you were safe! Why did you come back?”

“I have my reasons,” Twilight said. “Are you okay? They haven’t hurt you, have they?” Twilight knew that Princess Celestia would never allow any guard to lay a hoof on a prisoner. But she couldn’t be around at all times either.

“No, they have not,” the Changeling said, much to Twilight’s relief. “But they tried. The pony princess tried to name us,” he spat. “We didn’t like it.”

“I’m sorry about that,” Twilight said. “Listen, the princess is a dear friend of mine. Maybe I can get her to release you all.”

“Thank you, princess.” The Changeling fell to his knees. “But we are not worthy of your kindness, we failed our mission. We got caught!”

“I’m sure that-” Twilight stopped herself as she remembered what Chrysalis did to Changelings that failed. “Never mind. But I’ll find a way to free you, don’t worry.”

“Who goes there?” a loud voice boomed through the cell block. A single Earth pony guard came rushing down towards the Changeling cells. “You! What are you doing here?” he demanded to know.

“I-I… isn’t it visiting hours yet?” Twilight asked nervously.

“You’re coming with me,” the guard said.

“You will not lay your filthy hooves on her!” The eleven Changelings that had been passive up until now were nearly foaming at the mouth as they stuck their hooves through the bars trying to claw at the guard.

“Stop that!” Twilight ordered. Instantly, the Changelings backed down and resumed their passive stances, like nothing had happened.

Both Twilight and the guards stared at them, before the guard snapped out of his stupor. “Come with me,” he ordered her.


Twilight was escorted to the throne room by the trembling guard. Apparently, those Changelings had been docile since they were imprisoned, not reacting to any outside stimulus besides chocolate.

“Why did they react to you?” the guard asked as they came to the throne room.

“I’d rather not say…” Twilight trailed off. “I need to speak to the princess first.”

“Indeed,” the guard said.

They soon arrived at the throne room. The Earth pony knocked on the door, which was quickly opened by another royal guards. “I caught this pony snooping around in the dungeons. She needs to speak to the princess, says it’s very important,” he said that with an unbelieving note to his words.

“Very well,” the other guard said as he pushed the door further open.

Twilight walked in slowly, only to receive a shove against her behind from the Earth pony. “Move it!” he laughed.

With that done and the door closed, he returned to his post. At least, that was what he tried to do.

Nopony saw him suddenly slumping down to the ground, the sound of hooves striking armor resounding through the hallway.

“Nopony touches my princess,” one of Twilight’s guard said as he became visible again. He dragged the unconscious pony into a closet and swiped his keys.


“Twi-twilight?” Princess Celestia uttered, her eyes wide in shock. “You came back!”

The proud Alicorn spread her beautiful wings and leapt from atop her throne, soaring down towards Twilight. The guards quickly stepped away from the purple Unicorn as Princess Celestia landed in front of her.

“Oh Twilight!” Celestia wrapped her wings around her faithful student as she pulled her into an equine hug. “I was so worried about you. How did you come back? Why were you in the dungeons?”

“It’s a long story princess,” Twilight said. She was so glad to see the princess again, even if it had only been a few days. And this reaction gave Twilight just a sliver of hope.

“Oh Twilight, when I discovered that you had been taken away…” Celestia sighed. “I just didn’t know what to do.”

“It’s okay, princess. I’m fine,” Twilight said with a cautious smile on her face. Would Celestia still be as ecstatic when she found out about Twilight’s true heritage?

“Fine? How can you be fine?” Celestia asked. “You were kidnapped from under our noses! Just how-” The princess of the sun fell quiet. She turned to her guards. “All of you, leave this room right now. I need to speak to my student in private."

The guards nodded silently and quickly left the room.

“Now what was I saying?” Celestia asked, trying to pick up from where they left.

“Just a minute, princess,” Twilight interrupted her. “You, get out too. I know you’re there.”

No response.

“Come on! Your princess is ordering you!” Twilight didn’t want to raise her voice like that, nor did she want to throw her weight around. But if Princess Celestia demanded privacy from her own guards, then so would Twilight.

“Twilight, who are you talking to?” Celestia asked. “There’s no one here besides us.”

An exaggerated thud was heard, followed by another. Twilight and Celestia could clearly hear an angry chittering, accompanied by hoofsteps heading towards the door, which swung open.

“Twilight?” Celestia asked as the door was slammed shut just as quickly. “What just happened?”

“You got rid of your guards, I got rid of mine.” Twilight smiled nervously. “Yes, I have guards too. I thought there was only one though.” Maybe the one she sent off with Shining Armor had returned already.

“So…” Celestia started. “It’s true? About the Changelings? And you?”

Twilight nodded. “Wait, how do you know about that?” She was baffled.

“Starlight and I had a little chat after she crashed the wedding,” Celestia said. “I assume that she also told you about what she did at the ceremony?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, she didn’t. And I didn’t ask either… I had a lot of things on my mind. Six thousand or so Changeling for example.”

“I see.” Celestia frowned. “I’ll bring you up to date…”

And so the solar princess told Twilight everything she knew about what happened at the wedding.

Twilight was in shock. “How’s Cadance?” she asked. “Is she okay? I can’t believe that she did such a thing!”

“Cadance is reacting well to the treatment,” Celestia said. “She may not be as powerful as I or Luna but she’s still an Alicorn. Though I fear that she may bear that limp for a long time, if not for the rest of her life.”

Twilight felt sick. Her birthmother had treated Cadance, one of the ponies most important to her, as dirt. “I’m so sorry…” Twilight said. “This is all my fault!”

“It is not!” Celestia said, raising her voice. “If anypony’s to blame, it’s her. I do not agree with her actions, Twilight. But I can understand why she did what she did.” Celestia knew how far a mother would go for her child, even resorting to such underhand actions was no exception.

“But Cadance…” Twilight whined. “She didn’t deserve that!”

“I know she didn’t,” Celestia comforted her student. “But what’s done is done. Cadance will recover from her ordeal and you are safe.”

Twilight nodded. “Right,” she sniffed and wiped a tear away. When had she started crying, Twilight wondered.

“Twilight? Can you tell me what happened? When Chrysalis took you with her?” Celestia knew that this could be a potentially sore subject for Twilight but her curiosity got the better of her.

Twilight nodded. She told Princess Celestia everything. About her new wings, about the kink in her horn. About how Chrysalis claimed to be her mother. About the hive and all of her new brothers and sisters. About what she saw there, though Twilight failed to mention the pod-ponies. She didn’t really want to share that bit with Celestia just yet.

“Don’t worry about Shining Armor,” she finished her story. “I sent one of my guards with him to the hospital.”

“That’s good to hear, Princess Twilight.” Celestia let out a girlish giggle, despite the severity of the situation. “I’m sorry. But who would have thought of that?”

“Not me, princess. Honestly, I don’t know what to think of my new title.” Twilight frowned. “It doesn’t mean anything to me. Not yet at least. Once I become queen…” She shuddered at the thought.

“Well, then you’ll outrank me,” Celestia said seriously.

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Oh no, princess! That’s not what I meant!”

Celestia giggled again. “Oh Twilight, you’re so easy to rile up.” She nuzzled her student again. “I’m just so glad that you’re home. I suppose that you’re off to visit your parents next?”

Twilight nodded. “And then Cadance and Shining Armor. I hope she doesn’t hate me.”

“Cadance couldn’t hate you if she tried,” Celestia brushed her worries aside.

“I hope so.” Twilight was still worried though. “Princess Celestia?” she asked.

“Yes Twilight?”

“I have something to show you. Something that may be of aid to the Changelings.” Twilight cursed herself for forgetting the scroll at the carriage. But she had been so eager to get to Canterlot that it completely slipped her mind. “Can I bring it by after I’ve visited my parents and Cadance?”

“Of course you can.” Celestia smiled. “We’ll have plenty of time to discuss those things then. But to be honest, I have something to ask of you too. Can I see your true form?” she leaned in closer.

“My true form? Oh no, princess… I won’t be able to disguise properly afterwards.” Twilight still hadn’t fully mastered the skill. She still needed more practice.

“Is it that bad?” Celestia asked.

Twilight nodded. “Yes. Parts of me stay Changeling when I transform. I can’t walk around Canterlot with holes in my hooves or a green abdomen!”

Celestia thought for a few seconds. “I think I have just the thing for you Twilight.” Her horn glowed as she reached behind her own throne. A large black cloak came out from behind it. “Here you go, try it on.”

She wrapped Twilight up in the cloak, almost entirely obscuring her from sight. “I look like a walking tent!” Twilight said from underneath the cloak.

“Well, it is a few sizes too large. Luna always leaves her cloaks lying around,” Celestia said, annoyance clear in her voice.

“Well that explains-” Twilight fell silent as she had a flashback to Nightmare Night. Luna’s cloak had exploded into a swarm of bats that night. Twilight did not like bats.

“This is a regular cloak, right?” her voice was trembling. The cloak was all around her and Twilight could now feel the magic running through it. And then she heard the beating of their hearts…

“I think so, why?” Celestia asked, blissfully unaware of Twilight’s chiroptophobia.

“B-B-Bats!” Twilight screamed as the cloak suddenly came alive around her. She didn’t know better than to start running around in blind panic. This in turn upset the bats, causing them to cling to Twilight, to make sure they couldn’t be thrown off.

The feel of their little fingers, digging into her skin, made things even worse for Twilight.

Princess Celestia watched everything unfold in front of her, unable to do anything but watch in horror as Twilight screamed to the high heavens.

Suddenly Twilight came to a stop, having run into the door. She stumbled and fell over onto her stomach. A flash of fire engulfed her, startling the bats even more. The flames did send them all flying though, leaving Twilight free of the mammals.

Celestia watched as the bats flew around in panic before they all scattered through the various windows, shrieking in pain and fear.

“I’m so sorry about that, Twilight,” Princess Celestia said. “I thought Luna took her bats with her to-” Celestia simply stopped talking mid-sentence. She saw Twilight laying on the ground, now a Changeling.

Something clicked in her mind and her pupils dilated.

“It’s okay, princess,” Twilight said as she attempted to get back to her hooves. “I’m fine.”

“Well, that’s good to hear,” Princess Celestia said coldly. “But I thought I ordered you to stay out of my sight, Starlight Twinkle!!”




Who saw that coming? Come on, be honest.

[E/N]: Oh snap! I don’t know about you guys but I for one definitely didn’t expect that. And will you look at that chapter?! By my calculations we went over the 12 K mark. So if you’re reading this right now, I admire your perseverance. ….In other news, it’s been about two weeks since Everfree NW and my wallet has yet to wake up from its self-induced coma. If you ask me, I think I just might have gone a little overboard with the autographs...but on the plus side, at least I’ve now got a pretty cool hat! Other than that, life has been spinning on. Eat, sleep, go to work, eat some more, feed my TF2 addiction even further, kick myself over procrastinating and not doing anything productive, play some more TF2 to make myself feel better, go to bed, wash, rinse, repeat.

Hey look, a moose.

Reeeeeeeturning to topic~, I am however breaking from the norm! Recently, I’ve been starting to get motivated enough to actually continue rewriting my itty-bitty story. Don’t worry, that’s only been about 4-5 months coming. Also, I’m working on a dramatic reading. Have y’all heard of Noakwolf’s The Human’s Guide to Life in Equestria? NO!? Well, you better go read it! NAO! http://www.fimfiction.net/story/9699/The-Humans-Guide-to-Life-in-Equestria.- I should be finished with the first chapter quite soon. So if you’re not watching me, favorited my story, watching Noakwolf, or any of his stories, you’ll miss out on the announcement. So from the warm depths of my kind and oh-so-generous heart, I’ll twist somepony’s arm until you folks at home get a hold of the link. But really, you should read THGLE too. It’s funny.

Ooh, look at that! They’re holding a cane out for me. They must think I need it as a prop or somet- NOPE! Definitely not a prop. Looks like they think I’ve been onstage long enough; so, sorry kiddies, it seems that due to technical difficulties (and impatient backstage techies) Absurdity’s Chaos Corner won’t be showing this week. So as a consolation prize, I offer up to you this little pirate-y gem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t38DPnkDjTM&feature=g-vrec

Farewell for now, mine friendlies! And always remember, keep it crazy! Peace!