• Published 20th May 2012
  • 55,279 Views, 3,907 Comments

Mirror's Image - Evilpresident

Twilight never was a unicorn. And she didn't even know it.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Rainbow Dash returned with the biggest, baddest, darkest raincloud that she could find. She was pretty sure that she needed a license to operate it. Thank Celestia that her superior wasn’t here right now, she’d probably blow a gasket.

“Ah know Ah asked ya to bring a big one but that’s one heck of a raincloud,” Applejack said, eyeing the massive nimbus cloud suspiciously. “You sure it’s safe?”

Rainbow Dash looked at the swirling mass of water particles. It looked ominous, perhaps even evil. As if everything bad and worse was packed inside its fluffiness. This thing wasn’t just a cloud anymore, it was a monster. The kind of thing that ponies would build temples for, to stave off its eternal vengeance. “Sure, why not?” the Pegasus said confidently. “Trust me, I’m an expert.”

“Of course you are,” Applejack said. “If you’ll excuse me, Ah’m gonna stand over there.”

Applejack hurried towards a safer spot as Rainbow Dash lowered the cloud over Luna’s head. “Hey Applejack, you think she’ll be mad about this?” the cyan Pegasus asked.

Applejack shrugged. “Probably,” she answered.

Rainbow Dash landed on the cloud and jumped. All hell broke loose the second her hooves touched the fluffy surface again. Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled and Rainbow Dash was blown off of the cloud and was thrown into a nearby tree.

Applejack watched in horror as the cloud erupted in a torrent of rain, washing over the slumbering princess. Large bolts of thunder struck the area around her, blackening the ground and setting fire to the dry grass.

Fortunately those flames quickly succumbed to the veritable flood of rainwater that washed over the ground. Luna’s sleeping bag, along with its occupant, was lifted up by the raging water and carried away.

“That was awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Did you see that?”

“Ah saw it,” Applejack said. “Not sure Ah believe it though.” She frowned. “Shouldn’t we go after the princess now?"

“Right,” Rainbow Dash said. “She can’t have gotten far.”


“I’m sorry but visiting hours are over,” a nurse said to the group visiting Shining Armor. “Despite his miraculous recovery, our patient needs his rest.”

“Can’t we stay for a bit longer?” Twilight asked hopefully.

“Rules are rules,” the nurse said as she pushed the door open entirely. “Even for princesses,” she said as she noticed Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance in the room as well.

“Of course,” Princess Celestia said with a soft smile. “Come Cadance, I’ll take you back to your room.”

Cadance opened her mouth to protest but Shining Armor cut her off. “You need your rest just as much as I do,” he said. “I’m sure they can arrange something by tomorrow?” He looked expectantly at the Earth pony nurse, who nodded.

“Of course we can,” she said with a smile before turning back to the visitors. “Now scoot, all of you.”

“See you tomorrow, B.B.B.F.F.” Twilight said before leaving the room. “Sleep tight!”

Twilight’s parents said their goodbyes too, as did Princess Celestia and Cadance. The pink Alicorn took a bit longer than the other, taking the opportunity to whisper some sweet nothings to her beloved.

“Excuse me,” the nurse said, noticing Night Light and Twilight Velvet. “But I think I remember you two.”

“I sure remember you,” Night Light said. “You’re that mare that tossed me out of the delivery room.”

“Yes, sorry about that,” the nurse said. “Can I assume that this is our miracle foal?” She pointed at Twilight, who smiled hesitantly.

“That’s me,” she said.

The nurse nodded. “I remember that night very well,” she said. “I’m glad to see that you’ve become such a beautiful young mare.”

With that said, the nurse left to check the other rooms for any stragglers.

“Right…” Twilight muttered.

“Come on everypony, let’s go home,” Velvet said. “I think today’s been a very exciting day for us all.”

“That’s one way to describe it,” Celestia said as she pushed Cadance’s wheelchair out of the room. Unlike Twilight, she was using her magic to do so.

“Bye Cadance,” Twilight said as the small group split up. “I’ll come and visit tomorrow.”

“Don’t forget that ‘thing’ of yours, Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia reminded her.

“I won’t!” Twilight said as she followed after her parents.


“There she is!” Rainbow Dash all but yelled.

Princess Luna and her sleeping bag had run aground against a gnarly old oak tree near the border to the Wastelands. The forest grew thinner and thinner the closer they got to that dreaded place and Applejack was starting to feel uncomfortable.

“And she’s still sleeping,” Rainbow Dash uttered unbelievingly. “Come on! Not even I can sleep through that!”

“Well, she is the princess of the night,” Applejack mused. “Sleeping’s part of her job, Ah suppose.”

“Where’s Pinkie when you need her?” Rainbow Dash asked, throwing her hoofs up in defeat.

“Right here!” As usual, Pinkie popped up out of nowhere.

“Pinkie Pie, where have you been?” Applejack asked. “We were getting worried.”

“About me? Why would you be worried?” Pinkie asked with a sugary sweet smile on her face. “I just went and picked up something to wake up the princess.”

“What did you get?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Moon pies!” Pinkie said cheerfully as she pulled a big plastic bag out of her saddlebag. She quickly pulled a wrapped treat out of it, pulled the wrapper off and dangled it above Luna’s nose.

“Pinkie, that’s not going to work-” Rainbow Dash said with a roll of her eyes.

Luna’s eyes shot open and she lifted her head, biting into the marshmallowy treat.

“-Though I could be wrong,” Rainbow Dash admitted.

Luna sat up as she chewed on the moon pie. “What’s going on?” she asked once she was done. “Why is my sleeping bag wet? I swear, I will banish you to the scorching depths of the sun if you dared to pull one of those camping pranks on me!” she threatened.

“That’s just rainwater. We were trying to wake you,” Applejack said. “We were supposed to leave around dawn but we couldn’t wake you up.”

“Right,” Luna said, having calmed down again rather quickly. “I may have forgotten to mention that I am a heavy sleeper.”

“No princess, I am a heavy sleeper,” Rainbow Dash said, pointing at herself and then at Luna. “You, on the other hoof, are like the heavyweight champion of sleeping. Reigning champion, thousand years in a row or something like that.”

“Alright Rainbow, you made your point,” Applejack waved her off. “Princess, can we leave now? Twilight and Big Mac are waiting for us.” She lifted Luna’s saddlebag off of her back and stepped back, giving the princess some space.

“Of course,” Luna said as she crawled out of her soaked sleeping bag. With a flick of her horn and a flash of light the water in it was vaporized, leaving it dry once more. She quickly folded it up and stuffed it in her enchanted saddlebag.

Another spell washed over Luna herself, leaving her coat and illusive mane dry as well. “We must make haste, to make up for lost time.”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack nodded. “Let’s go,” the Pegasus said.

“Awww, can’t we have snacktime first?” Pinkie asked, holding out the bag of lunar treats.

“Pinkie, Twilight and Big Mac are more important than candy!” Applejack said, stomping a hoof in frustration.

“Now, now,” Luna said. “There’s always time for moon pies,” she said as she levitated a few of them out of the bag and unwrapped them.

“Relax Applejack,” Rainbow Dash said as she grabbed a few of the delicacies as well.

“Ah can’t relax,” Applejack said, trying to remain calm. “Mah big brother’s getting his brains scrambled by some strange bug thing and Twilight’s probably scared out of her mind! Ah can’t relax, not now!”

“Everypony, quiet!” Pinkie suddenly yelled.

All eyes turned to the pink party pony. “What is it, Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Tail twitch.” Pinkie’s frizzy tail shuddered. “Ear flop.” Her ears flopped around comically. “Achy hoof!” She lifted her hoof up in pain.

“What’s that supposed to be?” Applejack asked, suddenly on her guard. She had some basic knowledge of the Pinkie sense but this combo was new to her.

“It means we need to get out of the way!” Pinkie hopped away and into a nearby shrubbery. Applejack and Rainbow Dash didn’t hesitate and leapt in after her.

“What?” Luna asked. “Am I supposed to belie-” she was cut off as Pinkie and Rainbow Dash pulled her into the large shrubbery as well.

“What is the meaning of this?” Luna asked as she struggled to get away from Rainbow Dash and Pinkie.

“Princess, ya might not believe in Pinkie’s ability but we’ve had experience with it before. Ask Twilight when you see her again, the Pinkie sense is always right.” Applejack winced as she recalled the numerous wounds Twilight had gotten while trying to study the Pinkie Sense.

“That’s preposterous,” Luna exclaimed. “An Earth pony cannot possess precognitive abilities, it goes against the Earth pony nature. It’s simply not natural!”

“This is Pinkie we’re talking about,” Rainbow Dash reminded her.

That shut Luna up.

And just in time, as a loud thundering noise filled the air.

“It’s a stampede,” Applejack whispered.

“Of what?” Rainbow Dash asked. She cautiously stuck her head out to see. The rumbling grew louder and louder. “Changelings!” she hissed as she saw them heading towards them.

A dozen or so Changelings were zigzagging between the trees, heading towards the Wastelands. They ran around the bush that the four ponies were hiding in, not noticing them at all.

“We have to follow them,” Luna said. “They can lead us straight to the hive!”

The four ponies quickly left their hiding spot and gave chase.

“Don’t get too close,” Luna whispered. “Changelings have excellent hearing and sense of smell. We’re lucky to have the wind in our favor, else they would have noticed us already and- HALT!”

Luna stopped, causing the three ponies following her to bump into her. “Hey! What gives?” Rainbow Dash complained as she struggled to get out of the pony-pile.

“Hush!” Luna shushed her. “We’ve reached the border between Equestria and the Wastelands. We need to move with extreme caution.” As she spoke, her horn began to glow.

A bubble appeared around everypony’s head. “These will allow you to breathe in the toxic environment of the Wasteland. Without them, you’d lose consciousness in half an hour and you would be dead in an hour.”

“Right, not gonna pop this bubble then,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Shouldn’t we be chasing after the Changelings again?” Applejack asked. “They already have a head-start.”

“Yes, let’s do that,” Rainbow Dash said, taking to the air. Luna was quick to react and yanked on Rainbow Dash’s tail.

“No flying,” she said with a stern look in her eyes. “There’s nothing that can fly in the Wastelands, except the Changelings. And they fly very different from Pegasi, you’ll be spotted and then we’ll have the entire hive chasing after us.”

“Then how the hay are we gonna get in there?” Applejack asked.

“On hoof,” Luna said, leading the way. “Get used to the stench, my little ponies,” she said. “Because it’s only going to get worse!”


“This place sucks,” Rainbow Dash said as she kicked a rock out in front of her. “And it smells funny too.”

“Kind of smells like those eggs Misses Cake told me to throw away,” Pinkie said as she jumped over the rock Rainbow kicked. “But I didn’t want to waste good eggs so I used them anyway.”

“Didn’t Sugar Cube Corner stink to high heavens after that?” Applejack asked.

“Yup,” Pinkie said. “Mister Cake made me promise to never, ever to do such a thing again.”

“I told you it would get worse. That which you smell is sulfur,” Luna said. “I assume you all know what happened here, ten thousand years ago?”

“I don’t even know what I did last week,” Pinkie said cheerfully.

Luna resisted the urge to facehoof at that statement. “I should have expected that,” she said.

She looked up at the sky, to see the sun nearing the horizon. “We should rest here and wait for the night,” Luna said. “I’m stronger whilst bathing in the cold light of my moon.”

“But we’re not even close to the hive,” Rainbow Dash said. “At least, I think we’re not.” Nopony had a clue of where said hive was even located.

“It’s right over there,” Luna pointed at a towering mountain. “While you were playing around with that dumb rock, the Changelings ran in through that cave.”

“Oh,” Rainbow Dash awkwardly rubbed the back of her head. “Oops.”

“We have some time to rest and eat. Do you wish to learn the history of the Wastelands?” Luna asked.

“Sure,” Applejack said. She opened up her own saddlebag and pulled out a picnic blanket which she spread out on the ground. Pinkie Pie quickly laid down some dishes and pulled a box of sweets out.

“I’ll pass,” Rainbow Dash said before pulling her sleeping bag out of her saddlebag. She rolled it out and laid down, closing her eyes as if she were asleep.

Luna cleared her throat before beginning her story. “Many, many years ago, this place was a beautiful place,” she told them. “Full of life and happiness. It was called Flutter Valley and it was ruled by Flutterheart, the kind queen of the Flutterponies.”

“What’s a Flutterpony?” Pinkie asked, genuinely curious. “I’ve never met one of those before and I know everypony and every pony there is!”

“I don’t remember them all that well,” Luna said with a frown. “I was but a filly when Celestia and I first met them. They were like ponies but they had beautiful butterfly wings,” Luna described them as best she could. “I do remember Queen Flutterheart very well. She was so kind to us and she offered us shelter while we were on the run from the Smooze.”

“Ah know that one,” Applejack said before biting into a blueberry muffin. “Granny Smith used to tell me about it. Big ole blob of goo, running about making ponies grumpy and covering the land, right?”

“It pains me to hear that,” Luna said. “That that thing is now a mere fairytale figure. The Smooze I knew had consumed nearly all of Equestria. It sung the most horrible melodies as it devoured our land and its inhabitants.” She shuddered. “Sometimes, when I close my eyes I can still hear it…”

Nopony was surprised to find that Rainbow Dash had one eye open as she listened intently to the story Luna was telling.

“I’d never been so afraid in all my life,” Luna said. “I was used to my big sister taking care of everything while I played. Celestia could level mountains with a flick of her horn, she could dry oceans with a mere gesture. But the Smooze was unimpressed with her attempts to stop it. We had to flee to the east, into unknown territory along with every pony we could save. There we stumbled upon the Flutterponies.

“In a stroke of good luck, the queen of the Flutterponies knew how to stop the Smooze. They had fought with it a long time ago and sealed it away, inside a volcano. We didn’t know at the time but Discord had been the one who released it.”

“Discord was around back then?” Applejack asked.

Luna nodded. “Discord is quite literally the embodiment of chaos. As long as there’s a speck of chaos in the world, he will exist.

“With the help of the Flutterponies, we pushed the Smooze back to the hole from where it crawled. Using the Element of Harmony we dried it up and sealed its remains back inside the volcano where they rest to this day.”

“That’s like the coolest story ever!” Pinkie exclaimed. “We should make it into a movie!”

“Let’s not,” Luna said. “And the story’s not done yet.” She paused for a few moments to snack on the cupcakes that Pinkie had placed on her plate, along with some of the moon pies that she had saved from earlier.

It wasn’t a nutritional meal but Luna knew that they’d need the boost of energy soon.

Luna cleared her throat once she had finished her meal, drawing everypony’s attention once more. Even Rainbow Dash was listening intently now.

“So Equestria was safe once more thanks to the Flutterponies. We returned the favor some years later, when Queen Bee attacked them and tried to cause the end of Flutter Valley,” Luna said with a wry smile. “That wretched nag told us of Discord who had released the Smooze.

“I know of how you triumphed over him, a feat for which I salute you,” Luna said. “But the Discord you met was but a shadow of the monster he used to be. Over nine thousand years of solitude drove him even more mad than he had been before.”

“Wait, so you’re saying that we just fought a watered down version of Discord?” Rainbow Dash’s face briefly showed panic as she thought back on what the demon had done to her and her friends.

“No, he still had all of his powers,” Luna said darkly. “But back in the day, Discord called upon clouds raining hellfire and hail instead of chocolate milk. His idea of a joke was to have ponies cause their own doom .”

“That doesn’t sound pleasant at all,” Applejack said, her eyes wide with shock. The Discord they had met was more of a naughty trickster with a vicious mean streak. Chocolate milk raining from cotton candy clouds was more of an inconvenience than a disaster. Fire and hail seemed more like the work of a monster.

“It wasn’t,” Luna said. “Discord was responsible for this destruction. Discord plunged this beautiful land into chaos and it remains in that state to this day. Celestia lost her best friend because of him… and because of me.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I thought you were just a little filly back then?”

“I was,” Luna said. “But Celestia was away at the time. Discord had been spotted in the land of the Diamond Dogs, so she gave chase and left me in control of the castle. Of course, she had appointed a regent to help me but that two-faced mule wasn’t concerned with the country. He was more concerned with how many bits he could steal from the royal vault while Celestia was away.

“So when the Flutterponies’ plea for help arrived, he just gave the scroll to me and told me that I could draw on the back,” she spat. “Imagine my surprise when I tried to show Celestia my drawing when she came back. She had noticed the seal of Queen Flutterheart and she immediately left for the Valley, fearing that Queen Bee had returned.

“But she was too late,” Luna said with a sigh. “Flutter Valley had turned into an inferno, which kept burning for twenty weeks, day in, day out. We could do nothing but watch.

“And then, all of a sudden it stopped. The fires died down, the ground closed and mended and Flutter Valley became this.” She waved a hoof around to illustrate her point. “A barren wasteland that nopony can inhabit, save for the Changelings.”

“So where did they come from?” Applejack asked.

“Amethyst was always a bit vague about the details,” Luna said. “She didn’t really like talking about her species.”

“I really don’t see how you consider this,” Rainbow Dash said, waving a hoof around much like Luna had before. “to be your fault. That regent was a crook, you couldn’t have known.”

“Perhaps,” Luna said, feeling slightly uplifted by Rainbow Dash’s kind words. “But I still think I should have done something, anything.”

“Whatever happened to that cranky pony?” Pinkie asked.

“You know that really, really big crater on my moon?” Luna asked with a smirk gracing her face.


“Yes, that one,” Luna pointed at the horizon as her moon began to peek over it. “On the left lower side. I’ve never seen my sister quite that angry. But enough chit-chat. My little ponies, I do believe it’s time for action.”

“Time to save Sparkle!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“And Big Mac!” Applejack added.

“And Shining Armor!” Pinkie yelled. “What? Did everypony forget about him again?”

“Only a little bit,” Applejack said sheepishly.


“Be very, very quiet,” Luna said as they snuck towards the hive, moving from cover to cover. The closer they got to the hive, the more Changelings became apparent. They were patrolling the immediate vicinity of the hive.

“Okey-do-” Pinkie tried to yell but Luna’s hoof quickly found its way to her mouth, shutting her up.

“The last thing we need is to have the Changelings give chase before we even get inside the hive, so keep your voice down,” Luna scolded Pinkie. “I’m going to remove my hoof now, can I trust you to remain quiet?” Pinkie nodded and Luna removed her hoof.

“How are we going to get in?” Rainbow Dash asked as she peeked over the large rock behind which they were hiding. “There’s a bunch of them running about. And that cave’s probably guarded by like a dozen big guards and traps!” She imagined the many traps which she had read about in the Daring Doo books. None of them were very pleasant.

“Simple, we go in through a secret passage,” Luna said. “It’s been a while and my memory’s a bit vague but… yes, I think it’s still there.” She pointed to a spot, away from what seemed to be the main entrance. “My little ponies, I am going to cast a spell to turn us invisible. It won’t keep them from smelling us, so we will have to hurry. Are you all ready to run?”

“Are you kidding? I was born ready!” Rainbow Dash boasted.

“I was born naked and screaming!” Pinkie Pie pitched in.

Luna resisted the urge to facehoof. She had only herself to blame for this. After all, she was the one that insisted that the pink pony would travel with her.

“Princess?” Applejack asked. “Ah hope you don’t mind me asking, but how do you know that there’s a secret entrance?”

“Uh, I’ve been here before,” Luna said sheepishly. “I told my sister that I hadn’t but Amethyst took me here once.”

“Why?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“To offer me a spot in the hive,” Luna answered. “I was feeling lonely and unloved. My subjects feared me or ignored me and Celestia was fawning over her protégé and didn’t have time for me either.” Luna felt like a foal, admitting that those were the reasons that she became Nightmare Moon. Now, a thousand years later, they seemed so petty and childish.

“Amethyst offered to let me join the hive and be loved by her and the other Changelings,” Luna continued. “I refused, of course. I think she was a bit disappointed though.

“Please refrain from telling Celestia of this,” Luna pleaded. “She doesn’t need to know.”

“Our lips are sealed,” Applejack said. “Ain’t that right, Rainbow?”

“Sure,” Rainbow Dash said and nodded. “How ‘bout you Pinkie? Pinkie?”

“Where did she go?” Luna asked. She looked around to look for where Pinkie had gone. Surely a pink and bouncy earth pony wouldn’t be hard to find, right?

“Over there!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Pinkie, come back here right now!”

Pinkie Pie was oblivious to her words as she hoped towards the hive, like a filly without a care in the world.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack chased after her, hoping to catch her before she drew the attention of the Changelings.

“Halt!” Too late…

A single Changeling ran towards Pinkie Pie, having noticed her from afar.

Appplejack and Rainbow Dash ran up to her, hoping against hope that Pinkie knew what she was doing.

“What are you doing here?” the Changeling hissed. “This is our land! No ponies can survive here!”

“We were sent here,” Pinkie Pie said. “For the thing.”

“The thing?” the Changeling asked, her expression reflecting her confusion. “This Changeling is sorry but she is new. What is this ‘thing’ you are talking about?”

“You know, the thing,” Pinkie Pie said with a smile.

“Do you mean the rebirth?” the Changeling asked. “Who told you about that?”

“You just did, silly!” Pinkie said, bouncing up and down and kicking up dust, causing the Changeling to cough.

“This Changeling will not be mocked!” the Changeling hissed. “Who send you here?”

“You know,” Pinkie Pie said. “She did.”

“This Changeling is new, she does not know who lives outside the hive at the moment.” The Changeling looked the three of them over. “Are you all here for the rebirth?” she eventually asked.

“Sure as sugar,” Applejack said, hoping that was what the Changeling wanted to hear. She was also hoping that Pinkie Pie had a plan…

Rainbow Dash just nodded.

“Wonderful!” the Changeling exclaimed, acting a lot more cheerful all of a sudden. “You will all feel so much better afterwards, when you’re rid of those pesky dreams and emotions. This Great and Powerful Changeling will take you to the hive, where you too will be free!”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash shot each other an uneasy look before following after the Changeling.

“Where’s the princess?” Rainbow Dash whispered as they were led towards the grand door of the hive.

A wisp of blue fog passed Rainbow Dash. Stars twinkled in it, like a vast galaxy on the move. It curled around her front left leg in a comforting gesture. “I am here,” the cloud whispered just loud enough for them to hear it. “I would never leave you.”

Hearing the princess’s voice caused them to relax a bit.

“Uhm, princess?” Rainbow Dash asked nervously as more Changelings approached them while they were walking towards the hive. “You can teleport us out if things get hairy, right?”

“Of course,” Luna whispered back. “But for now, let us see where they’ll take us.”

Luna remained quiet for a few minutes as they were ushered in through the door.

“Though I’m still wondering whether your friend Pinkie Pie is a genius or a madmare,” Luna eventually said.

“Little bit of column A, little bit of column B,” Pinkie whispered, flashing her seemingly everlasting smile.


“And done,” Night Light said, having glued the last piece of the model HMS Harmony into place.

“Looks great dad,” Twilight said with a broad smile on her face.

“Indeed, such a beautiful ship. Too bad they decommissioned the real thing last year. Last I’ve heard she’s gathering dust in the royal hangar.” Night Light turned to face his daughter. “I know there was just one measly piece left,” Night Light said. “But it’s just not the same without you or Shining Armor.”

“Yeah…” Twilight said, before yawning loudly. Her father flinched as he saw her teeth: long, sharp and dripping with venom.

Luckily, Twilight didn’t notice and Night Light recovered before she could, his own smile returning like nothing was wrong.

“Shouldn’t you be off to bed?” Night Light asked.

Twilight shrugged. “I’m used to pulling all-nighters.”

“That may be so,” Night Light said. “But you’ve had a long, troublesome day. Hit the hay, Twilight.”

“Yes dad,” Twilight said with a roll of her eyes. She gave him a peck on the cheek.

“And here I was, thinking that you were too old for that mushy stuff,” Night Light teased.

“I love you, dad,” Twilight said, ignoring her father’s teasing. “I just don’t tell you as often as I should.”

“A father knows these things, Twilight,” Night Light said as he got up from his seat and hugged his little filly. “And I hope you know that your father loves you even if you’re a strange bug thingy.”

Twilight laughed at that and smiled. “Thanks dad,” she said.

“Before you got to bed, go say something to your mom,” Night Light said. “Before she accuses me of hogging all of your time.”

Twilight nodded and left the room, leaving Night Light alone with his model ships. “Now, where to put you…” he said to the model that he and Twilight had just finished.

The Changeling princess made her way to the living room. “Mom?” she called out as she entered through the doorway.

“Right here,” Twilight Velvet said from her seat. “Dad finally done yakking about his model ships?”

“Mom, you know he loves those things,” Twilight said disapprovingly. “Even if he does go on and on about them.”

Velvet and Twilight Sparkle shared a laugh at that, both of them having sat through hours and hours of Night Light talking about his favorite airships. They both found it a tad boring but it made Night Light happy, so they put up with it.

Twilight Sparkle flopped down onto the couch, next to her mother. “You’re not tired, are you?” Velvet asked, noticing just how tired her daughter was looking.

“A little bit,” Twilight said, stifling a yawn. “A lot has happened over the past few days.”

“Indeed,” Velvet said with a frown. “Things will never be the same again, will they?”

Twilight held her hooves up and stared at them. “No, I don’t think they will.”

Velvet ran a hoof through Twilight’s mane. “You need a haircut,” she said. “All those holes in your mane…”

“It grows on you,” Twilight said, looking over her Changeling form. “I’m feeling more and more comfortable like this. Weird huh?”

“Well, this is your ‘true’ form after all,” Velvet said. “So it’s only natural that it feels, well, natural I suppose.”

Twilight nodded.

“Twilight, how do you feel about the Changeling queen?” Velvet asked. That question had been on her mind ever since Chrysalis took her daughter away. That her relationship with her daughter would be changed because of the dark truth of what happened that faithful night.

“Honestly? I don’t know,” Twilight admitted. “Part of me is terrified of her. Another part of me knows that she does love me but… I’ve only known her for a few days.”

“Love doesn’t appear overnight,” Velvet said as she pulled her daughter closer to her. “I might regret saying this later but I think you should give her a chance.” It pained Velvet slightly to say those words. “She is your ‘real’ mother after all.”

“She’s my birthmother,” Twilight said. “You are my real mother.”

Velvet nuzzled her daughter. Hearing those words made her feel content. They confirmed what she already knew deep in her heart.

“I’m off to bed,” Twilight said after a few minutes had passed. “You guys can sleep on the couch.”

Four Praetorians shimmered into existence and bowed. They then resumed their camouflaged state, waiting for their princess and her adoptive mother to leave the couch to them. Of course, how they’d all fit on there was another problem.

“I think we’ll need a bigger couch,” Velvet said. “How did you know that they were there?”

Twilight tapped her forehead. “I don’t understand it but somehow, I am linked to every Changeling in the hive just like Chrysalis. My connection isn’t as strong yet but I can sense when they’re near me.”

Velvet nodded. “Do you want blankets?” she asked her invisible houseguests.

She got no response. A mischievous smirk appeared on Velvet’s face. “How about some hot chocolate before bed?” she asked, winking at Twilight as she stood up.

That did spark a reaction as the silent guardians turned visible again. The usually stoic Changelings all had eager looks on their faces and were looking at Twilight, waiting for her permission.

“Go ahead,” Twilight said. “Celestia knows you’ve earned it.”

The four Changelings eagerly followed after Twilight Velvet, acting in a way that Twilight had not seen them do before.

She followed after her four guards as there was no way that she’d pass up on a chance to get some homemade chocolaty goodness for herself.

Twilight walked into the kitchen to find her mom standing at the stove, waiting patiently as the pot of water she had put there began to heat up. Twilight ignored her for the time being and moved to the pantry. Knowing her mother, she had probably hidden the chocolate somewhere, where she couldn’t find it.

That didn’t stop Twilight from trying to find it though.

Twilight hadn’t really noticed up until now but her sense of smell was a lot better than it had been before, allowing her to easily detect where Velvet kept her stash of chocolate.

“Oh, that’s just unfair,” she said once she found the stash. Surrounding the box of chocolate was a small raspberry flavored force field. Twilight could probably break through it, if she tried hard enough but it would take her some time.

“Where did you think you and your brother got their skills?” Velvet asked, not even bothering to look away from the stove. If she had, Twilight would have seen her mother’s cheeky grin.


Half an hour later, the five Changelings were sated. Twilight Velvet’s hot chocolate may not be well known but Twilight Sparkle thought of it as the best in Equestria, possibly even the world. Especially on cold winter evenings or when she had a rough day.

For a moment, Twilight felt like everything was normal again. That she was just a regular pony sitting at home, enjoying some good old home-made chocolate with her mother.

And then Twilight looked beside her to see her four brothers desperately fighting over the whisk that Velvet had used to stir the chocolate with.

“I can see that you’re related,” Velvet said with a wry smile. “They’re your brothers, right?”

Twilight nodded. “Apparently. We’re still working things out.”

With that said, Twilight cleared her throat to draw the Changelings’ attention. “Go and rest,” she ordered. “We’ve all had a long day and we’ll have an even longer one tomorrow.”

Her royal guards reluctantly abandoned the whisk and bowed before Twilight before heading back to the living room, walking in an orderly row.

“Wait,” Twilight said to the last Praetorian. “You were the one that took that blow for me, right?” She shivered as she thought back to Celestia’s petrification spell.

The Changeling nodded.

“Thank you,” Twilight said and gave him a hug. The Praetorian was a bit surprised by her sudden act of affection but leaned into the hug anyway. Twilight could feel a very tiny bit of love slipping from her grasp and being greedily absorbed by the Changeling guard.

He was the one to break off the hug, giving her a last salute before heading after his brothers. Twilight noticed a spring in his step that hadn’t been there before.

“They’re an odd bunch,” Velvet said.

“We all are,” Twilight said with a small smile. “I’m going to hit the hay as well, good night mom.” She gave her mother a peck on the cheek as well .

“Good night,” Twilight Velvet said, watching as her daughter left the kitchen and headed to her old room.

Velvet let out a weary sigh. Today had been rather strenuous for her as well. She considered the dirty pots and cups to be future Velvet’s problem and left them at the sink. She then retired to her and Night Light’s room.

But before preparing for bed, Twilight Velvet grabbed a few spare blankets and pillows she had laying in the closet.

With the warm blankets and soft pillows floating in front of her, she walked back to the living room where the Changelings were trying to make themselves comfortable. Or at least that was what Velvet assumed they were doing, since they had turned invisible again. She could hear soft snoring, indicating that some of them must have fallen asleep while she was away.

“I brought you those blankets,” she called out to the seemingly empty living room. It took a few seconds but one of them turned visible again. He took the blankets and pillows off her hooves and spread them around. Velvet could see the blankets rise and fall as the invisible Changelings breathed.

“Thank you,” the Changeling said as he covered the last of his brothers with a soft blanket. Velvet figured that he was the oldest of the bunch, taking care of his brothers like that and watching over them while they slept.

She smiled at him. “Don’t mention it.”

With that said, she turned around and walked back to her room. In the meantime, Night Light had managed to drag himself away from his hobby room and was now lying in bed, waiting for his wife to join him.

“They’re an odd bunch,” Twilight Velvet said as she crawled under the soft sheets. With a flick of her horn she switched off the lights.

“They care for our daughter,” Night Light said. “And that’s good enough for me. We’ll just have to get used to it.”

“Stranger things have happened,” Twilight Velvet said. “Okay, maybe not this strange but you know what I mean.”

All she got in response was a soft snore. Velvet rolled her eyes, before closing them and attempting to fall asleep as well.


“Ha! This day has been just perfect for this great and powerful Changeling!” the Great and Powerful Changeling said. “First she gets to welcome her lost brothers and sisters and now she gets to help ponies be free from their miserable lives!”

“I can take her on,” Rainbow Dash whispered. “A quick kick and BAM! No more rambling.”

“Every Changeling is linked to the queen, she’d know instantly if one of her subjects is under attack,” Luna warned her. “Let’s just see where she takes us and work from there, okay?”

Rainbow Dash grumbled a response and just continued walking.

Eventually the three ponies and one formless cloud of magic arrived at a door. The Great and Powerful Changeling pushed the door open and beckoned for them to come in.

The room was rather… nice, if that was the right word to use. There were some comfortable looking chairs, a table and, surprisingly, another pony! He was almost entirely obscured by a blanket covering him as he laid there, curled up on a couch near the door. “Is it time?” he asked hopefully.

“Not yet,” the Great and Powerful Changeling said. “Others came but don’t worry, the queen will see you soon.”

The pony nodded and lowered his head again.

The Changeling turned to the three other ponies. “You three will have to wait here, until we come and take you to see the queen.”

The three of them nodded and walked into the room. “This Great and Powerful Changeling has to return to her task but she will come see you once you are reborn.” She closed the door closed behind them and locked it with a loud click.

“Hi!” Pinkie Pie hopped towards the covered pony. “My name’s Pinkie Pie! What’s yours?”

“Not important,” the pony said. Pinkie noticed that he was shivering, despite the warm blanket. “Leave me alone, please…”


“Pinkie, leave him be,” Applejack said, laying a hoof on Pinkie’s shoulder. “For now,” she whispered.

“Now what?” Rainbow Dash asked. “We’re in the belly of the beast, where do we go from here?”

Luna returned to her corporal form. “We wait for them to come and get us. They’ll take us to the queen and we can speak to her then.”

The trembling pony lifted his blanket, to see just who it was that spoke. He let out a small cry of shock before covering himself again.

“What do we do about him?” Applejack whispered, so the colt wouldn’t hear.

“Nothing,” Luna said. “He made his own choice to come here. Didn’t you?” she asked loud enough for the pony to hear her.

“Yes,” the pony whispered. “Please, leave me be.”

“But-” Pinkie wanted to protest but she fell quiet as Luna laid a hoof on her shoulder. Pinkie turned to the princess, who was shaking her head.


Some time later the door unlocked once more. An absolutely huge Changeling came in and addressed the cowering pony. “It’s time,” she said.

The pony got up and wrapped his blanket around him like a cloak. Applejack could now see that he had almost no mane left. His coat was a very pale shade of brown and she could see his ribs poking out. The poor thing looked like he had been crying for quite some time, judging by the marks surrounding his eyes. She didn’t recognize the pony though.

Rainbow Dash on the other hoof did, causing her to freeze up for a few seconds as she realised who it was.

“You three will have to wait till dawn,” the Behemoth said, her voice oddly gentle when compared to the other Changelings. “The queen is tired and she will only see him tonight.” She motioned to the pony standing beside her.

“Come along now,” the Behemoth said. “The queen’s waiting for you.” She closed the door behind her and locked it once more.

Pinkie Pie stared at the door. “That pony wasn’t smiling,” she eventually said.

“Few of the ponies that come here do,” Luna said, shifting from cloud to mare in the blink of an eye. “Some ponies find their way here on their own, others are convinced to come by the Changelings. Some hurts do not heal, my little ponies,” Luna said with a sigh as she fiddled with her cloak, to adjust her broche.

Pinkie Pie sat down on the ground, thinking about Luna’s words.

“Are we really going to wait here all night?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I don’t know about you but I really don’t want to spend the night locked up like this.”

“I think it’s in our best interest to just wait and-”

A loud crash interrupted Luna. The princess of the night sighed. “She busted the door open, didn’t she?”

“She did,” Rainbow Dash said.

“We gotta go after her,” Applejack said, moving towards the door. “Before she gets into real trouble.”


The thing that Pinkie Pie hated the most in life was seeing a pony being sad and not being able to do anything about it. Going to the dentist was a close second.

Pinkie knew that leaving her friends behind wasn’t the brightest idea she had all day but she had to hurry. She pulled her magnifying glass and deerstalker hat out of her bag and began the search for the sad pony.

“Hmm, it seems that there are tracks here,” Pinkie concluded after a thorough investigation. She followed the tracks, hoping that they belonged to the big Changeling and the sad pony. Who knows, maybe she’d even run into Twilight!

With that thought Pinkie set out on her search with renewed vigor. Maybe that regiment of guards could help her.


“I should have left that pony back at the castle,” Luna said to herself as she attempted to track down the pink pony. “But no, I needed somepony licensed to use artillery.”

“Pinkie’s just being Pinkie,” Applejack said. “She can’t stand seeing ponies cry or be sad.”

“While that is an admirable feat, she may have just compromised this entire rescue and diplomacy mission,” Luna scoffed, though she couldn’t fault Pinkie Pie for being true to her element.

“Be honest, princess,” Rainbow Dash said. “This whole mission’s been rather vague from the get-go. I say we just find Pinkie Pie, find the queen , speak our case, possibly get Sparkle back and get back home before breakfast.”

“Things must be real bad if Rainbow’s making sense,” Applejack joked, though she agreed with everything Rainbow Dash said..

“Very well,” Luna said. “Let’s find that pink menace before she gets into trouble.”

“I got into trouble!” Pinkie Pie screamed as she ran past Luna and the others.

Luna’s hoof and her face had never met this many times in such a short time before this journey.

Moments later a large group of Changelings came running down the tunnel.

“I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!” Luna screamed, rattling the entire hive. Her horn glowed and her magic engulfed Pinkie and pulled her back. It then warped into a shield, surrounding the four ponies. “You, soldier,” she addressed the closest Changeling. “You will take us to your queen, now!”

“Never!” the Changeling hissed.

Luna’s eye twitched. “Take me to your queen or else…”

“Else what?” the Changeling challenged.

“Pinkie Pie, this Changeling desires to be your friend,” Luna said with a smile.

“Really?” Pinkie pressed her face against the shield. “Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie! I’ve never had a Changeling as a friend! Well, except Twilight Sparkle of course but I haven’t seen her as a Changeling yet so I’m not sure if that counts. Do Changelings like parties? Of course you do, who doesn’t? Even bug thingies like parties! Are you really bug thingies? Because you’ve got bug wings and bug eyes and bug bodies but you look like ponies too so does that mean you’re bug-ponies? Twilight would know but then again, she’s a bug-pony now too so she might be biased. This reminds me of that one time...

The entire Changeling brigade twitched as the pink mare rambled on and on.


“Who would have thought that your incessant yakking would come in handy?” Luna said triumphantly. She had to admit, those Changelings did hold out for a while, lasting half an hour before cracking.

The Changelings reluctantly led them to what could be considered a throne room. It was really just a medium sized room with a rather disheveled looking chair that could pass for a throne, if one ignored the burn marks on it.

One of the Changelings knocked on the door. “We are busy!” Chrysalis called out. “Go away!”

“Yes, our queen!” the Changeling yelled through the door and turned around, only to be met with Luna who was brandishing Pinkie Pie like a sword or club, holding her at point blank range.

“Go ahead,” Luna said to the shivering Changeling. “Make my day.”

“But it’s night!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Shouldn’t you say ‘make my night?’ You should, since you’re also princess of the night and becau-” Luna covered her mouth.

“My queen! Please, you have guests!” the Changeling whined and pounded on the door.


“Yes!” the Changeling yelled. “The pink one’s very annoying but they want to speak with you!”

“Very well, send them in,” Chrysalis yelled through the door.

The Changeling pushed the door open and ran through it. One reason was to protect his queen in case they wanted to do more than just talk. The other reason being that he wanted to get away as far as possible from the pink one.

The other Changelings followed suit and rushed towards their queen, setting up a defensive perimeter.

“Who dares to enter the Changeling hive unannounced?” Chrysalis asked. “Oh… Princess Luna?” The queen got up from her throne and stepped towards the princess, though she kept a respectable distance away. “Let me guess, you’ve come for your revenge?”

“No,” Luna said.

“No?” Chrysalis echoed. “Then why?”

“Because we do not wish to be at war with the Changelings,” Luna said. “Equestria has known peace for a long time and we do not wish to change that because of a single… incident.” Luna despised calling the kidnapping and neglect of her niece just an incident. But it would do her little good to invoke the queen’s anger on their home ground.

“Really?” Chrysalis purred. “I kidnapped your precious Mi Amore Cadenza, I impersonated her and made fools out of all of you. I threatened to invade Canterlot and I almost took control of Princess Celestia. Not only that but I also kidnapped Captain Shining Armor, the youngest and most successful captain of the guard in centuries. And you expect me to believe that you don’t want revenge?” Chrysalis let out a dry laugh. “And then I haven’t even started on our petty conflicts,” she said, looking straight at Luna.

“It’s true!” Applejack yelled. “We’re just here to talk, nothing more.”

“Applejack, wasn’t it?” Chrysalis knew about Twilight’s friends before she met them at the wedding but had never really taken an interest in them before then. “Tell me Applejack, why should I believe that? Princess Luna has a vicious streak a mile wide. Did she tell you about the griffons?”

“Yes,” Rainbow Dash said. “But that was like a million years ago. Ponies change, you know.”

“I know that better than most,” Chysalis said with a smirk. As if on command, the Behemoth from before stood up and made herself visible to the ponies.

Pinkie Pie let out a small whimper as the massive Changeling walked past them. A green cocoon was strapped to her back, with the sad pony floating inside it.

“But the more ponies change, the more they stay the same,” Chrysalis said as the Behemoth casually lumbered towards the door.

“Again, we do not wish to allow this to escalate into a conflict beyond our control,” Luna pleaded.

“There’s a simple solution to that,” Chrysalis said. “Leave. Forget that we exist. In a few years we Changelings will have faded into obscurity again, just the way we like it.”

“What about Twilight?” Pinkie called out. “Where is she? She must have something smart to say about this.”

“My beautiful daughter Amaryllis has left the hive,” Chrysalis admitted begrudgingly. “She wanted to see her old family and friends.” She frowned. “But you three being here… does that mean that you still care for her? Even now?”

“Of course!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Sparkle’s our friend! We’d never leave her!”

“We stick together, sure as sugar,” Applejack said with a smile.

“Twilight is my bestest friend!” Pinkie Pie clapped her hooves. “I even wrote a song about her! Do you want to hear it?!”

“No!” the Changelings present in the room shouted. Some of them cowered behind the queen, others covered their ears with their hooves.

“How rude,” Pinkie huffed.

“I… wasn’t expecting that,” Chrysalis admitted. Her own friends had been a lot less forgiving of her new form, though she suspected that Celestia may have had something to do with that.

“So Twilight Sparkle isn’t here?” Luna asked.

Chrysalis shook her head. “No. And neither is Shining Armor.”

“Wait, so we trotted all this way for nothing?” Rainbow Dash uttered.

“It would seem so,” Chrysalis said. “I’ll show you the way out.”

“Not so fast,” Luna said. “I still wish to speak with you, concerning relationships with Equestria.”

“What relationship?” Chrysalis chuckled. “Equestria and the Wastelands have lived separately for ten thousand years. We have no desire to change that.”

“Surely there would be some mutual gain for both our lands,” Luna tried again.

“And I’m sure there is,” Chrysalis said. “But I’m not interested in allying myself with Celestia, so the answer remains no.”

“Then how about allying yourself with me?” Luna offered. “I am the princess of the night and I watch over all that happens under the cloak of darkness, including your unorthodox ways of gathering food. Perhaps Equestria can help you with that.”

Chrysalis laughed. “Sure it can,” she said, exposing her fangs , much to the discomfort of the three ponies with Luna. They felt like prey and in some ways, they were.

“My little ponies.” Luna turned and faced her three companions. “Please, leave me and the queen for the time being.”


“No buts,” Luna said firmly. “This is between me and her.”

“We do have an awful lot of catching up to do,” Chrysalis said with a sly grin. “Take our guests to the guest room,” Chrysalis said. “They are the princess’s friends, so treat them as such.”

A pair of Changelings walked toward the three ponies and bowed. “Friends of the princess, please follow us.” Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie reluctantly allowed themselves to be lead away.

“Promise me that you will not harm them in any way,” Luna demanded.

“I owe you no favors,” Chrysalis said. “If this is about what happened a thousand years ago, then go complain to Celestia.

“But don’t worry about your little pony friends,” she said. “Amaryllis wouldn’t be very pleased with me if I were to convert her friends. Such a pity, mine were much more enjoyable afterwards.”

The door closed with a loud thud.

“Now then, Princess Luna,” Chrysalis purred. “Talk.”

“Starlight,” Luna started, earning her a snarl from Chrysalis.

“Do not call me by that name, Starlight is dead,” Chrysalis said. “Don’t forget that you’re in my territory now, Princess Luna. I rule here and you’d do best to show me some respect.”

“A mere slip of the tongue,” Luna said coolly. “No more, no less. I bear little to no resentment to you, Queen Chrysalis.”

“I find that hard to believe,” Chrysalis said. “But let’s get down to business...”


“Ah don’t like this,” Applejack said as she sat down on the surprisingly comfortable bed. The Changelings had proven themselves to be very hospitable, offering them the most comfortable room that didn’t belong to royalty. They also provided the ponies with untainted water and, unsurprisingly, chocolate treats.

“Me neither,” Pinkie Pie said, popping a chunk of chocolate into her mouth. “Wow, this is good stuff!” she said, licking her lips approvingly.

“They don’t expect us to sleep here, right?” Rainbow Dash said. “Because that’s what they want, to have us defenseless and then BAM! Cocoons for everypony!”

“Ah don’t think we can do much besides wait,” Applejack said. “Wait and hope that Princess Luna knows what she’s doing...”

“Chill out, Applejack,” Rainbow Dash said, patting her friend on the back. “I’m sure that if you ask the queen she’ll make Big Mac normal again.”

“Ah wish Ah was certain about that as you, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack said. “But right now, Ah just wanna get some shut-eye.” Today had been rather stressful for Applejack, as Big Macintosh’s condition was the only thing on her mind. She laid down on the suspiciously comfortable bed, dead-set on getting some sleep before trying to meet with the queen and discuss her issues.

“You do that,” Rainbow Dash said. “I’ll keep an eye out just in case they try to pull a fast one on us.”

“Yeah! Don’t worry Applejack, I’ll wake you up in time for the party,” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully, all signs of worry from before having vanished.

“You do that Pinkie,” Applejack said as she tipped her hat forward to cover her eyes. “Wait, what?”


Somewhere else, near the edge of the Everfree forest sat a small cottage. It was home to many animals and their Pegasus caretaker. But at the moment, there was one newcomer.

Spike the dragon had taken up residence there as well, as Fluttershy had offered to look after him until Twilight came back home. If she came back at all...

At the moment, Spike was sitting by the window. He never understood what Twilight found so fascinating about watching balls of gas that were lightyears away from them. But now Spike couldn’t take his eyes off of them.

He thought back to Twilight’s friendship report about the Sonic Rainboom that Rainbow Dash had pulled off so many years ago. She had said something incredibly cheesy about it: that maybe you and your future best friends could be watching the same beautiful rainbow.

Spike wondered if the same applied to stars, that both he and Twilight were looking at the same stars right now.

“Spike?” a soft voice came from behind him, causing him to turn away from the night-time spectacle.

“Oh, hi Fluttershy,” Spike said. “Didn’t see you there.”

“Spike, shouldn’t you be in bed by now?” Fluttershy asked. “It’s getting awfully late and you need your sleep.”

“I don’t know,” Spike said. “I don’t feel tired at all.”

An awkward silence formed as neither of them knew what to say. Eventually Spike turned back around and gazed upon the stars once more.

“There is something wrong,” Fluttershy said. “I know there is. Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really,” Spike said, not bothering to turn around and face Fluttershy. “It’s just... I feel like I failed her, you know. Like I could have done more.”

“Oh Spike,” Fluttershy said. “You’re not blaming yourself now, are you?”

“Maybe a little bit,” Spike said. “I should have noticed something was up with Twilight. I’ve known her for all my life, so why didn’t I see it?”

“Nopony noticed that she was an impostor,” Fluttershy said. She walked up to the window and sat down next to him. “Everypony was so worked up about the wedding and from what I’ve heard, that other Twilight didn’t act very different either.”

“Yeah but...” Spike trailed off as Fluttershy gave him a hug.

“It’s okay Spike, nopony could have known about this. Don’t you dare beat yourself up about this,” Fluttershy assured him and hugged the baby dragon even closer.

“Thanks Fluttershy,” Spike said once she allowed him to breathe again.

“You’re welcome,” Fluttershy said with a smile. “Now off to bed with you, baby dragons need their sleep too!”

Spike managed a weak chuckle at that. “Sure thing, Fluttershy. Good night.”

“Good night to you too, Spike,” Fluttershy said as she headed up the stairs and towards her own room.

Spike turned one last time towards the window, before heading up the stairs as well and into Fluttershy’s spare bedroom.

Little did they know that in Canterlot there was a Changeling princess, who gazed out her window to look at the stars before going to bed.


Oh Spike, you crazy dragon. Expect to see more Luna/Chrysalis shenanigans next chapter, as this one was lacking in it.

And I wish to thank everyone for reading. Mirror's Image has hit over one thousand likes! You guys and gals have no idea how much I appreciate that!

[E/N]: Grrrrrreetings everypony. Michael, Editor in Chief and CEO of uT.TerAbsurdity Inc. here with the latest instalment of Mirror’s Image. We here at good ol’ uA I. strongly believe in getting the content out to our readers as fast as possible, however due to recent events, the release of the chapter you hold in your hot, little, sweaty digital hands was delayed by an inexcusable length of time. As Editor in Chief, I would like to personally apologize for the delay and relay my condolences to any and all readers who suffered catastrophic disaster on account of our tardiness. I would though, like to speak a word in defense of our highly capable writers and editors. According to our company calendar, next week is Dead Week for the majority of our employees and the week after is Finals. As much as I am loathe to say this, sometimes Ponies has to take a backseat to other things in life. Once again, I wish to apologize on behalf of the whole 1-man band. Thank you.

Now that that’s out of the way, ER MER GERD! HERPPY THERNKSGERVERN! Have some Thanksgiving ponies!