• Published 20th May 2012
  • 55,279 Views, 3,907 Comments

Mirror's Image - Evilpresident

Twilight never was a unicorn. And she didn't even know it.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

“One-two-three-four, one-two-three-four, one-two-three-four, one-two-three-four,” Shining Armor recited as he marched in front of his little sister’s room. The young colt was ready for anything, with his cardboard armor on and wooden training sword by his side.

“Shining Armor,” Night Light said. “It’s time for bed, tomorrow’s a school day.”

“But dad, I have to protect Twiley!” Shining Armor protested. “What if a monster shows up? Or a foalnapper? Or a monster that specializes in foalnapping?”

Night Light sighed and lowered himself to his son’s eyelevel. “You need to stop worrying so much,” he said. “Twilight is safe inside her crib and she has Miss Smarty Pants with her, she will protect Twilight.”

“She’s just a doll,” Shining Armor argued.

“One that you made,” Night Light reminded him. “If anything she’ll keep Twilight from having bad dreams. Now off to bed with you.”

Shining Armor muttered something under his breath as he went through the door next to the one he had been guarding. This was his room and he was grateful that it was right next to his little sister’s.

The colt couldn’t understand why Twilight had already been given her own room. He considered her way too young to be without her parents at night. Though he might be a bit biased, having lost her once already. Shining Armor didn’t know what he’d do if he ever lost her again…

Using what magic he had he unclasped the straps of his play-armor and pulled it off of himself with his hooves. He then gingerly placed it on a worn-out mannequin so it would retain its shape. The training sword followed suit and was placed on a standard he had made out of two pieces of wood.

The sword was the last thing his grandfather had given him and he treasured it above all else, except his parents, grandma and little sister, of course.

Disarmed, he left his room again to find Night Light waiting outside the door. “Have you brushed your teeth?” he asked.

“Yes,” Shining Armor lied.

Night light leaned in and looked his son in the eyes. “Liar, go wash up,” he said.

Shining Armor grumbled as he went to the bathroom. Once there, he opened the cabinet, pulled out his toothbrush and went to work.

“Two minutes minimum!” Night Light called out from the hallway.

“Yesh dahd!” Shining Armor said loudly and obnoxiously as he continued to brush his teeth, as awkwardly as it was to do so without the use of magic. Shining Armor could levitate small things but a controlled motion like brushing his teeth was still out of his league.

Despite that, he managed. Two minutes later, his pearly whites were, well, pearly white and Shining Armor was cleaning up the bathroom, lest he receive a lecture about that as well.

With his dental duties done, he returned to Twilight’s room. His mother and father were there, watching as Twilight slept in her crib. Her Smarty Pants doll was clenched in her little hooves as she dreamt of something pleasant, judging by the tiny smile on her face.

“Come to say goodnight?” Velvet asked as she noticed Shining Armor creeping into the room, the colt taking care not to make a sound.

“Just like every night,” Shining Armor whispered as he looked through the bars at the little filly. “Good night, Twiley,” he said.

“Now off to bed with you,” Night Light said. “You have school tomorrow, remember?”

“Yes dad,” Shining Armor said, moving back towards the door.

He took one last look at the crib. His mother was casting the Foal monitoring spell, which would alarm her if the filly cried. Shining Armor didn’t see the point of that spell, as he was within earshot and ready to come to her aid like any good big brother would.

Except for diaper duty, that was dad’s work. Both he and mom had agreed on that. Dad had protested, of course, but he was outnumbered. And despite Equestria not being a democracy, the ayes still had it.

Another duty of his father was making sure Twilight’s music box was running. The little filly loved the soft tune that it played and she had a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night if somepony forgot to turn it on.

Night Light levitated the violet box towards him and gave the silver key a few turns. He then placed it on a small table by Twilight’s crib and opened it. Two Unicorn figurines popped out and began to turn around on a small platform, as if they were dancing to the soft tunes of the music box.

Shining Armor was glad that his father had remembered Twilight’s sleeping ritual and left for his room, only having to take a few steps to get there. Most of his toys were still scattered across his room, something that both he and dad liked to call ‘organized chaos’ as he knew where to find his favorite toys.

Twilight Velvet walked in. “Do you want me to tuck you in?” she asked.

“Mom, I’m old enough to go without that,” Shining Armor protested.

“Nonsense,” Twilight Velvet said. “Got your pajamas?” she asked.

“No,” Shining Armor rolled his eyes and tried to scowl at his mother. All that did was make him look cute, which was hardly his intention.

Moments later he was dressed in his blue and yellow Wonderbolt-themed pajamas. Despite being the home of the sun princess herself, Canterlot still got very cold during the nights even in the spring and summer.

Shining Armor hopped into bed and groaned annoyingly as his mother tucked him in. “Good night, Shiny,” she said.

“Good night mom,” he said back. “Good night dad!” he said a bit louder, so the stallion outside his room could hear him.

“Sleep tight, son!” Night Light called back.

Twilight Velvet kissed her son’s forehead and left the room, putting out the lights as she went.

Shining Armor buried his head in his pillow and tried to fall asleep. The soft tones of Twilight’s music box carried on into his room through the thin walls. He didn’t mind them, as he had gotten used to them by now.

He closed his eyes and waited for sleep to take him off to dream valley. Just last night he had a great dream where he was a captain of the guard and had a mission to go and defeat an angry dragon.

It was such a cool dream, he had a real sword and everything!

Unfortunately for the colt, it would take some time before he’d be able to live said dream. He had to be sixteen before he could enter the Royal Guard academy, which meant that he had to wait for eight more years!

Eight more years before he could become an awesome royal guard, just like grandpa. The young colt opened his eyes and sat up in his bed, the stray thought turning his mind towards his grandfather and what he had meant to him. Grandpa Grand Shield had died only a year ago, while Twilight Sparkle was still in their mom’s tummy.

And then a month later, she showed up. And something else went wrong…

Even now, Shining Armor didn’t understand why his little sister didn’t wake up when she was born but his grandma had told him that Grandpa Grand Shield would take care of her for them. Shining Armor liked to think that he came down from the sacred fields and brought Twilight back with him, as a last gift from him to his grandson.

Shining Armor’s ears twitched. The song the music box played had stopped. But its song still hung in the air. It was faint but he could hear it.

Something wasn’t right here, Shining Armor could feel it in the air. Quickly he tossed his blanket off of him and leapt out of bed. Dodging a few stray toy soldiers and a Daring Doo action figure in the dark, he made for his sword and grabbed it with his mouth.

Sneaking ever so quietly he made his way to his door and pushed it open. The hallway was dark but the music was more audible here. Taking care to tread lightly Shining Armor crawled towards his sister’s room.

He slowly pushed the door open and walked into the room, gathering his courage as he went. What kind of guard would Shining Armor make if he was afraid to protect his little sister?

The door creaked softly as it moved and Shining Armor gasped, almost dropping his sword from shock. Something was standing near the crib!

‘Hush now, quiet now,’ the creature sang. Its voice was both beautiful and haunting at the same time and it caused Shining Armor to feel uneasy though what made him feel even more uneasy was the fact that his little sister was in the grasp of a monster!

The monster was tall and dark, with teal mane and tail and wings! Strange holes filled its legs and its horn was crooked and jagged, looking more like a weapon than a magical conductor. Shining Armor could even see that it had long sharp teeth as it smiled at his little sister.

Twilight however didn’t seem to mind, as she slept like a filly. She was still clutching her doll even as the monster rocked her in its forelegs.

‘It’s time to lay your sleepy head, hush now-’ the monster stopped its singing as it noticed Shining Armor’s reflection in the window. It turned to face him with Twilight still in its hooves. “I had thought you would be asleep by now,” she, as it was obviously female, said.

“MOM! DAD!” Shining Armor screamed, his sword clattering to the ground as he hightailed out of there and towards his parents’ room.

“There’s a monster!” he screamed as he pushed the door open. “A big monster with sharp teeth and a strange horn and a-” the colt rambled on and on.

Night Light and Twilight Velvet looked at each other before jumping out of bed and running towards Twilight’s room. After all, they lived in Equestria, where there are such things as monsters…

But when they got there, there was nothing.

Twilight slept peacefully in her crib, Smarty Pants still protecting her from any would-be nightmares.

“You had a bad dream,” Night Light told Shining Armor. “I think you should go back to bed.”

“But I-” Shining Armor opened his mouth to protest but was quickly cut off by his mother.

“The spell is still active,” she told him. “Nothing happened to her, I assure you. Now off to bed with you, young colt.”

“But…” Shining Armor trailed off. He had been so sure! It was right there! And now it was gone!

Thankfully it was gone. Shining Armor knew what he saw and he was glad that it didn’t hurt his little sister. But why was it singing to her? Why was it cradling her?

Shining Armor didn’t understand. He also didn’t notice the two glowing eyes peering through the slightly opened door of the walk-in closet.


Shining Armor’s eyes opened. “It was just a dream,” he muttered. “And a memory”

It had been the Changeling queen, he now realized. If Twilight truly was Chrysalis’ daughter, it would make sense for her to come and check up on her.

But to think that she could have just taken Twilight like that… it made Shining Armor sick to his stomach.

He blinked his eyes a few times, taking in the scenery. He was in a white room, with a white bed with white sheets. All he needed was a white mane and nopony would ever see him again.

Birds were chirping obnoxiously, in Shining Armor’s opinion at least, and the sun was slowly beginning to rise over the horizon.

“A new day,” Shining Armor said to himself. He tried to get up and out of bed, only to fail as his strength had left him during the night. The nightmare that Chrysalis had put him through had finally caught up with him, leaving him weakened.

“Good morning!” a familiar voice said, causing Shining Armor to turn in his bed and face the door. At least he had strength enough for that.

“Twilight?” Shining Armor smiled at the sight of his little sister standing next to his sickbed. She was wearing her disguise which seemed to be absolutely perfect for once. “What are you doing here so early?” he asked.

“Oh nothing, just visiting my Big Brother Best Friend Forever before I head back to Ponyville,” Twilight said cheerfully. “Tons of stuff to do today.”

“And let me guess, you made yourself a checklist, right?” Shining Armor teased. His little sister was so predictable. Well usually, at least. If somepony had told Shining Armor that his sister was actually the heir to an empire of emotionally-starved insectoid ponies, he would have laughed and declared said pony to be a loony. Such a thing was just plain unreal.

Unfortunately for Shining Armor, it had become bitter reality.

“I tried to,” Twilight said, biting her lip softly. “But I quit half-way.”

“Why?” her brother asked. Twilight would never start something and not finish it. Especially not when it came to checklists or similar things.

“I noticed that… my magic turned green,” Twilight said with a sigh. She levitated a glass off of the stand by Shining’s bed and floated it across the room.

Shining Armor stared in silence as the glass soared through the air in a figure eight pattern. Gone was the dark pink color of his sister’s magic. It was now a bright shade of green, something rarely seen amongst Unicorns.

“It’s green,” Shining Armor stated. “So what?”

“It’s just that I was so used to it,” Twilight said. “First my cutie mark, now my magic… I wonder what’s next?”

“You lost your cutie mark?” Shining Armor asked, shock clear on his face. He hadn’t noticed that. Though in his defense, he had other things on his mind than a marking on his sister’s flank.

Twilight nodded. “I still had it at first, but then it faded.” She turned and looked at her flank, where the stars were still present. Only when she was disguised as her old self did she have her mark. Twilight was relieved that she could still have it but it just wasn’t the same anymore.

“I’m so sorry,” Shining Armor said. “I know how important it was to you.” He weakly lifted his hooves in an inviting gesture. “Hug?” he offered.

Twilight hugged her brother, noticing that his hug was a lot less powerful than it had been yesterday. “Shiny? Are you okay?” she asked.

“I’m fine,” he said. “I just feel so weak right now. Must’ve been the past few days catching up with me.”

“Do you remember what happened to you?” Twilight asked nervously. She hadn’t been with him at all times and didn’t know what happened while he was with Chrysalis and the other Changelings. Perhaps it was for the best that he didn’t either.

“Parts.” Shining Armor frowned as he tried to recall more but failed. A night’s rest had helped him remember but his memory was still riddled with holes. “I remember… walking through a dusty place… then through a cave, I think… and then there’s an apple, for some reason.”

“That’s from when Chrysalis tried to serve you as a meal to me,” Twilight reminded him. She had left that little detail out when she told the story yesterday. “I think she thought it funny to tie you up and stuff an apple in your mouth. Don’t know why though.”

“I also remember you standing up for me,” Shining Armor continued. “After that, there’s a flash of a memory here, a shard there… nothing more.”

“It’s okay Shiny,” Twilight said. “Perhaps it’s for the best. Anyway, I’ve got some good news for you!”

“Oh really?” Shining Armor asked.

“Yes, you’re being moved to Cadance’s room!” Twilight said happily. “So you two lovebirds can recover together! Isn’t that romantic?” She clapped her hooves in enthusiasm.

“I suppose,” Shining Armor said to humor his little sister.

As if on cue, somepony knocked on the door before opening it. A pair of nurses stood there. “You’re being moved,” one of them said.

“I know, Twilight just told me,” Shining Armor said.

The nurses moved to the bed, released the brakes and pushed it out the door. Twilight scanned the room, in case Shining Armor had left anything behind. She didn’t spot anything out of the ordinary though.

Except for one tiny little thing…

“You’re mine now,” Twilight Sparkle said as she noticed an half-eaten chocolate bar on the nightstand.


Shining Armor hummed to himself as the nurses pushed him throughout the hospital. He was going to see his Cadance again and be able to spend some much needed time with her. Most of which he would be using to apologize to her for not realizing that she had been replaced by Twilight’s real mother.

He shuddered at the thought of what could have happened if Chrysalis hadn’t replaced him and Twilight with two other Changelings.

If things had gone differently and Cadance hadn’t been found, he would have gotten married to Chrysalis. It would have been rather awkward to explain to Twilight that her brother was now considered her stepfather.

Luckily, Twilight’s friends Fluttershy and Rarity had saved her from the caverns. Shining Armor mentally promised to write them a letter to thank them for what they did.

“And we’re here,” the nurse said as they came to room 404.

The other nurse pushed the door open before returning to the bed and helping her colleague to push it through.

“Good morning,” Cadance said with a big smile on her face as Shining Armor passed through the door.

The nurses rolled the bed into place next to her. “We’ll set you up on the window side,” one of the nurses said. “Celestia knows you could use some sun.”

With that said, the nurses left Cadance and Shining Armor to themselves

“Good morning to you too,” Shining Armor said to his beloved one.

“So we’re roommates from now on?” Cadance asked with a smile on her face. “I’m starved for some company.”

“Doesn’t your little brother visit?” Shining Armor asked.

“He came in very early today and left in a hurry.” Cadance frowned. “I think he had something important to do,” Cadance said. “You just missed him.”

“That’s good,” Shining Armor said with a grimace. “You know I don’t really like him.”

“Too bad,” Cadance joked. “You promised me a new little sister. In turn you get a new little brother!”

“I don’t suppose I can change my mind?” Shining Armor chuckled weakly. “Or how about we renegotiate this? I don’t really need anything besides you, you know.”

“I don’t get why you’re so apprehensive about him. You know he’s not as bad as his reputation suggests,” Cadance said.

“I’m just wary of him, after what your parents tried to do,” Shining Armor explained.

“We’re a royal family,” Cadance said, defending her parents. “Arranged marriages are one of those old traditions we just can’t let go of.” However wrong it may be, she added in thought.

“I just don’t appreciate my sister being treated like something you can buy and sell,” Shining Armor said. “Good thing that my dad had enough spine to throw your father’s money back in his face.”

Cadance nodded. “I wouldn’t relax just yet if I were you. Bluey genuinely likes Twilight. It’s only a matter of time before he gathers up his courage and asks her out for real.”

“And I’ll be right there, keeping an eye on him and waiting for him to slip up,” Shining Armor said. “Like any good big brother should.”

“Speaking of eyes, Bluey had a black eye,” Cadance noted. “He didn’t tell me where he got it though.”

“Maybe one of his servants finally stood up for themselves?” Shining Armor offered as a suggestion, earning him a scowl from his fiancée.

Twilight Sparkle chose that moment to knock on the doorframe, announcing her arrival before walking in through the open door. “Hi Cadance!” she said. “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything, did I? What were you talking about?”

“Good morning Twilight and no, you didn’t. We were just talking about my brother. Bluey got himself a black eye,” Cadance said, hoping that Twilight hadn’t heard anything else. Her brother had made her promise not to speak of his infatuation with Twilight herself. Cadance could easily set the two of them up if she wanted to but Blueblood wanted to do so on his own, without his big sister’s help.

“Really now?” Twilight sighed. “Which one of you did that?” she said as she stood up to address the seemingly empty space in front of her.

One Changeling shimmered into existence and held his hoof up before disappearing again. Twilight sighed again.

“Twilight? What the hay was that?” Shining Armor asked.

“That was one of my guards,” Twilight said. She turned back around to face Cadance and Shining Armor. “First that royal guard, now Blueblood. I’m really considering naming you ‘Sucker Punch’ or something,” she said absentmindedly.

“Cadance, are you okay?” Shining Armor asked. He had noticed Cadance’s reaction yesterday, no matter how she had tried to hide it.

“I-I’m fine,” Cadance said, though she looked a bit distraught by the sudden appearance and disappearance of the Changeling. “They can turn invisible too?”

“Some of them,” Twilight said. “And they have a strange tendency to go after ponies that wronged me.”

“So why Blueblood?” Shining Armor asked.

“He tackled me when Celestia and I were walking through the statue garden,” Twilight said. “I was undisguised and he just downright attacked me and knocked me to the ground.”

Shining Armor and Cadance shared a worried look, one that Twilight didn’t notice.

“Did he know it was you?” Cadance asked eventually.

Twilight shook her head. “And I’d rather keep it that way, for now at least. So don’t tell him, please Cadance?”

“My lips are sealed,” Cadance said. She knew for a fact that her brother was a bit of a xenophobe and she wouldn’t put it past him to attack a Changeling if one were to present itself.

“Anyway, how have you two been?” Twilight asked, changing the subject.

“I’m feeling much better now,” Cadance said, a smile gracing her face once more as she looked at her fiancé.

“Me too,” Shining Armor said. “But I’m still feeling rather weak.”

“My love will give you strength,” Cadance said, a small laugh escaping her lips as she realized just how cheesy that line sounded. Still, she reached for Shining Armor with her hoof, offering it to him.

Shining Armor did the same and grabbed a hold of her hoof, squeezing it gently. It felt so right, to be able to hold hooves once more after being apart for so long.

“I think that you two lovebirds are going to be just fine,” Twilight said. “I’m going to go visit Princess Celestia now and then I’m off to Ponyville to see my friends.” She thought of Fluttershy, Rarity and Spike. Her thoughts then wandered to Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. And Luna too. They were risking their lives for her right now.

“Have fun,” Shining Armor said. “They’re good ponies, those friends of yours. Keep them close to you, Twilight.”

Twilight nodded, though she remembered how short her friend’s lifespan was compared to her own. Did she really want to stay close to them, knowing that in a hundred years most of them would be gone? Twilight filed those thoughts away, deciding that they were quite literally Future Twilight’s problem.

Cadance smiled at her. “It’s been so good to see you again Twilight, I hope that the next time we meet will be a bit less troublesome.”

“You and me both,” Twilight said. “Bye B.B.B.F.F. Bye Cadance, I’ll keep in touch!”

Twilight gave them a wave and flashed them a smile before walking out the door.

“She’s a good filly,” Cadance said once Twilight was out of hearing range.

“One of the best,” Shining Armor said with a smile.

“You know, Twilight is lucky to have you as a brother,” Cadance said, turning to him. “A lesser stallion would have freaked out and yelled at her. Maybe even hurt her.”

“Never,” Shining Armor said determinately. “She may not be my sister by blood but she is in spirit,” he said, before reaching a hoof to his chest and tapping it a few times. “And in here, in my heart. Nothing will ever change that,” he said, thinking back of simpler times before this whole mess started.

He thought back of how she would follow him around, no matter where he went. Shining Armor’s friends had always teased him about it but they never made a big deal about it.

“Shining?” Cadance said, snapping him out of his reminiscing.

“Oh, sorry,” Shining Armor said. “Just remembering the good times I had with Twilight. She may not be my ‘true’ sister but I wouldn’t trade her for the world.”

Cadance just took his hoof back into hers and looked at him with loving eyes. In that moment, all seemed right with the world again. The two lovers torn apart had been brought together again and nopony could stand in the way of their happiness.


As Twilight made her way to the stairs she came across Doctor Quick Fix. “Good morning Doctor,” she greeted him.

“Good morning, Miss… Twilight, was it not?” the doctor asked.

Twilight nodded. “How long do you think it’ll take before my big brother can leave the hospital?”

“It shouldn’t take too long,” Quick Fix said. “He’s suffering from exhaustion and mild dehydration, nothing that can’t be fixed with some rest and enough fluids. It’s his lungs I’m most worried about though.”

“Oh?” Twilight hadn’t expected that, though she didn’t need long to think of a reason for Shining’s ailment.

“Indeed,” Quick Fix said. “It seems your brother has somehow managed to get sulfur dioxide poisoning.”

“Sulfur dioxide?” Twilight asked. She knew all too well where he had picked that up.

“He has some cyanosis around his hooves and his breathing turns irregular at times,” Quick Fix explained. “Nothing to be too worried about,” he added, having noticed the panicked look on Twilight’s face.

“That’s a relief,” Twilight said, though she still wasn’t at ease. “I’ll be leaving you alone now, thank you.”

“Just doing my job, Miss Twilight,” Quick Fix said.


Twilight Sparkle made her way back home. Despite the lack of a checklist, she knew that she still had an awful lot to do today. Visit the princess, return to Ponyville, find Fluttershy, find Rarity and most important of all: find Spike.

“Mom, dad? I’m back!” Twilight called out as she entered the house.

“We’re in the kitchen,” her mother said loud enough for Twilight to hear her from the doorway.

Twilight joined her parents in kitchen, where the pair of Unicorns was enjoying their breakfast. “Care to join us?” Night Light asked, offering her a daisy sandwich.

“Sure,” Twilight said as she took a seat at the table, facing her father. Green magic wrapped around the offered sandwich and caused it to float towards Twilight.

“That’s new,” Night Light commented, noticing the change in color of Twilight’s magic. “It stays like that if you’re disguised too?”

“Apparently,” Twilight said. She took a tentative bite of the sandwich. She then proceeded to chew it rather obnoxiously, as if trying to unravel some sort of secret that the sandwich may have kept from her. “At least food still tastes the same,” Twilight eventually said.

“What, were you expecting it to taste of ash?” Twilight Velvet asked, letting out a small chuckle.

“Maybe,” Twilight admitted before taking another bite.

“You’re not a vampire, Twilight Sparkle,” Night Light said.

“Could pass for one,” Twilight Velvet said, tapping her hoof against her own flat teeth.

“Very funny,” Twilight said as she undid her disguise, basking the kitchen in emerald green light for a few seconds.

“So… you’ll be leaving for Ponyville, right?” Night Light asked, apparently unfazed by the sudden transition from Unicorn to Changeling.

Twilight nodded. “First I’m going to go see the princess. I’m leaving immediately afterwards.”

“Do you want me to go and get you a train ticket?” Velvet asked.

Twilight shook her head. “No need, I have my own transportation.”

No sooner than the words had left her mouth a carriage ground to a halt in front of the Twilight residence.

“What a coincidence,” Twilight said with a cheeky grin.

“Uh-huh,” Night Light said. “You planned that, didn’t you?”

“I couldn’t help myself,” Twilight admitted. “I’d sent one of my guards ahead to go and get the chariot.”

Twilight finished her sandwich and got back up. “Mom, dad…”

“We know, dear,” Velvet said as she and Night Light stood up too and approached their daughter.

“Thank you,” Twilight said as they hugged her. “For being here for me.”

“Are you still worrying about that?” Night Light asked. “We’d never leave you.”

Twilight Sparkle didn’t say anything. She just basked in the love they held for her, wondering what it was she did to deserve such loving parents.

“Now then,” Night Light said, breaking the hug. “I do believe that there is a carriage waiting for you, your highness,” he joked.

“You do realize that means that you’re royalty too, right?” Twilight said. “You’re the queen-mum and queen-dad now.”

“Ah yes,” Night Light said. “I shall now start wearing tophats and monocles. Anypony care to join me for tea and crumpets?”

Twilight Velvet and Twilight Sparkle looked at each and rolled their eyes simultaneously before erupting into laughter.

“I’ll write more often,” Twilight said as she assumed her disguise once more before walking towards the door with her parents. “And visit more too,” she added.

“So will we,” Twilight Velvet said as she opened the door. The carriage was waiting in front of the house with eight white stallions pulling it.

“And be seen in such a town?” Night Light said, trying to sound as posh as he could. “Egads, no! What would the Canterlot elite think of that?”

A brown earth pony with an hour glass cutie mark stood by the carriage, awaiting her arrival. As she approached, he opened the door for her.

“Ready to go, my princess?” he asked.

“I am,” Twilight said. “Did you find the book and the scroll?”

The earth pony nodded. “They’re on the seat,” he answered. “And no, I didn’t touch the chocolate.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said. She turned back to her parents and hugged them again. “See you soon,” she said.

Twilight got into the carriage and the earth pony closed the door behind her.

“See you soon, my little filly,” Twilight Velvet said.

“Goodbye, my princess,” Night Light said, having dropped the posh accent again.

The earth pony bowed to the pair before jumping onto the driver’s seat and grasping the reins. He tugged at them, to order them to run. Of course, all this did was earn him an angry glare from the eight stallions.

Eventually the eight stallions did what they were told to do and took off towards the castle. Twilight waved at her parents, who waved back at her until she was too far away.


The carriage drove through Canterlot and towards the castle. Many ponies along the way stopped to stare at it, wondering if some form of royalty was visiting Canterlot today. At least, that’s what they did until the saw the carriage up close.

However, Twilight didn’t pay any attention to the ponies in the street. She was reading through Queen Flutterheart’s diary again. She wanted to give both the diary and the scroll to Celestia, in the hopes that the princess could shed some light on the passages that mentioned a certain ‘Celly’ in them.

The ride to the castle didn’t take very long as the eight Changelings turned stallion kept walking at a steady pace.

Soon they arrived at the castle, where a single guard stood waiting for her.

“Twilight Sparkle?” he asked once the carriage stopped.

“The very same,” the earth pony said from his perch. He jumped down and opened the door for Twilight.

“Thank you,” Twilight said as she got out of the carriage carrying the book and the scroll in her magical grasp.

“My pleasure,” the earth pony said, shutting the door behind her.

“I probably won’t be long,” Twilight said. The Earth pony nodded and jumped back into the driver’s seat and took off.

“If you’ll follow me,” the guard said, gesturing at her to follow him.

He led her up to Princess Celestia’s room, where he dropped her off.

Twilight knocked on the door. “Come on in, Twilight Sparkle!”

The disguised Changeling pushed the door open and walked into Celestia’s private chambers. Immediately she noticed her three remaining guards fanning out around her. They were still wary of the princess and deemed her to be a potential threat.

Even so, they knew that they would never be able to stand up against an Alicorn for long but they could at least buy their princess some time to escape.

“Good morning, Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia said, her voice coming from the balcony. “The eight forty-two to Las Pegasus is late again.”

Twilight walked across the princess’ room and joined her on the balcony, where Celestia was peering through her telescope. A pocket watch and a notebook floated next to her along with a quill.

“Having fun?” Twilight asked.

“As a matter of fact, I am,” Celestia said. The notebook closed and floated back into the room and landed on a desk, along with the quill. “It’s quite relaxing. Though I wish the trains would run on time for once. Fifteen million bits added to the budget this year and not a single train has run on time today. I wonder what’s going on down there.” She peered down the spyglass once more before turning to Twilight.

“Good morning Twilight,” she said, properly greeting the Changeling princess. “How was your night?”

“Good,” Twilight said. “Much better, now that Shining Armor is safely in Canterlot again.”

“I regrettably did not sleep as well as you have,” Celestia admitted. “I’ve been having strange dreams, visions perhaps, of times long past.”

“About what happened yesterday?” Twilight asked as she settled down next to her teacher.

“Amongst others,” Celestia whispered. “I see myself… yelling at Starlight. I see Luna and myself laying waste to the Griffon capitol, I see myself doing dark things, Twilight. Dark things that I know I have done and I deeply regret now.”

“Princess, I think we had this conversation yesterday,” Twilight reminded her.

“I know, Princess Amaryllis,” Celestia teased, her disposition a lot sunnier as she noticed Twilight’s slip-up. “I’m just glad that you don’t fear me, that’s all.”

“You’ve always been honest with me about your past,” Twilight said. “I know things about you that aren’t in history books anymore. And don’t call me ‘Amaryllis,’ please. It sounds so weird.”

“I think it suits you, my faithful student,” Celestia told her. “You do know what an amaryllis is, don’t you?”

“Of course I do,” Twilight said confidently as she prepared to recite from her botany books. “Amaryllis Belladonna, a flowering bulb related to the true lily, also known as the Lillium and-”

A soft laugh from Celestia interrupted her. “That’s not what I meant Twilight. Like you said, the amaryllis is a flower but it’s a special one. It needs plenty of love, care, and attention before it’ll bloom. And when it does, it’s truly a sight to behold.”

Twilight blushed deeply. “Well, when you put it that way…”

Celestia smiled at her. “You’ve become a beautiful flower Twilight. Don’t let anypony ever tell you otherwise.”

The two of them shared a quick hug before returning to business.

“Twilight, I’m sorry if I seem rude but I’m on a schedule today,” Celestia said. “Prince Blueblood called a meeting. I think it may have something to do with this.”

Celestia grabbed a newspaper laying on the rail of the balcony and showed it to Twilight. A picture of Prince Blueblood graced the page. Well, graced was perhaps not the term to use as the prince was lying unconscious on his back with a huge bruise under his eye.

“Prince found unconscious by side of road,” Twilight read out loud. “Possibly drunk?”

Celestia nodded. “You and I both know that isn’t the truth.”

“My guards,” Twilight said with a sigh. “They’re a bit… enthusiastic when it comes to protecting me,” she explained.

Even now Twilight could sense where they were. One of them was balancing on the railing of the balcony, another one was standing near the door leading into Celestia’s room and the last one was skulking around Celestia. Twilight could feel them grow anxious whenever she and Celestia made contact.

They were afraid of Celestia, Twilight realized. Afraid that she might hurt their princess. Before they had been able to overwhelm Celestia by sheer numbers but now there were only three of them…

Twilight cleared her mind of thoughts and turned back to Celestia and her newspaper. “This explains the click you heard the other day,” Twilight said.

Celestia shook her head. “Prince Blueblood was too far away,” she said. “But our reporter was rather busy that day.” The newspaper’s pages were turned by magic until they landed on a particular page.

Twilight could see Celestia and herself on that page. “Princesses discuss peace.” Her eyes moved rapidly as she skimmed the article.

“So far I’ve only gotten positive reactions to that article,” Celestia said cheerfully. “I think it helps that most ponies don’t even know what happened here in the castle.”

Twilight nodded and folded the paper up. “This is good, right?”

Celestia nodded. “Very good indeed. I had feared negative reactions from the elites but even they realize that peace between our nations is beneficial to us all.” It was odd for Celestia to talk to Twilight as if she were an outsider, though Twilight didn’t seem to mind at all.

“Much can be accomplished if we all work together,” Celestia continued. “Trading routes for example. If you-”

“Sorry to interrupt you,” Twilight apologized. “But Chrysalis… she might not be as enthusiastic about this as you are. She really…dislikes you,” Twilight couldn’t think of a nicer way to say that Chrysalis hated Celestia’s guts.

“I see.” Celestia calmed down a bit and smiled at Twilight. “I’m sorry, I was getting a bit ahead of myself.”

“It’s okay Celestia,” Twilight said. “I’m still kind of worried for Princess Luna and my friends.”

“Luna will keep them safe,” Celestia assured her. “But Twilight, could I ask something of you?”

“You most certainly can,” Twilight said with a smile.

“When you meet with Chrysalis again, could you ask her to come and pay me a visit?” Celestia asked. “I’m sure that my blocked memories have something to do with her. And… I’ve missed her. Starlight was my beloved student and adoptive daughter and up until a few days ago I thought her to be lost to me.” Celestia remained quiet after that, seemingly deep in thought.

Twilight wondered whether or not she should tell Celestia the details of Chrysalis’ memory. It was most likely the missing piece of Celestia’s memory but it could be dangerous for Twilight to tell her.

After all, nopony knew who had sealed the memories in the first place and for what reason. But whatever their motives were, they couldn’t be good.

So Twilight decided to keep the memory to herself, at least until they were sure that it was safe for Celestia.

“You do know what this means, don’t you?” Twilight said, her tone of voice becoming a lot more cheerful as she changed the subject. “With Chrysalis being my birthmother and your adoptive daughter, that makes you my grandmother.”

“I hadn’t thought of it like that,” Celestia said with a soft smile on her face. “I do believe I have missed out on quite a few birthdays, haven’t I?”

Twilight let out a giggle at that. “Don’t worry about that,” she said. “Right now that’s the least of my worries.”

“Your friends?” Celestia asked. Just a year ago Twilight would have been more worried about her books or her studies. It pleased Celestia greatly to see such a shift in her priorities.

“Everypony keeps telling me that they’ll accept me and that they won’t care about… this,” Twilight said as flames consumed her and turned her into her natural form. “But I can’t stop worrying…”

“I could try and reassure you,” Celestia offered. “But I think we both know that it would be best for you to go to Ponyville and see just how caring and understanding your friends are.”

Twilight nodded. “I will,” she said. “But before I forget…” Her magic grasped at the scroll and diary, which laid forgotten by her side.

“This is the ‘thing’ I was telling you about,” Twilight explained as she levitated the scroll towards Celestia. “According to Chrysalis, this scroll holds the magic spell that created the Changeling race.”

“Created?” Celestia asked as she took the scroll from Twilight and gingerly unfurled it. “Magic cannot create life.” Though she knew that Luna had some spells to her disposal that almost but not quite entirely did.

“But it can change it,” Twilight said knowingly.

“This… Twilight, do you know who wrote this?” Celestia uttered as she recognized the writing.

“I’m not sure but I have a suspicion,” Twilight answered.

“Discord,” Celestia hissed, something very unbecoming of her. “This is his writing, his magic…” she paused for a few seconds. “Dark magic, very dark magic.”

“The first spell is what created the Changelings,” Twilight said. “The second spell undoes the first one, which would restore us to our original form.” Though Twilight wasn’t even sure if she and the other Changelings had an original form to restore. She and nearly all the Changelings in the hive had been born this way. They had never been Flutterponies.

“If it were up to me, I’d burn this scroll and seal the ashes away,” Celestia said. “Discord cannot be trusted. I don’t think I’ve ever told you of this but ten thousand years ago, Discord was a monster in every meaning of the word. Fire and hail would rain from the skies, earthquakes and volcanoes erupting everywhere he pleased… he took my best friend from me…” A few tears rolled down Celestia’s cheeks.

Twilight walked up to her and gave Celestia a much needed hug. She could feel Celestia’s heart go a mile a minute as the diarch thought back of the past and the horrors she had seen. Sadness poured from her and Twilight noted that it too was adding to her internal energy.

The Changeling princess gently rubbed Celestia’s back in a comforting gesture. “What was her name?” Twilight asked when she noticed that Celestia had relaxed again. Twilight briefly wondered if her absorbing some of the sadness had anything to do with that…

“Her name was Flutterheart,” Celestia said. “She was queen of the Flutterponies, the inhabitants of Fluttervalley.”

“I knew it!” Twilight exclaimed, taking Celestia by surprise. Twilight broke the hug, much to Celestia’s surprise, and grabbed the diary.

“What’s the matter?” Celestia asked. Twilight responded by nearly shoving the diary into Celestia’s face.

“This is Queen Flutterheart’s diary!” Twilight said enthusiastically.

“Her… diary?” Celestia took the book from Twilight and opened it up. “It’s her hoofwriting… Twilight, how did you find this?”

“It was in the library at the hive,” Twilight told her. “Flutterheart was the first Changeling queen.”

Celestia stared at her. Slowly her eyes moved down to the book, which Twilight had taken from her grip and opened it up.

“Second summer moon…” Celestia read out loud. Nostalgia washed over her as she read through the ancient writing.

She skimmed over the pages, taking in what seemed important and skipping what didn’t seem to matter.

Eventually she closed the diary and turned back to Twilight. “She… had never seen Discord,” Celestia said. “She knew of him but she had never seen him in person… she would never have fallen for his tricks if she knew.”

“The Flutterponies were dying,” Twilight said. “She just wanted to save them and his way was apparently the only way.”

Celestia nodded. “I wouldn’t expect any less of her.” She thought back of that time, when she came home to find her little sister hopping around with a drawing in her mouth. Luna had been so eager to show it to her big sister but Celestia only had eye for the royal seal of the Fluterponies stamped on it.

When she made her way over there she had already been too late to save them and Celestia had thought them all dead.

This diary proved that she had been wrong.

“Thank you,” Celestia said. “For showing me this, Twilight. It means a lot to me.” Her magic floated the diary back to Twilight, who pushed it back.

“Keep it, for now,” Twilight said. “Along with the scroll.”

“Twilight, that scroll is bad news,” Celestia warned her.

“Just keep it safe for me,” Twilight said. “I don’t want to take it with me to Ponyville. And besides, even if that second spell works I won’t use it.”

“How do you mean?” Celestia asked.

“I am getting more and more used to the idea of being a Changeling,” Twilight explained. “And Chrysalis and the other Changelings have already made it clear that they like the way they are right now. So even if that spell works, who am I to try and take their way of life from them?”

Celestia smiled at her. “I think you’ve already realized what being a ruler is all about, Twilight Sparkle. Anypony can bark out orders and look fancy, but a true ruler puts their subjects’ needs above their own.”

With that said, Celestia walked over to the balcony where she had a great view over all of Canterlot. “I like to think that I am serving them,” she said. “Instead of the other way around. The ponies are what makes this country great and their needs come first.”

“Chrysalis said something similar,” Twilight said. Though she knew that Chrysalis and Celestia had very different opinions on who was serving who.

Celestia nodded, not bothering to ask Twilight of Chrysalis’ opinion on the matter.

Instead, her thoughts turned to something else entirely. “You know, I can’t believe this.”

“Believe what?” Twilight asked, tilting her head in confusion.

“I lost my dear friend ten thousand years ago,” Celestia said. “But it turns out a small part of her was with me ever since the day I made you my student. I think Flutterheart would have been proud to call you her great-granddaughter.”

Twilight blushed, the crimson looking awfully odd on her near black cheeks. “I think you need to make some adjustments to the royal family tree.”

“Let’s see, with you having two mothers and being my adoptive granddaughter and Flutterheart’s great-granddaughter… I think I can order somepony to figure that mess out,” Celestia said.

The two of them shared a laugh as they realized the absurdity of the situation. Eventually, when the laughter had quieted down, Twilight spoke up. “What was she like?” she asked. “Queen Flutterheart, I mean.”

“I’ve never met a kinder soul,” Celestia said. “She was strong, generous and she loved her subjects. I think I could have learned a lot from her, if we had more time together…”

Twilight nodded, as she didn’t know what to say to that. Celestia had always been very open about her darker past but Twilight could see in her eyes that she preferred not to speak of it.

Celestia distractedly looked at the clock. “I’m sorry Twilight but I’m afraid that I am needed elsewhere,” she apologized. “Once more, thank you for showing me this.” She levitated the diary towards her desk inside her room.

“It was my pleasure,” Twilight said. She was glad that she had found out more about her ancestors and that she had been able to show to Celestia that the Flutterponies still existed, even if it was in a very different form.

Celestia escorted Twilight to the door, where the lone guard waited for her. He was a bit shocked to see Twilight in her Changeling form. “It’s alright,” Celestia quickly said.

The guard nodded and resumed his seemingly meditative state, awaiting Celestia’s orders.

A flash of fire lit up the hallway and Twilight was standing there as a Unicorn again.

“I see you don’t need that cloak anymore,” Celestia commented on Twilight’s seemingly perfect disguise.

Twilight nodded. “I think I’ve got this whole transformation thing down,” she said. “I’ll send the cloak back to Luna once it’s washed.”

“Very well,” Celestia said. “Goodbye, my faithful student.”

“Goodbye Celestia,” Twilight said. “If all goes well, I’ll have one heck of a Friendship Report ready for you by tonight.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Celestia said as she gave Twilight one last hug before sending her off with the guard.

Celestia walked back into her room and closed the door. A painting, depicting her and Luna when Luna was just a filly, on her wall was enveloped in her magic and shifted away, revealing a compartment behind it.

A small box laid in it, which became the next thing to be drawn into Celestia’s magic and pulled out of the indention in the wall. It opened up, revealing a few assorted trinkets. Amongst them was a scroll, worn by time.

Celestia unfurled it and looked at the stickponies that her little sister had drawn on the back of it. One big white stickpony with a little blue stickpony on her back standing next to a big castle.

She flipped it and gazed upon the worn letters, crying out for help. The seal of the Flutterponies, red wax with the image of a butterfly, was still there at the bottom of the letter.

Celestia just sighed and wiped away a single tear that streamed down her cheek before putting the scroll away. The diary and the dark scroll joined it, before being hidden away again behind the painting.

The regal mare sniffed a few times as she stared at the painting, before sauntering over to the nearest mirror. Her mane was billowing, her regalia were in place and she was ready for whatever trivial matter her nephew wanted to discuss.


The doors to Chrysalis’s throne room opened once more. A small swarm of Changelings ran out into the tunnel, to make way for their queen and her guest.

Chrysalis walked besides Luna and stopped at the double doors, which were held open by two Changelings. “What we discussed here does not leave this room,” she said.

“Of course,” Luna said.

“And remember that this is not a friendship or an alliance. It’s barely a truce,” Chrysalis said. “In time, it may evolve into such a thing but until then…”

Luna glared at her. “You do not need to remind me, I was there. We’ve been arguing since I got here up until now, remember?”

“I just wanted to make sure you did,” Chrysalis said with a grin. “We never were the best of friends before, were we?”

“Those times have long past, Queen Chrysalis,” Luna said, thinking back to those times for a split second. “We are not the same ponies anymore.”

“That is true,” Chrysalis said. “Very well then. I will escort you personally to your little ponies.”

With that said, Chrysalis walked into a seemingly random direction with Luna in tow.

“You remind me a lot of your mother,” Luna said, trying to start small talk. She had read through Twilight Sparkle’s Friendship Reports and thought that she may be able to put them to practice. Maybe even find a new friend in Chrysalis, as unlikely as it was considering their history.

“I do?” Chrysalis sounded surprised. “I like to think that mother and I were entirely different Changelings but my actions thus far have proven otherwise.” Chrysalis thought back of how she and her daughter had acted in the last few days. Twilight reminded her of herself and Chrysalis noticed that she had acted far more like her mother than she would like to admit.

Luna didn’t understand what Chrysalis meant by that, though she made no attempt to pry and find out. Instead, she asked a question that had been on her mind for quite some time.

“How did she die?”

“Mother died of fatigue, I think,” Chrysalis said. “In her bed, surrounded by her children. I think there are worse ways to pass on…”

“I miss her,” Luna said. “She was a good friend of mine, my only one at the time.”

“She spoke highly of you,” Chrysalis said. “I’m sure that she-” Chrysalis was cut off by a Changeling that came running towards her.

“Queen Chrysalis!” the Changeling screamed. “Queen Chrysalis, this Great and Powerful Changeling has come to inform you of outrageous behavior from her siblings! She does not mean to be a snitch but this can’t go on!”

“What are you talking about?” Chrysalis demanded.

“Follow this Changeling,” the Great and Powerful Changeling said.

The odd Changeling ran off with Queen Chrysalis and Princess Luna in tow. She led them through the hallways and towards a room.

“This Changeling had just retired to the sleeping quarters after her shift,” the Great and Powerful Changeling said as she ran towards the door. “Just as she tried to sleep, it began. She waited for a while to see if it would stop but alas.”

As they approached, they could hear music coming from it. Loud music, party music perhaps…

The Changeling queen stomped towards the door and threw it open. “What is the meaning of this?!” she yelled.

“Oh look!” Pinkie Pie cheered. “Luna and Chryssy are here! Now this party can really get going!”

Chrysalis’ jaw dropped. What had once been a dreary and empty room now resembled a festively decorated hall! There were balloons, confetti and streamers everywhere! Tables full of cake and chocolates and punch! Everything one would need for a party of spectacular size.

Several Changelings were walking around, apparently enjoying themselves. Others were more than a bit confused by the concept of a ‘party.’ Pinkie did her best to explain it to them through example.

There was even an entire conga line comprised of Pinkies! Several Changelings had shifted into Pinkie Pie’s form and were running around the room in a row and moving to the music.

“There’s too many Pinkies,” Luna said.

“What’s the recommended amount?” Chrysalis asked, her left eye twitching.

“None,” Luna answered. “Am I the only pony that thinks of Surprise? I swear, they’re two of a kind.”

“Actually, Surprise was my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandma, give or take a few greats,” Pinkie said. She pulled a scroll out of her saddlebag and rolled it out, revealing it to be a family tree. “See? Here’s me and my sisters, there’s mom and there’s granny Pie and before her you have great-granny Pie and before her you had great-great-grampy Pie and-”

“You can keep her,” Luna whispered to Chrysalis. “Nopony would suspect a thing. We’ll say she got lost in the desert.”

“Never,” Chrysalis said. “I shudder to think of what that pony could do to our precious hivemind.”

Chrysalis excused herself and made her way to the center of the room. “Enough!!” she screamed. Every Pinkie, except one, turned back into his or her base form and ran to stand before Chrysalis. “All I ask of you is to remain at your posts and do your jobs! Is that so hard?” she screamed. “Back, NOW!!!” she ordered.

The queen merely raising her voice at them was much preferred over punishment and the Changelings quickly scattered and ran off, hoping not to evoke their ruler’s ire.

The Great and Powerful Changeling bowed to her queen as well. “Have you need of this Changeling?” she asked. Chrysalis shook her head and the Great and Powerful Changeling ran off, back to the sleeping quarters.

“Aww, party’s over?” Pinkie asked, pouting at Chrysalis and Luna.

“Yes,” Chrysalis said. “The party is over.”

“Why did you even throw a party?” Luna asked. “I thought you would use this time to rest.”

“We were, for a while at least,” Rainbow Dash said. “But you know Pinkie.”

“Yes, I do,” Luna said with a grimace on her face. She stared at the Pegasus, as if something was wrong here. “Rainbow Dash, where is your breathing bubble?”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash asked. Her eyes shifted around, trying to locate the magical sphere that had been keeping her safe. “Uh.. it popped?” she said nervously.

“Don’t be alarmed,” Chrysalis said. “The sulfur isn’t as strong inside the hive itself,” she explained.

“Nonetheless, sulfur dioxide is dangerous,” Luna said as she applied the spell once more. “Even for athletic ponies such as yourself, Rainbow Dash. Now tell me, where is Applejack?”

“Over there!” Pinkie Pie pointed out. The orange mare was sitting at a table and was apparently in conversation with the punchbowl. The bowl must have been quite the smooth talker, as she hadn’t even noticed that the music had stopped.

“She’s been practicing her speech,” Rainbow Dash explained.

“I believe I forgot to mention that,” Luna said as she turned to face Chrysalis. “Applejack has a request to make.”

“A request? Very well,” Chrysalis said, showing off her fangs to the present ponies. “I am feeling… generous.”

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie quickly ran over to Applejack.

“You’re up,” Rainbow Dash said to her friend. “Good luck,” she added.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head Applejack,” Pinkie said. “Just butter her up a bit! Like a cake mold! Or a cupcake mold or even-”

At this point, Applejack simply tuned Pinkie Pie out. It was a talent she had developed some time after the Chimicherry/Cherrychanga incident. Rarity had it too, though she never quite told anypony how it came to be.

Instead of focusing on Pinkie Pie, she turned to Queen Chrysalis. The queen still stood in the middle of the room with Princess Luna next to her. Applejack gathered her courage, adjusted her hat and walked over to them.

As she approached, Luna took a few steps aside to give them the room.

“Applejack,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Princess Luna here just told me that you have a request to make.”

“Ah do, Queen Chrysalis,” Applejack started. She took off her hat as a sign of respect and held it to her chest. “You see, my name’s Applejack. Ah know that you already know that. Ah’m just trying to be polite here and ah-”

“State your request,” Chrysalis interrupted the Earth pony. She was not used to ponies trying to get on her good side by being polite and showing respect. Her Changelings rarely, if ever made requests of her and even then, they were rather straight forwards with her.

“Well,” Applejack hadn’t expected to be interrupted like that. She took a few seconds to gather her thoughts and tried again. “Mah brother was there, when you attacked Canterlot. The big red lug of a stallion?”

“Ah yes, I remember him,” Chrysalis said. “Very fierce, very strong. I haven’t seen many stallions like him before.”

“Well, ya see when we pulled him out of that cocoon thing you stuck him in…” Applejack cleared her throat. “He was acting weird. Muttering things, eyes glowing. He even tracked down Princess Cadance in the hospital.”

“I see,” Chrysalis said. “And I suspect that you want me to fix him?”

Applejack nodded. “If you’d be so kind. Please? He’s my big brother and Ah couldn’t stand to lose him like this.”

Chrysalis looked into the mare’s pleading eyes. “Very well,” she said. “I will try to help your brother.”

“Really? Oh thank you so much, Queen Chrysalis,” Applejack thanked her profusely as she placed her hat back on her head. Without it, she didn’t feel right.

“Do be sure to tell my daughter of this,” Chrysalis said.

“Of course, your highness,” Applejack said. She had no idea of what Twilight and Chrysalis’ relation was like at the moment but maybe a good word from her B.P.F. would stir the two of them in the right direction.

Applejack knew the importance of family and she knew that Twilight did too. She hoped that the two of them, despite their rocky start, would find each other eventually.

“Your brother has only been integrated into the hive partially,” Chrysalis told her. “It will not be easy to get him out but I will do my best. Though I do not know what consequences this may have for him…”

“Ah see.” Applejack had calmed down again and looked up at the queen. “Ah’m sure you’ll do just fine.”

“I will need time, I’m not sure how much.” She frowned. A small order flowed through the collective, summoning a few drones to the room.

“You three, clean this mess up,” Chrysalis ordered. “And you,” she indicated one Changeling in particular. “Take our guests back to their room. And make sure they stay there this time.”

“Yes, our queen,” the Changelings said as one before getting to work.


Twilight was now on her way to Ponyville. Travelling by carriage was not something she was used to, only having known the smooth way Celestia’s Pegasus-drawn carriages moved. Non-flying carriages were a bit more bumpy. Especially considering that there were eight Changelings pulling it. But despite its rickety appearance the carriage provided a somewhat smooth ride.

It was even faster than going by train, or so Twilight thought. The carriage didn’t stop anywhere and within a few hours Ponyville came into view.

“Home at last,” Twilight sighed happily.

The carriage slowed down a bit once they got closer to Ponyville. One reason was that a carriage running at high speeds was bound to draw attention, not to mention the danger it posed.

The other reason was that there were many carriages and wagons on the road to Ponyville.

“I forgot all about that,” Twilight said, a smile forming on her face. “Today’s the annual Ponyville Carnival!”

Of course, Twilight had had some other, more important things on her mind the past few days but the carnival was something she and her friends had been looking forward to for quite some time. Twilight especially had gotten enthusiastic about the event, after Pinkie told her just how much fun it was. It reminded Twilight of the first Summer Sun Celebration she had gone to.

“Well, at least we blend in,” Twilight said as she looked out the window. Several carriages rolled into Ponyville along with her own.

Twilight closed her eyes and focused her thoughts. Chrysalis had told her that she too had access to the hivemind and was able to give orders to the Changelings accompanying her.

With her instincts guiding her, and perhaps some luck too, she managed to pinpoint the disguised Changeling steering the carriage. With a thought she guided him towards the library.

“That was weird,” Twilight said to herself. “Did any of you feel that?”

One of her guards showed itself. “We felt it too,” he told her. “But it was not directed at us. We are all connected but we are still… independent…” Hints of despair were audible in his voice, reminding Twilight of Chrysalis’ explanation. The Changelings wanted to be ‘one’ with the queen.

Twilight had no idea what that actually meant. On the surface most of the Changelings seemed to be alike but she had noticed more than once that they had their own little quirks and attributes.

Like everything concerning the Changelings, Twilight decided that it needed further study… later. Right now, they had arrived at the library. She needed to unload Chrysalis’ gift, panic for a little while and then go find her friends.

The Earth pony jumped off of his seat and walked to Twilight’s door, opening it up for her. “Thank you,” Twilight said as he helped her out of the carriage. She could have gotten out on her own, of course. But the Changelings seemed to take pleasure in helping her, so she let them. As long as they weren’t throwing themselves in front of doomsday spells, Twilight didn’t mind.

“Can you three unload those chests?” Twilight asked as she walked towards her door. Nopony seemed to be paying attention to them as there were more than a few wagons unloading tents and chests. “And disguise yourselves!” Twilight quickly added.

Mere moments later a Unicorn, and Earth pony and a Pegasus exited the carriage. They quickly went to work: the Pegasus flew up to the top of the carriage and undid the bindings keeping them in place. The Unicorn then levitated them off one by one, placing them by the Earth pony’s side.

“You guys should go,” Twilight told the eight stallions pulling the wagon. “Thank you all for bringing us to Ponyville.”

The eight stallions nodded as one, before running off once more. They’d return to the cave linking Canterlot to the Wastelands and stay there for as long as they could .

Twilight watched as the wagon disappeared into the busy streets of Ponyville.

“Hang on, I’ll get the door,” Twilight said. She lifted a small flowerpot up and grabbed the spare key taped on the bottom. She always kept it there, in case something happened to her own keys or for her friends to use.

She unlocked the door and placed the key on the table next to the door. “Home sweet home!” she proclaimed as she stepped over the threshold.

“Home is where the hive is,” the Earth pony muttered as he dragged the first chest into the library. “Where do you want them, my princess?”

“Place them by the stairs please,” Twilight said, pointing into the right direction.

The first chest was placed there and it was soon joined by the second, which the Unicorn carried in with his magic.


Twilight stared at the three masqueraded ponies. “Did any of you do that?”

They all shook their heads, before turning invisible again and assuming defensive positions around the library. One could never know what hidden horrors awaited here. Watching, waiting for a chance to pounce on their beloved princess...


“There it is again,” Twilight said out loud.


Twilight’s ears perked up as she figured out where the sound came from. It originated from one of the chests!

Using her magic she opened up the chest closest to her, but all she found there was a pile of books, some of which looked very, very interesting. But Twilight would quench her thirst for knowledge later and closed the chest once more.


Twilight slowly turned to the other chest and unlocked it. She then braced herself for whatever may lurk inside and threw the lid open.

“Aah!” she cried out in surprise as something leapt out of the chest and latched onto her face.

Immediately her guards sprang into action and came to her aid, pulling the mystery assailant off of their princess.

Twilight took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves, before taking a look at whatever it was that the guards had pulled off of her face.

A tiny Changeling sat in one of the guard’s hooves, looking curiously at her. “You? What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

The little Changeling chirped in response to her question, his tone sounding very confused.

“Do you recognize me?” Twilight asked. Chrysalis had said that little Changelings weren’t part of the hivemind immediately, so it could be that he didn’t know who she was.

And as it turned out, Twilight expected a little too much from a Changeling that was barely a few days old, so all she got was more confused chirps.

Twilight smiled and undid her disguise.

And then the little Changeling was gone. The Praetorian that had been holding him was looking at his now empty hooves, wondering where the little one had disappeared to.

He didn’t have to look for long, as the little scamp had clambered onto Twilight Sparkle’s back and nestled between her wings.

Twilight craned her head back and looked at her little brother. “How did you even get in there?” The nymph tilted its head and chirped a few times. He obviously did not understand what Twilight was saying, though who could blame him? He was but a few days old and most of that time had been spent going from one confined space to the next!

The princess walked over to the chest and peered into it. There were some scrolls, some books and what appeared to be the remains of an enormous amount of chocolate…

“Did you… did you eat it? All of it?” Twilight’s eye twitched. “All of the chocolate?”

The nymph chose that moment to let out a huge belch, confirming Twilight’s suspicions. “You did,” she concluded.

The nymph simply sat there contently on her back with that same curious look on his face. Had he done something wrong?

Twilight sighed. From the look of things, there had been a massive supply of chocolate in that chest. Enough to keep her going for… at least an hour, maybe less.

Using her magic she lifted the little Changeling off of her back and levitated him in front of her. “You’re sticky,” she said, noticing that the little Changeling’s face was stained with molten chocolate. “You need a bath,” Twilight concluded.

The nymph’s eyes widened and he desperately tried to flee by flapping his tiny wings. Of course, this had little to no effect, other than causing the older Changelings to snicker at their little brother’s predicament.


“No need to be alarmed,” Twilight said as she placed the nymph in the tub. “I’m just going to wash that gunk off of you.”

The nymph vocalized his protests by squeaking annoyingly, though that didn’t help him. It may have made things worse, as Twilight donned her serious face, the one she always used when Spike was giving her trouble. Over the years, she has had to use it less and less as Spike grew up to be a rather mature baby dragon, no matter how contradictory that sounded.

Twilight turned the faucet and allowed lukewarm water to run into the tub. The little Changeling squeaked in surprise and delight as the gentle stream of water flowed around him.

“Do you like that?” Twilight asked as her serious look was traded in for a more cheerful one. She was reminded of Spike with the way this little one acted. Celestia herself had taught Twilight how to take care of the baby dragon and that included giving him baths. Twilight had found herself soaked to the bone more than once, trying to scrub those scales clean.

Luckily this little Changeling wasn’t afraid of the water, unlike Spike had been the first few times.

As she cleaned the nymph’s face off of the sticky substance Twilight thought about her friends. How she was going to handle them and in what way she would approach them. Would she simply walk into the Carousel Boutique, say hi to Rarity and then proceed to throw off her disguise?

Or would she pull a Fluttershy and wait in front of the real one’s cottage until she happens to open the door?

It gave Twilight some food for thought. Her friends were as different as could be and they would probably need to be handled differently. Fluttershy was afraid of her own shadow, so Twilight couldn’t just pop up and say ‘I’m a Changeling!’ and be done with it.

Rarity… well Twilight didn’t really know how to handle Rarity. When you dealt with the local fashionista you were bound to run into some problems.

It was probably best to head over there, knock on the door and explain things.

She ran a washcloth all over the wet Changeling’s face, cleaning off the sticky and sugary mess.


The little nymph had somehow gotten ahold of the rubber ducky she kept by the bath. It was actually Spike’s bath toy from when he was younger, back when he needed a bit more persuasion to get in the tub.

Twilight had brought it along for old time’s sake. Plus she was fairly certain that Spike still partook in the company of his yellow friend when he thought nopony was looking.

“There we go, nice and clean,” Twilight said as she unplugged the tub and allowed the water to flow away.

She lifted the giddy nymph out of the tub and grabbed a towel to dry him off. Twilight scrubbed him gently, much to his amusement but before long the little Changeling was dry once more.

Her little brother then proceeded to let out a really big yawn and dropped the bathtoy to the ground.

“I think somepony’s a tad sleepy,” Twilight said with a smile on her face. She took a few minutes to clean up the bathroom before heading to her bedroom. There, Twilight placed the sleepy Changeling in her own bed.

“You, keep an eye on him,” Twilight ordered the guard to her left. “Better yet, all four of you should watch him.” She knew just what kind of trouble an infant could stir up. Who knew what mischief a Changeling could come up with?

“We cannot leave you unguarded,” one of the guards said as they all turned visible again.

“Fine, you’re the one that punched out Blueblood, right?” Twilight asked and got a nod as her answer. “Then you stay with me. The other three stay here with the nymph.”

Twilight really needed to think of a name to call her little brother. She couldn’t just call him ‘nymph’ or ‘little Changeling’ all the time, could she? Incidently, her guards needed names as well, despite their reluctance.

She’d figure something out, eventually. Right now, she needed to do what she came back to Ponyville for. To reacquaint with some friends.

Twilight would go and do just that right now. Closing the door behind her, she made her way towards the staircase.


Twilight froze. Her eyes widened and a tiny squeak, which would have made Fluttershy proud, escaped her mouth. “Rarity?” she whispered.

“I know somepony’s in here!” Rarity warned. “I know kung fu!”

“No you don’t,” Twilight said to herself. Mild panic was setting in right about now. She had hoped to meet with Rarity on her own terms and on her own time. Not like this. This was messing with her plans, which was a very bad thing given Twilight’s obsession with making things go according to plan.

She needed to do something, to avoid the Unicorn downstairs.

Treading softly as to not make a sound, Twilight made her way to the walk-in closet near the bedroom. It had been cleaned out recently and would provide her with someplace to hide. After all, who would hide inside a closet? Nopony, that’s who and that was why this was such a good idea. Or at least that was what she told herself...

The door hinge squeaked a little as Twilight pulled the door open and walked in, hoping that Rarity hadn’t heard it.


Rarity levitated a vase in front of her, to serve as a makeshift weapon. Twilight Sparkle would surely forgive her for smashing that awful looking thing on a burglar’s head. Besides, Rarity could always give her a new one afterwards, one that matched the interior of the library more than this… atrocity. Honestly, who in their right mind places an art nouveau vase in a library?

The white mare sighed as she climbed the stairs. How did she always end up in situations like these? All she wanted was to tidy up the library a bit, so that her friend could come home to a clean house.

And now she was caught in a deadly cat and mouse game between her and a ravenous burglar! Of course, Rarity could have just stepped outside and called the police but where was the fun in that?

A door creaked, drawing Rarity’s attention to it. “I heard that!” Rarity rushed up the stairs, brandishing that awful vase above her head. She was ready to strike.

Mere seconds before Rarity threw the door open there was a flash of green that went unnoticed by her.

“Ah-hah! Got you!” Rarity said dramatically. “Your game is up, you fiend! I… Sweetie Belle? What are you doing in here?”

Sweetie Belle looked down at her hooves before looking back up at Rarity. “Uh-oh,” was all she could say.

Author's Note:

I hope the whole sulfur thing is a bit cleared up now. Apparently, sulfur in its base form is pretty harmless and solid. It’s only when it’s burned and becomes sulfur dioxide that it becomes dangerous. Cyanosis is one of the symptoms of Sulfur dioxide poisoning and causes skin to turn bluish due to lack of oxygen. The more you know!

Also, fancy new author's notes. Neat!

Also Also, Utter made me post that link, lol.

[E/N]: Well, will ya look at that. A new chapter! Well then, it’ll make for a good present. Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday! (I’m sure one of you weird pony fans had a birthday between the last chapter and this one...) Merry-Happy-Super-Awesome-Splendiferous New Year! ...and.......stuff.

Anywho, for those who care, I’ve got a new “healthy” addiction: Dungeon Defenders! (Yes, it may not be brand-spankin’-new but who cares? The point is I’m playing it. :pinkiehappy:) It’ssuperawesomeandIloveitandI’maddictedbutIdon’tcare!

I don’t have much else to rant about at the moment aside from discovering web comics. (We’ll do that one later. *wink*)

Finally, one last comment.

inb4: Hospital Room 404. -ERROR!- Princess not found.