• Published 20th May 2012
  • 55,279 Views, 3,907 Comments

Mirror's Image - Evilpresident

Twilight never was a unicorn. And she didn't even know it.

  • ...

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

“Uh-oh indeed,” Rarity said with a hint of anger and disappointment in her voice. Her makeshift weapon was lowered to the ground again and placed beside the door. “Sweetie Belle, care to explain why you are hiding in Twilight’s closet?”

Twilight stared at Rarity. Something, somewhere had gone very wrong. For some reason she was now an exact replica of Rarity’s little sister. Or so she assumed, since Rarity hadn’t pointed out any obvious errors like her wings or crooked horn.

The exact reason why she was wearing a Sweetie Belle disguise was a whole different matter. Was it her decision? Instinct? Divine intervention? Twilight didn’t know but she was thankful that Rarity hadn’t seen her as a Changeling. Twilight knew for sure that there would have been screaming and that the whole situation would have ended with Rarity fainting onto her automatically appearing couch. Twilight regretted inscribing a teleportation rune onto that piece of furniture.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity shouted, pulling Twilight back from her deep thoughts. “Are you even paying attention to what I am saying here?”

“What? Oh, sure!” Obviously, Twilight hadn’t heard a thing that Rarity had said to her but judging from the taller Unicorn’s face it hadn’t been much good. It was a strange sensation, having to look up at somepony. Twilight hadn’t felt so… small since she had been a filly. It was not a sensation that she enjoyed.

“Honestly, Sweetie Belle, pay attention when I talk to you,” Rarity scoffed. “I am just so very disappointed with you. How could you think that breaking and entering could earn you your cutie mark?"

Twilight just nodded as Rarity went on and on about how she should be ashamed of herself and that Sweetie’s parents would be so disappointed (or so they would be if they were in town.) All Twilight was concerned with was to get away from Rarity so she could change back and seize control of the situation again.

However, a new problem slowly presented itself: Rarity’s make-shift weapon, that ugly one that her uncle had given her years ago, was slowly but surely floating upwards.

Her sole guard slowly turned visible again and shot her a knowing look as he floated silently above Rarity, the vase poised to strike. A hint of a smile had crept onto his face, something that Twilight really didn’t like.

Twilight simply stared at him intensively, trying to reach the guard through her connection to him but found it impossible to do so. Before it had been somewhat doable but now her link was muddled. Was her disguise limiting it? Was it stress? Twilight didn’t know and she didn’t appear to have time to find out!

“And one more thing,” Rarity continued, not noticing the impending doom looming over her. “Did you ever stop to think about how Twilight would feel about this?” The guard’s hooves twitched.

“No!” Twilight screamed at her guard, who shrank back and lowered the vase again, setting it back beside the door before Rarity could notice.

“No?!” Rarity uttered. “Out! Now!” She turned around, narrowly missing the Praetorian hovering behind her, who turned invisible again before Rarity could see him.

Twilight waited for Rarity to walk down the stairs before attempting to do so herself. Her legs were a lot shorter than they had been before and it was affecting her balance. She even tripped up when she got half-way down the stairs and would have fallen down, if it hadn’t been for her guard’s quick reaction. He caught her and silently lowered her to the ground.

Whispering a thanks, Twilight followed after Rarity who was waiting in front of the door.


The walk to the Carousel Boutique was uneventful. Silence reigned as neither of the supposed sisters said a word to the other. Rarity walked at a brisk pace, never taking her eyes off of Twilight. This meant that Twilight had no other choice than to play Sweetie Belle for a bit longer, until she could get away from Rarity and transform back.

Twilight didn’t want to risk a scene in the middle of the street, which would undoubtedly happen if she tried to talk to Rarity right now. She couldn’t help but notice that the fashionista’s hair was just a teensy tiny bit out of style, something that was normally impossible. Rarity’s behavior earlier had been out of character for her as well, as Twilight had never known her to raise her voice against Sweetie Belle like that.

Of course, Twilight didn’t know about everything that happened between the two of them but it was obvious that something was bothering Rarity.

But at least Twilight seemed to have pulled off a perfect Sweetie Belle disguise. Her voicework was impeccable, her mane was perfectly curled and Rarity had made no mentions of any obvious flaws, which made Twilight feel a bit proud about herself.

Though that pride was overshadowed by the nagging feeling that she had forgotten something… Something overly obvious, something very important.

Shoving her worries aside, Twilight thought about her current situation. Rarity showing up had disrupted her plans and unnerved Twilight, as she had felt as if she had lost control of the situation. She had to regain said control and do so soon, before something else happened.

Twilight eventually settled on just running away the moment Rarity turned her back on her. It wasn’t the best plan she had ever come up with but she could always explain her actions later on; Rarity would surely understand her situation. Or so she hoped.

She stole a glance behind her and saw that Rarity was still watching her, almost like a hawk staring down its prey, before moving in for the kill. It was hard for Twilight to read her emotions, with her expression being one of contained anger. Rarity was a lady first and a pony second after all.

But even her aloof and cool expression couldn’t fool Twilight’s new emotional radar. What Twilight couldn’t read, she could sense now. Anger and concern were rolling off of Rarity in waves, though they were mixed with the love she had for her sister, which made them into a strange emotional milkshake of sorts.

Eventually the pair of Unicorns arrived at the boutique. “Go inside,” Rarity said to Twilight in a manner that reminded Twilight of a parent, using that annoying tone that told her ‘I am not angry with you, I am disappointed.’

Twilight hated that tone of voice, as she was not used to disappointing ponies.

She did as she was told though and pushed the door open, causing the little chime to ring. As she passed the doorframe her mind wandered back to that one, possible important, thing that had slipped her mind.

Perhaps she should have made a checklist for these kind of situations as well… After all, her disguise was perfect, her plan was passable, sort of… so what was it that she had forgotten?

“Hi Rarity…huh?!”

Twilight froze.

The sound of a crayon falling to the floor and breaking apart was all that could be heard.

Sitting at the table was the one thing that Twilight had forgotten. The one, most important, thing of all. The one thing that could make or break the credibility of her disguise.

The real Sweetie Belle.

She and Apple Bloom were just sitting there at the table in the middle of the boutique, eyes wide and mouths open with shock. The table was covered with crayons and drawings of plans that could possibly get them their cutie marks. Or get them covered in treesap, which was also a possibility.

Apple Bloom stared at the Sweetie Belle sitting next to her, then at the one near the door. “What’s going on here?” she asked once she recovered from the shock of seeing a double of one of her best friends walk into the shop like that.

“Yes… that’s something I wish to know as well,” Rarity said with her horn aglow. The door slammed shut and the bolt slid into place, locking the door tightly. “Care to explain yourself?” Rarity asked.

Twilight laughed nervously as the three ponies stared at her. “Well, there go my plans,” she said to herself, before sighing.

“So you’re a Changeling?” Sweetie Belle asked as she jumped off of her seat and approached Twilight. “I didn’t know Changelings came in filly size.” Sweetie Belle then narrowed her eyes as she gave her copy scrutinizing look-over. “I don’t really look like that, do I?”

“She had me fooled so yes Sweetie Belle, you do look like that,” Rarity said as she walked around the Changeling and took her place between her real and fake sister. “So tell me, Changeling,” she said that name as though it was venom in her mouth. “What were you planning to do?”

Twilight was now pinned between a closed door and an angry Unicorn... this was not what she had in mind, not at all. She sighed and looked up at Rarity once more. “Would you believe if I said that I just wanted to get away from you, get my bearings and approach you in a calm and collected way?”

“And for what, pray tell?” Rarity narrowed her eyes, as she did not like the idea of being approached by a Changeling, no matter in what way.

“To tell you that I came home on my own,” Twilight said. “Queen Chrysalis let me go.” Throwing all caution to the wind, Twilight undid her disguise and turned back into her original form. There were a lot more flames swirling about her than the other times she had transformed.

The three ponies in the room gasped as she undid her disguise, as they had not expected that to happen so suddenly.

Twilight smiled nervously at them, trying her best not to show off her fangs. “Hi Rarity, Sweetie Belle and AppleBloom.”


A yellow crayon fell to the ground and broke in half, after Apple Bloom had thrown it against Twilight’s forehead. The crayon didn’t do much damage but it caught Twilight off guard. “Give me back my brother!” she yelled as she jumped from her seat onto the table, turned and bucked the box of crayons towards Twilight.

But they never connected, as they stopped midair in front of Twilight. The box was torn in half and the crayons shattered to pieces as they fell to the ground one after the other. The cardboard slowly drifted down as well. Slowly Twilight’s guard turned visible again as he spat the last piece of cardboard out. He was obviously taking pleasure in seeing the ponies’ eyes fill with fear.

Apple Bloom took a few steps back and tumbled off the table in shock. Luckily she fell onto a stack of clothes, preventing any harm. Sweetie Belle quickly rushed over there to help her friend back onto her hooves. She then proceeded to help the dazed pony run back to Rarity, to hide behind her hindlegs.

Rarity simply stood there even as the Changeling guard bared its fangs at the three of them. A small smile formed on her face as she realized just who she had standing before her.

“Stand down,” Twilight said, calling off her overzealous guard. He reluctantly backed away from Rarity and the fillies, though he did not stray too far from her side.

“Hello Twilight,” Rarity said as she walked towards her friend. “I must say, very few ponies can pull of a teal mane.”

“But I’m not a pony,” Twilight said. “I’m not like you-”

Rarity held a hoof up, signaling her to stop talking. “Stop right there, and don’t ever let me hear you say that again,” the white mare said as she hugged her dear friend, taking both the princess and her guard by surprise.

“So you don’t… you know, hate me?” Twilight asked. The fact that Rarity had hugged her told her enough but Twilight wouldn’t be Twilight if she didn’t double or perhaps even triple checked it.

Maybe even quadruple checked it, just to be absolutely, positively sure.

“Hate you?” Rarity asked unbelievingly. “Twilight my dear, that’s the last thing on my mind! You can’t even begin to imagine just how happy I am to see you safe and sound! After what happened to poor Princess Cadance, I was afraid of what they might’ve done to you!”

“I heard from Princess Celestia that you saved her,” Twilight noted. “Thank you.”

“Thank Celestia that Chrysalis was foolish enough to throw my fire ruby into that cave,” Rarity said, her voice holding a hint of smugness to it.

“Do not speak ill of the queen,” Twilight’s guard hissed. He did not like this pony. She was touching his future queen and degraded his current one.

“And who is your new friend?” Rarity asked as she broke the hug and walked over to him, approaching the Praetorian to take a closer look while still maintaining a safe distance. “Are all Changelings this charming?” she asked. “Besides you of course.”

“He’s one of my guards,” Twilight told her. “He tends to be a bit… overenthusiastic.” Twilight decided that that was a nice enough word to describe the Changeling’s aggressive tendencies. She made a mental note to find a way to keep him under control.

Preferably one that did not include corporal punishment…

Somepony poked Twilight, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked down to see Apple Bloom standing in front of her. “Uhm, Twilight? Ah’m sorry for throwing that crayon at you. And for bucking that box at you too,” Apple Bloom apologized. “Ah saw your horn and your mane and Ah thought you were that monster…”

Twilight’s guard opened his mouth to protest but a quick glance from Twilight shut him up. “Blend in or something,” she told him before turning back to the only Earth pony in the room. “That’s okay, Apple Bloom,” Twilight said, accepting her apology. “I understand why you’re upset with her. Princess Celestia told me about your brother’s condition.”

“But now that you’re here, you can surely help him, right?” Apple Bloom asked hopefully.

“I don’t know,” Twilight admitted. “Changeling magic is pretty new to me, so I might do more harm than good.”

“Oh… Ah see.” Apple Bloom didn’t really like that answer but it was a reasonable one. Magic is as magic does after all. The Zap apples had taught her that strange and possibly dangerous things can happen when you don’t know what you’re doing.

Sweetie Belle had wandered over to Twilight as well and was currently looking through one of the holes in Twilight’s hoof. “I preferred it when you looked like me,” she said. “We could’ve been twins!”

“Oh Twilight, do explain why it was that I found you hiding in your own closet disguised as my little sister.” Rarity motioned for Twilight to follow her to through the boutique and into the living room. “I think that should make for an interesting tale. Would you care for a cup of tea?”

“Sure,” Twilight said as she took a seat. Rarity left the room to go prepare some tea, leaving Twilight alone with the two Cutie Mark Crusaders. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sat down as well, one on either side of the Changeling princess.

“So…” Sweetie Belle started. “What was it like to be me?”

“Can you fly?” Apple Bloom piped up.

“Are Changelings really bugs?”

“Why does your horn look like a bendy straw?”

“Why do you have two horns?”

“Calm down,” Twilight interrupted them. “One at a time please…”

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked at each other. Sweetie Belle held a hoof up, offering Apple Bloom the first question.

“Can you even fly with these things?” Apple Bloom asked as she poked at Twilight’s wings. “There’re holes in ‘em, won’t you fall if you try to fly?”

“I can’t fly yet,” Twilight admitted as she moved her wings away a bit, just out of Apple Bloom’s poking range. “I can fall with style though,” she added as a little joke.

“That’s more than Scootaloo can do,” Sweetie Belle said bluntly.

“Yeah, Ah think she’s gonna be so jealous of you Twilight,” Apple Bloom said.

“Where is she anyway?” Twilight asked, having noticed the distinct lack of a vital part of the CMC.

“Helping out her aunt,” Apple Bloom said. “Derpy’s keeping a muffin stand at the carnival today, so she’s making a really big batch of them.”

“Mostly because Derpy keeps eating them,” Sweetie Belle pitched in. “My turn for a question!”

The little filly put her hoof to her chin as she started to think of a good question. As she did, her eyes wandered over Twilight’s alien, yet familiar form. Something wasn’t quite right here and it weren’t just the cheeselegs…

“Where’s your cutie mark?” Sweetie Belle asked as realization set in.

“Huh?” Twilight turned to her right to face Sweetie Belle. “Oh, my cutie mark? It’s… gone.”

The two Crusaders gasped, their eyes grew wide with shock and Sweetie Belle nearly fainted.

“You lost it?” Apple Bloom uttered unbelievingly. “That can happen?”

“I don’t think so,” Twilight quickly said, trying to put the two fillies at ease. She hadn’t expected them to react so shocked to her lack of cutie mark, though it was understandable with their obsession for attaining their own mark. “At least not to ponies.”

“But you can get it back, right?” Sweetie Belle asked hopefully.

Twilight shook her head. “I doubt it,” she said, a hint of regret in her voice. “Changelings don’t have cutie marks, they don’t need them.”

“That… that’s so…” Apple Bloom started.

“Sad!” Sweetie Belle finished.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Apple Bloom agreed.

“It’s okay, girls,” Twilight said. “I’ll be fine without it.” Or so she hoped.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom both jumped off of the couch and whispered something to the other.

“Time for an emergency Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting!” Sweetie Belle yelled, before the two of them ran off.

“Bye Rarity, bye Twilight!” the two of them yelled as they ran to the front door. The two of them nearly smacked into the door in their excitement. Sweetie Belle quickly fumbled with the lock and tossed the door open. They made their way out of the boutique and slammed the door shut.

“Sorry!” Sweetie Belle yelled through the door, before scampering off with Apple Bloom.

“Those fillies,” Rarity said with a sigh as she came back from the kitchen, a tray with cups and a kettle floating along with her.

“I wonder what they’re up to,” Twilight mused, thinking back of when she was that same age. She had spent most of her time with her nose in a book. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were probably less likely to do that.

“No good I suppose,” Rarity said as she set the tray down onto the coffee table and poured herself and Twilight a cup. “But they’re fillies, I would be more worried if they didn’t do anything like that.”

Rarity sat down gracefully and took a dainty sip from her cup. “I think Apple Bloom took your appearance rather well, all things considered.”

“Yeah,” Twilight said as she held her cup in front of her, watching the tea leaves float around in it. Thank Celestia for the resilience of fillies, she thought.

“Green is not your color,” Rarity said as she noticed Twilight’s magical aura. “But I suppose that comes with the new appearance?”

Twilight nodded. “Afraid so. My magic changed, my cutie mark is gone… so much has happened in such a short time, Rarity.”

“As long as you are safely back here in Ponyville with us, that’s all that truly matters,” Rarity said. “But do tell me about what happened, will you? Fluttershy, Spike and I were so worried about you.”

Twilight nodded. “You know, I’m kind of glad that Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom ran off,” she said. “Some things that happened… I don’t think they should know about them.”

“Is that so?” Rarity asked, a worrisome look on her face. “Well then, do proceed and don’t spare the details,” she said. “I have seen what those Changelings did to Princess Cadance, I don’t think anything else could faze me like that.”

Twilight wasn’t so sure about that, though she began her story anyway.


“And that’s how I ended up in that closet,” Twilight finished. “You know the rest of the story from there on.”

“I can’t believe you were panicking over such a thing,” Rarity said, suppressing a laugh as best she could. “But yes, that story of yours does contain some gruesome implications. To feed off of love like that… I wouldn’t say that it frightens me but it does feel a bit uneasy, to know there are creatures out there.

“Not that I hold it against you,” Rarity quickly added, as she saw her friend’s face sadden. “You didn’t ask for this.”

Twilight’s face cleared up again as her friend reassured her. “Thank you Rarity, for being so understanding.”

“Nonsense,” Rarity said, waving a hoof as if to dismiss Twilight’s worries. “What’s a species change between friends, right? Of course, if you had been a Diamond Dog in disguise… then we might have had a problem.”

The two of them shared a laugh at that.

“But one thing still bothers me,” Rarity said as she finished her cup of tea. “What did the queen hope to achieve by kidnapping you like that? Did she expect you to leap into her hooves and call her mother?”

“I think a part of her did,” Twilight said “But she was pretty forthcoming about her own problems, when she went through the same thing. Chrysalis ran away from the hive as well when she found out about her heritage.”

Twilight had neglected to mention Celestia’s role in this. She wasn’t sure whether or not it was safe to tell anypony about what happened a thousand years ago. She trusted Rarity with her life, more now than ever before but she knew that Rarity loved a good gossip. If word of it somehow reached Celestia, the results could be disastrous.

“Still, hurting both your brother and Princess Cadance like that…” Rarity mused. “I don’t think that’s the way to your heart.”

Twilight shook her head. “Of course not. She said it was necessary, that I needed Shining Armor’s love to live…”

“So there was some method to her madness,” Rarity said. “That still doesn’t excuse her behavior though.”

Twilight nodded.

The two of them fell silent after that, though it wasn’t an awkward kind of silence. Rarity needed some time to collect her thoughts and Twilight more than happily obliged her.

The peace and quiet didn’t last very long though, as Rarity thought of something quite mischievous. “Well then, what are you planning to do next, Princess Amaryllis?” she teased. She knew Twilight well enough to know that the studious mare could care less about such a formal title.

“What I’m going to do next is to go and visit Fluttershy. Spike’s staying with her, right?” Twilight asked. “And don’t call me that, please. Until further notice, my name is Twilight Sparkle.” She shot Rarity a glare, to make sure her point came across.

“Oh Twilight, you’re so easy to rile up.” It wasn’t very ladylike to laugh at a friend’s expense but Rarity couldn’t help but giggle. “And yes, Fluttershy volunteered to take care of Spike. I already had my hooves full with Sweetie Belle and Applejack asked me to look after Apple Bloom as well.

“But I digress, we have some friends to visit, don’t we?” Rarity said with a cheerful tone to her voice. “I’ve been meaning to visit Fluttershy anyway, so I’ll come along.” She looked from side to side, trying to spot something out of the ordinary. “Though I must ask, can you leave your new friend back at the library?”

“Never leave the princess unguarded again,” the Changeling whispered into Rarity’s ear, causing her to let out a tiny cry of surprise. “That only invites trouble…”

“Point taken.” Rarity gulped. She hadn’t heard or seen him approach her. By now he could have moved to a different location and she couldn’t even tell.

“He’ll stay out of sight,” Twilight assured her. The last thing she needed was somepony startling Fluttershy.

“Well, that’s good to hear,” Rarity said. “Fluttershy wanted to come along on Princess Luna’s rescue mission but she was too afraid… I hope you won’t hold that against her.”

Twilight shook her head. “Do you think she’ll be afraid of me too?” she asked hesitantly.

“Twilight Sparkle, have some faith in your friends,” Rarity said sternly. “Though I have to say that Fluttershy was more than a little spooked by the Changelings’ appearance at the wedding. If we’re to visit her now, I suggest you slip into something a bit more… fashionable.”

Twilight nodded and disguised herself. “How about this, darling?” she asked with a perfect imitation of Rarity’s voice.

It took Rarity a few seconds to realize what had happened. “Oh my,” she said as she stood up and approached Twilight, who was now disguised as a pristine white Unicorn. After a few seconds of careful examination, Rarity started to clap her hooves together. “Marvelous, simply marvelous!” she exclaimed. “Oh it’s like looking in a mirror!”

“You think?” Twilight asked.

“Think? I know, my dear,” Rarity said. “You and I, we could have Canterlot laying at our hooves if we wanted to. I can just imagine it now…”

Rarity zoned out.

Somepony knocked on the door, pulling Rarity out of her fantasy. The door was pushed open with some force, causing the little chime to ring like a bell tower. “Oops,” they both heard a familiar voice. “Sorry about that Rarity!”

“Spike?” Twilight asked.

The baby dragon rushed into the room. “Hi Rarity, Fluttershy told me I could come over and I-ha-wha??”

Spike’s lower jaw fell to the ground in a comical fashion as he noticed the two Rarities. “Rarity?” he uttered. “And Rarity?”

Twilight could see his eyes roll into the back of his head as he passed out. A final word passed over his lips before he lost consciousness entirely.



“I think he’s coming to,” Rarity said as she noticed Spike’s eyes open. “My little Spikey-Wikey, are you okay?” She nudged the little dragon a few times as he stirred on the couch.

“Rarity?” Spike asked, sounding groggy and disoriented. “Is that you?”

“It is,” Rarity said. “You took a nasty fall there, are you okay?”

“I had the weirdest, most beautiful dream just now,” Spike said dreamily. “There were two of you! It was awesome…”

Yes, awesome,” Rarity trailed off. “Spike, there’s somepony here that has been dying to see you again.”

Spike sat up and looked at Rarity. “Who are you talking about?”

“Hi Spike.”

Spike turned his head and looked past the object of his affection. Standing behind Rarity was another Unicorn with a familiar lavender coat.


“You gave me the quite the scare just now, toppling over like that,” Twilight said as she approached the couch. Rarity on her turn backed away slightly, to give the old friends some room.

“Twilight, is that really you?” Spike jumped off of the couch. He was unable to believe his eyes at the sight of his caretaker and friend.

“It is,” Twilight said. “I came home.”

“But what about the Changelings?” Spike asked. “What about the queen? And Shining Armor? Did you blast your way out of the Wastelands? Tell me that you did, that would be so awesome!”

“I hate to disappoint you but the queen just allowed me to leave,” Twilight said. “And Shining Armor’s safe too.”

“Well that’s a relief,” Spike said. “And the… thing?”

“What thing?” Twilight asked, tilting her head in confusion. “You’re being a bit vague, you know.”

“You know, the thing with the fangs and the holes and wings…” Spike hesitated. “You are a Changeling, aren’t you?”

Twilight nodded.

“Can I see?” Spike asked. His hand strayed to his other arm, where a piece of cloth hid the permanent mark of his adoration of Twilight as both a friend as a mother figure at times. He was still a bit embarrassed about having it and about the way it got there in the first place.

“Of course,” Twilight said. “Just… don’t freak out too badly, okay?”

“That’s your thing, Twilight,” Spike said. “I’m the cool and aloof dragon, you’re the crazy Unicorn that’s always-”

Spike fell silent as Twilight burst into flames. Green embers licked over her body and obscured it from sight. Mere seconds later, the fire died down and vanished, leaving no trace of the lavender Unicorn. In her place was a creature that just shouldn’t be.

“Twilight?” Spike asked softly.

“It’s me, Spike,” Twilight assured him. “Spike… are you crying?”

“No, of course not.” Spike sniffed and rubbed at his eyes. “I just…” He grew silent.

Twilight hesitated, not knowing what to do right now. Should she approach him? Should she keep a distance, so Spike could get used to her new appearance? Should she start panicking because her number one assistant just started to cry at the mere sight of her?

However, Spike didn’t wait for her to come up with an answer. He simply walked towards her without saying a word and wrapped his arms around the Changeling princess.

“Does this mean…” Twilight started.

“Yes,” Spike simply said.

The two of them sat there for some time, neither of them saying a word.

Eventually the baby dragon withdrew his arms and released Twilight from his viselike grip. “Your coat feels weird,” he said.

“I know,” Twilight said. “I know.”

“But it’s a good kind of weird,” Spike said, as to not offend Twilight.

“Aww, just look at the two of you,” Rarity said, to inform them that she was still in the room. “How silly are you feeling right now, Twilight?”

“Very,” Twilight admitted.

“How come?” Spike asked.

“Well, Twilight here has been worried sick about how we may or may not have reacted to her new appearance,” Rarity told him. “She was afraid we would be… angry.”

“What?” Spike turned back to Twilight. “That’s stupid,” he told her. “Why would I be angry? It’s not your fault you’re a bug-pony… thingy.”

“You’re right Spike,” Twilight said. “And I really need to learn to trust in my friends.”

“That’s right,” Spike said. “Because-


A wisp of green flame erupted from his mouth and solidified into a scroll, which he caught before it hit the ground.

“Sorry,” Spike excused himself. His cheeks were bright-red with embarrassment for making such an indecent noise near his one true love.

“A letter from the princess?” Twilight asked as she took the scroll from Spike.

She quickly broke the seal and began to read.

My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

I hope that by now you’ve reconciled with Spike the dragon. If not, Spike: please deliver this letter to Twilight. If I know my student, she’s probably still panicking inside her home.

Twilight stopped reading for a moment and took the time to let out a groan.

Twilight, I send this letter as a warning. Prince Blueblood has taken control of the Royal guard. My dear nephew has unearthed a document I thought to be gone and forgotten. A long time ago, Luna and myself had decreed that in case the captain would be incapacitated and unable to perform his or her duty, the representative of the House of Blueblood would claim leadership over the guard. A commendation to Prince Blueblood the first.

Since Prince Blueblood the twenty-seventh’s parents are out of the country and Princess Cadance is injured, that duty falls to him. I wish to warn you that Prince Blueblood is planning on sending small groups of guards to nearly every city and village in Equestria. I’m not certain yet but Ponyville will probably be included.

He’s looking for Changelings to interrogate, probably for information of your kidnapping. I fear that he is letting his emotions control his actions and that he might threaten whatever truce Luna has forged thus far.

What’s worse is that I can’t do anything to stop him. That document of his may be ancient but it’s still valid and if I go against it, I’ll have every pony of noble blood in Canterlot on my case. Until either Shining Armor or Princess Cadance has sufficiently recovered my hooves are tied.

Please, take care and stay out of trouble if you can. I will see what measures I can take to resolve this situation before it spirals out of control.

Your mentor and friend,

Celestia of Equestria

P.S. I am pleased to inform you that Crescent Blade, the guard your protector knocked out, will be returning to active duty tomorrow. He seems to have forgotten all about his assault. Incidentally, I have docked part of your stipend to make sure it stays that way. Do take disciplinary actions, as I can’t keep covering for you.

“Twilight, darling? Are you alright?” Rarity asked. “You’re looking a bit pale.”

“I’m fine,” Twilight said nervously. “This letter… well, it complicates things a bit.”

Spike snagged the letter from her and read it.

“I don’t get it,” he said once he finished it. “Why can’t Celestia stop him?”

“May I take a look?” Rarity asked. Spike handed her the letter, after an approving nod from Twilight. She took a few minutes to take in the contents. “Ugh, Blueblood. I should have known he would stoop to this level. But I do believe that Celestia is right and that her hooves are tied.”

“How so?” Spike shrugged. “She’d just offend some fancy-smancy ponies, who cares?”

“Those fancy-smancy ponies, as you put it, hold a great deal of power and could make Princess Celestia’s life very difficult,” Rarity explained. “If she were to take away Blueblood’s rights, the other nobles would throw a fit. The Blueblood family is ancient. If they aren’t safe, then who is?”

“Rarity’s right,” Twilight said. “I’ll just have to be careful. Who knows what guards he’ll send here…”


Ponies were running around the Canterlot barracks in a mild frenzy. Swords were sharpened, shields were polished and armor was fitted on. Amidst this chaos stood a single Unicorn that was dressed more for a fancy ball than for combat.

“Gentlecolts, mares,” Prince Blueblood said, drawing attention to himself. “Recently, Canterlot has had to fight off an enemy invasion.”

A few ponies turned to look at him, though most of them seemed content with ignoring the pompous prince.

A bit disgruntled by the blatant disrespect, Blueblood continued. “Princess Cadance was attacked by them, as was your captain.” This drew some more attention, though still not the amount Blueblood demanded.

“Both he and his sister, Twilight Sparkle were kidnapped by said Changelings and even more recently, one of your colleagues was attacked.” Of course, Blueblood had no way of proving that the incident in the dungeon was of Changeling doing. They did make for an easy scapegoat.

Some murmurs went through the crowd, some sounding angry, others more annoyed.

“Princess Celestia herself has decreed that I and I alone shall be the one to replace Shining Armor in his absence,” Blueblood said smugly. “And I have decided on a plan, to ward off the Changelings invasion in our fair land!

“Starting today, you all will be sent out across Equestria! I want every village and town to be under Royal guard protection! Together, we will find these creatures and we will send them back to where they belong!” Blueblood cheered.

He was the only one though. The Royal guards looked at him as if he was a madpony.

“And exactly how long will you be in command?” a cocky Pegasus stallion asked.

“Until Captain Shining Armor has been rescued,” Blueblood said, more than a little annoyed by this stallion’s insolence.

Of course, the guards had no idea that their captain had already been rescued. Shining Armor was in the hospital, recovering alongside Blueblood’s beloved sister. He could easily tell them but if he left them believing that their leader was in danger, they might be more inclined to aid him in his quest to remove the Changelings from Equestria.

“Bloody pompous prince,” a particularly large Pegasus stallion muttered as he checked his weapon for flaws. A single crack could shatter a hammer if he wasn’t careful.

“Care to speak up?” Blueblood asked, singling the Pegasus out. “Private…?”

“First Lieutenant Stronghold,” the buff Pegasus said.

“Well then, First Lieutenant Stronghold,” Blueblood said. “That’s Captain Bloody Pompous Prince to you!” He jabbed the Pegasus in the chest a few times in an attempt to intimidate him.


Blueblood cried out in pain as Stronghold’ preferred weapon, a large stone hammer, crushed his hoof.

“I-I’ll have you court marshaled for this!” Blueblood squeaked in a pathetic manner as he attempted to push the weighty weapon off of his hoof

“Listen here, pretty boy,” Stronghold snarled as he lifted the hammer off of Blueblood’s hoof without a hitch. “You come in here, screaming and hollering and demand that we follow your lead. Did you really think that would work?”

“I have the law behind me!” Blueblood said, feeling a bit more confident as he pulled the ancient document out from his vest. “Signed by Princess Luna and Princess Celestia herself!”

“While that may be so, that doesn’t make you a leader,” Stronghold retorted. By now, everypony was watching them. “It takes honor. Blood, sweat and tears. I doubt you have ever worked a single day in your life.”

Stronghold had enjoyed working under Captain Shining Armor. The youngster was barely half his age but Shining Armor had earned the position and respect that he received from his troops.

This whimpering whelp on the other hoof…

However, Prince Blueblood straightened himself out and glared at the colossal Pegasus. A wicked grin formed on his face, as he tried to ignore the pain coming from his hoof.

As a prince and member of the Canterlot nobility, Blueblood was used to having his money do the talking. Even the most stubborn nobles and guards could be persuaded if the price was right. If not, well there were more than one way to change a pony’s mind.

“Work is for the lesser ponies, much like yourself,” he said, his confidence growing stronger as he spoke. “I am a prince, you ponies get paid to work with the money my family has invested in Canterlot.” The prince stepped closer to Stronghold on his three usable legs and stared the stallion straight in the eyes. “I could make it so you’d never find another job in this city and beyond.”

“Dirty tricks huh?” Stronghold actually laughed, though inwardly he cringed. Prince Blueblood was a very influential pony, despite his asocial tendencies. A few choice words, a few bags of bits and he’d get pretty much anything done.

“Anypony can flex their muscles in an attempt to get what they want,” Blueblood sneered. “I prefer more subtle ways. Now, are we going to get along or not?”

Stronghold grimaced. “For now,” he said and backed down.

“Good,” Blueblood said in a cocky way. He was feeling pretty good about himself, now that he had talked an insubordinate into submission.

He turned around and walked away, as he had better things to do right now. That blue mare looked rather uppity too, perhaps she needed some persuasion as well.

“Not bad,” Stalemate, the cocky Pegasus from before said to Stronghold. “You showed that pretentious prince what’s what around here.”

“Bah,” Stronghold muttered. “I should’ve known better than to play along with such a brat. I have a mare and two fillies to look after, I can’t afford to make that prick my enemy.”

“Don’t worry too much,” Stalemate patted the grey stallion on the back. “I think Bluey found himself a new friend in Backdraft!”


“Though I could be wrong,” Stalemate admitted as the scent of burning mane and overly expensive hair products made his nose crinkle. “Anyway, I just took a look at the schedule: looks like you and me are going to Ponyville along with Backdraft. Isn’t that awesome? Patrolling a backwater village with your best friend!”

“I can hardly wait,” Stronghold muttered. The company wasn’t very enjoyable but at least the location was nice. With some luck he would have the chance to visit his niece there.

And besides, who said that there even were Changelings in Ponyville?


“Meh, I’m sure you’ll be fine,” Spike said. “I don’t think he knows that you’re a Changeling, does he?”

“I don’t think so,” Twilight answered. “I sure didn’t tell him.” She also hoped that Celestia and Cadence kept that information to themselves.

“As far as I know, nopony did,” Rarity added her two bits. “Though I wonder what he would do with that information.”

“Who cares?” Spike asked. “Prince Blueblood’s just a blowhard, he’s mostly harmless at best.”

“I hope you’re right.” Despite Spike’s reassurance, Twilight was still rather worried. She had no idea of what the Royal guard knew about Changelings. Could they track her? Perhaps she should return to the hive a bit sooner than she had previously thought. At least until things died down a bit and the treaty between Equestria and the Wastelands was signed.

If Princess Luna managed to get Chrysalis to agree, Twilight thought.

“Hey Twilight, what’s this P.S. about?” Spike asked.

“Oh right,” Twilight said, snapping out of her thoughts. “That’s about a certain Changeling who can’t keep his cool.”

She stared intensively at the couch. The Changeling seated there turned visible again and smirked. “Guilty as charged,” he said.

“What the hay?” Spike uttered. “Rarity! Stay behind me! I’ll protect you!” The young dragon momentarily forgot just what his best friend was and leapt into action.

“Settle down Spike,” Twilight said, diffusing the situation. “He’s one of my guards.”

“You have invisible, shape shifting guards?” Spike asked. “Doesn’t that seem a bit much?”

Twilight ignored that comment and turned to her guard. “I appreciate your work,” she said. “I wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for you and the others. But I think you in particular need some more… guidance… You're too volatile, too trigger happy. You need to learn to react in a calm and collected way.”

Twilight took a deep breath. This was it...

“So from this day forward, you will be named Sucker Punch!” Twilight said, a bit of drama creeping into her voice.

The Changeling reared back, as if struck. Where before he had been looking almost cocky, he seemed closer to crying now. Twilight had not expected that reaction and almost faltered in her resolve.


“Your name will be Sucker Punch,” Twilight said, ignoring the cringe of her Praetorian. “Until I deem that you have learned your lesson, do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, my princess,” Sucker Punch said, a slight quiver to his voice.

Twilight was a bit surprised to see that Sucker Punch was actually trembling right now. She knew that Changelings disliked being named but to think that her overly confident and slightly aggressive guard would react like this…

She was regretting it already, though Twilight wondered whether or not this was worse than the corporal punishment that Chrysalis inflicted on the Changelings that failed to perform their duties correctly. Thus far, Sucker Punch and his brothers had protected her as best as they could. They had even stood up against Princess Celestia herself…

Twilight reached out to the trembling Changeling and gave him a hug. Slowly but surely the Changeling stopped shaking and Twilight could even see a smile on his face. “Please,” Twilight said. “Just prove that you have some restraint and you’ll be rid of that name before you know it.”

Sucker Punch nodded and whispered a thank you for his princess’ mercy.

“What was that all about?” Spike asked.

“It’s a long story,” Twilight said as she broke the hug. “I’ll tell you all about it on the way over to Fluttershy.”

“That might be a bit difficult,” Spike said.“Fluttershy’s going around to make sure all her little animal friends are safe during the carnival. Apparently, last year the fireworks spooked some of them.”

“I see.” Twilight frowned. That was something that she had come to expect from Fluttershy, to make sure that the animals around Ponyville were comfortable during such an event. Still, that made for a rather unexpected twist in her plan. Well, not that anything had gone according to plan so far.

“I had completely forgot about that,” Rarity said, biting her lip softly. “I was hoping to ask her for a favor tonight.”

“What kind of favor?” Twilight’s ears perked up at that. “Maybe I can fill in for Fluttershy?”

“Oh I couldn’t possibly ask that of you,” Rarity said. “You have so much on your mind as it is.”

“Come on,” Twilight urged her on.

“Well, alright then,” Rarity gave in. “As you may or may not know, I’ll be selling some of my wares during the carnival as well. Plenty of ponies from everywhere come visit Ponyville for this occasion.”

“I heard about that,” Twilight said. “And you want me to help you at your stand?”

“Eh no, Spike already volunteered for that,” Rarity said. “But I’d be ever so grateful if you would-”

The door slammed open with a loud thud, interrupting Rarity. “Sorry!” Sweetie Belle yelled, before the three Cutie Mark Crusaders barged into the living room.

“Hi Rarity! Hi Spike! Hi Twilight!” the three of them yelled as one.

“Whoa!” Scootaloo uttered as she took in Twilight’s Changeling form. “And here I was, thinking you two were pulling a prank! This is so awesome!”

The three fillies swarmed Twilight, causing Sucker Punch to rear up from his seat. He was about to assume an offensive position, only to stop and look at his princess.

“No,” Twilight simply said and the Changeling guard sat back down and turned invisible.

As Twilight turned her attention back to the Cutie Mark Crusaders she felt something pressing down on her wings. That hadn’t been there before, so Twilight craned her head around and saw a red cape on her back. It was a few sizes too small for her and had a familiar logo on it. Twilight faced the three fillies once more and saw them sitting there with broad smiles on their faces.

“We, the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Sweetie Belle started. “have unanima, unanimu, eh… all of us, have decided that we’re going to make you an honorary member!”

“What?” Twilight asked unbelievingly. “Oh girls, you don’t need to do that. I’ll be fine without my cutie mark, don’t worry.” She did feel rather touched by the gesture and appreciated the fillies’ concern.

“Nope,” Apple Bloom said. “We’re going to help you find your cutie mark again, that’s a promise.”

Spike could barely contain his laughter at that. “This is going to be hilarious!” he cried out between chuckles.

“I think it’s adorable,” Rarity said. “And coincidentally, you joining the crusaders ties in with that favor.”

“Oh right, favor.” Twilight had momentarily forgotten about that. “What was it again?”

“I was going to ask you to look after Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom,” Rarity said. “They need somepony to keep an eye on them.”

“But sis, we can take care of ourselves!” Sweetie Belle complained.

“Sweetie Belle, last year you ate so much cotton candy that you were sick for three days!” Rarity retorted.

“Oh, right,” Sweetie Belle said with a nervous laugh.

“Hey, you could run into Fluttershy,” Spike said. “She told me that she would come after she made sure her animals were okay.”

“Well then, two birds, one stone,” Rarity said.

Twilight sighed. “Fine, I’ll do it.”

“Splendid!” Rarity exclaimed happily. “Thank you so much, Twilight Sparkle. I will make sure to repay you for your trouble. Perhaps I could make you something. A dress maybe… or some socks to cover up those… hole thingies?”

“You don’t need to do that,” Twilight said.

“Oh but I must!” Rarity said. “Yes, I simply must make something for you! Your colors are a tad odd but I can make something that’ll match your palette, don’t you worry! Perhaps some midnight blue… no, that’ll clash with the teal in your mane and-”

Sweetie Belle poked Twilight a few times. “Don’t bother, she’s in the zone as it were.”

“Come on,” Apple Bloom said. “We can still do some crusading before the carnival starts! Ah have a great idea to help you get your cutie mark back!”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo pitched in. “We just need some rope, half a dozen of eggs and a catapult.”

Twilight resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Instead, she transformed back into her old Unicorn form. It would be rather hard to stay low if she ran around in her true form.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Sweetie Belle said. “Stop right there. You can’t come crusading with that on your flank.” She pointed at the starburst on Twilight’s flank.

“What’s wrong with it?” Twilight asked.

“Well, it’s there,” Scootaloo pointed out. “Kind of makes crusading for it useless.”

Apple Bloom took a few seconds to think of something. “Ah have an idea!” she said eventually. She pulled the two other original crusaders closer and huddled together.

“Why do I have the feeling that I’m not going to like this?” Twilight said as she heard the fillies whisper and laugh, almost ominously.


“Cheer up!” Sweetie Belle said with a smile. “The Carnival starts in a few hours! There’ll be a parade, games, candy, a masqueraded ball, attractions and cotton candy!” The little filly was almost drooling at the prospect of the sugary treat, something her sister would greatly disapprove of.

“Ah can’t believe you got me to do this,” Twilight grumbled. Her mane tickled her nose, urging her to blow it out of her face, though that didn’t help much as it immediately fell back in place.

“Come on now, ‘Babs’.” Apple Bloom snickered. “Ah’m sure we’ll get you your cutie mark in no time.”

Author's Note:

This chapter was going to twice as long… but then Rarity happened and I had to rewrite it ten times! Also, carcrashes are not good for your creativity. Anyway, we've got a new member on the Mirror's Image crew. Zervziel is our newest editor, something I'm very thankful for as Utter will be a bit busy for the time being.

Zervziel also says hello and is glad to be of service.