• Published 20th May 2012
  • 55,279 Views, 3,907 Comments

Mirror's Image - Evilpresident

Twilight never was a unicorn. And she didn't even know it.

  • ...

Chapter 15 (April Fool's)

Chapter 51

The first rays of light coming off of Celestia’s sun shone in through the window. Twilight was usually already awake by now but last night had been rather… tiring.

“That’s the last time I go drinking with Rarity,” Twilight muttered as she held her hoof to her head. Most of last night was a blur. She vaguely remembered hanging out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, having fun at the carnival and then bumping into Rarity, who had closed up her stand because nopony was buying any of her overpriced dresses.

Twilight pushed the sheets off of her and stepped out of bed, taking care to avoid the various books and assorted pieces of clothing that littered the room.

“Spike!” she called out. “Do we have aspirin?”

“Check the medicine cabinet!” Spike yelled from downstairs, causing Twilight to clutch her head once more.

“No so loud!” Twilight yelled back.

“What?!” Spike yelled, even louder now. “What did you say Twilight? You’ll have to speak up!”

Twilight groaned and dragged herself to the bathroom, where the medicine cabinet was located.

She tried to use her magic, only for it to fizzle out, a few green sparks erupting from it accompanied by a stinging headache. “Ouch,” Twilight cried out. Since magic was out of the question, she opted to use her hooves instead.

And by doing so she nearly broke off the small door as she tore it open. It took her tired eyes some time before she spotted the brightly colored bottle of aspirin.

She pulled it out of the cabinet, only to drop it to the ground. “Lousy hooves,” she muttered to herself. “How does Applejack ever get anything done on her farm?” she wondered out loud as she moved to pick up the plastic bottle.

Eventually she managed to do so and placed it in the sink. Using her hooves to hold the bottle steady, she bit down on the lid and tried to pull it off.

Unfortunately the lid seemed to have been glued to the bottle and wasn’t coming off at all.

“Come on!” Twilight yelled, before flinching at the sound of her own voice. “Can’t you see I’m in pain here?”

The bottle remained rather indifferent to Twilight’s suffering.

Twilight picked the bottle up and examined it closer. She felt just about ready to slap herself silly as she noticed the foalproof cap on the bottle. “Silly Twilight,” she said to herself. “You just need to push and turn.”

She did just that, pushing down with her hoof on the cap before twisting it. Or at least, that was what Twilight tried. Lacking some sort of dexterous extremity made it rather hard for Twilight to both push and twist at the same time, leaving her to once again wonder how Earth ponies worked around not having magic.

With a cry of frustration she tossed the bottle against the wall, causing it to ricochet off of it and fly out the window.

“Ouch!” somepony cried out from outside.

“Oops,” Twilight said to herself.

A loud knock on the door caused Twilight’s eyes to widen.

“I’ll get it!” Spike yelled.

Twilight rushed out of the bathroom and down the stairs, just in time to see Spike open the door.

“I do believe this is yours, Spike,” a slightly disgruntled Prince Blueblood said. “Honestly, I set hoof in this town and I get hit in the head with a bottle of aspirins. Such uncouth ponies that live here and I-”

He fell silent as he noticed Twilight standing halfway up the staircase. “You! You’re that Changeling that Aunt Celestia was talking with! The one I slammed into the ground!”

“You did what now?” Spike asked. “Blueblood, I know I told you to be upfront with your feelings but that’s crossing the line!”

“But Spike, she’s a Changeling!” Blueblood exclaimed. “Why aren’t you panicking with me?”

“Because I’m a rational dragon?” Spike offered. “Also, in case you didn’t know it yet: that’s Twilight Sparkle.”

“Hi,” Twilight said, using her regular voice this time around.

“I, I, what?” Blueblood stammered. “But that doesn’t make any sense!”

“Meh,” Spike shrugged. “About as much sense as you being heads over hooves about her.”

“Hey!” Twilight cried out. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“What?” Spike asked. “I’m just saying that the two of you would make for an awful couple. I mean, one of you is an esteemed member of a royal family and a shining example to us all. And the other’s Blueblood.”

“Hey!” Twilight cried out again, drawing Spike’s attention to her as she walked down the stairs. “Are you implying that I can’t date somepony like Prince Blueblood?”

“Are you implying that I’m not an esteemed member of the Equestrian royalty?” Blueblood asked angrily.

“All I’m saying is that you’re a jerk,” Spike said as he pointed at Blueblood. “And you’re a recluse that’ll probably end up marrying a book,” he said, pointing at Twilight.

The prince and the princess glared at the baby dragon, before looking at each other. “Dear Twilight, Princess Amaryllis or whatever it is you call yourself nowadays… would you care to join me for lunch?”

“I’d love to, Prince Blueblood,” Twilight said. Blueblood held a hoof out for her to hold, which she took eagerly.

The two of them walked back out the door but not before blowing a raspberry at Spike.

Spike waited for the odd couple to get out of hearing range, before speaking up. “I still got it,” he said.

“What do you still have?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“You know, the ability to annoy ponies into doing stuff,” Spike said. “I just hooked Twilight and Blueblood up.”

“What?” Pinkie asked. “That’s crazy, Spike, why would you do that?”

“Some people like weird ships,” Spike said with a shrug. “Hey, Pinkie? How did you get back here? Aren’t you still in the Wastelands?”

“And miss April Foal’s day?” Pinkie snorted. “Get real.”

The end.


Blueblood died on the way back to his home planet, leaving Twilight widowed and six hundred kids without a father. Nothing of value was lost.

Author's Note:

E/N: Zervziel: I wouldn't say that. The universe just lost one more source of hot air.

[E/N] uTTerAbsurdity: *sits back in a plush lounge chair, feet laying haphazardly across the back of an indentured servant* *opens a can o' soda* *stares blankly at you* Eeyup.

And so ends Mirror's Image. Not with a whisper but with a bang, as Prince Blueblood's ship was hit by a meteor on the way back to his home planet and killing him in a horrible way. Much like most of you wanted, only with more spacetravel. It's been a bumpy ride but it was totally awesome.

Happy Easter/April Foal's day! If I survive, the real chapter 15 will be up tomorrow!