• Published 20th May 2012
  • 55,279 Views, 3,907 Comments

Mirror's Image - Evilpresident

Twilight never was a unicorn. And she didn't even know it.

  • ...

Chapter 16 Part 01

Chapter 16 Part 01

Twilight groaned as she felt the first rays of sunlight begin to seep into her room, despite the fact that she had drawn the curtains before heading to bed last night.

“I’m up, I’m up,” Twilight muttered as she pushed the sheets off of her and crawled out of bed. She immediately noticed that Spike’s basket was empty and decided to head downstairs, where she would probably find the baby dragon in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

Or sneaking gems while he thought that she was still asleep. Either one was likely, Twilight thought as she walked out of her room and down the stairs. As she walked down the steps, she noticed that she had turned back into her true form overnight, as Twilight had gone to bed as her old self.

Twilight briefly thought to herself that this, like everything else that had happened lately, required further study.


A loud cry disrupted Twilight’s thoughts, startling her and almost causing her to tumble down the last step. Luckily she managed to stabilize herself just in time by using her wings.

“Ah think we scared the poor thing,” Applejack said. “Ah knew we shouldn’t have made this a surprise party.”

“Aww, but Applejack,” Pinkie Pie whined. “Parties are fun and surprises are fun. Combine them and you have like, double the fun!”

Twilight looked around and saw her friends standing in the middle of the library, which had been decorated rather festively. There were streamers everywhere, confetti on the floor and there was cake. Twilight licked her lips as she noticed that it was chocolate cake with extra chocolate: Twilight’s favorite!

“Wow, is this for me?” Twilight asked, still bewildered by the sudden surprise.

“Of course it is, silly!” Pinkie Pie said with a cheer.

“But wait…” Twilight looked at her friends. “You three aren’t here… you’re still in the Wastelands.”

“So? You really think we’d miss your party?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Come on, Twilight. What kind of friends would we be if we did that?”

“Yeah, what’s a going-away party without friends?” Fluttershy asked.

“What?” Twilight stared at her shy friend. “Going-away party? But I’m not going anywhere.”

“Yes you are,” Applejack said. “Back to the Wastelands with ya, you Changeling!”

Twilight stared bewilderedly at Applejack, who had just smiled as she told Twilight to get out of Equestria.

“Yeah, I’m with her on that,” Rainbow Dash backed Applejack up. “It’s Ponyville, not Changelingville,” she said, trying to sound apologetic and failing miserably at it. Instead, Rainbow Dash just sounded condescending, as if she was talking to a foal.

“You guys can’t be serious,” Twilight said, her voice shaking but only for a moment. “This can’t be real,” she said, her confidence growing.

“Yes it can,” Pinkie Pie said, still as cheerful as before.

“No, I mean it,” Twilight said forcibly. “This isn’t real. For starters, where’s Rarity? Where’s Spike? They already know I’m a Changeling and have accepted me for who I am. I missed Fluttershy last night and you three on the other hoof are still in the Wastelands!”

Twilight smiled triumphantly.

The four ponies stared at each other and then back at Twilight. As one they opened their mouths and spoke. “Oh Twilight Sparkle, you are no fun at all. Do you know that?” they said with an all too familiar voice.

“Discord,” Twilight hissed and bared her fangs. “What are you doing here?”

“Trying to upset you and make you doubt yourself,” the four ponies said as one, before fading away. “What else?” Discord popped up behind Twilight and whispered in her ear.

“Aren’t you supposed to be turned to stone?” Twilight asked as she turned to face her adversary.

“Aren’t you supposed to be a lavender Unicorn?” Discord shot back. “Details, details, my dear Twilight. What’s there one second can be gone the next. Much like this.” Discord snapped his fingers and the balloons and streamers disappeared.

Another snap and the library disappeared, leaving behind an eerie black void that seemed to stretch on forever.

“Ta-da!” Discord cheered.

“Very funny, Discord,” Twilight said. “Now tell me what is going on here!”

“Oh Twilight, stop being so tense!” Discord said. “Relax, have some cake!” He dangled the cake in front of Twilight, before it disappeared as well.

And this time around, it wasn’t due to Twilight Sparkle sinking her teeth into it.

“I could make an overused joke about that cake but I think it’s best that we skip the pleasantries and get down to business,” Discord said as he seated himself, hovering upside-down in mid-air. “I’m here to check up on you.”

“Check up on me?” Twilight asked, her voice betraying her confusion. “Color me surprised, but I didn’t think you’d care.”

“Oh I don’t, believe me,” Discord said. “But I don’t have anything better to do, so I thought I’d see what my favorite creation was up to.”

“Creation?” Twilight asked. “You mean…. You knew?”

Discord leaned over to her, getting a bit too close for comfort and stared straight into Twilight’s eyes. “Well, what did you expect? You were the only one to be so easily affected by my chaos. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. All of them needed a little nudge but you, Twilight Sparkle, you did not.

“Or perhaps you prefer Princess Amaryllis now?” Discord teased, now standing head to head with Twilight.

“No,” Twilight stated as she pushed Discord back. “My name is Twilight Sparkle!”

“And we both know that is not true,” Discord shot back. “Twilight Sparkle is dead and you are a second rate replacement that shouldn’t even-”


Like a shot from a cannon, that word blasted through the void and knocked Discord away from Twilight.

“BEGONE, FOUL APPARATION!!!” Princess Luna appeared, her eyes glowing as she screamed, using the Royal Canterlot Voice and forcing Twilight to cover her ears to prevent a permanent loss of hearing. “THOU HAST NO PLACE HERE!!!” she bombarded Discord with her magically amplified voice, bringing him to his knees.

“This isn’t over Lulu,” Discord snapped, remaining defiant despite the situation. “I will never disappear, I am eter-”

Discord was cut off by a blast of Luna’s magic, which turned him to dust in an instant. “You have no idea how I long to do that to the real one…” she said, not bothering to look back at Twilight.

“Princess Luna?” Twilight moved her hooves away from her ears and walked towards the Alicorn. “What are you doing here?”

“I am here to see you, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said as she turned away from the settling dust. “It took me quite a while to find you in the dreamscape.” Slowly her eyes lost their battle-ready glow and turned back to their normal color.

“Dreamscape?” Twilight asked. It all made sense now… “So… that wasn’t real? Just a dream?”

“Indeed it was and I apologize for interfering in such a dramatic way, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said. “I usually act much more subtle when it comes to my subject’s dreams… though I am not sure whether to still call you my subject.”

Twilight looked down at her hooves and realized that she was still looking like her true self.

“I’m sorry,” Twilight said. “Do you want me to-”

“You misunderstand me,” Luna said quickly, interrupting Twilight. “I do not care whether you are a pony or a Changeling. I just do not know if I should count you as a subject when you are of equal standing. A Changeling princess. A future ruler.”

“Oh,” Twilight said, feeling a bit silly now.

“But as I was saying, I’ve come here to check up on you,” Luna said, taking Twilight’s silence as a queue to continue. “Do you know that you were very difficult to find? I’ve been looking for your dreams ever since you were taken from us, yet it’s only now that I was able to find you.”

Luna looked intently at Twilight. “You do not truly believe that your friends would abandon you like that, do you?”

“You saw that?” Twilight asked sheepishly. “And no, I don’t. Not anymore. My parents, Shiny, Cadance, Spike and Rarity…your sister, they’ve all accepted me the way I am!”

“Of course they did,” Luna said. “Your friends have been awfully worried about you. Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie will be most pleased to hear that you’re safe.”

“How are they?” Twilight asked. “Chrysalis hasn’t tried anything, has she?”

“She has not,” Luna assured her. “Though she did offer to take us in. None of us were particularly interested though.”

“That’s good,” Twilight said. She didn’t understand the Changeling hivemind yet but she knew that introducing a pony like Pinkie Pie to it would be bad news for the Changelings. Or perhaps good, depending on who you asked.

“We will be returning as soon as we hear news from Queen Chrysalis,” Luna said. “She’s agreed to help Sir Macintosh.”

“She has?” Twilight was actually surprised by that. “But she’s the one that did that to him.”

“And now she’s fixing it,” Luna retorted. “Or at least she’s attempting to.”

Twilight was fairly certain that Chrysalis had only agreed to do that in an attempt to get in her good graces. Still, it showed that she was willing to change her ways, which was a step in the right direction.

“So… you’re okay with this?” Twilight asked, trying to change the subject. She didn’t really want to think of her birthmother right now. “With me being a Changeling?”

“My best friend was a Changeling,” Luna said. “Your grandmother, Queen Amethyst. You look a lot like her. But I’m not sure if that’s a compliment, considering how much the Changelings look like one another.”

Twilight wasn’t so sure either. Though, if her ancestor was a friend of Luna’s, she couldn’t be that bad.

“Anyway, I am just glad that you are well,” Luna said. “Though your dream seems a bit dull now, thanks to Discord.”

“Was that really him?” Twilight asked.

“No.” Luna shook her head. “Just a figment of your imagination, fueled by any lingering doubts you may have.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said. “For helping me out like that.”

“Thanks are not needed,” Luna said. “I am the princess of the night. Keeping dreams is part of the job. Speaking of which, I must be off. There’s another pony who needs me right now. Your shy friend is dreaming rather badly.”

“Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

“Indeed,” Luna said. “I passed her dream while looking for yours. She was one of two other ponies dreaming about Changelings tonight.”

“Who else was?” Twilight asked, though she was more worried about Fluttershy than that other pony. Why would she be having a nightmare about Changelings? But then Twilight thought back about what Rarity had told her, that Fluttershy had been terrified of the invading Changelings. But who could blame her?

“Prince Blueblood,” Luna answered, snapping Twilight out of her thoughts. “He was having a rather weird dream concerning your kin.”

“Do I want to know?” Twilight asked.

Luna fell silent as she thought back about her nephew’s dream.


Blueblood couldn’t be happier. The ceremony thus far had gone without a hitch and they were nearing the most important question of the evening.

“Do you, Prince Blueblood, take this mare to be your wife? To cherish her, love her and care for her till death do you part?” Princess Celestia asked.

“I do,” Blueblood said, his voice sounding confident and determined.

“And you, Lady Twilight?” Celestia turned to the veiled bride. “Do you take this colt to be your husband? To cherish him, love him and care for him till death do you part?”

“I do,” Twilight said.

“I now pronounce you mare and colt,” Princess Celestia declared. “You may now kiss the bride.”

Blueblood turned to look at his bride. The purple mare was wearing a beautiful wedding dress, complete with veil which he all too eagerly removed.

His eagerness grew to a quick stop as he saw the face underneath the veil.

“Give us a kiss,” Twilight hissed. Her beautiful lavender coat had been replaced by a vile black. Fangs glistened in the light as she bared them at him.

“Eek!” Blueblood screamed in a rather effeminate way before running away from the altar as fast as he could.

“Darling! Come back!” His Changeling bride was quick to tear off her dress and give chase. “You can’t run from me, sweet cheeks!”

The screaming prince and the pursuing changeling passed Princess Luna, who just sat there with a bowl of popcorn in front of her. “This is hilarious,” she said as she grabbed a hooffull of popcorn.


“Let’s not speak of such things,” Luna said. “Now, I must go.”

“Wait!” Twilight said. “Can I help? Fluttershy’s my friend, maybe I can do something?”

“Perhaps… yes, perhaps you can,” Luna mused. “I haven’t done so in a very long time but yes, you may come with me. Travelling from dream to dream is not that difficult but I must warn you, that which you see in Fluttershy’s dream will look real, sound real, feel real and perhaps even smell real but it is not. Nothing can hurt you there.”

Luna cleared her throat a few times. “But it never hurts to be cautious.”

“Understood,” Twilight said.

She was a little bit excited about this. There were few ponies who actually knew dream magic and there was only one that could enter dreams and actively partake in them. This could be a great opportunity to study its effects, even if she would never be able to replicate the spells.

But Twilight’s worry outweighed her excitement. Fluttershy was dreaming about Changelings and Twilight just couldn’t help but think that it had something to do with her.

“Twilight Sparkle?” Luna asked, snapping Twilight out of her thoughts. “Before we depart I must ask you something: how do you stay sane when dealing with Pinkie Pie on a day to day basis?” Luna asked, her voice sounding almost desperate. “I’ve been travelling with her for only two days and she’s been driving me mad!”

“That’s Pinkie Pie for you,” Twilight said. “She can be a little bit obnoxious and downright infuriating at times but… Pinkie Pie’s always there for you and she has a heart of gold. If you can get past the inane chatter, hyperactive mood and overall craziness, you have the best friend a pony, or a Changeling, could ask for.”

“Aww, that’s so nice of you to say, Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said as she popped into existence between Luna and Twilight. Pinkie leaned towards Twilight and gave her a big hug, before hopping away again.

“Princess?” Twilight asked as she stared after Pinkie Pie, who was skipping away into the void.

“Yes, Twilight?” Luna asked.

“Was that a figment of my imagination too?”

“Let’s hope so,” Luna said. “Now come on, we must make haste. Before she manages to follow us.”


Switching from dream to dream was an interesting sight to behold. Princess Luna’s horn glowed and her magic carved a ring in front of her, large enough for her and Twilight to pass through.

And on the other side of the ring laid a world that Twilight had difficulty with to describe. Hundreds, if not thousands of similar rings floated there, each of them a window into the dreams of a sleeping pony.

She had heard ponies call it Dream Valley before but that name didn’t do this place justice. This wasn’t a valley. It was a world in its own right, situated somewhere between life and death, where only Princess Luna could choose to tread.

It was terrifying and it made Twilight feel insignificant and small. As if she was a mere speck of dust in the vast world bordering between dream and reality.

“Are you okay?” Luna asked, noticing Twilight’s distress. “It can be a bit unsettling at first but there’s no need to be afraid. This is my domain, nothing can harm us here.”

Luna walked towards a particular ring. Like all the others, it floated a foot or so above the ground and was large enough for them to walk through.

Twilight could see a beautiful and lush meadow on the other side. The light of a fading sun colored the sky a most delightful shade of orange and it made Twilight feel peaceful just by looking at it. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think that it was a painting made by a most talented artist.

“Is this it?” Twilight asked. “Is this Fluttershy’s dream? It looks so peaceful.”

“Looks can be deceiving,” Princess Luna said. “You should know that now more than ever before.”

A nasty look from Twilight caused Luna to chuckle. “I joke, I joke. You should lighten up, Twilight Sparkle. Now come, Fluttershy’s dream awaits!”

With that said, Luna leapt though the ring and into the meadow. Twilight hesitated for a second, before jumping in after her.


Twilight landed softly on the grass and the sweet smell of flowers instantly invaded her nose. It reminded her of the picnic she and her friends had had near Whitetail Woods. A quick look around confirmed her suspicions, as said forest was located a bit further away.

“So this is what Fluttershy dreams about?” Twilight asked out-loud.

“It would seem so,” Luna said. “I find that a pony’s dreams reveal a lot about them. About how they view the world and everything in it. For example, look over there.”

Luna pointed towards the edge of the forest, where a whole bunch of animals were playing. Twilight could see various woodland creatures, both great and small.

But four of them stood out from the others, lacking the brown and grey fur that the other animals had. Twilight could spot an orange dog (not unlike Winona), a blue Peregrine falcon, a pink hare and a white cat.

“I should have known,” Twilight said, a soft laugh escaping her.

“All dreams bear a measure of symbolism,” Luna explained. “I think Fluttershy’s love for her animals and her friends is overlapping here.”

“Speaking of Fluttershy, where is she?” Twilight looked around, hoping to spot a yellow songbird or perhaps a yellow butterfly. Who knew what kind of adorable forest critter Fluttershy was in her own dreams?

“Eeeek!” a squeal interrupted Twilight’s train of thought.

“Methinks that she’s over there,” Luna said, spreading her wings before taking to the air.

Twilight instinctively opened her wings as well, intend on following after the princess. Unfortunately, her lack of training and use of her wings hindered her greatly, even in Fluttershy’s dream. Instead, Twilight followed her companion on hoof.

By now, most of the fuzzy animals had scampered off, looking for places to hide. As if they knew what was happening.

The two princesses followed the terrified screams to its source, far from the meadow and deep into the forest nearby. Whereas the outer woods had looked calm and peaceful, the inner parts of the Whitetail Woods soon began to look more and more like its counterpart, the Everfree Forest. Luna was forced to land, for she couldn’t see anything anymore from above the trees.

The densely packed trees made it hard for them to push forward, though somehow it didn’t take them long to find the source of the yelling. It was surprising to say the least but they did not belong to Fluttershy.

“Stop it! Please!” They could hear the shy Pegasus plead but to who, they didn’t know yet. Still, it was rather good incentive for Twilight to pick up the pace. Soon enough, the pair of princesses found themselves in a clearing in the middle of the forest.

“Oh sweet Celestia,” Twilight whispered, her eyes nearly bulging as she saw just what was happening in said clearing…

Fluttershy was flying around frantically, in an attempt to save what appeared to be a pink vixen from…

“Is that a centipede?” Luna asked.

Twilight could only stare at the monstrosity that Fluttershy had dreamt up. It looked like your average centipede, yet it stood as tall as a Manticore and its carapace was almost black in color. Its claws were a familiar teal color and its eyes… Twilight knew those eyes all too well now.

“I don’t think Queen Chrysalis would be pleased to learn about this,” Luna noted. “Though I must say that she makes for a lovely arthropod.”

“And then that must be…” Twilight looked at the terrified vixen. “…Cadance.”

The pink vixen limped away from the predator, while Fluttershy did her best to talk the creature out of gobbling up that little morsel.

But Fluttershy failed to convince the centipede and it advanced even further towards the fox, which had fallen to the ground by now, unable to move due to the excruciating pain she felt.

“Please,” Fluttershy cried. “You don’t have to hurt her! We can find you other ways to-”

Fluttershy was cut off by the Changeling parody’s annoyed roar. The lumbering beast pushed Fluttershy out of the way with her pincers and continued on her set path.

“That was incredibly rude!” Fluttershy yelled as she flew back in between the centipede and the fox. Tears were still running down her cheeks but her expression was that of pure determination. Twilight knew that the argument was now over, as Fluttershy was about to use the Stare.

Fluttershy wiped her eyes clean of tears, before turning her gaze over to the monster. “Have you no shame?” Fluttershy demanded, looking the overly large insect in the eyes. It was clear that she was about to unleash the might of the Stare on Chrysalis. “You’re supposed to set an example and-”

Again, the centipede knocked Fluttershy out of the sky and send her tumbling down onto the ground.

Seeing that there was no use in trying to persuade the centipede, Fluttershy rushed over to the vixen and grabbed ahold of her. Instantly, the wounded creature began to scream in pain, no matter how gently Fluttershy held it.

All the while, the monstrous arthropod drew closer and closer. Seeing no other option, Fluttershy shielded the vixen with her wings. “I’m sorry,” she sobbed. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to protect you…”

The centipede saw that as a chance to strike and lashed out. Fluttershy closed her eyes, hoping that this bad dream would just end already.

But the creature’s attack never connected. Seconds passed and Fluttershy cautiously opened her eyes again. The creature was still there, only now Fluttershy saw it through a pink filter. She wiped her tears away and turned her head to see somepony standing behind her.

“Twilight?” Fluttershy asked cautiously.

“Hi Fluttershy,” Twilight said with a wry smile. The mockery of Chrysalis was infuriated at being denied her prize and was now beating down on the shield Twilight had surrounded Fluttershy with.

Twilight knew that this was a dream but she felt every single one of those strikes as they hit the shields, causing her increasingly more discomfort as she kept the barrier up. Luna hadn’t been lying when she told her that it felt realistic.

“Wh-what are you doing here?” Fluttershy asked. “You, you’ve been taken… she took you! Twilight? Is this… is this a dream?”

“Yes, Fluttershy, this is a dream,” Luna said as she approached the shielded mare. “But we are really here. There is nothing to be afraid of and that creature out there cannot hurt you.”

Fluttershy turned to look at the centipede once more. It had stopped moving with its pincers wrenched open and ready to strike. Slowly but surely it faded away, leaving something behind in the grass.

“Oh goodness,” Fluttershy uttered. “Twilight, can you let me out now?” She tapped the shield a few times to illustrate her point.

Twilight nodded and lowered the protective barrier.

Fluttershy flew over to where the centipede had been, along with her pink protégé. She placed the vixen down on the ground and grabbed something that laid there in the grass.

“What is that?” Twilight asked as she slowly approached Fluttershy.

“It’s you,” Fluttershy said as she showed Twilight what she had in her hoof.

Twilight saw a small purple butterfly there with a broken wing. Fluttershy pulled her hoof away again and turned around.

When she turned back to face Twilight, the butterfly’s wing was now whole again and it cautiously took to the skies. It fluttered over to the real Twilight and landed on her nose, before flying off to join the multicolored animals that had appeared.

The forest around them faded away, leaving the three ponies and various animals in the meadow once more.

“Fluttershy, are you okay?” Twilight asked.

“Am I okay?” Fluttershy asked. “Twilight, how about you? We’ve all been so worried about you! You were kidnapped and Princess Cadance was hurt and oh, I almost forgot!”

Fluttershy turned around to face the vixen and healed her paw. In an instant, the fox was bright and cheerful again.

“That’s supposed to be Cadance, right?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy nodded and placed the vixen down, allowing her to run after the other animals. “My dreams are a bit weird,” she whispered to Twilight, her face red with embarrassment. “But they’re nice. Usually, I mean. Until she arrived here.”

“Queen Chrysalis,” Twilight said. She understood what Fluttershy meant. Celestia had told her that she and Rarity had been the ones to find Cadance, all alone and injured under Canterlot.

“Twilight, I’m sorry but your mommy scares me.” Fluttershy flinched back, as though she expected Twilight to lash out at her. When that didn’t happen, she continued to talk. “Poor Princess Cadance. She looked so thin, so fragile… I can help every little and big animal friend but I don’t know how to help ponies. Not when they’re like that.”

“Nopony’s expecting you to,” Twilight assured her. “And I’m sure you did your best.”

“I did but then Princess Cadance fought against your mommy again, even though she was hurt and I wasn’t there to stop her and-”

Twilight laid a hoof on Fluttershy’s mouth to shush her. “Fluttershy, none of this is your fault. You do realize that, right?” She got a small, almost unnoticeable nod from the Pegasus. “And don’t call her my mom. So far, Chrysalis has done little to actually earn that name.”

“Isn’t that a bit harsh?” Fluttershy asked. “I mean, your mommy- I mean, Chrysalis did it out of love for you, right?”

“Yes, but-” Twilight started, only to be interrupted by Fluttershy.

“And Chrysalis wouldn’t have done that if she had any other choice, right?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight thought back on what little information Chrysalis had given her about her birth. The queen had said that Twilight would have starved to death, if not for a caring family to provide her with love.

So when Cadance came into the picture, Chrysalis acted accordingly to ensure that Shining Armor’s love ended up with Twilight.

“I guess so,” Twilight admitted. “But that doesn’t change the fact that she hurt Cadance. I don’t think I can forgive her that easily.”

“But you will give her a chance to make up for it, right?” Fluttershy asked.

“I will,” Twilight gave in. “For you, okay?”

Fluttershy nodded softly. Tears began to flow down her cheeks as she threw her hooves around Twilight and hugged her. She softly sobbed onto Twilight’s shoulder and Twilight let her do so.

Eventually, the sobs quieted down and Fluttershy broke the hug off. “Feeling better?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy nodded. “Thank you, Twilight,” she said.

“So, I take it you’re not afraid of me?” Twilight asked.

“Afraid?” Fluttershy cocked her head in confusion. “Why would I be afraid of you? You’re one of my best friends.”

“No reason,” Twilight said, feeling a little embarrassed. So far, nopony had reacted in the way she had feared and evidence indicated that that was not about to change.

“Twilight Sparkle, I believe it’s time that I return you to your own dream,” Luna said. “Fluttershy’s bad dream has been handled, though not in the manner I would have.”

“Well, I couldn’t let Fluttershy get hurt,” Twilight said. “Even if it’s a dream, friends look out for each other, right?”

“Right!” Fluttershy said.

“Right-o!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

They all turned to face Pinkie Pie, who was there as a pony for some reason.

“That’s it,” Luna said. “I’m done for this night. I bid you pleasant dreams, Fluttershy.”

Luna opened the portal once more and all but threw Twilight Sparkle through it, before making a hasty escape herself.


“I do believe we’re safe here,” Luna said as they arrived back in Twilight’s dream. “But I do not know for how long. Let’s fix you up with some nice dreams so I can go back to the waking world and strangle that pink menace.”

A flick of her horn and hint of magic was all it took for the dreary void to become a decorated stage. A swish and the room filled up with ponies. And finally, a jab and Princess Celestia popped into existence on the stage, holding a scroll that drew Twilight’s attention.

“Is that…”she asked as she noticed the exuberant emblem on the scroll.

“A degree?” Luna asked. “I believe it is. Have a pleasant night, Twilight Sparkle.”

With her work done here, Luna turned around and prepared to leave Twilight’s dreamscape. At least until she noticed that Twilight hadn’t moved from her spot yet. She just stared at the faux Celestia that stood there.

“Is everything in order, Twilight Sparkle?” Luna asked.

“I’m just thinking…” Twilight said. “So many things changed… I’ve had this dream before. But there weren’t as many ponies here before. Just my parents, my grandparents, Shining Armor and Cadance. Now, there’s over a dozen ponies here. Friends, family… everypony’s here.”

Twilight’s eyes wandered over the crowd and over to the back row, where Chrysalis sat, along with a couple of Changelings. Chrysalis was smiling at her, flashing her fangs in a non-threatening way for a change.

“And then all of this happened,” Twilight said, lifting a hoof to show off the holes that it contained. “I’ve never been more confused in my entire life.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being confused, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said. “Everypony would be, when placed in your situation. What’s important now is that you remember that you have your friends and family with you.”

“I know,” Twilight said. “Ponies have been telling me that ever since I returned to Canterlot.”

“And we shall keep telling you that, until you believe it,” Luna said playfully. “Now go, Twilight Sparkle. Leave your worries behind for one night and enjoy your dream. I will see you soon, perhaps sooner than you think. I wish you sweet dreams, Twilight.”

With that said, Luna moved back towards the portal and jumped through it. It sealed itself behind her, leaving Twilight alone once more.

Twilight briefly stared at the wall where the portal had been, before turning towards Dream-Celestia, who was smiling at her. Twilight was going to follow Luna’s advice and enjoy her dream.


Luna opened her eyes. Not much time had passed since she began to search the dreamscape for Twilight Sparkle but the silence permeating the room told her enough: Pinkie Pie was up to something.

She quickly tossed the blanket off of her and sat up, assessing the situation. Truth to be told, not much had changed in the time she had spent in the dreamscape. Applejack was still sitting there, waiting patiently. Rainbow Dash was still reading her book and Pinkie Pie was apparently asleep, much to Luna’s suspicion.

Luna had half a mind to wake the sleeping mare and strangle some answers out of her. But that would involve waking Pinkie up. And Luna preferred her to be asleep and quiet.


The princess of the night facehoofed as the door was thrown open, which was loud enough to wake Pinkie Pie up.

“Good morning!” Pinkie Pie yelled. “What’s for breakfast?”

“Nothing,” Luna muttered. “It’s still night. A few hours past midnight.”

“Awww,” Pinkie Pie complained.

Luna decided that it would be best to ignore her for the time being. A Changeling had appeared in the doorway and was apparently waiting for her to pay attention to him.

“Yes?” Luna gracefully leapt off the bed and walked towards the Changeling. “What is it?”

“The queen has asked for you to come to the throne room,” the Changeling said. “She has news for you.”

Princess Luna nodded. “You heard him, look lively, my little ponies.”

Applejack and Pinkie Pie were quick to leap into action. Rainbow Dash, not so much. She was too busy with her book.

“Rainbow Dash,” Luna said, trying to draw the Pegasus’ attention. “Close that book. We’re going to see the queen.”

“Not now,” Rainbow Dash said, not even looking up to Luna. “Daring Do is just about to rip Ahuizotl a new one!”

“Is that more important than meeting with Queen Chrysalis?” Luna asked. “Our most gracious host and possibly our worst enemy?”

“Well, when you put it like that…” Rainbow Dash muttered as she turned to the next page.

Rainbow Dash yelped in shock as the book was torn from her hooves and floated away. “Now,” Princess Luna said with a sense of finality to her voice.

She bent the corner of one of the pages and gave it back to Rainbow Dash. “Read it later,” Luna told her. “Right now, the queen wants to see us and I doubt that she’ll be pleased if you don’t show up as well.”

Rainbow Dash shoved the book into her saddlebag and threw them on. “Right,” she said.

“Are you ready?” the Changeling asked.

“I think so,” Luna said.

“Then follow me,” the Changeling said.


The four ponies were led to the throne room, where Chrysalis was waiting for them. The Changeling queen looked rather exhausted but content.

“Ah, my esteemed guests,” Chrysalis said, her voice sounding rather strained.

“You asked for us, Queen Chrysalis?” Luna bowed slightly before the queen.

“I did,” Chrysalis said. “Your champion has been restored to pristine condition.”

“Champion? You mean Big Mac, right?” Applejack asked.

Chrysalis nodded. “Such a ferocious character. The hive could always use more like him.” She frowned. “Though I must warn you that he may be a bit… different. As far as I know, this has never happened before.”

“How different are we talking about?” Applejack asked, stepping forward to address the queen properly.

“Don’t be surprised if he sprouts a set of wings or something like that,” Chrysalis said. “Or if he becomes overly protective and aggressive. He was turning into a Praetorian, my and Twilight’s personal guards. They’re a bit more feisty than the average Changeling.”

Applejack frowned at that. She had hoped that Big Macintosh would come out of this unscathed but in hindsight, that was a fool’s hope.

Still, all things considered she was just glad that the queen had been so compliant in aiding Big Macintosh. Applejack was still wary of her, as Queen Chrysalis had been the one to put Big Mac in the predicament he was in.

“Thank you,” Applejack eventually said, as the queen appeared to be expecting her to do so.

“Just remember our little deal,” Chrysalis stressed, shooting Applejack a sinister smile.

Applejack nodded and stepped back to her friends, allowing Princess Luna to address the queen once more.

“Well then, I do believe that we should be off,” Luna said. “I thank you for your hospitality, Queen Chrysalis,” she said with a bow. “But… if I may ask one last thing of you? I had hoped to visit her…”

Queen Chrysalis narrowed her eyes and rubbed her chin in thought. “Of course,” she eventually said. “But they can’t come.” She pointed at the ponies behind Luna.

“Very well,” Luna said. She turned around and addressed her subjects. “My little ponies, please remain here for now. I will return swiftly.”

“What’s going on?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Nothing,” Luna answered. “Just... Just saying goodbye to an old friend.”


The queen lead the princess through the hive’s many tunnels and hallways. At some point, the regular stone walls of the hive made a drastic shift to a more porous kind, which smelled heavily of sulfur.

Steel beams lines the walls, obviously meant to reinforce the corridor so the whole thing wouldn’t fall down on their heads.

The tunnel twisted and turned at times, until suddenly it began to widen. Chrysalis continued to lead the way, even picking up the speed as she came closer to her destination.

“This… this isn’t right,” Luna said as she followed after Queen Chrysalis. Her eyes had widened as she struggled to understand what she saw before her. “How?” she eventually uttered.

“Impressive, isn’t it?” Chrysalis asked, a hint of glee in her voice. “Behold, the castle of Queen Flutterheart!”

Imbedded deep within the porous rock, there was a castle. Only part of it was still visible and many scratches littered the walls. Part of the northern tower was visible but Luna couldn’t see the top of it, nor the banners of old that had adorned it.

“Or what’s left of it, at least,” Queen Chrysalis said with a shrug. “Queen Heartache, I believe, was the one to discover this place. She was my great-great-grandmother and apparently, she got really bored one day and ordered her children to dig. This is what they found.”

“Queen Flutterheart’s castle…” Luna whispered. “I was but a little filly when I first saw it. It looked so much bigger back then.”

Luna frowned as she thought back of the day she, Celestia and Equestria’s refugees had ended up here. The pearly white walls of the castle, the open and inviting gate and Queen Flutterheart herself, who had rushed down to their aid when she saw them coming.

Now, the castle was mostly entombed in dried up lava. And the parts that had been cleared were looking grim and dark.

“Why did you bring me here?” Luna asked.

“Come,” Queen Chrysalis beckoned for Princess Luna to follow her.

The Changeling queen walked through the hole where the gate had once been. Luna noticed drag marks in the rocks, indicating that the Changelings had probably dragged it off to repurpose it as their own gate.

“The castle was enchanted,” Queen Chrysalis explained. “When the valley filled up with lava, it withstood the carnage as best it could but most of it has filled up with the stuff. We never bothered to fully clear it. Too much of a hassle, too dangerous…”

The entry hall was almost the same as Luna remembered. Back then, it had beautifully carved pillars and a marble statue of a Flutterpony in the center. The statue was a thing of beauty with stunningly detailed butterfly wings.

But now, the pillars had collapsed and the statue had been turned into a disgusting shade of yellow. The wings had been torn off and laid on the ground near it, covered in dust. It pained Luna’s heart to see the castle in this shape.

“Come,” Queen Chrysalis called out once more to get Luna’s attention.

Chrysalis placed a hoof against the wall, which shimmered brightly and revealed a magical doorway. “Only the royal family can open this door,” Chrysalis said as she descended the stairway that had formed there.

“Royal family?” Luna asked out loud. “But that… that’s not logical.” Noticing that Chrysalis wasn’t there anymore, Luna quickly followed after her.

The crypt was as dark as her night, deep underground and far away from the sun’s light. Luckily, the Changelings had thought to add several glowing crystals on the walls. The light they provided wasn’t terribly strong but it was enough to illuminate the way down.

Queen Chrysalis was waiting patiently at the bottom of the stairs. “There you are,” she said, her voice betraying her impatience. “Let’s get going.”

Silently, Luna followed as Queen Chrysalis lead the way.

“Here we are,” the Changeling queen said as they arrived at a stone coffin. A single purple gem was imbedded into the lid. An amethyst, to show just who was buried here.

Luna walked up to the sealed tomb and laid a hoof on it.

“I’ll leave the two of you be,” Queen Chrysalis said, slinking away into the darkness.

Princess Luna waited until the silhouette of the current Changeling queen had disappeared, before turning to the previous one. “Hello Ammy,” she said to the cold stone. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? A thousand and one years, if I counted correctly.”

She let out a small laugh at the awful joke, before sighing deeply. “Oh Ammy, how I wish you were still here. I think you would be proud of me. Celestia and I are a family again. I have a lovely niece, and a nephew that I can stand. And I do believe I’ve made some friends too.

“But you were my best friend. You still are, even if you’re not here anymore,” Luna said, wiping a tear away before it could trickle down her cheek. “How come you never told me about Starlight?”

The still grave did not reply, not that Luna was expecting it too.

“Anyway, I’ve also met your granddaughter. She reminds me of you. Twilight Sparkle was the only pony that didn’t fear me, other than my family. And through her, I made new friends and learned plenty of new lessons.” She laughed again. “Who says you can’t teach an old mare some new tricks?”

The corners of Luna’s mouth curved into a soft smile. “Farewell, Amethyst,” she said. “I will never forget you.”

With that said, Luna turned around and walked out the way she had come. The smile she had never left her face even as a few tears made their way down her face.


Princess Luna made her way through the crypt and back towards the staircase. Queen Chrysalis was nowhere to be found though.

A soft echo, coming from deeper in the crypt drew Luna’s attention, urging her to walk towards it. As she entered a different part of the crypt, she found Queen Chrysalis, talking to an indentation in the wall.

As soon as she noticed that she had a visitor, Chrysalis fell quiet and turned to face Luna. “Are you done?”

“I am, thank you,” Luna said. Her eyes wandered over to the wall where Chrysalis sat. She cautiously approached the Changeling queen, to take a better look at what she had been staring at.

Chrysalis made no move to stop her. “Do they look familiar?” she asked, pointing at the carvings.

Luna took a closer look. It was hard to see, in the faint light but she could make out a pair of lightning bolts, an apple, a trio of tulips and a sundae.

“Your friends,” Luna said.

“Sort of,” Chrysalis said. “They were the first ones I converted. I was so angry with them and I sought revenge.”

“And Surprise?” Luna asked, noting the lack of three balloons in the carving.

“She stood by me,” Chrysalis said. “She was terrified but she didn’t hate me.” The queen fell quiet, wondering just how much she should tell Princess Luna. “In the end, I think that she was my only true friend.”

“She was a good mare,” Luna said. “Absolutely insane and annoying to no end but a good mare.”

“Indeed,” Chrysalis said. “Now come. Your little ponies must be getting impatient.”

Luna nodded in agreement. “I thank you for bringing me here, Queen Chrysalis.”

“Mother adored you,” Chrysalis said. “It would be rather… disrespectful to not allow you to say your goodbyes.”

The queen guided the princess back to the stairs and out of the crypt. The door sealed behind them, leaving a solid wall in its place once more.

Luna turned to face the stairway behind the statue. It was almost entirely blocked off by stone and rubble. “Did you ever find the Sun Stone?” Luna asked.

“The Sun Stone?” Chrysalis echoed. “No, we did not. It’s buried, somewhere deep within the castle and looking for it is too dangerous.”

“It supposedly brings about balance,” Luna said. “If you had it, you could probably use it to restore the Wastelands to their original state.”

“You’re treading on thin ice there, Princess Luna,” Chrysalis snapped. “If we were to restore it, your kind would come and ‘settle’ here within the week. We aren’t like the buffaloes, you can’t persuade us with some pies.”

“I apologize,” Princess Luna said, hoping to defuse the situation. “I merely voiced my thoughts on the matter.” Luna had not expected the queen to react so defensively to the suggestion.

“See to it that it stays at that,” Chrysalis said darkly.


The royals left the castle of the Flutterponies and travelled back to Chrysalis’ throne room.

There they found three ponies and a lot of Changelings. Most of them were eyeing the pink pony with caution and suspicion, while others were smiling like idiots.

“My little ponies,” Luna said. “Our task here is complete.”

“Does this mean that our quest is complete?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yes, yes it is,” Luna said with a nod. “We will return to Canterlot on the double, to share this news with my sister.”

“Ahem,” Chrysalis cleared her throat.

“As far as possible, considering our agreement,” Luna added. “I am not a sole ruler, she will need to know things.”

“That is… acceptable,” Chrysalis said. “As long as you realize that- what is she doing now?!”

The two rulers looked at Pinkie Pie, who had pulled a lute out of her saddlebag and began playing it loudly. “Tralala,” she began to sing.

“Tra-la-laaa- Hey, give that back!” Pinkie Pie cried out as a blue aura wrapped itself around her lute and snatched it from her hooves.

“Will you do the honors?” Luna asked as she levitated the instrument to Chrysalis.

“With pleasure,” she said, taking the lute from Luna and tossing it backwards, over her shoulder. A silent order spread through the hivemind, carrying a single message.


The lute was almost instantly ripped to shreds by the present Changelings, much to Pinkie Pie’s dismay. “That was my last emergency lute!” she complained. “Now I’ll have to buy a new one.”

“Consider that your quest reward then,” Luna said. “I’ll buy you a new lute, if you promise me one thing. That you’ll never, ever play on it when I’m around.”

“Deal,” Pinkie said as she stuck her hoof out. The two mares shook on it. “But I’m rolling a rogue for our next quest.”

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was still reading her novel, not caring for the fact that she was amongst creatures that looked at her like she was dinner. She had almost read the entire book by now and was just starting on the final chapter!


The book was closed shut by Luna’s magic. “Didn’t you hear me, Rainbow Dash? We’re leaving right now.”

“But! Daring Do!” Rainbow Dash stammered as she desperately tried to wrench the book away from Luna’s grasp.

“Let her have it,” Queen Chrysalis said, taking the book from Luna. “I have a few copies lying around anyway.”

As if called by a dog whistle, a single Changeling came running, bearing a quill and inkwell. Queen Chrysalis tipped the feather into the ink, flipped the book open and signed it with a curly signature, before levitating it back to Rainbow Dash, who was staring at her, mouth wide open and with her jaw on the ground.

“Ah think you broke her,” Applejack said, waving a hoof in front of Rainbow Dash’s eyes, who didn’t respond in the slightest.

“She’ll be fine,” Princess Luna said, zapping the still Pegasus with a jolt of magical lightning.

Much to her surprise, that did not work as Rainbow Dash continued to stare out in front of her with her mouth open. Luna gently pushed Rainbow Dash’s lower jaw up and closed her mouth. “See? Good as new,” she said. “Now come, my little ponies. If we make haste we’ll be in Canterlot by sunrise.”

“Before you leave, Princess Luna,” Queen Chrysalis said, drawing the princess’ attention. “I have a last gift for my daughter, would you mind delivering it?”

“I don’t see why not…” Luna said.

“Good,” Chrysalis said. A single Changeling approached the queen. “You are to accompany Princess Luna until she delivers you to Princess Amaryllis. You are to serve her and cater to her every whim. Do you understand the responsibility and honor you have received?”

“This Great and Powerful Changeling does understand!” the Changeling exclaimed. “But are you sure that she is worthy enough to serve the princess?”

“Do you doubt your queen’s decision?” Queen Chrysalis said back, her voice laced with a droplet of venom.

“O-of course not!” the Great and Powerful Changeling said quickly. “This Great and Powerful Changeling will do her utmost best to serve Princess Amaryllis! She will make you proud!”

With that said, the Great and Powerful Changeling walked over to the two ponies, who were still trying to get Rainbow Dash to wake up.

“I had not expected it to be a live package,” Luna noted as the Changeling joined them.

“She won’t be much of a bother,” Chrysalis said. “She has her orders. Just take her to my daughter, she’ll know what to do from there on.”

“Very well,” Luna said. “Then I suppose that this is goodbye…”

“Indeed,” Chrysalis said. “I will see you to the door.”


Chrysalis gave an order and the door swung open before her, revealing the night’s sky. “Farewell ponies,” she said. “May we meet again soon… but not too soon.”

“Likewise,” Princess Luna said. “Fare thee well, Queen Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis opened her mouth, hesitated for a second and closed it again. “If…” she started. “If you wish to contact me, talk to my daughter. She has a few Praetorians on her that can relay a message, if necessary.”

Luna smiled at that. Foalsteps, as her sister would put it. “I will do that,” she said. “And the same is true for you. There’s a tower outside of Canterlot. When Canterlot becomes too busy for me, I spend some of my time there.”

With that said, the princess of the night walked away with her ponies and a Changeling in tow. Pinkie Pie and Applejack walked on either side of her, with Applejack carrying a still frozen Rainbow Dash on her back.

“Bye Chryssy!” Pinkie Pie waved happily.

“Farewell, your highness!” Applejack yelled, though not as enthusiastically as her pink counterpart.

“Sparkle’s mom writes Daring Do!” Rainbow Dash yelled out in shock, finally having snapped out of her stupor.


Chrysalis sighed as she watched the ponies leave. As unexpected and annoying as their arrival had been, it had still been… fun, for lack of a better word. Interesting was perhaps a better way to describe it, as Chrysalis was so used to her Changelings being the only ones around her.

“My queen, are you okay?” a Changeling asked, his voice betraying his worry.

“I am fine,” Chrysalis said. “Just tired.”

“I will see to it that your bed will be made,” the Changeling said, before quickly running off.

Chrysalis sighed again.

She retraced her steps back down into the hive and towards the buried castle of the Flutterponies. Once again, she revealed the secret doorway and descended down the steps. Going by memory, she quickly found the spot she was looking for.

“Why… why couldn’t you be more like them?” she asked as she ran a hoof over the four markings.

Time passed slowly, as Chrysalis sat there in silence. “My queen?” a voice behind her called out to her, drawing her back from her thoughts.

Chrysalis looked back to see the Changeling from before. “Yes?”

“Your bed has been made. May I escort you to your room?” the Changeling asked, his raspy voice echoing through the crypt.

“You may,” Chrysalis said. She faced away from the plate and discovered that several other Changelings had joined the first. Worry and concern were clear on their faces, where normally they were emotionless.

Chrysalis smiled, the bad memories fading to the background as she left the crypt and exited the castle. There were even more Changelings, waiting for her.

“Our queen, are you alright?” the closest to her asked.

“I am fine,” Chrysalis said. “Just tired...”

The Changelings needed no further instructions. They all gathered around their queen and collectively escorted her to her room.

Chrysalis had lost a great amount, so many years ago. But she realized that in the end, she had gained so much more.


Twilight Sparkle had a pleasant night, filled with the dreams that Princess Luna had provided her with.

But no matter how pleasant they were, they didn’t stop her from waking just before dawn. As quietly as she could, she threw the blankets off of herself and stepped out of bed. She did not bother to make her bed, instead choosing to leave her room and descend down the steps.

The two chests that she had brought back from the Wastelands were still downstairs, waiting for her to riffle through their contents. She hadn’t had much time to study the books she had been given, due to the Ponyville carnival.

Twilight Sparkle picked out a random book and opened it up. Inside, she found a collection of various spells. Spells that no Unicorn was able to do, due to certain restrictions that their magic had.

Most of these spells were powered by love, while others drew on a mixture of magic and love. That way, they would be able to do things that conventional magic could not. Twilight was more than a bit excited by that prospect.

She began to leaf through the book, finding spells of various kinds with effects ranging from mind control to mass teleportation. The complexity of the runes boggled her mind, though Twilight only saw that as a new challenge.

Other things were a bit more… difficult, even for Twilight. Several sections of the book she was reading were written in the same squiggly lines she had seen on the tombstones and the secret note Shining Armor had shown her.

Even with her knowledge on languages, it would take Twilight very long to figure the Changeling’s written language out on her own. She looked back into the chest, hoping that there was a dictionary of sorts. Perhaps a copy of ‘Squiggly lines 101, all you need to know about Changeling writing’ or something similar.

When Twilight failed to find such a book, she decided on studying the parts that she could understand. Magical runes were equal in both Changeling magic and Equestrian magic, or so it seemed. Yet another thing that Twilight had to find out about.

Twilight turned back to the page holding the mass teleportation spell, finding many similarities between this one and her own. Though the Changeling spell seemed a lot more dangerous. She could easily teleport herself and a passenger around but there was always a chance of injury, as objects could be in the way on her intended destination. With this new spell, the risk of such injuries would likely rise exponentially.

For a brief moment, Twilight felt like that little filly again, who had accidentally teleported herself into the wall. She clearly remembered how badly that could have ended, if Celestia hadn’t been there to help her. The same could happen if she used this spell incorrectly.

However, Twilight had never been deterred by danger before. She just needed to be extra careful. Check everything twice, thrice or even quince.

And perhaps most important, ask Queen Chrysalis for help, as she was most likely versed in these spells. Twilight knew that she would have to face Chrysalis anyway, sooner or later.

Twilight would be lying if she said sooner, rather than later. She still wasn’t sure just how she would react to seeing the queen again. A large part of her wanted to scream at her, for what she did to Cadance. Another part told her that Chrysalis did it with the best of intentions… but everypony knew what the road to Tartarus was paved with…

The princess shook her head a few times, hoping to clear her mind a bit, before diving back into the book she was reading. While she would probably need Queen Chrysalis’ help in the end, Twilight Sparkle was still able to study the subject to her heart’s content. Perhaps even enough to be able to do it on her own.


“Oh come on,” Twilight muttered, thoroughly annoyed that her study session had been cut short so quickly. “I’m coming,” she called out to the door. She quickly slipped into her disguise, before answering the door.

She opened it up to see a faintly familiar stallion standing in front of her door.

“Good morning, Miss Twilight,” Filthy Rich said with a court bow.

“Good morning, Mister Rich,” Twilight greeted him. “How can I help you, so early in the morning?”

“Call me Filthy Rich, please. Mister Rich was my father,” Filthy said, clearing his throat. “Now, Miss Rarity has informed me that a certain ‘Babs Seed’ has been staying here?” he asked. “These two fillies have something to say to her.” He took a step sideways, to reveal Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon standing behind him, both of them looking rather downtrodden.

“I’ll go and get her,” Twilight said. “Just wait here, will you?”

Twilight quickly closed the door and ran up the stairs. “Rarity, what are you doing to me?” she wondered as she changed her form to Babs Seed. A quick check in the bathroom mirror was enough for Twilight. She walked down again and up to the front door and opened, this time looking up at Filthy Rich.

“You asked for me, Mister?” Twilight asked, using Babs Seed’s voice.

“Hello Babs,” Filthy Rich said. “You met my daughter and her friend last night, at the carnival. They have something to say to you. Isn’t that right?”

He nudged the two fillies forward.

“We’re sorry,” Silver Spoon said with a small voice.

“Yeah, totally,” Diamond Tiara grumbled.

“Ahem…” Filthy Rich cleared his throat loudly, indicating without words that he was not satisfied with his daughter’s apology.

Diamond Tiara swallowed her pride and tried again. “Look, I’m sorry for calling you a blank flank. And laughing at you.”

“That’s better,” Filthy Rich said. “Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, please return home at once. I need to speak with Miss Twilight some more.”

“Yes, daddy,” Diamond Tiara said.

“Of course, Mister Rich,” Silver Spoon said, before the two of them ran off as fast as their hooves could carry them.

“They’re not bad fillies,” Filthy Rich said, looking away from Babs. “Just spoiled, I guess. My own fault more than anything else. But enough of that, can I come in?”

“Uh, sure? But Ah don’t think the library’s open yet,” Twilight said, hoping that that would make Filthy Rich reconsider.

“Drop the act, Miss Twilight,” Filthy Rich whispered. There was nopony around to hear him but that didn’t stop him from being extra cautious.

Twilight froze up at that. “Y-you know?” she whimpered.

“I do indeed, but we should not discuss this out here in the open,” Filthy Rich said.

Twilight quickly scrambled back into the library and waited for Filthy Rich to come in after her, before slamming the door shut. A flicker of flame engulfed her as she shifted to her Changeling form.

“Impressive,” Filthy Rich said. “And most becoming of a princess too.” He bowed deeply before her. “Greetings, Princess Amaryllis. I stand here before you as but a humble servant.”

Twilight stared at him, wondering what the correct way was to handle this situation. One of the richest ponies in Equestria was bowing to her and declared himself her servant.

“What?” she eventually asked.

Filthy Rich stood back up and chuckled. “You probably didn’t know that there are ponies who work with your kind, did you?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, I did not.”

“Judging from your ability to shapeshift, I assume that you discovered your true lineage just a few days ago?” Filthy Rich asked. “Queen Chrysalis had informed me that something big was about to happen. I never imagined that you would be at the center of it. To think that there was a changeling princess in Ponyville all along.”

“So you could tell that I was a Changeling?” Twilight asked, genuinely surprised by the stallion’s powers of observation.

“I have a few tricks up my sleeve,” Filthy Rich said with a chuckle. He closed his right eye for a few seconds and opened it again.

Twilight gasped as she saw his sclera change color from white to blue, engulfing his pupil as it did. The end result looked just like a Changeling’s eye!

“A gift from Queen Chrysalis,” Filthy Rich said, noticing Twilight’s shocked expression. “Or perhaps a curse, depends on how one looks at it. Through my eye, she has a semblance of control over me. In return, I can see what most others can not, if the queen allows me to.” He closed his eye again and opened it, revealing that it had turned back to normal, other than the single curly rune in the center of his pupil.

“Now, I do believe that we have some things to discuss,” Filthy Rich said as he walked towards the living room.

Filthy Rich waited for Twilight to follow after him, before sitting down opposite of her.

“I’m sure you have many questions for me,” Filthy Rich said.

“Just one, actually,” Twilight said. “Yesterday, at the carnival… you said something about-”

“That you looked just like her?” Filthy pitched in. “Ah yes, I was talking about my sister – your sister actually. Believe it or not, I was in the same situation as your family. Serving as a foster home to a Changeling princess. Of course, we had no idea at the time.”

“S-sister?” Twilight uttered. “I have a sister?”

“Had, I’m afraid,” Filthy Rich said, a sad tone to his voice. “She… she died. Our parents had a divorce and in the end, that killed her. Too much hate, too little love.”

Filthy Rich fell silent for a while, both to contemplate his own thoughts and to allow Twilight some time to process the information.

“Anyway, I do not wish to waste your time, tearing open old scars,” Filthy Rich said, looking at his watch. “Time is money, after all. A long story short: your mother, Queen Chrysalis, made sure that my parents were locked away indefinitely and ensured that I inherited everything. In return, I run her Equestrian finances. If you ever need bits, you let me know.” He chuckled softly. “You know, this hasn’t been the first time we met like this.”

“No?” Twilight asked. Sure, she had seen the stallion before, walking around Ponyville but she had never talked to him before.

“I think you were only Diamond Tiara’s age at the time,” Filthy Rich said. “Maybe not even that. I was but a young stallion then, still green behind my ears. Your family was in need of money for your education and that’s where I came in.”

Twilight vaguely remembered her mother talking about a brown stallion coming in and dropping a bunch of bits in her lap but that was many years ago.

“Anyway, I’m sure that you have a busy day ahead of you,” Filthy Rich said as he stood up and started to walk to the door. “If there’s anything I can help you with, anything at all, just let me know.”

“C-could you tell me about her?” Twilight asked.

“About my sister? Well, your sister too…” Filthy Rich stopped at the door. “There isn’t much to say, Princess. I knew her as a young filly that dreamed of becoming an artist. She was taken from me, starved to death and all I could do was watch…”

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Twilight said, hoping that her words would mean some comfort to the stallion.

“Don’t be,” Filthy Rich said. “If it wasn’t for her passing away, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.” His response was a bit more venomous than he had intended. “My apologies,” he added quickly.

“I bid you a pleasant day, Princess,” he said as he pushed the door open and walked away from the library.

Twilight watched as the stallion disappeared into Ponyville. His brief but intense visit generated only more questions for Twilight to think about. Both the fact that there were regular ponies working with the Changelings, as the fact that she had a sister were mindboggling.

“A sister?” Twilight said out loud as she returned to her spot. Her book was still there, opened on a random page. Twilight tried to concentrate on it but found that the words couldn’t hold her interest for long.

“A big sister,” she muttered. In a way, Twilight had always had a big sister: Cadance. Cadance was the best big sister/foal sitter that she could have asked for. But this was still different. This was her own flesh and blood. And Twilight would never even meet her.

“Twilight? You okay?” Spike’s voice drew Twilight from her thoughts.

Twilight sat up and looked at Spike, who was coming down the stairs with a little Changeling biting down on his left arm. “Am I okay?” Twilight asked. “Look at you.”

“What, this?” Spike lifted his arm, showing off the nymph that had latched on. “It’s a fashion statement, do you think Rarity will like it?”

“I’m sure she will,” Twilight said with a laugh. A gentle nudge from her was enough to make the nymph release his grip on Spike and crawl up onto her back.

“He’s cute,” Spike said. “I’ll give him that. Well, when he’s not biting you.”

“He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Twilight asked.

“Nah, dragon scales,” Spike said with pride in his voice. “You’ll need a lot more than that to hurt me. But what about you? Are you okay? You’re looking pretty down.”

“I’m fine, Spike… just a bit distressed,” she admitted. “I just found out that I had a sister once. She died, long before I was born.” Twilight wiped a tear from her cheek, wondering when it was that she had started to cry. “Silly, isn’t it? I’m crying over the loss of a sister that I never even met.”

“No, it’s not…” Spike said as he hugged her. “I lost my sister too once, you know. And I’m so glad that I got her back.”

“You can’t get rid of me that easily, Spike,” Twilight said as she returned the hug. “But I just can’t help but think of what she was like...”

“I wish I could help you,” Spike said, hugging Twilight just a bit tighter now.

“It’s okay, Spike,” Twilight said as she slowly broke of the hug and looked Spike in the eyes. “I’ll just need some time to come to terms with this.” Just another thing added to the rapidly growing pile of issues that Twilight had in her new life. “To think, I’ll never know who she was and what she liked. Would she have liked me?” Twilight looked at Spike, expecting an answer that he couldn’t give.

But that didn’t stop Spike from trying. “I’m sure she would have,” he said, hoping that it was the answer that Twilight needed right now.

“Thank you, Spike,” Twilight said as she leaned in to nuzzle him.

“Any time, Twilight,” Spike said. He was just glad to have been able to provide some comfort to Twilight.

“Spike, I’m going to go visit Fluttershy,” Twilight said. “Perhaps that’ll take my mind off of things.”

“Great!” Spike said. “I’ll come along.”

“How about you?” Twilight turned her head to look at the little Changeling, who just cocked his head in confusion, as usual. “I’ll take that as a yes.”


Soon enough, the four of them were on route. Twilight was disguised as her old self and the little nymph was sitting comfortably in her saddlebag. Much to her surprise, he had not complained when she tried to put him in there. He was even rather eager to make himself comfortable there, which was a good thing. Twilight wasn’t quite ready to walk over street with a Changeling on her back. So instead, Spike reclaimed his old spot there.

Her fourth companion was Sucker Punch, who was content with walking next to her, hiding in plain sight. Twilight was slightly impressed by the way he managed to walk without making a single hoofprint or walking into a single pony.

Of course, it was still rather early, which meant that there were very few ponies out and about. The only ones that were, were the carnies who were cleaning up after themselves. From what Twilight had heard, Mayor Mare had been very adamant about that.

Even Rarity and Sweetie Belle were already up and about, cleaning up the booth she had set up for the carnival.

And as to be expected, it had only taken a few choice words and a bat of her eyelashes for Rarity to lure Spike away to help her. At least Spike looked like he was having fun with helping Rarity, so Twilight didn’t really mind.

One companion down, Twilight made her way through the town. Lacking a visible conversation partner, her thoughts wandered over to Filthy Rich and his revelations. The older stallion’s visit had been very brief but very eventful. Twilight hadn’t considered the fact that she may not have been Chrysalis’ first heir.

How many sisters had gone before her, Twilight wondered. If her last daughter died then it was no wonder that Chrysalis had been so adamant that Twilight received enough love to survive.

Twilight shuddered. She knew that Queen Chrysalis had kidnapped and impersonated Cadance for that reason but Twilight hadn’t thought of Chrysalis’ motivations, besides the ensured survival of her heir.

In the end, Twilight was even more stumped than she had been before. It was a good thing that Fluttershy’s cottage quickly came into view, else she would kept on thinking on the subject, which would probably only stress her out more than anything else.

Meeting with the shy Pegasus would allow her to take a load off, perhaps even distract her while she tried to come to terms with this new revelation.

Twilight picked up the pace a little as she eagerly walked up to Fluttershy’s front door, hoping that her friend had returned from wherever she had been during the night. Knowing Fluttershy, it was probably in a cave somewhere with her trying to sing a lullaby to a grizzly bear or something cuddly like that.

But before Twilight knocked, she turned her attention to Sucker Punch, who was standing next to her now. “Sucker Punch? Are you going to behave yourself?” she asked.

“Yes, my princess,” the hidden Changeling whispered.

“I’m counting on that,” Twilight said, her voice betraying just how serious she was about this. “Fluttershy is a dear friend of mine and she gets scared easily. So mind your manners and don’t show yourself unless I say so.”

“Yes, my princess,” Sucker Punch repeated himself.

Twilight was pleased that her overeager guard had apparently gotten the message. If he continued to keep a low profile and only acted if necessary, Twilight would strip him off his name by tomorrow. Though she had to admit that she preferred to call him by name, Twilight realized by now that Changelings didn’t feel comfortable with them.

So with that promise in mind, Twilight knocked on the door.

Through it, she could hear a soft stumbling along with a hushed ‘oh my’ coming from somewhere in the house.

Mere seconds later, the door swung open to reveal Fluttershy. “Good morning,” she whispered. “How can I…” Her eyes widened in shock as she stared at her visitor.

“Hi Flutter-”

Fluttershy slammed the door shut again, cutting Twilight off before she could properly say hello. Pressing her ear to the door, Twilight could hear a distinct cry of surprise and fear from behind the now closed door.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight said, loud enough for Fluttershy to hear her through the door. “It’s me, Twilight!”

Slowly but surely the door opened back up, just enough for Fluttershy to peep through the crack.

“Twilight?” she asked softly. “Is it really you? I mean, I don’t want to be rude or anything but...”

“Of course it’s me,” Twilight said. “Remember how we first met? How you were too shy to even tell me your name? Lucky for us that Spike was around.”

Fluttershy opened the door a bit further now. “So it’s really you?”

Twilight nodded. “It’s me. For real this time.”

“Oh, Twilight,” Fluttershy whispered. She slowly and cautiously opened the door for her friend.

“Hi Fluttershy,” Twilight said, properly greeting Fluttershy now with a warm smile on her face.

“Twilight! I’m so happy to see you!” Fluttershy all but tackled Twilight to the ground. “Oh, we were so worried about you! I even dreamed about you last night!”

“I know,” Twilight said. “I was there, remember?”

“Oh, right.” Fluttershy blushed. “Sorry, I’m just so happy that you’re home safe and sound. I feel like I could shout in joy!”

Fluttershy braced herself and let out a shout that Twilight could best describe as a mildly enthusiastic cheer. Still, for Twilight that was more than enough.

“I’m glad to see you too, Fluttershy. It’s been a crazy couple of days so far,” Twilight said, that same smile still gracing her lips.

“Won’t you come in?” Fluttershy asked. “I could make some tea if you’d like some.”

“Yes, please,” Twilight said as she followed after Fluttershy.

Plenty of animals came out to greet Twilight as she entered Fluttershy’s living room, including Angel Bunny, who kicked her against the shin and ran off. Twilight was used to the little demon bunny acting that way and thought nothing new of it.

A few minutes passed before Fluttershy reappeared with a pot of tea and two cups. “There we go, nice and warm,” she said as she poured a cup for Twilight and herself.

“Thank you, Fluttershy,” Twilight said as she sipped her cup.

“You’re welcome,” Fluttershy said. Unlike Twilight, she waited a while for her tea to cool off a bit.

A strange silence clung to the air. It wasn’t exactly uncomfortable as the silence was broken up by the occasional chitter or squawk from the animals that called Fluttershy’s cottage home. However, both ponies knew why it was there.

Twilight knew that there was no way that Fluttershy would start on the subject herself, so she prepared to take the initiative. Much to her surprise, Fluttershy beat her to it.

“Can I see your true form?” Fluttershy asked hesitantly. “That is, if you’re comfortable doing so. You don’t have to, if you don’t feel like it, I mean…”

“It’s okay,” Twilight said. She slowly undid her disguise, as to not scare Fluttershy by the violent reaction.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy gasped as the Unicorn before her burned away, revealing a Changeling princess.

“Strange, huh?” Twilight said, doing her best to keep her fangs concealed.

“No, that’s not it… you’re just different,” Fluttershy said, a quiver finding its way into her voice, no matter how badly she tried to hide it. “You’re still you, aren’t you?”

That simple question caused Twilight to think. Was she still the same pony she was a few days ago? In that short time, she had become a different species of pony, learned to shapeshift and learned to feed on emotions. She had gotten used to it even and did not wish to turn into a regular pony either, because it would greatly upset her subjects and family… Twilight wasn’t so sure if she was still the same pony she was back then. She still felt like she was herself but-

“Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, her voice betraying her nervousness.

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy. I zoned out there, didn’t I?” Twilight said sheepishly.

“You did,” Fluttershy admitted. “But if you don’t want to answer my question, that’s okay with me.”

“I’m not sure,” Twilight eventually said, deciding that that was the best answer for now. She frowned. “I’ll let you know as soon as I do, okay?”

“That’s fine with me,” Fluttershy said with a warm smile.

A soft chirp came from Twilight’s saddlebag, drawing both of their attention. “Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. “Did your saddlebag just chirp?”

“It did,” Twilight said as she opened them up. “But it wasn’t the bag.” She reached into the bag and pulled her little brother out. “This little guy decided to sneak into a chest that the queen gave me as a gift.” The little Changeling yawned softly, his eyes blinking rapidly as he tried to adjust to the light. He then noticed that Twilight was holding him and began to flail his legs in an attempt to get to her.

Twilight quickly placed him down next to her, after which he clambered on top of her and crawled to the spot between her wings.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy had to refrain from squealing as she saw the nymph. “He’s cute, what’s his name?”

“He doesn’t have one,” Twilight said with a frown. “Changelings don’t like names. None of them have one, save for me and Chrysalis.” And a certain guard, Twilight added in her head.

“They don’t?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight shook her head. “It’s okay, though. I can now sort of see which Changeling is which. We’re all connected in a way. A hivemind of sorts”

“Like an ant queen?” Fluttershy pondered. “Sorry.” She didn’t mean to compare Twilight to an insect.

“In a way, I suppose,” Twilight said. “But our hivemind is a lot more complex and I have barely scratched the surface of it, so far.”

By now, Fluttershy had hovered over to Twilight and held out a hoof to the nymph. “Hello there, little guy,” she said softly.

The nymph lifted his head up and turned to look at Fluttershy. At first he shied away from her, only to draw closer as he noticed that she was friendly.

“Well, aren’t you just the most adorable little thing,” Fluttershy cooed softly, much to the nymph’s amusement.

A loud thumping noise caught her attention as Angel Bunny had returned. He scowled at her, Twilight and the nymph, before scowling at Fluttershy again.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy exclaimed softly. “I forgot to feed you all, didn’t I? Oh my, I’m so sorry, my little friends.”

By now, some other critters had appeared, ranging from mice to rabbits to a massive grizzly bear. Twilight never did understand how Barry the Bear could move around Fluttershy’s cottage, considering the fact that he didn’t even fit through the door.

“Twilight, would you mind helping me?” Fluttershy asked.

“Not at all,” Twilight said. She quickly finished off her tea and stood up. “What would you have me do?”


Twilight diligently sliced up the fruits and vegetables Fluttershy had given her and placed them in a bowl. Despite having her magic to help her, it still took her some time as she had to cut up vast amounts of food for them. Twilight had never thought to count Fluttershy’s animal friends but the amount of food here was enough to feed a small army.

“Do you always need this much food?” Twilight asked as she carried one of the bowls into the living room.

“Oh yes,” Fluttershy said. “There’s just so many little animals here. Some of them forage for their food but most eat here.”

“Must be quite expensive,” Twilight noted as she saw rabbits, hares, mice and many more creatures join them.

“You’d think that,” Fluttershy said. “But that’s okay. The love and care I get from them in return more than makes up for it.”

“I see…” Little cogs and gears began to turn in Twilight’s mind as she heard her friend talk about her feelings on the matter. Gently she lowered the overflowing bowl to the ground, so the smallest animals could reach. “There you go, guys,” Twilight said cheerfully.

The animals growled and squeaked in response and dug in.

As they did, Twilight noticed something. A tiny trickle of love was being emitted by the various animals as they ate their food. It was barely noticable but it was there.

“Weird,” she muttered under her breath. She walked towards one of the loners, a hare twice the size of Angel Bunny and focused on him.

The hare got a bit nervous when she stepped so close, even going so far to drop the piece of lettuce he was munching on. But once he realized that Twilight was no threat to him, he continued eating, though he didn’t take his eyes off of Twilight.

Twilight could barely feel any love coming from the hare, which made her frown. She felt plenty of other emotions coming from him but no love.

Stepping closer to the animals that were eating together, Twilight noticed a significant increase in love, though it was still barely a trickle. Maybe enough to feed a single Changeling for a day or so. Absolutely unusable as it was right now, though.

However it did give Twilight some ideas on new ways to gather love. It would require some deeper thinking and analyzing though before she could even begin to test them. Perhaps ask the queen about it as well and see what she had to say on the matter.

“Is everything okay?” Fluttershy asked. “You look so worried.”

“I’m okay, thank you,” Twilight said. “I’m just thinking about something.”

“Oh, okay,” Fluttershy said. “The animals seem to still like you,” she pointed out.

“Looks that way,” Twilight said as one of the mice came a bit closer to her. “Hey there,” she said to the mouse. The little rodent sniffed her hoof a few times, before scampering off again.

“Thank you for your help, Twilight,” Fluttershy said as she flew over to the critters and took the now empty bowls away. “I really appreciate it.”

“Any time, Fluttershy,” Twilight said with a smile, still taking care not to show off her fangs. “You know I’m always glad to help a friend out.”

With that said, Twilight returned to the living room and sat down on the couch, where her little brother had been sitting all this time. He was surprisingly well behaved for an infant, though that might have had something to do with the many animals that were running around the cottage.

The little nymph couldn’t take his eyes off of them and watched them intently. Especially the ducks, for some reason.


The front door was suddenly thrown open, the loud sound causing most of the smaller animals to run off in fright. Twilight’s little brother freaked out as well and jumped into the nearest safe spot, namely Twilight’s hooves.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy flew after them, in the hopes of calming them down.

“Twilight?” Apple Bloom called out. “Are ya here?”

“Apple Bloom?” Twilight asked. The filly ran into the living room.

“Hi Twilight, Ah was looking all over town for ya!” Apple Bloom said rather quickly. It was obvious that she was excited about something. “Eh, sorry Fluttershy,” she said as she noticed how Fluttershy was trying to round up her frightened animal friends.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked.

“It’s Big Macintosh!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “He’s awake! He’s all better now!”

“Really?” Twilight asked. “Well, that’s good to hear.” It would seem that Luna was right and that the Queen was willing to cooperate after all.

“Come on, ya gotta come and see him!” Apple Bloom urged. “You too, Fluttershy!”


Apple Bloom was quick to lead them away from Fluttershy’s cottage and towards the hospital. The last time Twilight had been here was to visit Rainbow Dash. It hadn’t changed any in the meantime though.

Excitingly Apple Bloom breezed past doctors and nurses alike, only stopping every once in a while to see if Twilight and Fluttershy were still following.

Twilight especially was lagging behind, as the precious cargo in her saddlebag wasn’t up to being shaken around so much.

Eventually though, they arrived at room 206, where Big Macintosh was preparing himself to leave the hospital.

“Name?” Doctor Stable asked.

“Big Macintosh Apple,” Big Mac said.

“Occupation?” the doctor asked, shining a lamp in his eyes to see his reaction.

“Farming and selling apples and apple-related products,” Big Mac answered, flinching back as the light stung at his eyes. “Doc, is this really necessary?” he asked, blinking a few times in reflex.

“Not really,” Doctor Stable admitted. “But since Princess Celestia herself is paying your hospital bills, I wanted to make sure that you’ve been thoroughly examined.”

“Ah appreciate it, doc,” Big Macintosh said. “But Ah’d rather get going.”

“Of course,” Stable said. “I’ll leave you and your family be. Have a good day, Mister Macintosh and don’t be afraid to come in, if something were to happen.”

“Will do, doc,” Big Mac said.

“Big Macintosh!” Apple Bloom yelled as she came running into the room, almost knocking the good doctor over.

“Easy there,” Big Mac said as Apple Bloom jumped into his hooves and causing him to topple backwards onto the bed

“Now don’t you two go roughhousing,” Granny Smith said. “There’ll be plenty of time for that once you’re all better, ya big lug.”

“Eyup,” Big Mac said, a soft smile on his face. He then noticed that Apple Bloom had brought two visitors with her, both of which were standing in the doorway. “Miss Fluttershy, Miss Twilight,” he greeted them as he sat back up, with Apple Bloom still clinging to him.

“Good morning, Big Macintosh,” Twilight said. “I’m glad to see that you’re healthy. Celestia told me about what happened to you at the wedding.”

“Ah don’t really remember much of it,” Big Mac admitted. He waved his hoof and beckoned the two of them closer. “But Apple Bloom filled in the gaps for me,” he said as Twilight walked up to him, with Fluttershy lagging behind her.

Apple Bloom nodded enthusiastically. Twilight was glad to see the filly in such high spirits and that she had her big brother back.

Now that she was standing closer to Big Macintosh, she noticed that he had several bandages on him. Most notable were the ones on his forehead and a set around his chest. “It looks worse than it is, Princess,” Big Mac assured, as he noticed her starring. “Miss Twilight, Ah mean,” he corrected himself.

Everypony stared at Big Macintosh as he shook his head, wondering where that had come from.

“What you going on about?” Granny Smith asked. “That vermin must’ve hit ya pretty hard on your noggin,” the elder mare laughed. “Now git, Ah’m pretty sure Ah can put you to work on the farm somehow.”

With that said, Granny Smith left the room at her own pace.

“Don’t mind her,” Apple Bloom said to Twilight and Fluttershy. “She’s just really glad that Big Mac’s all better.”

Twilight nodded.

Big Mac cleared his throat, drawing attention to himself. “Pri- Miss Twilight?” he asked. “Could Ah have a word with you? In private? It’s about the Changelings… and what they did to me.”

“Sure,” Twilight said, a hint of nervousness creeping in her voice. Big Mac had just called her princess, which made Twilight feel uncomfortable for some reason.

Fluttershy and Apple Bloom quietly left the room, though Apple Bloom couldn’t help but warn Twilight. “Best return him in one piece, Twilight. Ah have plenty more crayons to chuck at you,” she said, though her tone made it obvious that she was joking.

Big Macintosh waited for them to get out of hearing range before turning to Twilight. “Prin, Miss Twilight, Ah mean. There’s something Ah need to talk about. Something about the Changelings. Ah think-”

He was cut off by the door slamming shut, thrown by some invisible force. Twilight knew all too well who that force was and wondered what he was up to now.

She didn’t have to wait long, as Sucker Punch turned himself visible again and walked towards Big Macintosh. A confused look was clear on his usually stoic face, as Sucker Punch tried to make sense of this. “Lost,” he eventually said, the word spat out like it was something filthy. “You are lost.”

“Ah know exactly where Ah am,” Big Macintosh said, taking a step towards Sucker Punch in defiance. Sucker Punch bared his fangs at him, though that did little to deter Big Mac. “You don’t scare me,” he said.

“Stand down,” Twilight ordered, sending out a message to Sucker Punch before this sudden conflict could escalate and end with Big Macintosh back in the hospital bed. Or with Sucker Punch in the hospital bed, with Big Mac being who he was.

Much to her surprise, both Big Macintosh and Sucker Punch took a step back from each other and sat down.

“Big Macintosh?” Twilight asked. “Are you okay?”

“Ah’m not sure,” Big Macintosh said, finding himself unable to stand up.

“I’m going to try something,” Twilight whispered, hoping that she was wrong about what she thought was going on. “Stand up.”

Instantly, Big Macintosh rose up, standing proudly on his four hooves. “Sit down,” Twilight told him and he instantly sat down again.

“Princess? What’s going on?” Big Mac asked.

“One of us,” Sucker Punch said with glee. “But lost nonetheless. You will find your way back to the hive, just wait…”

Without warning Sucker Punch lunged at Big Macintosh, ripping at the bandages on his forehead and back.

“Get off him!” Twilight ordered, her voice carrying more force than ever before. “Now!”

But Sucker Punch didn’t get the time to react to that command, as Big Macintosh threw the Changeling off of himself and into the wall. Surprisingly, Sucker Punch barely made a sound as he crashed and was on his hooves again in no time. He smiled at Big Mac, before fading away.

Twilight ignored him for the time being, though she made a mental note to extend Sucker Punch’s punishment. Instead, she turned her attention to Big Mac, who was looking a bit worse for wear by now. “Are you okay?” she asked.

“Ah’m fine, Princess,” he said. Big Mac pulled the torn bandages off of his head and back, before throwing them away. “Just a bit banged up…”

“Oh no,” Twilight whispered as she saw a thin black horn growing out of Big Mac’s forehead…

“What is it?” Big Macintosh asked. Something on his back moved and he slowly craned his neck around to see what it was.

A set of translucent wings were growing from his back and they were currently fluttering nervously. “Oh horseapples,” Big Mac muttered. “Ah was afraid of that…” He thought that he was just imagining things at first.

“I’m calling a doctor,” Twilight said. She tried to remain calm but a quiver found its way into her voice nonetheless. As she turned away from Big Mac to get to the door, she felt a hoof on her shoulder.

“No,” Big Macintosh said as Twilight turned her head to face him. “Ah don’t want anypony to know about this. Not the doctors, not Granny Smith an’ especially not Apple Bloom.”

“They’ll find out eventually,” Twilight told him. She lifted her own hoof and touched it to Big Mac’s forehead. The horn was barely a nub and could easily be hidden by a headband or his mane. The wings were a bit harder to hide. They weren’t the size of an a regular Changeling’s yet but they were still too large to comfortably hide.

“Ah realize that,” Big Mac said, his new wings twitching slightly. “And Ah’ll tell them when Ah’m ready to do so. But Ah won’t stay here in the hospital to be some kinda guinea pig.”

“But what if it gets worse?” Twilight asked.

“Ah’ll come to you,” Big Mac said. “Apple Bloom explained everything to me and Ah know what you are. There’s this little voice in mah head that’s urging me to call you Princess. It’s saying that Ah should listen to your every command and it frightens me. It’s barely a whisper now but it still scares me.”

Twilight found it hard to imagine that anything could frighten a stallion of his size. But Big Macintosh had gone through a failed conversion and had spent his time since the wedding in a state between consciousness and coma. Twilight couldn’t even begin to imagine how his own connection to the hive would impact his life.

“Okay,” Twilight consented. “But the moment that I feel I can’t handle this you’ll go straight to a doctor, are we clear?”

“Yes, Miss Twilight,” Big Macintosh said.


Twilight tended to Big Macintosh’s wounds herself, wrapping them up like Princess Celestia had taught her once. Miss Smarty Pants was a better test subject though, since Big Macintosh squirmed a lot more.

After thanking the nurses and doctors for their care, Big Macintosh and Twilight Sparkle were on the road to Sweet Apple Acres.

She wanted to make sure that Big Macintosh made it home safely and perhaps use the time they spent walking to try and change his mind, without ordering him to. Ordering her Changelings around was one thing but Big Macintosh was Applejack’s brother and a pony. That is, if you ignored the extra parts.

“I still think you should tell this to a doctor,” Twilight said as she walked next to Big Macintosh. She had to walk at a brisk pace, as the stallion took bigger steps than she did.

“Enope,” Big Mac said. “Ah’ve spent enough time in the hospital. Apples don’t farm themselves, you know.”

“What about your health?” Twilight asked.

“Ah’m an Apple, Miss Twilight. Something small like this ain’t gonna keep me down,” Big Mac said with a hint of pride in his voice.

“If you say so,” Twilight said with a sigh. So Applejack wasn’t the only stubborn pony in the family, Twilight thought.

The rest of the walk to Sweet Apple Acres was fairly quiet, as Big Macintosh wasn’t much of a talker anyway. Matter of fact, Twilight had never heard him say so much since she arrived in Ponyville.

“Miss Twilight?” Big Macintosh asked, snapping Twilight out of her thoughts. “About earlier? Ah wanted to ask you something?”

“I forgot all about that,” Twilight admitted. Sucker Punch had made sure of that.

“What did Chr- the queen do to me?” Big Mac worked his jaw a few times, finding it difficult to say Chrysalis’ name. “Ah know Ah was stuffed into a pod or something. Ah got these new limbs now but why?”

“I wasn’t there,” Twilight said. “But apparently she tried to convert you into a Changeling,” she explained.

“What…what would have happened to me then?” Big Macintosh asked.

“I think it’s best that you don’t know,” Twilight said. Talking with Big Mac made her think of the ponies back at the hive, who were awaiting their transformation into Changelings. She could only hope that what she had discovered at Fluttershy’s cottage could be applied to ponies as well.

Even if Twilight had accepted that she was a Changeling, she still didn’t like the thought of converting anypony. Chrysalis had spoken so lightly of it but she didn’t even know Big Macintosh or any of the ponies she converted.

It was probably easier that way, not knowing who they were or what family and friends they would leave behind.

Twilight shuddered at the thought. Her mind wandered back to the pony in the pod that Chrysalis had told her about. The one she had found, lost in the streets of Las Pegasus and apparently all alone. Did she have a family who were out there now, looking for her? Or was she well and truly alone in this world?

“Miss Twilight?” Big Mac asked, once again snapping Twilight out of her deep thoughts. “We’re at the farm.”

Apparently they had walked all the way over to Sweet Apple Acres in the time that Twilight was thinking.

As they approached the farm they noticed that something was going on. “What’s all this about?” Big Macintosh asked as they proceeded along the path towards the house.

Several of Princess Luna’s Night Guards were flying around, doing various chores around the apple farm. Three Thestrals, ponies with batwings, were working the field. All three of them were trying to pull the plow that Big Macintosh pulled on his own, which had the gentle giant chuckling softly.

“Ah there you are,” Granny Smith said as she walked towards her grandson and Twilight. “Where’ve you two been? The Princess has sent these nice ponies to help out on the farm.”

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked. As far as she knew, only Princess Luna was allowed to order the Night Guard around.

“Neigh, child. Princess Luna sends her regards,” Granny Smith said with pride clear in her voice. “Bless my old bones, Ah’ve had two princesses looking out for mah family and farm!”

“Princess Luna?” Twilight’s eyes widened. “That must mean she’s back in Canterlot!”

“Miss Twilight?” Twilight heard somepony call her name. She turned to see a batpony approaching her. “Princess Luna has asked us to come here and escort you and your friends to Canterlot,” he told her. “In celebration of Sir Macintosh’s knighting.”

“That soon?” Twilight asked. “He was only released from the hospital today.”

“Good news travels quickly,” the guard said. “Princess Twilight,” he added with a toothy grin.

Twilight blushed, before glaring at the Night Guard. There had been a few guards so far who knew of her true appearance and even highly trained guards loved a good gossip, it would seem.

“As I was saying, Princess Twilight, we have come here to escort you to Canterlot,” the Night Guard continued. “My colleagues are busy right now, retrieving Lady Rarity, her sister and the filly named Scootaloo. Princess Celestia requested that they too would join the celebration.”

Twilight nodded. “Thank you…” she lingered, hoping that the guard would realize that she had no idea of his name. Twilight knew a few of Celestia’s guards by name but the Night Guard were all strangers to her.

“Mistwing, ma’am,” the guard said.

“Thank you, Mistwing,” Twilight said properly. Mistwing saluted her and headed off to join his fellow Night Guards. That plow still hadn’t moved more than an inch, so he decided to go and help out there.

Twilight spotted Fluttershy near the Apple residence and started to walk towards her. As usual, Fluttershy kept herself away from the busyness and settled down in the shadow of the house.

“Oh, hi Twilight,” she said as Twilight came closer.

“Hey there,” Twilight said. “Did they tell about what’s going on?”

Fluttershy nodded. “We’re going to Canterlot… again.” She looked down at her hooves for a few seconds, before turning back to look at Twilight.

“You don’t want to go?” Twilight asked, noticing the hesitation on her voice. It wouldn’t be surprising, as Fluttershy had her responsibilities to her animals. She couldn’t just drop everything on a whim.

“I do,” Fluttershy assured her. “I’m just worried about Angel Bunny and my other animal friends. Mister Mistwing told me that he’s sending a guard to take care of him and the others but I’m still worried. What if he forgets to add the cherry to Angel’s salad? The poor thing will starve to death!”

“I’m sure it won’t come to that,” Twilight said. A stray fantasy unfolded in her mind, in which an enraged batpony shoved some salad down Angel Bunny’s throat. As much as she hated to admit it, Twilight had wanted to do so too at times, as the bunny was exceptionally rude to anypony except Fluttershy. He was only the regular kind of rude against her.

“Do you think Princess Cadance will be there?” Fluttershy asked, interrupting Twilight’s little fantasy of Angel Bunny getting his just deserts.

“I’m not sure,” Twilight said. “She’s still in the hospital, recovering.”

“Oh, I see,” Fluttershy said with a nod.

“But we can go visit her and Shiny, if you want to,” Twilight told her. “I’m sure she’ll love to get to know you better, Fluttershy.”

“I’d like that too,” Fluttershy agreed.


It didn’t take long for the Night Guards to gather Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Spike. Scootaloo took a bit longer, as she had been in the hospital to visit her mother.

But eventually, everypony was packed and ready to leave for Canterlot once more.

“Everypony ready to go?” Mistwing asked. By now he had abandoned the plow and assumed his previous task: to guide the transport to Canterlot.

A Thestral drawn carriage was hauled to the front of Sweet Apple Acres, much to Rarity’s dismay. The carriage itself was rather creepy-looking, much like Princess Luna’s carriage had been last Nightmare Night.

“In that?” Rarity asked, making a disapproving sound. “Honestly darlings, you can’t expect us to arrive in Canterlot in this thing? Where’s the glitter? The glamor?”

Twilight briefly considered summoning her own personal carriage, just to tease Rarity. This carriage looked a lot more solid than the one she had used to travel back to Ponyville.

“This is Princess Luna’s personal chariot,” one of the ponies pulling the chariot said.

Rarity gulped. “What I meant to say was that we couldn’t possibly dream of-”

“Just get in,” Mistwing said. “We’re on a schedule here.”

Rarity sheepishly made her way into the carriage, followed by Sweetie Belle. Twilight helped Big Macintosh bring Granny Smith into the carriage, before entering it herself. Fluttershy, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom brought up the rear, with Spike jumping up into the driver’s seat.

Twilight noticed that Sucker Punch had latched onto the roof, sitting there with the luggage. She tested out the range of the hive mind, by sending out a wordless message to the rest of her guards, who were still at the library. She told them to come meet her in Canterlot Castle. And to lock up and leave a note, in case somepony came in for a book. Twilight felt a bit bad, leaving the library unattended once more.

Granny Smith banging on the side of the carriage took her mind off of that. “You boys be careful with the farm, will you?” Granny asked.

“Don’t worry ma’am,” a nearby guard said. “We’ll keep things in order.”

“Ah’m holding you to that,” Granny muttered to herself. “Honestly, Ah know the Princesses send them but Ah doubt they even know which side of the shovel you’re supposed to jam into the ground!” She chuckled.

“Eyup,” Big Mac said. He was looking out the window to see that the three batponies pulling the plow had finally managed to move it into the right direction, an admirable feat in itself.

Twilight squirmed a little as she tried to find a more comfortable position to sit in. Luna’s personal carriage was just a bit too small for all the ponies in it, with Big Macintosh being the big pony he was.

To make some space she placed her saddlebag between her forelegs and opened it up. Twilight looked inside to find that her little brother was still sleeping soundly, still holding that rubber duck he had swiped from the bathroom. Twilight wondered if it was alright for him to sleep for as long as he did. But Chrysalis had said that young Changelings needed their sleep.

Twilight was relieved to see that he was comfortable like that, though she had been a bit worried about his health. She would have to make sure that he returned safely to the hive before long. Which was a bit of shame, she thought. She had gotten used to having him around, even if all he did was sleep and bite Spike.

The sudden shaking of the carriage told Twilight that the batponies were about to take off, so she quickly closed up her saddlebag and placed it more securely between her forelegs so it couldn’t fall off in case of turbulence.

It didn’t take long for the Night Guards to pull the carriage into the sky. The ride was a lot more bumpy than Twilight was used too but the batponies were much faster than Celestia’s Royal Guards. The lands beneath them quickly turned into a blur of all sorts of colors as the carriage picked up speed.

“Hey Big Mac!” Apple Bloom nudged her brother a few times. “What happened at the wedding?”

“Ah don’t think Big Macintosh’ll want to talk about that,” Granny Smith told her grandchild.

“It’s okay,” Big Macintosh said. “Ah don’t remember everything but…


“This was mah pa’s best suit,” Big Mac said, calmly as ever on the outside. On the inside, however, he was boiling with rage. He reared up onto his hindlegs, before smashing his front hooves down onto the ground. Several tiles cracked under his display of force, much to the horror of the assorted Changelings before him.

“Don’t just stand there!” Queen Chrysalis yelled. “Take him down!”

The two Changelings that had escaped Big Mac’s wrath before closed in on from his sides. Their fangs gleamed were bared threateningly at the red stallion but Big Mac had dealt with worse. Granny Smith for example, when she hasn’t had her coffee yet.

Unmoved, Big Mac waited for his opponents to make the first move. He didn’t have to wait long, as the two Changelings lunged at him from both sides.

They were hoping to catch Big Macintosh off guard, mistaking his patience for hesitation.

With all the grace that a stallion of his size could muster, Big Macintosh balanced on his hind legs once more and reached his front hooves to the Changelings.

The Changelings, not having expected such agility, were grabbed by Big Mac and their heads were slammed together. Both of them saw stars for a few seconds. At least until Big Mac had managed to turn his body around and gave the two of them a kick with his hind legs.

The way those Changelings soared through the air would have made his sister Applejack shed a tear in joy.

Queen Chrysalis stared nervously at the now three downed Changeling Soldiers. Using her magic, she pulled them away from Big Macintosh and closer to her. Unfortunately, all three of them were out cold and she couldn’t do much for them.

“What are you waiting for?” Queen Chrysalis asked. “A written invitation? Stop him! He’s trying to stop you from taking home your princess!”

That ignited a new flame within the present Changelings. Three of them spread their wings and flew up, hoping to gain an advantage over the ground bound pony.

At least, that was what they were hoping for, until Big Macintosh kicked a flower pot at them, knocking one of them into the other and causing both of them to crash down.

The third and last airborn Changeling decided to throw all caution to the wind and flew straight at Big Macintosh. Two seconds later he was sporting a lovely decorated pot on his head, missed Big Macintosh by a mile and crashed into the doorframe.

“That’s six,” Big Mac said casually, as if all he ever did was kick ass and take names.

“There is plenty more where that came from,” Queen Chrysalis growled. A blast of magic missed her by a hair. Turning around, she saw Princess Cadance standing there, her horn smoking from the blast.

“Excuse me for just a second,” Chrysalis said, facing away from Big Macintosh to take care of the Princesses.

Big Macintosh braced himself as six Changelings came flying towards him, all of them coming from different directions. As before, Big Macintosh waited for them to come to him. Jabbing his hoof forward, he caught one Changeling on the nose.

With a sickening crunch the Changeling was thrown back onto the ground, clutching his nose and whimpering in pain.

The other five Changelings attacked Big Macintosh in quick succession, each of them attempting to bite him or kick him with their hooves. A solid blow to the ribs had the large stallion wincing in pain and a kick to his head made him see stars.

But Big Macintosh wasn’t one to go down easily.

He artfully dodged another blow to the head and retaliated by rushing at the offending Changeling and headbutting him. The Changeling’s horn was tough but Big Mac was made of sterner stuff, so with a nasty crack the Changeling was sent flying off to join his fallen brothers.

Taking down that Changeling gave Big Mac some breathing room and bought him some precious seconds to think of his next move.

Those seconds ran out a bit too quickly for Big Mac’s liking, as a Changeling bit down on his left hind leg, ripping through his suit and delivering the venom in his fangs. At least, until Big Mac kicked him loose and then sent him flying into the nearest wall.

But the venom was starting to work on his system, making him a bit sluggish and disoriented.

Big Macintosh looked around him, the four Changelings he was facing had started to circle him. Their teeth were bared and their eyes were mocking, as if they knew that his body was slowly shutting off. Weariness was taking hold and it was rather appealing to Big Mac to just put his head down and catch some shuteye. In a few minutes, he probably would be doing just that.

But what could one stallion do against overwhelming odds in a few minutes?

Big Mac decided that he would find out for himself as he found himself almost stumbling over a fallen flag pole. He bend his neck down and grabbed it with his teeth and swung it around him, hitting the unsuspecting Changelings and knocking them away.

He swung the pole around again, this time hitting a Changeling square in the chest and knocking the air out of him. Twisting around he did the same to a different Changeling that tried to sneak up on him from behind.

Time was running out, Big Mac could feel it in his limbs as they grew heavier with each step he took towards the altar, where Chrysalis had already taken care of both Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance.

Turning whatever energy he had left into forward motion, Big Mac rushed towards them and straight at Queen Chrysalis. The Equestrian flag on the flag pole flew proudly, before Big Macintosh brought it down on the first Changeling that was foolish enough to get in his path.

With a loud crack, the pole broke neatly in half and sent splinters flying across the room. Big Mac discarded his destroyed weapon by tossing the damaged pole at a Changeling that planned on being his next opponent. Those plans were obviously halted by a sudden case of major headache, courtesy of Big Mac.

“Enough!” Queen Chrysalis screamed. “This will end right here, right now!” She took to the air and landed in front of Big Macintosh, knocking him back with her magic.

Big Macintosh would not be deterred by some fancy-smancy magic though. He pushed back against the force and, even in his venom-addled state, managed to break through.

“Impressive,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Very impressive indeed. I wonder what kind of Changeling you’ll be, once I add you to my hive!”

“No can do,” Big Macintosh said. “Ah’ve got a farm, two lil sisters and an old bat to look after.”

“Admirable,” Chrysalis simply said, before lighting up her horn with her green magic. “We’ll see how you’ll feel about them after I’m through with-

Queen Chrysalis was cut off by Big Mac, who had took a swing at her. Chrysalis dodged the blow but just barely.

“Pa taught me to never hit a mare,” Big Mac said solemnly. “He also taught me that to ignore that if said mare threatened mah family.”

“Impressive,” Chrysalis said. “Very few ponies would even dare to try and hit me. Leave him be, I’ll deal with him.”

Several Changelings backed away from Big Macintosh, forming a circle around him and Chrysalis.

“How is our venom treating you?” Chrysalis mocked. “Feeling sleepy yet?”

“A lil bit,” Big Mac admitted.

“I give you a minute, perhaps two, before you collapse,” Chrysalis said with a flash of her fangs. “If you make it that long.”

“Two minutes?” Big Mac asked. “Best to make them count.”

A surge of power flowed through him, the thoughts of his family fuelling him and pushing him forward.

Using the ancient Apple family fighting style, he landed a number of hits of Chrysalis’ pressure points. His hooves moved with such speed that nopony could even see them properly. To them they were just a blur.

Hit by hit, Chrysalis was pushed back until Big Macintosh ceased his seemingly unrelenting assault.

“Have you grown tired?” Chrysalis mocked. “I expected your hits to hurt me but they were as soft as a mosquito’s.”

“You’re already dead,” Big Mac stated.

"What are you talking about?” Chrysalis asked but before she could get an answer, she let out a shriek before exploding into-

“That didn’t happen!” Apple Bloom cried, interrupting Big Mac’s story.

“Yes it did,” Big Mac said, pulling a scrunchy face not unlike that of his sister when she got caught telling fibs.

“Maybe them Changelings bonked ya harder in the head than Ah thought,” Granny Smith said, followed by a chuckle.

Twilight couldn’t help but wonder just how much of that story was true. Celestia hadn’t described the fight between Big Macintosh and the Changelings in detail but she knew that he had taken down a dozen or so Changelings, before falling to Chrysalis herself. An impressive feat, to say the least.

Still, it was good to see Big Macintosh in such a good condition. Twilight was still worrying about him, as she didn’t think it was right for him to leave the hospital just yet. But at least he was joking around, which Twilight assumed was a good thing. She didn’t really know Big Macintosh all that well anyway.

“So Twilight,” Rarity called out to her to draw her attention. “Are you excited to meet our friends?”

“Am I ever,” Twilight said, thankful that Rarity gave her something to take her mind off of Big Mac’s condition. “It’ll be great to see them again.”

“And you’re not worrying anymore, are you?” Rarity asked, a critical look on her face.

“No, not anymore,” Twilight said. “I have faith in my friends and I shouldn’t have doubted any of you in the first place.”

“Well, I for one am glad to hear you say that,” Rarity admitted. “I was this close to embroidering a reminder on your next dress. ‘Your friends love you’ or something like that…” Rarity’s eyes widened just a tad more. “Idea!” she exclaimed.

“Oh dear,” Twilight chuckled nervously. She had seen that look in Rarity’s eyes before. Twilight foresaw many hours of fitting dresses in her future.


Before long, the carriage neared Canterlot. True to Twilight’s expectations, it had taken them a shorter time than it would have if Celestia’s guards had taken them. However, speed wasn’t everything, something that Fluttershy could attest to as she was looking slightly green from all the turbulence.

Luckily for her, the carriage was slowing down and flying closer to the ground. The Batponies descended with all the grace they could muster, considering the weight of the carriage they were pulling. Nonetheless, they landed softly and safely back onto terra firma.

As soon as they ground to a complete stop, the doors opened. The three Cutie Mark Crusaders were the first out of the carriage, with the fourth one lagging behind.

“Welcome to Canterlot,” Mistwing said as he offered a hoof to help Twilight step out.

“Thank you,” Twilight said as she took said hoof, much to Sucker Punch’s annoyance.

Once she got out of the carriage, Twilight started to look around to see if Celestia or Princess Luna were around. But all she saw was a pink blur, hurtling towards her at break-neck speeds.

“TWIIIIIILIIIIIGHT!” the blur screamed as it zoned in on Twilight.

Before Sucker Punch could even react, the blur had impacted with his ward, knocking her onto her back.

“Hi Twilight!” Pinkie said with a smile from cheek to cheek.

Author's Note:

That’s right. Big Macintosh is a princess now. All hail Big Macicorn!

Ahem, it's been a while, hasn't it? I apologize for that. I wish I could update faster.

Anyway, this is part one of two. Part two is still being edited but I didn't want to keep this from you all any longer. You've been waiting way too long already.