• Published 20th May 2012
  • 55,279 Views, 3,907 Comments

Mirror's Image - Evilpresident

Twilight never was a unicorn. And she didn't even know it.

  • ...

Chapter 16 Part 02

Chapter 16 Part 2

Princess Luna and her band of merry ponies (and one tagalong changeling) left the hive behind them and once more travelled through the dusty Wastelands.

“Ha! This Great and Powerful Changeling shall be the best servant Princess Amaryllis has ever had or will have!” the Great and Powerful Changeling decreed as she walked besides Princess Luna. “She shall work harder than she has ever before!”

“Does this thing have an off-switch?” Rainbow Dash asked. “That’s like the tenth time she said that!”

“This Great and Powerful Changeling will continue to do so and you can’t stop her!” the Great and Powerful Changeling cheered.

“Sweet Celestia, she’s still as annoying as she was before,” Rainbow Dash facehoofed.

“At least she ain’t embarrassing us in front of everypony this time around,” Applejack noted as she gave Rainbow Dash a pat on the back.

“Am I missing something here?” Princess Luna asked.

“Yeah, we’re pretty sure that this Changeling here visited Ponyville some time ago,” Rainbow Dash explained. “When she was still a pony, I mean. Her name was Trixie and she kept on proclaiming that she was the most great and powerful Trixie or something.”

“It’s a long story,” Applejack said.

“It’s a long walk to Canterlot,” Luna said with a smile. “We have time.”

“You wanna do the honors?” Rainbow Dash asked Applejack, who nodded in response.

“Sure thing,” she said. “Some time ago, Miss Great and Powerful here came rolling into Ponyville with her travelling magic tricks, starts spouting a lot of hooey about being the best Unicorn and such.”

“Sparkle could kick her butt any day of the week,” Rainbow Dash interjected. “She just thought we’d think she was a braggart or nonsense like that if she did.”

“Ah was getting to that,” Applejack said, a little annoyed at the fact that Rainbow Dash interrupted her like that. “Now, as ah was saying: this Trixie comes into Ponyville and begins boasting about her greatness and stuff like defeating an Ursa Major and what not.”

“An Ursa Major?” Luna fought to suppress her laughter but failed royally. “Magic has little to no effect on their hide and a Unicorn is no more than a flea to them.”

“We kinda figured that,” Applejack said. “Apparently, a few of the young’uns thought it was a good idea to bring in an Ursa from the Everfree, so Trixie could vanquish it.”

“How have I not heard of this before?” Luna asked, her laughter falling away and replaced with worry. “An Ursa Major would have razed Ponyville to the ground and caused numerous casualties and fatalities!”

“It wasn’t an Ursa Major,” Applejack told her, which calmed Luna down visibly. “Just a baby. Twilight managed to magic it home to its mum.”

“My dear sister did mention something about a minor upstart with a nocturnal beast to me. Some time after I returned to my duties, I think it was.” Luna also recalled reading a friendship report, pertaining to the use of one’s skills and whether or not that was showing off.

“Anyway, afterwards Trixie ran off into the night. Haven’t seen hide or hair of her since.” Applejack tipped her hat in the direction of the Great and Powerful Changeling. “Ah reckon that’s why.”

“Ha! The Great and Powerful Changeling has no interest in your story,” the Changeling said as she turned to face the ponies. “That doesn’t sound like something the Great and Powerful Changeling would do! Not at all!”

“Trixie did that too,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “You know, talking in third person.”

“Calling herself Great and Powerful,” Applejack added.

“That… that may be so,” the Great and Powerful admitted. “However, that doesn’t mean anything to this Changeling. So what if she used to be this Trixie?”

“Nothing,” Luna said. “You made your choice, you told us so yourself.”

“That’s right!” the Great and Powerful Changeling said. “She is free from petty desires and needless emotions now.”

“You sure about that?” Applejack asked. “Cause you’re looking a mite upset about this.”

“Upset?” the Great and Powerful Changeling asked. “She is not upset! She is happy! She no longer cries herself to sleep, nor does she have nightmares of the stallion that ruined her life!”

“Nightmares?” Luna asked. “Who ruined your life?”

“She does not know, does not remember,” the Changeling said. “But he stole something right from under her nose. But this Changeling doesn’t even know why she was upset in the first place.”

“But what about-” Rainbow Dash started but she was quickly silenced by Princess Luna, who placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Leave her be,” Luna said. “I do not think it is wise to keep pushing her. She forgot for a reason.”

Rainbow Dash turned away from the princess and back to the Changeling. True to Luna’s word, the Changeling looked rather upset.

“Okay then,” Rainbow Dash said. “Let’s just get going again. Sparkle’s waiting for us to get home.”

“That is true,” Luna said. “Come my little ponies… where’s the pink one?”

“Back over here,” Applejack said with a chuckle at the end. She pointed to a spot, a bit further out from where they were talking at the moment.

Pinkie Pie was sitting there on a conveniently placed rock, holding a sheet of paper in one hoof and a set of dice in the other. A pencil was tucked behind her ear and she was scrunching up her face as she was thinking deeply.

“What, pray-tell, are you doing now?” Luna asked as she walked up to Pinkie Pie.

“Rolling a rogue,” Pinkie Pie said, turning her head to look at Luna. “Should I specialize in lockpicking? Backstabbing?”

All that Pinkie got for an answer was Luna staring at her. “Is it truly necessary to do this right now?” the Princess asked eventually.

“Nah, not really,” Pinkie Pie admitted. “I just want to be prepared for our next adventure!”

“With some luck, that won’t be for a long, long time,” Luna grumbled.

“Really?” Pinkie Pie gasped. “Then we have to make the best of the time we have left! There’s so many things we still need to do!”

Luna froze up.

“We still need to tell stories and sing songs and slay evil monsters and find magical artifacts and save the world from unimaginable evils from beyond the depths of space and eat s’mores and find the princess in another castle and travel through time and find loot and-”

By now, Luna tuned Pinkie Pie out and sighed. Deeply, as she thought of how to deal with this in the best manner.

“Look Pinkie Pie, how about we make s’mores right here, right now?” Luna asked. “Will that satisfy your need for adventuring?”

“Awww, so no unimaginable evils from beyond the depths of space?” Pinkie Pie asked with a pout.

“If we have the time,” Luna gave in. “Now come, your friends are waiting for us. I don’t think Applejack will be pleased with us spending any more time here but I believe that we could all use a little rest.”

The two ponies walked back over to their waiting companions, with Luna being the first to speak. “We will rest here for a while, before resuming our journey.”

“What?” Applejack asked. “Why?”

“Because you all look dead on your hooves,” Luna pointed out. “I don’t think any of you have slept much and I think it would do well if we stay put for a little while.” Luna approached Applejack and laid a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. “Canterlot isn’t going anywhere.”

“Ah guess so,” Applejack admitted begrudgingly. “And ah could use a boost.”

“Then we will rest and partake in s’mores for now!” Luna declared.

“Way ahead of you!” Pinkie Pie cried out. The three ponies and one Changeling turned their heads to see Pinkie Pie, sitting besides a roaring campfire and holding up five sticks with marshmallows on them.

“You know what, Applejack? I’m not even surprised at this anymore,” Princess Luna said.

“Is that a good thing?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know,” Luna admitted, a frown forming on her face. “Perhaps. Only time will tell.”

Without further ado, the four ponies gathered around the fire and took up their marshmallow roasting tools.

The Great and Powerful Changeling sat back and watched from a distance.

“Hey!” Pinkie Pie cried out to her. “There’s room for one more!”

“No thank you,” the Changeling said. “The queen has fed this Changeling more than enough love for her mission. This Changeling does not need additional food.”

“There’s s’mores,” Pinkie tempted.

“This Changeling does not care for your food,” the Great and Powerful Changling said with an air of arrogance to her voice.

“With chocolate,” Rainbow Dash added.

In an instant the Changeling had moved to sit in between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. “This Great and Powerful Changeling has changed her mind. She will gladly partake in these sugary and chocolatey treats.”

“That’s the spirit!” Pinkie Pie placed a stick through one the holes in the Great and Powerful Changeling’s forelegs. The Changeling looked marginally annoyed at that but didn’t say anything, as to not ruin her chances of getting delicious s’mores.

The rag-tag group of merry misfits (and Applejack) enjoyed the warmth the fire gave them and the sweetness of the self-made snacks.

But before long they were packing up, to leave for Equestria once more.


Celestia watched through the window from atop her throne as the sun slowly rose up from beyond the horizon. It was a ritual she enjoyed greatly, as it was much like greeting an old friend, each and every day.

Slowly, Equestria began to stir and awaken under the sun’s warming rays. Windows opened up, ponies walked around and Celestia knew that some of them would soon come to speak to her.

Every day, from morning to midday Celestia would receive ponies who wished for her listening ear. Some with phenomenal plans and ideas, some with problems and difficulties. And some came to her, just to have somepony to talk to.

Celestia enjoyed helping these ponies in any way she could, be it by slipping them a few bits to get them started, to simply listening to what burdened their hearts.

However, very few ponies actually gathered up the courage to approach her in the first place. Celestia realized that to the masses, she would always be somepony above them. It made her a bit sad but she much preferred it over being feared, like she was so many years ago.

A loud knocking on the door startled her out of her deep thoughts and brought a smile to her face. “It seems that we have guests,” Celestia said to her personal guards. “Would you be so kind to see them in?”

One of her guards sprung in action and opened the door.

Much to Celestia’s surprise, Prince Blueblood rushed in with a furious look on his face.

“How dare you?” Blueblood demanded as he strode towards Celestia.

“Dare what, my dear nephew?” Celestia asked, staying calm even as Blueblood raged in front of her.

“Oh don’t play the fool with me, Aunt Celestia!” Blueblood yelled. “You know what you did!”

“I do know so,” Celestia stated. “But calm down. You are acting like a disrespectful little foal and I find it hard to take you serious at this point.”

Blueblood glared at her, but held his tongue. Being compared to a bratty foal was not something he enjoyed and he did not wish to further prove his aunt right.

“Now, Prince Blueblood, do you realize why I did what I did?” Celestia asked, her voice as calm as ever.

“To make a fool out of me?” Blueblood sneered. “I cannot understand you, Aunt Celestia. I took action against the Changelings who are hiding in our lands and you deny me!”

“What you did was not ‘taking action’ at all,” Celestia told him. “What you tried to do would have spread fear into the hearts of all ponies. It would have shattered what little trust Princess Luna could have earned. We would have made the Changelings into our enemies.”

“They are our enemies!” Prince Blueblood said forcefully, though he couldn’t help but let a quiver find its way into his voice. “They attacked us!”

“That they did,” Princess Celestia said. “They attacked us, impersonated us and stole our ponies away.”

“That’s just it! They stole Twilight Sparkle away and-” Blueblood started but was silenced by a hoof held up by Celestia.

“Prince Blueblood, I think it’s time that you learned the truth of what happened at the wedding,” Celestia said. “I should have told you earlier, before you would turn to such measures.”

“I already know what happened at the wedding,” Blueblood sneered. “I fail to see the point of hearing it again.”

“Perhaps you know what happened,” Celestia started. “But do you know why?”

“You expect me to believe there was reason to their madness?” Blueblood asked.

“With the way you’ve been acting these past few days, I don’t know what to expect.” Celestia frowned.

“Go ahead then,” Blueblood said with a sigh. “Why did they assault Cadance? Why did they attack Canterlot? Why did they kidnap Twilight Sparkle?”

“It’s a long story, my dear nephew,” Celestia started. “One that has its roots many thousands of years ago. I trust that you still remember the Flutterponies?”

“You used to tell me about them,” Blueblood said as he thought back to when he was but a little prince. “Ponies with butterfly wings, that vanished long ago.”

“They did not vanish,” Celestia said, her heart suddenly heavy with guilt. “They were destroyed by Discord. I wasn’t there to aid them in their time of need and they paid the price.”

“I, I am sorry to hear that,” Prince Blueblood said. He had rarely seen his aunt grow so sad, so quickly. If he wasn’t so livid with her, he would have rushed over to give her a comforting hug.

“It happened a long time ago,” Celestia said. “Ten thousand years, give or take a decade or two. Discord’s reign was a chaotic time, to say the least.”

“Aunt Celestia, I fail to see the link between your story and the Changelings,” Prince Blueblood said.

“Patience, young prince,” Celestia said, noticing the annoyed look she received from her nephew. Despite the titles and glitter and glamor, he was still a young stallion, one that could easily be riled by his aunt’s antics. Celestia missed the time when she could just tell him a story or fire some magical sparks from her horn and see him smile.

Unfortunately, that time was long behind them now and the prince was getting restless once more.

“As I was saying,” Celestia continued. “The Flutterponies were destroyed by Discord, who used his chaotic power to turn Flutter Valley into what is known now as the Wastelands.

“However, I was wrong to assume that Discord had merely destroyed the Flutterponies. I should have known better,” Celestia admitted.

“What did happen to them then?” Blueblood asked.

“Discord happened,” Celestia said simply. “He destroyed their home, drove them underground and then tricked them into using chaos magic on themselves, turning them into Changelings.”

“So what you’re saying here is that they used to be ponies?” Blueblood looked more than a little disgusted by that, though Celestia was too engulfed in her own story to notice.

“Indeed so. I’ve read Queen Flutterheart’s journal, in which she describes these events. I even have a copy of the spell that turned the Changelings into what they are now,” Celestia told him.

“This is all very interesting and such but I still don’t know why they attacked us,” Blueblood said, his tone growing impatient.

“It was because of Chrysalis’ heir,” Celestia stated. “Chrysalis’ daughter has lived amongst us all her life and the queen wanted to make sure that her daughter received all the love she needed.”

“But why Cadance?” Blueblood asked, seemingly undisturbed by the mention of Chrysalis’ heir. “Why Twilight? Why… oh no…” A sudden realization came over Blueblood.

“I see that you’ve figured it out on your own,” Celestia said calmly. It was quite obvious what Blueblood thought of that little fact as his expression turned from disgust to rage and back.

“No!” Blueblood screamed. “You’re saying that Twilight Sparkle is Chrysalis’ daughter?!”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Celestia said. “Eighteen years ago, Princess Amaryllis was placed in the Twilight household, to be loved and raised into a fine young mare. Queen Chrysalis impersonated Cadance so she could make sure that her heir was safe, before taking her home.”

“No!” Blueblood screamed again. “This isn’t! This can’t! This can’t be real!” he stammered.

“Please, dear nephew. Get a hold of yourself,” Celestia said, calm as ever.

“I will not calm down!” Blueblood uttered. “You’re telling me that- that thing in the statue garden was Twilight Sparkle?!”

“That ‘thing’ as you put it, was in fact Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia said, a hint of anger finally finding its way into her voice. She did not appreciate anypony, not even family, badmouthing her faithful student. “She returned home on her own.”

“Then why didn’t you tell me so?” Blueblood said, his tone suspicious all of a sudden as if he had realized something. “Why did you pretend that she was an ambassador of sorts?”

“Because of the way you acted then and the way you’re acting now,” Celestia said. “You tackled her, remember? If I had told you then and there, you would probably have thrown the same fit you’re throwing here.”

“I am not throwing a fit!” Blueblood yelled.

“You’re screaming at me, denying what I say and you’re not showing any signs of letting up,” Celestia pointed out. “By all means, you are throwing a fit.”

“No…” Blueblood muttered. “Something else happened. Queen Chrysalis, she tried to take control of your mind! But she failed, yes, so she sent her daughter to finish the job!” It all made sense to him now! Why else would Celestia act so casually around such a creature and her minions?

“My dear nephew, I am not under any manner of mind control spells,” Celestia said. She did not like the direction this conversation was taking.

“That’s exactly what you would say if you were!” Blueblood countered.

“And what would I say if I wasn’t?” Princess Celestia asked. “Prince Blueblood, you are overreacting once more.”

“I will not stand for this mockery!” Blueblood said, taking a defiant step towards Celestia. “I will not allow you to be ruled over by such vile magic! Guards, subdue the princess!”

The two guards flanking Celestia did not respond to his orders.

“Didn’t you hear me?” Blueblood fumed. “The princess is under Changeling control! She needs to be-”

“We will defend Princess Celestia,” one of the guards said as they moved to stand in between Blueblood and their protégé.

“Even against her own ‘captain’ if need be,” the other guard added.

“Your accusations are without proof or meaning, my dear nephew,” Celestia said softly, hoping to calm her nephew down before he did something really stupid.

“Do you even understand what you’re saying?” Blueblood sneered. “The very idea that Twilight Sparkle could be such a creature is unimaginable! Who could’ve come up with something like that?

“I know of someone who could,” Celestia whispered, thinking back of the horrors she had seen back in the day.

“No, it’s all too obvious what is going on here,” Blueblood said, ignoring Celestia’s answer. “And I think I know what to do about it… it’s a long shot though...” he muttered under his breath, inaudible to Celestia and her guards.

Celestia’s guards stood even closer to the princess now, as if waiting for Blueblood to do something stupid.

But instead, Blueblood backed away from the princess before turning around and running away without a word.

“Well, that should have gone better,” Celestia said to herself.

“Shall we go after him?” one of the guards asked.

“I think it would be best if we leave him alone for the time being,” Celestia said. “He may not act like it but Prince Blueblood is a smart stallion. He’ll realize how stupid his accusations are soon enough.”

“And if he doesn’t?” the same guard asked.

“Then I’ll have to find a different way to convince him that my mind is my own,” Celestia said. “Perhaps reminding him of a few awkward anecdotes will clear things up," she joked, trying to alleviate the mood a bit.

Celestia was no fool though, as she saw, despite his anger, how worried and convinced her nephew seemed. She hoped that she could set him straight, before he actually did something stupid.


Blueblood ran as fast he could, while still looking dignified, through the hallways. He had to get away from Princess Celestia and think of a way to properly help her. He had a few ideas but no clue on whether or not they'd really work.

“This is bad,” Blueblood said to himself. “Really bad. To think that Aunt Celestia could have fallen to such wicked magic. If she can, then all of us can!”

It took him a moment to realize that he was pacing around in the same hallway over and over again, much to the amusement of the staff.

“Ah-ha!” a joyous voice rung through the air. “There you are, dear nephew!”

Blueblood turned around and started to smile. “Aunt Luna? You’re back!” This was just what he needed! Surely Princess Luna would be able to come to her sister’s aid.

“We have returned,” Princess Luna declared. “It was a bitter and long journey, full of danger and traps but we have come back, bearing the spoils of victory!”

“So, Twilight Sparkle… is she okay?” Blueblood asked. This was exactly what he needed. Seeing Twilight Sparkle, the real one, would surely help Princess Celestia snap out of her controlled state.

“Very much so,” Luna said. “Not a hair on her head was harmed, as far as I know.”

“Then where is she? Can I see her?” Blueblood asked, his worries about Celestia temporarily shoved aside, as this pertained to his one true love!

“I had thought you would have seen her by now,” Luna said. “She did return here before us.”

“Come again?” Blueblood felt very cold all of a sudden, as if ice water was flowing through his veins.

“Twilight Sparkle returned to Canterlot before us,” Luna explained.

Blueblood took a step back away from Luna. “I see…” he said, trying to sound nonchalant.

“Has your other aunt told you of her heritage by now?” Luna asked. “Are you alright?” she asked as she noticed that he was starting to sweat profusely.

“Well, look at the time!” Blueblood held up his imaginary pocketwatch. “I must be off, Aunt Luna. We’ll talk later!” he said rapidly before running off.

“What a strange colt,” Luna said to herself. “I didn’t even get the chance to return his brooch.”

She took the shining accessory out of her saddlebag and rubbed it clean as some dust had made its way onto it.

Luna quickly placed the broche back, before heading towards her intended destination: her sister’s throne room. Since dawn had only come just before, it was obvious that Celestia would be there.


“Big sister!” Luna yelled as she threw the doors to Celestia’s throne room open. “I have returned triumphantly! The enemy has been conquered, the princess had been saved and I managed to keep my sanity around the pink one!” Luna declared boldly as she walked towards Celestia’s throne with her head held high.

“Are you sure about that last one?” Celestia joked, before jumping off of her throne and gliding towards her sister. “I am so happy to see you again, my dear sister.”

“As am I,” Luna said as she hugged her sister. “Oh Celestia, why didn’t you warn me that the pink one was insane?”

“I thought you knew,” Celestia said, releasing her sister from her hold. “Remember Nightmare Night?”

“All too well,” Luna grumbled. “I just hadn’t realized it was that bad. But I digress, we must discuss the Changelings’ willingness to become our allies.”

“We shall but where are Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie?” Celestia asked. “I had hoped to greet them as well.”

“They are currently at the guests’ quarters,” Luna said. “They needed to recuperate and rest. The Wastelands are not a safe place, after all.”

“I don’t doubt it,” Celestia said. “I shall visit them shortly. Now tell me everything.”

“Before I start, I have to make something clear,” Luna said. “Queen Chrysalis does not wish to ally herself with you. She specifically said that she’d deal with me and only me…”

“I see,” Celestia said, before sighing deeply. “I had feared that.”

“Sister? What happened a thousand years ago between you and Starlight?” Luna asked.

“I… I do not know for sure,” Celestia reluctantly admitted. “There’s these shreds… but I remember waking up one day to go and check on her, only to find her home all but abandoned. Dust everywhere, the mailbox overflowing… it was as if she got up and vanished, just like that.”

Celestia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Luna, something happened to me a thousand years ago. Something awful and it wasn’t just me losing my sister. I think I hurt Starlight somehow but I cannot remember it all.”

“I don’t understand,” Luna said.

“Let’s not speak here,” Celestia said. “Guards,” she turned to her protectors. “Court will be closed early today.”

“We will take care of it, princess,” the guard closest to Celestia said.

“Thank you,” Celestia said. “Now come Luna, we will discuss this further in my chambers.”

The two of them swiftly teleported to Celestia’s private room, away from any would-be eavesdroppers.

With a flash of magic, the two alicorns appeared in Celestia's chamber. Luna quickly walked across the room and opened the doors to the balcony, allowing some fresh air to enter the room.

Stepping outside, she waited for her sister to follow.

“Luna.” Celestia joined her sister outside on the balcony and faced her. “I attacked Twilight Sparkle and tried to turn her to stone,” she said. “When she turned into a Changeling before me, something inside me snapped. I became something I’m not. Not anymore at least.”

“This is most worrying,” Luna said, her expression being one of shock and worry. “We both agreed not to do so anymore, shortly after we were reunited. That we would treat our subjects with love and respect from now on. For you to turn on your student like that.”

“I had no control over what I did,” Celestia reluctantly admitted. “It was as if I sat in the backseat of my own mind. No matter how hard I protested, I could not change what was going on. If not for Twilight’s guardians and our captive Changelings, I might have…” Celestia couldn’t bear to finish that sentence.

She turned away from Luna and looked out over Canterlot, watching as the city bustled with activity.

“Luna, the doctor told me that I have sealed memories,” Celestia said, trying to shift away from the topic at hoof. “They are very thoroughly sealed and I believe that seeing Twilight as a Changeling unlocked one of them.”

“Memory seals?” Luna asked as she walked over to her sister. “Powerful mind magics and very rare too. Where could you have… oh no.”

“What is it?” Celestia asked.

“Sister, this is going to sound odd but I need to cast a sleeping spell on you,” Luna said.

“A sleeping spell?” Celestia asked. “Luna, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“I have a hypothesis to put to the test,” Luna said. “The dream is but a gateway into the mind. I swear, I will not tamper with the seals but I need to see them, perhaps even examine them.”

Celestia nodded. “I trust you with my life, little sister.”

“Thank you,” Luna said.

Celestia turned back to her room. Using her magic, she summoned several pillows from her bed and laid them down, before settling down on them. “Ready when you are,” she said, once she was comfortable.

Luna nodded and closed her eyes. Her horn glowed and Celestia’s eyes slowly closed.


“So this is what my big sister dreams about,” Luna said as she observed the dream world. It reminded her greatly of the castle she grew up in with her mother and big sister, before the Smooze had consumed it all.

A pint-sized Luna galloped past her, followed by a younger looking Celestia. The real Luna smiled at the sight as she thought back fondly to when she was that age. Even though Celestia had been a few thousand years older than her, she had still made plenty of time to play with her.

And after their mother left, Celestia still made time for even though she was ruling the fledgling country of Equestria.

Luna would have loved to stay here and reminisce but she had a job to do. Her sister was counting on her.

Although it had been so very long ago, the layout of the castle came back to her as she moved deeper within it.

Guided by her memories, she ended up at the door to her mother’s room. Luna wanted to knock on it, to see if Celestia’s memories and fantasies had placed her here as well. But she decided against it, if only to keep the memories of her mother pure.

Unbeknownst to Luna, the door opened the moment she walked away. A pristine looking Alicorn stuck her head through the door, wondering whether or not somepony had been at the door.

Luna moved her search to the basement. It seemed the most logical place to begin, as their mother had always forbidden them from going down there.

True to Luna’s thoughts, there was something in the basement. Something that should not be there. At the bottom of a seemingly endless spiral staircase, there was a door.

A single, solid steel door. Chains covered the front of the door in a zigzag pattern with several locks keeping them closed up. Luna could see a few open padlocks, lying on the ground in front of the door.

“Just as I thought… as I feared,” Luna said to herself. “Oh Amethyst, what have you done?”

Luna approached the door slowly, as to not set off any traps or other protective spells. She recognized the spellwork and she knew that Amethyst would never do something like this rushed. She would take her time and spend it wisely.

A small handle sat in the center of the door, which could be moved sideways. Luna had seen it before, on maximum security prison’s doors.

Slowly and cautiously she slid the handle to the left.

“Hello Luna,” a firm and commanding voice said.


“Luna?” Celestia asked. “Are you alright? Speak to me, please?”

“I… I am fine,” Luna said. When had she started to sweat, she wondered as she noticed just how clammy her coat was all of a sudden.

“I was so worried,” Celestia said as she hugged her little sister. “I woke up all of a sudden and you were just lying there.”

“Something happened,” Luna said. “I found something, in your dream. I recognized the spells.”

“You did?” Celestia’s eyes widened. “Tell me Luna, who did this to me?”

“Queen Amethyst,” Luna said. “My best friend.”

“Starlight’s mother?” Celestia asked, shock clear in her voice. “Why would she…”

“What?” Luna looked her sister in the eyes, only to see sadness in them.

“Luna, I think I did something awful, so many years ago…” Celestia said, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

“Something to make Queen Chrysalis hate you?” Luna offered. “Something… Celestia? Did you blame her for what happened to me?”

“OF COURSE I DID!!” Celestia screamed, her eyes full of unbridled rage. “All she had to do was perform adequately when needed and she couldn’t even do that!”

Luna took a step back, away from Celestia. “Sister! Get ahold of yourself!”

“I am justified in hating her!” Celestia screamed, oblivious to Luna’s protests. Her wings flared open, revealing their impressive size. With her wings open and her eyes aglow, the normally so gentle princess looked more like a tyrant than anything else.

“She should have-” Celestia’s scream died off. “I should have- Oh, Luna…”

Slowly the Princess’ eyes cleared up, once more showing the friendly magenta orbs that Luna knew. Her wings folded back and the image of the tyrant was gone. Where before her eyes had shown uncontrolled anger, they now seemed more troubled than anything else.

“It happened again…” Celestia shivered. “Luna, I am sorry you had to see that.”

“No, sister, don’t you dare be sorry for this. This is not your fault,” Luna assured her.

But Celestia shook her head at her sister’s comforting words. “No, I have seen shards of the sealed memories. I- I think I banished Starlight. Banished and disowned her.”

“I don’t know what to say to that,” Luna admitted. “You’re not one to let your emotions rule you like that, so surely there must be an explanation for all of this.”

“Well, there’s only two who know for sure. One has passed away and the other hates me,” Celestia said. “And here I was, thinking that we could have a celebration.” Celestia seemed to say that last part only to herself, as if thinking out loud.

“Come again?” Luna asked, confused by the sudden change of subject.

“It’s nothing,” Celestia said. “After receiving word of Big Macintosh’s sudden and complete recovery, I had thought to throw a feast in honor of you and the girls returning, along with Sir Macintosh’s knighting. But I think-”

“I think that is an excellent idea,” Luna interjected before Celestia could continue.

“You do?” Celestia asked, confusion sounding true in her voice. “But Luna, if this happens again…”

“Then I will be there to stop it,” Luna said, a fire burning in her eyes as she spoke. “And together, we will find a solution to this.”

“Thank you Luna,” Celestia said as she once more wrapped her sister up in a hug.

“Please, we’re sisters,” Luna said, trying to sound dismissive. “Now tell me more about Big Macintosh. How is he?”

“I have not seen him myself but I received a letter from the Ponyville Hospital this morning. Sir Macintosh has made a full recovery during the night. The doctor wanted to keep him there for observation but allegedly he said ‘enope’ to that and asked to be discharged.”

“Well, it seems that Chrysalis has kept to her word,” Luna said with a smile. “But back to the subject at hoof, when did you have this festivity planned?”

“I was thinking tomorrow,” Celestia said as she reluctantly released her sister. “We’d have plenty of time to set things up and invite the right ponies.”

“Right ponies?” Luna asked. “Do I detect some politics there?”

“In a way, yes,” Celestia said. “What social get-together doesn’t involve politics? If enough ponies see that Twilight and the Changelings are not our enemies anymore, the others will follow.”

“Sneaky,” Luna said. “But don’t get ahead of yourself. I already told you that the Changelings sometimes kidnap ponies. If the populace discovers this…”

“Then we will act accordingly,” Celestia said. “If this new alliance is to take shape, the kidnappings will have to stop. I don’t doubt that Twilight will cease the practice but I have no idea of when she’ll become queen.”

“Queen Chrysalis offered some ideas,” Luna said. “But I think it would be best if we discuss these later. Right now, we have a p-a-r-t-y to plan.”

“You mean a party?” Celestia asked.

“Shhhh,” Luna shushed her. “Don’t say that word! The pink one will hear you!”

“Pinkie Pie is quite the hooffull, I admit,” Celestia said with a laugh.

She stood up from her pillows and gathered them up in her magic, levitating them back into her room. Once they were properly in place, she used her magic to float an inkwell and a scroll towards her.

The quill dipped itself a few times and the scroll unfurled and before long, the feather danced over the paper as Celestia wrote her letter. Once she was done, she rolled it up and sealed it. “Luna, could I ask you to send your Night Guards to Ponyville? To retrieve Twilight Sparkle and company?”

“Of course you may but why not send your own?” Luna asked as Celestia levitated the scroll to her little sister.

“I’m afraid my Royal Guard are a bit… undermanned at the moment,” Celestia begrudgingly admitted. “Most of them are on leave right now and the rest are out all over Equestria.”

“Whatever for?” Luna asked.

“Captain Blueblood sent them out on a wild goose chase,” Celestia said with an uncharacteristic roll of her eyes.

“Captain… Blueblood?” Luna cocked her head in confusion. “You’re kidding, right?”

“I’m afraid not,” Celestia said. “Remember that boon we gave to Blueblood the first?”

“Oh... that,” Luna said with a soft sigh escaping her lips. “I knew that would come back and bite us one day. What did he do with your guards?”

“Sent them all over Equestria, in search of Changelings,” Celestia explained. “Needless to say, it could have ended disastrously if he actually found one.”

“That impatient little imp!” Luna scoffed. “At least have the decency to wait until we returned and failed.”

“You know what he’s like,” Celestia soothed. “And I do believe that his heart was in the right place. He’s just been awfully worried about Twilight and I waited too long to tell him the truth.”

“So that’s why he was acting so off, when I ran into him,” Luna mused. “Did he say anything else on the matter?”

“He believes me to be under some form of mind control,” Celestia answered her. “That where Chrysalis failed, her daughter succeeded.”

“That seems rather farfetched,” Luna said, rubbing her chin in thought. “I will go speak to him on the matter, after I’ve sent some guards to Ponyville.”

“Thank you, sister,” Celestia said. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go and visit Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, to thank them for what they did for Twilight and Equestria.”

“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you this but we brought a gift from Chrysalis to Twilight along with us,” Luna said.

“A gift?” Celestia asked. “Do I want to know?”

“She has sent a Changeling along with us, to serve as Twilight’s personal assistant,” Luna said, not caring whether or not Celestia wanted to satisfy her curiosity. “She’s a bit… weird. You’ll see, she’s with the girls right now.”


“The Great and Powerful Changeling deems these accommodations adequate,” the Changeling said as she rolled around on her bed in a what some may deem ‘silly’ way.

“A-de-what?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Come on, this room’s the best of the best in the castle, what more could you want?”

True to Rainbow Dash’s word, the room was more than fit for royalty. It was clean as a whistle, very colorful and a fresh bouquet of flowers spread a sweet scent through the air. They had even gone as far as to provide a cloud bed for Rainbow Dash. Princess Celestia and Luna were nothing if not hospitable.

“How do Changelings bunk up anyway?” Applejack asked.

“In large rooms, filled with many cots,” the Changeling told her. “They are equally comfortable, if not more so, and the company is much better.”

“That offer still stands, you know,” Rainbow Dash whispered to Applejack. “One swift kick…”

“Twilight’ll sort her out,” Applejack responded in an equally hushed tone. “Ah hope. Just try to ignore her, for now.”

“Can’t promise anything,” Rainbow Dash said, before she dug into her saddlebags and pulled out her signed copy of the latest, unreleased, Daring Do book. “Just let me read my book in peace and I’ll be fine though.”

A soft knocking on the door caused Rainbow Dash to groan in annoyance. “Oh come on!” she cried out.

The door opened up and Celestia stuck her head through. “Good morning, my little ponies.”

“Princess Celestia!” the ponies jumped up and ran up to her, before bowing down.

“Oh my little ponies, you need not bow before me,” Celestia said.

“Don’t expect this Changeling to do so,” the Great and Powerful Changling said, not even attempting to get up or acknowledge the princess. “She will only bow to her own princess.”

“And who might this be?” Celestia asked as she walked into the room, ignoring the blatant disrespect the visitor was showing.

“That’s the Great and Powerful Changeling,” Rainbow Dash said, her face showing just how laughable she found that.

“Queen Chrysalis has sent her along with us,” Applejack explained. “Sort of a maid or something.”

“The Great and Powerful Changeling is not a maid!” the Changeling sat up and glared at Applejack. “She is a servant and she shall be the very best servant ever!”

“She’s passionate about it, that’s for sure,” Celestia said. “The other Changelings I’ve met so far weren’t like you.”

“This Changeling was not born so,” the Changeling said. “She was saved by Queen Chrysalis and now she is happy!”

The princess hesitated for a second. This was a first for her; meeting a changeling that had been born a pony. But she looked just like all the others, she just acted differently. “I…”Celestia hesitated again, trying to find the right words. “I am happy for you,” she eventually said, finding that the best way to express herself.

Celestia then turned to Applejack. “Applejack, I believe I have some good news for you.”

“Is it about Big Macintosh?” Applejack asked hopefully.

“It is, indeed. The Ponyville hospital has informed me that he has made an almost miraculous recovery,” Celestia said. Seeing Applejack’s face brighten brought a smile to hers. “He’s already been discharged, on his own request.”

“Ha, can’t keep an Apple down for long!” Applejack cheered. “Hey Princess? Ah don’t mean to be rude but can ah borrow one of them skycarriages?”

“There’s no need for that, Applejack,” Celestia said. “Luna’s sending an escort, to bring him and your friends and family here. We’re having a celebration tomorrow, to celebrate your return and Big Macintosh’s knighting.”

“But Princess, what about the farm?” Applejack asked. “Ah’ve been away far too long already, ah don’t think ah should-”

“If I may interrupt,” Princess Luna said as she walked past the open door. “I could arrange some farmhands, if you wish.”

“You could?” Applejack asked.

“I can,” Luna said. “I’m pretty sure some of my Night Guard have green hooves.”

“Well then, ah won’t complain,” Applejack said with a soft chuckle. “Just make sure they know what they’re doing, okay? That farm’s mah family’s life’s work.”

“You have my word,” Luna said. “Sister, if I may bother you for a minute?” she asked, turning to Celestia.

“Of course,” Celestia said. She left after her sister, closing the door as she walked into the empty hallway. Save for the occasional remaining guard on patrol, there was nopony there to bother them.

“I can’t seem to find Prince Blueblood anywhere.” Luna frowned. “I decided to check on him first but I can’t find hide nor hair of him.”

“I’m sure he’s around here somewhere,” Celestia said as she walked to a nearby window, looking over the courtyard. “You know how he gets at times. Can’t get him out of the castle for months and then he suddenly gets up and leaves for three weeks at a time.”

“You think that’s what happened?” Luna asked as she joined her sister. “Seems a bit sudden, even for him.”

Celestia shook her head. “Probably not,” she said. “I hope he’s just wandering around Canterlot, clearing his head.”

“Should I send him an invitation as well?” Luna asked.

“You should,” Celestia said, looking straight at her sister. “Perhaps if he and Twilight were able to talk, he will realize that he is wrong in his observations.”

“One can only hope,” Luna said. “Perhaps he will show his affection towards your student in one go as well.” Luna laughed, having seen Blueblood’s dreams on the matter.

“Now that would be a sight to behold,” Celestia said, suppressing a giggle that was unbecoming of a princess.

“Indeed it would be,” Luna said. She couldn’t help but imagine the ramifications of such a union. As amusing as Blueblood’s dream had been, a wedding between the two at this point could be a tipping point in the relations between Equestria and the Wastelands.

“Of course, Prince Blueblood would have to answer for all the things he’s done so far, including tackling Twilight to the ground.” Celestia frowned, though her expression quickly turned into a more mischievous one. “But if they’re made for each other, then love will work its magic.”

“That or Cadance helps it out,” Luna said.

“But let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Celestia said, deciding that they had spent enough time worrying over her student’s love life. “For now, we should just concentrate on the celebration, Blueblood can wait.”

“I just pray that he won’t do anything stupid,” Luna said to herself.


A few hours passed quickly. Having rested up a bit, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were now waiting outside, for the carriage carrying their friends and family. They had to remain at a safe distance but they still had a good overview on the landing strip, where the carriage would touch down any minute now.

“I think I see it!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “No, wait… nope, just a bird.”

“Pinkie, that’s like the fortieth time you’ve mistaken a bird for a carriage.” Rainbow Dash sighed.

“Forty-second,” Pinkie Pie corrected. “At least I’m pretty sure that one over there is a bird.” She pointed up to a dot that was slowly becoming larger and larger.

“That’s a bit big for any old bird, don’t cha think?” Applejack asked.

“Is it them?” Pinkie Pie asked. “It is! Isn’t it? It has to be!”

Pinkie Pie disappeared for a few seconds, before returning with her party cannon.

“You’re not going to try and shoot them out of the air, are you?” Rainbow Dash joked.

“Nah, that’s way too dangerous,” Pinkie Pie said. “What I’m going to do is crawl into the barrel and the moment Twilight steps out, you guys shoot me towards her so I can give her the most amazing of hugs ever!”

“Yeah, that’s so much safer,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I know, right?” Pinkie Pie said as she squeezed herself into the cannon, headfirst. Her belly got stuck at some point, courtesy of the three dozen cupcakes she had ordered, before she managed to get entirely into the barrel.

Mere seconds later, her head popped back out. “Okay, everypony ready?”

“The carriage landed,” Rainbow Dash said. “And there’s Twilight!”


With a loud bang and a flash of light, the pink projectile was fired from the cannon and towards Twilight Sparkle.

“Did you fire it?” Applejack asked.

“Nope,” Rainbow Dash said. “Did you?”

“No,” Applejack said.

Both of them winced as Pinkie Pie collided with Twilight, knocking her off her hooves.

“Race ya,” Applejack challenged as she suddenly ran off towards the carriage.

“You’re on!” Rainbow Dash said as she took off after Applejack.

Author's Note:

And that’s part 2

What did everybody think of Blueblood and Celestia's little chat? I found it rather hard to write and the end result feels a bit weak, especially when compared to the examples some people have sent me. But they can't all be winners, right? Anyway, enough rambling, I hope you enjoyed this small chapter.