• Published 20th May 2012
  • 55,279 Views, 3,907 Comments

Mirror's Image - Evilpresident

Twilight never was a unicorn. And she didn't even know it.

  • ...

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Twilight found herself in a rather awkward situation, lying on her back after having been knocked off her hooves by Pinkie Pie. Said mare had somehow managed to squeeze herself inside her party cannon and then launched herself at Twilight.

How she had done that without either of them breaking any bones would forever remain a mystery to Twilight, so she just chalked it up to Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. It was easier that way.

Still, accepting that Pinkie Pie was a peculiar case did little to change Twilight’s current situation. She was still on the ground with Pinkie invading her personal space a bit too much to her liking. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Sucker Punch was about to correct that.

Despite the fact that he was invisible at the moment, Twilight knew that he was getting ready to pounce on Pinkie Pie. “Stand down!” she yelled, before Sucker Punch could act on his intentions. “She’s a friend,” Twilight assured him.

Sucker Punch stopped in his tracks and backed away. However, he didn’t stray very far, Twilight was sure of that.

“Who are you talking to?” Pinkie Pie asked. She looked around but saw nopony around, other than her other friends, the Crusaders and the guards.

“I have invisible changeling guards,” Twilight said, now noticing that Sucker Punch had settled on the top of the carriage. She noticed some other things too, including a new presence in her vicinity. That was a problem to worry about later though, as she had a pink pony to address. She looked up at Pinkie Pie again. “Help me up, will you?”

“Okey-dokey,” Pinkie Pie said, not even bothering to ask about Twilight’s invisible guards, as she extended a hoof to pull Twilight up and back on her hooves.

“Thanks,” Twilight said. “I really missed you-ahh!”

Twilight was once again knocked off her hooves and onto the ground. She groaned in annoyance from the extra weight pressing down on her.

“I won!” Rainbow Dash claimed from the top of the pony pile.

“Did not,” Applejack retorted. “You used your wings again!”

“Nopony said I couldn’t!” Rainbow Dash laughed, much to Applejack’s annoyance.

“Uhm, girls?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I think Twilight would like to breathe again.”

“What?” Applejack asked, before looking down at the conveniently placed purple pillow she and Rainbow Dash were crushing. “Oops, sorry ‘bout that that, sugarcube.”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack scrambled to get off of the flattened changeling. Both of them quickly helped her back onto her hooves for the second time in a matter of minutes.

Twilight looked a bit woozy after that second smack she had endured. Getting hit by three grown ponies in quick succession wasn’t what she called fun.

“We’re so sorry about that,” Applejack said with a soft chuckle. “Ah guess we got a bit overexcited.”

“Just a little bit?” Twilight rubbed her head a few times, making sure that it was still attached.

“Can you blame us?” Rainbow Dash asked. “We really missed you and we were so worried about you, Twilight.”

Twilight allowed her expression to soften and turn into a smile. “I’m happy to see you too, Rainbow Dash.”

“We sure are glad to see you in one piece,” Applejack said. “Ya’ll had us so worried and we had no idea what to do at first but when Princess Luna said that she’d go after you, the three of us obviously couldn’t stay behind.”

“So we started a rescue mission!” Rainbow Dash said. “But after finding our way into the hive, Daring Do-style, you were already gone!”

“Ah think Rainbow nearly had a heart attack at that point,” Applejack pointed out with a playful jab at her friend. “Not that ah could blame her, cause ah…” she trailed off as she noticed Big Macintosh stepping out of the carriage. “Ah’ll have to get back at you,” she told Twilight, before running past her and towards Big Macintosh.

Twilight merely watched as Applejack passed her. She understood how Applejack felt right now, since they had been in the same situation, spending the last few days worrying about their big brothers.

“So…” Rainbow Dash started, drawing Twilight’s attention to her again. “How can we be sure that you’re the real Twilight Sparkle?”

“Huh?” Twilight blinked a few times. “What do you mean?”

She stared at Rainbow Dash, who had a scrutinizing look on her face. “You know, maybe you’ve been replaced by a changeling or something.”

Twilight noticed the lack of any seriousness or malice in Rainbow Dash’s voice. That paired with the grin she was sporting told Twilight that Rainbow Dash was teasing her.

“Can’t you double check?” Twilight asked, deciding to play along.

“We’ll have to be more thorough than that,” Rainbow Dash said. “Triple checking? Quadruple checking!”

“Have you been reading my Sherclop Holmes books again?” Twilight asked the would-be detective.

“Hey, I’m the one asking the questions here,” Rainbow Dash said. “Ha, that’s it! I’ll ask you questions that only the real Twilight Sparkle would know!”

“Ooh, can I play too?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I think it’s best that you leave the two of them,” Rarity said as she stepped off of the carriage, followed closely by Fluttershy. “You know how those two can get at times.”

Pinkie Pie nodded. She then walked over to Rarity and Fluttershy and pulled the two of them into a hug as well. “I missed you two too!”

“It’s only been a few days,” Rarity said, breathing a bit heavily. “And mind the mane, please?” As much as she had missed Pinkie Pie during her quest, Rarity still had to think of her image.

“Sure thing, Rarity,” Pinkie Pie said as she released her friends, taking care not to mess up Rarity’s well-groomed mane. “But enough about us, how’s Twilight been?”

“As well as one can be in her position,” Rarity said, sitting back and watching quietly as Rainbow Dash bombarded Twilight with question after question, demanding answers from the disguised changeling.

“Favorite Daring Do book?”

“Daring Do and the Phantom Blade.”

“How do you spell Owlowiscious?”


“I’m going to take your word for that.” Rainbow Dash said. “One last question, one ultimate question…”

Twilight braced herself.

“What were you dressed like for your first Nightmare Night?” Rainbow Dash asked, an almost diabolical smile forming on her face.

“Oh no,” Twilight said, her voice betraying her embarrassment. “Mom showed you the pictures, didn’t she?”

“And made copies for everypony,” Rainbow Dash teased, pulling a picture out of her saddlebag, which showed a disgruntled little filly stuck in a tree. “Daring Twilight! I think I’m going to call you that instead of Sparkle from now on.”

“You do realize that you just gave the answer away?” Twilight asked.

“Uh, yeah?” Rainbow Dash shrugged and put the picture back, before Twilight could latch onto it with her magic . “As if I really needed to ask those questions. I knew you were the real Twilight from the moment you landed.”

“How come?” Twilight asked, genuinely curious about how Rainbow Dash could have known that from so far away.

“The look on your face when Pinkie Pie slammed into you,” Rainbow Dash stated with a smile. “Comedy gold, really.”

Twilight suppressed the urge to just roll her eyes and instead settled for a mere sigh.

“You’re no fun,” Rainbow Dash said with a laugh. “Come on, let’s go to the castle. We brought a present from Queen Chrysalis for you.”

“A gift?” Twilight asked.

“You’ll see,” Pinkie Pie said, jumping quite literally into the conversation by hopping over to them. “Hey Twilight, your saddlebags started making noise.” Pinkie Pie held out Twilight’s bag, which she had on her when Pinkie Pie had knocked her off her hooves.

Twilight quickly took the bags off of Pinkie’s hooves and opened it up, revealing a somewhat dazed little changeling.

Pinkie Pie squealed in delight and pulled the nymph out of the bag and hugged him.

“Uh, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked. “What is that?”

“That’s my little brother,” Twilight said. “I have a lot of them, apparently.”

“But this one is the cutest!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, squeezing the little nymph as tightly as she safely could, much to the nymph’s amusement.

“Princess Twilight?” a voice from behind them asked. Twilight turned around to see Mistwing standing there. “Princess Luna and Celestia have been informed of your arrival and await you and your friends in the castle.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said. “We’ll be there shortly.”

“Wow, ‘Princess’ Twilight,” Rainbow Dash laughed. “How fancy is that?”

“Very fancy indeed,” Rarity said, she and Fluttershy finally joining the little group. “Who could have imagined that?”

“Not me, that’s for sure,” Twilight admitted. “But it grows on you, after a while.”

“Hey, can we see what you look like now?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I bet it’s aweso-”

Rainbow Dash was cut off a shout from Applejack.

“Big Mac, snap out of it!” she yelled.

The other ponies turned their heads to where Applejack and her family had wandered to, a bit away from the carriage.

And what they saw shocked them more than a little bit: Big Mac was clutching his head in pain, his eyes glowing green as he struggled to get back onto his hooves.

“Twilight!” Applejack yelled. “Help him, please!”

Twilight left her other friends where they were and rushed to Applejack and Granny Smith’s side. “What happened to him?” she asked as she approached Big Macintosh.

“He started muttering things again,” Applejack said. Her expression betrayed that she was on the verge of crying right now. She had hoped that Big Macintosh was saved but this proved that there was still something seriously wrong with him. “Ah don’t like this, Twilight,” Applejack said. “Not one bit.”

“Big Mac?” Twilight asked, looking the stallion in the eyes. Where before his pupils had been darting around unfocused, they were now aimed straight at her. “I need you to calm down. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.”

“As you command, Princess,” Big Macintosh said, doing as Twilight had instructed. Twilight repeated her directions a few times, holding her hooves on his shoulders as she did.

“What happened?” Twilight asked, turning away from Big Macintosh and to Applejack, who was still looking pretty shook up.

“Ah dunno,” Applejack admitted. “One minute we’re talking, hugging and all that. The next, he’s suddenly clamoring to me, telling us he’ll protect me…” Applejack swallowed hard as she remembered Queen Chrysalis’ words. “She said that he could become like this…”

Slowly but surely, Big Macintosh’s eyes turned back to normal as he continued to breathe in a steady pattern, calmed down by Twilight’s presence.

By now, Granny Smith knew that there was something horribly wrong with her grandchild. “Miss Twilight?” she asked. “Do you know what’s wrong with mah grandchild?” she asked, hoping that a smart pony such as Twilight would know.

“I’m not sure,” Twilight admitted as she let go off Big Mac and turned to face the elderly mare. “Whatever the queen did to him has left its marks on him, even if she tried to undo it.”

“Ah see.” Granny Smith frowned, though that was barely noticeable considering her advanced age.

“Twilight, could ah talk to you for a minute?” Applejack asked, pulling Twilight away from Granny Smith and Big Macintosh.

Applejack dragged her along for a little while, away from the parked carriage to just to stay out of hearing range of both her family and their friends. Still, it didn’t help that all of them, including some of Luna’s guards, were staring at them.

“Twilight,” Applejack began, speaking softly. “Ah need you to promise something to me,” she said, speaking a bit louder now.

“Applejack, I swear that I’ll do my best to help Big Macintosh,” Twilight said solemnly. “I tried to get him back to the hospital but he didn’t want to!” she said, finding it difficult keeping her voice down.

“That stubborn mule,” Applejack muttered. “Ah know you’ll do your best to help him Twilight but… promise me that if you can’t help him, you… you’ll…” Applejack sniffed a few times. “You’ll take care of him, will ya?”

Twilight had not expected that request from Applejack. She had already agreed with Big Macintosh to help him, at least until things got worse than she could handle. But from what Twilight could tell so far, things weren’t hopeless yet.

But what if they were? What if Big Macintosh never recovered from his harrowing experience in the changeling cocoon?

Despite her doubts, Twilight nodded. “I promise,” she said, holding one of Applejack’s hooves as she spoke. “But I won’t let it come to that.”

“Thank you, Twilight,” Applejack said,hugged her changeling friend.

“Um, AJ?”

The two friends turned to see Big Macintosh approaching them. “Ah’m sorry for scaring you and Granny Smith like that…” the stallion said, with a small voice. “Ah didn’t mean to.”

“It’s okay, ya big lug,” Applejack said, breaking the hug she was sharing with Twilight and moving to her big brother. “Just... just don’t do it again, okay?”

“Ah promise,” Big Mac said as he laid a hoof over Applejack’s back and pulled her close to him.

Twilight observed the siblings’ interaction, waiting to see if Big Macintosh would flip out again but thankfully, he did not. This left Twilight to wonder why. As far as she knew, Big Mac had not reacted so violently when he saw Granny Smith or Apple Bloom…

It was then that Twilight noticed a distinct lack of three fillies in red capes. She looked around to see where they could have ran off to but they were nowhere to be seen. Where could three hyperactive fillies hide on a landing strip?

“Something wrong, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked as she and the rest of Twilight’s friends came closer.

“Did anypony see where Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo ran off to?” Twilight asked.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders, Royal Guards!”

Everypony turned around to see three little fillies running around with oversized helmets on and wooden training swords on their backs.

“Apple Bloom?” Applejack called out and waved at her little sister.

“Applejack!” the filly yelled back as she rushed towards her big sister. “You came back! And ye’re okay!”

“Right as rain, thanks to Princess Luna and the others,” Applejack said. The other crusaders joined them as well, all three of them with wide smiles on their faces.

“Uhm, Apple Bloom? What’s with the getup?” Applejack asked, pointing at the Crusader’s almost comically large helmets.

“Didn’t you hear us?” Sweetie Belle asked, cocking her head in confusion. “We’re Royal Guards now!”

“That’s cute and all but ah think it’s time you return those,” Applejack said, pointing at the training swords they carried with them. “You know, before you hurt yourselves with them.”

“No can do,” Scootaloo said. “We enlisted!”

“Come again?” Rarity asked, stepping closer to the trio and Applejack.

Applejack rubbed her forehead as she felt a slight migraine coming up. She sighed and turned to the others. “Ah think we need to set some things right here. You guys go on ahead, ah’ll handle this and catch up with you later.”

“You sure?” Twilight asked.

“Sure as sugar,” Applejack said, before laying a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “We’ll talk more later, okay? Just know that ah don’t mind you being a changeling, not one bit. No matter what ya look like.”

“Thanks Applejack,” Twilight said as Applejack confirmed what she knew by now.

“Come on,” Rainbow Dash said, pulling Twilight along with her. “The princesses are waiting for you, ‘Princess’ Sparkle. And you really need to see the souvenir we brought from the Wastelands, your mom sent it along.”

Twilight cringed a bit when Rainbow referred to the queen as her mother but said nothing of it.

“You okay?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I’m fine,” Twilight assured her. “Let’s just go, can’t keep Celestia waiting, can we?”


Twilight Sparkle and her entourage of ponies and changelings allowed Princess Luna’s guards to escort them into the castle. After a familiar trek through the welcoming hallways, they eventually ended up in the castle’s throne room, where Princess Celestia was eagerly awaiting their arrival.

“My faithful student,” Celestia said as Twilight walked into the room. “So good to see you again.”

“I haven’t been gone for that long, have I?” Twilight asked as she walked towards Celestia, who was waiting at the base of her throne.

“You didn’t respond to my last letter,” Celestia pointed out as she gave Twilight a hug.

“That’s sort of my fault,” Spike admitted as he came up to the two princesses.

“Hello to you too, Spike,” Celestia said, lowering her head to look at Spike. As she raised her head again, she noticed somepony in particular standing amongst the rest of Twilight’s friends. “Big Macintosh, please step closer.”

Everypony stepped out of the way to allow Big Macintosh through. The strong stallion walked towards them with a modest smile on his face. When he did arrive, he turned to Twilight Sparkle, instead of Princess Celestia.

Celestia, however, said nothing of this. Instead she turned to Twilight Sparkle with a hint of confusion on her face.

Twilight laughed nervously and pointed at Celestia. Big Macintosh got the hint and turned to face the alicorn.

“Big Macintosh,” Celestia said, once she was sure that she held Big Mac’s attention. “You have proven a great service to your country and your princesses. Your bravery and strength not only protected my little ponies from harm but in the long term also contributed to the creation of a dialogue with the changelings.”

“Eyup,” Big Mac said, a blush finding its way to his face. He was not used to being complimented like that, especially not by somepony like Princess Celestia.

“For that, I wish to bestow you with the title of Knight of Equestria, tomorrow at a festivity in your honor,” Celestia explained.

“Ah thank you kindly, princess,” Big Mac said. “But ah don’t need such things. Just did what any pony would’ve done.”

Celestia nodded. “And humble as well,” she said. “Truly, you’re an example for us all.”

By now, Big Macintosh’s face had all but turned bright pink because of Celestia’s praising, much to Granny Smith’s amusement.

“I think that’s enough for now, sister,” Princess Luna said, appearing from behind the assorted crowd of ponies and changelings. “Look at what you’re doing to this poor stallion,” she said, pointing at Big Mac’s blushing face.

“Little sister, I mean each and every word I said,” Celestia said truthfully. However, she couldn’t help but shoot a mischievous wink at Luna.

With a sigh, Luna took her place standing next to her sister and addressed Big Macintosh as well. “I am glad to see you so well, Big Macintosh. I look forward to knighting you tomorrow evening.”

“As do I,” Celestia added.

“Eyup,” Big Mac said, more than a bit overwhelmed. After all, he was just a regular farm stallion and not used to being talked to by royalty, let alone the rulers of Equestria.

“Then it’s settled,” Luna said. “Proper preparations shall be made for tomorrow’s feast!” she proclaimed.

“Until then, you and your family are free to stay here at the castle,” Celestia said to Big Macintosh. “I’ve sent for some ponies to come and help you settle in.”

“You’re too kind, Princess Celestia,” Big Macintosh bowed before her.

Celestia and Luna returned the gesture by a curt, graceful bow to show their respect.

“Twilight Sparkle.” Princess Luna had waited until both Big Macintosh and Granny Smith had been escorted away, before addressing the disguised changeling. “It is good to see you in the waking world.”

“Good to see you too, Princess Luna,” Twilight said, a smile flashing across her face as she thought back to the pleasant dream Luna had provided her with.

“Please, call me Luna,” Luna said. “You of all ponies, or changelings I should say, have earned that right.”

“Okay then, Luna,” Twilight said, a bit hesitant.

“Ooh, can we call you Luna too, huh, Luna?” Pinkie Pie asked as she bounced up and down in front of Luna. Somehow, Pinkie Pie had wormed her way in between Twilight and Luna without either of them noticing. “Or can we call you Lulu?”

Luna sighed. “Yes, Pinkie Pie, you may call me by my name. But do not dare to call me ‘Lulu’ , you hear me?!” she all but screamed in the pink pony’s face.

“Got it, Lulu,” Pinkie Pie cheered, causing Luna’s left eye to twitch a little bit.

“Take a deep breath, sister,” Celestia said to Luna and rubbed a wing over her back. “Deep breathes… um, Pinkie Pie?” Celestia noticed something sitting inside Pinkie’s mane. “What is that?” she asked, pointing at the fluff ball that Pinkie commonly referred to as ‘mane.’

“That’s my new friend!” Pinkie cheered as she pulled the nymph out of her mane, where he had been snoozing since they left the landing zone.

“Please, don’t tell me you brought one of Queen Chrysalis’ nymphs here,” Luna said, her eyes wide with fear. This could prove to be very bad for the frail treaty they had formed.

“It’s okay,” Twilight said, walking over to stand next to Pinkie Pie, so she had a clear view on her little brother. “He hitched a ride over here inside a gift from the queen. I doubt she knows he’s here though.”

“That reminds me,” Luna said, having calmed down again. “Queen Chrysalis sent a gift along with us. She’s waiting for you in the guest room.”

“She?” Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash been rather vague about the gift Chrysalis had sent along.

“You’ll see,” Luna said with a knowing voice. “Now run along, all of you.”

“There’s no need to worry about anything concerning the festivities we’ve planned,” Celestia said. “We will take care of everything.”

“Can I help?” Pinkie Pie asked, a broad smile on her face as she made her best ‘pleading’ face at Luna and Celestia.

Luna sighed, causing Celestia to giggle. “Fine,” Luna said. “But you are to do exactly as I say, when I say, do you understand?”

“Sure do, Lulu,” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully.

“Then wait outside,” Luna said. “I will come see you soon. As for the rest of you…” she turned to Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. “Enjoy the rest of the day here in Canterlot. Rooms will be prepared for you.”

“Thank you so much, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia,” Rarity said with a bow.

“Thank you,” Fluttershy squeaked. Even though she had met both princesses up close several times, she was still more than a little bit intimidated by their mere presence.

“Come on,” Rainbow Dash pulled on Twilight’s hoof, to drag her away. “Let’s go see your present and then we can do something important!”

“Like what?” Twilight asked as she allowed Rainbow Dash to guide her away, which was much against Sucker Punch’s liking.

“Flying lessons,” Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

The royal pair watched as the throne room emptied again.

“Should we have told them about what I saw?” Luna asked, looking her sister in the eyes.

“No, not yet,” Celestia said. “It would only worry Twilight. We’ll get around to my problems after the party.”

“Don’t call it that!” Luna hushed her. “The pink one will hear you!”

“The pink one is right outside, you do know that?” Celestia teased.

“Very funny,” Luna shot back. “That reminds me, I left an invitation in Blueblood’s room.”

“Did you leave it somewhere where he would find it?” Celestia asked.

“I stuck it in between his jewelry collection,” Luna explained. “He checks that every day.”

“His talisman collection,” Celestia corrected her sister. “You know how he gets when you call them jewelry.”

“Same difference,” Luna pointed out. “Now come, sister. I will not suffer the pink one’s insanity alone.”


Twilight followed Rainbow Dash, who lead her and the others through the castle and into the guest wing. “Tell me, Rainbow Dash. What exactly did the queen send with you?” Luna had all but spoiled it for her but Twilight was still curious. Perhaps this surprise gift was the nearby presence she had felt earlier.

“A surprise,” Rainbow Dash said. “A weird surprise though.” She turned to face Twilight. “Your mom’s weird.”

“Didn’t notice that before,” Twilight said with a roll of her eyes. At least this time she didn’t cringe when Rainbow Dash called the queen her mother.

“That reminds me,” Rainbow Dash jumped ahead and landed in front of Twilight. “Show me.”

“Show you what?” Twilight asked, narrowing her eyes.

“You know,” Rainbow Dash said, nonchalantly waving a hoof around. “What you look like?”

“I’ll show you later,” Twilight said, sidestepping Rainbow Dash. “After I’ve seen my ‘gift’ in person.” She didn’t really feel like transforming in the middle of a hallway, nor was she looking forward to Rainbow Dash’s comments on her form.

Rainbow Dash shrugged and quickly overtook Twilight. She took the lead again and guided Twilight to the room she, Applejack and Pinkie Pie had been staying since they arrived back at the castle.

“Go ahead,” Rainbow Dash said, pointing at the door.

Twilight stared at it for a bit, trying to sense what was behind it. She had picked up on something when she arrived in the castle but she wasn’t experienced enough with the hivemind or its occupants to know just who it was.

However, she was familiar enough with Sucker Punch and the rest of her brothers to know that this changeling wasn’t a Praetorian like them.

Twilight lifted her hoof to open the door, only to find it opening before her. A changeling stuck her head through the small opening and gasped. “Princess Amaryllis?” she asked, looking straight into Twilight’s eyes, before averting her gaze.

The Great and Powerful Changeling opened the door for Twilight and all but fell to her knees in front of her. “Oh Princess Amaryllis, this Great and Powerful Changeling is but a humble servant to you. Queen Chrysalis has assigned her to be your personal servant and she will do her best to serve you.”

Twilight’s eyes widened as she heard this changeling speak. “It’s you,” Twilight said. “The pony in the pod, back at the hive.”

The Changeling nodded. “Queen Chrysalis hoofpicked me to be your servant,” she said.

“Great and Powerful Changeling?” Rarity asked, speaking up for the first time since they left the throne room. “Why does that sound so familiar?”

Twilight walked past the Great and Powerful Changeling and into the room she had been waiting in. This was something that they shouldn’t deal with in the hallway, no matter how few ponies were still in the castle.

“Can this Changeling get you anything?” Twilight’s personal servant asked. “She lives to serve you now.”

“Creepy,” Rainbow Dash whispered.

Twilight stared at the changeling before her. There were no defining features to this creature, nothing to tell her apart from any of the other changelings Twilight had seen so far. The only thing setting her apart was how she referred to herself.

She thought back to the pony she had seen in the pod, the one that Chrysalis had told her about. Lost and alone in the streets of Las Pegasus. Was this actually her? Until now, Twilight had been pretty sure that said pony had been Trixie but she hadn’t thought to ask the queen about it.

“Trixie?” Twilight asked, observing the changeling’s reaction to the name. Twilight didn’t know whether the changeling would react at all, as she didn’t know much about the conversion process, yet.

“Trixie?” the changeling echoed. “That name… it means nothing to this Changeling.” The Great and Powerful Changeling fidgeted, a look of mild distress on her face. “Nothing at all,” she added, though nopony truly believed her.

Twilight turned around to look at Rainbow Dash, who shrugged. “She was like that when we left the hive,” Rainbow explained.

“Now then, can this Great and Powerful Changeling serve you in any way?” the Changeling asked, hoping to steer away from this sensitive subject.

Unfortunately, Twilight would not be swayed so easily. Perhaps this changeling could provide her with the answers she needed. But Twilight knew that she would have to tread lightly, given how nervous the Great and Powerful Changeling got over the mere mentioning of her old name.

Twilight turned to face the changeling. “Girls,” she said. “Could you leave the two of us alone for the time being? I need to ask her some questions.”

“Take all the time you need, dear,” Rarity said as Twilight closed the door behind her, leaving her friends in the hallway.

“Questions, my princess?” the Great and Powerful Changeling asked. “What kind of questions?” she asked, before slapping a hoof over her mouth.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked. This changeling was getting stranger by the minute.

“It was rude of this Changeling to assume that she could ask her princess questions like that,” the Changeling said, bowing deeply before Twilight.

“It’s okay, really,” Twilight said as she walked past the changeling and towards the cloud bed in the room. It was obviously there for Rainbow Dash but it looked so comfortable and Twilight wanted to test something.

She lifted a hoof and touched it, only to break through the soft material like it wasn’t even there.

Flames licked across Twilight’s body as she turned back into her changeling form, causing the Great and Powerful Changeling to gasp.

“My princess,” she whispered in awe.

Twilight lifted her hoof again and placed it on the cloud bed, only to meet resistance this time. Trying her luck, Twilight jumped up on the bed, which held her weight and was incredibly comfy.

“Sit down, make yourself comfortable,” Twilight said.

The changeling nodded and sat down on the regular bed, opposite of the cloud Twilight was sitting on.

“There we go,” Twilight said once the changeling had settled down again. “Look, I just want to ask you some questions, okay?”

“Whatever the princess desires,” the Great and Powerful Changeling said, though she didn’t seem as enthusiastic as before.

Twilight took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a second, as she wondered just how far she could go. Demanding information from this changeling would probably upset her greatly. Twilight hadn’t forgotten how Sucker Punch had reacted when she had named him.

“I know this won’t be easy,” Twilight started out. “But I want to understand. Tell me if I go too far, okay?”

The Great and Powerful Changeling nodded, a look of worry on her face.

“What do you remember?” Twilight asked, secretly wishing that she had notebook or something similar on her. “From before the ‘rebirth’?”

“This Changeling remembers very little,” the changeling admitted. “Memories fade into the hivemind, never to return. But she does remember rocks… thousands of them. And shiny golden coins.”

Twilight nodded, urging the changeling to continue.

“She remembers a dark evening, a shady house and…” the changeling frowned. “Something important. Whatever it was, it caused this changeling to run until she passed out, in the middle of the street in some city. That’s where this changeling was found. The queen made her offer there and she saved this Great and Powerful Changeling.”

“I see,” Twilight said. That didn’t tell her much but if the Great and Powerful Changeling couldn’t remember more than that, then Twilight wouldn’t push her too hard. “Do you remember anything about your family?” she tried, hoping that that subject would earn her a better response.

“Family?” the changeling asked. “The hive is her family now. But she does vaguely remember an older stallion with kind eyes…”

By now, the Great and Powerful Changeling’s expression was shifting between frustration and worry as she tried to focus on the memories, even if she didn’t want to. But she’d do anything to please her princess.

And then something snapped inside of her.

“Trixie also remembers… Twilight Sparkle!” the Great and Powerful Changeling cried out as images assaulted her mind, returning from wherever they had disappeared to with full force. “Twilight Sparkle! You were there! When this Great and Powerful Changeling was performing somewhere, she was there…”

Twilight’s eyes widened. She almost wanted to jump off the bed and get away from Trixie but stopped herself, as the Great and Powerful Changeling seemed to calm herself down.

“This Changeling… Trixie… she was so angry with Twilight Sparkle. But she isn’t sure why. She doesn’t know what Twilight Sparkle did to her, if anything at all.” The changeling sighed. “But you are my princess. Twilight Sparkle or not. This Changeling is loyal to you.”

By now, the Great and Powerful Changeling was trembling in her spot, her eyes shifting from side to side and her breathing was uneven.

“I’m sorry,” Twilight said, looking at the trembling changeling with compassion in her eyes. “I hadn’t expected that you’d react like that.” Though a little voice inside Twilight reminded her that she should have expected such a reaction, given her experience with Sucker Punch.

A ripple coursed through the hivemind, causing Twilight to jump in shock.

“You really shouldn’t bother them like that,” the Great and Powerful Changeling said, using a very different voice than she had before. “New converts get upset very easily, as you’ve just seen.”

The Great and Powerful Changeling’s eyes had changed. Where they had been blue before, they were now green, just like Twilight’s.

“You,” Twilight said, looking into the queen’s eyes. “How are you…”

“Long distance communication,” Chrysalis said. “One of the many reasons I sent this changeling along with Princess Luna. Imagine my surprise when I felt how this particular changeling got more and more upset.”

“I didn’t mean to,” Twilight said, still a bit shocked by the sudden appearance of the queen in this form. “I just wanted answers.”

“Don’t we all?” Chrysalis asked, her trademark smirk falling a bit short of the mark on her temporary host. She looked around the room, recognizing it as part of the castle. “So Celestia didn’t kick you out after all…” she whispered.

Chrysalis turned her attention back to Twilight, noting how strange it was to be seeing her at eye level now. “Twilight, am I right to assume that one of my children came to Equestria with you?” she asked, hoping that her daughter knew more about this. The young changeling wasn’t linked into the hive mind yet, so she had no hopes of finding him in that way.

“He’s safe,” Twilight assured her. “He hitched a ride in one of those chests you gave me. He’s with Pinkie Pie right now.”

“Good,” Chrysalis purred. “The pink one is strange but the nymphs at the hive seemed to like her. Tell her that my promise is still valid.” Chrysalis hadn’t actually pulled somepony’s spleen out before with the intent of beating them senseless with it but she was willing to try new things.

“We need to talk,” Twilight said. It was more than a little unsettling to see how easily the queen assumed control of the Great and Powerful Changeling’s body. She briefly wondered if she could be controlled like that as well, but she was quick to push those thoughts aside for the time being.

Right now, she just wanted answers.

“Why did you hurt Cadance?” Twilight asked. Plain and simple.

“Uh, Cadance?” Chrysalis should have seen that question coming up sooner or later. Unfortunately for Twilight, Chrysalis was more interested in what happened between her and Celestia. “So Celestia didn’t banish you? She doesn’t hate you?” Princess Celestia had all but told her that in person, the last time they spoke but it still came like a surprise to Chrysalis.

And even after a thousand years, it still made her heart hurt. She felt a twinge of jealousy forming which she mercilessly crushed.

“No,” Twilight admitted. “She didn’t.” Twilight was a bit hesitant to tell Chrysalis of what she and Celestia had gone through. For Twilight, it was a sort of petty revenge since Chrysalis hadn’t told her about Cadance either. “And don’t change the subject, please. Why did you kidnap Cadance? Why did you hurt her?”

“Because of you,” Chrysalis said. “I did it for you. I was worried, your brother’s love was being given to her and I panicked,” she said calmly.

“But why did you hurt her?!” Twilight demanded to know. Chrysalis was dodging the question and Twilight did not like that one bit. She left the cloud bed and stood up, standing closer to Chrysalis than before.

“I needed information,” Chrysalis admitted. “I see much but not everything. She didn’t want to help, so I…” Chrysalis cleared her borrowed throat a few times. “I threatened her and your brother. I fed her just enough to keep her healthy and alive. I would have released her after all of this was over, if she hadn’t been found by then.”

By now, Twilight was getting angry. Beyond angry even, she was downright furious! Flames were forming in her mane as her anger grew. “Healthy?” she screamed. “She was malnourished and wounded! Worst of all, she was scared!”

Chrysalis gasped as her daughter seemingly burst into flames before her. Where her mane had whisps of flame in it before, it had now turned into a raging inferno, burning with bright, emerald green flames and lighting up the room. Strange shadows danced across the room, given shape by the sinister flames.

“I may have gone a bit too far,” Chrysalis admitted.

Twilight didn’t say anything. She just glared at Chrysalis with eyes burning like hot coals as the flames grew ever larger, threatening to burn down the entire castle.

“I wasn’t thinking straight!” Chrysalis yelled at the changeling turned flame. “I had already lost two of my daughters! I didn’t want to lose you too! I love you, Amaryllis!”

That seemed to cool Twilight down a bit. The flames died down as quickly as they had ignited and turned back into her relatively normal mane

“I… I had to do this,” Chrysalis explained with a tremble in her voice. She looked straight into Twilight’s eyes, who had visibly calmed down by now. “I didn’t want you to end up like Iridescence. All I wanted was for you to be safe.”

“Iridescence? Was that her name?” Twilight asked softly. Filthy Rich hadn’t told her his sister’s name. And the queen just confirmed that Twilight had had two sisters…

Chrysalis nodded. “It was. She… she died. Not enough love, too much hate. I found her, curled up in her big brother’s hooves… It was far too late for me to save her. I didn’t want you to end up like her.” Chrysalis said.

Twilight found it hard to remain mad at the queen. Anypony could tell that she was being sincere about this but Twilight just couldn’t forgive her that easily. After all, it was not her place to forgive.

“I couldn’t lose you too,” Chrysalis continued. “I did what I had to. I am not sorry for that.”

“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to,” Twilight stated, looking straight at Chrysalis. “Shining Armor and Cadance are.”

Chrysalis was no fool. Twilight didn’t need to say it but Chrysalis knew that the two of them would never get along if she didn’t apologize to those two ponies. She weighed her options but found that it would be worth it to swallow her pride as queen of the changelings, just to apologize for what she had done to Cadance and Shining Armor.

In the end, it would all be worth it to have her daughter on good terms with her. Or at least better terms, Chrysalis thought. Like she and her mother before, Chrysalis and Twilight would probably never have the mother-daughter relationship that Chrysalis desired. But as long as the hive lived on, it would be worth it.

“Very well then,” Chrysalis said, making her decision. “I will apologize to them.”

“Not now,” Twilight said. “They’re still in the hospital. And Cadance is terrified of changelings, thanks to you.”

That tidbit of information meant little to Chrysalis. She wasn’t here to make friends, after all. But the accusing tone of her daughter got to her anyway.

Was she getting soft? Chrysalis briefly wondered about that, before dismissing the thought. The continued existence of her hive was at stake here. In the end, that was all that mattered.

Twilight walked over to her and, much to Chrysalis’ surprise, gave her a quick hug.

“I should go,” Chrysalis said, looking her daughter in the eyes. “We’ll talk more later.”

Twilight watched as the changeling’s eyes turned back to normal. The queen had released her hold on the Great and Powerful Changeling.

Twilight let go as well, falling back and just slumped to the ground, with her back against the cloud bed’s board. She felt more than a bit drained after the display she had put up mere minutes ago.

“My princess,” the Great and Powerful Changeling said. “Let this Changeling help you up.”

The changeling reached down and offered a hoof to Twilight, who took it and allowed the Great and Powerful Changeling to put her back on all four hooves.

“How are you feeling?” Twilight asked once she had been helped up for the umpteenth time today.

“Strange,” she answered. “She had not expected that the queen would call on this Changeling’s services so soon.”

“Are you going to be okay?” Twilight asked, genuinely worried.

“Yes, she shall be,” the changeling said. “This Great and Powerful Changeling just… it’s strange but she feels like she’s missing something. Talking with you stirred up some strange feelings in this changeling.”

Twilight nodded. “I think I may know what that something is,” she said, thinking back to when Trixie visited Ponyville. “Come with me.”

“As you command, princess.”

Twilight moved to the door to open it, only to be passed by the Great and Powerful Changeling, who opened it for her.

“Waah!” A cry of surprise came from the other side of the door. Twilight hurried through, only to find Rainbow Dash sprawled on her back.

“I wasn’t listening in!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Honest!”

“Uh-huh,” Twilight said. “Sure you weren’t.”

“You’ll have to forgive Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said. “We heard yelling and we got worried.”

“I wanted to break down the door,” Rainbow Dash said as she jumped back onto her hooves. “Rarity wouldn’t let me.”

“I’m sure that Twilight handled the situation just fine on her own, didn’t you?” Rarity asked.

Twilight nodded “I did. Rarity, could you do me a favor?”

“Of course I can,” Rarity said with a flutter of her eye lashes. “What can I for you?”

“It’s not for me, it’s for her,” Twilight said, pointing at the Great and Powerful Changeling, who was still holding the door open. “Can you make her something?” Twilight leaned in closer to Rarity and whispered something in her ear.

“Yes, uh-huh… so it is her?” Rarity muttered as Twilight explained the details of her plan. “I would never have been able to tell,” she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. “But yes, I can do that for you, Twilight.”

“Thank you Rarity,” Twilight said, turning to the Great and Powerful Changeling. “I have a job for you,” she said.

“How may this Changeling serve you?” she asked.

“I want you to go with Rarity here,” Twilight pointed at the white unicorn next to her. “Listen to what she says and do as she says, okay?”

“Yes, my princess,” the changeling said, albeit a bit hesitant.

“Come along, darling,” Rarity said. “I’m sure the two of us will get along nicely.”

The Great and Powerful Changeling looked back at Twilight, before following after Rarity. Spike looked at Twilight, who nodded at him.

Spike ran off after the two of them, both to keep an eye on the Great and Powerful Changeling and help Rarity out however he could.

“Looking good, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash said as she took a closer look at Twilight. “A bit weird but nothing worse than usual,” she said casually.

In the aftermath of her discussion with the queen, Twilight had forgotten that she had turned into her true form. Luckily, Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to care.

“Careful with that thing,” Rainbow Dash said, poking her hoof at Twilight’s crooked horn. “You might poke somepony’s eye out.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, as Rainbow Dash took a closer look at the new Twilight.

“Weird holes in your legs, holes in your mane,” Rainbow Dash poked Twilight in the side a few times. “Still squishy,” she added. “But not as squishy as before,” Rainbow Dash pointed out, as Twilight’s skin was a lot tougher than she remembered it.

Eventually, Rainbow Dash’s eyes stopped on what she considered the most important change. “So, have you taken these babies for a test flight yet?” Rainbow Dash asked, indicating Twilight’s wings. She tugged on them to illustrate her point.

Twilight moved her wings away from Rainbow Dash’s hooves. “Besides gliding, no,” she said.

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Well then, let’s change that!”


“This is a bad idea,” Twilight said. The top of the tallest tower in Canterlot castle was pretty much the last place she wanted to be right now. The observatory wasn’t meant to be used as a diving board.

Fluttershy wasn’t exactly at ease either, as she stayed as far away from the edge as possible.

“What’s the worst that could happen?” Rainbow Dash asked, having to speak up over the roaring winds.

“I could fall to my death,” Twilight said, looking a bit queasy after taking a peek over the balustrade. “And then you’d get mauled by those guys.”

“What guys?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Wordlessly, Twilight’s four guards turned visible for a few seconds, before camouflaging themselves again. Twilight had noticed the three missing ones joining Sucker Punch mere minutes ago.

“Good arguments,” Rainbow Dash said.


“This is much better,” Fluttershy said. The castle gardens were much safer for a starting flyer, with plenty of grass and open spaces.

Obviously, it would still hurt when somepony hit said grass but it was still a better idea than taking a leap of faith from the top of a tower.

“Okay then, lesson number one!” Rainbow Dash yelled, taking up the mantle of teacher for once. “Spread your wings and… well, I’m stumped,” Rainbow Dash admitted.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked. She craned her neck around to look at her wings but didn’t see anything wrong with them.

“Your wings,” Rainbow Dash said. “How did I not see that before? I mean, look at them!”

Twilight wiggled her insect-like wings a few times and flashed Rainbow Dash an awkward smile.

“They’re just different,” Fluttershy pointed out. She gingerly raised a hoof and rubbed one of Twilight’s wings. “See? There’s actually two on each side. And you don’t just beat them up and down like pegasi but also forwards and backwards.”

Both Twilight and Rainbow stared at Fluttershy as if she had grown a second head or something. Fluttershy smiled awkwardly and shuffled her hooves nervously, wondering if she had said something wrong.

“Congratulations, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash cheered, breaking the silent spell. “You’re Twilight’s new flying instructor, since you seem to know how those wing things work.”

“But I’m not… I don’t think I’m qualified to teach anypony.” Fluttershy shrank back, obviously intimidated by the responsibility that Rainbow Dash dumped on her. Fluttershy could already imagine the many ways this could end badly.

“It’s okay, Fluttershy,” Twilight said. She had easily picked up on the fear and doubt Fluttershy was feeling right now. “I don’t have to learn how to fly right away,” she said.

Instantly, Twilight noticed a sense of relief coming from Fluttershy.

“Yes, you do,” Rainbow Dash said. “Come on, Twilight! Flying is the most awesome thing ever! And besides, I’ve been looking for a new flying buddy for ages!”

“Can I be your flying buddy?” somepony asked.

Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Twilight turned around and saw Scootaloo standing there. The filly had a broad smile on her face and expecting eyes.

“Sure, why not?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I did promise to teach you how to fly. But do you think you’ve got what it takes?”

“I do!” Scootaloo yelled. “Oh, this is going to be so awesome!” she cheered and flapped her wings in excitement.

“Where’re Applejack and the others?” Twilight asked. She wouldn’t put it past Scootaloo to run way ahead of them, especially when it came to spending time with her hero, Rainbow Dash.

“Right here, sugarcube,” Applejack said as she and the other Crusaders came running up to them. “Scoots ran ahead of us,” she said.

Twilight turned to face Applejack and smiled at her, accidentally flashing her fangs at her friend.

Applejack stopped in her tracks and took a good look at Twilight. She looked so much like the changeling queen, Applejack realized. It was a bit scary, seeing Twilight up close and realizing just how similar she was to her birthmother.

Twilight continued to smile awkwardly at Applejack, waiting for any sort of reaction. It didn’t help that everypony had turned silent as the two friends stared at each other.

“Looking good, Twilight,” Applejack eventually said. “A little freaky, if ya don’t mind me saying so but good.”

“Hey!” Sweetie Belle yelled. “Twilight’s not freaky! She’s a fullblown Cutie Mark Crusader, you know!” The little unicorn rushed to Twilight’s side, her helmet slipping over her eyes as she did so.

“Ah didn’t mean it in a bad way,” Applejack assured her. “Twilight knows this, right Twilight?”

Twilight nodded. “It’s okay, Sweetie Belle. And besides…” Twilight held her left front leg up and looked through one of the holes in it. “This is a bit freaky.”

“Nah,” Apple Bloom stated. “Just different.”

“And a bit weird,” Applejack said with a laugh.

“So, did you manage to fix whatever mess they got into?” Twilight asked Applejack, since Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were still wearing their oversized helmets.

“Wasn’t as bad as ah thought it was,” Applejack said. “Turns out they didn’t enlist. The keeper of the armory just gave them some old helmets and training swords, said it might inspire one of them to become a royal guard.”

“It worked for my brother,” Twilight said.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders, Captains of the royal guard! Yay!” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom yelled.

“Looks like your brother’ll have some competition in the future,” Applejack said. “If they stick with it for longer than an hour,” she whispered to Twilight, who just giggled.

“So, are you guys going to stick around while we strut our stuff?” Rainbow Dash asked, hovering over Twilight’s and Applejack’s head. “You might learn something,” she said to Twilight specifically.

Twilight looked at Fluttershy, before turning back to Rainbow Dash. “Actually, I think I’m going to go visit my brother and Cadance in the hospital.”

“Suit yourself,” Rainbow Dash said with a shrug.

“Do you want to come with me?” Twilight asked Fluttershy.

“Of course,” Fluttershy said. “I’d love to see Princess Cadance again.”

“Ah’ll tag along too, if you don’t mind,” Applejack pitched in. “Hey Rainbow Dash, can ah trust you with the little ones?”

“Don’t worry about a thing, Applejack,” Rainbow Dash said. “I’ll keep an eye on them.”

“You girls will be nice to Rainbow Dash, won’t you?” Fluttershy asked, as sweetly as ever.

Instantly, the three Crusaders lined up and flashed her a smile, complete with little halos over their heads. “Sure we will,” Apple Bloom said.

“We’ll be good!” Sweetie Belle pitched in.

“Can’t promise anything,” Scootaloo said. “But I’ll do my best.”

“Relax, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said. “What’s the worst that can happen?”


The two ponies and one changeling queen-to-be left Rainbow Dash at the mercy of the three Cutie Mark Crusaders and headed out into Canterlot. On their way out of the castle, they noticed plenty of Luna’s guards running around, doing all sorts of things ranging from patrolling to fetching supplies for the planned festivities.

“How’s your brother been?” Applejack asked her disguised friend. “Can’t imagine Queen Chrysalis went easy on him.”

“He’s fine, mostly,” Twilight said. “A bit roughed up and the sulfur really did a number on him but the doctor said he’ll be fine.”

“That’s mighty fine to hear,” Applejack said, a hint of relief in her voice. Both she and Twilight had been worrying over their big brothers, so she more than understood how Twilight felt right now.

Applejack then remembered her promise to the queen of the changelings. “Hey Twilight, ah suppose you already know this but Queen Chrysalis helped Big Macintosh out.”

“Obviously,” Twilight said, a bit more sarcastic than she had wanted to.

“The thing is, she didn’t have to. Nopony, not even Princess Luna, could have forced her to,” Applejack said. “Ah think that behind that whole ‘evil queen’ thing, she’s actually an almost nice pony, ah mean, changeling.” Though Applejack knew better than to ignore the fact that the changeling queen was fond of stuffing both willing and unwilling ponies into pods. That was something that she couldn’t quite forget.

“I’m not sure,” Twilight said. She moved to the side of the road they had been following and laid down on an empty bench. “You know what she did to Cadance. To my brother. And to my parents.”

Applejack and Fluttershy joined her on the bench, sitting on either side of Twilight.

“Worst thing is, I now sort of understand why she did it,” Twilight said, keeping her voice down so no other ponies would hear her. “Turns out, she had two daughters before me. They both…. they both passed away.”

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy gasped.

“So ah reckon that she went all out to make sure that you survived?” Applejack asked.

Twilight nodded.

“Can’t say ah blame her then,” Applejack said. “At the same time, ah can’t agree with her methods either. Seems to me like like it’s one of them ‘catchy twenty-two’ situations. Either way, somepony would’ve gotten hurt.”

Twilight was a bit surprised with how understanding Applejack was about the whole situation, especially when considering that her big brother had got caught up in the crossfire.

“But what’s done is done,” Applejack said, noticing Twilight’s confused look. “For now, ah think it’s best that we look ahead, not back and work hard to make sure things’ll turn out for the best

“Well said,” Twilight agreed, though she knew better than to think it would be an easy goal to accomplish. There would be plenty more bumps on the road to peace between Equestria and the Wastelands. But if the recent events were any indication of what was to come, everything might just end up fine after all.


It took a bit longer than expected but eventually the three of them arrived at the hospital, where they were greeted by the same receptionist as before.

“Here to see your brother again?” the pale pegasus asked.

Twilight nodded.

“Room… 404, he was moved recently,” the receptionist said.

“Thank you.” Twilight obviously knew this already, having visited Cadance and Shining Armor before.

Twilight lead the way towards the stairs and up them, towards room 404.

“Knock-knock,” Twilight said, pushing the door open slightly.

“Twilight?” Cadance asked. “Come on in!”

Twilight pushed the door open entirely and stepped into the room. Cadance was sitting on a chair in between her own bed and Shining Armor’s. Said stallion was currently in a deep sleep and thus hadn’t noticed anypony coming in.

“Hi Cadance!” Twilight greeted her old foal-sitter. “How are you? How’s your ankle?”

“I’m fine, Twilight,” Cadance assured her. “My ankle still hurts a lot but the doctors think it’ll recover faster than expected.”

“That’s good to hear,” Twilight said, her voice showing her relief.

Cadance nodded. She then noticed the two ponies still standing in the doorframe. “Don’t be shy, you two. Come on in!”

“Hey there, princess,” Applejack said as she walked into the room with Fluttershy trailing behind her.

“Hi,” Fluttershy squeaked.

“No need for formalities. Right, Cadance?” Twilight asked.

“Of course not,” Cadance said.

“I mean, I’m a princess too but nopony calls me that,” Twilight joked.

“Should we?” Fluttershy asked, instantly thinking that she might have offended Twilight by not referring to her by her title.

“Of course not,” Twilight quickly said. “I was just joking, Fluttershy, honest.”

“Oh, okay then.” Fluttershy smiled again.

“Hello, Fluttershy,” Cadance said to the softspoken mare. “It’s good to see you again.”

“It’s good to see you too, princess. Uh, I mean, Cadance,” Fluttershy corrected herself. “I’m just so glad that you’re okay.”

“Fluttershy’s been very worried about you,” Twilight explained.

“I’m in good hooves here,” Cadance assured Fluttershy. “And I wouldn't have been here if it weren’t for you and your other friend, Rarity. Thank you, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy blushed and hid behind her mane to hide her red cheeks.

Cadance turned to Twilight, who just smiled at her. “She’s always like that,” Twilight whispered. “Just give her some time to open up to you.”

“Just like you and me?” Cadance asked. “If I remember correctly, it took some time before you dared to call me ‘Cadance’ instead of ‘princess’ or ‘your highness,’ right?”

“Cadance, you don’t have to tell my friends about that,” Twilight said. Now it was her turn to blush.

“Look on the bright side, Twilight,” Applejack said. “At least Rainbow Dash isn’t here to laugh at you.”

“Applejack,” Cadance said. “I’m sorry for ignoring you just now.”

“That’s okay, Cadance,” Applejack said, the name feeling a bit weird to her without the royal prefix attached to it.

“You have my thanks as well,” Cadance continued. “For going out to rescue Twilight and Shining Armor.” Cadance turned in her seat and nudged her sleeping fiance a few times. “Shiny, wake up. We have visitors!”

“Huh? What?” Those were the only intelligible words that came out of the captain’s mouth. The rest were more akin to the sounds of a sleeping bear being disturbed from its hibernation.

Shining Armor sat up, rubbed his eyes a few times and smacked his lips a few times. “I’m up,” he said, his voice betraying that he was still half asleep.

Twilight, Applejack and Cadance all snickered at the sight of the drowsy stallion. Fluttershy settled for a polite giggle at the stallion’s expense.

“What’s the matter?” Shining Armor asked. Thus far, he had not noticed that his mane was sticking out in every direction possible. If Rarity had been there, she may have had a heart attack, brought on by the worst case of bedmane in the history of Canterlot.

“Nothing, dear,” Cadance said, using her good hoof to straighten out Shining Armor’s mane as much as possible. It seemed like an impossible task to most but Cadance loved a good challenge.

“Twiley?” Shining Armor asked, seeing a purple blob near him. “What are you doing here? I thought you went to Ponyville?”

“I did,” Twilight said. “Celestia summoned me back to Canterlot when my friends showed up.”

“Oh, okay,” Shining Armor said with a yawn at the end. “Sorry about that. Still a bit tired from what happened back there.” He didn’t have to say more than that, as Twilight knew exactly what he was talking about.

Shining Armor blinked a few more times to clear up his eyes. As the world came into focus, he recognised the other new faces in the room. “Fluttershy and… Applejack,” he said. “Right?”

Applejack nodded.

“Fluttershy, did you get my letter yet?” Shining Armor asked.

“What letter?” Cadance asked.

“You know, that thank you letter,” Shining Armor said. “I wrote it yesterday?”

“You thanked her in a letter?” Twilight asked incredulously.

“What’s wrong with that?” Shining Armor asked, seemingly oblivious to the stares he got from the mares, sans Fluttershy.

“Shiny, I love you but you can be such a dork at times,” Twilight said with a sigh.

“Some ponies just don’t appreciate the beauty of the written word,” Shining Armor said with a huff.

“I’m sure it was a nice letter,” Fluttershy said, trying to salvage the situation a bit.

“Thank you, Fluttershy,” Shining Armor said. He sat up in his bed and stretched himself, working the kinks out of his back. “This bed’ll be the death of me,” he said.

“Well, the doctors say that you’re allowed out of bed tomorrow,” Cadance reminded him. “That’s something.”

“That’s good to hear,” Twilight said, pleased with the news. “Do you think they’ll let you come to Big Macintosh’s knighting?”

“They’d better,” Shining Armor said. “I want to meet the stallion who held off the changeling army on his own and shake his hoof. Maybe buy him a beer too.”

“No alcohol,” Cadance warned him. “You’re still taking medication.”

“Spoilsport.” Shining Armor stuck his tongue out at her, before rolling over in his bed and pulling the sheets over him.

Twilight and Cadance looked at each other and rolled their eyes.


As the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun. To Twilight, it was more like time had performed Rainbow Dash’s signature move, as several hours of talking and laughing just flew by.

Soon enough, visiting hours were over and Twilight, along with her friends, was asked to leave the hospital.

“Princess Cadance is such a nice pony,” Fluttershy said as they walked into the city again.

“She sure is,” Applejack agreed. “Your brother’s a bit weird though,” she said to Twilight.

“Shining Armor’s a goofball,” Twilight said bluntly. “But he’s a brave and kind pony, who takes his job as captain very serious.”

Applejack nodded. She remembered the size and strength of the shield that Shining Armor had conjured up. Being an earth pony, Applejack didn’t know much about magic but even she knew that it took an especially strong and dedicated unicorn to perform such a spell.

Being a bit nutty probably helped too.

“It’s getting late,” Twilight noticed, seeing how the sun was slowly moving towards the horizon. “I’m going to go see my parents, do you want to come along?”

“Sure,” Applejack said. Fluttershy nodded.

“Great,” Twilight said. “Knowing Spike, he’ll probably end up taking Rarity and Trix- I mean, the Great and Powerful Changeling there as well. Rainbow Dash and the Crusaders will most likely tag along. Pinkie Pie is a wildcard but I assume she’ll end up home as well.”

“Did you just read all of that off of a checklist?” Applejack asked, squinting her eyes as she stared at Twilight.

“Maybe,” Twilight said, quickly hiding a small scroll.


True to Twilight’s supposedly non-existent checklist, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Spike and the Crusaders were all there at her family home. The house felt a bit crowded, with as many ponies as there were there at the moment. But in a way, it was also rather cosy.

“You could’ve sent a warning ahead,” Twilight Velvet said as her daughter walked in through the door. “I would’ve picked up something from Doughnut Joe’s.”

“It was kinda short notice,” Twilight Sparkle said as she followed her mother into the living room. “Oh, hi girls!”

“Hi Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said with a smile on her face. “You play a very convincing tree, you know that?”

“Huh?” Twilight was confused. At least, she was until Rainbow Dash showed off the photo album she and Scootaloo were looking into. The picture in particular was Twilight as a young filly, dressed like a tree in the background of a school play.

Twilight groaned in annoyance, much to Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash’s amusement. “I thought I burned all of those,” Twilight said.

“I made copies,” Night Light said with a teasing tone.

“No need to get all flustered,” Rarity said from her seat on the couch. “Fluttershy, dear? Didn’t Rainbow Dash play a most beautiful rain cloud in the Cloudsdale Pegasus Pageant, so many years ago?”

“Oh yes, she did,” Fluttershy said enthusiastically. “Miss Merryweather said it was the most beautiful performance she had ever seen and-”

“Whoah, whoah, whoah,” Rainbow Dash cut her off, waving her hooves franticly. “Let’s not talk about that.”

Both Rarity and Fluttershy laughed at Rainbow Dash’s suddenly bright red face.

“Rarity, how did your work go?” Twilight asked. She hadn’t seen the Great and Powerful Changeling yet but Twilight knew that she was inside the house.

“You should go and see for yourself,” Rarity said. “She’s been hiding in your room, for some reason.”

“Maybe she’s shy?” Fluttershy suggested.

“I sincerely doubt that,” Rarity said with a dry laugh. “The way she was tooting her own horn the whole time? I barely managed to get her to disguise herself on the way here.”

“I’ll go and see her,” Twilight said.

Twilight left the living room, only to turn around and walk back in to snatch yet another photo album from Rainbow Dash’s hooves. As Twilight turned around again, she heard Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo blow raspberries at her. She just ignored them and walked out of the room again.

Unbeknownst to Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet slipped Rainbow Dash another photo album, giving the two pegasi a mischievous wink.

Ignorant of the fact that her mother was trying to embarrass her again, Twilight arrived at her own room. The door was open and Twilight could walk right in.

She found the Great and Powerful Changeling sitting on her old bed, levitating a few books and trinkets around.

“This room is hardly becoming of a princess,” the Great and Powerful Changeling said, before getting up from the bed and bowing to Twilight. “If it pleases you, this changeling will rearrange it for you.”

“No need for that,” Twilight said. “What are you doing up here?”

“Waiting,” the Great and Powerful Changeling said. “This Changeling felt… uncomfortable downstairs. The princess’ scent lingered here, so she snuck away from your pony family and into here.”

“Must be an old gym sock,” Twilight joked, though the joke was lost on the Great and Powerful Changeling.

“Shall this Changeling clean up? She is bound to find this ‘gym sock’ if she searches for it,” the Great and Powerful Changeling stood up straight and proud at the mere thought of being able to do something for her princess.

Twilight shook her head. “That’s okay, really. There’s no need to clean up or anything.”

“Nothing?” the Changeling asked. “But what shall this Changeling do then? She is supposed to be Princess Amaryllis’ servant, as ordered by Queen Chrysalis herself! If she can’t serve, then how is she supposed to be a servant?”

“How about you be my friend instead?” Twilight asked.

The Great and Powerful Changeling blinked a few times.

“Friend?” she asked slowly.

“That’s right,” Twilight said, holding out a hoof to the Great and Powerful Changeling.

“But, this Changeling is not worthy!” the Great and Powerful Changeling said with force, bowing before Twilight. “She only lives to serve you!”

Twilight frowned and lowered her hoof again. This was going to take a bit more work to break her out of that mentality.

“Very well then,” Twilight said. “We’ll leave it at that, for now.”

The Great and Powerful Changeling sat back up and nodded.

“Now, my friend Rarity made something for you,” Twilight stated. “Care to show it off?”

“Ah yes, this Changeling is most pleased by the prissy unicorn’s work,” the Great and Powerful Changeling said as she reached for a bundle, laying on a small desk. “Behold! The Great and Powerful Changeling’s work uniform!”

She unfurled the bundle, revealing a cape and a hat with stars emblazoned on them. In one swift move, she clasped the cape around her neck and placed the hat on her head, striking a pose as she did.

“This Great and Powerful Changeling feels… better now,” she said. “She doesn’t understand why, she just does.”

“That’s good to hear,” Twilight said, pleased with the result. As usual, Rarity had done her best and created an exact replica of the outfit Trixie was wearing when she came into Ponyville. Twilight just hoped that they’d help Trixie out in some manner.

“Do you want to come downstairs now?” Twilight asked.

“This Changeling shall go where you go,” the Great and Powerful Changeling said, walking past Twilight and out the door, acting like an escort of sorts.

Twilight was pleased to notice the spring in her step as she walked out of the room.


“Hold still, darling,” Rarity said, running a tape measure all over Sucker Punch’s body to take his measurements.

Sucker Punch hissed in return but stayed still, not wanting to give his princess a new reason to punish him.

“What’s going on down here?” Twilight asked as she and her ‘servant’ entered the living room, only to find Rarity and Sucker Punch in the middle of the room. The coffee table had been moved to the side, leaving a large space for them to work in.

“He and his companions turned visible when your mother mentioned something about chocolate milk,” Rarity explained as she kept working with the tape measure. “I figured this was as good a time as any to take their measurements. Can’t have your personal guards show up in the nude, now can we?”

“You’re really going to make all four of them outfits?” Twilight asked. “Rarity, the party is tomorrow. You can’t possibly do that.”

“Watch me, darling. Just watch me,” Rarity said with a sly grin.

Twilight decided that it was probably for the best if she stayed out of this. Rarity could be as bad as Rainbow Dash when she set her mind on something, though you would never hear Twilight say that out loud. She knew better than that.

Instead, Twilight made her way to the kitchen where she found three of her brothers. They were waiting patiently for Twilight Velvet to finish making her speciality. Twilight joined the queue, only for the three guards to get up and stand behind her, so that their princess could have the first cup.

“They’re not so bad, once you get used to them,” Twilight Velvet said as she noticed her daughter standing behind her. “Just wish they would announce when they turn visible. Your friend Fluttershy’s still hiding behind the couch.”

“I’ll go check on her,” Twilight said as her mother offered her a steaming hot cup of chocolate milk. “Can I take four of them with me now?” she asked.

“That thirsty?” Twilight Velvet joked as she poured another cup and gave it to the closest Praetorian.

“No, one for me, one for Fluttershy, one for Sucker Punch.” The three present guards flinched as Twilight referred to their brother like that. “And one for the Great and Powerful Changeling.”

“Is she the one that’s been hiding in your room?” her mother asked.

Twilight nodded. “I see.” Velvet quickly poured the other two guards their cups, before giving Twilight three more cups to share with her friends.

“Thank you,” Twilight said, stealing a quick sip from her own cup before heading back towards the living room.

“Doesn’t your other friend, Rarity, want some too?” Twilight Velvet asked.

“I’ll ask her,” Twilight said, having forgotten all about asking her. “Hey, where did Rainbow Dash and the Crusaders go?” She hadn’t seen any of them on her way down, nor had she heard Rainbow Dash laughing at her.

“The Crusaders?” Velvet asked. “You mean those three fillies, right?” Twilight Sparkle nodded. “They’re in the backyard, playing.”

Twilight nodded and walked out of the room with her four cups floating before her, held in a deep green aura.

The rattling of empty cups behind told Twilight Velvet enough. “Want one more?” she asked the three changelings.

The answer went without saying as the three changelings held their cups out to Twilight Velvet.


“Here you go,” Twilight Sparkle said, floating a cup over to the Great and Powerful Changeling. “And for you,” she gave the next one to Sucker Punch, who gratefully accepted it. “Do you want some too, Rarity?”

“No thank you, dear,” Rarity said, not looking up from her sketch book. “While I admit that it smells lovely, I’ll have to decline.”

“Suit yourself,” Twilight said, taking a sip from her own cup. She looked around, searching for Fluttershy. Twilight didn’t have to look long, as she quickly found a long pink tail sticking out from behind the couch where the Changeling sat. “Fluttershy, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, thank you,” Fluttershy said softly.

“Then why are you hiding behind the couch?” Twilight asked.

“No reason,” Fluttershy said, shuffling backwards to get out of her hiding spot. “Just… Those changelings spooked me, that’s all.”

“Here,” Twilight handed her the last cup, besides her own. “That’ll make you feel better.”

“Thank you.” Fluttershy took the cup and blew on it to cool it off before taking a sip. Instantly, her face cleared up. “This is delicious!” she said.

“Be sure to tell that to mom,” Twilight said. “I’m sure she’ll be glad to hear it.”

Twilight sat down on the couch, next to the Great and Powerful Changeling, who was slurping away at her own cup.

A loud crash coming from outside disturbed Twilight’s plans of just sitting down and enjoying her drink. “I’ll go check it out,” she said as she got up, her cup levitating next to her as she went.

The garden wasn’t very big, so it wasn’t hard to discover what had caused the loud crash. Both Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were laying down on the ground, looking worse for wear. The two of them had matching bumps on their heads, where they had collided midair.

“Are you guys okay?” Twilight asked.

“Don’t worry, Twilight,” Apple Bloom said. “We’ll take care of this!”

“Cutie Mark Crusaders, First aid!” Sweetie Belle screamed from the top of her lungs.


The two fillies procured a first aid kit out of nowhere and went to town on the two injured pegasi.

Soon enough, the two of them were all wrapped up in bandages, covering them from their hooves up to their necks.

“Something went wrong here,” Apple Bloom admitted.

“They look fine to me,” Sweetie Belle said, missing the obvious errors they had made while bandaging the two injured ponies.

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“We kinda collided,” Rainbow Dash admitted begrudgingly.

“In mid-air,” Scootaloo said, sounding more proud than mopey. “I flew, Twilight! I really flew!”

“That she did,” Rainbow Dash said proudly. “Not that high yet, though. We’re going to have to work on that.”

“Oh,” Scootaloo sounded a little disappointed by that.

“Hey, don’t worry,” Rainbow Dash said, noticing Scootaloo’s look. “Just stick with me, kid. You’ll be doing Sonic Rainbooms in no time!”

“You really think so?” Scootaloo asked hopefully.

“I know so,” Rainbow Dash said. “Trust me on this.”

“Come on, you guys,” Twilight said. “Get inside. If you’re lucky, there’ll still be some chocolate milk left.”

Though Twilight could easily imagine that her guards had drunk the entire kettle by now.

With happy cheers the Crusaders and Rainbow Dash went back inside, leaving Twilight alone to look at the sky. The sun was moving slowly towards the horizon, making Twilight realize just how much time she had spent at the hospital.

Just as she wanted to step inside with the others, she noticed a blue and pink speck coming towards her at an alarming speed.

As it came closer she could hear a familiar voice chattering away.

“-and you still need balloons! Lots and lots of them! Oh, and more streamers! Streamers in every color imaginable! And some unimaginable ones too!” Pinkie Pie’s voice was clear in the evening sky.

Princess Luna dropped Pinkie Pie to the ground and landed next to her. Twilight had to fight to keep from laughing, as Luna’s mane was looking almost as bad as Shining Armor’s had in the hospital. Strands of ethereal mane stuck out in every direction and Luna’s eyes were looking bloodshot.

“She’s your problem now!” Luna screamed, before flying off again.

“Bye Lulu!” Pinkie Pie waved as Luna flew away at break neck speeds, all the while screaming profanities not used in a thousand years.

“Pinkie Pie, what did you do?” Twilight asked. Quite frankly, she was shocked to see Luna behave like that.

“Nothing,” Pinkie Pie said, as innocent as ever. “It all started when we went to apologize to the librarian!”


“Good day, Dusty Tomes,” Princess Luna said. “My… “ she hesitated for a bit. “....friend, Pinkie Pie here has something to say to you, isn’t that right?”

“Oh?” Dusty said. “But where is she then?”

“Right here!” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully, pushing a cheerful looking cart into the room. She set up right in front of Dusty Tomes’ desk and pushed the button, causing the cart to open up, revealing colorful flags and brass horns. And then the music began playing and Pinkie began to sing.

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
I apologize to you!
Sorry, sorry, sorry
I really didn’t mean to,

Steal your map
Make you mad
Make you cry
Or make you sad

I apologiz- mph!

Luna covered Pinkie Pie’s mouth with her hoof. “What she is trying to say here is that she’s sorry for stealing the library’s map,” she said, speaking loud as the cheerful music was still playing.

“Didn’t even notice it was gone,” Dusty Tomes said, accepting the map back from the princess.

Pinkie Pie made some more muffled sounds, causing Luna to move her hoof.

“Yes, Pinkie?” she asked.

“Wait for it!”

Without warning, the built-in oven opened up, launching a cupcake at Dusty Tomes, hitting him square in the face, knocking him off his seat.

Luna was mortified. “I am so sorry,” she said as she rushed to the stallion’s aid, using her magic to place him back in his chair

Dusty Tomes didn’t seem all that bothered by the pastry projectile launched straight at his mouth. He just chewed a few times and swallowed before talking. “Get me a few more of those and we’re even,” he said, licking his lips.

Luna facehoofed.


“That wasn’t so bad,” Twilight said.

“And then we went to the music store!” Pinkie Pie cheered.


Luna groaned in annoyance. “Have you still not decided upon your instrument?”

“I can’t chose!” Pinkie Pie said. “There’s just too many of them!”

Luna sighed. The little changeling nymph on her lap yawned. “I don’t suppose you know why there’s a lute and cheese store in Canterlot, do you?”

The nymph just cocked his head in confusion, before batting at Luna’s ethereal mane.

“I thought so,” Luna said with another sigh.


“And then we went on to plan the party!” Pinkie Pie cheered.


It took all of Luna’s self-control to not just zap Pinkie Pie straight into the dungeon. She was also moving far too fast for Luna to get a good shot in, zipping across the ballroom like a squirrel with a caffeine addiction.

“Balloons here, balloons there! Lots of balloons, every pony and changeling loves balloons, right?” Pinkie held a balloon out to the nymph, who cheerfully poked at it.

“Pinkie Pie, this is supposed to be a serious celebration,” Luna reminded her.

“Got it,” Pinkie Pie said, disappearing and returning in an instant. “Ta-da! Streamers!” she exclaimed, holding various colors of streamers out to Luna.

“I don’t think you’re getting what I mean,” Luna said, doing her best to stay calm. “I meant that there will be several high placed and important ponies attending. Fancy ponies.”

“Oooh,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Got it!”

Again, the pink pony disappeared .

“Ta-da! Fancy balloons!” Pinkie Pie said with a sugary sweet smile on her face. She had the same colorful balloons as before, only now they all had little bowties tied to the knots.


“And then Lulu started to scream at me,” Pinkie Pie said.

Twilight stared at her in silence, wondering just how much of that story was true. “I’m sure she didn’t mean to,” she eventually said.

“Between you and me, I think I made her a bit angry,” Pinkie Pie said. “I’ll apologize to her tomorrow. I’ll write a new song, with my new lute!”

“I’m sure she’ll be thrilled,” Twilight said, unsure of whether she herself was being sarcastic or not. “Where’s my little brother? He’s been with you all day, hasn’t he?” Twilight wasn’t worried, as she trusted Pinkie Pie but that didn’t mean she didn’t miss having him around.

“Right here!” Pinkie Pie said, pulling the little nymph out of her mane. “Silly little thing fell asleep in there!”

The little nymph drowsily blinked his eyes, roused by the sudden movement and the sound of familiar voices. When he noticed Twilight, he instantly began wiggling his legs, trying to get away from Pinkie Pie and towards Twilight.

Pinkie Pie put him down on the grass, allowing him to walk to Twilight and climb on her back.

“Let’s go inside,” Twilight said. “I don’t know about you but I’ve had enough craziness for one day.”

“Somepony stop him!” Twilight heard coming from the house. She turned around and saw a floating, upside down kettle running out the backdoor.

“Never mind,” Twilight said, reaching out with her magic and yanking the kettle off of Sucker Punch’s head. The Praetorian turned visible again, covered in chocolate milk.

“What am I going to do with the lot of you?” Twilight sighed.


Once everypony involved in the great chocolate milk raid of 1001 ANM was cleaned up, Twilight and her friends and family settled in the living room again. Somehow, they had found a spot for every pony, changeling and dragon to sit. Except for Twilight’s guards, who were lurking around in stealth mode, as usual.

“Hey, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash, now unbandaged, said. “Look at this!” She held out the book she got from Queen Chrysalis.

“What’s that?” Twilight asked, squinting her eyes as she examined the cover. “Wait, is that…” Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she realized just what it was that Rainbow Dash was holding.

“You know what it is,” Rainbow Dash said. “Daring Do and the Chains of Tartarus!!!” she exclaimed proudly.

“How?!” was all that Twilight managed to utter.

“Check it out, Twilight. Signed by the author as well.” Rainbow Dash opened the book and showed off the curly signature on the first page.

“It’s… beautiful…” Twilight said with stars in her eyes, fighting the urge to just reach out and grab it.”How did you get it?!”

“Your mom gave it to me,” Rainbow Dash said, only realizing her mistake too late. “Uh, I mean your other mom,” she corrected herself.

“The queen wrote this?” Twilight asked unbelievingly. “She writes Daring Do?” She stared at Rainbow Dash as if she had grown a second head. Maybe even more.

“Apparently,” Rainbow Dash said with a shrug. “Who knew, right?”

“Let me see that,” Twilight Velvet all but ripped the book from Rainbow Dash’s hooves with her magic and looked at the signature. Her eyes widened in shock as she passed the book to Night Light, before running off.

Night Light stared at the book in confusion, as everypony in the room did.

But before anyone could voice their concerns, Twilight Velvet came running back, holding a different book in her magic. Wordlessly, she opened it up and showed it to Night Light. The two of them compared the books and ran off, once again without a word.

“What was that all about?” Spike asked.

“I have no idea,” Rainbow Dash said, just as confused as everypony else in the room.


“It was her!” Twilight Velvet had to do her best not to scream her lungs out as she paced around their bedroom “It was her all along!”

“Calm down, my love, calm down,” Night Light said, hoping to sooth her before she had a full-blown panic attack.

“No, you don’t understand!” Velvet screamed. “It was her! Eighteen years ago, at the book store! Starry Quills! The famous author! I was pregnant with Twilight back then and she asked all these questions! I thought she was just being friendly but what if she did something to me?!”

Velvet was breathing hard now, obviously distressed. Night Light helped her sit down on their bed and laid his hooves on her shoulders, looking deep into hereyes. “Focus on me,” he said. “I’m here for you, just focus on my voice and try to take deep, slow breaths.”

Twilight Velvet looked deep into his eyes, finding comfort in their gentle blue color. “Let’s count, okay?” Night Light suggested

“One, two,” Velvet and Night Light counted, both of them breathing out at the same time. “One, two, three, four…” Again, they breathed out at the same time.

They repeated this process several times. Every once in a while, they touched their horns together, causing Night Light’s calm magic and presence to sooth her distress.

“There we go,” Night Light said as she visible calmed down. “Deep, calm breaths…”

“Oh, Nighty,” Velvet sobbed softly. “I confided in her, I told her I was scared of losing my foal…”

“I know, sweetie, I know,” Night Light wrapped his hooves around her, holding her close. Using his magic, he pulled a handkerchief out from under the pillow and dried her tears with it.

“Do, do you think she chose us? Because of that?” Velvet asked.

“I can’t say,” Night Light said. He honestly didn’t know what went on in the changeling queen’s head. But he’d be damned if it didn’t have anything to do with her choosing his family to place her daughter.

“I need to lay down,” Twilight Velvet said. “Scratch that, I’m just going to bed early.”

“I’ll join you,” Night Light said. “I’ll just go and say something to Twilight and her friends, okay? I’ll be back before you know it,” he assured her.

He picked up Rainbow Dash’s book with his magic. In the confusion it had fallen to the ground, thankfully without damaging it.

Night Light walked out of the room and closed the door quietly behind him, as to not disturb his wife.


Night Light’s heart stopped for a second as he saw his daughter standing in the hallway.

“Is, is mom okay?” she asked, worry clear in her voice and on her face.

“How much did you hear?” Night Light asked.

“About what?” Twilight asked. “I just came to check up on her.”

Night Light thanked his lucky stars that Twilight hadn’t heard anything. Either that, or she had become an amazing liar in the year she was away from home.

“She’ll be fine,” Night Light assured his daughter. “She had a panic attack, but she pulled through. She just needs to rest for a bit.” Despite his positive words, he sounded rather worried, though who could blame him?

Twilight nodded, fully understanding how her father felt right now. “I’ll send my friends off now, okay? I’ll be back in a bit.”

“You don’t have to,” Night Light said.

“It’s getting late anyway,” Twilight said, taking Rainbow Dash’s book from her father. “I’ll be back shortly.”

Twilight turned around and walked away, back to her friends who sat quietly in the living room, awaiting news from Twilight.

“Are they okay?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight nodded. “Mom had a panic attack. She hasn’t had one in years, I think. She’s resting now.”

“Then I think it’s best that we take our leave, girls,” Rarity said.

“I’ll see you guys out,” Twilight said, heading to the front door. She didn’t want to be pushy, not at all but right now, her mother was more important.

“Good night, Twilight!” Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said as they ran past her and out the front door.

“Night, Twilight,” Applejack said as she joined Twilight at the door.

Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie followed after Applejack, saying their goodbyes to Twilight as they went.

Rainbow Dash brought up the rear, looking a bit guilty. “Hey Twilight,” she said. “I didn’t upset your mom by calling Chrysalis your mom, did I?”

Twilight shook her head. “I don’t think so. Dad said he’ll explain later.” Though Twilight knew that it had something to do with the two signed Daring Do books.

“Right. See you tomorrow, Twilight Sparkle,” Rainbow Dash said. “And after the party, we’re going flying! Weird wings or not!”

Twilight laughed at that and waved as her friends walked away. She stayed put until they had disappeared into the streets of Canterlot, before rushing back inside.

She quickly closed the door behind her and went to her parent’s room. There she found her mother resting her head on her pillow with her father sitting by her side.

“Mom, are you okay?” Twilight asked as she sat down on the ground next to her mother’s side of the bed.

“I’m fine,” Velvet said. “I just panicked back there.”

“About what?” Twilight pressed on.

“I have a signed copy of Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone,” Velvet explained. “You know that, I told you the story of how I met Starry Quills in the old bookstore, right?”

“I remember that,” Twilight said. “But what does that… oh.” She suddenly understood what had happened. “That was the queen?!”

Twilight Velvet nodded. “I think so. I was pregnant with you, uh, I mean…”

Her daughter nodded. “I know what you mean.”

“I was pregnant at the time,” Velvet started again. “Starry Quills suddenly showed up in the bookstore. Apparently, there had been a misprint in some of the new Daring Do books and she wanted to make sure every store had the correct ones. When she didn’t find anything wrong, we started chatting. She asked me about my pregnancy and she signed my book.”

Velvet shuddered. “This awful thought just came to me: what if she did something to my foal? What if she used her magic to...” Velvet could bear to finish that sentence.

“No,” Twilight Sparkle said. “She wouldn’t do that. We, I mean, the changelings have treated all stillborn foals with respect,” Twilight assured her. “The queen even showed me where they were buried.”

“Was she there too?” Velvet asked, almost hopefully. Ever since she had discovered that this Twilight wasn’t her own flesh and blood, she had wondered what had happened to her stillborn foal.

“Yes, she was,” Twilight told her. “I talked to her, said a prayer, told her how sorry I was...”

“Don’t be,” her mother said, sitting up slightly. “It’s not your fault, after all.”

“If it wasn’t for me, then you wouldn’t have had to go through all of this,” Twilight Sparkle shot back.

“If it wasn’t for you, then I wouldn’t have a daughter that I love so very much,” Twilight Velvet said. “I don’t think I’ll ever forgive Chrysalis for what she did to our family but I also don’t think I can ever thank her enough for entrusting us with you.”

Velvet reached down and kissed her daughter on the forehead. “No matter how crazy this gets, we’ll get through it.”

Twilight nodded. “I love you mom, dad,” she said.

“And we love you,” Night Light said. “Just, Twilight? Could we, maybe, visit her grave some time?”

Twilight nodded. “Of course,” she said. Twilight knew that the queen had felt the pain of losing a child. Even though she considered the hive’s graveyard off limits, Twilight was sure that Queen Chrysalis would make an exception for the couple who raised her daughter as their own.


Twilight stayed by her mother’s side for a while longer, until she was absolutely sure that her mother was okay. She then headed back to the living room, where Spike and the changeling nymph were waiting for her. The Great and Powerful Changeling had decided that it was time for a Great and Powerful nap.

“How is she?” Spike asked, jumping up from his seat and rushing to Twilight.

“Mom’s okay,” Twilight said, pulling Spike close to her. “She’s trying to get some sleep.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” Spike said. “You guys had me worried there for a bit.”

“She had a panic attack,” Twilight explained as she took a seat on the couch, next to the nymph. Spike joined her on the other side.

“She hasn’t had one in years,” Night Light said, overhearing the conversation as he came into the room. “Not even with everything that went down at the wedding.”

“Things have gotten real crazy, huh?” Spike asked, stating the obvious.

“Crazy?” Night Light chuckled. “Absolutely redonculous is a better way of describing it.” He sighed softly. “I’m going back to bed. Just wanted to say goodnight.”

The changeling nymph chirped in confusion as Night Light approached him. “Yes, goodnight to you too,” Night Light said, gently patting the nymph on the head.

However, the little nymph didn’t seem to like that and hurried to hide behind Twilight, much to Spike’s amusement.

Night Light chuckled and wished them a good night, before heading back to Twilight Velvet.

“Almost forgot,” Spike said once Twilight’s father had left. “Rainbow Dash dropped back in, to bring this.” He pulled a book out from behind the pillow he was resting against.

“Daring Do and the Mirror of Madness?” Twilight asked, reading the title.

“Yeah, Rainbow Dash said she’s been meaning to give it back since the botched up wedding,” Spike told her.

Twilight flipped through the pages, looking for any signs of book abuse. Not that she didn’t trust her friend but given the pegasus’ track record, it didn’t hurt to check.

She was pleasantly surprised to find nothing wrong with the book. Twilight closed it again and looked at the clock above the door.

“It’s not that late yet,” she said. It was barely evening, yet it was already dark outside. Twilight had a sneaking suspicion that that may have had something to do with Pinkie Pie giving Luna a migraine.

Twilight also wondered if Luna had already realized that Pinkie Pie would be spending the night at the castle.

The house was rather quiet too, with almost everypony asleep right now. The Great and Powerful Changeling was still asleep on the opposite couch. Her attire was folded up and placed on the coffee table. She shivered every few seconds, making Twilight believe that she was either cold or she was feeling the effects of a long, tiresome day.

Twilight was about to stand up to fetch a blanket for the Great and Powerful Changeling, when she noticed one floating through the air and being thrown over her cold form.

Sucker Punch turned visible for a few seconds and winked at Twilight, before turning invisible again.

“You big softy,” Twilight said to herself with a smile on her face. More blankets and pillows floated through the air and were thrown over three sleeping changelings. One laid next to the Great and Powerful Changeling, while two others had settled on the ground.

“Aren’t you tired?” Twilight asked the fourth changeling.

Sucker Punch turned visible again and shook his head. “No. The princess must be protected at all times. I will sleep later.” With that said, he disappeared again.

“Those guys are weird,” Spike said. “Seriously, who talks like that?”

“They do, apparently,” Twilight said. She was still holding onto her newest Daring Do book and opened it up. “Care to join me?” she asked Spike, holding the book out to him.

“Sure,” Spike said.

Twilight turned and sat in a way so that Spike could easily sit in between her forelegs and laid the book down in front of them.

However, Twilight’s little brother would not stand for that and squeezed himself in between Spike and Twilight’s right foreleg. He even had the gall to blow a raspberry at Spike.

“Twilight, are you seeing this?” Spike asked incredulously.

“You’ve been spending way too much time with Pinkie Pie,” Twilight said to the nymph. “Hey, Spike? What’s with the bandage?” Twilight couldn’t believe that she hadn’t noticed it until now.

Spike looked at his arm, which still had a bandage on it. A bandage that looked rather worn, since he hadn’t changed it since he got it.

“Uh, fashion statement?” Spike tried.

“Were you injured?” Twilight asked, her maternal/sisterly instincts kicking in full force.

“It’s nothing, really,” Spike said, panicking slightly as Twilight undid the bandages.

For a moment, nothing was heard besides the Great and Powerful Changeling’s snores and the nymph’s excited chirps.

“Spike?” Twilight eventually broke the awkward silence. “Why do you have a tattoo?”

Author's Note:

It lives! And it's (sort of) in time for the season 4 premiere! Whoo! Thanks to Gwenio, who helped out with the editing alongside the regulars Zervziel and uTTerAbsurdity. Don't know what I'd do without them. Hope you guys and gals enjoy this chapter and the new episodes!