• Published 20th May 2012
  • 55,280 Views, 3,907 Comments

Mirror's Image - Evilpresident

Twilight never was a unicorn. And she didn't even know it.

  • ...

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Twilight nervously twisted the now empty coffee cup in her hooves. All her friends were staring at her, their eyes full of disbelief and confusion. Obviously Twilight had anticipated such a reaction from her friends but even so, the look on their faces still got to her.

Still, the feelings of confusion and disbelief were an improvement over the overwhelming sadness that filled the entire room. Being sad was one thing. Feeling the sadness of everypony around you wash over you like a tidal wave of emotion was a whole different situation.

“Ah think Ah might’ve misheard you there, sugarcube.” Applejack was the first one to speak up. “Ah could’ve sworn you said you won’t be returning to Ponyville with us.”

“It’s true,” Twilight assured her, her voice small and hesitant. “I’ve been trying to tell you guys for the past few days.”

Fluttershy nodded. “We understand,” she said, a small smile on her dainty lips. “You need to stay here for your family after all.”

But Twilight just shook her head.

“I’m not staying here either,” she said. “I am going back to the hive with the queen.”

Again, everypony stared at her. Were it not for the muttering and talking in the background, one would be able to hear a pin drop.

Once more, Applejack was the first to recover. “Well, now ah’m certain ah misheard you.”

“Applejack!” Rarity said, perhaps a bit louder than she had intended. “I’m sure Twilight has her reasons for going with… her,” she said, stressing that last word. Over the past week, Rarity had come to accept the queen’s place in Twilight’s life, though she was clearly still wary of the queen, something Twilight couldn’t blame her for. After all, she and Fluttershy had been the ones to find Cadance. They were the ones that saw just how hurt and scared she was.

“I do,” Twilight said, trying to take control of the conversation again before anypony could interrupt her. “She’s going to teach me how to properly use my new magic.” Amongst other things, obviously. Twilight still knew next to nothing about her changelings, let alone how to rule them one day.

She hated the idea of leaving her family and friends behind but she had already talked about it with Shining Armor and her father. Neither of them liked the idea but they understood why she had to leave.

“And besides, it’s not going to be forever,” Twilight said, trying to cheer her friends up as best she could, given what she just dropped on them.

“How long are we talking here, Twilight?” Pinkie asked. “Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? I need details here, Twilight!” The pink pony almost jumped onto the table as she got increasingly agitated.

“Calm down, Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash said, pulling Pinkie Pie back by her tail.

“But I need to know! How else will I know when to throw Twilight a ‘welcome back’ party?” Pinkie crossed her front hooves in annoyance.

“Are you leaving right away?” Rarity asked, trying her best to ignore Pinkie Pie’s antics.

Twilight hesitated. “Well, I suppose I could stop in Ponyville for a little while. I have some things I need to pick up.” Books, supplies, tooth brushes and the like.

Rarity thought for a minute. “Idea!” she said with a smile. “How about we have a little get-together then? Nothing special or overly bombastic, just friends seeing another friend off?”

“That sounds lovely,” Fluttershy admitted.

“Well, I’m sure I could spare a few hours,” Twilight said. Of course she could just order her drones to gather what she needed but she could use a little time with her friends before she headed off.

“Then it’s settled,” Pinkie Pie said. “One going away party, coming up!”

“It’s not a party, dear,” Rarity reminded her. “So do try to keep it small and simple, will you?”

“Can’t promise anything!” With that said, the pink party pony took off like a cork out of a champagne bottle, leaving her friends to stare bewildered at her now empty seat.

“Something just ain’t right with that pony,” Applejack said, earning her a few murmurs in agreement.

Rainbow Dash snorted. “You’re just now figuring that out?” She laughed, though she did her best to keep the volume down. After all, laughing out loud in a room full of grieving ponies wasn’t very appropriate at all.

In the confusion that Pinkie Pie left behind, Spike came walking up to the table and jumped onto Pinkie Pie’s now empty seat.

“Where have you been?” Twilight asked.

Without a word, Spike opened the bag he had with him, allowing the changeling nymph inside to pop his head out briefly, only for Spike to push him back in. “This little guy ran off. Again.”

Twilight sighed as she took the bag from him. The little nymph inside had been more trouble than he was worth the past week, as he kept running off to explore.

“That’s the last time I’m going after him,” Spike said as he poured himself a cup of coffee and drank from it. A shudder passed through his body as he turned a bit green. “How do you ponies keep that stuff down?”

“Practice,” Twilight said, a small smile forming on her face.

Spike nodded as he took another sip. He still shuddered and stuck his tongue out.

“I think that’s enough coffee for now,” Rarity said as she levitated the cup out of Spike’s reach, instead replacing it with a plate full of small sapphires she had brought for Spike, much to his obvious approval.

Small shards of sapphire joined the crumbs already on the table as time passed. Ponies were starting to leave, taking the time to say goodbye to Night Light, Shining Armor and Twilight before they left, returning to their regular lives. Granny Smith, Big Macintosh and the Cutie Mark Crusaders had already left to take an earlier train back to Ponyville.

Twilight wondered just how long it would take for them to forget about Twilight Velvet. It was an unfortunate truth of life that in time, memories fade, names are forgotten and faces blur. Even for her, that was inevitable. Twilight just hoped that in the coming hundreds of years she had in front of her, she would never forget her mom’s smile.

As the hours passed, very few ponies remained. With a bit of help of the stewards of the funeral center, all tables had been cleared away, save for two pushed against each other. It was almost cozy, like a family party right now. Almost.

Twilight sat between Queen Chrysalis and her father as the ponies raised one last glass to Twilight Velvet’s memory. May she rest her weary head in the fields of the Elysium for all time. Everypony fell quiet for a minute, before drinking their cups or glasses empty. The sound of glass and ceramic broke the silence for a bit, before being replaced by chairs creaking and shifting.

The funeral was over and the day was still young. Princess Luna and Celestia unfortunately had to return to their duties, as they had already been away for too long. Outside the funeral center was a small courtyard, lined with trees and bushes, put there to shield the grieving ponies from the busy city around them.

“Farewell, my little ponies,” Luna had said before she took off, back to the castle. Celestia lingered a bit longer, taking her time to say goodbye to every pony and making sure to give Twilight a proper hug before she left for who knows how long.

“Take care, Twilight,” she said. “And write often.”

“Don’t worry about that, princess,” Spike said, saluting her. “I’ll make sure she does!”

Celestia smiled at the eager little dragon. It was highly unlikely that Spike would have to remind her at all but she could only be proud of his enthusiasm.

“I will, Celestia,” Twilight said. “Don’t think I’ll ever get used to calling you that,” she added with a nervous laugh.

Celestia pulled her into an equine hug. “We have time enough for that,” she said as she let go off Twilight. “As for you, Queen Chrysalis…” She turned to the queen, who had been looking from the sidelines. “I wish you a safe journey home. Do not be a stranger… just make sure to inform us if you visit.”

“I will,” Chrysalis said, though her tone betrayed her reluctance. Over the past week, she and Celestia hadn’t talked much and what words they did exchange were few and curt. Still, it was better than yelling and cursing at each other, even Chrysalis thought so. “Farewell, Princess Celestia,” she said with a bow.

Celestia seemed a bit surprised by the sudden gesture but she more than welcomed it. “Farewell, Queen Chrysalis,” she said with a curt bow of her own. With her goodbyes said, she turned and took to the sky after Princess Luna.

With the princesses gone, the group of ponies walked to the station. Several of the invisible changeling guards flew around them, keeping their eyes open for any potential threats. Twilight felt safe, knowing that they were out there along with a whole bunch of changelings disguised as regular ponies wandering around along the way to the station.

The royal changelings were still in disguise too. They were already in a rather large group of ponies, with an injured alicorn princess with them. The last thing they needed was to draw even more attention.

However, nopony truly paid much attention to them. Other ponies were too busy, living their own lives and not caring about who they were.

Once at the station, Twilight said goodbye to her friends, sharing a group hug with them in front of the colorful train. “I’ll see you guys in a bit,” she assured them. She and Chrysalis would take the carriage there.

“See you in Ponyville!” Pinkie Pie said as she stuck her head out of one of the open windows in the closest carriage. “I mean it, so don’t skip out on us.”

“Where the hay did you come from?” Applejack asked, as shocked as everypony around.

“Yeah, we know where you live, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said, ignoring Applejack’s question. She playfully jabbed Twilight on the shoulder, much to the annoyance of the invisible guards all around her. Especially her four regulars, led by Sucker Punch.

Despite their overzealousness, Twilight was glad that they had recovered properly and were back in action, having nothing to show but a few scars from the battle.

“You won’t have to miss me for long,” Twilight said as she rubbed her shoulder a bit. Rainbow Dash had obviously been holding back but the punch still stung a bit. So much even that she had to send out a warning to Sucker Punch to keep him from lashing out.

If one looked closely, they might be able to spot the eager changeling, as he was grinding his hooves into the wooden floorboards of the station.

“There’s only so few things one can say at a time like this. Isn’t that right, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked, looking over at Fluttershy, who nodded.

“Uh-huh,” the yellow pegasus said softly.

“And besides, it’s not yet time to say goodbye,” Rarity said, giving Twilight a quick hug, before getting on the train as well with Fluttershy following suit.

“Rarity’s right,” Applejack said. “Ain’t time for goodbyes just yet.”

Applejack looked around, a hint of nervousness in her eyes. “Look, Twilight. Thank you again for helping my brother. Really means the world to me,” she said, lowering her voice so only Twilight would hear her.

Twilight nodded as she thought back to last night. She, Queen Chrysalis and Princess Luna all worked together to help Big Macintosh out. Most of the process had been thought up on the fly, something she personally disagreed with but she couldn’t argue with the results.

Big Macintosh was sort of saved. His wings and horn were a part of him forever but for all intents and purposes, he was now separated from the hivemind. Twilight just hoped that that stayed that way. But given the chaotic origin of her species, anything could happen.

“I know that, Applejack,” Twilight said. “And I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

“Ah know you would,” Applejack said as she hugged her friend closely. “See you in Ponyville, sugarcube.”

Both she and Rainbow Dash boarded the train. As it slowly sprang into action, all of Twilight’s friends crowded around the window to wave at Twilight and Spike.

With their attention on the departing train, neither of them noticed a cloaked figure standing nearby. The pony in a tattered old cloak slowly left the train station and walked into an alley. There, he hid himself behind a few trash cans and pulled a little cloth bag out of his cloak. It was filled with brightly colored berries, the kind that just about screamed ‘poisonous’. A red aura formed around the berries as he popped them all into his mouth.

For a moment, nothing seemed to happen. That was until the pony began to cough loudly. Seconds later he began to froth at mouth, a sickly looking foam staining his lips as he collapsed onto the cold and filthy ground, twitching wildly before going still.


A cloud of pink smoke flowed in through the hole in the roof of the cave and seemingly faded into the mirror pool. Blueblood watched from the side, popping some berries into his mouth. These were rather sweet and decidedly not poisonous. He had found that out after sending a few of his clones out on reconnaissance.

It wasn’t easy at first, seeing himself die of poisoning, but he eventually got used to it. And thankfully he had clones to spare. So what if one choked to death or got eaten by a manticore? All it took to replace them was a quick dip in the mirror pool.

And besides producing clones, the mirror pool had some other interesting features, as Blueblood had soon discovered. Walking up to the edge of the pool, Blueblood looked into it. His horn glowed red as he reached in and pulled a bit of the pink smoke out of it again. It swirled around for a little while before being pulled into the prince’s horn.

He cried out in pain as new memories were forced into his mind. Blood streamed from one of his nostrils, staining his white coat. It wasn’t exactly a pleasant experience but sacrifices had to be made.

“So the impostor is going to Ponyville,” Blueblood said once the pain had subdued. His lips curled and formed a small smile. “That’s almost too good to be true.”

The mad prince teleported to the top of the tallest rock in the cave and turned to the dozens upon dozens of clones he had made over the past week. “Gentlecolts,” he started, drawing their attention to him. “I have learned that the changeling impostor is due to arrive at the nearby village of Ponyville.”

All their eyes were on him, watching intently as their original spoke. “Prepare yourselves,” Prince Blueblood said. “We have a changeling to capture!”

All the clones’ eyes glowed red as they cheered.

“And all those changelings will rue the day they decided to mess with Twilight Sparkle!” Blueblood yelled. The crowd of clones cheered and roared, stomping their hooves on the cave’s floor. The thunderous echoes were heard far beyond the cave, drawing the attention of a zebra shaman foraging for herbs.

Zecora slowly made her way to the source of the sounds. She had heard the name Twilight Sparkle drop and decided that this required further investigation. As she peered into the hole leading to the cave, she heard somepony clear his throat behind her. “Can I help you?” a hooded clone asked, his lips curling into a wicked grin.

The zebra backed away slowly. “Help I could use with a problem or two,” Zecora said in her thick accent. “Like for instance, why are there more of you?”

“We’re twins,” the clone said. “Lots and lots of twins.”

Another Blueblood appeared behind Zecora, followed by another and another.

“What is a mare like you doing in a place like this?” One of them asked.

“Spying, no doubt,” his counterpart said.

“I assure you, I mean no harm,” Zecora said as she searched for a way out. “I merely got lost on the way to Applejack’s farm.” Sure, it was a pretty bad excuse but these clones didn’t seem all that bright.

“You know Applejack?” Another prince appeared, though this one was wearing a strange amulet around his neck. Zecora was fairly certain that this one was the real one. “Apprehend her, the impostor may have brainwashed her as well.”

Zecora’s eyes widened. As the clones lunged for her, she made a move for her saddlebag and staff. With a single strike, she knocked the advancing clones away and caused enough confusion for her to make a break for it.

“After her!” Blueblood screamed.


“And they’re off,” Spike said to himself. “Now it’s just you and me again, Twilight. And those guys,” he added, pointing at the seemingly empty air. Sucker Punch briefly fazed into existence and looked at Spike, an annoyed look clear on his face. “I’m still not used to them doing that,” Spike said with a small laugh.

“I’m getting there,” Twilight said. Using her magic, she lifted Spike up and onto her back. It was a short trot to Donut Joe’s place from the station. It was there that her family was waiting for her.

Twilight could already see her carriage waiting for her. It looked extremely out of place next to the fancier and more modern carriages around it but it was impressive in its own way. The Great and Powerful Changeling had taken the driver’s seat and Twilight could tell that she was anxiously waiting for them to leave.

“Think we have time for a donut?” Spike asked, pulling on Twilight’s mane a bit. “Or two?”

“Just get some to go,” Twilight said as she pushed the door open. Spike immediately jumped off of her back and ran to the counter while Twilight went to her family.

Night Light, Shining Armor and Cadance were sitting at a table by the window, waiting for Twilight to return. Queen Chrysalis was sitting at a nearby table, her nose deep in a book. When Twilight got closer, she noticed that it was a photo album.

With a sigh, she joined her adopted family at their table. “You just had to give her that, didn’t you?” Twilight asked.

“Velvet would’ve wanted it,” Night Light said. His voice was still as raspy as before. He sounded rather sore too, as if just talking was painful to him now.

Sadly, Twilight couldn’t argue with that logic. Knowing Twilight Velvet, she had probably taken the time to prepare a special one for Chrysalis.

“Take care, Twilight,” Cadance said hesitantly. “I… I’m going to miss you.”

“And I’m going to miss you too,” Twilight said. “All of you. Dad, Shiny, my friends, Celestia and Luna… but I need to do this.”

“I know, princess,” Night Light said. It was quite clear that he was trying to be strong for his family but one didn’t need to be a changeling to feel just how sad and lost he felt. “We’ll be okay,” he added, seeing the doubt on his daughter’s face.

“Don’t worry about a thing, Twily,” Shining Armor assured her. “We’ll take care of things here. You just do what you have to do.”

The family spent a bit longer, making small talk but eventually Twilight had to leave. She stood up and took her time to properly say goodbye, giving her father, her brother and her future sister in law a big hug.

“I’ll write often,” Twilight said, wiping away a tear that ran down her cheek.

“You better,” Shining Armor said.

“I love you, my little princess,” Night Light said, giving his daughter a quick kiss on her forehead.

“And I love you Dad,” Twilight said. With her goodbyes said, Twilight hurried outside before she could burst into tears.

Her family watched from their seat as Twilight hurried into the awaiting carriage. Without a word, Chrysalis stood up and followed after her daughter.

“You watch over her,” Shining Armor said, causing her to stop. “You take care of her. And if so much as one hair on her head gets hurt, I’ll…”

The white stallion turned pale as Chrysalis walked towards him, her disguise disappearing in emerald flames as she stared directly into his eyes. “You’ll do what?” she asked calmly.

Shining Armor swallowed hard as he tried to think of something. “I just want her to be safe,” he eventually said.

“You are not the only ones who love her,” Chrysalis said. “Farewell ponies. And thank you once more, Night Light,” she added.

Night Light nodded.

Chrysalis turned around and sauntered out of the shop, carrying herself like only a queen could. All the other customers rushed to get out of her way and Donut Joe looked on with confusion clear in his eyes, wondering just what happened in his shop.


The door to the carriage swung open and Queen Chrysalis stepped inside, taking a seat next to her daughter. “Take us home,” she said out loud.

“This Great and Powerful Changeling shall lead this carriage back to the hive!” the Changeling yelled as she took the reins. The disguised changelings in front of the carriage glared at her, before going to work anyway.

“Can we stop in Ponyville first?” Twilight asked. “I promised my friends I’d go. Pinkie Pie wants to throw me a going away party.”

Chrysalis looked at her as if she had grown a second head. “That is risky,” she warned. “The mad prince will expect you to do so. It is safer to go straight back to the hive.”

“I also need to pick up my books,” Twilight said, trying to convince the queen. “I left them at the library.”

Queen Chrysalis sighed. “I’m not going to be able to talk you out of this, am I?” she asked.

“Highly doubt it,” Spike said.

Chrysalis stared at the little dragon. “And what, pray tell, are you doing here?”

Spike grinned. “You don’t think I’m letting Twilight out of my sight again, do you?”

The queen still stared at him, as though she were trying to pierce his very soul with her eyes. Very few creatures could look a changeling queen in the eye and not flinch. And Spike wasn’t one of them it seemed, as he averted his eyes. “Very well,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I’m not even dead yet and already I’m losing control of what happens in my hive,” she muttered under her breath.

A silent order went out to the carriage pulling changelings, urging them to take a different path, much to the Great and Powerful Changeling’s annoyance. The airborne changelings soldiers changed direction as well, never straying too far from the carriage as they followed it like a swarm of wasps.

The large and armored behemoths couldn’t fly, so they had to go on hoof to Ponyville. After being escorted out of Canterlot by the royal and night guards, they set out on the long journey there.


The carriage however was much faster. Twilight had changed back to her changeling form, intent on relaxing a little bit but before long, Ponyville came into view. The beautiful landscapes that surrounded the little village had Twilight sighing. She would miss seeing those sights at the hive.

“The wastelands will grow on you eventually,” Chrysalis said.

“Huh, what?” Twilight turned away from the window and looked at the queen.

“You were broadcasting your thoughts again,” she added as she saw Twilight’s confused look.

Twilight blushed, the red barely visible on her near black coat. After all, there were no prying eyes around anyway.

Near the edge of Ponyville, Chrysalis ordered the carriage to stop. She stepped out and smelled the air. “I will remain outside the village with the soldiers. No need to startle the ponies, is there?” she asked.

Twilight nodded. Some of the ponies here fainted at the sight of a bunny. She’d hate to think of what a single changeling could do, let alone a small army.

“All the Praetorians will accompany you,” Chrysalis continued. “There are twenty of them, along with your personal guards they should be enough to hold off the mad prince until the rest of us can make it to you.”

Twilight shuddered. “You think he’ll try something?”

Queen Chrysalis stayed quiet for a bit. “I do not know, my dear daughter. But it never hurts to be prepared.” She leaned in for a hug. Despite everything, it was still a bit awkward for both of them. “Be careful, my beautiful Amaryllis.”

“You too,” Twilight said as she turned back into her unicorn form. “I won’t be long. And if something happens, I’ll let you know immediately.”

The queen nodded. She watched as the carriage holding her daughter rode into the village and sighed, before turning to her soldiers. “Listen up!” she yelled. “I want eyes and ears all around the village. At the slightest hint of danger, you notify me immediately!”

“Yes, our queen!” the changeling soldiers yelled as one, before flying off to the corners of Ponyville. There, they would hide themselves and watch for the mad prince to show his face. Some were even looking forward to it, hoping to succeed where other changelings had failed and take down Prince Blueblood.

After all, he had hurt their princess and changelings do not forgive that easily…


Twilight decided that it was best if she first gathered her books and other necessities before heading to Sugarcube Corner. The carriage soon pulled up at her library and Sucker Punch quickly opened the door for her.

As the disguised princess stepped out, she could sense her Praetorians fanning out around her, taking post on rooftops, branches and other high spots to anticipate any and all threats.

Spike rushed in past her as she unlocked the door. Moments later, the little dragon came running with a suitcase that was way too big for him. “I’m bringing my comics,” he said as he tossed the empty case down.

“Don’t forget your toothbrush,” Twilight reminded him, much to Spike’s annoyance. The books were still where she had left them, in the two chests that Chrysalis had given her. She took a quick look at them to make sure they were all there, before closing them up. Instantly, two of her guards grabbed the chests, took them outside and loaded them onto the carriage.

With those out of the way, Twilight went to gather her most needed things. “Toothbrush, toothpaste, clothes,” she read off a list she had quickly thrown together. “Spare toothbrush…” She quickly added to the list as she remembered just how sharp her new teeth were.

Twilight packed her own suitcase rather sparingly, only taking the essential things she’d need. The rest, she could probably get at the hive. And if not, she could probably send out some of her drones to fetch it for her…

She still hated the idea of ordering her changelings around but she was getting more and more used to calling them ‘her’ changelings.

A quick sweep of her bedroom told Twilight that she had everything she needed… except for one thing.

The picture on her desk, the one with all of her friends in it. “Are you ready, Spike?” she called out as she looked at the photograph, briefly wondering just who that pony in the center was anymore before carefully placing it in the suitcase as well.

“Almost!” Spike yelled. The young dragon came running with a stack of comics, almost taller than he was. How he could see anything was a mystery but he still managed to safely make his way back to the empty suitcase.

“Packing some light reading material?” Twilight asked.

“You betcha!” Spike said as he tried to fit them all into his luggage.

A knock on the door was heard and Twilight went to answer it. However, upon opening the door, she found nopony there. Only a card and a bunch of confused, invisible changelings.

Closing the door again, Twilight opened the card. “It’s an invitation from Pinkie,” she said, reading the card out loud. “Because how else would you know where your going away party is going to be?”

“Sugarcube Corner,” Spike said in between grunts as he jumped on his overly stuffed suitcase. “Come on, close…”

Twilight sighed.


Zecora panted as she made her way through the Everfree forest. She had been running for what felt like hours but she was nearing the border with Ponyville, she was sure of that.

However, she was also sure that her pursuers were still right behind her. Zecora could hear them squabbling amongst one another as they struggled their way through the thick canopy.

But once out of the relative safety of the forest, Zecora was left out in the open fields just by Ponyville. Spells impacted left and right of her, scorching the ground as the clones tried to stun her. Thankfully their aim was sloppy and her hooves were fast.

And as dangerous as it was to lead these stallions into Ponyville, Zecora saw no other option. She had tried and failed to lose them in the forest and she wasn’t strong enough to take on so many opponents at once. Breaking into a gallop again, she rushed towards the little village.

More and more bolts of magic were thrown at her and unfortunately for Zecora, their aim was improving. One bolt singed her tail while another grazed her side.

As the buildings of Ponyville came into sight, Zecora felt a bit of relief. At least she did until it was mercilessly squashed as a bolt of energy struck her. The zebra hissed in pain as the magic invaded her left hind leg, making her muscles contract and send her tumbling to the ground. Grass stained her coat as she desperately tried to scramble back onto her hooves.

Zecora had barely managed to pick herself up when the next problem presented itself. A loud hissing sound, coming from the direction of Ponyville. Turning her head away from the clones, Zecora gasped as she saw half a dozen creatures run towards her. Wide green eyes and fangs dripping with poison.

“Of all the things that one can face, I find myself between a rock and a hard place,” she muttered as she managed to stand back up on three legs. With the clones on one side and the monstrous creatures on the other, things didn’t look particularly good for Zecora.

Still, if she were to go down, she would do so fighting!

Grabbing a nearby branch in her hooves, she spun it around as best she could. It lacked the balance her lost staff had but it was better than nothing.

The insect like creatures would make it to her first and as they approached her, she prepared to strike at them. Much to her surprise, they parted around her like a river around a rock and rushed at the white unicorns.

One screamed as the nearly black creature lunged at his throat. Zecora flinched at the sight as the unicorn was shaken around like a rag doll. It was a gruesome sight to behold, though no blood was spilled.

Instead, the prince just disappeared in a cloud of smoke. The creatures looked at each other in confusion, before turning on the other unicorns before they could recover from the initial shock.

Zecora watched as more and more of them disappeared in puffs of smoke, but for every one the creatures struck down, two more seemed to appear.

“They’re just magical constructs!” She heard somepony yell. “Find the original!”

Turning her head, Zecora saw what she assumed was the leader of the bug-like ponies. Much larger than the others and frankly, much scarier looking too.

“Keep running, zebra,” the strange creature addressed her. “This is between us and them.”

Zecora dropped the branch and ran. She had no idea of what just happened but she wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak.

With the unfortunate zebra gone, Queen Chrysalis turned her full attention to the clones. Several had made it past her soldiers and were trying to gang up on her. In response, she just grinned. The clones were visibly intimidated by the very sight of her sharp fangs.

One brave, perhaps foolish, clone lashed out at the queen. He was met with a quick end as the queen zapped him with a flash of lightning. He clutched helplessly at his chest, before collapsing. And as so many before him, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke “Who else wants their heart broken?” Chrysalis asked.

“I already had mine broken,” Prince Blueblood, the real one, said as he approached the queen. “It was broken when you kidnapped the love of my life!”

“Ah yes,” Chrysalis said. “You believe that we are keeping the ‘real’ Twilight Sparkle hidden away somewhere.”

“I know you are,” Blueblood said, strangely calm as several more changeling soldiers came flying in. “And I am here to return the favor. Let’s see how you like it when I rob you of something precious.”

“You will never lay a hoof on her,” Chrysalis said, her horn crackling menacingly with green lightning. “Unless of course you wish to know how it feels to have your heart stopped.”

Blueblood shook his head. “No thank you,” he said. In a flash of red, he disappeared along with all his clones.

He then reappeared a bit further into Ponyville. “I’m done playing with you!” he yelled “I’ll contact you to start the hostage trade soon…” With a smug grin, the prince turned around and ran into the village with several clones.

“After him!” Chrysalis yelled. The soldiers leapt into action and ran after the prince, only to slam into something. Chrysalis looked on in confusion and anger. “What are you doing?!” she yelled, running up to them.

And then she felt it. A shield, surrounding Ponyville. Chrysalis laid a hoof on what seemed to be thin air and felt resistance. “This is not good…”


With a lot of elbow grease and a bit of magic, Spike and Twilight managed to pack their bags in time. As before, the changelings loaded the suitcases onto the carriage. The changelings pulling the carriage offered to take Twilight to the sweet shop but she declined, wanting to walk through Ponyville for the last time in a few months, at the very least.

It felt strange, leaving the cheerful houses and streets of Ponyville for the dark and dusty caverns of the hive.

Sugarcube Corner however was anything but dusty and dark. Twilight smiled at the sight of the sugary sweet looking shop.

“There she is!” Pinkie Pie cried out as Twilight approached the shop. “Come on Twilight, the party’s in the back!”

With that said, the pink party pony hopped off.

Twilight and Spike looked at each other for a second, before chasing after Pinkie Pie.

They quickly found her again in the backyard, where several tables full of candies and cakes were placed. And despite the overabundance of food, Twilight thought it looked rather sober as Pinkie Pie had promised her.

The last thing Twilight needed right now was a big and swinging party but this, this seemed just right. Good friends were all she needed right now. Though the pile of chocolate was very much appreciated. Twilight quickly sent out a message to her guards, telling them that they were free to take a piece as well.

“Hey girls,” Twilight said as she joined her friends. From the corner of her eye, she could see the pile of chocolaty treats shrinking by the second.

“Hey Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said. “How was the ride here?” she asked.

Twilight shrugged. “Okay, I guess. Nothing eventful happened, if that’s what you’re asking.” Other than the fact that her mother was monitoring the town along with a small army of changelings.

“Oh, Twilight dearie!” A voice came from behind Twilight. Mrs. Cake came running, holding a plate of cupcakes on her back. She quickly pushed it into Pinkie’s hooves before enveloping Twilight into a tight hug. “Pinkie Pie told me what happened, are you alright?”

“I think you’re holding the poor thing too tightly,” Mr. Cake said as he joined them as well, carrying the twins with him.

“Oh, sorry,” Cup Cake said, loosening her hold on Twilight. “I’m sorry dearie.”

“It’s okay,” Twilight said, smiling at the portly mare.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

Twilight nodded. She could feel the concern coming off of both earth ponies. Being young parents themselves, the whole situation probably struck a bit close to home for them.

Seemingly satisfied with Twilight’s answer, Cup Cake went back to setting the tables while Carrot tended to the twins.

An old record player on a table was playing a cheery tune, though not at the volume that anypony was used to at a Pinkie Pie party. No streamers or banners either, nor was there even a hint of confetti. For all intends and purposes, this was just a small get together with friends.

And that’s how Twilight liked it. With Rainbow Dash boasting about some new stunt she was thinking off and Rarity fussing over some new design, Twilight felt like things were almost normal. If just for a little while.

As time passed, Twilight noticed that both Cup and Carrot Cake were sneaking looks at her when they thought she wasn’t looking. She probably wouldn’t even have noticed, were not for Sucker Punch pointing it out to her.

“Is something the matter?” Twilight asked eventually as she walked up to Carrot Cake, who was still tending to Pound and Pumpkin.

Carrot shook his head. “No that I know of,” he said, scrunching his lips.

“You’re a horrible liar, Carrot,” Cup Cake said as she passed by with a plate of chocolates. She placed it on an empty table and watched as bit by bit, they all disappeared. “Either we have a bunch of hungry ghosts or Pinkie Pie was telling the truth.”

Twilight looked at Pinkie Pie, who mouthed ‘sorry’ and had the decency to look guilty.

Carrot sighed. “Well, Pinkie Pie told us a few details about your… situation,” he eventually said. “You’re not really a unicorn, are you?”

Cup Cake jabbed him in the side. “No need to be so blunt,” she said. “No need to answer, dearie,” the chubby mare said to Twilight.

But Twilight shook her head. “Pinkie was right, I am not a unicorn,” she explained. “I’m… I’m a changeling. I just look like a unicorn right now.”

She undid her disguise, causing both earth ponies to back away. Cup and Carrot looked at her with wide eyes.

Everypony stopped talking at this point, their attention solely on the Cakes’ response. The Praetorians looked on as well, ready to react to any hostility.

“Uh,” Cup Cake eventually said. “You look… different,” she said, stating the obvious.

“I know,” Twilight said. “You’re not scared, are you?”

An awkward silence fell as the two ponies looked at each other. Twilight sighed. Just as she was going to reapply her disguise, she could hear the giggling of Pound and Pumpkin.

The two of them had toddled over to her, curious about the strange creature that was talking to their parents.

Twilight smiled at them.

“Well, seems like the little ones don’t mind,” Cup Cake said with a cautious smile on her face. “I’m sorry we worried you, dear.”

Twilight shook her head. “I understand,” she said. “I mean, I’d be scared too if I was in your horseshoes.”

With the situation seemingly resolved, the casual get-together (that wasn’t a party at all) swung back into action. Twilight helped herself to a few treats as she watched the ‘party’ unfold around her.

Fluttershy and Rarity seemed to be having a discussion about appropriate winter clothes for Fluttershy’s animals and Applejack was moving to the music, much to Rainbow Dash’s amusement.

Even her changeling guards seemed to be enjoying themselves, though that was probably due to the seemingly endless supply of chocolate treats that the Cakes kept bringing from the shop. Though Twilight noticed that they were still very much on edge right now, something Twilight could hardly blame them for.

She wasn’t feeling that much better either. Their reaction had been rather confronting for her, despite the fact that everything ended well.

However, Twilight didn’t have much time to think about it, as a loud gasp drew her attention, away from her thoughts and back to the real world. “Zecora?” she asked out loud as the zebra came limping towards her.

“Twilight Sparkle?” Zecora asked, a look of confusion on her face. “A changed mare, but if that is you, then there is something that you must do. Flee or run and hide, before the prince tans your hide.”

“Prince?” Twilight asked, her heart suddenly going a mile a minute as she started to sweat. “You mean…”

A flash of red erupted from the middle of the yard, giving shape to Prince Blueblood. “That would be me,” he said with a bow. “And thank you, miss zebra, for leading me straight to the impostor.”

Zecora yelled something that Twilight couldn’t understand. But given her expression and the wave of emotion the shaman was giving off, Twilight had a pretty good idea of what she was saying.

“Honestly, I didn’t expect things to be this easy…” Blueblood said. “I mean, coming here was just stupid-”

A sharp knock to the back of his head knocked him to the ground, seemingly unconscious.

“Well, that was easy,” Rainbow Dash said, a bit dumbfounded as the Praetorian blinked into existence.

The guard inspected his victim, a smug grin on his face as he rolled the prince onto his back. However, that smug grin was quickly wiped away as a red aura grabbed his left hindleg, flipped him around and tossed him like a ragdoll into a table, striking two other hidden changelings.

“Where did that come from?” Rarity asked, looking around frantically.

“Over here,” Prince Blueblood said as he walked up to the downed prince.

“Or perhaps from here,” he said, blinking into existence next to himself.

By now, Rarity looked just about ready to be sick. “There’s more than one?”

“There’s plenty of me to go around,” Prince Blueblood said, an insufferable smirk on his face.

Another one appeared, this one was wearing the dreaded Alicorn Amulet. “You’ll have to excuse my clones,” he said. “They take after some of the worst parts of me.”

“As if there are any other parts to you,” Rarity muttered under her breath.

“If you’re here for Twilight, then you’re out of luck,” Applejack said, straightening out her hat. “We ain’t about to let you take her!”

“Yeah, what she said!” Pinkie Pie yelled, donning her angry face.

The mad prince chuckled, as did his clones. By now, no more than a dozen had appeared and more seemed to show up by the minute.

“I’m not here to take Twilight,” he said. “I’m here for the impostor, that’s all.”

“Well, you’re not taking her!” Spike yelled.

Prince Blueblood sighed. Could these ponies truly not see the things that he did? Were they so bedazzled by strange magic that they would accept that bug creature into their midst?

Well, if they weren’t going to cooperate, then he would have to take the pretender by force, as he had tried before. But fortunately, there were no valiant parents around to save her this time.

“I bet you’re wondering why your invasion force isn’t coming to your aid, hmm?” Prince Blueblood asked. “I prepared myself for any surprises."

A strange light shimmered in the sky. It was in the shape of a dome, seemingly covering all of Ponyville. Prince Blueblood smirked and the dome turned visible, looking like glass or crystal. “What do you think? Pretty neat huh?” he asked, sounding almost giddy by now. “Right now, that vermin of yours is scratching at my barrier.”

A quick link to Chrysalis revealed that that was in fact true. The connection was very vague but Twilight could hear her. Her mother the queen was screaming for Twilight to get out of there.

“So, tell me you charlatan… what will it be?” the mad prince asked, stepping ever closer to Twilight. “Will you come willingly and cooperate? Or am I going to have to drag you kicking and screaming? I'll have you know, I am not above plucking your wings to get my answers-”

Once more Prince Blueblood was interrupted, though this time by a pie to the face. Pink frosting and bits of cake bottom fell to the ground as all eyes turned to Cup Cake.

“And there’s more where that came from!” she yelled, holding another pie. “Nopony threatens my customers and gets away with it!”

“You tell him, honey,” Carrot Cake said, brandishing a spatula about as menacingly as a spatula could be.

Prince Blueblood let out an exaggerated sigh. “My patience is wearing thin,” he said. “All I am trying to do here is help!” The mad prince went from rather calm to furious in a matter of seconds. “Can nopony see through the veil that she pulled over your eyes?” He pointed accusingly at Twilight Sparkle.

Again, he sighed. “I met your mother outside, you know? Charming lady. Needs to get some teeth pulled though. I wonder how long it would take for her to fold… to trade you for Twilight Sparkle…”

Zecora and the Cakes stared at the scene unfolding in front of them. They had no idea what Blueblood was talking about. What they did know was that they were in grave danger.

Twilight’s changelings sensed the same, as they decided that now was a good time to leap into action.

Blueblood’s clones seemed to have anticipated this, as they formed a living barricade around the mad prince.

“Carrot, get the foals out of here!” Cup Cake yelled. “Now!” she added as her husband stuttered in protest. Carrot Cake was a smart stallion, or so he thought at least, and quickly gathered the twins and took them inside the shop.

And it was not a moment too soon, as chaos unfolded in their own backyard. Changeling strength and unicorn magic clashed. Hooves shattered and teeth broke as they fought to the death, each for their own reasons.

But more and more Bluebloods appeared as the sober party turned into an all-out brawl. Tables and confectionary flew through the air as ponies and changelings tangled.

“Girls!” Fluttershy cried out as she pulled the Cutie Mark Crusaders out from under a fallen table.

“Are you alright?” Rarity asked, fussing over all three of them.

“I’ll get them out of here!” Fluttershy yelled as she gathered the dazed fillies up onto her back. Thinking the coast was clear, Fluttershy tried to sneak off. However, one of the clones noticed her and the fillies trying to escape.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, grinning like a maniac. Fluttershy backed away slowly from the stallion. “You’re not leaving just yet…”

And just like that, something inside Fluttershy snapped at that point. “YOU!” she screamed. “How dare you? I am trying to take three innocent little fillies out of here! And you dare to stand in my way?” Fluttershy opened her wings, looking strangely threatening as she glared at the clone. “Now you are going to stand aside and let me and the fillies pass by unharmed, do you understand me? DO YOU?”

The clone, so intimidated by the angry mare, decided that it was best for him to just poof out of existence.

“Uh, that works too,” Fluttershy said with a small voice.

With all the foals and her husband safe, Cup Cake decided that it was time for her to show just how she handled tough customers. Armed with over a dozen pies, she began to fling them one by one at the clones.

Sure, the soft and delicious treats did little to actually stop the copies of Prince Blueblood, but the desserts did blind them, allowing for Twilight’s guards to easily take them down. Even Zecora was helping out where she could, tying up the ones that didn’t poof out of existence.

Meanwhile, the real prince Blueblood was getting more and more annoyed by the Ponyvillians’ antics.

“Enough!!!” he yelled off the top of his lungs, his voice almost reaching the volume of Princess Luna. As he strode forward, he slipped on a pie crust and fell flat on his face, covering him with dirt. The mad prince grumbled as he picked himself up. “That does it. No more playing nice!”

The amulet glowed red as he snatched Twilight up by her throat, pulling her out of the safety provided by her friends. A large, jagged crystal ball encased the changeling princess as she floated towards him.

Blueblood grinned at his price. “My turn,” he said darkly. Crimson red fire formed on his horn as he began to fling fireballs at every pony nearby. “All I want to do is help!” he screamed as he lobbed flaming orbs in every direction. “Why can’t you see that? Am I the only sane pony in this asylum?”

Both ponies and changelings sought cover as the prince kept lashing out. Several of the flaming orbs had struck houses and gardens around Sugarcube Corner, causing the area to erupt in bright red flames.

“But don’t worry, my little ponies… I will make everything right again!” he screamed as he watched the captive changeling pound her hooves against her crystal prison. “You’ll see. Once Twilight Sparkle is safe, I will return and help all of you! We will rebuild what was burnt and-”

Sucker Punch couldn’t stand to listen to another word coming from the prince’s wretched mouth. Visible and in plain sight, he lunged at Prince Blueblood, snarling and hissing like a wild beast.

In his panic, Prince Blueblood fired another fireball. This one missed the angry Praetorian by a mile and was sent sailing straight into the sweet shop, causing it to burst into flames.

"My family!" Cup Cake cried out.

Prince Blueblood looked at the flames for a second, a hint of remorse forming in his heart. A pained look formed on his face as he wondered what the heck he was doing…

But that feeling of doubt was quickly crushed by the amulet around his neck, as the only thing that mattered to him now was his goal. The pain showing on his face turned to determination as he wrestled with his conscience.

Mrs. Cake stared at the burning building, sinking to her knees as she watched the flames consume it. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "No, no," she muttered. "This can't be happening! Carrot! Pound, Pumpkin!"

Pinkie Pie let out an ear-piercing scream as she rushed towards Sugarcube Corner, jumping up and over brawling changelings and princes. Just as she reached the backdoor, she felt somepony grab hold of her. “It’s too dangerous!” Applejack yelled as she struggled to keep the pink pony back. Even from where they stood, the heat was unbearable.

“Let me go Applejack! Let me go, let me go, let me go!!!”

“You’ll never make it!” Applejack screamed, trying to get over the roaring flames.

Pinkie Pie struggled and then just stopped. “I’m sorry Applejack,” she said softly.

“Sorry for what?” Applejack asked.

“This!” Pinkie Pie kicked Applejack as hard as she could, forcing the apple farmer to release her. Applejack couldn't do anything but watch helplessly as her friend jumped headfirst into the inferno.

Author's Note:

It's done! And just in time for the season's final too!