• Published 20th May 2012
  • 55,280 Views, 3,907 Comments

Mirror's Image - Evilpresident

Twilight never was a unicorn. And she didn't even know it.

  • ...

Extra #1

The Changeling hive, in my story at least, consists of various types of Changelings. Don’t read on if you’re scared of spoilers, though they’re none here. I think.










Still here? Good.

The Queen is the leader and mother to all the Changelings in her hive. She guides them, leads them, loves them and controls them in various degrees.

She can drain ponies of their love and emotion and if done severely enough, she can change them into Changelings instantly. She can use other ways too, that aren’t as painful for the intended victim.

She is irreplaceable, except by her heir, and if she were to die, the hive soon follows after.

The Drones are your standard, run of the mill Changelings. They have a consciousness but they prefer to blindly follow orders. They are pony-sized and have wings and a smooth curved horn.

The Soldiers are the Changeling invading forces’ bread and butter. They look the same as the drones and are the same size but they’re bulkier and more aggressive.

Behemoths are the tanks of the Hive. They’re muscular and giant Changelings, who rely on their strength to get things done. However, they are more inclined to defend than to attack.

They rarely, if ever leave the Hive, since they can’t transform into ponies because of their massive size. So instead their disguises are buffalos and other bulky creatures. Some are even bigger than that and have no viable creatures to disguise themselves as.

They’re two times as big as the biggest pony you can imagine (some are even bigger) and strong as bears. Some display a strange obsession with various kinds of headgear.

Praetorians are the Queen’s personal guards. Instead of relying on transformations to hide themselves, they use camouflage. There’s always at least two of them wherever the queen goes, hiding in plain sight, waiting for a threat to emerge. They are fast, strong and will die defending their queen.

Harvesters are Drones that have been forcibly cut off from the queen. They can act and handle independently for a few months. The queen sends them out into Equestria, where they will assume disguises. Sometimes they disguise themselves as the loved ones of certain ponies, taking their place for a few days or weeks to collect the love they have to give.

Other times they just take up a random disguise and attempt to start a relationship with a regular pony, to harvest the most amount of love. After they’ve collected enough love, they return to the hive and supply the queen with the love. She in turn spreads it to the rest of the hive. The Harvester is then reintegrated into the Hive mind and returns to his or her regular duties.

Converts are indistinguishable from other Changelings, though some of them tend to talk back when given an order, instead of just nodding. They used to be ponies that were drained of all of their love.




I’ve based most of these classes on insects. Mostly ants to be honest. I hope they make some sort of sense.