• Published 18th Jun 2015
  • 13,128 Views, 163 Comments

"Lots Of Things..." - WezzaHD

Well hello there, name's Bill Cipher, but it wasn't always like that. Here's the story of my new life in Equestria.

  • ...

No Costume?

Bill had been back from his first summoning for a few days. It was interesting to meet a Mewtwo Displaced. However, these were questions for later, as now he was working on the bodies of the others. He was making their bodies by reverse engineering his own and its incredibly advanced technology. He wanted to give them powers. That part would be easy once he fully scanned his body. How much weaponry could it hold, he wondered. It would even help with some of his future projects, as well up open up the hive to have more tech. It seemed like only yesterday that they were wanderers looking for a home. Giff’s was 40% done while Hide's 50% finished. He was also adding the blueprints and details to his body and their bodies on some notes which also gave him the opportunity to practice his magic. He then felt a familiar light envelop him as he disappeared once again.

Although, something happened that Bill hadn’t expected, the summoning rejected him, and instead brought the summoner to his world.

After the light died down, Bill saw who had tried to summon him, it was a young boy, probably no older than 15 years old, he wore an open blue shirt and a black t-shirt underneath, he had brown hair that he wore behind his ears and had blue eyes. He also wore a necklace with the symbol of the sun embedded in the medallion. He wore white trainers and light blue jeans. The boy looked around the room, finding only unfinished metal bodies.

“Hmm, strange, I thought that notebook was meant to summon Cipher, not me.”

Bill just watched as the boy as he looked at the robots.

“Come to think of it, these robots look familiar, wait, where’s Cipher?”

Bill realised that the boy wasn’t in the mindscape, he was about to enter the boys mind until the boy did something.

“A lot of weird things have happened since I got this new medallion, maybe it can…” The medallion glowed purple as did his eyes; a blinding light enveloped him and died down. Somehow this boy had entered the mindscape on his own. “Ah, there we go, strange, it looks different from my mindscape.”

Bill had seen enough and made himself known.

“Strange; no costume. I guess that’s not necessarily a rule though.” He circled the boy and inspected him. He could also sense that the boy wasn’t alone; at least he wasn’t alone in the mindscape. He could sense two other beings. The boy turned around and shouted into the air.

“I know you’re there you two so stop hiding!” He shouted before the two beings appeared beside him. One was the spitting image of the boy except covered in black and a red aura, the next was a woman coloured light blue with a ponytail.

“Can’t ever hide from you, huh brother?”

“Shut up Forge, why did you two even follow me here?”

“We thought you could use our help, Symbol.”

“Well, as long as you’re here you can help me find Cipher.”

“Yeah, I wonder where he could be.” Bill made his entrance by appearing on a seat behind them with a magnifying glass in his hand.

“Sarcasm is unbecoming of you Cipher.” The boy turned to face him with an unamused expression.

“Well excuuuse me, princess.” He turned green and his cane became a sword:

“Really, you’re using that reference, I’m so surprised.”

“Didn’t know there was someone in existence that could reference something like Symbol could.”

“Shut up Forge.”

“You’d be surprised Forge and I love being surprising.”

“I bet…”

“Boys, stop fighting.”

“Sorry, look, I think we got off on the wrong foot Cipher, let’s try again, and try not to reference a really bad video game while we’re at it?”

“I make no promises, unless you made lots of spaghetti!”

“Don’t make me say it…”

“Don’t worry I won’t, I just really used to love watching Youtube poops and their sheer randomness when I was human. You don’t really seem very surprised to see me, especially since none of you even know what a displaced is.”

“Wait what, when did something called a ‘displaced’ come up, and what do you mean, when you were human?”

“Well, displaced is short for dimensionally misplaced and usually involve going to a convention and buying something from some prick who calls himself ‘The Merchant’ who sends people to Equestria for fun. They end up as whatever character they were cosplaying as. Looking at you proves that there is indeed an exception to every rule. I, myself became Bill Cipher.”

“Well nothing like that happened to me, I got sent to Equestria after I sabotaged a government project that would allow humans to travel to other worlds. It was just by chance that I happened to end up in Equestria.”

Bill listened to the exclamation and looked at Symbol curiously. It was the truth, indeed.

“When I went to stop the experiment I didn’t even think I would make it out with my freedom intact, I half expected someone to shoot me. I honestly didn’t care at the time, my life was horrible, all because of that, pathetic excuse of a man I called my father!”

Purple mist started seeping out of Symbols body as his anger rose.

“Son calm down, your mindscape is already dark enough!”

Upon hearing the woman's voice Symbol immediately calmed down and the mist vanished.

“That was close.”

Bill simply observed as Vivi and Forge calmed Symbol down. If his father really pissed him off that much then he wouldn’t ask about him, let alone her…

Symbol finally calmed down, he rubbed his temples and started murmuring.

“If I ever see him again I’m going to kill him for what he did to Leo and Abigail…”

“Yo Symbol, Imma totally let you finish but if you’re here, then I could use some help with some things.”

“Like what, you’re obviously not like the shows Cipher, so what can we help you with?”

“Yeah and I hope I never am, though with all those secrets and that knowledge it’s no wonder he was insane.” He shivered when he remembered some of the things he had tried to desperately to forget. “Anyway, there’s a key I need to dig up, along with a scary bunker that we need to visit. It’s totally safe and danger- free aside from the potential headcrab infestation…” He muttered the last part.


“You weren’t supposed to hear that, and I personally consider myself semi- insane, thank you very much.”

“That doesn’t help, as long as you didn’t create the G-man to go along with them...you didn’t right?”

“I wish I could say yes.” He sulked slightly.

“You’ve doomed us all Cipher, you’ve doomed us all…”

“Okay, I was joking.” He rolled his eye.

“Enough joking, let’s get down to business already.”

“Well, I suppose I should do something for you.”

“Hmmm, there is something...I don’t know if you’ll be able to do it though…”

“Come on, tell Uncle Bill what’s wrong, and I don’t mean everything.”

“In my Equestria, there is this group I’m investigating called The Cult of the Rings, I need information. If you can get me the info I need, I’ll happily help you find the bunker AND the key.”

“Okay, but you’ll need to create your own token.”

“Alright, how do I do that?”

“Well first you’ll need to find an object and pour your essence into it.”

Symbol thought for a moment before reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a purple diamond. “Can you duplicate this?”

“It duplicates itself. You’ll also need to add a phrase to the token as well.”

Symbol looked at the gem in his hand, he held it tightly and it began to glow, he closed his eyes as the gem absorbed his energy. When the light died down a second diamond appeared, he grabbed it and spoke into it.

“To anyone that is in need of assistance, I will answer your call, Symbol Shattered.”
“Interesting…” Symbol tossed the gem to Bill and returned the original one to his pocket. “If you don’t mind me asking, why did you want the gem duplicated?”

“I made a promise to my brother and sister that I would hold onto this, we each have one, as well as these necklaces, my brother has a star on his and my sister has a cloud.”

“You mean Forge?”

“No, my biological brother, his name is Leo, Forge is a spiritual relative.”

“Yeah, I once inhabited Symbols body before Vivi switched our souls by mistake.”

“Well I’d love to finish this, but shall I get that book now?”

“Yeah, enough family drama for one day, eh?”

“Okay. BRB.” He took a copy of the token and teleported away. Symbol, Forge and Vivi were alone. Once he was out of the mindscape, he decided to look around the little workshop. He eyed the metal bodies for a moment.

“I swear to griffith I’ve seen these people before…”

Just then, the door opened and revealed Queen Chrysalis. “Bill, I have tremendous news, our scouts have located one of your bunkers…” She paused when she saw Symbol, she readied her horn. “Who are you, explain yourself!”

Symbol jumped at the sudden outburst. “Easy there lady, I’m a friend of Cipher.”

“Likely story, who are you?”

“My name is Symbol Shattered; I tried to summon Cipher but got pulled here instead.”

Chrysalis could tell that he was telling the truth. Although he just seemed like a normal boy, then she scanned his emotions, what she saw was almost horrifying. She saw only darkness, hatred, anger and sadness. She started to back away slowly.

“He’s right you know.” Symbol heard a voice which he was unfamiliar with. He found the voice was in the mindscape as he could hear it coming from his necklace. He could see a tall boy who looked a couple of years older than him with grey hair. Most of his clothing was also grey. “Apologies, I seem to be appearing in my human form.” He quickly changed and became much taller and skinnier with two blank yellow eyes. The best way that Symbol could describe him was that he looked like a cross between Groot and Slenderman.

“I will admit that I didn’t expect to see the Hide-Behind here, next you’ll be telling me that Blendin is here as well.”

“Eh... Not so much. Might do that in the future. Giffany is though.”

“No wonder these bodies look familiar, but really, Cipher made Giffany? Boy he is just full of surprises isn’t he?”

“Who are you talking to?”

“Oh right, you can’t enter the mindscape by yourself, here, let me try something…”

He held his medallion and his eyes glowed purple, soon the world turned grey and Hide became visible to Chrysalis.

“Oh, its you Hide-Behind, wait, why are you out in the open like this?”

“It’s hard to explain, but it appears that this boy and I share something in common…”

Hide-Behind leaned down and whispered into Symbols ear, Symbols face became filled with shock, then with anger. Hide pulled away and held out his hand which Symbol took in his, they shook before Hide walked out of the room.

“By the way, it was lovely to meet you Vivi, I hope we can talk again sometime.”

At that moment, Vivi reappeared and gave him a small wave.

“As do I Hide.”

Everyone looked at Symbol, the look of rage on his face remained and the purple mist began to appear again. When Chrysalis looked into his memories her face became filled with fear, she saw a younger Symbol standing in the middle of burning ruins with what looked like a gun in his hand, he was pointing it at a man with a look of horror on his face.

“Why would you do this Neo, I thought we had a deal!”

“The deal was that you would protect my sister from my father, and you failed miserably at that, so now there’s nothing stopping me from killing you Chris.”

“The rumors are true aren’t they, you really are the demon of Masereth!”

“One thing you should know about me Chris...I’m an atheist, I don’t believe in demons.”

With that, the young Symbol pulled the trigger and the man dropped dead.

They each watched the memory unfold. There were no words that were spoken. The silence only lasted for a moment when a yellow flash appeared in the mindscape.

Bill appeared with a book in his hands.

“Hey, I got the info you need, now let’s see if Chry…”

Bill looked around the room, Chrysalises face was filled with fear and Vivi looked shocked while Forge was trying to suppress a smile, Symbol just stood there with his arms folded and eyes closed.

“What happened?”

Symbol walked over to him and took the book. “Someone made the mistake of looking into my memories, enough drama, it’s time for me to fulfill my end of the deal.”

“You’re right, although it looks like Forge has left.”

“He had stuff to do in another world.”

“Right, let’s get searching for that bunker.”

“No need, her scouts found one.” Symbol looked over to the shivering Chrysalis, Bill began feeling concerned, he floated over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Is everything ok there Chrysie?” She turned to him and shook her head.

“He scares me…”

“Alright, come this way.” Switcheroo led them to Chrysalis’s throne room. Vivi had left them after they left the left the workshop, after giving Bill a strange warning,

“Whatever you do, don’t let him get enraged unless it’s a life or death situation.”

He didn’t know why she told him this, and if what Chrysalis had told him, there was much more to Symbol, and that was something to fear. Bill had had enough drama for one day, it was time to get to work. The scouts that had found the bunker directly underneath Canterlot, something about this made Bill certain that he will have to face either Celestia or Luna, but he didn’t have a choice. Whatever was in that bunker was of vital importance to his plan.
“Hey Cipher, from what I can tell, this Equestria is a little further in its timeline, anything I should watch out for?”

“Depends where you are right now, what episodes events have happened so far?”


Thats when realisation hit him like a brick in his pattern, not knowing about displaced, not knowing what the events to come are.

“Symbol, does a show called My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic exist on your earth?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Not one internet reference about it?”

“I’ve been around the internet my whole life and not one mention of a show like that ever came up.”

“Alright, what’s happened in Ponyville lately?”

“Well, a few days ago we did something called winter wrap up, in the middle of spring mind you, one day sunny, next day snow.”

“Yeah, you can expect to see Discord, the spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. The guy is one of the most powerful beings you’ll see. You’ll also come across King Sombra, the tyrant who rules the Crystal Empire. There’s also your version of Chrysalis and… do me a favour and just talk to her, okay?”

“Uh, sure Bill. Anyone else?”

“Tirek. He’s extremely dangerous. He can absorb magic and use it to make himself stronger. In the show, those elements beat him but just in case, I’d find his younger brother Scorpan if you can. Trust me; he’s a really nice guy.”

“Okay then, shall we go?”

“Yes...let’s go before anything else happens.”

The group were flying over the badlands, Symbol was holding two changeling drones hooves as they flew. The group was remaining silent to avoid any more pointless drama. Bill had finished repairing his body after his last adventure and was now flying beside Chrysalis who was keeping her distance from Symbol. She just couldn’t get over what she saw in his memory, he was probably only nine years old when he did that, the boy was a monster and she knew it. His eyes looked like they had seen many deaths, and probably caused most of those deaths. Bill sensed her distress and placed his hand on her shoulder.

She looked at him and he gave her a reassuring look.

“Hey Chryssie. Look, everything’s fine. I know you’re hung up on Symbol’s memories but you need to forget about them.”

“How did you-”

“I can read minds Chryssie and it’s not like I can turn it off.”

“But Bill, what he did, how can I ever forget something like that?”

“I don’t exactly have a memory gun, but I usually repress something that troubles me, though that’s only if it’s extreme.”

“I’m not proud of that you know.” The two broke eye contact and saw Symbol looking at them. “I hurt a lot of people in the past, but not one day goes by that I don’t regret what I did.” He turned to look at the rising moon. “What I did is unforgivable, but I only did it to protect my sister, and that guy was the head of a mob family, someone had to put him down or he would have hurt a lot of people. Now let’s change the topic, what can we be expected to see in this bunker?”

Bill looked reluctant. “You sure you want to go to the one under Canterlot? We can still go to the one by Dodge Junction. It’s where I keep all my enchanted clay.”

“There’s another reason you want to avoid this bunker isn’t there?”

“Gee, nothing gets past you does it?” He said sarcastically.

“If you looked deeper into my memory you’d see how many people I’ve broken just by talking Cipher, you’re avoiding something and it’s obviously something you need to face so you’re either going to tell me, or keep your non- existent mouth shut until we get there.”

“Kid, I’ve repressed things with more bite than you in my ‘head’. You’re the one who wanted to change the subject. But if you must know it just has too many memories. Besides, the princesses have probably gotten to it already. I say we just go to Dodge Junction.”

“What did the princesses do to you?”

“It doesn’t matter.” He shook away the thoughts and tried to keep himself from going red. “We’re going to Dodge Junction.”

“You trusted them and they betrayed you didn’t they?”

“That’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

The purple mist started to appear again. “You go to Dodge Junction; I’ll handle the one in Canterlot.”

Bill turned to the changelings carrying him. “Take us down.” They obliged and they ended up just outside San Palomino Desert. “This isn’t up for debate.”

“Then we won’t argue about it, you handle the other bunker, I’ll deal with the ones the princesses have guarded, and I don’t care what you say Cipher, but if those sisters betrayed your trust and more I will make them pay!”

His eyes were now glowing purple and his skin became pale.

“For the last time…” Before he could finish Symbol punched him in the face and sent him flying. He stopped instantly when he was a couple of metres away.

Symbols skin was now snow white, his fingers were claws and his hair became dark purple, his mouth was gone as well.

“Like you said, it’s not up for debate.”

“Kid, you think that just because you think you’re the Hulk that you can handle them? Fine.” His cane extended and Symbol was knocked into a large boulder.

Bill faced the other way, but then stopped when he heard the laugh of a psychopath.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Oh that’s just rich, you don’t realise what you’ve just awakened Cipher!”

“Yeah yeah, ‘Hulk strongest there is’ we get it.” He snapped his fingers and Symbol was swallowed whole by a Sandworm that popped out of the ground below him. After a few moments of silence he burst up out of the ground once again.

The area around them became filled with a dark purple fog, when he looked at Symbol there was only something that could be described as a demon. His skin was dark grey, blood poured from his eyes to create two red lines, his teeth became razor sharp as did his fingers, the bottom of his shirt extended then tore at the ends, his hair became jet black, four black tentacles grew out of his back and became sharp at the ends. He opened his eyes, they were black with glowing red dots as pupils. His medallion switched from the symbol of the sun to one of the moon.

“Well, that’s unexpected.”

“Now I will tell you one more time Cipher, You handle the other bunker, I’ll deal with this one!”

He started walking in the direction of Canterlot.

“Yeah… no.” A fist came from the ground and punched him. When the fist appeared Symbol stopped it with his hand but couldn’t block the other one coming in at his right.

“I didn’t come here to fight you Cipher, so stay out of my way.”

“Remember when you asked me about the G- man?”

“What about it, Cipher?” He growled as he kept walking, but saw smoke coming up from below him. “You gotta be kidding me…”

“Can you smell the ashes, Mr. Shattered?” The blue fire engulfed him completely. He emerged from the fires and a look of pure rage and mostly burned clothes.

“You bet I smelled the ashes.”

“Okay, now this is getting annoying.” A rock fell from the sky and Symbol broke it with a tentacle. It broke into dozens of smaller pieces which all shot at him.

“You said it, Look, I don’t want to fight you, so just let me do this.”

“I would, but none of that is happening.” Bill got a huge rocket launcher from out of pure thin air. He fired and Symbol not expecting much, held his arms up to block it. However, the explosion he expected never came and instead a net popped out of the missile and trapped him in it. It also electrocuted him. Once he broke out, he tried to run at Bill only for an anvil to land on his head.

“Enough of this!” Symbol snapped his fingers and he disappeared.

“Where did he go?” Chrysalis cried out.

“He teleported to Canterlot.”


Celestia was signing some papers when the alarm that told her that someone was near the bunker underneath the city went off, she teleported to the door expecting to see Bill but was instead greeted by a young looking bipedal creature.

“You’re not Bill..”

“No, I’m not, but in some cases I can be much worse, you and I need to have a talk princess.”

“I told you, no.” He couldn’t even turn around before he saw Bill slug him with his hoof and launched him out of the window. Bill was mad. “Now, Chryssie!” A portal appeared out of nowhere and Symbol fell through it, ending up in Bill’s destination.

“What the hell was that for, and could you explain why after I woke up you guys were frozen?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“After you mentioned some place called Dodge Junction I blacked out, and when I woke up you guys were frozen in place.”

“Kid, you attacked us and farted purple mist.”

“I don’t remember doing something like that…”

“Yeah, well you did Shattered and I’d appreciate it if you shut up. Now let’s go inside that Bunker.” His tone was clearly much colder.

“Wait Cipher, I don’t know what I did but if I hurt you I’m sorry.”

“You did, but that’s not what I’m mad about. I said we weren’t going to Canterlot, yet you ignored me now shut up and let me open this lock.”

“I betrayed your trust...didn’t I?” The look on Symbols face was filled with sadness; he looked to his medallion and closed his eyes. “Damnit not again…” He looked up at Bill and began walking towards the entrance to the bunker. “Not again…”

“I’m not even going to ask and why is this lock not moving?!”

Symbol walked over to the door and punched the lock and it fell apart. This time there was blue mist seeping from his body. Once he made sure that the door was open he began to walk away. “Where are you going?”

“I’m leaving before I cause you more trouble.”

“You can’t leave unless I say you can Symbol. We still need to get through this bunker.” Bill entered the bunker. “I’m waiting! I’d like to get this over with!”

“Symbol Shattered was it?” The young boy turned to see Queen Chrysalis.


“Bill… most likely won’t forgive you easily. You’ll need to prove to him that you can be trusted.”

“How do I do that? I don’t exactly have any special skills or powers.”

“Bullshit!” Bill shouted.

“Chrysalis, what happened after I blacked out?”

“First, you got really angry and your body began to seep purple mist. You grew several appendages out of your back. You nearly attacked us all and you fought Bill. Then you teleported to Canterlot…”

“And alerted the princesses!”

Symbol didn’t take this well, he looked down to his hands and placed his head in them. “God damnit…”

He began to walk away. “I really gotta get outta here before I screw anything else up for him.”

“Listen.” Chrysalis began. “Just do it. With any luck, he’ll trust you a little bit more.”

“Chrysalis, I don’t have a good track record with luck, and you know that, don’t think I couldn’t feel you poking around at my memories again.”

“Get over here, you two!” Bill called them over. They walked inside and saw darkness. Chrysalis made a torch with her magic and they saw that the walls, ceiling and flaw were all composed of rusty white steel metal. Tables had old notes with scribbles scrambled on the tables and the floor. They all looked crumpled, chewed and wet. There could also see a staircase a couple hundred metres away.

“The headcrabs will have multiplied. There hasn’t been a body down here in centuries, so it should just be the crabs.” As Bill explained the facts, Chrysalis and Symbol looked around. They could also hear sounds of animalistic screaming and small tapping.

As Symbol walked through, a picture caught his eye. It was of four people, or three ponies and one gargoyle. He saw Princess Luna on the far right along with two unicorn, one with fur of pale teal and the most impressive facial hair he’d ever seen the other was a bright mustard with eyes very similar to Bill’s in the middle. Finally, on the far left was the gargoyle with chestnut fur and and a mane with a darker brown. They were all smiling happily. Symbol walked over to it and picked it up to get a closer look. “Interesting…”

“Hurry up!” Bill yelled. “We don’t have all day!”

Symbol set the photo down and followed them deeper into the bunker, when a headcrab tried to jump on him he gave it a backhand. He then heard something come from outside the bunker, he then for some reason smelled cake, it didn’t take a genius to figure out who was outside. “Shit…

He ran to the entrance and sure enough there she was, in her armour. I’ve already screwed up enough here, I’m not letting anything else go wrong. The purple mist returned. The least I can do is distract her.

“Where is Bill?” She demanded.

“Sorry, but Cipher is busy at the moment. But I’ll be happy to schedule an appointment for you.”

“I have no business with you boy, move aside!”

“You want Cipher, you gotta go through me sunbutt!”

She didn’t take kindly to that last part and fired a beam of magic at him which he deflected. He charged forward and bunched her horn to cancel out the spell. He swung his foot back and kicked her in the jaw.

I don’t even feel like I’m in control right now, but as long as Cipher gets what needs it will be worth it.

While he was distracted, he didn’t notice one of the swords slashing at him. He ended up with a large gash in the side of his hip, but that didn’t stop him from punching her in the face with a right hook, he grabbed her sword and crushed the blade with his claw.

“There are seven more where that came from, demon.” She growled as her seven other swords each circled him. He kept looking around, trying to keep track of each of them. “What are you, another of Cipher’s creations?”

“No, I’m not from this world, and if you’re going to call me demon, at least let the demon wake up!”

“Silence!” One sword on his left made a simple slash, which he jumped up to avoid. He was helpless to avoid the three others that shot straight at him and cut him deeply in his legs, chest and belly.

He staggered before falling to the ground, Celestia assumed that he was dead so she turned away, but when she did she heard a laugh she hadn’t heard since the last summer sun celebration.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, You call me a demon Celestia, no, I’m something much worse!”

She didn’t have time to turn around before she was staring into dead black eyes with red dots as pupils.

“I, am a Nightmare!”

Suddenly a flash of blue light came from behind them, the newcomer tried to charge Symbol but he grabbed her with one of his tentacles.


“Well well well, what do we have here? Now we’ve got sunbutt AND moonbottom, this is turning into a real party now, all we need is Cadence and Twilight then we’ve got ourselves a literal battle royale!”

A sword sliced the tentacle and he dropped Luna, he didn’t even flinch as he merely regrew the appendage. The two princesses stood side by side ready to fight.

“Well then, shall we dance?”

“Mind if I join in brother?”

Meanwhile in the bunker

Bill slammed his hoof into a clay zombie.

“I’m impressed with these things.” He commented. “Without an actual body, they used the enchanted clay.” Meanwhile, Chrysalis blasted several with her magic. He was too busy blowing off steam on the headcrabs to notice that Symbol had left.

A venomous one nearly crept up behind him but he shocked it with his hooves. Multiple clay zombies surrounded them, but they were quickly dealt with.

“Stupid kid.” He grumbled as he smashed his hoof into another one. “He has no idea what he’s done. For all we know, Celestia and Luna could be knocking at our door right now.”

“I’m sure it’s not that bad.” The changeling queen was fully aware of the fight going on above them; luckily Bill was too focused on punching zombies to notice her thoughts. She knew that if there was any way of Symbol regaining Bills trust it would be by helping him. She was concerned for his safety, but he had managed to fight Bill and survive, she was certain that he could handle Celestia and Luna, especially with Forges help. What she needed to do was distract Bill before he noticed Symbol was gone. “Where is he anyway?”

“He’s dealing with a few headcrab nests a bit back the ways, he thought that he’d stay out of your way for a while.”

“That’s probably a smart move…” Bill was too distracted to detect the lie, and Chrysalis knew it.

“He really is sorry you know, he doesn’t even remember disobeying you.”

Bill sighed and blasted another venom crab. “I know, but, I just...need some time to cool off.” He walked further into the bunker and spotted multiple bookshelves and headcrab nests. “I’m surprised that the princesses haven’t traced our spell yet, and it’s very hard to surprise me.”

“Yeah.” She chuckled nervously. “Have you found anything else?”

“Yes, we just have to go a little bit deeper then we’ll see a Gonarch.” They kept walking deeper and found more nests which they both promptly destroyed. They began to see mounds of clay with swarms of headcrabs crawling around them. They each blasted the crabs away when they attacked and got various samples of the clay. Eventually they began to hear the cries of a Gonarch. The pair moved forward some more and saw a huge hill of clay.

“It’s most likely up there.” Bill said as they both flew up. At the top, they saw the giant crab crawling all over the pile. Queen Chrysalis shot a blast of magic at it, but that only got its attention. It roared at them and shot some baby headcrabs, which both of them promptly dodged. Once they were low enough, the Gonarch charged, but Chrysalis threw it over to the wall. It easily got back up and launched more crabs at Bill.

“It’ very durable. This won’t be easy.”

“You collect some more of the clay Bill. I’ll handle the crab.” Chrysalis said as she teleported them both out of its way when it charged at them.

“You sure Chryssie?”

“I’m the queen of the changelings, and I’ll be damned if I lose.” She grinned as she teleported up into the sky and shot at it with some explosive spells causing it to stagger. It let out another screech, but it did not move. Chrysalis stood her ground until a fast zombie tackled her to the ground. She was about to get up when another zombie tackled her, and another and another. It repeated until dozens of zombies piled on her and clawed at her body. Soon, there was a huge magical surge from the bottom of the pile and they were all destroyed with only Chrysalis and the Gonarch. She shot another beam, but the Gonarch endured it and hit the changeling queen head- on. She was slammed into a wall but retaliated by throwing it at a wall with her magic. Yet again it endured the blow, it was about to lunge at her again but froze in place. Chrysalis held it in place with her magic. She forced it to fall on its side where it wasn’t able to get up with all its weight. She finished it off with a charged beam of magic. She heard a growl come from behind her, she turned to see another Gonarch, when it tried to lunge at her a red light shot past her and hit it in the chest, causing it to become very dazed but not quite beaten.

Chrysalis turned to see Forge standing there with a smirk.

“What are you doing here, aren’t you helping Symbol?”

“I was, but he has everything under control, I’ve had my fun and it looked as if you needed some assistance.”

“But how is he handling them both?”

“We knocked Luna into unconsciousness.”

“I see. What of Celestia?”

“Symbol’s taking care of that.” Forges smile grew. “He’s not strong enough to put her down for good, but he can still fight her to a standstill. She should even be retreating after her sister was knocked out.”

“But she’s angry that he knocked her out and is now out for revenge?”


“Figures, she always was protective of her sister.”

“Which is why she sent her to the moon? Good riddance if you ask me.” Bill appeared with clay and notes in his saddlebags. “I have everything. We can go now.”

“Well, my work is done here, now if you’ll excuse me I have a certain cyborg to visit.” With that, Forge was gone.

“Well that happened.” Bill said. “Can you teleport us back to the kingdom Chryssie?” As he spoke, a boom was heard above them. “What was tha-” He stopped as he felt the presence of Celestia and Luna.

“Teleport me up there.” He said plainly, but she could clearly taste the anger. She took him up there where he saw the two sisters retreating. Symbol was looking at them while he returned to his normal self, he looked over himself.

“I could get used to this, could come in handy when facing the creatures in my Equestria.”

“Yeah, well you can get to that. I’m ready to send you back now.”

Symbol sighed and turned to face Bill. “I understand.” He looked at the small painting once again.

“Okay, to send someone away, you just have to say the words ‘our contract is complete’. Understand?”

“I do.”

“Good. now-”

“I’m sorry, Cipher…”

“Yeah sure. Now, our contract is-

“I’m disappointed in you, Bill.” Chrysalis said.


“Well, maybe because he fought both of the princesses off, saving you from a painful encounter, trying to correct his mistake. Even now you won’t forgive him.”

“I forget, wasn’t he the one that brought them here in the first place when the princesses traced your teleportation spell because we had to get him back from Canterlot?”

“He didn’t even know what he was doing, it wasn’t him. I could taste another presence of emotions. It was something foreign inside him. I’m not sure exactly what it was, but what I do know is that when you two fought, that wasn’t him in there, it was something else!”

Bill was silent for a moment. He didn’t need to read minds to know that Chrysalis was telling the truth. He trusted her, and he couldn’t say that he was exactly focused on what he was fighting in the mindscape.

“And if you won’t forgive him now, then maybe after you see what he’s went through you will! I know you’ve seen it in his head! Don’t you dare tell me you haven’t!” He remembered what he saw in Symbols head, in his mind and heart there was only anger, loss, sadness and violence in his memories. He then got a look at recent memories, he saw a photo of Lyra, Bon Bon, Vinyl, Derpy and Octavia in a group and Symbol standing beside them facing the left with his arms folded and eyes closed... He compared Symbols memories to his, the memories of the real Bill Cipher. Symbol’s suffering was real. Even compared to the things that he had actually lost and the secrets that he’d much rather forget, Symbol had still suffered. He then realised something, in his entire life, Symbol has never smiled, not once.

“... Symbol?” He called out.

“Yeah Cipher?” Symbol asked quietly.

“I forgive you.” He began. “But only on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“... If you forgive me as well.”

There was silence. “...there’s nothing to be sorry about Cipher, there’s also something I want to give you.”

“What?” He saw an amulet, his Alicorn Amulet in Symbol’s hand. “Where did you get this?”

“I don’t know, it must’ve been while I was transformed. I just… felt like I should give it to you, like it would be of some importance to you.” He tossed it over Bill.

You have no idea kid...“Kid, you’re alright.” He chuckled.

“Thanks Cipher.”

“It’s fine. By the way, if you want to you can call me William. That was my name before I came here.”

“...then you can call me Neo, that’s my real name.”

“.... Were your parents fans of The Matrix or somethi- I mean I will.”

“Never watched that movie, no, I was called that by my great grandmother when I was born, my brother is called Leo, we’re two of three triplets.” A swirling vortex appeared beside them, and Symbol looked into it, he turned back to Bill. “I think we should part on better terms.” He held out his hand. “So long William.” Bill placed his hoof in his hand and shook. There was a blue fire that burned between their hands which caused Neo to deadpan.

“You too Neo.” Symbol nodded and looked at Chrysalis.

“Thank you Chrysalis for sticking up for me.”

“No problem Symbol.”

“By the way, you said earlier that I’d meet my version of Chrysalis, what should I say to her exactly?”

“Hmm, say that… You can help, that there’s more than one way to get love for your subjects.”

“Ok, will she be disguised as anyone?”

“Look out for a pink alicorn named Cadence. And find Scorpan if you can, though I don’t know where exactly he is.”

“Alright.” He began walking towards the vortex. “If you ever need my help again, just use the extra token, I’ll try not to screw up next time.” He walked through the vortex; before it closed Bill threw a spare version of his token through it. “Pleasure doing business with you William!” Symbol yelled through the vortex.

“Likewise Neo!” With that, the portal closed...not before two of the drones jumped through as well. “What? Why did they do that?”

“They said they took a liking to Symbol and wanted to go with him.” Chrysalis said with a giggle.

“I guess we can’t really stop them.”

They began walking back to the hive when Bill heard a voice.

“Hello there Bill Cipher.”

“Who is this?”

“I’m called many names, God, Allah, The man upstairs, you get the picture.”

“So I’m talking to God then?”

“Pretty much. I just wanted to thank you for helping my son.”

“Who, Neo?”

“Bingo, you win.”

“Um, it was no problem, wait, if you’re the creator of the universe then why did you create the merchant?”

“Things got complicated my dear boy; I created him to send a select few into these Equestrias to fight of a creature known as Nightmare Fuel.”

“Why can’t you do it?”

“Think of it this way, every reality is a story in a book, and I’m the author, over the centuries I create too many books, I have to hand some of the responsibility over to someone else, the books now write themselves, something goes wrong that I cannot fix, I create the heroes that you call Displaced to fight that which has gone wrong, but it is not enough and the process repeats itself over and over, until I create my own hero, one that I can guide without question, my son, Neo or as you may know as The One. Get the picture?”

“So, I’m here to help keep some force of darkness out of this reality?”

“Right again, William.”

“I find it hard to believe that I’m talking to God right now.”

“Look around you.”

Bill looked around to see that time had frozen around him, his friends frozen in place and a bird still in mid- air.

“Believe me now?”

“Little bit, yeah…”

“One last thing before I go, well, two things actually. When you find yourself in the final battle between you and Celestia, call Neo and your other displaced friends, trust me, it will make things so much easier for you. Secondly, Vivi will be visiting this world to talk to Hide, just a heads up incase you see her about Ok? Tata.”

The voice ceased and time started to move again. There was only one question floating in Bills mind as he looked at Symbol’s token. “What is that boy?”

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with Second Universe: The story of Symbol by PyraFlare. Now back on to the main story.

Hey guys, it’s PyraFlare here, I just wanted to say that I had loads of fun working on this, I’m glad this turned out so well. I just have one question for the readers, who wants a spin off with Hide and Vivi?

Thats all loyal readers. Hope you enjoyed.

Edit: Featured on 23/07/2015!!!!!! Thank you all!