• Published 6th Jul 2015
  • 1,301 Views, 13 Comments

Equestrian Spider-Man - Blondlionezel

Look out! Our friendly hay-borhood Spider-Man swings into action a post-Incursions series!

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Issue #5 - Master of Crime (Part 1)

Issue #5 - Master of Crime (Part 1)

Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon sat in the S.H.I.E.L.D. prison, bored as can be. Diamond Tiara was definitely the whiner of the group.

"Daddy, when's that guy supposed to show up?" Diamond Tiara asked impatiently.

"My acolytes will be here soon..." Filthy Rich looked at his watch.

"Sorry, you two won't be going anywhere" A S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent informed the trio, as a large amount of mist began to slip into the room.

"They're here..." Filthy Rich smiled Electro, a villain who can control electricity, came up from behind the guard, shocking him!

"Now we're just waiting for The Rhino and Boomerang" Electro told the trio as The Rhino broke the wall of the prison.

"Let's go!" The Rhino commanded Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon, who loaded up a large, black armored vehicle.

"Rhino, Electro, you come with us!" Filthy Rich told the two, "Boomerang, go to Manehatten and make a distraction!"

"Yes sir!" Boomerang obeyed as Electro and The Rhino loaded up into the black armored vehicle, and Boomerang escaped on a motorcycle.

Meanwhile, at Peter Parker's apartment, Peter Parker was cradling a sleeping May in his arms, singing a little lullaby for her, rocking her peacefully as Peter Parker's phone rang.

"Hello?" Peter Parker answered the phone.

"Peter Parker, there is a bank robbery going on!" J. Jonah Jameson yelled at Peter Parker, "I want you to get some pictures of it! Get ones of Spider-Man being beaten, which is good because he probably is the one robbing the bank!"

"Alright, I'm heading over there" Peter Parker answered as he began to change into Spider-Man, he put May in her crib and then swung out of his apartment and to the bank.

At the bank, Boomerang burst through the bank window, throwing an explosive boomerang into the bank, but Spider-Man caught it with a web-string, and threw it back at Boomerang, knocking him over with the explosion!

"Well, it's a boomerang, so it should come back to you!" Spider-Man informed Boomerang.

"That was my only exploding boomerang!" Boomerang whined as he threw three extra-sharp boomerangs, which Spider-Man dodged, but his back was scraped by one of them, cutting part of his suit!

"Ow..." Spider-Man thought to himself as he fired a web-blast at Boomerang, trapping him against a wall!

"I can easily cut myself out!" Boomerang boasted.

"Really?" Spider-Man smiled as he webbed up Boomerang's hands and mouth, whistling the whole time. Spider-Man then took out his camera and took some pictures of the webbed-up Boomerang, and then left, leaving Boomerang in the hands of the police.

A few minutes later, Peter Parker returned to the Daily Bugle, and showed J. Jonah Jameson the photos.

"Garbage!" J. Jonah Jameson scoffed, "All of these pictures show Boomerang defeated, you were supposed to get pictures of Spider-Man being defeated!"

"Sorry, sir..." Peter Parker apologized.

As soon as work ended, Peter Parker headed to his apartment. He smiled at May and began to feed her milk from her bottle.

"Sometimes, I don't know what's worse" Peter Parker told as he finished feeding May, "Being injured by a villain or being chewed out by your boss"

"Da-da!" May babbled.

"She's so innocent, there's no way she could be Queen Chrysalis" Peter Parker thought as May drifted off to sleep.

Somewhere, in the depths of the forests of New Colt, a large-sized mansion-laboratory was the new operating grounds of Filthy Rich.

"Diamond Tiara, I need to ask you to do something for me" Filthy Rich told Diamond Tiara.

"What is it?" Diamond Tiara questioned her father.

"I need you to become a human" Filthy Rich smiled.

"No way!" Diamond Tiara responded horrified.

"Please, it's the only way to defeat Spider-Man" Filthy Rich begged his daughter.

"Fine..." Diamond Tiara moaned as the two walked down to a small laboratory.

"The Pony to Goblin formula is done, Mr. Rich" Dr. Alistair Smythe informed Filthy Rich.

"Excellent..." Filthy Rich looked at Diamond Tiara, "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" Diamond Tiara complained. Dr. Alistair Smythe went over to Diamond Tiara, and injected all of the Pony to Goblin Formula into her. Diamond Tiara looked at herself as she changed from a young mare to a young adult human, around age twenty-one. Then she felt a rush of power flowing through her body, changing her, warping her.

"Are you alright, my little daughter?" Filthy Rich asked Diamond Tiara.

"Yes, father..." Diamond Tiara smiled psychotically, "I'm ready to destroy Spider-Man!"

"The thing is, we need to run some tests on you so that you are able to kill Spider-Man" Dr. Alistair Smythe told Diamond Tiara, "After that, I'll give you the tools needed"

"Fine...but first...I need to do somethings..." Diamond Tiara answered as she began to cut her hair and made it appear she had two horns made of hardened hair, and also put on a masquerade mask. She also put on a green and black leather-suit, along with green and black gloves.

"I think I'll change the formula name to The Green Goblin Formula..." Dr. Alistair Smythe smiled.

"What did you do to her?!" Diamond Tiara demanded to know.

"Well...I made her into a Green Goblin, you could say!" Dr. Alistair Smythe laughed as he opened up a room filled with weapons, such as Pumpkin Bombs, a bat-shaped Goblin Glider, hallucinogenic-gas bombs, and electric-charged gloves.

(To Be Continued)