• Published 30th May 2012
  • 7,396 Views, 586 Comments

Dancing Flames, Cooling Ember - Tamara Bloodhoof

Human in Equestria becomes a dragon. Takes place in the universe of Griffin the Griffin & Co.

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Chapter Fifteen, Dead Dogs Tell No Tales.

Chapter 16,
Dead Dogs Tell No Tales.

We had walked for forty minutes, just reaching the top of a hill, when Grim stopped, releasing his hold on the dog’s scruff, their heads falling into the dirt, face up. I was still using him as a crutch, but he gently moved himself out of my grasp and gently lowered me to the ground, leaving me in an upright sitting position. “How painful is it?”

“Not too terrible.” I replied, stretching out my good arm, my bad one laying limply on the ground. “Only real problem is the pain. It isn’t mind consuming, but it still stings like hell.”

He turned away from me as he set his bottom down on a stump, before raising his eyes to mine, his back slouching forward and his hands clasping together. When he next opened his mouth, his voice raised the question I had been expecting all morning.

“How did you know her.”

‘Gemina, I know you know what I’m thinking, but I still want your opinion. Truth or consequences, do you think we should we lie or not?’

‘I’d say don’t lie, but I must agree, you’re right, last time we told the truth all we got was pain. We hurt Applejack for crying out loud! So I guess we’re agreeing to be quiet.’

“I know her from a few months back. I met her, in a manner of speaking, but I didn’t talk to her or alert her to my presence. So I do know her, but I’m not going to say how. Bigger question is, how do you know that she was familiar to me?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

Grim smiled grimly ‘SHUT THE BUCK UP EMBER!’ and chuckled in response to my query. “How do I know?” he half asked half answered. “I know that you wouldn’t intercede between me and someone who hurt you without a hell of a incentive, and so far the only thing that seems to register deeply with you is friends and family. So I guess I could tell she was familiar because I know you.”

‘Dear lord, he’s a Peeta clone! Kill it, kill it with fire!

‘Gemina, could you please shut up for once in your life?’

‘Do I have a body that is capable of running and jumping and singing and anything else I put my mind to?’

‘No, but how does….’

‘And there’s your answer.’

I groaned, my limbs flopping down to my side. “Am I really that easy to read?”

“No, like I said, I just happen to know you.” Grim smiled ‘I SWEAR TO GOD EMBER IF YOU THINK THAT AGAIN I WILL BUCKING RAPE YOUR MIND!’…………grimly ‘GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!’.

As we continued to lay there I stole a quick look at the two Diamond Dogs, their faces slack, blood pooling under their eyes. I gulped, then brought my eyes back to Grim and asked, my voice soft and low, “Did….did you do that?”

He looked down at the dogs himself, sighing as he slowly shook his head. “I fell asleep before them, but it seemed like they had unconsciously dug still further, and they both had giant stones below their eyes. They aren’t dead, I can still feel a pulse in both of them, but their brains are gone, possibly forever.”

My vision once again stole downwards, this time studying the dogs eyes. They both had neat little puncture marks, right below their eyes perfect for a……………….


‘I was trying to think of something other than that, thank you.’

‘How do you think it happened?’

‘I have no real clue, how should I? I wasn’t even there, remember?’

‘So why don’t you ask the person who just happened to be there then?’

‘Fair point…..’

“Grim, do you happen to have any clue as to why they are like this then?” I asked inquisitively.

“Not really.” he responded, shrugging his shoulders. “When I woke up the blood hadn’t started to ooze out, they just seemed horribly loopy and rather happy. Whatever happened to them, they don’t seem to realize. In fact, I’d say they’re happy about it. Hey, Ember, are you all right?”

‘Hey, Ember, cool it!’


‘Cool it, don’t you realize how fast you’re breathing? Why are you acting like you’re drowning or something?’

I raised my good hand to my mouth, only to feel a sudden rush of air hit my hand, going so fast that I couldn’t separate each breath from one another. I was hyperventilating, but why?

“Are you okay Ember? Ember?” Grim said, moving over to me and grabbing my good shoulder in a paw, his tone quiet and deadly serious.

‘Ember, why are you acting so freaked out?’

‘I……it’s…..I’m probably why they were lobatomized.’

‘…………..say wha?’

‘Think about it……….lobotomy usually just puts a person into a dreamstate, and if the essence of sleeping is dreaming, then I did put them to sleep, but permenantly.’

‘Isn’t that a bit far fetched? I mean, didn’t your spell actually put people to sleep?’

‘Just think for a second, do either of us actually have any clue about how magic works here?’

‘Of course we do…..’ Gemina said in my head, uncertainty underlying every syllable.





As I was about to respond to her outburst I felt Grim wrap his arms around me, tenderly laying my head on his shoulder. “What’s wrong Ember?” he asked, his voice low and soft, and I shattered. My one good claw reached out and looped around his neck, and I buried my face into his fur, dry sobs wracking my body.

‘Why must I exist in such a cruel world?
