• Published 3rd Jun 2012
  • 36,492 Views, 2,200 Comments

Fun With Changelings - Shukumei

I'm sick of Wubsy getting no place in the fannon. So here's how she became Vinyl Scratch's pet.

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Wubsy sat on the cold stone floor, curled into a tight ball to try and capture what little warmth she could. She gazed up through the barred window high in the jail cell wall and out into the inky starry blackness of the night. It had only been one day but she still hadn’t been able to get a moment’s sleep since she had been locked up here. She missed Vinyl and Octavia. She could still feel their love for her,but the distance between them reduced the power of their affection to a mere trickle that did little to lift her spirits in this dank and foreboding place.

She lowered her head again and closed her compound eyes, knowing full well she would not be sleeping. All the trouble she had caused weighed on her. She had only wanted to find a place for herself and in the end had become a burden on all those who had tried to help her. Vinyl and Octavia were under house arrest until it could be proven they were not under mind control and Twilight was most likely shut away in her library, trying to prepare a hopeless defense for her. And once the town decided to kill her, what then? What kind of damage would that do to Vinyl and Octavia? Would Twilight blame herself for not being able to do the impossible? She seemed the type.

Wubsy went over it in her mind for the hundredth time since her imprisonment. There was no way around it. She would die and the ponies she loved most would be the ones to suffer. Again, she wished she had landed in some remote desert and been left to starve.

A scuffling sound drew her attention. It was coming from up the hall, towards the main jailhouse. The two guards posted outside her cell looked towards the din, shifting nervously. What came next was completely unexpected.

A pink mare with a curly mane bounced past the guards with a wide grin and an energetic greeting before she got to the end of the hall and turned toward them, looking confused. The guards snapped into action after a second to pick their jaws up off the floor. They stood in front of her, positioning themselves to cut off any escape.

“You there! What are you doing here?” the guard demanded of the strange pink pony who looked between the two with an innocent smile.

“I’m sorry. Is this not the all-night fondue party? I was so excited because I just love fondue so much so I just had to come. Don’t you like fondue? Who doesn’t like fondue? I mean it’s so tasty and yummy and warm not to mention it’s just fun to say! Fondooooo! Fondooooo! C’mon! Say it with me!”

Wubsy and the guards were staring at her in disbelief as she prattled on, seemingly completely oblivious to the position she found herself in. It was such an incredible sight that Wubsy in her position behind the guards was the only one to see the quick red blur that dashed up behind the guards and dropped each one with a quick forehoof to the back of the neck right under where their helmets’ protection ended.

The party mare looked up at the shadowy red figure standing over the guards. “Took you long enough. I was running out of things to say! Well I never REALLY run out of things to say because I just have so much that I always want to talk about and talking with ponies is one of my favoritest things ever but really could you have taken any longer to--”

The stream of babble was cut off by the red pony putting a hoof over her mouth. “Eeyup” he said simply. Then he took the keys from one of the fallen guards and began sorting through them, looking for the one that would open the door to Wubsy’s cell.

Wubsy for her part retreated from the two ponies and sat against the wall furthest from the cell door. She could envision what these two were here for: She didn’t recognize the pink chatty one, but the quiet red one was the pony who had alerted CLEaR to where she had been hiding. If he was here, it was very likely that he intended to make sure Twilight didn’t get the chance to set her free.

The stallion stepped into the cell, noticing the changeling’s reaction. “Easy, critter. Ah... made a mistake. We’re here t’ help.”

So that was it. He was here to make amends. Wubsy rose and took a step towards him before she froze again as a new thought struck her: Vinyl and Octavia. They would be blamed if she left. It would be assumed that they had something to do with it. She wasn’t about to cause them any more grief. Again, she sat down on the cold stone floor.

“C’mon, now. Y’aint safe here.”

“She doesn’t wanna leave, Macky--she’s worried about what’s going to happen to Vinyl and Octavia. If she just disappears it’s going to look like they broke her out since they’re the only ones who have tried to protect her.” She paused and put a hoof to her chin. “Well, besides Twilight.”

The one called Big Macintosh looked the hyperactive one over. “Pinkie, how d’you know that’s what she’s thinking?”

“I dunno. Isn’t it obvious? Here. I have an idea.” The poofy-maned one trotted into the cell and reached under the cot, pulling a stone loose and extracting a black marker.

“How did you know that was there?”

“Oh I have markers stashed all over Ponyville in case of marker emergency.” With that, she walked over to the wall, furiously scribbling for a few moments before standing back to admire her work. “Think that’ll do it?”

“Nnope,” Mac said, frowning. He pointed at the guard. "We should just tell him who we are. Make sure they know who did it."

"Oh, but that's not fun!" Pinkie pouted. “We should just do this. I think it’s a much funnier idea.”

Big mac sighed. “Alright. Do what you wanna. I’m gonna make sure we’re the ones who take the heat.” Big Mac slowly and gently pulled a guard into the cell and closed the door, making sure Pinkie was outside it. Then he reached through the bars and lightly slapped his cheek a few times to bring him back to consciousness.

“Hey there. Sorry about having to knock you out like that,” he said kindly. “Just wanted to make sure you saw that.” He pointed a hoof over to the wall, drawing the guard’s attention to Pinkie’s scribbling. “Right. I’ll let you get back to your nap.”

The guard nodded weakly and once more returned to unconsciousness, causing Mac to feel guilty all over again for having to resort to such methods.


Satisfied that Vinyl and Octavia were in the clear, Pinkie, Mac and Wubsy hurriedly left the jailhouse, leaving behind a drawing of the two conspirators escorting a changeling out of a jail cell with the caption “We did it. Signed, Pinkie Pie and Big Macintosh.”

The two ponies made a beeline for the edge of town, escorting the fugitive changeling. The red stallion stayed close to Wubsy, guiding her while a cotton-candy motion blur dashed around like a caffeinated squirrel keeping watch for any ponies who may see them and alert the guard.

They soon reached the edge of the Everfree Forest and stopped. The large pony smiled down at Wubsy. “Get goin’, critter. And good luck.”

“Yeah!” the other one added. “You better bust flank. They’re going to be pretty sore about waking up to find you missing.”

Wubsy looked back and forth between her new friends. Something about this didn’t seem right. They had helped her and now she was just supposed to leave them to answer for it? She gave a conflicted look from them, to Ponyville, to the forest behind her and back again, trying to come up with a solution that would work out for all involved but none came to her. This was it. This was what she had been dreading: she was going to have to leave everypony she loved behind.

She smiled in silent thanks to the two ponies who were risking everything for her safety. She turned around and was about to leave when a large red hoof fell on her shoulder, holding her back. “I don’t think ya can pack love up t’ go, but the least we can do is fill yer belly.” And with that, his hooves wrapped around her, embracing her in a deep hug while she felt his love trickle into her.

The moment he released her and her hooves hit the ground, she was caught up in another, much tighter hug from the bouncy pink one. The flow of love this time was much freer and flowed readily from the pony’s heart into Wubsy’s. “Good luck, little changeling. Don’t worry your little changeling head about a thing. We’ll let Vinyl and Octavia know you’re safe. Just leave it to your auntie Pinkie.”

When she pulled away, Wubsy was shocked to see tears streaming down her cheeks. The pony seemed to notice her surprise. “I barely even got to know you. I wish we had gotten more time. I never gave you a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party or anything. I guess once I get out of jail or whatever they’re going to do with me, I’ll just have to invite Octavia and Vinyl to a ‘Wubsy Made a Great Escape Party’ instead.”

The changeling gave a bittersweet smile and nod and once again turned to go. She trotted to the treeline and looked back at her two new friends waving at her, both with tears running down their faces. The changeling returned their waves and then disappeared into the forest.


The next morning, Twilight woke up to the sound of somepony knocking on the door downstairs. She got out of bed and looked over at the basket on the floor which was, as she knew it would be, empty. She smiled to herself and headed downstairs and answered the door finding five ponies with looks of panic on their faces. Twilight chanced a glance up at her clock. No. Not time yet.

"Okay. Something obviously has you all pretty worked up. Why doesn't somepony explain to me what's going on?" This was met with an ear-splitting cacophony as everypony attempted to speak at once.

"Hush!” Twilight said loudly, trying to impose order on the chaotic ruckus (or was that fracas?). “Okay. Rarity, why don't you explain?"

Rarity took a deep breath and let loose. "The changeling disappeared! The guard hasn't released any details but they're combing the town for it! She escaped last night and nopony is sure what happened!"

"I know what happened." Pinkie offered. Everypony in the room turned to look at her in surprise.

"You do?" Rarity asked. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"Because we needed Twilight here to provide a viewpoint for the exposition. Duh."

Twilight gave her a puzzled look. "W-What?"

"Nevermind that," demanded Rarity. "What do you mean you know what happened?"

"Oh that's easy!" she grinned. "Me and Big Mac went and broke her out of the slammer last night!"

Twilight was aghast. "YOU DID WHAT?!"

"I just told you. We freed Wubsy.” Pinkie cocked her head, genuinely curious. “Didn't you hear me? Is something wrong with your hearing? Is that why you're shouting now?"

“Hold up just one apple-buckin’ minute!” Applejack interrupted, snorting and stomping her hoof. “Are you tellin’ me you went off in the middle of the night and dragged my brother off on some durned fool mission to stage a jailbreak?! What in the world was goin’ through your head, Pinkie?!”

“Not a whole lot really,” Pinkie shrugged. “He asked for help and I just decided to go with him.”

Twilight’s eyes widened, utterly shocked at this new information "But... why would you do that?!"

"Well you see, last night I got a new signal on my Pinkie sense. It was an itchy knee, neck-pop, tail twitch which I interpreted as 'the changeling is innocent.'"

Twilight shook herself, struggling to comprehend the pink enigma. "... Really?"

Pinkie laughed and shook her head. "Of course not! That would be terrible writing! Big Mac showed up at the bakery last night and asked me to help him get her out.” Seeing that Twilight still wasn’t following her line of thought--totally understandable, really--Pinkie decided to delve deeper in. “When we came over the other night and you got all angry we decided to leave so you could cool off. We talked it over afterward and decided you needed our help. So when Mac showed up I jumped at the chance to help poor little Wubsy go free."

Twilight paced the floor, looking a lot less thrilled about the news than Pinkie had been expecting. “I see. So she's not here anymore. Hmmm... That does make things a bit more complicated. No other choice. We'll have to push up our plans.”

“Uh... Twilight?” Rarity asked, stepping forward hesitantly and placing a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Are you okay? You seem a little... well gloomy about this. I would have thought you'd be happy that Pinkie took it upon herself to help.”

“Oh I am,” Twilight said, switching back to a cheerful disposition far more quickly than seemed entirely natural. “There's just some information she didn't have that changes the situation a bit. We can't talk about it here. There's no telling who could be listening.” She turned and started walking toward the passage that led to the basement. “If you could follow me downstairs I can explain everything.”

Her friends looked at each other in concern. She was acting strange again... but she had offered to explain what was happening. “Alright Twilight,” Rarity said. “We'll come with you.”

Fluttershy stepped up, a frown creasing her face. “Yes. We trust you,” she said meekly. “We're your friends, I know you would never lie to us if something were bothering you, because you can trust us to listen and help."

Twilight froze, seemingly unable to take the first step down the stairs. “N—no...” she whispered.

“Twilight? Is something wrong?” Applejack asked.

“I... I can't,” the unicorn answered, her responses strained. “I can't do it.”

“What is it, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. “What can't you do?”

“NO! That's not true! They're my friends! I WON'T do it!” Twilight screamed shaking her head violently. Then she turned to her friends and spoke in an urgent voice. “Run! There are changelings in Ponyville! They came in under the shield through one of the diamond dog tunnels!”

“Useless unicorn!” shouted a familiar voice behind them. They all turned to see Chrysalis standing by the front door, her features contorted with rage. “All you had to do was lead them into the basement but you couldn't even do that properly!”

“It's over Chrysalis,” Twilight said, shaking her head to clear the last remnants of the mind-control spell she had been under. “They know your changelings are here. Wubsy is gone. You failed.”

“Far from it,” Chrysalis growled. “I still have this entire town in my grasp. Including all of you. The very elements of harmony.”

A loud buzzing sounded from the basement stairwell and a swarm of changelings burst from the passage, subduing the ponies and dragging them down to the basement.


Six ponies hung upside-down in the basement under Ponyville library, cocooned up to their necks. Rarity and Twilight had had their horns covered in the magic-resistant material to ensure they could not magic their way to freedom. Beside them hung Spike, completely encased and struggling to fight his way free.

“‘Don’t open the window,’ you said.” Rainbow shot bitterly at Rarity. “Would be rude you said. Come back in the morning you said. Next time I‘m opening the bucking window.”

“Agreed,” Rarity sighed. “But I still say your mane could use a little more attention.”

“Oh would you two quit yer yammerin’?!” Applejack shouted. “In case you haven’t noticed we’ve got more important things to deal with!”

Chrysalis paced in front of them, watching her changelings cocooning the ponies with a gloating look on her face. This was delicious. Finally she would have her revenge for being humiliated at Canterlot. “Oh, is this too much for your little pony brains to piece together? Do I need to explain it all in little words?”

“I think it's pretty obvious what's happening,” Pinkie said in an angry voice. “You've had changelings in town this whole time draining all the positive emotions out of everypony. That's why everypony was so quick to call for Wubsy's execution when she was discovered. I thought it was strange that everypony felt killing her was the best option.” Pinkie wriggled in her cocoon, building up steam as she went over her theory. “And I'm guessing some time last night after we left the library you paid Twilight a visit and put her under your control. I was wondering why we were all feeling so negative while we were at the library. Mob mentality and paranoia are believable reasons for everypony to be acting strange, but we’ve been through situations a lot more divisive than last night. It takes more than a minor disagreement to split the Elements of Harmony.” She locked eyes with Chrysalis. “You were there waiting for us to leave so you could take Twilight. You needed her out of the way so you could drop the shield spell she's been maintaining and overrun the town. How's that?”

Chrysalis had a genuinely surprised look on her face, and she clopped her front hooves together in slow applause. “Right on the money, pony. I'm legitimately impressed. It's just a shame you figured it out much too late.”

“There's only one thing I can't put my hoof on,” Pinkie pressed on. “Maybe you could clear it up for me.”

“I don't see why not,” Chrysalis conceded, inspecting a hoof in a bored fashion. “You did earn it by figuring out my plan. I don't see where filling in the gaps could hurt and it's not like the information will be of much use to you at this point.”

Pinkie nodded, an intensity in her eyes that her friends had never imagined she could embody. “Why are you after Wubsy?”

Chrysalis lifted an eyebrow curiously. “After her? Why would I be after her? She was working for me the whole time.”

“I'm not buying that for an instant, Chrysalis,” Pinkie smiled, sensing she was driving the changeling queen into a corner. “You told us yourself this is all about Wubsy. That's why you were so upset when you figured out Mac and I set her free, isn't it? If she was still under your control you'd know she was gone.”

For the second time, Chrysalis looked taken aback at her insight. “I have to admit, I think I underestimated you. You're much cleverer than I gave you credit for.”

“I'm much more clever than most ponies give me credit for,” Pinkie said flatly. “Now if you would answer the question.”

“So this is the part of the story where the villain exposes the details of her evil scheme and provides you with all the information you need to formulate a plan to stop her? I'm afraid I can't,” Chrysalis sighed. “You see little details about how I got in I'm more than happy to share seeing as I'm already in and you can't really stop that anymore. But as to why, I'm afraid that has to be my little secret.” Chrysalis turned and started up the stairs.

“It's because she's getting stronger than you, isn't it?” Pinkie ventured.

Chrysalis wheeled around with fury on her face, fangs bared. She was across the room in an instant, rewarding Pinkie's guess with a back-hooved slap across the jaw. “Get this straight, bubblegum,” the queen hissed, all pretense of sophisticated and aloof detachment stripped away revealing the snarling vicious beast underneath the facade. “The runt is not stronger than me. I'm the queen of this swarm. I'm the powerful one. She's refuse, and I'm here to make sure she remembers that. And once I'm done with that, I'm turning your precious little town into my personal buffet table.”


In the light of morning, two ponies lay on their bed trying to find comfort in their shared embrace.

“Vinyl, are you still awake?” Octavia asked.

“Of course I am. I haven't slept a wink. I can't stop worrying about Wubsy.” Vinyl sighed sadly. “Do you think Twilight will be able to convince everypony to set her free?”

“I honestly don't know, Vinyl. Under any other circumstances I'd say it was a given but it scares me how everypony has been acting lately. I would never have thought that they could be capable of an execution in the first place. We have to be prepared for the possibility that we... could lose Wubsy.”

They lay in silence for several minutes after that, trying to contemplate life without the little changeling that had come into their home just a few months ago. It was strange just how quickly Wubsy had become a member of their family—completely irreplaceable and loved like their own child.

They were ripped out of their ruminations by several shadows passing over the window.

“What was that?” Octavia asked.

Vinyl leapt out of bed and threw open the blinds, staring in horror at the scene before her. The shield around the town was completely gone and changelings were running rampant through town, chasing ponies down and dragging them away. “Octavia! The town is under attack! There are changelings everywhere!

Octavia jumped out of bed as well and looked out the window, watching in disbelief as a young mare she knew as Sparkler was swarmed by the beasts and pulled into a nearby alley. “Vinyl, do you think Wubsy had something to do with this?”

“Not my Wubsy,” Vinyl said adamantly as she moved toward her nightstand. “She's too sweet and loving for it to have all been an act and I'm not hearing a word otherwise.”

“Then... what are we going to do?” Octavia asked with fear starting to build in her voice.

Vinyl grabbed her glasses off the nightstand and put them into place over her eyes. “Saddle up. We're going to go defend our town.”

Author's Note:

Here it is. The same chapter I posted before but the chronology had to be sped up so events governing the finale could be revealed sooner. Hope this provides a more satisfying explanation for a few events.