• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Wish Come True (Editied)

In a very peaceful town called Bend, Oregon, was a young man about 19 years old and just in the middle of August. It was high noon and Summer was still on the air, and the birds were chirping all round the area. The boy was named "Luke Smith". He was a fine, normal looking person with long, shoulder-length hair, a little pass his shoulders, but not long like a long-haired woman. he was just eating some food at Burger King with his friends. After his friends Brad, the same age as Like with shorter shoulder-length hair than Luke did. He wore an Avenged Sevonfold t-shirt and light blue shirts with a backwards baseball cap on his head. went to get the food, Luke was wondering and thinking about something that made him drift into Lala land."

"Hey, Luke, you alright, man?" Asked one of his friends curiously

"Wha? Oh yeah, hell yeah, I'm fine, Bobby." Luke replied to him in response. "I was just.... Thinking, that's all, nothing to bad or serious."

"You sure?" Said Brad, who was back with the food so that he and his other friends can eat lunch. "You looked a little.... Out of it, dude."

"Yeah, I promise. I'm fine." Luke said.

Brad sat the food, and they began to eat their food, more hungry than a white rhino not eating anything for a month.

Another of his Friends, Bobby, was also one of Luke's best friends. Unlike him and Brad however, he had shorter hair, and a small patch of beard on his chin, wearing camo cargo shorts

While enjoying his food, Luke decided to tell them what he was thinking about. These are his best friends after all, and they are always nice to him. After he was done eating his triple whopper with cheese, he said to his fellow cronies. "Hey guys, can I tell you something?" He asked all of them

"Of course, Bro." Said another friend named Jacob. This peculiar person also had semi-long hair, but not as long as Brad's or Luke's of course

"Yeah, fire away." Brad added

"Well, I was thinking that.... Don't you ever think this world can be really boring sometimes?" Luke asked

"Oh hell yeah!" Bobby exclaimed. "It can be so dull a lot of times."

"You would not believe how I feel Luke. Hahaha." Brad replied

"Everyone feels that way Luke. Don't worry, dude, you're not alone on this one." Jacob added.

"Yeah. I know." Luke said. "I just wish that... There would be something really.... Exciting on my life. Like in a book or a story where you are a hero and you have to save the world from evil. Like in the Legend of Zelda."

"Yeah man! That would be awesome!" Brad said in agreement.

"I would definitely like to wish For that to happen in my life." Said Bobby

"A bunch of falling master swords and Hylian shields raging from the sky." Jacob added

"People better get out of the way when that happens to them and not get that sword on their throat. Hahahahaha!" He laughed and then his friends laughed with him

"That's right." Brad said in a chuckle. After they have eaten, they all exited Burger King and Brad drove to drop his friends off back him, starting with Luke.

"So, Luke, if there's any problems, let us know, and we'll help you." Bobby offered.

"Yeah, we're here for you bro." Jacob added kindly.

"Give us a call sometime, alright, man?" Brad said

"Okay. Thanks's guys." Luke replied to all of them with a smile.

"Oh, here we are." Brad said, parking his car on front of Luke's house. Luke got out and waved his friends "bye" before they drove off into the road.

Luke took a breath and went inside his house. Home sweet home. "Mom, I'm home." He called out.

His mother went up to him, and said "hey, Luke. How was it with your friends?"

"It was good. Very fun." Was all he replied. "Also, I was thinking."

"About what?"

"Well, I some times get a feeling where this world that we live and walk upon has no happily ever afters. Sure we are happy, mom, but don't you just want something more..... 'Exciting' in your life?"

"Oh Luke." Said his mother with a sigh. "Everyone feels tat way. We just got to deal with the fact that Life is not fair a lot of times, and just got to make the best of it."

Luke sighed in response "Yeah, I know, mom." He went upstairs and opened his bedroom door. He loved the smell of his own room, reminding him of home.

Luke, had a disability. "Autism" but he was very high functioning, and he can speak really perfectly, and had a higher iq than a lot of people had. So,stores, he would be ashamed of it, because he felt so.... Stupid, but in many other cases, he would call it lucky that he has autism within him. He loved animals and would do anything to help the, on their time of need. He would sometimes hate his own race for hunting many types of animals for sport. But he wouldn't let that get to his head, because he knows it will make him an unhappy person.

He turned on his Xbox 360, and started to play Skyrim. The game was so,what addictive to him, but he would never let the game get in the way of his life, for he knows he should do so,e exercise in most days. The house had an elliptical for the family downstairs in the living room. He would go on it and use it for about thirty minutes away then taking a shower after that so that the body odor wouldn't stick to him later on.

After one hour of playing, he decided to take a break from it.

"Luke." His mom called him from downstairs. "Can you help water the plants for me please?"

"Yeah, mom. I'll be right down." Luke called back to her. He looked at one of his wallpapers, which was a map of all of Africa.

Luke, also had a love for Africa, and it's animals. Of course he loves all animals everywhere, but Africa can really catch his attention. He has been fascinated with the dark continent. ever since he was six, and read many books and articles about it, along with looking up it's histories. Sure he was not a Rasta, but he still loved Africa anyway. He would look up any animals that would catch his eye, and look the, up in books or on the net. He always dreamed of going to almost everywhere on Africa, except for Somalia because of the pirates, along with Equatorial Guinea, and Eritrea because of their strict rules.

Luke headed downstairs and went to do his chores like his mom asked him to. He enjoyed the nice breeze of Bend, and was happy watering his beautiful plants, even though he would just do it for allowance from his mother.

What his mother doesn't really know, is that he was a little.... Troubled lately. He was not really.... Happy with the world he lives in. The wars, the conflicts, and animals becoming endangered, mostly conflicts on some African countries, for it broke his heart to hear about the conflicts in them, and the global peace index information about the. He also felt that this world was too fell for him, and not really exciting like he told his friends back in Burger King. He continued watering the plants so that it wouldn't keep him down.

It was nighttime, and Luke was just looking at the stars outside, laying on the grass of his backyard. He really loved the view, and looked for any constellations in the blue night sky. Looking at them makes him feel so free from any worries that would come to him

All of a sudden, he saw a shooting star, and thought of whether he should make a wish. He didn't really believe on magic or luck, but he decided to just play along any play, just to break the silence by talking in the wilderness.

He thought of what he should say and wish, and finally he had something. "I wish.... I wish I can be in a world full of magic, and REAL adventures, with no terrorist attacks, no animals becoming extinct by poaching, no politicians, and everything would be just fine. That would be amazing." Then the star disappeared after he finished. He sighed and decided to go to sleep. He took off his Appetite for Destruction t-shirt, and light blue jeans, and only wore his underwear to sleep in.

He wondered if the star could actually grant his wish, or if it just faded because it finally burnt out of it's energy flowing through it, or the atmosphere of Earth was too much for it. He decided not to think about it too much, because he was too tired and looked around his room. He said goodnight to his Slash, Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath posters a goodnight.

It was absolutely silent except for the crickets chirping outside, and Luke's breathing while he was asleep.

The next morning, Luke awoke with a yawn, and put on his clothes from yesterday. He grabbed his smartphone and his IPod, put them in his pocket, and was about to be ready for a whole new day ahead of him.

However, he noticed some kind of glowing around him, and an... Energy force slowly reviled around him. It was rather unusual. He walked out, but the magical force wasn't going anywhere, and continued swirling around him. Now Luke was starting to become a little scared.

"Wha-? What's going on?" Luke said, starting to panic. Then the magic force started to swirl faster around him. Luke had no idea what to do know since there was nothing he COULD do to stop this unusual mist. Then, all of a sudden, he was suddenly engulfed by the force completely and in a flash, the mist was gone, and so was he.


In a a flash, Luke landed on a ground that felt like grass, and it felt a little.... Softer than the grass back home. He nodded his head rapidly to recover from his dizziness and slowly got up with his arm feeling sore.

He looked around and saw a large landscape and saw a meadow with flowers all around, and some mountains with the caps covered with snow. Many trees were beautiful and green. Where was he? What happened to him?

"What happened?" Luke thought to himself loudly. "What.... Is this beautiful place? It feels so.... Peaceful." He could be in this field forever, and not worry about a thing about anything going wrong, and wouldn't have to deal with all of them.

However, he couldn't just stay there, he decided to call for help for he had a life, friends. And family back home, and didn't want them to think he died, or disappeared like a ghost. He looked around and walked around the meadow, and wondered for any help. Finally, he saw a small yellow figure, and wondered what it was. He walked over there, and there was a small.... Pegasus picking flowers, humming in a beautiful, soft voice. Luke could hardly believe it. A pegasus humming in a human voice? It sounded impossible.

He slowly hid behind the bushes, trying not to alarm her, and thought of the novel version of Frankenstein. What if it was like that? What if there are no humans in this world? What if any dominant creature of it harshly reject him like the creature in the book. There was only one way to find out, and slowly walked up to her, wanting to interact with it. When he got close enough, he said "umm, hello, little fella."

The yellow pegasus stopped pick inner flowers, and looked behind her and saw Luke, trying to look friendly as possible. The pegasus however, gave him a look of of fear in a snap. This was exactly what Luke was afraid of.

"It's okay." He said softly to it. "I'm a friend. "Don't be afraid."

The yellow pegasus however gave a loud, cute scream that sounded like a long kitten's mew, then flew away from him in the speed of light.

Luke could not believe what just happened "god damn it, Luke." He yelled at himself. "What the hell were you thinking?" He kicked a like of flowers on he ground in mild frustration. He was definitely wondering if this will actually be like Frankenstein, and if he would be killed by this.... Ponies

He decided to keep looking and kept walking around the meadow, possibly to look for this small pegasus again and try to start his introduction all over again.

Finally, after fifteen long minutes of walking, he found her cowering behind the bushes, covering her face on fear. The sight of that was just heartbreaking for Luke to handle.

"Please." It said in a soft, high voice. "Please don't hurt me."

"She's so cute." Luke said in his head. He tried to reach out for her again, but felt a pain. He forgot that he was reaching with his sore arm. "Ow ow ow ow, god. My arm. It hurts! God I forgot that my arm was sore." He exclaimed.

The yellow pegasus suddenly stopped her cowering and looked up. She gasped and said "oh my, you're hurt. Are you alright?"

"Ummm not really." Luke replied. "I just came to this world through an energy force and I landed on this arm really hard on the grass, ow."

"Oh you poor thing." The yellow pegasus said with sympathy. "She looked around for anything to treat that pain on his arm, and remembered her first-aid kit that she would have with her just in case she would find an injured animal in need. By her point of view, Luke was an animal to her. "Now is will hurt for just a second." She said to him softly "Hold still."

Luke reached out his arm, and felt a soft cast wrapping around him. "Ow ow ow," he said

"Shh, you're doing good." Said the yellow pegasus.

The cast felt really warm, like a heating blanket. The pain was starting to ease, but he still felt some pain in it, just not much as before.

"There, good as new." Said the yellow pegasus "how do you feel?

"I feel.... Great." Luke replied to her. "I don't feel as much pain anymore. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Always happy to help a creature in need." The yellow pegasus replied. "So since you can talk, what's your name?"

"Luke. My name is Luke Smith. But you can just call me Luke." He replied. "And You?"

"I'm Fluttershy. It's wonderful to meet you." She replied

"Nice to meet you too, Fluttershy. I hope you don't get offended if I say this, but... You're really cute."

"Aw thank you. That's sweet." Said Fluttershy. "So tell me about yourself. What are you? Where did you come from?"

"Well.... I have no idea on how I got here. I was just in another world, and then poof, I came here," Luke replied. "What I am. It's a long story. Is there any place where I can eat someplace? Is there anymore horses like you took."

"Oh yes, but we are called ponies." Fluttershy replied. "Come on, I'll get you to Ponyville and you can find what to eat there. My friends would also like to meet you when I see them"

"But what if they think I am a monster?"

"Oh nonsense." Said Fluttershy. "A friend of mine named Applejack can sense truth or lies inside anypony. Besides you will be with me. They will understand why I brought you there."

"Okay. Let's go." Luke followed her to Ponyville, the supposed town where she possibly lives in. Hopefully he will know what this strange world is.

Author's Note:

Luke got transported to a place full of ponies, so will this go smoothly or badly? Find out on the next chapter.

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